challenges - Challenges maxmoon 1 year ago 100%

❔ What have I done? | Challenge

❔ What have I done? | Challenge


Write down what you have done every day and at the end of the week you decide if it was a good or bad week.


There are weeks were we do a lot of stuff and are productive and on others we are just lazy and do not do much. But in many cases we lose track which week was good and which one was bad and maybe there are more bad weeks than good. If so, we will change that, now!

With this challenge you write down what you have done every day and after a week you just look at your notes and decide if it was a good or bad week.

Goals of this challenge

  • Be aware of the stuff you are doing
  • Develop a feeling what a good or bad habit is


  • Participate for 7 days in this challenge
  • Write down what you have done (every day)


Type Name Note
daily ❔ What have I done? Write down what you have done today. It can be on paper, in an app, in a chat or here, it's up to you how you write down what you have done. You only have to find your notes in the end of the week.
todo ❔ Decide if it was a good or bad week? At the last day of the challenge, go through your notes and decide if it was a good or bad week.

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