nostupidquestions No Stupid Questions How should I handle an ex friend who feels like he needs to bully me to raise his own self esteem? (We're adults)
  • tonystark29 tonystark29 11 months ago 100%

    Yes he has deleted Facebook messages he sent me on many occasions. Luckily I take screenshots.

  • nostupidquestions No Stupid Questions How should I handle an ex friend who feels like he needs to bully me to raise his own self esteem? (We're adults)
  • tonystark29 tonystark29 11 months ago 100%

    At one time, yes we were friends, and I believed that we had mutual respect. That all changed one random day, and he just lost all respect for me.

  • nostupidquestions No Stupid Questions How should I handle an ex friend who feels like he needs to bully me to raise his own self esteem? (We're adults)
  • tonystark29 tonystark29 11 months ago 100%

    As time goes on, I'd rather not think about him at all, but for the rare times that I do, I would want to laugh it off, because his way of bragging is actually kind of funny.

  • nostupidquestions No Stupid Questions How should I handle an ex friend who feels like he needs to bully me to raise his own self esteem? (We're adults)
  • tonystark29 tonystark29 11 months ago 100%


  • nostupidquestions No Stupid Questions How should I handle an ex friend who feels like he needs to bully me to raise his own self esteem? (We're adults)
  • tonystark29 tonystark29 11 months ago 83%

    Thanks. I'm not trying to boost my ego here when I say this, but I have a lot more experience with Engineering and CAD modelling than he does. Pretty sure he feels threatened.

    He has his formal piece of paper and his formal job, which I suppose outranks my outside-of-school experience, because it's proper and formal.

  • nostupidquestions No Stupid Questions How should I handle an ex friend who feels like he needs to bully me to raise his own self esteem? (We're adults)
  • tonystark29 tonystark29 11 months ago 75%

    He has dyslexia.

  • nostupidquestions No Stupid Questions How should I handle an ex friend who feels like he needs to bully me to raise his own self esteem? (We're adults)
  • tonystark29 tonystark29 11 months ago 100%

    I think I can almost remember the exact day that he shifted. We were talking about our previous girlfriends and he very openly bragged that he's slept with better looking women than I have (I'm not like that). He kept talking about it over and over that day, I could see he was getting a lot of enjoyment out of it.

    Before this, he was a different person. Overall good morals, good friend for the most part, rarely put me down.

    It was very sudden.

    It was also about the time he started to drink really heavily, but that might not be directly related.

  • nostupidquestions No Stupid Questions How should I handle an ex friend who feels like he needs to bully me to raise his own self esteem? (We're adults)
  • tonystark29 tonystark29 11 months ago 82%

    Thank you. That makes sense.

  • nostupidquestions No Stupid Questions How should I handle an ex friend who feels like he needs to bully me to raise his own self esteem? (We're adults)
  • tonystark29 tonystark29 11 months ago 100%

    I guess I could have, eh. I did end up getting in trouble for it. I had a research job that they fired me from.

  • nostupidquestions No Stupid Questions How should I handle an ex friend who feels like he needs to bully me to raise his own self esteem? (We're adults)
  • tonystark29 tonystark29 11 months ago 66%

    This is only the second or third time that I'm talking about it with anyone else. I didn't know it was this serious.

  • nostupidquestions No Stupid Questions How should I handle an ex friend who feels like he needs to bully me to raise his own self esteem? (We're adults)
  • tonystark29 tonystark29 11 months ago 68%

    I tutored as well.

  • nostupidquestions No Stupid Questions How should I handle an ex friend who feels like he needs to bully me to raise his own self esteem? (We're adults)
  • tonystark29 tonystark29 11 months ago 60%

    Would you report a valued friend for the same thing? Honestly, I'm curious. Maybe I'm out of touch.

  • nostupidquestions No Stupid Questions How should I handle an ex friend who feels like he needs to bully me to raise his own self esteem? (We're adults)
  • tonystark29 tonystark29 11 months ago 58%

    Well, ok, but you'd think he'd at least talk to me first? If he genuinely had an issue with it, I would value our friendship enough to stop.

  • nostupidquestions No Stupid Questions How should I handle an ex friend who feels like he needs to bully me to raise his own self esteem? (We're adults)
  • tonystark29 tonystark29 11 months ago 50%
  • nostupidquestions No Stupid Questions How should I handle an ex friend who feels like he needs to bully me to raise his own self esteem? (We're adults)
  • tonystark29 tonystark29 11 months ago 40%

    Well, at the end of the day the students I did homework for still need to write their tests and exams on their own. They still earned their grades.

    Edit: Ok, ok. I won't justify it any further. I guess majority here conclude that it was a serious offence. I believe you.

  • nostupidquestions No Stupid Questions How should I handle an ex friend who feels like he needs to bully me to raise his own self esteem? (We're adults)
  • tonystark29 tonystark29 11 months ago 58%

    The irony is that the students that I did homework for graduated, and I didn't

  • nostupidquestions No Stupid Questions How should I handle an ex friend who feels like he needs to bully me to raise his own self esteem? (We're adults)
  • tonystark29 tonystark29 11 months ago 100%

    And I will have a good life :)

  • nostupidquestions No Stupid Questions How should I handle an ex friend who feels like he needs to bully me to raise his own self esteem? (We're adults)
  • tonystark29 tonystark29 11 months ago 83%

    Exactly. If he approaches me in person, I'm not going to pretend he's my friend and stroke his batshit crazy ego, I'm going to treat him neutrally but not entertain him.

  • nostupidquestions No Stupid Questions How should I handle an ex friend who feels like he needs to bully me to raise his own self esteem? (We're adults)
  • tonystark29 tonystark29 11 months ago 100%

    Yeah I see what you mean. I want to be the bigger person and just ignore him.

  • nostupidquestions No Stupid Questions How should I handle an ex friend who feels like he needs to bully me to raise his own self esteem? (We're adults)
  • tonystark29 tonystark29 11 months ago 100%

    Thank you. Spot on.

  • nostupidquestions
    No Stupid Questions tonystark29 11 months ago 90%
    How should I handle an ex friend who feels like he needs to bully me to raise his own self esteem? (We're adults)

    I went to college with this guy 10 years ago and I considered him a friend up until this year. Something changed in him, and he constantly needs to put me down and I don't know how to handle it. We're both 28, for reference. Last year, he reported me to the college because I was doing students' homework for them for some extra cash. He said that what I was doing was depreciating his Diploma. I guess I get it, but what kind of friend would try to get me in trouble for something as harmless as doing people's homework? He didn't ask me to stop first or talk to me about it first, he just flat out reported me. Some friend. Edit: I'm not saying what I did was not wrong. If he valued my friendship, he would have talked to me first. And I would have valued our friendship enough to stop. I ended up dropping out of the program because of stress. He graduated this spring. I congratulated him and genuinely was happy for him. He then sends me this really childish text, bragging about how he graduated and I didn't. Here's a quote from part of the conversation. No joke, this is word for word: "Hey [my name], just letting you know that I am an engineer now and you aren't. Also I just got hired at [his work] and am making $34 now just to start. There will be a party at [local bar] to celebrate my graduation. You should come. There will be resumes being taken, you should submit yours, because people like me always need assistants. Even though you are not an engineer by any means." I thought, maybe he's being intentionally arrogant as a joke that I'm supposed to get. But that's not the case, this kind of talk continued for months. And he means it to be hurtful. I couldn't take it anymore, so I blocked him on everything I could think of. A little bit of background information, I recently started my own business making custom tools. This quote was a part of what he commented on my Instagram picture of one of my tools yesterday: "You should stop posting these online, it's really embarrassing because your [tool name] is such a failure. I should redesign all of it for you because I'm actually an engineer at [company name] and have a lot more experience. I could actually do it right, unlike you. I just might help you if you ask me nicely." Like, what the hell did I do to deserve that? I don't know why I let it even bother me because of how obviously immature he is being. I didn't respond. I blocked him on Instagram too, but now he's trying to message me on LinkedIn. Blocked him there now too. I'm still friends with his brother, so it's impossible for me to completely block him out from my life unfortunately. I almost want to explain to him how narcissistic he is, and how his messages are an obvious cry of mental insecurity. I know that that would just be fueling the fire though, and would solve nothing. He deserves to be put in his place. I don't know if that's possible though without me becoming just as petty as he is. How should I handle this? He's bound to see me in the future, so there's no avoiding his bullshit. Thanks

    thinkpad ThinkPad Yes, I'm using a ThinkPad as my mouse pad, DONT JUDGE ME.
  • tonystark29 tonystark29 11 months ago 100%


  • thinkpad ThinkPad Yes, I'm using a ThinkPad as my mouse pad, DONT JUDGE ME.
  • tonystark29 tonystark29 11 months ago 100%

    Thanks! And yes it is!

  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    ThinkPad tonystark29 11 months ago 94%
    Yes, I'm using a ThinkPad as my mouse pad, DONT JUDGE ME.
    thinkpad ThinkPad I don't know why some people are so surprised that I actually use and daily drive these two beauties.
  • tonystark29 tonystark29 11 months ago 100%
  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    ThinkPad tonystark29 11 months ago 94%
    I don't know why some people are so surprised that I actually use and daily drive these two beauties.

    Left: X61S with 4GB ram. Right: T530 with a bunch of upgrades.

    frugal Frugal Your best BIFL purchase?
  • tonystark29 tonystark29 11 months ago 90%

    A bidet.

    I've saved a ton on toilet paper.

  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    ThinkPad tonystark29 11 months ago 98%
    I have a secret stash

    Gotta have extra trackpoints on hand at all times just in case.

    ADHD tonystark29 12 months ago 95%
    TIL about state dependence, and it makes so much sense

    This is primarily talking about state dependence with ADHD medication (stimulants). State dependence is when information that is learned while taking ADHD medication is difficult to recall when not in the same physiological state (when not on ADHD meds). I started taking Vyvanse about 7.5 years ago, and at that time I started learning so much more than I ever have. I hyperfocused on computers, learned how to program in multiple programming languages, I learned a lot about Linux. During that time, I also learned a lot about 3D printing and mechanical engineering, and made a lot of cool things. About 2 years ago, my tolerance to the meds reached a certain threshold where I stopped being able to recall all the things I have learned. When I take double my prescribed dose (which I am not advising you to do), I can reach that state of clarity and recall everything again, but only for a few hours, and then I crash lasting a few days. It's not healthy for me to continuously do this, and my dose is already too high for my doctor to raise it anymore (90mg concerta). Today I read about state dependence in a wellness book that has a section about stimulants and ADHD, and it explains why I can't remember or do any of the computer-related things I used to do. I wish there was a way to recall all the information I've learned without having to raise my dose or use any sort of substance. It's really a pickle of a situation.

    ADHD tonystark29 12 months ago 95%
    Those who have been on prescribed stimulants for many years (>5), how do you manage tolerance and crashing?

    I have been on ADHD meds for about 7.5 years now. I started with Vyvanse and my dose was at 70mg in the first year. I was having bad crashes at night, so I switched to Adderall 40mg with 10mg Dexidrine and stayed on it for a few years. Recently, I switched to Concerta 90mg because my tolerance was getting too high and it wasn't working anymore, hoping that by switching it will reset my tolerance. It didn't. In fact, my tolerance drops to being feeling depressed/unmotivated in about 3 days now. So that sucks. Taking breaks is agony for me. I have the worst stimulat headaches, no motivation, and can't sleep. My doctor knows this but does nothing. He won't raise my dose. How do you guys manage? Thanks.

    Tools tonystark29 12 months ago 98%
    Shoutout to the most versatile 'scissors'(electrician's snips) I have ever used. They are my go-to for just about anything.

    [Klein Tools Model #2100-9] Wire stripper notches are especially useful sometimes. I've beaten on this pair quite a bit and they still cut like they're brand new. I also have the non-stainless version, but I prefer the stainless.

    edc Everyday Carry. What essentials do you carry on a daily basis? This is what I keep in my (right front pocket) leather organizer
  • tonystark29 tonystark29 1 year ago 100%

    It's just picture frame type wire which is super cheap and super strong. I have a lot of it at home, and I've had to replace it a few times now. If I didn't already have a lot of it though, I wouldn't go out of my way to carry it because strong paracord or thin rope could be just as effective.

  • edc Everyday Carry. What essentials do you carry on a daily basis? This is what I keep in my (right front pocket) leather organizer
  • tonystark29 tonystark29 1 year ago 100%

    I use mine for bending sheet metal and holding objects while I saw them/work with them. I like to build things in my spare time, so I use them frequently for gripping, crunching, crimping, or wrenching sometimes.

  • edc Everyday Carry. What essentials do you carry on a daily basis? This is what I keep in my (right front pocket) leather organizer
  • tonystark29 tonystark29 1 year ago 100%
  • edc
    This is what I keep in my (right front pocket) leather organizer

    In the front two exterior pockets, the sewing kit fits in on the left and the Knipex fits in the right. It's basically a mini commonly used hardware and medication pouch. I use fishing line for sewing in situations where I need strong thread, and I have various size needles in there too. The Altoids Smalls tin has a few of my most commonly used medication for me and my family. The Rolaids are for my heartburn unfortunately.

  • tonystark29 tonystark29 1 year ago 100%

    It's a new addition, so it's hard to say. My previous SAK was a Champ, and I used the metal file and scissors the most, but I always wanted a bit driver for the electronic maintenance that I do.

  • tonystark29 tonystark29 1 year ago 100%

    Well I'm a little biased because I'm the creator of it and it's still in development, but overall I like it. I am going to raise the handle length from 75mm to 100mm because I feel like I need that extra boost in leverage for any substantial prying task that requires a lot of force.

  • edc
    My complete current EDC.

    The leather wallet is homemade, while I bought the Hide & Drink pocket organizer. # Contents: - Homemade wallet - Field notebook (stored in the back pocket of wallet) - Mini BIC lighter - Swisscard Lite tools inside a 3D printed card enclosure (because I broke the original one) - Zebra F-701 pen (in the bottom horizontal pocket of wallet) - Hide & Drink pocket organizer - Fenix R18RV2 flashlight - Victorinox Cybertool L - Knipex Cobra XS pliers - EDCPocketTools Mini CatClaw (prototype) - Zipties (not shown - inside organizer)

  • tonystark29 tonystark29 1 year ago 100%

    I just like carrying separate dedicated tools. Lets say you need to hold something down with the pliers and cut it with the SAK scissors at the same time, you wouldn't be able to do that with integrated tools. So, the advantage is when needing to use two or more tools at once.

  • edc
    My tiny pocket tools for today

    # List - Victorinox huntsman SAK - Fenix E18RV2 flashlight - Knipex Cobra XS

    My EDC currently. 3D printed pocket organizer and wallet that I made myself.

    # Leather wallet - Has a pocket in the back to hold a field notes book. - Pen compartment - Lighter pocket - Swisscard Lite tools in a 3d printed card # 3D printed pocket organizer - Victorinox Huntsman - Fenix E18R V2

    edc Everyday Carry. What essentials do you carry on a daily basis? How can we get the users from r/EDC to migrate over here?
  • tonystark29 tonystark29 1 year ago 100%

    Good idea. I sent them a message asking to reopen the sub temporarily but lock everything but a stickied post that notifies users about the Lemmy migration, and/or put it in the sidebar. Let's hope they see it.

  • edc Everyday Carry. What essentials do you carry on a daily basis? How can we get the users from r/EDC to migrate over here?
  • tonystark29 tonystark29 1 year ago 100%

    Totally agree. I need to update my EDC and make a post soon.

  • edc
    How can we get the users from r/EDC to migrate over here?

    As you know, r/EDC has been down for a while now and I don't know if it will ever come back. If only the users from that sub knew about this Lemmy community, I bet we could make this our new home. Fuck Reddit. I really enjoyed that subreddit. Any ideas?

    tools Tools My small basement workshop. Besides maybe a planar, what other tools do I need?
  • tonystark29 tonystark29 1 year ago 100%

    Good idea, thanks!

  • tools Tools My small basement workshop. Besides maybe a planar, what other tools do I need?
  • tonystark29 tonystark29 1 year ago 100%

    Between the flights of stairs there is an exterior door thankfully so that helps, but yeah, I need to think through how big I make things so that they don't get stuck down there.

  • tools Tools My small basement workshop. Besides maybe a planar, what other tools do I need?
  • tonystark29 tonystark29 1 year ago 100%

    For sure. I have a shop vac under the right workbench that is connected to the table saw. Otherwise, I broom everything up. Almost all my other tools have vac attachments, so getting a few more shop vacs isn't a bad idea. Thanks.

  • tools
    Tools tonystark29 1 year ago 90%
    My small basement workshop. Besides maybe a planar, what other tools do I need?

    I'm just getting started with woodworking, so I don't have a lot, but I've managed to make a few projects with what I currently have. If I had a planar, it would open the door to a lot more stuff that I could make, I think.

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    3D printed pocket organizer for my SAK and light.
    How I'm carrying my SAK and light

    Elastics take up less room in your pocket than pouches, and it works. - Victorinox Huntsman - Fenix E18R V2

    showerthoughts Showerthoughts Lemmy resembles the old reddit experience so well that they even emulate the old reddit server performance
  • tonystark29 tonystark29 1 year ago 87%


  • showerthoughts Showerthoughts Lemmy resembles the old reddit experience so well that they even emulate the old reddit server performance
  • tonystark29 tonystark29 1 year ago 42%
  • tonystark29 tonystark29 1 year ago 100%


  • tonystark29 tonystark29 1 year ago 100%

    Yes, I'm a machinist and it comes in handy quite often. Things like gently tapping parts into fixtures, prying collets from machines, etc...

  • edc
    Today's pocket carry

    # List: - Handmade wallet. Holds a Zebra F-701 pen and a field notebook in the back of it. - EDCPocketTools CatClaw prybar - Swiss army knife - Victorinox Huntsman - Fenix E18R V2 flashlight

    3dprinting 3DPrinting Projects to build small machines
  • tonystark29 tonystark29 1 year ago 100%

    I was thinking about automating some little things around the house with 3D printed mechanisms and raspberry pis, such as opening the blinds automatically at a certain time. I would have to design and 3d print the mechanism to make it work. Just an idea.

  • mechanicalkeyboards
    Mechanical Keyboards tonystark29 1 year ago 100%
    My little macro pad that I use to track my mood throughout the day

    I use Obsidian (a personal knowledge management system) to log my daily notes, and I also am starting to get into the habit of tracking my moods as well. I programmed it to automatically paste a link to the corresponding mood using AutoHotkey because the firmware of the macro pad doesn't allow full strings to be returned. The top left key is to add a timestamp. I initially was using blank keycaps, but I thought that using a label maker would be a little better. Not the most ideal, but it works. [This is an example of how I use it](

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    homelab tonystark29 1 year ago 100%
    Here’s the finished product of my 3D printed mini server rack.

    Here's my 3D printed mini network rack. It uses a TP-LINK TL-SG108 switch, a DIY patch panel, and a Raspberry Pi running PiHole. [Here's the stl files]( if you would like to 3D print one yourself.

    I 3D printed a tray to hold my EDC

    # List: - 3D printed tray - EDCPocketTools CatClaw prybar - Benchmade 940 - Fenix E18RV2 - Anker Powercore Redux 10,000mAh battery in a leather pouch that I made. - Anker USB-C to USB-C cable with USB-C to USB-A adapter.

    Tools tonystark29 1 year ago 100%
    Old, dull rasp that I found labelled "Sheffield".

    Anyone know the origin? I'm interested to know how old it is.

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    Needed a shop vac adapter for my table saw

    Simple and works. My only vac hose had two different ends, and I needed them to be the same large diameter type, so I created this adapter.

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    ThinkPad tonystark29 1 year ago 94%
    My 3 ThinkPads
    My grab-and-go bag contents

    # List: - Maxpedition Falcon II backpack - Nalgene 1L water bottle - Wet wipes - 2x datrex food rations (usually also have a few granola bars too) - First aid kit - ThruNite TC15 V2 - Handkerchief - Scrap leather - Anker Powercore Redux 10,000mAh battery bank in leather pouch I made - Rite in the Rain notebook - Maxpedition Micro with various charging cables in it - Sunglasses - Pocket Ref book - Knipex 71 01 160 bolt cutters - Leather tool pouch that I made - Swiss Champ SAK - Lip balm - Multi-color pen - Sharpie - Mirror - Comb - Bic lighter - Paracord - Knife-sharpening stone - Dr. Slick forceps - Zip ties

    Tools tonystark29 1 year ago 100%
    Here are the contents of my little leather tool pouch

    This is my (version 1) grab-and-go tool pouch that I made.

    leathercraft tonystark29 1 year ago 100%
    Leather sheath that I made for my fixed-blade knife (LT Wright GNS)

    It has a pocket in the front for a sharpening stone. On the side, it has a ferro rod to start fires. It's for bushcrafting mainly. I know it's a little rough around the edges and my stitches aren't perfect, but it works!
