

Collapse eleitl 13 hours ago 75%
Increasing risks of multiple breadbasket failure under 1.5 and 2 °C global warming (2019)

Highlights • Climate data from the atmosphere-only HadAM3P model were used to estimate the risks of climatic extreme events in the global breadbaskets. • To analyse the risks of simultaneous breadbasket failure, the copula methodology was applied. • Projected wheat, maize and soybean yield losses in the global breadbaskets increase disproportionately between 1.5 and 2 °C global warming. • The highest simultaneous climate risk increase in the breadbaskets between the two warming scenarios was found for wheat, followed by maize and soybean. Abstract The increasingly inter-connected global food system is becoming more vulnerable to production shocks owing to increasing global mean temperatures and more frequent climate extremes. Little is known, however, about the actual risks of multiple breadbasket failure due to extreme weather events. Motivated by the Paris Climate Agreement, this paper quantifies spatial risks to global agriculture in 1.5 and 2 °C warmer worlds. This paper focuses on climate risks posed to three major crops - wheat, soybean and maize - in five major global food producing areas. Climate data from the atmosphere-only HadAM3P model as part of the “Half a degree Additional warming, Prognosis and Projected Impacts” (HAPPI) experiment are used to analyse the risks of climatic extreme events. Using the copula methodology, the risks of simultaneous crop failure in multiple breadbaskets are investigated. Projected losses do not scale linearly with global warming increases between 1.5 and 2 °C Global Mean Temperature (GMT). In general, whilst the differences in yield at 1.5 versus 2 °C are significant they are not as large as the difference between 1.5 °C and the historical baseline which corresponds to 0.85 °C above pre-industrial GMT. Risks of simultaneous crop failure, however, do increase disproportionately between 1.5 and 2 °C, so surpassing the 1.5 °C threshold will represent a threat to global food security. For maize, risks of multiple breadbasket failures increase the most, from 6% to 40% at 1.5 to 54% at 2 °C warming. In relative terms, the highest simultaneous climate risk increase between the two warming scenarios was found for wheat (40%), followed by maize (35%) and soybean (23%). Looking at the impacts on agricultural production, we show that limiting global warming to 1.5 °C would avoid production losses of up to 2753 million (161,000, 265,000) tonnes maize (wheat, soybean) in the global breadbaskets and would reduce the risk of simultaneous crop failure by 26%, 28% and 19% respectively.

Collapse eleitl 2 days ago 100%
Strong regional trends in extreme weather over the next two decades under high- and low-emissions pathways - Nature Geoscience

Abstract Global warming is rapidly shifting climate conditions away from what societies and ecosystems are adapted to. While the magnitude of changes in mean and extreme climate are broadly studied, regional rates of change, a key driver of climate risk, have received less attention. Here we show, using large ensembles of climate model simulations, that large parts of the tropics and subtropics, encompassing 70% of current global population, are expected to experience strong (>2 s.d.) joint rates of change in temperature and precipitation extremes combined over the next 20 years, under a high-emissions scenario, dropping to 20% under strong emissions mitigation. This is dominated by temperature extremes, with most of the world experiencing unusual (>1 s.d.) rates relative to the pre-industrial period, but unusual changes also occur for precipitation extremes in northern high latitudes, southern and eastern Asia and equatorial Africa. However, internal variability is high for 20 year trends, meaning that in the near term, trends of the opposite sign are still likely for precipitation extremes, and rare but not impossible for temperature extremes. We also find that rapid clean-up of aerosol emissions, mostly over Asia, leads to accelerated co-located increases in warm extremes and influences the Asian summer monsoons.

Collapse eleitl 4 days ago 100%
Global food insecurity and famine from reduced crop, marine fishery and livestock production due to climate disruption from nuclear war soot injection - Nature Food (2022)

Abstract Atmospheric soot loadings from nuclear weapon detonation would cause disruptions to the Earth’s climate, limiting terrestrial and aquatic food production. Here, we use climate, crop and fishery models to estimate the impacts arising from six scenarios of stratospheric soot injection, predicting the total food calories available in each nation post-war after stored food is consumed. In quantifying impacts away from target areas, we demonstrate that soot injections larger than 5 Tg would lead to mass food shortages, and livestock and aquatic food production would be unable to compensate for reduced crop output, in almost all countries. Adaptation measures such as food waste reduction would have limited impact on increasing available calories. We estimate more than 2 billion people could die from nuclear war between India and Pakistan, and more than 5 billion could die from a war between the United States and Russia—underlining the importance of global cooperation in preventing nuclear war.

Collapse eleitl 3 days ago 100%
Seasonal resource tracking and use of sea-ice foraging habitats by albatrosses and large petrels

Abstract The Antarctic seasonal sea-ice zone (SIZ) is one of the most extensive and dynamic habitats on Earth. In summer, increased insolation and ice melt cause primary production to peak, sustaining large populations of locally-breeding seabirds. Due to their hypermobility, large Procellariiformes, including albatrosses, breeding in the subantarctic also have the potential to access the SIZ and track macroscale resource waves over the Sothern Ocean but the extent to which they do this is poorly known. Here, we analysed the foraging movements of breeding albatrosses and large petrels (seven species, 1298 individuals) recorded using GPS loggers and satellite-transmitters to quantify their use of sea-ice habitats and test whether they tracked seasonal drivers of primary production. Foraging latitudes of white-chinned petrels Procellaria aequinoctialis and black-browed Thalassarche melanophris, grey-headed T. chrysostoma and wandering albatrosses Diomedea exulans varied sinusoidally over the breeding season, presumably in response to lagged effects of solar irradiance on primary production. Foraging latitudes of northern and southern giant petrels (Macronectes halli and M. giganteus), and light-mantled albatrosses Phoebetria palpebrata, exhibited no strong seasonal trend, but the latter two species spent ≥ 20 % of their time in the SIZ during incubation and post-brood, prior to or at the time of the spring ice breakup. Southern giant petrels travelled hundreds of km into the pack ice, encountering sea-ice concentrations up to 100 %, whereas light-mantled albatrosses remained almost exclusively in open water near the Marginal Ice Zone (MIZ). The remaining species spent up to 15 % of their time in the SIZ, typically from 5-7 weeks after breakup, and avoided the MIZ. This supports hypotheses that sea ice presents albatrosses but not giant petrels with physical barriers to flight or foraging, and that open-water-affiliated species use the SIZ only after primary production stimulated by ice melt transfers to intermediate trophic levels. Given that all seven species used the SIZ, it is likely that the phenology and demography of these and many other subantarctic-breeding seabirds are mechanistically linked to sea-ice dynamics. Declines in Antarctic sea ice predicted under climate change could therefore modulate and exacerbate the already unsustainable anthropogenic impacts being experienced by these populations.

Collapse TokenBoomer 4 days ago 87%
Bring on the Climate Doomers! We Need More of Them

cross-posted from: > Sure, there might be a few people who will drink from the doomer cup and curl into fetal surrender. But there will be far more who will take this message and fight back.

Collapse eleitl 6 days ago 100%
Identification of Environmental Compounds That May Trigger Early Female Puberty by Activating Human GnRHR and KISS1R

Abstract There has been an alarming trend toward earlier puberty in girls, suggesting the influence of an environmental factor(s). As the reactivation of the reproductive axis during puberty is thought to be mediated by the hypothalamic neuropeptides kisspeptin and gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH), we asked whether an environmental compound might activate the kisspeptin (KISS1R) or GnRH receptor (GnRHR). We used GnRHR or KISS1R-expressing HEK293 cells to screen the Tox21 10K compound library, a compendium of pharmaceuticals and environmental compounds, for GnRHR and KISS1R activation. Agonists were identified using Ca2+ flux and phosphorylated extracellularly regulated kinase (p-ERK) detection assays. Follow-up studies included measurement of genes known to be upregulated upon receptor activation using relevant murine or human cell lines and molecular docking simulation. Musk ambrette was identified as a KISS1R agonist, and treatment with musk ambrette led to increased expression of Gnrh1 in murine and human hypothalamic cells and expansion of GnRH neuronal area in developing zebrafish larvae. Molecular docking demonstrated that musk ambrette interacts with the His309, Gln122, and Gln123 residues of the KISS1R. A group of cholinergic agonists with structures similar to methacholine was identified as GnRHR agonists. When applied to murine gonadotrope cells, these agonists upregulated Fos, Jun, and/or Egr1. Molecular docking revealed a potential interaction between GnRHR and 5 agonists, with Asn305 constituting the most conservative GnRHR binding site. In summary, using a Tox21 10K compound library screen combined with cellular, molecular, and structural biology techniques, we have identified novel environmental agents that may activate the human KISS1R or GnRHR.

Collapse eleitl 6 days ago 87%
Mega El Niño instigated the end-Permian mass extinction

Editor’s summary Only a few of the many volcanism-driven hyperthermals during the Phanerozoic caused mass extinctions, and none of them approached the level of global species loss seen at the end of the Permian. Why was the end-Permian so different? Sun et al. found that a combination of extreme El Niño events and mean state warming led to deforestation, reef demise, and a plankton crisis, all of which resulted in a positive feedback cycle that led to an even warmer mean climate and still stronger El Niño events. —Jesse Smith Abstract The ultimate driver of the end-Permian mass extinction is a topic of much debate. Here, we used a multiproxy and paleoclimate modeling approach to establish a unifying theory elucidating the heightened susceptibility of the Pangean world to the prolonged and intensified El Niño events leading to an extinction state. As atmospheric partial pressure of carbon dioxide doubled from about 410 to about 860 ppm (parts per million) in the latest Permian, the meridional overturning circulation collapsed, the Hadley cell contracted, and El Niños intensified. The resultant deforestation, reef demise, and plankton crisis marked the start of a cascading environmental disaster. Reduced carbon sequestration initiated positive feedback, producing a warmer hothouse and, consequently, stronger El Niños. The compounding effects of elevated climate variability and mean state warming led to catastrophic but diachronous terrestrial and marine losses.

Collapse gytrash 7 days ago 78%
Consumerism and the climate crisis threaten equitable future for humanity, report says

"All of humanity could share a prosperous, equitable future but the space for development is rapidly shrinking under pressure from a wealthy minority of ultra-consumers, a groundbreaking study has shown. Growing environmental degradation and climate instability have pushed the Earth beyond a series of safe planetary boundaries, say the authors from the Earth Commission, but it still remains possible to carve out a “safe and just space” that would enable everyone to thrive. That utopian outcome would depend on a radical transformation of global politics, economics and society to ensure a fairer distribution of resources, a rapid phase-out of fossil fuels and the widespread adoption of low-carbon, sustainable technologies and lifestyles, it said. This would probably mean that limits have to be placed on excess consumption and that taxes have to be used to address inequality and raise revenue for investment in technology and infrastructure. The scale of the required change will alarm many governments, acknowledged one of the lead authors. “It won’t be immediately welcomed. To some extent, it is frightening, but it shows that there is still a space for people and other species,” said Joyeeta Gupta, a former co-chair of the Earth Commission and a professor of environment and development in the global south at the University of Amsterdam..."

Collapse eleitl 6 days ago 100%
Underestimation of personal carbon footprint inequality in four diverse countries - Nature Climate Change

Abstract Extensive research highlights global and within-country inequality in personal carbon footprints. However, the extent to which people are aware of these inequalities remains unclear. Here we use an online survey distributed across four diverse countries: Denmark, India, Nigeria and the USA, to show widespread underestimation of carbon footprint inequality, irrespective of participants’ country and income segment. Of the 4,003 participants, within each country, 50% of participants were sampled from the top 10% income group. Our results show links between carbon footprint inequality perceptions and climate policy support, but with significant variations observed across the four countries and with participants’ income segments. Furthermore, there are links to the perceived fairness of actual carbon footprint inequality, highlighting the need to raise awareness about carbon footprint inequality and further unpack its implications for climate justice and policy.

Collapse TokenBoomer 1 week ago 88%
Mike Joy’s grave new world

cross-posted from: > We’re all doomed, says freshwater ecologist Dr Mike Joy

Collapse hanrahan 1 week ago 100%
Report outlines a path to prosperity for planet and people if Earth's critical resources are better shared

>Earth will only remain able to provide even a basic standard of living for everyone in the future if economic systems and technologies are dramatically transformed and critical resources are more fairly used, managed and shared Seems like we're doing the opposite with wider support by voters for the orthdoxy of destruction. Even then I remain sceptical.

Collapse bewater 2 weeks ago 20%


Collapse eleitl 2 weeks ago 100%
Carbon emissions from the 2023 Canadian wildfires - Nature

Abstract The 2023 Canadian forest fires have been extreme in scale and intensity with more than seven times the average annual area burned compared to the previous four decades1. Here, we quantify the carbon emissions from these fires from May to September 2023 on the basis of inverse modelling of satellite carbon monoxide observations. We find that the magnitude of the carbon emissions is 647 TgC (570–727 TgC), comparable to the annual fossil fuel emissions of large nations, with only India, China and the USA releasing more carbon per year2. We find that widespread hot–dry weather was a principal driver of fire spread, with 2023 being the warmest and driest year since at least 19803. Although temperatures were extreme relative to the historical record, climate projections indicate that these temperatures are likely to be typical during the 2050s, even under a moderate climate mitigation scenario (shared socioeconomic pathway, SSP 2–4.5)4. Such conditions are likely to drive increased fire activity and suppress carbon uptake by Canadian forests, adding to concerns about the long-term durability of these forests as a carbon sink5,6,7,8.

Collapse eleitl 2 weeks ago 100%
Global estimation of dietary micronutrient inadequacies: a modelling analysis

Summary Background Inadequate micronutrient intakes and related deficiencies are a major challenge to global public health. Analyses over the past 10 years have assessed global micronutrient deficiencies and inadequate nutrient supplies, but there have been no global estimates of inadequate micronutrient intakes. We aimed to estimate the global prevalence of inadequate micronutrient intakes for 15 essential micronutrients and to identify dietary nutrient gaps in specific demographic groups and countries. Methods In this modelling analysis, we adopted a novel approach to estimating micronutrient intake, which accounts for the shape of a population's nutrient intake distribution and is based on dietary intake data from 31 countries. Using a globally harmonised set of age-specific and sex-specific nutrient requirements, we then applied these distributions to publicly available data from the Global Dietary Database on modelled median intakes of 15 micronutrients for 34 age–sex groups from 185 countries, to estimate the prevalence of inadequate nutrient intakes for 99·3% of the global population. Findings On the basis of estimates of nutrient intake from food (excluding fortification and supplementation), more than 5 billion people do not consume enough iodine (68% of the global population), vitamin E (67%), and calcium (66%). More than 4 billion people do not consume enough iron (65%), riboflavin (55%), folate (54%), and vitamin C (53%). Within the same country and age groups, estimated inadequate intakes were higher for women than for men for iodine, vitamin B12, iron, and selenium and higher for men than for women for magnesium, vitamin B6, zinc, vitamin C, vitamin A, thiamin, and niacin.

Collapse eleitl 3 weeks ago 100%
The heat is on: reduced detection of floral scents after heatwaves in bumblebees

Abstract Global climate change disrupts key ecological processes and biotic interactions. The recent increase in heatwave frequency and severity prompts the evaluation of physiological processes that ensure the maintenance of vital ecosystem services such as pollination. We used experimental heatwaves to determine how high temperatures affect the bumblebees’ ability to detect floral scents. Heatwaves induced strong reductions in antennal responses to floral scents in both tested bumblebee species (Bombus terrestris and Bombus pascuorum). These reductions were generally stronger in workers than in males. Bumblebees showed no consistent pattern of recovery 24 h after heat events. Our results suggest that the projected increased frequency and severity of heatwaves may jeopardize bumblebee-mediated pollination services by disrupting the chemical communication between plants and pollinators. The reduced chemosensitivity can decrease the bumblebees’ abilities to locate food sources and lead to declines in colonies and populations.

Collapse eleitl 3 weeks ago 100%
Uptake and physiological impacts of nanoplastics in trees with divergent water use strategies

Abstract Anthropogenic contaminants can place significant stress on vegetation, especially when they are taken up into plants. Plastic pollution, including nanoplastics (NPs), could be detrimental to tree functioning, by causing, for example, oxidative stress or reducing photosynthesis. While a number of studies have explored the capacity of plants to take up NPs, few have simultaneously assessed the functional damage due to particulate matter uptake. To quantify NPs uptake by tree roots and to determine whether this resulted in subsequent physiological damage, we exposed the roots of two tree species with different water use strategies in hydroponic cultures to two concentrations (10 mg L−1 and 30 mg L−1) of model metal-doped polystyrene NPs. This approach allowed us to accurately quantify low concentrations of NPs in tissues using standard approaches for metal analysis. The two contrasting tree species included Norway spruce (Picea abies [L.] Karst), a water conservative tree, and wild service tree (Sorbus torminalis [L.] Crantz), an early successional tree with a rather water spending strategy. At both exposure concentrations and at each of the experimental time points (two and four weeks), NPs were highly associated and/or concentrated inside the tree roots. In both species, maximum concentrations were observed after 2 weeks in the roots of the high concentration (HC) treatment (spruce: 2512 ± 304 μg NPs per g DW (dry weight), wild service tree: 1190 ± 823 μg NPs per g DW). In the aboveground organs (stems and leaves or needles), concentrations were one to two orders of magnitude lower than in the roots. Despite relatively similar NPs concentrations in the tree aboveground organs across treatments, there were different temporal impacts on tree physiology of the given species. Photosynthetic efficiency was reduced faster (after 2 weeks of NPs exposure) and more intensively (by 28% in the HC treatment) in wild service trees compared to Norway spruce (ca. 10% reduction only after 4 weeks). Our study shows that both, evergreen coniferous as well as deciduous broadleaf tree species are negatively affected in their photosynthesis by NPs uptake and transport to aboveground organs. Given the likelihood of trees facing multiple, concurrent stressors from anthropogenic pollution and climate change, including the impact of NPs, it is crucial to consider the cumulative effects on vegetation in future.