Debian operating system waspentalive 14 hours ago 100%
Can I have a font like the one used in The Prisoner for KDE?

1) for Konsole 2) for use in LibreOffice The original font was called Albertus

technology Technology Generative AI is reportedly tripling carbon dioxide emissions from data centers
  • waspentalive waspentalive 3 days ago 100%

    It's good for making up stories and making suggestions. I worked with chatGPT on how to power up a mothballed Galaxy Class starship. We created the procedure to bring the ship from inert and vacuumed to ready for warp flight.

  • debian Debian operating system debian / Kde External monitor blanks to black randomly
  • waspentalive waspentalive 6 days ago 100%

    The issue seems to have been resolved?? It has stopped blanking except sometimes when I am logged out. I come back in the room to see it blanked, and then lights back up on its own. Stranger and Stranger.

  • debian Debian operating system debian / Kde External monitor blanks to black randomly
  • waspentalive waspentalive 6 days ago 100%

    I did not have this issue when only using the laptop's display, and in fact the laptop display does not blank.

  • debian Debian operating system debian / Kde External monitor blanks to black randomly
  • waspentalive waspentalive 6 days ago 100%

    I am using the HDMI port on a USBC port replicator / Dock (so that there is only one cable connected to the laptop)

  • debian
    Debian operating system waspentalive 7 days ago 100%
    debian / Kde External monitor blanks to black randomly

    I recently added an external monitor to my Debian 12 laptop, setting it as the primary display while using the laptop's monitor as secondary. However, I'm experiencing an issue where the external monitor randomly goes black, while the laptop screen continues to display normally. Moving the mouse brings the external monitor back to life. Interestingly, this happens while YouTube is running, with the audio playing uninterrupted. So far, I haven't noticed this behavior with any other applications. Update: I was running YouTube from within the Firefox browser, not a YouTube app (If one even exists)

    technology Technology US Gov to explore requiring 3d printer manufacturers and software developers to contain controls to prevent users from manufacturing firearms components
  • waspentalive waspentalive 1 week ago 100%

    Money is easy, many currencies have the "Eurion constellation" which can be recognized by the copier. It will be much harder to recognise a 3d printed part to detect something that can be made into a gun.

  • linux Linux Laptop Recommendation Please (Solved)
  • waspentalive waspentalive 3 weeks ago 100%

    You know what everyone - What if I just move my testing into the home office where the computers are? I just thought of that. Then I would not need a separate machine.

  • linux Linux Laptop Recommendation Please (Solved)
  • waspentalive waspentalive 3 weeks ago 100%

    Or at least be able to ssh into a linux environment.

  • linux Linux Laptop Recommendation Please (Solved)
  • waspentalive waspentalive 3 weeks ago 100%

    Oh sorry, 10" 10 inches. Small enough to tote around, big enough to read easily.

  • linux Linux Laptop Recommendation Please (Solved)
  • waspentalive waspentalive 3 weeks ago 100%

    Thanks everyone who has suggested this, I had not thought of SSH to my main machine or even my server machine for this. Good idea. I am not sure about a tablet though because I want a keyboard. Since I would be ssh-ing into a linux machine linux on the little machine is not a must anymore.

  • linux Linux Laptop Recommendation Please (Solved)
  • waspentalive waspentalive 3 weeks ago 100%

    Those are good points. I am collecting my own data in a home environment. Did I say that it is important to be able to move the data to my production computer to send to the doctor?

  • linux
    Linux waspentalive 3 weeks ago 89%
    Laptop Recommendation Please (Solved)

    (Solved) I would like a small laptop to use to log medical data (Weight, Blood Pressure, etc) as I gather it. I need it to be small like 10'. it can be low power because I will probably use it only CLI, no GUI, but I need it to be inexpensive. ARM-based is ok, as long as I can SSH into my desktop machine.

    technology Technology Move over, text: Video is the new medium of our lives
  • waspentalive waspentalive 4 weeks ago 100%


  • freedos Everything DOS Anyone remember Semware Qedit?
  • waspentalive waspentalive 1 month ago 100%

    Thanks, I have looked there - that is for numbered languages like BASIC and COBOL. Also, this seems to be for the MPE version of Qedit, I am running the MS-DOS version.

    I am trying to remember the DOS command flag/parameter that says "open the file and position me to line 115" because I am getting a compile error on that line - note this is the 115th physical line of the file, not a line labeled with "115"

  • freedos
    Everything DOS waspentalive 1 month ago 100%
    Anyone remember Semware Qedit?

    If so, do you remember how to start the editor on a specific line number?

  • waspentalive waspentalive 1 month ago 100%

    Eat your minion? That's despicable.

    : ^ )

  • kde KDE & Plasma users [ Solved ] Did I damage it?
  • waspentalive waspentalive 1 month ago 100%

    Thanks, everyone! I did not close the tray item, only the discovery window. My system seems to be just fine too.

  • kde
    KDE & Plasma users waspentalive 1 month ago 100%
    [ Solved ] Did I damage it?

    I triggered an update via Discover, and I think I clicked the [x] (close) title bar button a little too quickly. Would that have stopped the update in mid update or does Discover do the update in a subprocess that continues even if Discover is closed?

    selfhosted Selfhosted My homelab had the stupidest outage ever
  • waspentalive waspentalive 2 months ago 100%

    Can you replace the CMOS battery with a supercapacitor that is kept charged? This should not need to be replaced every 4 years, I think.

  • imageai AI Generated Images Your username is the prompt, what did you get? This is mine:
  • waspentalive waspentalive 2 months ago 100%

    "databender" is a really cool handle.

  • imageai AI Generated Images Your username is the prompt, what did you get? This is mine:
  • waspentalive waspentalive 2 months ago 100%

    Are you a technomage?

  • imageai AI Generated Images Your username is the prompt, what did you get? This is mine:
  • waspentalive waspentalive 2 months ago 100%

    Happy Kitty, Warm Kitty, meow, meow, meow

  • imageai AI Generated Images Your username is the prompt, what did you get? This is mine:
  • waspentalive waspentalive 2 months ago 100%

    The bits go in, but they don't come out...

  • imageai AI Generated Images Your username is the prompt, what did you get? This is mine:
  • waspentalive waspentalive 2 months ago 100%

    I see it!

  • imageai AI Generated Images Your username is the prompt, what did you get? This is mine:
  • waspentalive waspentalive 2 months ago 100%

    It did pretty good, that looks like a squid above the clouds.

  • vintage_apple Vintage Apple Drive Setup Question for APPLE IIC+ and peripherals
  • waspentalive waspentalive 2 months ago 100%

    Follow on question: I would like to setup the BMOW floppyEmu to be a 'hard drive' and boot from that most of the time. I will be loading it up with prodos. So far I have not been able to get a bootable hard drive, and I am stuck using the FloppyEmu as either 1 or 2 5.25 drives.

    update: This configuration seems to be too small to have basic.system and all of the items required for the system utilities.

  • imageai AI Generated Images Master Chief's Retirement
  • waspentalive waspentalive 2 months ago 100%

    Cortana is inside preparing crusts for Apple Pie

  • android Android Local Driving App
  • waspentalive waspentalive 2 months ago 100%

    I took MapMyDrive on a longer drive. It seems to have an issue where the app just shuts off at random times. I don't think it is a 'free version' feature, and I am not sure that it is not my OS shutting it down after it is no longer on screen. Ti will be ok for trips where I am not driver and navigator at the same time (driving alone) as passenger/navigator I can re start it before to much ground is lost.

    How does Nextcloud help you see a map? Or, is it only a way to get the data to your computer? If it is only the way to get the track into your computer, what turns it into a map? OpenTracks creates tracks in the phone eh?

    Oh Opentracks cost $ in the playstore. oops. It's not much tho.

  • android Android Local Driving App
  • waspentalive waspentalive 2 months ago 100%

    Well the map is the whole point. I tried out MapMyDrive today so now the only question is can I screenshot the map it gives and get that to my computer.

  • photography Photography GPS coordinates in my pictures?
  • waspentalive waspentalive 2 months ago 100%

    I tried to get that but it did not seem to want to work. The stumbling block was setting up the Bluetooth connection.

  • android Android Local Driving App
  • waspentalive waspentalive 2 months ago 100%

    I am not sure what that is, but I would like as a final product a map showing the route taken. I can't wait for the next opportunity to drive a distance to see what "MapMyDrive" provides.

  • doctorwho
    Doctor Who waspentalive 2 months ago 100%
    What if? Weeping angels

    What if, instead of sending you into the past, weeping angels sent you into your future? Say the 'harvest' a 20 year old and send them into the future where they are 80 years old - the angel gets the energy of the 60 years.

    android Android Local Driving App
  • waspentalive waspentalive 2 months ago 100%

    I am currently auditioning "MapMyDrive"

  • android
    Android waspentalive 2 months ago 87%
    Local Driving App

    Google Maps is changing and will keep drive log data on the phone. I like to go on photo-drives following roads to find "Kodak moments", I also would like a map of my random rambles. I would prefer that the data for that map be locally collected on my phone but the map itself uploadable to my laptop. Does anyone have an App for that?

    Photography waspentalive 2 months ago 95%
    GPS coordinates in my pictures?

    Canon EOS R50: Does the camera have GPS and can it record the location pictures were taken? I have GPS in my phone can the camera use that? I see the camera has WiFi - so does the phone perhaps that can transfer the location at the time a picture is taken.

    KDE & Plasma users waspentalive 3 months ago 100%
    Task Manager question

    At one time when I would launch a program from the Task Manager the icon would stay in place, now when I launch something like Firefox for example, the Icon moves down to the bottom of the list. When I exit it moves back up to where it was. I can't seem to find a setting that relates to this. I am using just "Task Manager", is the thing I want in "Icons Only Task Manager"?

    photography Photography [OC] A look at the rides
  • waspentalive waspentalive 3 months ago 100%
  • photography Photography A question about a mirror less camera regarding shutter.
  • waspentalive waspentalive 3 months ago 100%

    So with the 2nd type shutter, The sensor is exposed and then the shutter closes, the sensor is read in darkness so the image on it does not change. Then the shutter opens and I start seeing what the camera sees in the view-finder-eyepiece?

  • photography Photography A question about a mirror less camera regarding shutter.
  • waspentalive waspentalive 3 months ago 100%

    Thanks. So I am guessing the shutter is only present when actually taking a picture since the view-finder is fed from the sensor?

  • photography
    Photography waspentalive 3 months ago 92%
    A question about a mirror less camera regarding shutter.

    I have a Canon EOS R50, a mirrorless camera, which also seems shutterless - If I take pictures of, for example, an airplane with a spinning propeller, will I still get that "strange rubber propeller" effect? 1) the camera may have a shutter and I just don't recognize it or 2) the sensor is read in such a way as to produce the effect.

    technology Technology Internet Archive forced to remove 500,000 books after publishers’ court win
  • waspentalive waspentalive 3 months ago 100%

    Do not forget the library of Alexandria.

  • technology Technology Leak: EU interior ministers want to exempt themselves from chat control bulk scanning of private messages - EU Reporter
  • waspentalive waspentalive 3 months ago 100%

    Spying for thee but not for me. Be seeing you.

  • retrocomputing
    retrocomputing waspentalive 3 months ago 88%
    easy 6502 or Z80 emulation

    I am looking for something simpler than MAME, I want to emulate an 8-bit CPU with 32K RAM and 32K ROM connected to a VT100 type terminal - this would be a simple Linux executable that one runs from the terminal emulator, I will simulate using a built-in teletype by copy/pasting text files into the terminal or copy/pasting screen output to text files. Either CPU would be good. I will be doing machine-code programming, at least until I build my own assembler. Then, who knows...

    photography Photography Canon EOS R50 Autofocus question {solved-unknown solution}
  • waspentalive waspentalive 3 months ago 100%

    Can I put focus on the "record video" button as I do not use the video features of my camera? Just not into video.

  • photography Photography Rainy City Bokeh
  • waspentalive waspentalive 3 months ago 100%

    Nice focus idea! I like depth-of-field feature photography a lot myself.

  • libreoffice LibreOffice [solved] Libre Office stuck in full screen/no menu mode
  • waspentalive waspentalive 3 months ago 100%

    So - mark this one [solved]

    So I finally decided to just re-install Libre Office. This worked, at least I had my whole window after that...

    but when I removed Libre Office it took way too much of the system with it - Discover (The app store) was even gone.

    After trying to install the missing stuff again, I gave up and availed myself of the opportunity to 'test my backups'. I nuked and re-paved Debian then restored my home directory and went about re-setting up my environment in KDE the way I like it.

  • libreoffice LibreOffice [solved] Libre Office stuck in full screen/no menu mode
  • waspentalive waspentalive 4 months ago 100%

    Shift-Ctrl-J makes the ribbons go away, leaving only the cells in calc, with a dialog box giving a button to return from "full screen".

    I think my issue is not so much that I am in or not in Full Screen but rather that I have lost my window decoration and text-based menus. The ribbons are still there and I can save my document that way and Alt-f4 closes the application.

    The search does not return any hits so no keystrokes to change to or from full screen

  • libreoffice LibreOffice [solved] Libre Office stuck in full screen/no menu mode
  • waspentalive waspentalive 4 months ago 100%

    It's not really "Full Screen", but it is missing the window decoration and "File Edit ..." menu I think if I can put it into tabbed menu mode that will help. I am not finding the icon bar that provides the "tabbed menu" button.

  • libreoffice LibreOffice [solved] Libre Office stuck in full screen/no menu mode
  • waspentalive waspentalive 4 months ago 100%

    Nope, I already tried F11. I knew that worked for full screen on other programs.

  • libreoffice
    LibreOffice waspentalive 4 months ago 100%
    [solved] Libre Office stuck in full screen/no menu mode

    I have ribbon controls, but I don't have the menu above that. Also, Libre Office (I use Writer mostly but the launcher also) has made itself full screen, and that interferes with the panel (which I keep on the left side). I have had to resort to Alt-F4 to quit. How can I get menus back? Will I be able to get Libre-office to respect the open panel?

    technology Technology UK Woman Mistaken As Shoplifter By Facewatch, Now She's Banned From All Stores With Facial Recognition Tech
  • waspentalive waspentalive 4 months ago 100%

    Because they don't want to lose a method of tracking us wherever we show our faces. I think masks will be a fashion in the future, and they are just so comfortable.

  • freedos
    Everything DOS waspentalive 4 months ago 100%
    Is there a good how to for installing FreeDOS in a Virtual Machine Manager VM?

    I tried some time ago to install it but got stuck along the way. I will have to try again to say where.

    Photography waspentalive 4 months ago 100%
    Canon EOS R50 Autofocus question {solved-unknown solution}

    New camera, nube photographer. In my R50 the autofocus area can be selected and moved around, but can it be locked to the center? I currently have it set to the point focus, so the smallest focus area, but I find that the box that shows where the camera is focusing moves around (no faces involved or vehicles) Usually the focus square jumps up and to the right, and sometime moves around while I am trying to compose the shot. Is there a way to lock it down so it will stay in the center? Update: I tried several things and lost track of some of them. It seems my focus point is staying put now - it is just off-center but close enough to make me happy.

    An AI I would like to play with

    An AI that turns a floorplan into an explorable 3d space

    retrocomputing waspentalive 6 months ago 100%
    [Solved] Seeking a name, from the mists of the past

    In the Silicon Valley / San Jose / Bay area, there was a BBS that had a hierarchical message board, Replies were ordered under posts or other replies. In the 80's this was an unusual feature of a bulletin system. The BBS was named for a character from some story. It was a hard to pronounce word/name starting with the letter 'P', and we mostly referred to the BBS as 'Pretzel' as that was a close approximation to the original word. Anyone know which BBS I am talking about?

    Linux Questions waspentalive 6 months ago 80%
    Opinion Request - "Best" cli linux

    This will be for a physically small i5 laptop for various programming fun. The candidate linux should be **easy to install**, and provide a large selection of CLI programs.

    Minecraft waspentalive 7 months ago 100%
    Command Block question

    Could one create a command block that causes a teleport transport station to be created? Teleport transports are a command block triggered by a stone pressure plate that uses the /tp command in a command block to send the player to a specific "grand central station", a return station should also be created to send the player back to a place nearby the sending station. The effect should be triggered using a specific gold tool. Is such a thing possible with command blocks?

    Debian operating system waspentalive 7 months ago 77%
    dd for image backup

    I am supposing this will not work - simply using dd to copy the booted disk /dev/sda for example to a file on an external hard drive. This would not be a good back as too many system file would be missed. right?

    AI Generated Images waspentalive 7 months ago 80%
    AI generated car - What real car is close

    This car was generated by Night Cafe, does is look like some real car? It's in response to the prompt "Neon Nomad" but I am not getting a car like that when I google. I think it looks jeep-like, and yes I googled "Jeep Nomad", no dice.

    AI Generated Images waspentalive 7 months ago 86%
    Running my own AI artist?

    My Machine is an i7 laptop with only Intel Graphics. Linux installed (latest Debian) - Can I run my own AI artist?

    AI Generated Images waspentalive 8 months ago 83%
    Night Cafe #sphere-share - for round fun.

    Not really a challenge, but to join the fun - put something in a sphere, or do something spherical. Let's have a ball with this (yup I went there). Can't offer any sort of prize, other than we all get to enjoy new art. just tag your new spherical art with "sphere-share" Find us at:

    retrocomputing waspentalive 8 months ago 94%
    8 bit era but with 3.5" floppy drive?

    Were there any 8-bit era computers that had a 3.5" floppy? They probably would have run CP/M. I do have an apple IIC+, but I also would like some sort of Z80 machine.

    AI Generated Images waspentalive 9 months ago 91%
    You can see Faith, Hope and Chairty as they bank above the field.


    Calculator Community waspentalive 9 months ago 100%
    HP 71B Data Type error

    My 71B is telling me "Data Error" whenever I try to use the variable "F" - any ideas?

    Debian operating system waspentalive 10 months ago 100%
    Sudden strangeness in PATH

    I have suddenly found that /usr/games has disappeared off my path. Not only that but my normal otherwise but sudo enabled user seems to have a superuser's path? rhudson@adam:~$ echo $PATH /usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin rhudson@adam:~$ id -u 1000 What would have changed suddenly? It was not like this yesterday. kpat is in /usr/games and I was able to launch it from task manager yesterday, but not today. I have rebooted twice so far. I can run kpat by opening it from Dolphin. I don't want to have to re-install : ^ (

    AI Generated Images waspentalive 10 months ago 91%
    Mortal Engine SACRAMENTO

    Well try as I might, I could not convince Nightcafe to make this Mortal Engine sized. It insisted it was only tank sized.

    Calculator Community waspentalive 10 months ago 100%
    Ronald Alan Hudson / Calcula · GitLab

    Calcula is an RPN calculator with 26 stack levels and 26 storage registers. It is not programmable except you get the Pascal source code and you can create new, possibly complex, functions for the calculator. I am looking for suggestions for other functions to add and testing for the existing functions. Free. GPL3 License.

    KDE & Plasma users waspentalive 10 months ago 100%
    Just an idea to improve background image handling

    For the Slideshow option on Desktop Settings / Wallpaper, and the user is using the Random order and a new file appears in one of the wallpaper folders, make that image the next one to show.

    Linux waspentalive 11 months ago 56%
    Yet Another Distro Recommend request

    I have a 'spare' Dell Latitude 7390 (Core i5 9gb ) on this machine. My production machine runs Debian with KDE. What might be an interesting distro for me to try out on my spare machine?

    Vintage Apple waspentalive 11 months ago 100%
    Drive Setup Question for APPLE IIC+ and peripherals

    I have the following devices: - Apple IIC+, whose internal drive is working. - BMOW floppy EMU. - external 3.5" drive that just says Apple 3.5" drive. - 2 drive 5.25 external drive. What is the best configuration to set these up in to maximize storage space and secondarily to provide the most media capability? Thanks!

    AI Generated Images waspentalive 11 months ago 77%
    A large clear glass coffee mug on a dark counter with coffee and heavy cream not well mixed. The creme forms a thunder cloud.


    Debian operating system waspentalive 11 months ago 66%
    WiFi question - momentary drop connections?

    Debian 12 (Bookworm) My Wi-Fi has just started randomly dropping the connection and re-connecting. It seems to connect and pass data normally until it decides to drop again. I thought I solved this part by disconnecting and re-connecting myself but no it just deactivated and activated just now again. I also have a wired connection. Is there any issue with having both a wired connection and a wireless one at the same time? Does it do any good? That is does the network traffic balance over the two connections give a little more bandwidth? Update 1: For now until I can reboot I have disabled the wi-fi connection. Update 2: The Wife works at home on wi-fi and says her connection has been bad this afternoon too. I rebooted and I still have the problem.

    LibreOffice waspentalive 11 months ago 100%
    [Solved] Plotting weight? A how to question

    [Solved] Use date format for the dates and use the xy scatter plot I have the dates and weights for the times I was weighed at my doctor's office. I would like to plot those so that the actual slopes are visualized. I tried just putting the numbers in two columns and plotting them with a line plot but the days between the dates are irregular, sometimes 3 or more months elapse, sometimes only a week or two, but the dates on the graph are evenly spaced. Is there a setting that will space the dates out to account for the number of days between dates, so I can see how well my diet is working?

    Vintage Apple waspentalive 11 months ago 100%
    Is there where we can talk about Apple II C+?

    Hi Everyone. I am a user of an Apple IIC+! yay! I use mine mostly for Applesoft Basic programming. Is this a place for those of us who rock Jurassic Apples?

    AI Generated Images waspentalive 12 months ago 76%
    um, Which one is Stimpy?

    Prompt: Ren and Stimpy as human scientists. In a chemistry lab.

    AI Generated Images waspentalive 12 months ago 94%
    Neon and Steam

    Futuristic City without end. Flying Cars. Neon Everywhere. Clean, bright, orderly. Artstyle-Steampunk

    C Programming Language waspentalive 1 year ago 87%
    #! a question about shebang.

    Hi experienced people! I am working on an interpreter of sorts. I would like its scripts to be invokable from the command line - so It would honor the "#!" as a first line, basically by making any line starting with a "#" a comment. The issue is that I want to be able to read the source code more than once. The first pass will deduce the number of lines, the number of variables, the number of line labels, The beginning of the second pass will allocate arrays (malloc) to hold the program and its data, then re-read the source to store it internally and fill symbol tables and mark variables. once the source is read the 2nd time the program will begin to execute. If an interpreted program is mentioned on the command line it would only get one pass at the source, right? That source would come in on standard input, and once read is no longer available. Is there a way for my interpreter to get the file name instead of the body of the file? While writing the question I came up with an idea, but I hope there is a better one. I could as a first pass store each line of the program in a known temporary file, then for the second pass I could read that file. I don't like this but if there is no better way...

    Minecraft waspentalive 1 year ago 100%
    What do you think are the 4 most valuable villagers?

    Farmer for one, but I am not sure of the rest.
