programmerhumor Programmer Humor total programmer meme
  • veganpizza69 veganpizza69 19 hours ago 100%

    You implant a chip in your brain that gives it control over your finger movement.

  • programmerhumor Programmer Humor total programmer meme
  • veganpizza69 veganpizza69 19 hours ago 100%

    Fourth try: total motion blur

    Trust the muscle memory.

  • fuckcars Fuck Cars [meme] THE CHIMERA
  • veganpizza69 veganpizza69 19 hours ago 81%

    Put this in the sidebar (it can hold images just like comments and posts)

  • vegan Vegan The Foods That Get You Through
  • veganpizza69 veganpizza69 19 hours ago 100%

    Be careful with the order of those.

  • theonion The Onion 'It's like living in a school zone,' Says Rattled Secret Service Agent Protecting Trump
  • veganpizza69 veganpizza69 19 hours ago 100%

    The spirit of Onion.

  • fuckcars Fuck Cars Big Car = Safe
  • veganpizza69 veganpizza69 1 day ago 100%

    race to the bottom or arms race conditions.

    Whoever is allowing this is ensuring that the whole thing will end terribly.

  • aboringdystopia A Boring Dystopia A Twitter-like app where you are the only actual user and every other "user" is an AI bot.
  • veganpizza69 veganpizza69 2 days ago 100%

    A Twitter simulator? Is this a training app for "social media managers"?

  • aboringdystopia A Boring Dystopia Colorado teen shot in the face by town councilman after going to home to ask permission to take homecoming photos
  • veganpizza69 veganpizza69 5 days ago 33%

    Looks like a ranch.

    Metz is a member of the Mountain View Town Council. Property records show he also owns a home in Mountain View under Hartwood Ranch LLC.

    It makes a lot more sense if you know how ranchers deal with "trespassing" animals.

  • climate Climate - truthful information about climate, related activism and politics. Is Inequality the Key to the Climate Change Debate? In his new book, the economist Thomas Piketty argues that the world can’t stop climate change without addressing issues of inequality.
  • veganpizza69 veganpizza69 7 days ago 100%

    You’re reading the Climate Forward newsletter, for Times subscribers only. News and insights for a warming world. Get it with a Times subscription.

    Ah, so that's why it's not a free and accessible article. This kind of article is tucked away.

  • aboringdystopia A Boring Dystopia Almost 1 in 4 millennials and Gen Z-ers say they won't have kids due to finances
  • veganpizza69 veganpizza69 7 days ago 50%
  • aboringdystopia A Boring Dystopia Almost 1 in 4 millennials and Gen Z-ers say they won't have kids due to finances
  • veganpizza69 veganpizza69 7 days ago 100%

    Those people will keep having kids even if basically every sign pointed to the certainty of that kid’s life ending early during some kind of traumatic existential struggle.

    They'll keep having kids, but the kids won't last as long.

  • veganpizza69 veganpizza69 1 week ago 100%

    Terry Truncate Table

  • vegancirclejerk
    Vegan Circlejerk veganpizza69 1 week ago 96%
    Deerect hit


    aboringdystopia A Boring Dystopia Elon Musk on pace to become world’s first trillionaire by 2027, report says
  • veganpizza69 veganpizza69 1 week ago 100%

    You could try reading the article.

  • vegan Vegan Does tofu exacerbate depression?
  • veganpizza69 veganpizza69 1 week ago 100%


  • climate Climate - truthful information about climate, related activism and politics. Wasp-inspired setup 3D-prints complete homes for $1,000
  • veganpizza69 veganpizza69 1 week ago 90%

    These are gadget huts. It's made of techno-hopium material.

    They'll want money to do this in some poor rural area in a place where they can hardly name the native language. They think this will help poor people, but ignore the part where humans have always built shelters. If they fail to transfer the technology and know-how, then this technology is, over time, totally useless. And they will fail because such tech is usually patented and protected by IP laws.

    If they try to sell this in the richer parts of the World, all they will do is make the environment and climate worse by promoting more suburban sprawl.

  • climate Climate - truthful information about climate, related activism and politics. These Household Brands Want to Redefine What Counts as “Recyclable”
  • veganpizza69 veganpizza69 1 week ago 100%

    You don't understand .. if it's theoretically possible to recycle such containers, then they are Platonic Forms, which means that all physical imitations of these plastic Forms are recyclable as transcendental plastic containers having the imbued property of being recyclable.

  • aboringdystopia A Boring Dystopia Elon Musk on pace to become world’s first trillionaire by 2027, report says
    aboringdystopia A Boring Dystopia Elon Musk on pace to become world’s first trillionaire by 2027, report says
  • veganpizza69 veganpizza69 1 week ago 100%

    His [Musk's] post said an interview between the former Fox News host Tucker Carlson and the podcaster Darryl Cooper – a fellow rightwing media figure – was “very interesting. Worth watching.”

  • veganpizza69 veganpizza69 2 weeks ago 100%

    That's always been the case, especially with World religions.

  • programmer_humor Programmer Humor Ahh... hearing programmer audiobooks before sleep feels relaxing
  • veganpizza69 veganpizza69 2 weeks ago 100%

    Start a religion where the clergy maintain both written and oral versions of your code as a sacred text.

  • vegancirclejerk Vegan Circlejerk Babystepping my way to Reducitarianism!! 💖
  • veganpizza69 veganpizza69 2 weeks ago 100%

    Have you tried replacing meat burgers with foie gras? It really puts the goose in your baby steps.

  • science science Whoopsie, SpaceX Blew Up Two Rockets and Punched a Massive Hole in One of Earth's Layers
  • veganpizza69 veganpizza69 2 weeks ago 83%

    The rise of megaconstellations are threatening the ozone layer’s recovery | Space

    Concentrations of ozone-damaging aluminum oxides in Earth's atmosphere could increase by 650% in the coming decades due to a rise in the number of defunct satellites burning up during reentry, a first-of-a-kind study has found. And, as satellite megaconstellations continue to pique the interests of private companies, this could be pretty bad news for our planet's protective shield known as the ozone layer.

  • fuckcars Fuck Cars Woman caught driving with suspended licence ... for the 3rd time this year
  • veganpizza69 veganpizza69 2 weeks ago 100%

    but they are alive to have the capacity to regret.

    Oh, wow, that's so comforting to know: the monster feel a tinge of guilt. So, are you ready to die for someone else's character development (best case)?

    I find it unfathomable that people imagine that poor people and untermenschen should just resign themselves to dying off. It explains why the working class might resort to terror attacks to assert their right to exist.

    The least one can do is understand the class war. You don't punch down or to the side. You don't do reverse-Robin-hood.

    Aside from that, if all that's left of this species is monsters, there's no point to it.

  • fuckcars Fuck Cars Woman caught driving with suspended licence ... for the 3rd time this year
  • veganpizza69 veganpizza69 2 weeks ago 100%

    Indeed. And that automobile industry is supported by a large segregationist population who loves living where the buses full of non-white poors don't reach. That and there's physical competition over road space for buses, as they require bus lanes. Bus lanes aren't car lanes, that's the point of bus lanes, and installing bus lanes is usually unpopular (due to all the car drivers who don't want to lose a lane or street parking).

    What I'm trying to point out is that all sides of system matters, especially if there's some kind of democracy going on. Blame is distributed.

  • vegan Vegan Slaughterhouse video taken by ‘extreme’ animal activists amounts to ‘ongoing trespass’, federal court told
  • veganpizza69 veganpizza69 2 weeks ago 100%

    Ah, yes, quantum superposition trespassing.

  • climate Climate - truthful information about climate, related activism and politics. Americans misunderstand their contribution to deteriorating environment
  • veganpizza69 veganpizza69 2 weeks ago 82%

    Americans also largely believe they do not bear responsibility for global environmental problems. Only about 15 percent of US respondents said that high- and middle-income Americans share responsibility for climate change and natural destruction. Instead, they attribute the most blame to businesses and governments of wealthy countries.

    You have to admit that PR has done its job well.

    Those survey responses suggest that at least half of Americans may not feel they have any skin in the game when it comes to addressing global environmental problems, according to Geoff Dabelko, a professor at Ohio University and expert in environmental policy and security.

    "American exceptionalism"

  • fuckcars Fuck Cars Woman caught driving with suspended licence ... for the 3rd time this year
  • veganpizza69 veganpizza69 2 weeks ago 100%

    If your job is indirectly about murdering people, you're just a soldier and this is war. It is the Nuremberg defense, the "I was just following orders" excuse.

    I’m no fan of shitty drivers and I think if we live in a world where license suspensions are a thing, that’s fine but don’t be surprised when stuff like this happens when public transit sucks. It may exist but there’s a reason why a lot of folks prefer their car over poorly funded public transit.

    Have you thought about why public transit is poorly funded and developed?

  • vegancirclejerk Vegan Circlejerk Repost inspired by a true story.
  • veganpizza69 veganpizza69 2 weeks ago 100%


  • fuckcars Fuck Cars Woman caught driving with suspended licence ... for the 3rd time this year
  • veganpizza69 veganpizza69 2 weeks ago 76%

    It would not justify it, you just like the excuse because you tend to do similar things. You are not entitled to murder others, especially those who aren't responsible for your situation, in order to satisfy your "needs". Cannibalism doesn't magically become acceptable because you're starving.

  • aboringdystopia A Boring Dystopia Women Who Were 'Tradwives' And Got Divorced Are Sharing How And Why They Left Their Marriages, And It's Both Eye-Opening And Infuriating
  • veganpizza69 veganpizza69 2 weeks ago 50%

    Slavery is about the nature of those relationships, not the act. Just because you're raising kids it doesn't mean that it's not slavery, something that's exceedingly obvious to those who live in "chattel slavery" in which people are owned in more obvious ways, unmediated by debt relationships. Did you know that the words "cattle" and "chattel" and "capital" have the same root, that root word being head?

  • degrowth
    Degrowth veganpizza69 2 weeks ago 100%
    Transcending the ‘imperial mode of living’

    > >UB: To start with, we tried to argue with our book against a very dynamic treatment dealing with ecological crisis: what we call green capitalism, or the green economy, or ecological modernization of capitalism. Which is: we have a problem with the combustion engine so it should be the electric engine. This will not be sufficient, we know, because the resources have to come from the South and there is still the space problem. > > >We prepare our argument of solidary mode of living against a strong expectation of the green side of the government in Germany and Austria that we don’t have to question our imperial mode of living: we green it a bit. There’s a greening ecological modernization, if you like. I’m sure in Canada you have similar debates. Even many movements believed it; not the radical movements, but many NGOs and so on. > > >We argue: no, if we take the problem seriously: that we have to get rid of the capitalist growth imperative, that we have to get rid of the world resources market, this enormous flow from the South to the North. We need principles but also to take seriously experiences and then certain policies towards the solidary mode of living. This chapter is a first attempt. It’s very comprehensive and it was also criticized—which is why we’re writing another book. > > >But you point at a distinction which to us seems crucial: the distinction between the subjective preconditions and the objective preconditions. We don’t accept an environmentalist discourse that says “it’s just behaviour, it’s just the consciousness.” But we also don’t say, “it’s just the policy framework.” We say that if we want a real mobility transition, but only from the combustion engine to the electric engine, we need an understanding via conflicts and via learning processes that the car is not only not necessary but it’s not attractive. **It’s a struggle over subjectivities that what we call the “automobile imperial mode of living” or “imperial automobility” is not any longer possible.** > > >The objective conditions are the other infrastructures, the other production systems, which means also a loss of jobs. I work a lot with trade unions on this. A reduction of the car industry means to rethink how the production of mobility is organized and to take the power from the automotive industry and to produce much more the means for public transport. The argument from the automotive industry is always: “There is job loss.” And the unions are on their side. It’s necessarily to convince them to have good public transport—which does not mean planes but a good train and bus system—means also to create jobs. This is the subjective and objective. > > >Then, we have some principles. One principle, since we come from critical theory, is that the care principle—a principle to organize society carefully: to have care for yourself, for others, for nature, for society—should overrule the profit principle of the large companies. At the large scale of the automotive industry and military, the profit motive turns into political power. We have to reduce certain production but we also have to change property relations. > > >Another principle beside this care principle is to rebuild the public sector. Of course, we have many problems with the public sector. Corruption, inefficiency: we are aware of these things. But to guarantee basic provisioning, we need a strong public sector because this can be made responsible. When it comes to pensions, when it comes to health, when it comes to education, the private principle is “who has the money?” The public principle is that it’s a social right. > > >Finally, we argue that we need strong social movements, which are usually the indicators of the need of radical change. We have this wonderful movement in Germany to leave the coal in the soil and the anti-nuclear movement that has decades of experiences and work. At the end, it’s political contestation: it needs to be armoured—to draw on Gramsci—with coercion and the finances of the state. It needs a macro perspective. It’s not enough to remain within a niche. But we defend that the radical innovation usually comes from the edges. For example, we don’t argue “we have to wait until the majority wants it.” We need these starting points of an emancipatory politics, which means criticizing domination in a manyfold sense.

    Fuck Cars veganpizza69 2 weeks ago 90%
    Transcending the ‘imperial mode of living’

    >UB: To start with, we tried to argue with our book against a very dynamic treatment dealing with ecological crisis: what we call green capitalism, or the green economy, or ecological modernization of capitalism. Which is: we have a problem with the combustion engine so it should be the electric engine. This will not be sufficient, we know, because the resources have to come from the South and there is still the space problem. >We prepare our argument of solidary mode of living against a strong expectation of the green side of the government in Germany and Austria that we don’t have to question our imperial mode of living: we green it a bit. There’s a greening ecological modernization, if you like. I’m sure in Canada you have similar debates. Even many movements believed it; not the radical movements, but many NGOs and so on. >We argue: no, if we take the problem seriously: that we have to get rid of the capitalist growth imperative, that we have to get rid of the world resources market, this enormous flow from the South to the North. We need principles but also to take seriously experiences and then certain policies towards the solidary mode of living. This chapter is a first attempt. It’s very comprehensive and it was also criticized—which is why we’re writing another book. >But you point at a distinction which to us seems crucial: the distinction between the subjective preconditions and the objective preconditions. We don’t accept an environmentalist discourse that says “it’s just behaviour, it’s just the consciousness.” But we also don’t say, “it’s just the policy framework.” We say that if we want a real mobility transition, but only from the combustion engine to the electric engine, we need an understanding via conflicts and via learning processes that the car is not only not necessary but it’s not attractive. **It’s a struggle over subjectivities that what we call the “automobile imperial mode of living” or “imperial automobility” is not any longer possible.** >The objective conditions are the other infrastructures, the other production systems, which means also a loss of jobs. I work a lot with trade unions on this. A reduction of the car industry means to rethink how the production of mobility is organized and to take the power from the automotive industry and to produce much more the means for public transport. The argument from the automotive industry is always: “There is job loss.” And the unions are on their side. It’s necessarily to convince them to have good public transport—which does not mean planes but a good train and bus system—means also to create jobs. This is the subjective and objective. >Then, we have some principles. One principle, since we come from critical theory, is that the care principle—a principle to organize society carefully: to have care for yourself, for others, for nature, for society—should overrule the profit principle of the large companies. At the large scale of the automotive industry and military, the profit motive turns into political power. We have to reduce certain production but we also have to change property relations. >Another principle beside this care principle is to rebuild the public sector. Of course, we have many problems with the public sector. Corruption, inefficiency: we are aware of these things. But to guarantee basic provisioning, we need a strong public sector because this can be made responsible. When it comes to pensions, when it comes to health, when it comes to education, the private principle is “who has the money?” The public principle is that it’s a social right. >Finally, we argue that we need strong social movements, which are usually the indicators of the need of radical change. We have this wonderful movement in Germany to leave the coal in the soil and the anti-nuclear movement that has decades of experiences and work. At the end, it’s political contestation: it needs to be armoured—to draw on Gramsci—with coercion and the finances of the state. It needs a macro perspective. It’s not enough to remain within a niche. But we defend that the radical innovation usually comes from the edges. For example, we don’t argue “we have to wait until the majority wants it.” We need these starting points of an emancipatory politics, which means criticizing domination in a manyfold sense.

    worldnews World News Netanayhu once again erases Palestine during address
  • veganpizza69 veganpizza69 2 weeks ago 100%

    When fascists do vision boards and manifestation.

  • worldnews World News Irish inquiry finds 'truly shocking' level of sexual abuse at church-run schools
  • veganpizza69 veganpizza69 2 weeks ago 100%

    And they were arrested, right? Right?

  • aboringdystopia A Boring Dystopia Women Who Were 'Tradwives' And Got Divorced Are Sharing How And Why They Left Their Marriages, And It's Both Eye-Opening And Infuriating
  • veganpizza69 veganpizza69 2 weeks ago 85%

    It's not really complicated. The "trad" role belongs to a social setup where women are domestic house slaves and offspring factories, legitimate offspring in the case of an offspring from a wife. This is the traditional pastoralist setup, the wife is just another type of female livestock.

  • climate Climate - truthful information about climate, related activism and politics. For the first time, humans were exposed to a deadly combination of heat and humidity.
  • veganpizza69 veganpizza69 2 weeks ago 100%

    You don't, and it's summer outside, no snow.

  • climate Climate - truthful information about climate, related activism and politics. For the first time, humans were exposed to a deadly combination of heat and humidity.
  • veganpizza69 veganpizza69 2 weeks ago 100%

    Alright, but imagine saunas that don't have an exit.

  • aboringdystopia A Boring Dystopia Texas resident used Apple AirTags to discover plastics taken to Houston recycling centers aren't being recycled
  • veganpizza69 veganpizza69 3 weeks ago 60%

    It's not an OR operator, doing all those actions would be better.

  • aboringdystopia A Boring Dystopia Texas resident used Apple AirTags to discover plastics taken to Houston recycling centers aren't being recycled
  • veganpizza69 veganpizza69 3 weeks ago 42%

    This one is for Americans who use cars as shoes, umbrellas and shopping bags. Normally, the need to switch to a plant-based would be higher.

  • vegan Vegan A Summary of the Lemmy.World Vegan Drama (so far)
  • veganpizza69 veganpizza69 3 weeks ago 66%

    I would recommend treating it as normal. In the end, those who pay for and operate the servers make the rules.

  • vegan Vegan A Summary of the Lemmy.World Vegan Drama (so far)
  • veganpizza69 veganpizza69 3 weeks ago 77%

    I'm too old for meta drama. Turn ! into a read-only group with automated posts by a mod and locking. Let them downvote and move on.

  • vegan Vegan A Summary of the Lemmy.World Vegan Drama (so far)
  • veganpizza69 veganpizza69 3 weeks ago 50%

    You probably had bad luck with the manufacturer and what you're tasting is other substances. Pills have no issue, and liquid form seems like a weird way to get it orally. If you're referring to injections, sure.

    B12 is always absorbed in tiny amounts orally, whatever or whoever you are eating.

  • fuckcars
    Fuck Cars veganpizza69 3 weeks ago 87%
    This menstrual product ad from the late 19th century shows a very jubilant woman going cycling.

    Source: >The menstrual product ad trope of a jubilant woman going rock climbing or bungee jumping or doing athletic feats is associated with the 1980s, but it's in fact way older than that. This menstrual product ad from the late 19th century shows a very jubilant woman going cycling. > >The pads in the advert, which apparently help you cycle around dressed like a triumphant Roman, include "pasteurised peat". Peat moss, also known as sphagnum, was a popular choice for homemade menstrual pads as the moss can absorb up to 20 times its weight in moisture. > >Image courtesy of Courtesy of Musée Carnavalet.

    Fuck Cars veganpizza69 3 weeks ago 94%
    This menstrual product ad from the late 19th century shows a very jubilant woman going cycling.

    Source: >The menstrual product ad trope of a jubilant woman going rock climbing or bungee jumping or doing athletic feats is associated with the 1980s, but it's in fact way older than that. This menstrual product ad from the late 19th century shows a very jubilant woman going cycling. >The pads in the advert, which apparently help you cycle around dressed like a triumphant Roman, include "pasteurised peat". Peat moss, also known as sphagnum, was a popular choice for homemade menstrual pads as the moss can absorb up to 20 times its weight in moisture. >Image courtesy of Courtesy of Musée Carnavalet.

    Brazilians 'struggling to breathe' as Amazon burns

    >The government of Rondonia state believes illegal fires, often started by farmers clearing land, are one cause of the disaster and has launched an online campaign calling on the population to report them.

    NuScale Power to layoff more than a quarter of full-time staff

    >Following the cancellation of its small modular reactor (SMR) project in Utah, NuScale Power announced it will take “strategic” actions to reduce costs, including laying off 28% of its full-time workforce. Related article from the shareholder's [investigation]( into the company: [NuScale Power (SMR) Admits to Ongoing, Active SEC Inquiry]( > On July 29, 2024, *Hunterbrook Media* reported that the SEC is conducting an “active and ongoing” investigation into NuScale and noted that after *Hunterbrook*'s publication “a spokesperson wrote in a statement: ‘\[w\]e are unaware of any SEC investigation into NuScale or any reason for such an investigation.’” > > But, on August 2, 2024, NuScale did an about face. The company admitted that, contrary to its July 29 denial, in December 2023 the SEC requested information relating to the company’s employment, severance, and confidentiality agreements. In addition, NuScale revealed that the SEC requested additional information from the company on July 31, 2024. > > Each of these events drove the price of NuScale shares sharply lower. > > “We’re investigating the propriety of NuScale’s financial disclosures and operations, including whether the company’s agreements with employees suppress whistleblowing,” said Reed Kathrein, the Hagens Berman partner leading the investigation.

    Vegan Circlejerk veganpizza69 1 month ago 95%
    Culture tho

    > # Pro-foxhunting group says UK hunters should be protected ethnic minority > > Chair of Hunting Kind says he has built legal case to obtain same protection as Roma and LGBTQ+ people > Photo: Members of a Boxing Day hunt. The group said it would try to mount legal challenges to prove that those who support hunting have suffered discrimination or been abused on social media. Photograph: Danny Lawson/PA > A pro-foxhunting group says it has prepared a legal case to try to prove that hunters are an ethnic minority whose hunts should be protected under equality laws. > > Ed Swales, the chair of Hunting Kind, claims he has been advised by a leading human rights lawyer that hunters unequivocally qualify for legal protection under the UK [Equality Act 2010]( > > Speaking to the FieldsportsChannel [podcast](, Swales said: “The qualifications of an ethnic group, there are five of them, and we hit everyone straight in the bullseye.” > > He said he had spent three years preparing a legal challenge that had now been reviewed by a human rights KC “who sits on the council of the European court of human rights”. > > Swales said: “The outcome of that from the human rights silk is that as a protected minority group under the Equality Act, we qualify, undoubtedly 10 out of 10.” > > He said the group would try to mount legal challenges to prove that those who support hunting have suffered discrimination such as losing work or contracts, or been abused on social media. If successful, such action would give hunters the same protection as minority groups such as the Roma community or LGBTQ+ groups. > > Swales accused “the animal rights extremist movement” of launching “a person-on-person conflict” against hunters under “the excuse of animal welfare”.

    Vegan Circlejerk veganpizza69 1 month ago 82%
    Philosopher News Network: Doping Scandal

    See: last panel ![](

    Vegan Circlejerk veganpizza69 2 months ago 93%
    Sacred tho
    Vegan Circlejerk veganpizza69 3 months ago 90%
    Do animals have emotions like us?

    Vegan Circlejerk veganpizza69 3 months ago 85%
    Don't Look
    Vegan Circlejerk veganpizza69 3 months ago 78%

    >What an amount of suffering and cruel punishment the poor creatures have to endure in order to give pleasure to men devoid of thought. -- Albert Schweitzer (1863-1965) Physician, Clergyman, winner of Nobel Peace Prize

    Earthling Liberation notes veganpizza69 3 months ago 100%
    Another case of animal farmers holding a vulnerable person in slavery, in Romania

    Victim: - homeless - mental problems - 13 years of slavery - live in average rural animal shelter (horrid shack) Slavers: - old couple ![]( This kind of news pops up every year. >"Taking advantage of his vulnerable situation, the two would have accommodated him in inappropriate conditions, at the animal farm they own in the vicinity of the town of Valea lui Mihai. Here, he would have exploited him through daily work, subjecting him to repeated physical violence and degrading treatment," the prosecutors said.

    Vegan Circlejerk veganpizza69 4 months ago 84%
    What’s worse? Raw goat milk or homemade vitamin drops?

    if a vegan did something like this, it would be global front page news.

    Vegan Circlejerk veganpizza69 4 months ago 65%
    Carnist Bingo
    Vegan Circlejerk veganpizza69 4 months ago 76%
    For a cure