worldnews World News China’s Economic Ascendancy in Africa Threatens U.S. Imperialism
  • pancake pancake 6 hours ago 100%

    I'd say it's too soon to see if China will take an imperialist approach. The US and Europe seem to be decoupling from them, so they are in desperate need of well-developed markets that will buy their products. It's in their own best interest that African nations develop quickly (which also hurts the US and Europe, making it harder to get cheap raw materials, thus doubly good for China).

  • worldnews World News Can the World Save Palestine from US-Israeli Genocide?
  • pancake pancake 6 hours ago 100%

    It would be a win definitely, but unfortunately resolutions made by the General Assembly are not binding.

  • asklemmygrad Ask Lemmygrad If everyone became class conscious, would that spark the Revolution or would people still feel "well, I know that I am being exploited but there is nothing that I can do about it"?
  • pancake pancake 6 hours ago 100%

    It is indeed true that if you instantly ended capitalism, there would be no way to bribe cops or other groups against the working class. But if you simply give all workers class consciousness, you are not instantly ending capitalism. Workers would not be able to refuse to work because they have no capital and cops would prevent them from breaking the cycle, then capitalists would keep those cops working for them.

    I actually made a post in ! looking at this specific hypothetical scenario from a mathematical perspective. The comments are especially interesting.

  • asklemmy Asklemmy What are your fears
  • pancake pancake 6 hours ago 100%

    I used to be afraid of looking at mirrors at night. Idk what it's called, spectrophobia maybe? Well, anyway, one night I took acid and happened to look at a mirror while blasted off my mind. Staring at it felt so disappointingly mundane that I laughed at myself for expecting anything to go wrong. Lost my fear permanently.

  • pancake pancake 16 hours ago 100%

    When returning from kernel code, one should issue Drop Execution Ring Privileges, of course.

  • asklemmygrad Ask Lemmygrad If everyone became class conscious, would that spark the Revolution or would people still feel "well, I know that I am being exploited but there is nothing that I can do about it"?
  • pancake pancake 20 hours ago 100%

    No, because that wouldn't be true. The bourgeoisie could trivially pay any sufficiently small group of people so that it's in their best interest to follow along. This is true of cops but also of lawmakers (small groups of people that exert great control), so the current system would be rigged in favor of the ruling class even under perfect cooperation of the proletariat.

    That's not to say I'm 100% sure a revolution needs to happen. Most likely, it does, but the reasoning above does not rule out specific cases (e.g., conditions where the threat of a revolution could provide sufficient leverage, or "loopholes" in a legal system that might allow an additional advantage for a cooperating majority).

  • asklemmygrad Ask Lemmygrad If everyone became class conscious, would that spark the Revolution or would people still feel "well, I know that I am being exploited but there is nothing that I can do about it"?
  • pancake pancake 21 hours ago 100%

    Even if everyone was class conscious, people could still act in self-interest. For example, cops could keep protecting capitalists if they were paid enough.

  • worldnews World News De-Dollarization: China Now Uses Yuan in Over Half of Bilateral Trade, Dollar's Share Fell from 80% to Under 50%
  • pancake pancake 1 day ago 100%

    Very interesting. I'd say China will only increase and cheapen its production even more, which will allow them to push their influence. They have been focusing on doing exactly that, by building efficient transportation networks, putting increasingly more companies' equities in the hands of the state (and therefore sidestepping investors), and, recently, setting up abundant facilities for cheap, green energy production. All three of those policies rely for their swift and massive realization on what US policymakers nowadays seem to refer to as "non-market" dynamics, which are basically out of the question for them.

  • pancake pancake 1 day ago 100%

    Chemical damage to our bodies mostly consists of both oxidation and Maillard-like reactions. So we're both slowly burning and getting cooked!

  • asklemmy Asklemmy What's the most polarizing thing you've ever done or said?
  • pancake pancake 2 days ago 100%

    Imagine a situation wherein everyone has more or less the same amount of money. They can afford the same number of houses, let's say, two small, or one larger house. Even if there's some inequality, it's not hard to imagine people buying larger or smaller homes and yet everyone being able to afford one. Renting is an afterthought in this scenario.

    If inequality grows larger, some people will not be able to afford ownership, and then renting becomes profitable; those who can afford more than one house will buy more than they need, increasing demand and then offering those homes for renting and getting profit. This in turn increases inequality, but as long as the forces pushing it down prevail, this state can last for long.

    The crisis breaks out when these mechanisms eventually come out of balance, pushing a large share of people out of the market, and homeownership starts concentrating.

    The idea is that investing is only profitable when people don't have what they need; any solution that gives them that (increasing public housing is a popular proposal here) will reduce profit. In fact, profitability is at a maximum now because of the housing crisis, and even just going back to step 2 would reduce it. A "perfect" solution would give everyone homes at the best price physically possible and with full liquidity, which would sink renting yields to basically zero.

  • socialism Socialism Russian pensioner attacked for anti-war views wins support
  • pancake pancake 2 days ago 100%

    I think the article makes too many assumptions, like Grinchiy's views being anti-war rather than just anti-Wagner, or, implicitly, that the police didn't charge him because of popular support, rather than simply because he didn't break the law. Those things may as well be true, but the reasons are not clearly explained in the article.

  • comics Comics Start your own business
  • pancake pancake 2 days ago 100%

    Ideally, start a revolution so no one has to worry about those things in the foreseeable future.

  • asklemmy Asklemmy What's the most polarizing thing you've ever done or said?
  • pancake pancake 2 days ago 100%

    Objectively, yes. But it was polarizing at the time because some of the people present were investing heavily in real estate.

  • technology Technology China proposes mandatory red flags placed on all AI-generated content posted online
  • pancake pancake 2 days ago 100%

    From the title, I was thinking about actual red-colored flags lol.

  • asklemmy Asklemmy What's the most polarizing thing you've ever done or said?
  • pancake pancake 2 days ago 85%

    You can imagine ;)

    Seriously, though, I said (irl) the home affordability crisis in my country can't be truly solved in any way that simultaneously still allows people to invest in homes (rent them out, sell them at higher prices, do business with tourism, etc) to any meaningful degree. Everyone around had very strong, diverse opinions on that.

  • programming Programming Mitosis in the Gray-Scott model : an introduction to writing shader-based chemical simulations
  • pancake pancake 3 days ago 100%

    Well, not really an issue with the existing paragraph being hard to understand, but I would suggest more explicitly stating which symbol from the "math" section corresponds to each variable from the "code" section, at the beginning of the latter.

  • programming Programming Mitosis in the Gray-Scott model : an introduction to writing shader-based chemical simulations
  • pancake pancake 3 days ago 100%

    Hugely cool! Very clearly written too.

  • china
    China pancake 3 days ago 100%
    Status of fully domestic Chinese chipmaking tools

    Edit: tl;dr: all tools seem to be capable of 28 nm process, except the lithography machines. However, the report (why?) doesn't include the most advanced lithography tools that are known to be manufactured. ![]( ![]( [Source](

    memes Memes Leftist Memes
  • pancake pancake 3 days ago 100%

    The benefits of a free market have been discussed by communists in the past, and newer experiments like the reforms implemented by China make it clear that socialism is compatible with a free market, to very good results.

    Thanks for engaging with OP in a civil fashion, especially when you felt attacked... Anyway, hmu if you want to discuss this in more depth.

  • asklemmy Asklemmy What's your stance on "donating" blood plasma?
  • pancake pancake 4 days ago 100%

    Tissue, cell and organ donation (including blood, semen and oocytes) can and should be done strictly not-for-profit. This is how it's done in Spain (well, you do get a snack when donating blood and a small amount of money for oocytes since the process is quite long) and there's usually no shortage of blood components in hospitals. Local governments do a lot of campaigning, set up mobile units etc., which seems to work; people see all of that, think of it when planning their day, and many even go in small groups to donate.

  • atheism Atheism Pope Francis pushes false claim that both presidential candidates are "against life"
  • pancake pancake 4 days ago 100%

    Was he talking about abortion, or "life" in general? As I see it, (provided he was referring to the latter) both candidates' stances on the war in Gaza are very sub-optimal from a "preservation of life" standpoint.

  • linux Linux What was your last RTFM adventure?
  • pancake pancake 4 days ago 100%

    Haha yeah, absolutely! Might be too messy to consider it "well used" though... But it does motivate me, seeing all the signs I put there and imagining one day I will conquer that mountain. Maybe not even on the second attempt, but definitely one day.

  • chat chat We should probably be agitating on .world
  • pancake pancake 4 days ago 100%


  • chat chat We should probably be agitating on .world
  • pancake pancake 4 days ago 100%

    Not between them, but other servers might choose to defederate if word spreads (not that I think it would be likely, but it's bad enough of a scenario to at least be careful).

  • chat chat We should probably be agitating on .world
  • pancake pancake 4 days ago 100%

    Is .ml still federated to them? Maybe I could use my old account...

  • chat chat We should probably be agitating on .world
  • pancake pancake 4 days ago 100%

    You're right, my bad. Even then, I don't think the backlash would be innocuous if too many users go overboard. Especially if for some reason .world admins end up having to intervene.

  • chat chat We should probably be agitating on .world
  • pancake pancake 4 days ago 100%

    So, you're not federated to them atm?

  • chat chat We should probably be agitating on .world
  • pancake pancake 4 days ago 100%

    I'd say we shouldn't be afraid of discussing political topics in .world, but a few outliers being too disruptive could result in defederation. So the "patiently explain ourselves" part seems like the really important thing to me here. Also, if at some point there actually is much more political debate in their communities, I'd suggest engaging with mods in good faith and to a reasonable extent with the intention of keeping the space civil.

  • technology Technology How China has ‘throttled’ its private sector
  • pancake pancake 4 days ago 80%
  • linux Linux What was your last RTFM adventure?
  • pancake pancake 5 days ago 100%

    Yes, that's true and a better way to look at it, thanks!

    Well, I was amazed by proof systems like Coq or Isabelle, that let one formally verify the correctness of their code. I learnt Coq and coded a few toy projects with it, but doing so felt pretty cumbersome. I looked at other options but none of them had a really good workflow.

    So, I attempted to design one from scratch. I tried to understand Coq's mathematical foundation and reimplement it into a simpler language with more familiar syntax and a native compiler frontend. But I rushed through it and turns out I had barely scratched the surface of the theory. Not just regarding the proof system, but also with language design in general.

    I did learn a lot though. Since then I've been reading more about proof systems and language design in my spare time, and I've collected quite the stack of notes and drafts. Recently I've begun coding a way more polished version of that project, so on to round two I guess!

  • linux Linux What was your last RTFM adventure?
  • pancake pancake 5 days ago 100%

    One of the largest projects under my GitHub account is an attempt at a proof-based programming language that I had to abandon because I underestimated the theoretical work involved, did not RTFM enough and months into it realized the entire thing was unsound af.

  • technology Technology How China has ‘throttled’ its private sector
  • pancake pancake 6 days ago 100%

    The private sector is ceasing to be China's primary driver of growth, with that role year after year being further taken up by the state. Diminishing private funding is obviously not good, but it does align with their goal of reaching socialism by 2050. We'll see how their economy does from now on...

  • mathematics Mathematics Marxist Game Theory: correction
  • pancake pancake 1 week ago 100%

    Makes sense. Some mechanisms of class control over the state may be easier to model, like lobbying or voting; protests and revolutions could be taken into account more easily in the cooperative case, but I'm not so sure about the non-cooperative one...

    Anyway, all this is very interesting, I'll try to learn as much as I can once I have the time. Thanks!

  • mathematics Mathematics Marxist Game Theory: correction
  • pancake pancake 1 week ago 100%

    Good idea, it would be great to see what role the state has in this model. Not sure where to begin tbh, but I'm sure there is literature concerning that, just have to find it!

    As for the effect of automation, workers' relative earnings seem not to depend on it in either scenario, but that's probably because of the "perfectly cooperating" assumption. If workers don't organize, I would expect the rate of profit to fall (must check though).

  • mathematics
    Mathematics pancake 1 week ago 100%
    Marxist Game Theory: correction

    This is a sequel to my [previous post]( The idea is the same, but I'm using better methods as was suggested in the comments. As u/Sodium_nitride (thank you!) explained, here... - ...I use a [production matrix]( instead of the [Cobb-Douglas function]( - ...I use capital-time instead of capital, to handle depreciation. - ...classes consume commodities, seeking to maximize the amount consumed. Also, I purchased the book suggested by u/davel :) We use the following definitions: - Labor is measured relative to **A**'s total labor power. - **B** has `b` labor power, assumed to be proportional to population. - Capital-time and commodities are measured in units of what can be produced directly from 1 unit of labor. - Labor sold is represented with `w`, and the salary is used to purchase capital-time `s_k` and commodities `s_c`. - Consumption of **A** is `c`, while that of **B** is `z*b*c`, where `z` is the ratio of _per capita_ consumption. Production matrix: /0 0 0\ A = |1 m 0| \1 n 0/ Input vectors: / 1 - w \ x_A = |k_A + s_k| \ 0 / / b + w \ x_B = |k_B - s_k| \ 0 / Demand vectors: / w - 1 \ y_A = | -s_k | \c - s_c/ / -b - w \ y_B = | s_k | \z*b*c + s_c/ Payoff functions: X_A = c X_B = z*c # Case 1: full equilibrium In this case, we assume that **A** and **B** can negotiate `w`, `s_k` and `s_c` freely, with no party being able to obtain a better bargaining position. The Nash equilibrium is: w = s_k = s_c = 0 c = (m - n - 1)/(m - 1) z = 1 That is, both groups are independent and produce their own capital-time and commodities. Their consumption is directly proportional to their labor power. Effectively, there is no difference between **A** and **B**, any member of either group belongs to the same class. # Case 2: asymmetric capital ownership Here, we set `k_A = s_k = 0`, so **A** owns no capital-time. **A** and **B** can negotiate `w` and `s_c` under the same conditions as in Case 1. The Nash equilibrium is: w = 1 s_c = c = (1/2)*(m - n - 1)/(m - 1) z = 2 + 1/b As can be seen, in this case **A** works for **B** and obtains a salary. Interestingly, this salary is exactly half of what **A** would have obtained in Case 1. From this and `z`'s non-dependence on `m` and `n`, we can deduce that increases in productivity scale both **A**'s and **B**'s earnings with the same coefficient, so it's impossible for **B** to force **A**'s income to any specific minimum. We also see that **B**'s _per capita_ income is higher when less people belong to the group. For a small enough group, **B**'s total income approaches that of **A**, just extremely concentrated. A plausible hypothesis here is that, if the initial situation is Case 2 but productivity is more than high enough to sustain **A**'s needs (thanks to the inevitable scaling described before), then **A** would be able to eventually negotiate their way to the final equilibrium, Case 1, provided a minimally feasible way to obtain capital. If that is the case, the (surreal, but theoretically interesting) requirements to get to the equilibrium could be summarized like this: 1. All members of **A** cooperate perfectly (obviously false). 2. **B** has no way to gain an advantage (bourgeois state in general). 3. The productive forces have developed beyond a critical point. # Further questions - How could one verify the hypothesis above? I know how to use production matrices in a state of equilibrium, but what about transient states? - What if individuals can freely move across groups as their economic status changes and so do their interests? I know nothing about cooperative game theory, so this could be an interesting start. - What if members of **A** and/or **B** do not cooperate perfectly? - What are the minimum requirements for a mechanism that could allow the cooperative result in a non-cooperative Nash equilibrium?

    mathematics Mathematics Marxist Game Theory?
  • pancake pancake 2 weeks ago 100%

    It's the quotient rule for derivatives.

    R = d(k_A/k_B)/dt = (dk_A/dt k_B - dk_B/dt k_A) / k_B**2 = (p X_A 1 - p X_B k) / 1**2 = p X_A - k p X_B.
  • mathematics Mathematics Marxist Game Theory?
  • pancake pancake 2 weeks ago 100%

    Oh the coincidence! This one is going to be a great read, thank you.

  • mathematics Mathematics Marxist Game Theory?
  • pancake pancake 2 weeks ago 100%

    The Xs are the total profits obtained by the two classes. R is the derivative of the ratio of capital with respect to time, k_A/k_B, where the derivative of each is assumed to be proportional to its corresponding X (the constant being p), and k_A = k while k_B = 1.

  • mathematics Mathematics Marxist Game Theory?
  • pancake pancake 2 weeks ago 100%

    Noted, thanks a lot!

  • comradeship Comradeship // Freechat Communist Zaibatsu: Why Communists Should Embrace Dengist Revolution, Industrial Cooperatives, and Stakhanovitism
  • pancake pancake 2 weeks ago 100%

    Interesting post, I can't say I personally agree with it, but it poses interesting questions and hypotheses.

    I think unions could actually be useful in this hypothetical scenario. They could increase the amount of funding for the working class, as well as make competitors less competitive against the cooperative conglomerate, which in turn would offer jobs to workers to give them a better bargaining position in unions. Hope this helps your line of thought.

  • mathematics Mathematics Marxist Game Theory?
  • pancake pancake 2 weeks ago 100%

    Interesting, that's a great conclusion to extract.

    I would like to see next how much difference in expenses can be tolerated. Since the model predicts a higher R in the salary region than I expected, that seems to indicate at least some headroom for disadvantage, which might increase with improvements in productivity and decrease with attempts by the bourgoise class to make negotiation asymmetrical.

    I wonder if analyzing the more general case could show the relationship between the development of productive forces and the various mechanisms of capitalism.

    Anything else I should note? This is turning out to be an even more interesting learning path than I thought :)

  • mathematics Mathematics Marxist Game Theory?
  • pancake pancake 2 weeks ago 100%

    Thank you, very good point! I will certainly use them now that I feel more confident with this kind of problems.

  • mathematics
    Mathematics pancake 2 weeks ago 100%
    Marxist Game Theory?

    I'm learning game theory these days, and I've tried my hand at some problems inspired by ML theory. Here's one I found really interesting. Let's assume the following (clearly unrealistic) situation: 1. Working class (**A**) and bourgeoisie (**B**) form perfectly cooperative coalitions. 2. They may negotiate salaries, with no class having any mechanism to obtain a better bargaining position. 3. **A** cooperatively owns some amount _k_ of capital, while **B** owns (arbitrarily) 1. In principle, _k_ < 1. 4. **B** has some labor power _b_, while **A** has (arbitrarily) 1. Again, _b_ < 1. 5. Production follows a [Cobb-Douglas function](, where the sum of the output elasticities of capital and labor is 1. 6. Both classes consume the same proportion of their income and use the remainder to acquire more capital. Therefore, the payoffs in our problem can be stated like this (where _w_ is the labor given to **B** and _s_ is the compensation given to **A** for this labor): X_A = A k**α (1 - w)**β + s X_B = A (b + w)**β - s We would like to find how the ratio of **A**'s capital to **B**'s changes over time, so we compute its derivative using the quotient rule, and note that the proportion of income (_p_) spent on capital is the same for both classes: `R = p X_A - k p X_B` Finally, we find the Nash equilibrium and its corresponding _R_ at each combination of _k_ and _b_: ![]( Note the attractor curve coinciding with `k = 1/b`. In other words, ~~if both _k_ and _b_ are higher than 0~~, the eventual equilibrium will be for **A** and **B** to own capital proportional to their labor power. Edit: fixed some missing solutions near `k = 0`.

    Cryptography pancake 3 weeks ago 100%
    [Idea] FHE-RAM-based message routing

    I have been thinking about implementing this for quite some time, but I would like some feedback from people more knowledgeable than me on the matter. There's been some great progress in the field of Private Information Retrieval (PIR) protocols. Recently, in a 2022 article, Lin et al. describe an "updateable DEPIR", with both read and write times that can be made sublinear to database size. I wonder if one couldn't use a combination of this technique and regular public-key cryptography to provide fully anonymous message routing. One could write outgoing messages to a fixed address and issue private reads to their contacts' addresses, with the messages themselves being encrypted with the receiver's public key. The benefit of this would be a messaging protocol wherein the server wouldn't just be oblivious to the content of all messages, but also the social graph itself, plus all message-sending operations becoming deniable as a side effect.

    Ask Lemmygrad pancake 1 month ago 97%
    How does the CPC intend to/currently help advance socialism in the rest of the world?

    First of all, I'm sorry if my question could be easily answered by finding the right source. Overall I'd say I read very little theory written by contemporary comrades, and that's something I need to fix once I have the time.

    Comradeship // Freechat pancake 3 months ago 98%
    I passed the Russian language exam!

    Remember [this post]( (tl;dr: did an A2 Russian language examination after nothing more than Duolingo lessons for two years)? Well, I passed the tests! Performed kind of poorly in the essay, as expected, but still well enough not to hurt my overall score; spoken test went fine (to my surprise), as did the comprehension tests.

    Linux pancake 4 months ago 100%
    5 years tracking Linux market share

    1 more year has passed, and I'm still tracking these numbers, albeit now posting with a different username. The upward tendency has not just continued, but even increased; now Linux is nearing 4 % market share globally and over 2 % on Steam.

    Comradeship // Freechat pancake 4 months ago 100%
    After a two-year streak on Duolingo, I'm taking an official language test

    I'm taking a CEFR A2 Russian language exam in a few minutes. Let's see if a massive Duolingo addiction is all it akes to crack it.

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    Maps pancake 5 months ago 100%
    Real median wealth per adult (2022)

    I remember [this post]( that compared the quality of life in the DPRK and the US. There are many ways in which traditional stats like the GDP per capita exhibit bias in favor of some countries; countries may differ in their... * ...distribution of wealth. * ...basic expenses. * ...cost of products and services. So, I decided to give it a shot. I started from median wealth per adult values published by UBS (data from 2022); my logic was that two people who end up, no matter their income, with the same amount of expendable income will acquire a similar amount of value in the form of equities, real estate, vehicles... By using the median value, I make sure that wealth in countries with high inequality isn't overestimated. Then, I multiplied these values by the ratio between adjusted (international dollars at 2017 prices PPP) and unadjusted GDP per capita of each country, using data from 2022 by the IMF. There are some interesting things to note within the map. Enjoy!

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    Socialism pancake 6 months ago 95%
    Socialist countries did great in 2022

    Two weeks ago the Human Development Report 2023/24 was published. As I did last year, here's a comparison of current and past socialist and capitalist economies' HDI (not weighed), along with the standard error of the latter group and a p-value computed via Mann-Whitney U-test. Looks like socialist countries are now (in 2022) fully on par with their capitalist counterparts. All of them except Cuba saw a sharp increase in their HDI, while capitalist countries are yet to recover from the COVID-19 pandemic and its economic consequences.

    Ask Lemmygrad pancake 6 months ago 100%
    What is regenerative economy, in your words?

    Ok, so I was reading about solarpunk and circular economy and such, and came across [this]( Seems pretty reasonable, but also very vaguely worded, both by Wikipedia and the Capital Institute. I don't yet understand what they actually advocate for in terms of economic power dynamics, and I was wondering if any of you have heard of this concept before and think it's worth reading more into it. Ps. if you think it's some sort of lunatic pseudo-science please let me know, that can help me keep myself safe.

    Mental Health pancake 7 months ago 100%
    Next few weeks are going to be awful...

    As some of you might know, I experience strong mood swings accompanied during the hyperthymic phases by delirious thoughts (technically not bipolar though, so no option for targeted treatment until it worsens, for now I only get an antipsychotic drug at low dose). I already feel a reduced need for sleep, lots of energy, etc. And I'm beginning to spend much more money than usual, making ridiculous plans, talking and writing too much and having a fast stream of thoughts involving nonsensical math, economy and science. This time I'll try to keep myself safe. So no more huge debates with libs on Reddit, no more deranged thought posts here, etc. Irl my friends and family know when to warn me.

    China pancake 7 months ago 100%
    Share of China’s top companies in the private sector continued to steadily decline in 2023

    It's really cool that the trend is going on. It's also interesting how this seems to correlate so well with inflation in the US (ignore badly applied statistical test): ![]( Guess that capital gotta keep expanding at all costs :)

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    Socialism pancake 11 months ago 92%
    Catching up again despite best efforts from the imperialists

    # Methods I downloaded and used HDI values from the 2022 report, which contains data up to 1990, and values for 1975-1985 from the 2009. Then successively added any missing data from reports starting from 2008 to 1990, since some values (specifically from some socialist nations) are deleted in the latter reports. **Note that data before 1990 uses a different methodology, which explains the jagged line.** Finally, I used linear regression to complete any countries that only missed a single data point. Then, I computed the average of all capitalist and socialist countries that existed at the end of each year, and plotted it. For capitalist countries, I also plotted the standard error (it's too large to represent for socialist countries). The dashed line is the p-value computed via the Mann–Whitney U test, which is the probability (out of 1) that comparing random countries from both groups would not show any difference. That is, the closer to 0, the more likely it is that there is an actual difference between the groups. # Limitations * The HDI reports are missing lots of data, especially from the first decades. This could have been subject to selective reporting. * Means and p-value are computed without weighting by population. Either doing or not doing it may introduce different biases. * A mean might not be the best way to quantify the behavior of a wildly varied set of countries. * While the HDI is computed in such a way that taking means makes sense, there may be biases in its calculation.

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    [Request for opinions] Decentralized belief system proposal

    This proposal involves a possible path forward towards a decentralized system offering a degree-of-belief consensus on a non-trivial subset of all natural language statements, including those about reality. Its possible uses include: * Decentralized, formally verified scientific research aggregation. * Automated literature review and meta-analysis. * Proof- and incentive-assisted debate. * Trustless fact-checking. * Decentralized governance in arbitrary contexts. The system would consist of three layers that would be designed and built sequentially, each extending the system's capabilities upon implementation: * **Layer/phase 1**: optimistic decentralized formal proof verification with reverse dependency tracking. Introduces all statements verifiable in the proof system. * **Layer/phase 2**: formal definition and implementation of "extractors" and "injectors" mapping in and out of proofs via non-L1 "soft" axioms. Increases the scope to real-world statements not depending on real-world data. * **Layer/phase 3**: incentive-based voting system for presumably non-provable statements, which would extract proofs about degree-of-belief statements and use them to update its state in a way that incentivizes informed belief. This is a draft diagram of what the first layer could look like (each bubble represents a CIC expression, including proofs): ![]( During initial testing, [Coq]( could be used both for compilation of system components and verification (as part of the system itself). Afterwards, minimal _ad hoc_ infrastructure could be set up and verified.

    Mechanical Keyboards pancake 1 year ago 92%
    The design of my new keyboard

    My old keyboard served me well, but lately I'm having to replace a broken switch every month so I'm not sure it's worth it. It's also noisy as hell and I hate the backlighting with every piece of my heart. So here's the replacement. I've ordered it from [WASD Keyboards](, hmu for the design file. Obviously Spanish layout, I chose MX Cherry Brown switches, light pastel colors to improve visibility under dim lighting, and a [pattern]( from a Gray-Scott reaction-diffusion system to decorate special keys. I've added a few (superfluous) icons for editing operations and arrow keys for Vim, as well as part of an Aristotle quote I like, just because the spacebar felt so empty. I used the old Greek translation simply to avoid distracting myself (I can barely read even modern Greek, so this looks like an uneventful string of accented letters to me).

    Comradeship // Freechat pancake 1 year ago 84%
    Hi Lemmygrad!

    I miss my old, hugely based feed on, now it's just libs everywhere... so I followed your advice and moved here!
