challenges - Challenges maxmoon β€’ 1 year ago β€’ 100%
User ids of Habiticans

If you're still participating in utopify challenges over Habitica, you have to provide your user id, which can be found on the [settings page]( The reason is that it's one of the many ways to prevent cheaters to win the πŸ’Ž, because most of them only join a challenge and don't do anything afterwards, hoping they get chosen randomly. A bot will frequently read all the comments of this thread and save your user id from Habitica and your fediverse address. This is important to identify your reports you post here to the connecting challenges, which qualifies you on Habitica to win the πŸ’Ž (if there are not more rules in the challenge). It is only possible to connect one user id to one fediverse account. If the same user id will be posted later, it will be ignored and if you changed your fediverse account, then write a pm on Habitica [to me]( with your delete request so I can confirm your user id. Please do not share your api id. It is like a password and can be used to access your Habitica account. Only the **user id** should be posted here, so the bot can easily get the ids. No other text or emojis should be added, only the id. A user id looks like this: 12631f31-5d3f-4796-b315-ad7115749beb I've posted my id below as a demo, but no worries, I've excluded myself from winning in my own challenges.

challenges - Challenges User ids of Habiticans
  • maxmoon maxmoon 1 year ago β€’ 100%

    Currently I am reworking all challenges and the Pomodoro Count challenge will be similar to the Pomodoro Race.

    But there are problems with federation and I have to delete some posts here and it's a bummer that all people have to post their user id again.

    There is an annoying bug on lemmy, which destroys federation if you reinstall it.

  • challenges - Challenges maxmoon β€’ 1 year ago β€’ 100%
    🏎️ Pomodoro Race | Challange | Habitica Exclusive

    ## Summary Compete with other people in a πŸ… race. ### Race Process **Monday:** Challenge will be created and everyone on the planet can join the race (not depending on time zones). Check if the challenge is running [on the utopify.or guild page]( **Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday:** The race starts! The race is organized in 3 laps. One day is one lap. Participants have to write down the amount of completed todos every day in the note section of todos. **Friday:** The challenge will be closed and one participant of the better half will be randomly chosen to win the πŸ’Ž. ### Goals - Do as many poms as you can for 3 days ### Rules - The amount of all completed poms will be calculated automatically by a computer program. It is important you **only use numbers** in the todos notes section (on Habitica) otherwise it might count as 0 poms. - You only have to write down the amount of poms you have done on **Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday** in the notes section of the todos (on Habitica). There will be 3 todos for 3 laps. - You are not allowed to participate in the **:hourglass: Pomodoro Count** challenge at the same time - A random winner is chosen from the better half of the high score table - Because of different time zones the winner will be chosen one day after the challenge officially ended ## Information - You can find the new guild description [here](, which contains all currently running challenges of the utopify community - For this challenge you have to [provide your user id]( and [share your experience]( with the same Fediverse account. You can use any Fediverse account, like [Mastodon](, Kbin, Firefish or [Lemmy]( ## Tasks |Type|Name|Note| |---|---|---| |todo|🏎️ Lap 1|Delete this text and replace it with the amount of poms you did today. Please use only numbers.| |todo|🏎️ Lap 2|Delete this text and replace it with the amount of poms you did today. Please use only numbers.| |todo|🏎️ Lap 3|Delete this text and replace it with the amount of poms you did today. Please use only numbers.| |todo|🏎️ Do the [Pomodoro Technique Habit]( Challenge|If you already do/did the Pomodoro Technique Challenge, you can check this todo off.| |todo|🏎️ Reward yourself [optional]|It is really hard to stay focused for 3 days. But you did it! Reward yourself after the 🏎️ Pomodoro Race challenge.|

    help Lemmy Help Admins: Here's how to delete bot spam users from your Lemmy instance
  • maxmoon maxmoon 1 year ago β€’ 100%

    And there is another problem!

    After I've created testaccounts and purged them with the command above, I tried to register with the same name, but the website said:


    So the users haven't been purged correctly.

    I tried to restart all docker containers, but nothing changed, the user still exists.

  • help Lemmy Help Admins: Here's how to delete bot spam users from your Lemmy instance
  • maxmoon maxmoon 1 year ago β€’ 100%

    Thanks a lot for this really good tutorial.

    I was trying for a long time to connect to the database, but because I use docker the first time, I didn't know how?

    But there is a little thing that could destroy the whole Lemmy instance.

    The very first command, which deletes all users without a verified email, could delete the admin account, too, because the really first user, which gets created on a freshly installed instance doesn't need a verification.

    To avoid this, I've set the flag of the account, which had my email address in it to 't'. Attention! The very first admin account doesn't have person_id 1. In my case it was 2 (and I don't even know why?):

    UPDATE local_user SET email_verified='t' WHERE person_id=2

    After that I could execute the purge command without problems:

    DELETE FROM local_user WHERE email_verified = 'f';

    Request for other tutorials

    I am not a fan of ghost data or clutter my server with junk data and try to keep it as tidy as possible, but lemmy is a little bit messy if it's about this.

    After I set up an instance, I tried all functionality believing I can easily remove everything (that would be the intuitive way), but that wasn't the case.

    Now I have useless posts and comments, I can't purge from my instance. I only could delete them as a user, but now I see them with a red trash bin beside the post title or with the comment "deleted by user".

    A tutorial on how to purge deleted posts and comments would be very useful. I don't even know where posts are saved. Taking a look into the table "post" shows a lot of posts of other people, but I can't find them on my instance (I am currently the only one posting on my instance). What exactly is going on there? And is it save to delete those, too? Any way to avoid it in the future or is this somehow important?

  • challenges - Challenges maxmoon β€’ 1 year ago β€’ 100%
    πŸ“„ Contract with myself | Challenge

    ## Summary Create a contract for yourself by defining your goals, which you will reach this month. ## Description In this challenge you sign a contract written by yourself. ### What to do? - Define the goals you want to reach - Define a reward you will get, if you reach those goals - Define a penalty, if you not fulfill your contract ### Goals - Be able to define realistic goals for one month - Learn discipline by not deveiving yourself ### Rules - Stick to your own contract you signed - You have to participate in this challenge for a whole month - Share your experience in this thread ## Tasks |Type|Name|Note| |---|---|---| |daily|πŸ“„ Fullfill your contract|You signed a contract with yourself. Work on the goals you defined there and think about the reward.| |todo|πŸ“„ Define your goals|Which goals do you want reach this month?| |todo|πŸ“„ Define a penalty|What will you do, if you don't reach the goals you accepted in your contract?| |todo|πŸ“„ Define a reward|Define a reward, which you will get if you fullfilled everything in your contract?| |todo|πŸ“„ Write the contract|After defining your goals, reward and penalty, it's time to write the contract| |todo|πŸ“„ Sign the contract|This might be an easy task, but it comes with a lot of responsibility. Maybe you want to put it in an envelope to open it in the end of the month.|

    challenges - Challenges maxmoon β€’ 1 year ago β€’ 100%
    πŸŽ₯ Produce a Video | Challenge

    ## Summary Record, edit/cut and publish a video ## Description Video production can get overwhelming if you plan too complex videos and if you invest weeks for a short video it can get too much and you could stagnate. I [created complex videos](, but after a few days I had more material on my hard disk than I could cut. It was overwhelming, because my goal was to create high quality videos. For months I didn't publish a video and didn't work a lot on videos. Stagnation and procrastination started. With a simple habit to work on **non-complex and small videos** [like this](, we can get a healthy routine to work on videos again. Let us produce videos together! ## Goals - Occupy yourself with recording, cutting/editing and publishing videos - Create a video - Publish a video no matter if it's good or not ## Rules - You must create at least one video within 7 days - Publish the video and share the link here ## Tasks |Type|Name|Note| |---|---|---| |habit|πŸŽ₯ Publish another video|This might be very hard, but if you publish another video, you can hit the plus| |daily|πŸŽ₯ Video Editing|Occupy yourself with video editing/cutting and publishing. Watch tutorials or read blogs about video editing to reach your goals.| |todo|πŸŽ₯ Find a tool to edit/cut videos|I recommend the open source software [Kdenlive](| |todo|πŸŽ₯ Write down your video idea|Use paper/pen or an app. It doesn't matter! It's just important you are comfy with it.| |todo|πŸŽ₯ Finish editing a video|You can check this of if you finished a video| |todo|πŸŽ₯ Publish a video|I recommend to join a fitting [Peertube instance](, like me ([1. channel](, [2. channel]( or [YouTube](|

    challenges - Challenges maxmoon β€’ 1 year ago β€’ 100%
    🌠 Perseids Meteor Shower (July 17th to August 24th) | Challenge

    ## Summary In the next few weeks the most shooting stars can be seen this year. ## Description The perseids consist of the dissolution products of the comet *Swift-Tuttle* and earth is going through them every year resulting in a lot of shooting stars. From **July 17th to August 24th** the perseids can be seen on the night sky, but the most perseids can be seen in the night from **August 12th to 13th**. There will be up to **100 shooting stars per hour**. This spectacle is unique, as this is the night where most shooting stars can be seen throughout the whole year. More information about the Perseids can be found on [Wikipedia]( ## Goals - Find good wishes - Find a good location - Watch shooting stars - Make wishes ## Tasks |Type|Name|Note| |---|---|---| |todo|🌠 Mindfully think about wishes|Before you go out to watch the stars, you should take your time and mindfully think about the wishes you will make if you will see a shooting star. Write your wishes down (use a piece of paper, an app, a chat or post it here).| |todo|🌠 Find a good location|Find a good location where you can see most of the sky and lie comfortable. You may want to test this location before August 12th.| |todo|🌠 **Watch the night sky (August 12th - 13th)**|Most shooting stars can be seen tonight (August 12th - 13th). There will be up to 100 shooting stars per hour this Saturday.|

    challenges - Challenges maxmoon β€’ 1 year ago β€’ 100%
    ❔ What have I done? | Challenge

    # Summary Write down what you have done every day and at the end of the week you decide if it was a good or bad week. ## Description There are weeks were we do a lot of stuff and are productive and on others we are just lazy and do not do much. But in many cases we lose track which week was good and which one was bad and maybe there are more bad weeks than good. If so, we will change that, now! With this challenge you write down what you have done every day and after a week you just look at your notes and decide if it was a good or bad week. ## Goals of this challenge - Be aware of the stuff you are doing - Develop a feeling what a good or bad habit is ## Rules - Participate for 7 days in this challenge - Write down what you have done (every day) ## Tasks |Type|Name|Note| |---|---|---| |daily|❔ What have I done?|Write down what you have done today. It can be on paper, in an app, in a chat or here, it's up to you how you write down what you have done. You only have to find your notes in the end of the week.| |todo|❔ Decide if it was a good or bad week?|At the last day of the challenge, go through your notes and decide if it was a good or bad week.|

    challenges - Challenges maxmoon β€’ 1 year ago β€’ 100%
    πŸ“ Day Schedule | Challenge

    ## Summary With this challenge you schedule what you will do the current day for 7 days. ## Goals - Build up a high self-determination - Get a feeling of how to schedule your tasks in an efficient way - Know what to do the current day and what is doable - Focus on important stuff ## Rules - Participate for 7 days in this challenge - Stick to your schedule ## Tasks |Type|Name|Note| |---|---|---| |daily|πŸ“ Plan the day in advance|Plan everything what you want to reach today. Create tasks and sub tasks, do time boxing, the [Pomodoro Technique]( or anything else what could help you to reach todays goals.| |daily|πŸ“ Complete all planed tasks|If you have reached everything you planed, you can check off this daily and can be proud of yourself.|

    "Initials" by "Florian KΓΆrner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian KΓΆrner
    Test 123 maxmoon β€’ 1 year ago β€’ 100%
    User ids of Habiticans

    # Important Do not post to this thread anymore. I've found a bug, which destroys federation for threads with low ids. Im my case it is 1,2 (it's a bummer they have been the most important threads). [PLEASE POST YOUR USER IDS HERE](

    challenges - Challenges User ids of Habiticans
  • maxmoon maxmoon 2 years ago β€’ 100%

    More tests

  • "Initials" by "Florian KΓΆrner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian KΓΆrner
    Test community to test stuff maxmoon β€’ 2 years ago β€’ 0%
    I am just testing to share my blog posts

    I am curious if lemmy gets og information of websites?
