asklemmy Asklemmy What about clicking a checkbox means I'm human? How does Cloudflare determine I'm human from that?
  • nick nick 4 weeks ago 100%

    It uses other signals too, like what other sites you've visited with that checkbox on it, what CloudFlare has seen your IP address doing in the past, etc.

    The google one is able to see if you're logged into a google account and take that into account.

    There's even a new variant of the Google captcha that is invisible and doesn't even bother to show a checkbox.

  • til Today I Learned TIL about the Gell-Mann amnesia effect; when experts find articles published within their field to be full of errors, but trust articles about other fields in the same publication
  • nick nick 1 month ago 100%

    This reminds me of a great video about this sort of principle in reverse:

  • news News Starbucks is reeling as customers go elsewhere, sales decline
  • nick nick 2 months ago 100%

    It's different in different markets. In Australia and New Zealand it's usually a reasonably well made medium-dark blend.

    You'll get much better at any dedicated café, but it's also miles better than sbux (who don't even use real espresso machines).

  • fediverse Fediverse PSA: Alternatives for the most popular communities
  • nick nick 3 months ago 75%

    I enjoy OpenMW and I'm happy to host if you want, although my instance is basically just me and a few friends right now.

  • programmerhumor Programmer Humor Totally logical and expected functionality
  • nick nick 4 months ago 100%

    I've used a number of different Linux distros (including Debian) on laptops over the years. Although most recently my XPS 15 was running Arch.

  • 196 196 Kendruleck
  • nick nick 4 months ago 100%


  • nick nick 5 months ago 100%

    *rate, comment, and subscribe

    Gotta get those five stars

  • unixporn unixporn Just ported my awesomewm theme to hyprland + nixos
  • nick nick 5 months ago 100%

    That's a nice rice!

    How are you finding awesomewm? I've just been on i3 since forever but I'm always interested to hear about other WMs

  • programmer_humor Programmer Humor Computer components cheat sheet
  • nick nick 6 months ago 100%

    I think they're lawful evil, more devils than demons.

  • programming Programming Is TypeScript a fad or is my manager delusional?
  • nick nick 6 months ago 95%

    Hi, I've been doing TypeScript in my day-job and hobbies for six and a bit years now. I would not write JS in any other way.

    TS is also a superset of JS so all JS is valid (unless you turn on strict mode). So there is no productivity loss/learning curve unless you want there to be.

    In fact, a lot of people who think they're not using typescript are using it because their editors use typescript definitions for autocomplete and JSDoc type signatures are powered by typescript.

  • nick nick 6 months ago 100%

    In my experience I haven't had an issue because usually the refactorings are small. If they're not I just hop on a call with the person who wrote the MR and ask them to walk me through it.

    In theory I'd like to have time to dedicate solely to code health, but that's not quite the situation in basically any team I've been in.

  • nick nick 6 months ago 88%

    You should refactor as needed as you go because refactoring cases are never gonna be prioritised.

  • memes solarpunk memes be punk, do vidya
  • nick nick 6 months ago 100%

    That sounds like bug propaganda right there

  • programmer_humor Programmer Humor Open Source VS Company
  • nick nick 6 months ago 100%

    There's a markdown entry thing in the drop down menu that'll convert your MD to their formatting.

  • newzealand Aotearoa / New Zealand Aotearoa Daily Kōrero 25/3/2024
  • nick nick 6 months ago 100%

    By doing this the connections are all severed, the RAM is freed up, and it’s all good again.

    Ah, neat! I didn't think of that. You can limit the size of the connection pool in your lemmy config fwiw.

    Nice, that looks like it's doing a similar thing to my weird mess of SQL and Python that I did last year haha

    Good luck for the migration :)

  • newzealand Aotearoa / New Zealand Aotearoa Daily Kōrero 25/3/2024
  • nick nick 6 months ago 100%

    cronjob to restart the backend lemmy container

    Fair enough, that'd work. I run my database in a different pod to lemmy (I run this all in kubernetes), and I cannot restart that pod without causing an outage for a bunch of other things like my personal website. I ended up just needing to tune my config to have a maximum RAM usage and then configuring k8s to request that much RAM for the DB pod, so it always has the resources it needs.

    pictrs image cache is 250-300gb

    oof :(
    That's what my custom lemmy patch was, it turned off pictrs caching. That's now in lemmy as a config flag (currently a boolean but in 0.20 it will be on/off/proxy where the proxy option goes via your pictrs but does not cache). I then went back through mine and did a bunch of SQL to figure out which pictrs images I could safely delete and got my cache down to 3GB.

  • newzealand Aotearoa / New Zealand Aotearoa Daily Kōrero 25/3/2024
  • nick nick 6 months ago 100%

    Interesting. I have some New Relic stuff setup with my cluster but most of that is just resource usage stuff. I ran out of RAM a while back so I've had to be a bit more restrictive about how many connections Lemmy can have to postgres db.

    There’s no progress meter and so far it has taken 2 days 😱.

    Uh oh. I considered updating to 0.5 as part of my 0.18.3-ish (I was running a custom fork I made with some image caching stuff that has since been merged in to real lemmy) -> 0.19.3 upgrade but I'm glad I didn't.

    Thanks for the heads up. Are you migrating to postgres for pictrs too, or sticking with sled?

  • newzealand Aotearoa / New Zealand Aotearoa Daily Kōrero 25/3/2024
  • nick nick 6 months ago 100%

    These are pretty neat graphs! Is it sourced from the Prometheus logs?

    Just updated to 0.19.3 but the DB migrations failed due to a permissions change I made a while back to my DB, so I had to spend a few hours in the SQL dungeons fixing things.

  • 196
    196 nick 6 months ago 100%
    Rule says "believe in yourself"
    world World News Hong Kong Article 23: Basic rights threatened as law enacted, critics charge
  • nick nick 6 months ago 100%

    Yeah, I'm not justifying the annexation.

  • world World News Hong Kong Article 23: Basic rights threatened as law enacted, critics charge
  • nick nick 6 months ago 100%

    Technically only some of HK was under the lease, some was indefinitely controlled by the British. However, you're still right because of the military force difference.

  • espresso Espresso Remove the three very old pinned posts?
  • nick nick 6 months ago 100%

    The Breville Bambino (Plus) with a nice grinder is basically an impossible value-to-money ratio to beat. Also remember to factor in a scale that's accurate to 0.1g, a cheap WDT tool with thin needles (i.e. 0.35mm), and a dosing funnel to make the WDT not messy. If your budget is limited then you can skip the WDT tool I guess.

    I wouldn't go for the Barista Express/Pro because the built in grinder is not very good. The "impress" version of the Barista Express could still be worth it if you're not looking to make espresso a hobby and just want something easy that will make tasty drinks. I'd recommend joining the Espresso Afficianado's discord server, which is where a lot of the /r/espresso long-stays moved to after the reddit API stuff. There's a channel for beginners that can help you get started.

  • linuxmemes linuxmemes Who was your first?
  • nick nick 6 months ago 100%

    I attempted to boot Mandrake/Mandrivia on an old laptop once and failed, then I mucked around in Slackware's live CD for an afternoon. The first thing I actually installed and used daily was Ubuntu 10.04.

  • lemmy_support Lemmy Support Any way to run lemmy => 0.19.2 in docker on arm64? It crashes with error 139
  • nick nick 6 months ago 100%

    I'm running on 0.19.3 without any issues on Linux arm64. I built my own docker image though.

  • technology Technology YSK: Lemmy has 53k monthly active users but only 1172 have ever donated
  • nick nick 6 months ago 100%

    The web is built on hot linking hypermedia. It is more fragile obviously, but it distributes the bandwidth and storage load. If nobody hotlinked, then small forum admins/Lemmy admins/etc. have considerably more cost to bear.

  • nick nick 6 months ago 100%

    Rust is roughly similar to C in most of these benchmarks and beats it in a few:

    Arguably when LLVM gets a bit better, Rust can be even faster than C because rust can be optimised in more places safely than C code can. The issue is that LLVM wasn't written with that in mind, so some performance is left on the table.

  • espresso Espresso I went traditional and split a shot into singles to try out these new demitasse cups I got for Christmas
  • nick nick 6 months ago 100%

    I chose not to care, I had both cups on the scale and they looked about even though. If I really wanted accuracy I would have pulled the shot into a shot splitting cup and then split afterwards.

  • nick nick 6 months ago 100%

    Go, Java, and Nim (in most cases) are all memory safe but are generally slower than C or C++ due to the ways they achieve memory safety.

    Rust's memory safety approach is zero-cost performance wise, which makes it practical for low level, high throughput, and low latency applications.

  • nick nick 6 months ago 100%

    That flag exists, it's called unsafe for if you need to tell the borrow checker to trust you or unwrap if you don't want to deal with handling errors on most ADTs.

    You can always cast anything to an unmanaged pointer type and use it in unsafe code.

  • nick nick 6 months ago 100%

    A crash is different to a SEGFAULT. I'd be very surprised to see a safe rust program segfault unless it was actively exploiting a compiler bug.

  • programmerhumor Programmer Humor Uh....oh....i guess it's work then
  • nick nick 7 months ago 100%

    As a compiler developer this speaks to me on a deep level lol

  • espresso Espresso I went traditional and split a shot into singles to try out these new demitasse cups I got for Christmas
  • nick nick 9 months ago 100% that I picked up when I was in Sydney earlier this month. It's a little darker than I usually go for but it's quite forgiving.

  • espresso Espresso I went traditional and split a shot into singles to try out these new demitasse cups I got for Christmas
  • nick nick 9 months ago 100%

    It was nice, although fairly mellow because I pulled it 20g:60g (so two 30g singles)

  • espresso Espresso I went traditional and split a shot into singles to try out these new demitasse cups I got for Christmas
  • nick nick 9 months ago 100%

    Yep! They're based in the city I live in, so everything is quite reasonably priced. I think that deep blue is my favourite colour of theirs.

  • newzealand Aotearoa / New Zealand Aotearoa Daily Kōrero 16/12/2023
  • nick nick 9 months ago 100%

    Wellington needs more karaoke spots

  • world World News Hungary blocks €50bn of EU funding for Ukraine
  • nick nick 9 months ago 100%

    You need everyone else in the EU to agree to remove them. Poland and Hungary sort of protect each other from EU consequences.

  • programmerhumor Programmer Humor know the features of your language
  • nick nick 9 months ago 100%
    ((a, b) => a ?? b)();
  • programmerhumor Programmer Humor know the features of your language
  • nick nick 10 months ago 100%
    const fn = (a, b) => a ?? b
  • 196 196 Market shar(ul)e
  • nick nick 10 months ago 100%

    They're both free software licences (i.e. you can get the source code for for BSD licenced software and GPL licenced software that you're using at no extra charge and modify it as you please). The GPL licence has an additional restriction for developers that says if you use any GPL code in your codebase, your entire codebase must also be GPL or some other compatible open source licence.

    This means that if I made some code parses a file format and another developer includes that code in their program to support that file format, they're now forced to licence their whole codebase with a similar licence to the GPL. If it was BSD then they would only have to mention that they used my BSD licenced code and include a copy of that licence. A user would then be able to go and see my original code that was used, but not the rest of that application's code or any modifications that the application author made to my code. Because the GPL is too restrictive for most developers here, there's a version of the GPL called the LGPL which is often used for code meant to be used by other programs which is closer to the BSD licence but additionally requires that if they modify your code, they must also share that modified code.

    I usually use a licence in the middle called the MPL (Mozilla Public Licence), which is similar to the LGPL but has a few things I prefer and has the advantage for me of not being connected to the FSF and GNU project.

  • 196 196 This rule is about me, I am dumb
  • nick nick 11 months ago 100%

    I didn't make the meme, I saw it on twitter and thought it was funny in a self deprecating way.

  • newzealand Aotearoa / New Zealand Aotearoa Daily Kōrero 04/11/2023
  • nick nick 11 months ago 100%

    I use all three, although primarily run Linux and macOS.

    I think Apple's hardware offerings have really beaten the competition with their new M-series chips just outperforming everyone else with significantly less energy. You also get the advantage of macOS being a UNIX system, so if you're familiar with Linux, the same principles apply.

    I switched from running Linux on my Surface Pro 3, then Linux on a Dell XPS 15, to a 14" MacBook Pro with the 10-core M1 Pro. I still use Linux on my desktop and love it, but macOS is very similar to Linux and apple's portable hardware beats everyone else by about 3 years or more imo. There are definitely some apple universe quirks but I wouldn't consider anyone else for a laptop for another few generations of competitors attempting to catch up with where apple was in 2021.

  • 196
    196 nick 11 months ago 100%
    This rule is about me, I am dumb
    Aotearoa / New Zealand nick 11 months ago 98%
    Just voted!

    Voted early the past two elections but I decided that for the first time ever, I'd do it on the day

    Espresso nick 1 year ago 95%
    James Hoffmann: The $20,000 Espresso Machine, The Manument: The Swiss Watch Of Lever Espresso Machines -

    cross-posted from: > Hope you all find this interesting, delighted I got the chance to have a play with the machine!

    pics nick 1 year ago 98%
    Cabin (geodome) in the woods

    cross-posted from: > Stayed in here for a couple nights last year: > > ![]( > > ![](

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    Cozy Places nick 1 year ago 100%
    Cabin (geodome) in the woods

    Stayed in here for a couple nights last year: ![]( ![](

    The Night Feeling nick 1 year ago 100%
    Nighttime walking
    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    Lemmy Support nick 1 year ago 100%
    Query to fix modlog

    The modlog page can break if anyone has been banned with an expiry too far into the future, I grabbed this query to fix it from the github issue a while back and refined it a little if it's useful to anyone: ```sql BEGIN; -- The modlog UI breaks for bans too far in the future SELECT * FROM mod_ban WHERE expires > now() + INTERVAL '10 years'; -- Lets just make them permanent as an easy fix lol UPDATE mod_ban SET expires = NULL WHERE expires > now() + INTERVAL '10 years'; -- See our changes SELECT * FROM mod_ban WHERE expires > now() + INTERVAL '10 years'; ROLLBACK; -- replace ROLBACK; with COMMIT; if you're happy ``` This will make any ban with an expiry >10 years into the future permanent and fix your modlog. If this happens a lot it might be worth making this a trigger in your lemmy db.

    The Elder Scrolls Lore nick 1 year ago 100%
    Sheogorath is a HOAX

    shamelessly stolen from because it made me chuckle

    New Communities nick 1 year ago 94%
    (TrueSTL) The Elder Scrolls Lore - A place to shitpost about the insane lore around The Elder Scrolls

    # Links [/c/](/c/ ! # About (not officially affiliated with /r/TrueSTL) Do you often find yourself wondering about the true nature of Ogrim nipple-piercings? Does the mythology of Space Pirate Captain Harlock make your head spin? Do you want to learn more about the metaphysics of Sword Art Online, your favorite Cambodian Silent Film? Do you find your questions, concerns, and philosophical quandaries unaddressed by Final Fantasy: Online? Worry not. ! is a place that encourages discussion on any and all facets of CHIM, Dragon Breaks and the Hist, the greater bodies of Elder Scrolls fiction, without judgement or prejudice. Here at !, every Muatra is big enough to achieve CHIM.

    196 nick 1 year ago 100%
    196 nick 1 year ago 100%
    rule is so me frfr
    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    Lemmy Support nick 1 year ago 97%
    FYI I made a patch for lemmy that turns off pictrs caching

    I was getting close to hitting the end of my free object storage so there was time pressure involved haha. Seems to work but I haven't tested it too much. Currently running on my instance.

    Lemmy Shitpost nick 1 year ago 94%
    The current state of search engines (music video)

    I swear that SEO has gotten so good that Google has just been broken

    aww nick 1 year ago 100%
    Aotearoa / New Zealand nick 1 year ago 100%
    Shot of the southern cross from Wellington

    Stargazing in anticipation of Matariki

    Science nick 1 year ago 100%
    What if light was really slow?

    Really well made video from a pretty small channel

    Aotearoa / New Zealand nick 1 year ago 94%
    Makara Peak is my happy place

    cross-posted from: > My favourite part of Wellington

    Great Out Doors nick 1 year ago 100%
    Makara Peak is my happy place

    My favourite part of Wellington

    Espresso nick 1 year ago 97%
    Some latte art I did on a flat white I made

    The shot I pulled for this is here: As you can see from the graph I’ve been experimenting with 6 bar shots for my medium roasts to enhance the sweet chocolatey characteristics. I like what I'm getting although it feels _wrong_ haha

    NZ Politics nick 1 year ago 100%
    Migration top of agenda at latest Five Eyes meeting in Wellington

    Interesting to see the balancing act of the foreign trip to China & the 5 Eyes having a meeting here. Definitely hard to keep everyone happy.

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    Some latte art I did on a flat white I made