fedicirclejerk Fediverse Circle Jerk Fediverse Circle Jerk
  • whitepaperkat whitepaperkat 4 years ago 100%
  • fedicirclejerk Fediverse Circle Jerk Fediverse Circle Jerk
  • whitepaperkat whitepaperkat 4 years ago 100%
  • fedicirclejerk Fediverse Circle Jerk Fediverse Circle Jerk
  • whitepaperkat whitepaperkat 4 years ago 100%

    didn't the dev hard code some of the words he didn't want because we was afraid the alt right was going to get a hold of it which they sorta already have

  • opensource Open Source Nyxt is a keyboard-oriented, infinitely extensible web browser designed for power users
  • whitepaperkat whitepaperkat 4 years ago 100%

    this reminds me of qutebrowser a little

  • opensource Open Source How to set up your own private e-mail server at home with a Raspberry Pi Server using fully free and open source Citadel
  • whitepaperkat whitepaperkat 4 years ago 100%

    i would but my isp blocks port 25 or any stmp traffic

  • opensource Open Source croc is a free and open source cross-platform P2P command line tool for secure file transfers between computers
  • whitepaperkat whitepaperkat 4 years ago 100%

    ive tried that and i ended up with folders i could not delete even after uninstalling it

  • opensource Open Source croc is a free and open source cross-platform P2P command line tool for secure file transfers between computers
  • whitepaperkat whitepaperkat 4 years ago 100%

    here i did a video on it https://youtu.be/hNxW1xkB4FY

  • opensource Open Source croc is a free and open source cross-platform P2P command line tool for secure file transfers between computers
  • whitepaperkat whitepaperkat 4 years ago 66%

    well in that case maybe i will compile it and play around with it

  • opensource
    Open Source whitepaperkat 4 years ago 100%
    i have an idea about and opensource dating site

    how about we create a dating site that is opensource and federated for no life software nerds like me and you and works with activity pub so you can interact with mastodon users to

    opensource Open Source LibreLove.su
  • whitepaperkat whitepaperkat 4 years ago 100%

    i have an idea how about we build a federated dating site for furrys :D

  • opensource Open Source *Permanently Deleted*
  • whitepaperkat whitepaperkat 4 years ago 100%

    heres one i made with it

  • opensource Open Source *Permanently Deleted*
  • whitepaperkat whitepaperkat 4 years ago 100%

    yes no longer do i have to mess around with gimp or photoshop i can make the spiciest memes with ease

  • opensource Open Source croc is a free and open source cross-platform P2P command line tool for secure file transfers between computers
  • whitepaperkat whitepaperkat 4 years ago 80%

    cant you sorta do that with netcat already

  • whitepaperkat whitepaperkat 4 years ago 100%

    i like the new stone they are going to add in the next update but i find myself not playing it as much as i used to ive been dicking around with minetest lately though i just dont play video games any more i find posting and creating horrible crummy youtube videos more amusing now

  • fediverse Fediverse *Permanently Deleted*
  • whitepaperkat whitepaperkat 4 years ago 100%

    i think this has been done before with freenets WOT (web of trust) it is defiantly a bad idea ive seen people get down voted for no reason and if you dont know what freenet is heres a link to it https://freenetproject.org/ i dont recommend you use it is very old and nasty and the develpers are total grammar nazis they will piss on you hard if you miss a single period and i mean pretty hostel about it to

  • fediverse Fediverse Using RSS to popularize decentralization
  • whitepaperkat whitepaperkat 4 years ago 100%
  • fediverse Fediverse Using RSS to popularize decentralization
  • whitepaperkat whitepaperkat 4 years ago 85%

    the day that normies start using federated networks like mastodon or using RSS feed readers will be nothing but a pipe dream that is a guarantee there will always be a few people like us but if it ever dose become main stream it will only be shown in negative light hell i bet your bottom that they will try to slander even you as alt right

  • fedicirclejerk Fediverse Circle Jerk Fediverse Circle Jerk
  • whitepaperkat whitepaperkat 4 years ago 33%

    i dont think this place is as open as pleroma like you can't post porn or anything or anything that leans to the right cough cough

  • opensource Open Source Brave browser: Is it worth it?
  • whitepaperkat whitepaperkat 4 years ago 25%

    i don't care what people say about it i don't mind it i don't use it for the crypto currency if i wanted to do that i would use monaro or loki i also have a bitcoin wallet it seems fine when it comes to blocking ads but i would not trust it 100% since its based off of google chrome but im the kinda guy that would use some thing the devil him self created as long as it dose not give me malware hell i dont care if it was the other way around and the guy was a socialist which is why im here in the first place i defiantly didnt join lemmy for the politics thats for sure

  • flatearth Flat Earth you guys are a syop
  • whitepaperkat whitepaperkat 4 years ago 100%

    but all seriousness even some of the people who are on the same pollical spectrum as you don't buy your bull shit and I'm one of them i know i should not be saying that here but still you flat eathers are scum that are even hated by you're own kind

  • flatearth Flat Earth you guys are a syop
  • whitepaperkat whitepaperkat 4 years ago 100%
  • flatearth
    Flat Earth whitepaperkat 4 years ago 83%
    you guys are a syop

    just stop it and quit while your head you're bigger clowns then i am we all know the earth is shreks swap he was sealed inside the earth for is crimes against nature the earth quakes are just him trying to escape one day he will the day of judgment will come for thee soon hast thy sun turnth green

    technology Technology Gab data breach may include 70GB of data on 15,000 users | Engadget
  • whitepaperkat whitepaperkat 4 years ago 100%

    i left gab a while ago i could not stand the lag they where going to get more servers but still

  • opensource Open Source Troubles Installing Lemmy
  • whitepaperkat whitepaperkat 4 years ago 50%

    i would but i already have an Epicyon instance and a irc server on muh pi

  • opensource Open Source lemmur the mobile Lemmy client is now available on f-droid and the play store!
  • whitepaperkat whitepaperkat 4 years ago 100%

    well this is nice

  • opensource Open Source better get psyced!
  • whitepaperkat whitepaperkat 4 years ago 100%

    heres a video i did on this https://youtu.be/MEjnW9X_x4c

  • announcements Announcements Please welcome our new admin!
  • whitepaperkat whitepaperkat 4 years ago 100%


  • opensource
    Open Source whitepaperkat 4 years ago 100%
    better get psyced! http://www.psyced.org/muve.en.html

    I'm not to sure if this is really open sourced but this could be of interest

    opensource Open Source ReactOS Newsletter 100
  • whitepaperkat whitepaperkat 4 years ago 100%

    ah yes react os i liked the idea but it was just so buggy

  • opensource Open Source another activity pub compliant server
  • whitepaperkat whitepaperkat 4 years ago 100%

    oh sorry i didnt realize it was posted already

  • opensource
    Open Source whitepaperkat 4 years ago 100%
    another activity pub compliant server gitlab.com

    found this wile lurking gitlab its written in python looks cool maybe i will test it out later or some thing its even got a few bells and whistles

    linux Linux I'm tired of this anti-Wayland horseshit
  • whitepaperkat whitepaperkat 4 years ago 100%
  • gunz Gunz The Duel Open source Gunz The duel On github
  • whitepaperkat whitepaperkat 4 years ago 100%

    its the igunz site

  • gunz Gunz The Duel Open source Gunz The duel On github
  • whitepaperkat whitepaperkat 4 years ago 100%

    lol my anti virus wont let me visit that site

  • technology Technology Who wants this community?
  • whitepaperkat whitepaperkat 4 years ago 100%

    well i will be your hackle berry but i dont think you would really want me to

  • technology Technology Google Stadia will not build games themselves anymore
  • whitepaperkat whitepaperkat 4 years ago 100%

    i dont think this was going to take off to start with this was a gonna be real big flop and i could see it coming from a year away

  • linux Linux Ubuntu is Working on a Brand New Installer
  • whitepaperkat whitepaperkat 4 years ago 100%

    i dont like it

  • minecraft Minecraft Discussion / News What do you think is better? Old minecraft combat or new. I see a lot of people complaining about the new (1.9) system. I personally think its alright.
  • whitepaperkat whitepaperkat 4 years ago 100%

    i didn't like the bow in the older versions of minecraft but if i wanted to play minecraft for the combat i would go for the newer versions if i want to just build and chill and mess around with mods it would be the older ones to be 100% honest with you

  • opensource Open Source what are your thoughts on postmill
  • whitepaperkat whitepaperkat 4 years ago 100%

    i think it would be a good idea to add the wiki as a plugin or any other extra stuff like gopher support or xmpp integration so that way every instance has some thing different

  • whitepaperkat whitepaperkat 4 years ago 100%

    that's pretty dope dude

  • opensource Open Source heres a video of me shilling this
  • whitepaperkat whitepaperkat 4 years ago 50%

    they probably should have not made it open source eheheh lighting strikes

  • opensource
    Open Source whitepaperkat 4 years ago 100%
    what are your thoughts on postmill https://postmill.xyz/

    so i came across another reddit clone on GitLab but i don't think this one is federated there are currently 2 sites that use it as far as i know im probably use it for my self hosted site or just keep using that closed sourced forum script i paid $32 for

    opensource Open Source heres a video of me shilling this
  • whitepaperkat whitepaperkat 4 years ago 100%

    yeah sorry i was not thinking about that after i posted it

  • opensource Open Source heres a video of me shilling this
  • whitepaperkat whitepaperkat 4 years ago 100%

    i second that and i was the one who made this terrible video :D

  • technology Technology Is an open secure instant messaging protocol not what is needed to allow any messaging app to communicate with any other, and to break the monopoly of Big Tech?
  • whitepaperkat whitepaperkat 4 years ago 100%

    i run my own xmpp server and some clients support e2e encryption infact i prefer xmpp over Matrix because its lighter and pretty much dose the same thing i think

  • opensource
    Open Source whitepaperkat 4 years ago 93%
    heres a video of me shilling this youtu.be

    i hope you commies are happy now i only have about 130 subs on youtube but maybe this will help get more people on to this platform or at lest make more people are ware of it the amount of instances seems to be lacking to so i hope this helps with that
