unitedkingdom United Kingdom Protection zones around abortion clinics in place by October
  • wren wren 16 hours ago 100%

    If you deny women access to abortion related healthcare, they die. Abortion bans ruin lives, and if you really have to protest abortions (which you shouldn't), direct your attention towards politicians, instead of harassing women who need healthcare and are already having a horrible time.

  • casualuk Casual UK I'm all for conservation, but I really have mixed feelings on this one
  • wren wren 5 days ago 100%

    As long as they're not inside my house, (and if they were, I would take them outside) I'd say it's fine. They deserve somewhere nice to live (as long as it isn't. inside my house)

  • london London They've been pressure washing them. You can tell.
  • wren wren 5 days ago 100%

    seeing these always reminds me of the train scene in Spirited Away

  • wren wren 1 week ago 100%

    the wet bulb temperature^1^ is just the temperature of a wet thermometer, and varies with humidity and temperature. Wet bulb temp is never higher than the dry bulb temp, so (entertainingly) you're proposing that the meaning of 100° varies wildly and is always lower than the true temperature, effectively making the air temperature always ≥100°, and increases when the air is drier, like some sort of inverse relative humidity.

    ^1^(I'm aware you probably didn't mean wet bulb temperature here, but let's have fun with the idea) :)

  • world World News New Zealand: Māori king's daughter crowned as king buried
  • wren wren 2 weeks ago 89%

    The Māori monarchy dates back to the 19th Century, when different Māori tribes decided to create a unifying figure similar to that of a European monarch in order to try to prevent the widespread loss of land to New Zealand's British colonisers and to preserve Māori culture. The role is largely ceremonial.

  • nature UK Nature and Environment ‘Beaver-bombing’: unauthorised rodent releases on the rise in English rivers
  • wren wren 3 weeks ago 100%

    Where are people getting the beavers to do the unauthorised beaver releases?

    Do they use rehabilitated ones? Or are the ones who were both in captivity (big fenced areas) being "accidentally" let out of the fence?

    Do beaver-keepers secretly meet up in the night and exchange unregistered beaver babies to prevent inbred populations?

  • 196 196 ADHD Rule
  • wren wren 3 weeks ago 100%

    AuDHD and completely caffeine free (and stimulant/meds/drugs free too). Caffeine definitely doesn't work for me like it does for other people - makes me sleepy and headachey. I'd rather just work with what I've got, (noise cancelling headphones + being inflexible) even if it has limitations

  • andfinally And Finally... Flight attendant slams passenger for making bread on board, ‘I hate people like you’
  • wren wren 3 weeks ago 100%

    She had to let it rest for another 20 hours after getting off the plane anyway. Even if it was really necessary, she could have made the dough at the airport (past security) and kept it fully sealed whilst on the plane.

  • askuk Ask UK Do people care about Oasis getting back together?
  • wren wren 3 weeks ago 100%

    the only Oasis song I know is the one people play to be deliberately annoying. I'd much rather be rickrolled

  • politicalmemes Political Memes "The Newspaper of Record"
  • wren wren 3 weeks ago 100%

    Where I live, in December, it's already night by 4pm, whereas in July, 4pm isn't even the peak of heat yet. But if someone said "good evening" to me at 4pm in either of them, I'd prob accept it either way, and I'm a meteorologist

    Also: In the UK and the US, the typical meteorological standard is just to split seasons by month (DJF MAM JJA SON) for easy stats reasons, but other countries have entirely different standards based on climate. Different people have different definitions and it's completely fine

  • nature UK Nature and Environment Revealed: Almost 455k trees felled by UK councils in last 10 years
  • wren wren 3 weeks ago 100%

    Oh no sorry, that 35 years was if you're planting 10 trees for every 1 you cut down (have a look at the calculator!)

  • ancientinternet The Internet in Ancient Times I'm not big on this new 'pants' trend.
  • wren wren 4 weeks ago 100%

    I had to google this (because I'm not from the US) and I'd be super surprised if their tagline became "cooler than trousers but still covers your arse"

  • leftymemes Lefty Memes Compassionate Discourse
  • wren wren 4 weeks ago 100%

    sorry, my mistake, I totally meant to say I value "community" not "communism" ;)

    (also, I'm not North American!)

  • ancientinternet The Internet in Ancient Times I'm not big on this new 'pants' trend.
  • wren wren 4 weeks ago 100%

    even if this is true, there are other, much cooler types of clothing than trousers that still cover your arse

  • leftymemes Lefty Memes Compassionate Discourse
  • wren wren 4 weeks ago 100%

    when talking to my parents, if I say "community" instead of "communism," or "nobody deserves to starve" instead of "free food", and "help vulnerable people" instead of "benefits" and "everyone deserves to feel safe from harm" instead of XYZ - everyone wholeheartedly agrees!

    But if I let them go off on a tangent without guiding them, then they're "anti woke" even though they don't know what woke means

  • nature UK Nature and Environment Revealed: Almost 455k trees felled by UK councils in last 10 years
  • wren wren 4 weeks ago 100%

    The ecosystem of a mature tree is vastly different to that of a sapling.

    Bristol Trees have a very cool calculator that illustrates the impact of replacing mature trees with saplings on CO2 - it takes about 35 years to get back to the same amount of CO2 loss. CO2 isn't the only thing that matters to the environment either, but you'd hope councils were aware of that too

  • andfinally And Finally... Unusual road markings in Brighton mocked
  • wren wren 4 weeks ago 100%

    I can imagine they had so much fun with this one

  • whitepeopletwitter People Twitter And nobody would get your references
  • wren wren 4 weeks ago 100%

    it's about a drug sniffer dog who bites off the balls of a mafia boss, runs away from witness protection, and gets adopted by a mailman.

    It's definitely a stupid antics movie: at one point, a woman gets farted on by a zebra whilst holding a lit match

  • science_memes Science Memes Publishing Revenue
  • wren wren 4 weeks ago 100%

    that makes a lot of sense! I'm very grateful to be part of an academic community that seems to value open access, as well of part of a university that pays for access and submission to most of the journals I need to use

  • whitepeopletwitter People Twitter And nobody would get your references
  • wren wren 4 weeks ago 100%

    we had See Spot Run (23% on rotten tomatoes) but it got taped over by another movie "accidentally" when I was 7 and I haven't seen it since...

    having read the plot on Wikipedia, it features a lot more references to testicles than I remember

  • science_memes Science Memes Publishing Revenue
  • wren wren 4 weeks ago 100%

    I've only ever published in open access journals (partially because I've only got 3 papers out, but also out of preference) is it just prestige that makes people go with pay-to-view journals? or are there other factors?

  • askuk Ask UK Ideas for dealing with home cleaning refillables?
  • wren wren 1 month ago 100%

    It has "1.4L" embossed into the glass :)! it's just hard to see in the photos

  • askuk Ask UK Ideas for dealing with home cleaning refillables?
  • wren wren 1 month ago 100%

    Hmm I might've been overambitious. Searching "glass water bottle with measurements" gets a few Amazon results but so many of them have "motivational" time labels but no ml markings...

    There are quite a few listings for chemistry reagent type containers, too, which could maybe work?

    The best thing I've found is this from Dunelm might be what you're after?

  • casualuk Casual UK Terry’s Chocolate Orange launch new flavour but fans are divided
  • wren wren 1 month ago 100%

    they did a chocolate lemon decades ago, but it was with dark chocolate, wasn't popular & got discontinued. I think they should try again but with white chocolate

  • askuk Ask UK Ideas for dealing with home cleaning refillables?
  • wren wren 1 month ago 100%

    you can get glass water bottles with millilitre markings on with glass lids

  • asklemmy Ask Lemmy What was the last movie you watched?
  • wren wren 1 month ago 100%

    Nausicaa is my favourite film :)! the soundtrack is so bizarre in the best way

    (the last film I watched was Kiki's delivery service, also recommend that to everyone! it's a lot more relaxing and kid-friendly than Nausicaa though)

  • science_memes Science Memes The circle of life
  • wren wren 1 month ago 100%

    Using ",,," as ellipses here is a pretty interesting tone indication feature!

    On Tumblr, "..." ended up having connotations of judgement or anger, so to avoid that, people evolved to use ",,," as a softer version (often implying a more silly/amused tone) instead !

  • science_memes Science Memes Secretary Birbs
  • wren wren 1 month ago 100%

    video of secretary bird with a fake snake

  • uk_leftists UK leftists Books: Are They As Important Now?
  • wren wren 1 month ago 100%

    It's not patience that prevents me from reading Marx or whoever - it's lack of interest or need.

    I'd rather spend time actually doing community stuff than reading about doing stuff in a theoretical future. My political opinions & activism work on a very basic "be kind to people + everyone deserves to live without suffering" ethos which doesn't really require background reading

    Also a lot of men who've suggested theory to me in person have been insufferable misogynistic knobheads unkind, so I figure reading theory didn't improve their behaviour

  • unitedkingdom United Kingdom Schools to teach children how to spot fake news and ‘putrid’ conspiracies online
  • wren wren 1 month ago 100%

    Hugely agree, those would all be fantastic additions.

  • unitedkingdom United Kingdom Schools to teach children how to spot fake news and ‘putrid’ conspiracies online
  • wren wren 1 month ago 100%

    Yeah, there's definitely a difference between curricula, what's focussed on in classrooms, and exam assessment criteria, but they're supposed to be cohesive.

    I remember one of my big pieces of coursework was "writing from the perspective of an advertiser," and we had loads of lessons on identifying bias. I was taught in school that "red top magazines" are "less honest and more emotive" than "broadsheet newspapers."

    Presumably not everyone had the same experience though: I mentioned this offhand and my friend told me "surely that's illegal to teach in a classroom?!"

  • academia Academia What is the ideal chapter length?
  • wren wren 1 month ago 100%

    As a non-fiction lover, it's not the length of the chapter that matters, it's whether they have exercises for the reader, (e.g., puzzles, recipes) or some sort of pull-out-infographic or map to look at

  • unitedkingdom United Kingdom Schools to teach children how to spot fake news and ‘putrid’ conspiracies online
  • wren wren 1 month ago 100%

    This is actually a very minimal change to the already existing curriculum - the (compulsory) English Language GCSE is 50% "Critical reading and comprehension"

    Gov UK states all specifications must include:

    "identifying bias and misuse of evidence, including distinguishing between statements that are supported by evidence and those that are not; reflecting critically and evaluatively on text"

    Most people presumably... "forgot"? but this has been in the curriculum for decades

  • unitedkingdom United Kingdom Civil servants cannot wear ‘fetish gear’ to work, minister confirms
  • wren wren 1 month ago 100%

    I don't have a telegraph account - someone summarise?

  • uk_politics UK Politics Stop the far right in your area - Stand Up to Racism
  • wren wren 1 month ago 100%

    If you're anxious about existing in violent situations, SUTR (and similar local organisations) will likely host more friendly community solidarity events near you, in addition to the counter protests.

    If you're still anxious about those, reaching out to your community's vulnerable organisations / mosques and offering support. On a smaller scale, reach out to local shops and friends.

    Edit to say also: Talk to the people running and attending the anti-racist protests! Get to know them - there's safety in numbers but there's even more safety in community

  • asklemmy Asklemmy Women of Lemmy, do you mind being called cute?
  • wren wren 1 month ago 100%

    It's only really fine if someone calls me an appearance-based compliment if they're my partner or a woman that I'm close to.

  • andfinally And Finally... Hull woman banned from defecating in public places
  • wren wren 2 months ago 100%

    I suppose up until now, I wrongfully assumed we were all banned from shitting in public

  • feddituk Feddit UK New frontends!
  • wren wren 2 months ago 100%

    this is a fab idea :)! thank you for workin on it

  • microblogmemes Microblog Memes We lost nice people during the COVID waves instead of her. It isn't right.
  • wren wren 2 months ago 80%

    Whilst I do believe in deplatforming, I wouldn't call fediverse comment sections a platform.

    Checking in on concerning individuals and helping them realise that they're being unkind, is an important but exhausting role in society - and it's good if mods aren't the only ones doing it!

    Parts of the fediverse are small enough of a community that you can give a helping hand to these people and break them out of their reactionary/propaganda bubbles.

    You're helping to keep the community kind - thank you for doing it

  • wren wren 2 months ago 95%

    not to be confused with Potoooooooos !

  • andfinally
    And Finally... wren 3 months ago 95%
    Smiling robot face is made from living human skin cells www.newscientist.com

    >A smiling face made from living human skin could one day be attached to a humanoid robot, allowing machines to emote and communicate in a more life-like way, say researchers. Its wrinkles could also prove useful for the cosmetics industry. Edit to say: There's a video in the link 🌝

    Cooking With Fire wren 3 months ago 95%
    BBQ advice recommendations?

    I love barbecue but seem to know very little about it! I cook lots indoors but haven't had much practice outdoors or with big meat To make sure my next BBQ goes better than the last: What are your favourite places (websites, YouTube channels, blogs, etc) to get barbecue advice/knowledge/ideas/inspiration? Alternatively: what are your best pieces of advice for BBQ novices? :) Thanks in advance!
