retrogaming RetroGaming PlayStation 1 emulator DuckStation changes license for no commercial use and no derivatives
  • shinratdr shinratdr 3 days ago 77%

    Would have been nice if this context was in the article. I got into an argument 10+ years ago with some militant prick by the name of “SquarePusher” on Reddit about how his emulator was the best and anyone who dares to charge for an emulator is evil. I wrote him and his stupid emulator off then.

    Turns out it’s the same guy. I’ve used it a bit since then as I wasn’t aware of other reasons to not support it other than my own personal grudge but I’ll definitely stop now.

    Do you have any source for the transphobic stuff he’s said? I Googled but I couldn’t find anything other than vague references rather than specific comments.

  • asklemmy Asklemmy What are questions that will make it sound like I can afford a million euro house?
    politics politics Trump Demands ABC Be Shut Down for Daring to Fact Check Debate
  • shinratdr shinratdr 1 week ago 100%

    What’s even sadder is that he would 100% be president right now if he didn’t constantly stick his foot in his own mouth.

    Everything about Trump makes him one of the most awful human beings alive, and yet he would be the leader of the free world if he wasn’t also incredibly thin-skinned & stupid.

  • retrogaming RetroGaming New Cheat Code Discovered in Sega Saturn Doom After 27 Years
  • shinratdr shinratdr 1 week ago 100%

    Is that transparency? Looks like the same dithering/alternating empty pixels that all Saturn ports are plagued with.

  • apple_enthusiast Apple Apple may ditch FineWoven cases, return to leather-like material
  • shinratdr shinratdr 1 week ago 100%

    Get it replaced again now, they’ll cover another replacement but not for long.

  • shinratdr shinratdr 1 week ago 84%

    It doesn’t help at all, it’s being intentionally obtuse. You know what I mean, it’s unhelpful to pretend otherwise and pick a fight over it.

  • shinratdr shinratdr 1 week ago 50%

    Whatever it was it was intended for it was built in China for a global audience, then customized for whatever market it was sold in. They all use common software platforms.

    It does indeed change that fact, because temperature is exclusively reported in whole numbers. Go to any weather channel, site, provider, etc. It’s always whole numbers, even in Celsius.

    It truly doesn’t matter.

  • shinratdr shinratdr 1 week ago 96%

    For proof that this thread is just people justifying what they know as better somehow, look no further than Canada.

    We do cooking temps in Fahrenheit, weather in Celsius. Human weights in pounds, but never pounds and oz. Food weights in grams, cooking weights in pounds and oz. Liquid volume in millilitres and litres, but cooking in cups, teaspoons and tablespoons. Speed & distance in kilometres, heights in feet and inches.

    Try and give this any consistency and people will look at you like you’re fucked. The next town is 100km over, I’m 5ft 10in, a can of soda is 355ml, it’s 21c out and I have the oven roasting something at 400f. Tell me it’s 68f out and I will fight you.

    People like what they are used to, and will bend over backwards to justify it. This becomes blatantly obvious when you use a random mix of units like we do, because you realize that all that matters is mental scale.

    If Fahrenheit is “how people feel” then why are feet useful measurements of height when 90% of people are between 4ft and 6ft? They aren’t. You just know the scale in your head, so when someone says they’re 7ft tall you say “dang that’s tall”. That’s it.

  • shinratdr shinratdr 1 week ago 64%

    The reason you see fractions is BECAUSE of Fahrenheit. Your air conditioner is designed to work in multiple regions and so it works on steps. Easier to just map the half steps to Fahrenheit degrees and call it a day.

    For non-electronic usage, people just say the round number.

  • news News Hillbilly Elegy director Ron Howard says he’s ‘surprised and disappointed’ by JD Vance
  • shinratdr shinratdr 2 weeks ago 100%

    I don’t even know why this is a question, people can absolutely be radicalized in a short period time, especially the apolitical. Even faster when large sums of money are involved.

  • world World News Elon Musk on pace to become world’s first trillionaire by 2027, report says
  • shinratdr shinratdr 2 weeks ago 100%

    I’ll believe it when I see it. He made his good financial decisions when he wasn’t full mask-off insane, since his wife left him and his daughter disowned him he’s had more important things to deal with, like wasting his money turning back the clock so neither of them have any rights anymore. Currently he is just banking off of those good early decisions.

    I won’t speak to the specific financials of his companies, but I don’t see him maintaining his current growth rate while so distracted for much longer. I also see his attachment to companies as a growing impediment, not an asset.

  • apple_enthusiast Apple Apple may ditch FineWoven cases, return to leather-like material
  • shinratdr shinratdr 2 weeks ago 100%

    I really like my FineWoven case, I was hoping they would revise them rather than do away with it entirely. I had to get a replacement for my first one because the sides were peeling (which Apple replaced for free) but the replacement has been fine.

    However they don’t age well, especially the ones in any colour other than black, so I can see why they did it. Still, I prefer it over any other case I’ve owned. Feels nice in hand, thinner than any previous Apple case while still providing great drop protection, smooth but not slippy, it had a lot going for it.

  • gaming Gaming Sony officially teases PlayStation 5 Pro
  • shinratdr shinratdr 2 weeks ago 80%

    The current Slim PS5 also doesn’t have a disc drive, you can just buy it in a bundle and attach the optional one.

    Honestly for manufacturing this makes way more sense, to ship one SKU and then make them all upgradable to disc. It’s also kind of nice that if you buy a digital one and want disc in the future you can just buy the drive.

  • news News Kids Are Working in America’s Meatpacking Plants
  • shinratdr shinratdr 2 weeks ago 71%

    Meat packing, farming & agriculture in North America is run entirely off the backs of immigrants, poor people and people of colour. People don’t choose these jobs, they take them out of necessity. This is just a fact, and a weird hill to die on.

    If you want to rebut the argument that this is unique to meat, look no further than fruit picking in the US. It’s less risk of maiming and disgusting, but still dangerous and exploitative.

  • health Health - Resources and discussion for everything health-related ‘Make your health insurance company cry’: One woman’s fight to turn the tables on insurers
  • shinratdr shinratdr 3 weeks ago 72%

    The turn of phrase refers to things that are natural facts, human nature, stuff like that. This one isn’t any of those things, it’s weird to use it to refer to something specific to one country or place.

  • memes Memes Subscribing to YT premium is also an evil act
  • shinratdr shinratdr 3 weeks ago 100%

    You’ll get an email shortly kicking you off that plan, they’re just working through the list. Had it for 4 years, signed up quite a few others as well. Everyone has been booted over the last 2-3 months.

  • 196 196 What the rule does this mean?
  • shinratdr shinratdr 3 weeks ago 100%

    Place in hand.



    It’s because it’s semi-soft toffee in a brick, so it’s hard to chew through but if you smash it you can eat the pieces.

  • comicstrips Comic Strips Coffee [Mr. Lovenstein]
  • shinratdr shinratdr 3 weeks ago 100%

  • games Games Avowed Runs at 30fps on Xbox Series X and S, Obsidian Confirms
  • shinratdr shinratdr 4 weeks ago 100%

    Why any game in 2024 is targeting one specific frame rate is beyond me. Just do like any other competent release, and offer a “Quality/Performance” option where one targets 30fps with max visuals and one targets 60fps and cuts what it needs to get there.

    I think people are well aware that the current console generations are just midrange PCs frozen in time at this point. Nobody is expecting miracles, just give them both options and be done with it.

  • pcgaming PC Gaming After Borderlands comes crawling back to Steam, Gearbox boss Randy Pitchford responds [...] about Steam being killed off by the Epic Store: 'Epic is not pressing their advantage'
  • shinratdr shinratdr 4 weeks ago 100%

    Higher revenue cut for publishers. That’s it. This is just a big anti-consumer pissing contest about who gets a bigger slice of the pie when a sale is made. Everything else is just distracting noise. If Valve charged 5% then none of this other stuff would matter. Valve charges 30% base with some sweetheart deals for devs who sell millions of copies. Same as Sony, Nintendo, Apple, and most other online software marketplaces.

    This is a high percentage to pay vs retail margins for a brick & mortar storefront, but a reasonable percentage when you think of it as a customer acquisition cost. So the question is, did I go to Steam to buy the game or did I go to Steam and buy the game? Everyone will have a different opinion on this, but in my opinion Valve revived PC gaming when it was on the brink, and a large percentage of sales that happen on the platform are because of the eyeballs it brings and the value it delivers.

    Borderlands 4 coming back to Steam is strong evidence of this, even with Epic essentially paying developers the difference in potential lost sales out of pocket. You can’t pay for the lost conversations, word-of-mouth, and other “free” advertising that those lost sales would have generated. So Borderlands 3 looks great on a balance sheet, but nobody really liked it or cared about it, and Epic won’t pay you to make games nobody plays forever.

    It might seem better for the storefront to take less of a cut from a consumer perspective, but in reality it barely matters. This doesn’t go towards reducing game costs for consumers or improving bonuses & wages for developers. The market has already been set. Any behind the scenes change in revenue sharing just goes to the next group in line, which is of course the already wealthy and massive publishers.

    So do whatever works for you. Just don’t let them pull the wool over your eyes and act like this fight is about anything other than which already very rich people get slightly richer.

  • news News Elon Musk’s Twitter Takeover Is Now the Worst Buyout for Banks Since the Financial Crisis
  • shinratdr shinratdr 4 weeks ago 100%

    Corinth is famous for its leather!

  • politics politics Trump Is Pissed at Harris for Trapping Him in Two Debates
  • shinratdr shinratdr 1 month ago 100%

    If you watch Veep, Sheldon Adelson was the “inspiration” for Sherman Tanz (read: is 100% a direct parody of).

  • gaming Gaming Game developers are still feeling the pull of last-generation consoles
  • shinratdr shinratdr 1 month ago 100%

    Yeah now that I think about it, that has been my experience with my Series X, I just don’t use it that often. My PS5 however is much more seamless, so maybe it was just Sony who tried to improve this.

    I think a network connection is inevitable during initial game setup, but as PC gaming has been like this since 2008 it’s not really bothersome to me. Bigger issue was mandatory updates, slow launches, etc. which I think have mostly been solved on the PS5 side.

  • gaming Gaming Game developers are still feeling the pull of last-generation consoles
  • shinratdr shinratdr 1 month ago 100%

    Yeah these discussions are hilarious, like watching people arguing about anti-aliasing back in the day. Rerendering the whole scene again? Just to remove some jagged edges? What a waste.

    Raytracing is future technology, I’m glad it’s in every game now even if it’s not always well optimized or worth using, because it will make those games age that much better when I want to go back and play them in 10+ years.

  • gaming Gaming Game developers are still feeling the pull of last-generation consoles
  • shinratdr shinratdr 1 month ago 100%

    It’s clear you haven’t used this generation of consoles. They took this feedback to heart and now after install which is entirely determined by your internet connection/disc speed, you can hop into game insanely quick.

    For a game I’m already playing I think from PS5 on to actually moving around in game we’re talking like… 10-15 seconds. It’s essentially just making save states. I’ve never seen a mandatory update stop me from launching a game, and it does most install in the background while it’s on standby. It takes longer to get in game on my Gaming PC than the PS5.

    This was brutal in the PS3 & 360 era, better in the PS4/XBONE era, and is essentially solved as it can ever be in the current era.

  • health Health - Resources and discussion for everything health-related This Olympic medalist hurried to get all her healthcare needs done at the Games because it’s too costly in the US
  • shinratdr shinratdr 1 month ago 90%

    I think it’s extremely telling that the ACA, as flawed as it is, was impossible for the Republicans to repeal. They know that once it happens, there is no going back.

    The health insurance lobby in the US is just too strong. If the Democrats ever get a sweeping majority, maybe you’ll see something. But outside of that remote possibility, they’ll fight it harder than anything else.

  • apple_enthusiast Apple Apple reportedly plans updated M4 Mac mini that’s actually mini
  • shinratdr shinratdr 1 month ago 100%

    If it’s the size of an Apple TV it will definitely only have a few ports. I can’t speak for anyone else but I’m personally fine with that, 1-2 USB-C, 1 USB-A, Ethernet, Power and HDMI would be fine IMO.

    I think this was more of an issue when USB-C docks were less compatible and more expensive. Now you can get all the ports you need for $20. Just doesn’t seem like much of a big deal to me, when 90% of them are going to be connected to a monitor, wireless KB & mouse and WiFi and the occasional USB key or printer.

  • pcgaming PC Gaming World of Goo 2 released [buy from website, devs get 100% of the earnings]
  • shinratdr shinratdr 2 months ago 85%

    Why would I think from the perspective of a business? I’m not a business, I’m a consumer. I’m not saying they were wrong for taking the money, they gotta do what they gotta do. I’m saying I don’t want it and don’t want to support it.

    The original comment was basically asking why Epic got so much hate when in this specific circumstance, their actions are justifiable or even actually produced something of value.

    I said they are missing the point which is just that people don’t like Epic and their influence on PC gaming, and you said I need to think like a business.

    I think you’re arguing something totally different now.

  • pcgaming PC Gaming World of Goo 2 released [buy from website, devs get 100% of the earnings]
  • shinratdr shinratdr 2 months ago 66%

    That’s a separate issue, I want the benefits of a launcher, just not Epic’s.

  • pcgaming PC Gaming World of Goo 2 released [buy from website, devs get 100% of the earnings]
  • shinratdr shinratdr 2 months ago 75%

    It’s subjective or we wouldn’t be arguing about it would we? Maintaining my own backup of downloaded DRM free games not offered through a service is not a benefit to me, it’s an inconvenience. I already explained why, and what the benefits are.

    You don’t need an account to listen to DRM free music or movies, true. But if you delete them either on purpose or because of data loss, you have to go get them again should you want them. Which means digging through emails or accounts or backup drives to get your copies again. That’s not worth it to me, I prefer being able to set up Steam and just go, delete games and redownload them as needed in a click.

    People are on Lemmy for lots of different reasons, you shouldn’t assume that the primary reason anyone is here is because they deeply care about free software or decentralization. I’m here because Reddit banned 3rd party clients and I hate their app, same reason I’m on Mastodon.

  • pcgaming PC Gaming World of Goo 2 released [buy from website, devs get 100% of the earnings]
  • shinratdr shinratdr 2 months ago 77%

    Why shouldn’t he be downvoted? A downvote isn’t rude, and it’s not an indicator of how sane the opinion is. It indicates that the comment misses the point. They assume it’s about DRM, or that Epic didn’t to enough to deserve exclusivity, or that it’s not a true exclusive because you can pay the developer directly.

    It’s not. It’s just about not wanting another launcher that doesn’t bring anything to the table. GOG is for old games, Itch is for small indies, and Steam is for everything else.

    Epic is just Steam but worse, doesn’t work well on Steam Deck, with some exclusives that will hit Steam in a year. Doesn’t offer anything new or improved, just makes things worse by splitting a market by paying off developers, and because it doesn’t offer anything compelling, will probably die of when Epic eventually wastes all its Fortnite money and falls on hard times.

    I wouldn’t give them a penny, they’re actively working to make PC gaming a worse experience when Steam arguably brought it back from the brink of death. Before Steam, PCs were about to become MMO and RTS machines. It’s hard to overstate how big their impact was.

  • pcgaming PC Gaming World of Goo 2 released [buy from website, devs get 100% of the earnings]
  • shinratdr shinratdr 2 months ago 80%

    Not if you own a Steam Deck, or want cloud saving, or have hundreds of games and don’t want to hope you remember your login and password for this one game 10 years from now and that the website still exists, or worry about keeping a local backup of the game if you want to play it in the future.

    DRM-free direct downloads are a great option, but better than Steam? That’s subjective. For me, I want all of those things I listed so a non-Steam PC game for me is a last resort, pretty much only reserved for games that I really want to play.

    I don’t know why people find this so difficult to understand, I have to assume they’re being wilfully obtuse. Would you download a separate app and create an account for every song you wanted to listen to or every movie you wanted to watch? Of course not. So why would games be any different?

  • lemmyapps Lemmy Apps UPDATE! Now 30% of Lemmy Apps display posts accurately
  • shinratdr shinratdr 2 months ago 96%

    How thin does your skin need to be to discontinue your app because one person mentions it has a markdown formatting issue?

    I don’t think you can put that on OP, unless there is context I’m missing.

  • games Games Fallout: New Vegas designer slams unrealistic release dates that 'burn out and demoralize the developers' as he shares tips on how to spot when a game needs more time in the oven
  • shinratdr shinratdr 2 months ago 86%

    lol it gets shorter every time this story is told. It was 18 months, and it started with a fully complete game engine with tons of finished assets.

    For a similar comparison, GTA Vice City was released in October 2002 and GTA San Andreas was released in October 2004 with a 2 year dev cycle. Starting with a complete engine and doing what amounts to a total conversion does significantly shorten dev time.

    Also, it’s not like they moved mountains to achieve this. FNV shipped with countless game breaking bugs and would CTD every 10 minutes on my system at launch. It only became playable after the first few patches. GTA SA shipped on disc, with the version that most people played being the initial PS2 version, and that version works quite well. So basically they achieved the 6 month reduction by lopping off the QA cycle.

    Was it a short dev cycle even with that all being said? Yes, especially for an HD era game on an engine the team wasn’t as familiar with as the GTA SA team would have been. But let’s not rewrite history.

  • canada Canada ‘Metal fibres’ may be in these multivitamins, supplements: Health Canada
  • shinratdr shinratdr 2 months ago 100%

    I love product recalls because it’s a great way to find out which store brand products are literally the same thing with a different label.

    Great Value Soy Milk is Silk, found that out from the last one.

  • iosbeta iOS Beta iOS 18.1 DB1 with Apple Intelligence Beta is live
  • shinratdr shinratdr 2 months ago 100%

    I actually think this is because they don’t have infrastructure there yet, in addition to it not being GDPR friendly.

    I’d probably wait for a wider release than one country & language in beta before assuming the worst.

    Also, you’re not missing much. The beta is limited to pretty much just the on-device model for local tasks, and it can barely do those.

  • iosbeta
    iOS Beta shinratdr 2 months ago 90%
    iOS 18.1 DB1 with Apple Intelligence Beta is live

    To enroll, go to Software Update and tap the prompt at the bottom. Device region needs to be set to US, language to US English, Siri also needs to be set to US. I was able to join the wait list from Canada after changing all those settings.

    technology Technology Sonos CEO apologizes for disastrous rollout of new app
  • shinratdr shinratdr 2 months ago 88%

    Sonos. Recent app troubles aside (it’s really not that bad, just kind of clunky for certain tasks), the longevity alone make them so worth it. Despite being essentially computers/smart home devices, they support 10+ year old devices in their latest app, older devices in their S1 Controller app, and the sound quality & setup ease is amazing.

    Plus, they have pretty good Black Friday sales and make it easy to build piece by piece if pricing is too high. You can also used replaced pieces to build a sound system in another room.

    Over ~3 years I started with a Beam, then bought a Sub and two Play:1s as rears. Bought an Arc, moved the Beam to the bedroom. Just recently I bought 2 Arc 300s as rears/upward firing Atmos speakers, and moved the Play:1s to the bedroom. Resale value stays high so if you have no use for a piece, you can sell it and get 50%-75% of what you paid out of it easily.

    There are cheaper devices with better sound quality out there, but nobody else can compete on the whole package with Sonos.

  • askacanadian AskACanadian What show comes to mind when you think of Canadian TV?
  • shinratdr shinratdr 2 months ago 100%

    Definitely all the stuff people already mentioned, but have to mention Workin’ Moms since nobody else has.

    Great show, very underrated.

  • shinratdr shinratdr 2 months ago 100%

    No, they live mostly off the crumbs of peanut butter on toast.

  • shinratdr shinratdr 2 months ago 100%

    How else do you get the sweet sweet olives from within?

  • iosbeta
    iOS Beta shinratdr 3 months ago 88%
    [iOS 18 DB1] You can now select a preferred Home Hub instead of HomeKit picking one for you

    This has been posted all over the place but if you haven’t seen it, this is a huge change. To get it working, you need all your Apple TVs on iOS 18 DB1. Remove all your HomePods from your home if you have them. Then, you should see the option to turn off “Automatic Selection”. Turn it off and pick the Home Hub you want. You can then readd your HomePods to your home. This process sounds painful but it’s actually pretty quick, HomePods remove, reset and readd to your Home fairly quickly. This whole process probably only took about 10 mins.

    iOS Beta shinratdr 3 months ago 88%
    Apple Intelligence - Supported Devices

    Apparently coming in a dev beta soon, although properly launching in Fall.

    iOS Beta shinratdr 3 months ago 100%
    iOS 18 DB1 - Release Notes

    Typically more dev & API focused but helpful if you’re encountering an issue and want to know if it’s known, or want to see if there are any known showstoppers preventing you from upgrading.

    iOS Beta shinratdr 3 months ago 90%
    iOS 18 - Official Preview Page

    Always worth a look through for stuff that wasn’t mentioned in the keynote.
