linux Linux WINE / PlayOnLinux
  • michel michel 3 weeks ago 100%

    I used PlayOnLinux for years.
    Recently I migrated to Lutris. I have a Wine installation which are 15 Years old and Works fine on Lutris.
    Thanks to Lutris and its modern Settings I could use modern technology for my 32bit games.

  • linux Linux no screens found
  • michel michel 3 weeks ago 100%

    I have a computer where xserver not work if you try to use it together with the internal graphiccard. With Wayland even a Screen on this internal card works.
    So I propose to try Wayland.

  • linux Linux Is there a program that I can run on my laptop to tell me what Linux distro supports the hardware out of the box? Also whether the hardware is supported at all?
  • michel michel 1 month ago 100%

    I installed a linux onto an USB stick
    installed Hw-probe. Created a little script that saved the result to disk. and opened the browser to the result page.

    And went to a Store:

    1. Insert USB Stick
    2. Press SHIFT on a Windows PC
    3. Than do a Power off on Windows
    4. chose reboot to stick
    5. connect smart-phone with thetering
    6. run HW-Probe script

    I was allowed to do that on every store i visited. Mostly I asked if the local staff would like see a running linux.

    That way I choosed my current laptop

  • linuxmemes linuxmemes What can I say, I didn't want to wait on my provider lol
  • michel michel 2 months ago 100%

    I need that!

    Is there a tutorial for that? I have an Old outdated Synology nas that I wish to replace the system with an Open Media Vault.

  • programmerhumor Programmer Humor Read only friday
  • michel michel 2 months ago 100%
  • opensource Open Source The May 2024 Organic Maps update with bookmarks and tracks sorting by name, better paved/unpaved paths colors, GPX import fixes, drive-through, and many other changes
  • michel michel 3 months ago 100%

    Streetcomplete meanwhile has an overlay for POIs also.
    This Overlay is may not that detailed but after you placed a new poi the streetcomplete usual feature ask for details.

  • programmerhumor Programmer Humor Old timers know
  • michel michel 3 months ago 100%

    That's a thing I never understood. Everyone knows this problem but until now ther isn't a single Filesystem for linux that support version control native.


  • opensource Open Source collaborative map software?
  • michel michel 3 months ago 100%

    @technomad Streetcomplete has a team modus - never used it - As far I could see it only helps not maping the same Items.
    I dont know what happens to notes and how instant they appear.…

  • opensource Open Source The May 2024 Organic Maps update with bookmarks and tracks sorting by name, better paved/unpaved paths colors, GPX import fixes, drive-through, and many other changes
  • michel michel 3 months ago 100%

    @selokichtli @warm Ever used #StreetComplete?…

    It is really helpfull If you wish enhancing OSM

  • world World News UK’s richest family on trial in Switzerland for human trafficking, confiscating staff passports, paying as little as £7/day
  • michel michel 3 months ago 100%

    Several family members got 4,5 years each in Prison.
    They will take the judgment to the next court.

  • selfhosted Selfhosted Adblock and VPN all in one?
  • michel michel 3 months ago 100%

    For Android I recommend Rethink
    It has Wireguard, DNS and Firewall (per app and per IP/Domain)

  • opensource Open Source Is there any closed source android app that you wish had a good open source alternative?
  • michel michel 3 months ago 100%

    I would like to request a feature vor my prefered gallary app Aves.
    I would like to have a protocol agnostic tool for Offline files.
    I wish to work with my Images storred on a Server at home. It would be nice if I could Sync files with it and descide if an Image should be storred localy or only on server.

    Storrage agnostic means, that i'm able to use either other saf integrations or been able to etablish a connection inside aves to smb or ssh-ftp.

    I miss such an app also for my Linux laptop. Currently, such a way of managing files currently exist only on Windows ( OneDrive, Dropbox)

  • linux Linux what foss phone OS do you use and why?
  • michel michel 3 months ago 100%

    Could you elaborate what you mean with that?

  • linux Linux what foss phone OS do you use and why?
  • michel michel 3 months ago 100%

    Such question I like to answer with this link from a security specislist.

    Please check the category Android.
    Graphene seems the best possible custom rom.
    I use Lineageos because I got an old phone for free.

  • linux Linux Is there any way to turn my Linux machine into a docking station?
  • michel michel 3 months ago 100%

    That is a really cool idea! If you find a solution, please let me know.

  • linuxmemes linuxmemes And Debian is supposed to be the stable one
  • michel michel 3 months ago 100%

    I'm on the same point. Until i had my multi connection bluetooth I worked the same way. The problem now. It does not work that nice.
    I try currently to switch back. But my goal currently is using my #Kodi Mediacenter. But Kodi sems still using alsa. It was a hack to get simultaniousl y output with a bluetooth speaker. (For Radio in other rooms)
    I gave up this network audio setup for Kodi.


  • linux Linux Wine 9.10 Released With Upgrade To VKD3D 1.12, Brings DPI Awareness Improvements
  • michel michel 4 months ago 100%

    I have an old Windows 2000 game that I plan to install on Wine and a 12 year old NVidia Graphic card. Half a year ago I strugle to get it run on #Lutris. I randomly activated and deactivated checkboxes, because nower was Manual with a proper description of the settings. I gave it up a some point. At least I resceived te Start screen without crash.
    Are there any manuals how to choose settings for a game?

  • linux Linux Here’s what we’re working on in Firefox | The Mozilla Blog
  • michel michel 4 months ago 50%

    Do you do somethig to solve these Security Issues:

  • linux Linux Disk imaging
  • michel michel 4 months ago 100%

    I use gnome-disks.
    Then according to this german article:…
    I reduce the images Partition to the smallest possible.
    edit it's content with kpartx and remove cache, tmp and trashbin
    and reduce the disk and image size with pishrink.…

  • linux Linux Wayland usage has overtaken X11
  • michel michel 4 months ago 100%

    Hw-probe is a nice project. To buy my laptop I created an usb bootable linux that auto connectet my mobile hotspot and uploaded the report.
    I went to som shops and usbbooted their devices.
    Most shops had no problem with that.
    So I found a working convertable laptop. 👍

    What's sad ont this website is the poor desin of this homepage.
    It is really not usable, except for your own device. But also there its difficult to analyse for certain hardware details.

  • linux Linux Systemd wants to expand to include a sudo replacement
  • michel michel 5 months ago 100%

    Systemd is nice. I miss GUI apps for #SystemD.
    Permanent mounting a Network drive or creating new Services and inspect and modify is such a point.

  • lemmyshitpost Lemmy Shitpost As a long-time user hearing YouTube wants to play extra ads when I pause a video
  • michel michel 5 months ago 100%
  • linuxmemes linuxmemes Seen this countless times
  • michel michel 5 months ago 100%

    Metro map zu deiner perfekten Distro:

  • selfhosted Selfhosted In search of software for managing my life (like a helpdesk but in a lite format)
    opensource Open Source What apps would you love to have open-source alternatives for?
  • michel michel 5 months ago 100%

    I don't know.

  • opensource Open Source What apps would you love to have open-source alternatives for?
  • michel michel 5 months ago 100%

    There are currently some changes on the way. They fundamentally solve the Topo-Naming-Problem I propose to try again after the next release.
    I don`t know the #Onsel fork. In what way does it differ from #Freecad or Freecad from #realthunder?


  • opensource Open Source What apps would you love to have open-source alternatives for?
  • michel michel 5 months ago 100%

    Here a list of comments to the same subject on f-droid forum:…

  • technology Technology Microsoft is blocking Windows Customization Tools
  • michel michel 6 months ago 20%

    As far I read on internet and benchnatks, If you have a working #Vulkan, the average performance between Windows and #Wine (proton) is equal. That means also, there cases where a Windows Games performs beter on a Linux with proton.
    I assume the cause is also that some gamedeveloper enhance a game for steam deck also.
    I propose to retest your case again.


  • technology Technology Unsmart a smart TV
  • michel michel 6 months ago 100%

    Thats my plan. Installing #Kodi and install the #Zattoo and #Netflix Plugin for Kodi. And watching TV after that.

    The depressing point is:
    I need a VPN app like #NetGuard to block apps which violating my privacy.
    I need Kodi and #OpenSource Software to have a seamless integration of two Services in one app.

    But one thing is cool. The Rest API of Kodi will allow to steer the TV.
    I currently use the #libreelec on a raspi as an Alarmclock in the morning #nodered start online radio.

    If everything works there is a plan for may use it with #Moonlight as gamestation.
    In the near future I will also create a Videophone for my grandma with #Threema libre from #Fdroid.

  • technology Technology Unsmart a smart TV
  • michel michel 6 months ago 96%

    Do you know a list of hackable tv's or at least brands?
    I'm very interested in preparing for the moment my current tv break.

  • showerthoughts Showerthoughts After watching batman throw around explosives left and right I no longer believe batman doesn't use guns because of some sort of moral quandary but rather he just prefers the challenge.
    deutschland Deutschland Rentenpaket II: Hauptsache, die Alten sind fein raus
  • michel michel 6 months ago 100%

    In der Schweiz gibt es seit 1948 die Umlagefinanzierte AHV.…
    Wichtigstes Merkmal ist, das wirklich jeder Einzahlt.

  • android Android trouble with google photos app and should I switch to something else?
  • michel michel 7 months ago 100%

    What I like most, is the support of Album, Title and Tags this in a really good Design.

  • android Android trouble with google photos app and should I switch to something else?
  • michel michel 7 months ago 100%
  • technology Technology 10 Reasons You Should Switch From Chrome to Firefox.
  • michel michel 7 months ago 100%

    Fully agree, but please enhance your privacy with reducing your dependency to third party scripts.

  • nostupidquestions No Stupid Questions I'm a US citizen, people in other countries, what do you think when you read stories like these about the US health care system?
  • michel michel 7 months ago 100%

    If we want to go on vacation, it is strongly recommended to check the insurance not only in the USA but also when traveling to Canada, Japan, Australia, New Zealand or Cyprus.
    According to an article in a consumer magazine, it is strongly recommended to negotiate if you have to pay bills yourself. In most cases, the costs can be massively reduced. There are also said to be specialized companies that take over negotiations, some of which are also used by insurance companies.

    Translated with (free version)

  • dach DACH - jetzt auf Mai Thi Nguyen-Kim geht in die Politik
  • michel michel 7 months ago 100%

    Viel Erfolg.

  • linuxmemes linuxmemes I bet the rest of the world has better paper
  • michel michel 7 months ago 100%

    Two Questions:
    * Why is it needed to set up resolutions If you work with screens in these Modern days. There should only be zooming?
    * I have two screens one HD and one 4K. Why could I not set both screens as same physical high or same width?

  • programmer_humor Programmer Humor Happened to me multiple times
  • michel michel 7 months ago 100%

    Happens to me for paperless and keepassXC

  • helpers
    helpers michel 2 years ago 100%
    Wordpress and ActivityPub

    I would like to promote the Fediverse to a friend of mine. He has a WordPress and many posts. What combination for a good work together with the Fediverse would you recommend for an easy use (by experience if possible) ? Using : 1. Connect from friendica to a Wordpress? […]( and 2. Use a Wordpress addon and directly feed the fediverse (but depend on follower) […]( […]( 3. Use a Wordpress addon and post to friendica […]( […](
