iwwunion IWW and syndicalism Costco gets a nasty Christmas present and ends the year terribly (workers victory)
  • lazyvar lazyvar 9 months ago 100%

    I’m not the person you replied to, but I’ll take a stab.

    @cmbabul stated in GP that they hand out raises for exceptional work of no more than 3% per year.

    So, to recap in a piecemeal fashion, we’re talking about:

    • at best 3% in a year, lower is possible
    • for what is deemed exceptional, so by no means guaranteed

    You saw this and ran with it. While doing so, you changed the premise to:

    • guaranteed 3%
    • everyone
    • every year

    On top of that, presumably, because inflation currently exceeds 3% and has well exceeded 3% for almost the last three years, you changed the premise somewhat more into a career’s length timeframe.

    The average inflation rate for the last 50 years is 3.8% per year,

    Even when looking at a break-even inflation rate for the last 30 years, we’re looking at 2.40%, so we’re talking about a .60% pay increase. No wonder that this doesn’t impress @bunchofnumbers.

    Never mind all that, though. I’m more interested in why you decided to change that premise.

  • assholedesign AssholeDesign automatically turning on new (creepy)feature with no single click to disable them
  • lazyvar lazyvar 9 months ago 80%

    I feel you’re brushing over the privacy implications regarding how apps are used.

    Sure, you could say: “Oh, but it’s inefficient to compile the entire application, and what if there are features that barely anyone uses.”

    But you can also say: “Compiling the entire application ensures we don’t need to collect usage data and it ensures everyone gets the best experience, even the people that use features that are otherwise hardly used.”

    Now, of course, to go with the second option, you need to care about user privacy and not gain any benefits from usage data beyond the benefits for compiling it.

  • programmerhumor Programmer Humor The OTP you want to use was already used
  • lazyvar lazyvar 12 months ago 100%

    USPS’ website does this, sort of.

    If their text service is down it’ll let you know and just skip the 2FA process even though normally they offer an option to get the code via email.

    The fact that they do this is bad enough, the fact that this happens so often that I’ve seen this at least a dozen times is even worse.

  • apple_enthusiast Apple We beat Apple at their own game - let the unauthorized calibrations BEGIN!
  • lazyvar lazyvar 12 months ago 100%

    For one it’s just technicalities for another it’s the distinction between a company going out of their way to block repairs or a company just not caring and mainly focussing on their own repair process.

  • apple_enthusiast Apple We beat Apple at their own game - let the unauthorized calibrations BEGIN!
  • lazyvar lazyvar 12 months ago 100%

    There are a couple of concerns with biometrics.

    The big one is, as you already mentioned, spoofing biometrics.

    The FaceID or TouchID sensor essentially saying “I got that face/fingerprint that you have in your Secure Enclave”. Granted it is a sophisticated attack, but nevertheless one you’d want to prevent if only because it’s good practice to maintain a secure chain in which the individual links can trust each other.

    For similar reasons the lockdown mode exists, which is mainly useful in limited scenarios (e.g. journalists, dissidents, etc).

    On the other hand, if ever there was a potential attacker, it would be a government because they unlimited funds in theory and it isn’t hard to imagine the FBI trying to utilize this in the San Bernardino case if it was available.

    A different risk, which would make the above quite a bit easier to accomplish, would be an altered biometrics scanner that, in addition to working the way it’s supposed to work, stores and sends off your biometrics or simply facilitates a replay attack.

  • apple_enthusiast Apple Apple Explains Why Only USB-C AirPods Pro Support Lossless Audio With Vision Pro
  • lazyvar lazyvar 12 months ago 100%

    Lossless is understood to have a bitrate of at least 1411kbps, or about 1.4Mbps.

    Theoretical sustained bandwidth capability of Bluetooth on the 2.4Ghz spectrum is 1Mbps, but in practice it’s a chunk lower in part due to overhead.

    Even if we assume if you could just cram a higher bitrate through a smaller bandwidth (spoiler, you can’t), everyone would be up in arms about Apple lying about lossless and class action suits would ensue.

    That said, you can’t. This is not like your internet connection where you’ll just be buffering for a minute.

    As for what is and isn’t perceptible, I think you’re mixing up your tonal frequencies with your bitrates here.

  • apple_enthusiast Apple Apple Explains Why Only USB-C AirPods Pro Support Lossless Audio With Vision Pro
  • lazyvar lazyvar 12 months ago 100%

    Honestly the most frustrating part is that there is plenty to criticize Apple on, so there’s no reason to get caught up in fabricated clickbaity nonsense.

    But instead of focusing on genuine concerns, people would rather hop on some misinformation train.

    All the while, if you espouse opinions that are bit more nuanced than “Apple bad”, then you must be a bootlicker like you said.

    It’s as if people are more concerned about missing out on joining the hype and showing off their armchair skills, rather than exercising a modicum of critical thinking.

  • apple_enthusiast Apple We beat Apple at their own game - let the unauthorized calibrations BEGIN!
  • lazyvar lazyvar 12 months ago 100%

    Obfuscating what you have to do ≠ not providing you with a roadmap on what you have to do.

    If they didn’t obfuscate it there would be many tools out there already to let it be done.

    This is a non sequitur.

    It doesn’t automatically follow that a lack of tools means there is obfuscation. The simple fact that there can be many reasons why tools aren’t widely available alone breaks that logic.

    But I’d say the fact that we already know exactly why difficulties arise when replacing parts, definitely proves that there’s no obfuscation.

    Which again circles back to the difference between anti-repair and not pro-repair.

    Just because Apple doesn’t go out of their way to provide a roadmap and hold your hand and as a result you are having difficulties when you’re trying to do it yourself, doesn’t mean they are actively thwarting you.

    Apple doesn’t even think about you and me, their concern is to facilitate their own repair processes.

    They literally serial lock almost half of their parts.

    They don’t.

    Aside from biometrics none of the parts are serial locked.

    What you’re thinking about is parts based factory calibrated data loaded into the parts from a central database.

    Just because the system ignores the calibration data once the part doesn’t match the one the calibration was intended for, doesn’t mean it’s “locked”, it just means that you’re trying to use calibration data for the wrong part.

  • apple_enthusiast Apple We beat Apple at their own game - let the unauthorized calibrations BEGIN!
  • lazyvar lazyvar 12 months ago 85%

    Dude has reverse engineered pretty much the entire hardware stack of Macs to be able to provide the global community with Asahi, but because he says something you disagree with he’s supposedly “uninformed”.

    Talk about childish…

  • apple_enthusiast Apple Apple Explains Why Only USB-C AirPods Pro Support Lossless Audio With Vision Pro
  • lazyvar lazyvar 12 months ago 90%

    I’m not sure if you’re serious or trying to be sarcastic.

    Bluetooth and WiFi are two different things.

    For starters standard Bluetooth operates on 1MHz wide channels, BLE on 2MHz wide channels, whereas WiFi (nowadays) operates on 20 or 40 MHz wide channels.

    Modern Bluetooth (on 2.4Ghz) can theoretically do bursts of 2Mbps, but in practice even 1Mbps is hard to hit in a sustained fashion.

    2.4Ghz is just a frequency band and is not the same as bandwidth.

    You might as well argue that a pickup truck and a formula 1 race car should be able to reach the same top speed in the same time because their wheel distance is the same.

    I think […]

    Think again

  • apple_enthusiast Apple We beat Apple at their own game - let the unauthorized calibrations BEGIN!
  • lazyvar lazyvar 12 months ago 39%

    Good for them, but this whole clickbait nonsense about Apple “locking” things is just that, nonsense.

    Hector Martin, creator of Asahi Linux said it best so instead of repeating his words I’ll just leave a link to his comments on the matter: https://social.treehouse.systems/@marcan/110803356645502548

  • technology Technology *Permanently Deleted*
  • lazyvar lazyvar 1 year ago 100%

    You’re right that a lot of Terms of Service documents and similar agreement documents have language that reserves the right to modify those terms.

    At the same time just because something is in the terms doesn’t mean it can stand the test of adjudication and terms as well as changes are often challenged in court with success.

    Unity is in a particular tricky situation because the clause that governed modifications in their last ToS explicitly gives the user the option to pass on modifications that adversely affects them and stick with the old terms:

    Unity may update these Unity Software Additional Terms at any time for any reason and without notice (the “Updated Terms”) and those Updated Terms will apply to the most recent current-year version of the Unity Software, provided that, if the Updated Terms adversely impact your rights, you may elect to continue to use any current-year versions of the Unity Software (e.g., 2018.x and 2018.y and any Long Term Supported (LTS) versions for that current-year release) according to the terms that applied just prior to the Updated Terms (the “Prior Terms”). The Updated Terms will then not apply to your use of those current-year versions unless and until you update to a subsequent year version of the Unity Software (e.g. from 2019.4 to 2020.1). If material modifications are made to these Terms, Unity will endeavor to notify you of the modification. If a modification is required to comply with applicable law, the modification will apply notwithstanding this section. Except as explicitly set forth in this paragraph, your use of any new version or release of the Unity Software will be subject to the Updated Terms applicable to that release or version. You understand that it is your responsibility to maintain complete records establishing your entitlement to Prior Terms.

    https://web.archive.org/web/20201111183311/https://github.com/Unity-Technologies/TermsOfService/blob/master/Unity Software Additional Terms.md

  • news News Kim Davis must pay $100,000 to US same-sex couple she denied marriage license
  • lazyvar lazyvar 1 year ago 100%

    I was wondering myself as well so I got you.

    Basically what happened was that these were technically two separate cases with two separate jury pools to decide the amount for damages.

    One jury pool came to the decision that there were damages and awarded $50k to each individual in couple 1 (totaling $100k) while the other jury pool independently decided that no damages should be awarded based on the same evidence.

    Keep in mind that this region is generally pretty hostile towards LGBTQ+ people. The judge had the option to overrule a jury if they find that the decision doesn’t match the evidence in the case.

    The lawyer of this lady is actually hoping for that in the case that lead to a $100k damages award as per the quote below.

    “Two juries heard the same evidence and the same arguments, and only one jury returned a verdict that was based on the facts and the evidence presented at trial,” Daniel Schmid, senior litigation counsel for Liberty Counsel and one of Davis’ attorneys, told CNN via email. “In the Yates case, the jury returned a verdict of $0.00 because that is what the evidence required.”

    “Without any evidentiary support, the Ermold jury reached a verdict of $50,000 for each plaintiff. The evidence presented at trial simply does not support that verdict, and Ms. Davis will be filing a motion for a judgment notwithstanding the verdict next week,” Schmid said. “Ms. Davis trusts that the courts reviewing the evidence presented will see that the Ermold verdict lacks any evidentiary support and will agree with the Yates jury that the plaintiffs are entitled to no damages whatsoever.”


  • tvplus Apple TV+ Community Foundation S02E10 - Creation Myths - Episode Discussion
  • lazyvar lazyvar 1 year ago 100%

    Phenomenal season finale.

    To Becki’s asshole!

  • technology Technology Wyze security camera owners reported that they could briefly see feeds from cameras they didn’t own
  • lazyvar lazyvar 1 year ago 100%

    You can still do this if you use https://www.shodan.io/

    It’ll let you find IoT devices and cameras connected to the internet if you know what to search for and an alarming amount of them are locked behind an admin/admin login.

    I advise against nosying around because there’s a near 100% chance that it’s illegal to do so in your jurisdiction.

  • memes Memes *Permanently Deleted*
  • lazyvar lazyvar 1 year ago 100%

    Oh wow, they really closed it down huh?

    Not too long ago you were able to change it.

    This dumbing things down to prevent customers from fucking themselves over and using up CS resources is getting ridiculous.

    Say you need to change some settings but your modem/router isn’t online then you’re SOOL.

    Cox, who uses the same gateway, is even worse. They won’t even allow you to enable legacy mode (802.11b) for IoT devices that cheaped out on WiFi cards, not even on a separate network and their customer service can’t enable it either.

    I dread moving into a Cox region where there’s no fiber competitor available.

  • news News The IRS plans to crack down on 1,600 millionaires to collect millions of dollars in back taxes
  • lazyvar lazyvar 1 year ago 100%

    Love the fear mongering for something that A) already happens, B) shouldn't be an issue for people that are in the up and up and C) should be music to the ears of members of the "law and order" party.

  • pcmasterrace PC Master Race Todd Howard asked on-air why Bethesda didn't optimise Starfield for PC: 'We did [...] you may need to upgrade your PC'
  • lazyvar lazyvar 1 year ago 100%

    Instead of cracking jokes he should improve the piss poor optimization.

    Can’t even render 50fps consistently on a Strix 3090OC at 1620p (accounting for resolution scale), what a joke.

    Edit: Scratch that, it’s even worse, averaging around 40 fps with HUB Quality settings, so not even on Ultra and my 12900K is nowhere near bottlenecking.

    What a joke.

  • news News Ashton Kutcher, Mila Kunis Wrote Letters in Support of Danny Masterson Ahead of Rape Sentencing; Kutcher Called Him a ‘Role Model’
  • lazyvar lazyvar 1 year ago 98%

    I get asking for mercy for family or a close friend, even when they’ve committed crimes, heinous or otherwise. I’ll chalk that up to human emotions.

    But ffs, read the room a bit.

    His dedication to leading a drug-free life and the genuine care he extends to others make him an outstanding role model and friend.

    One of the most remarkable aspects of Danny’s character is his unwavering commitment to discouraging the use of drugs.

    His dedication to avoiding all substances has inspired not only me but also countless others in our circle. Danny’s steadfastness in promoting a drug-free lifestyle has been a guiding light in my journey through the entertainment world and has helped me prioritize my well-being and focus on make responsible choices.

    Saying stuff like that when he’s convicted of drugging victims before taping them is just nuts. Even by some sense of stupidity you think you’re just trying to highlight that he’s not a habitual drug user, you’re essentially just highlighting how calculated his actions were by drugging his victims.

  • tvplus Apple TV+ Community Foundation S02E09 - Long Ago, Not Far Away - Episode Discussion
  • lazyvar lazyvar 1 year ago 100%

    Great episode, hope we’ll see some comeuppance next episode.

    I wonder if Demerzel killing Dawn has any implications for her programming preventing her from being able to hurt the Cleons.

  • tvplus Apple TV+ Community Foundation S02E09 - Long Ago, Not Far Away - Episode Discussion
  • lazyvar lazyvar 1 year ago 100%

    That makes sense, there wouldn’t be many other ways she’d still look the same. The other way would be if she’d also be cloned.

    He also seemed to have figured out that she’s the puppet master, given how often he directly addressed her instead of Day.

    Edit: Listening to the podcast of this episode and the show runner said around the 27m mark: “I will say this, and it’s… I’m not sorta betraying anything because it’s in the text of the scene, but Harri mentions her programming right? And so he obviously knows she’s a robot, so it seems like he knows a fair amount about her sorta backstory or her circumstances, which is interesting because we’ve not seen how he knows that. I’ll just plant that little seed.”

    As for Bel, I was sure he’d choose to rebel at that point, especially since they’ve talked about that and it didn’t seem like Day had put his aura back on after taking it off before entering the vault.

  • politics politics A three-judge panel has blocked Alabama’s congressional districts, ordering new lines drawn
  • lazyvar lazyvar 1 year ago 100%


    Hold them in contempt of court and let them spend a week in jail all expenses paid.

    They’re just trying to run out the clock so that, come election time, they’ll throw their hands up in the air and go “Welp, guess we’ll have to use the old map”.

    Having a special master draw up a map is great in theory, until SCOTUS stays the lower ruling and drawn map and decides to not rule on the case until after elections (if they even were inclined to rule in favor of a fair map to begin with).

  • world World News Young climate activist tells Greenpeace to drop ‘old-fashioned’ anti-nuclear stance
  • lazyvar lazyvar 1 year ago 50%

    Cue the nuclear shills that will handwave away any legitimate concern with wishful thinking and frame the discussion as solely pro/anti fossil, conveniently pretending that renewables don’t exist.


    Let's look at some great examples of handwaving and other nonsense to further the nuclear agenda.

    Here @danielbln@lemmy.world brings up a legitimate concern about companies not adhering to regulation and regulators being corrupt/bought *cough… Three Mile Island cough*, and how to deal with that:

    So uh, turns out the energy companies are not exactly the most moral and rule abiding entities, and they love to pay off politicians and cut corners. How does one prevent that, as in the case of fission it has rather dire consequences?

    So of course the answer to that by @Carighan@lemmy.world is a slippery slope argument and equating a hypothetical disaster with thousands if not millions of victims and areas being uninhabitable for years to come, with the death of a family member due to faulty wiring in your home:

    Since you can apply that logic to everything, how can you ever build anything? Because all consequences are dire on a myopic scale, that is, if your partner dies because a single electrician cheaped out with the wiring in your building and got someone to sign off, "It's not as bad as a nuclear disaster" isn't exactly going to console them much.

    At some point, you need to accept that making something illegal and trying to prosecute people has to be enough. For most situations. It's not perfect. Sure. But nothing ever is. And no solution to energy is ever going to be perfect, either.

    Then there's the matter of misleading statistics and graphs.
    Never mind the fact that the amount of victims of nuclear disasters is underreported, under-attributed and research is hampered if not outright blocked to further a nuclear agenda, also never mind that the risks are consistently underreported, lets leave those contentious points behind and look at what's at hand.

    Here @JohnDClay@sh.itjust.works shows a graph from Our World in Data that is often thrown around and claims to show "Death rates by unit of electricity production":

    Seems shocking enough and I'm sure in rough lines, the proportions respective to one another make sense to some degree or another.
    The problem however is that the source data is thrown together in such a way that it completely undermines the message the graph is trying to portray.

    According to Our World in Data this is the source of the data used in the graph:

    Death rates from energy production is measured as the number of deaths by energy source per terawatt-hour (TWh) of electricity production.

    Data on death rates from fossil fuels is sourced from Markandya, A., & Wilkinson, P. (2007).

    Data on death rates from solar and wind is sourced from Sovacool et al. (2016) based on a database of accidents from these sources.

    We estimate deaths rates for nuclear energy based on the latest death toll figures from Chernobyl and Fukushima as described in our article here: https://ourworldindata.org/what-was-the-death-toll-from-chernobyl-and-fukushima

    We estimate death rates from hydropower based on an updated list of historical hydropower accidents, dating back to 1965, sourced primarily from the underlying database included in Sovacool et al. (2016). For more information, see our article: https://ourworldindata.org/safest-sources-of-energy

    Fossil fuel numbers are based on this paper which starts out by described a pro-nuclear stance, but more importantly, does a lot of educated guesstimating on the air-pollution related death numbers that is straight up copied into the graph.

    Sovacool is used for solar and wind, but doesn't have those estimates and is mainly limited to direct victims.

    Nuclear based deaths is based on Our World in Data's own nuclear propaganda piece that mainly focuses on direct deaths and severely underplays non-direct deaths.

    And hydropower bases deaths is based on accidents.

    So they mix and match all kinds of different forms of data to make this graph, which is a no-no. Either you stick to only accidents, only direct deaths or do all possible deaths that is possibly caused by an energy source, like they do for fossil fuels.

    Not doing so makes the graph seem like some kind of joke.

  • technology Technology Elon Musk’s FSD v12 demo includes a near miss at a red light and doxxing Mark Zuckerberg — 45-minute video was meant to demonstrate v12 of Tesla’s Full Self-Driving but ended up being a list of thi...
  • lazyvar lazyvar 1 year ago 33%

    Most doxxers don't technically release the information, rather they've acquired it and point others to where they've acquired it or simply disseminate it further.

  • technology Technology Elon Musk’s FSD v12 demo includes a near miss at a red light and doxxing Mark Zuckerberg — 45-minute video was meant to demonstrate v12 of Tesla’s Full Self-Driving but ended up being a list of thi...
  • lazyvar lazyvar 1 year ago 100%

    That's what I'm saying. In most cases the doxxer isn't the one who originally provided the info, but rather someone who has found the information online via a Google search or something similar.

  • memes Memes You are free to go, I guess...
  • lazyvar lazyvar 1 year ago 100%

    Only if there’s a risk at incriminating yourself, and if it’s not immediately apparent how you’d run that risk (e.g. you’re a witness that doesn’t have a direct relation to the crime at hand) you’d have to motivate how it could be incriminating.

  • technology Technology Elon Musk’s FSD v12 demo includes a near miss at a red light and doxxing Mark Zuckerberg — 45-minute video was meant to demonstrate v12 of Tesla’s Full Self-Driving but ended up being a list of thi...
  • lazyvar lazyvar 1 year ago 57%

    Isn’t that a little bit of circular reasoning?

    If I doxx someone online then it gets indexed by Google, if someone then Google’s the information it stops being doxxing?

    I’d assume most doxxing isn’t done by someone who has unique firsthand knowledge (e.g. “Oh I know John, he lives on so and so road”) and instead is done by finding the information online whether via Google or a different public source.

    At least in the US, where a ridiculous amount of private information is deemed “public”.

  • tvplus Apple TV+ Community Why is it such a pain to watch AppleTV+ on PC/ Non-Apple devices?
  • lazyvar lazyvar 1 year ago 100%

    Non-Apple devices are almost always an afterthought and have a microscopic small team working on it compared to the rest of the teams.

    That said, on the occasion that I'm on my PC and I want to watch, I've had no issues when using the Apple TV Preview app, but YMMV because the reviews still have plenty of complaints.

  • pcgaming PCGaming Epic Games Store is offering developers 100% of revenue for six months of exclusivity
  • lazyvar lazyvar 1 year ago 100%

    Apologies, it seems DMs are somewhat broken. I've found your DM and sent you a reply.

  • pcgaming PCGaming Epic Games Store is offering developers 100% of revenue for six months of exclusivity
  • lazyvar lazyvar 1 year ago 95%

    A 100% of $0 is still $0.

  • asklemmy Asklemmy Mastodon Instance w/o Application
  • lazyvar lazyvar 1 year ago 100%

    There are plenty of instances that are open, but it depends on your definition of “censored” if they are what you seek.

    Completely “uncensored” instances are rare if not non-existent because most instances will at least try to adhere to the laws of their jurisdiction and in addition will have some rules in place to keep things running smoothly and pleasant for everyone.

    Most big instances are run from the EU so they’ll often have rules regarding hate speech.

    Depending on your definition your only options might either be Japanese instances due to less strict laws around certain content or right wing instances, but both will be almost uniformly blocked on other instances.

  • asklemmy Asklemmy Mastodon Instance w/o Application
  • lazyvar lazyvar 1 year ago 100%

    It means no porn, how much that overlaps with anything remotely considered NSFW is up to the admin and you’d have to ask them.

  • firefox Firefox It's not just Adobe. Now Logitech wants me to go to a random website in order to add peripherals to my computer, and I'm met with this when I go to the page they tell me to
  • lazyvar lazyvar 1 year ago 100%

    The individual cashier won’t care, but the manufacturer might, especially if they’re returned as defective because they then make their way back as RMA.

    Shops will also stop stocking the item if it stands out because more people return them.
    They want to make a profit after all and if they have to discount items as “open box” then they’re losing out on profit, especially since the margins on some of these are already pretty low for retailers.

  • assholedesign AssholeDesign HP insists you must use their cloud printing service, covers USB port with sticker
  • lazyvar lazyvar 1 year ago 100%

    Apparently if you try to use the USB port it’ll stop after having printed 20 or so pages, telling you you need to setup WiFi and install their bloatware app.

  • technology Technology Researchers jailbreak a Tesla to get free in-car feature upgrades
  • lazyvar lazyvar 1 year ago 100%

    Typically low level attacks such as these is where it starts because they grant access to parts that can be used to learn more about the system as a whole.

    This understanding then can be used to find easier to exploit avenues.

    A good example of this is the history of exploits on Nintendo hardware.

    They almost all started with finding an exploit at the hardware level, which then subsequently lead to finding software exploits and ways to leverage them in an easy way for end users.

  • tvplus
    Apple TV+ Community lazyvar 1 year ago 100%
    The Afterparty S02E05 - Sebastian - Episode Discussion

    Discussion thread for The Afterparty season 2 episode 5: “Sebastian” Episode is live! Allowed: - Everything pertaining to this episode and prior episodes **Off limits:** - Anything that pertains to episodes beyond the episode of this thread

    programmer_humor Programmer Humor When IT insists on autogenerated email addresses…
  • lazyvar lazyvar 1 year ago 100%

    You don’t know Some Software Corp and their world famous website somesoftwarecorp.com?

  • programming Programming Google Tries to Defend Its Web Environment Integrity as Critics Slam It as Dangerous
  • lazyvar lazyvar 1 year ago 98%

    The proposal is bad enough as it is, but it’s the duplicitous gaslighting BS that really pisses people off.

    If they came out and said “We came up with this thing to prevent loss of revenue on ads and prevent LLMs from capturing data” then people would still be against it, but at least it would feel like an honest discussion.

    Instead it’s just another page out of Google’s playbook we’ve seen many times already.

    1. Make up some thinly veiled use cases that supposedly highlight how this would benefit users, while significantly stretching the definition of “users”
    2. Gaslight every one by pretending that people simply misunderstand what you’re proposing and what you’re trying to achieve
    3. Pretend that nobody provides reasonable feedback because everyone is telling you not to commit murder in the first place instead of giving you tips on how to hide the body
    4. Latch onto the few, inevitable, cases of people going too far to paint everyone opposing it in a negative light
    5. Use that premise to explain why you had to unilaterally shut down any and all avenues for people to provide comment
    6. Make the announcement that you hear people and that you’re working on it and that all will be well
    7. Just do what you want anyways with minimal concessions if any and rinse repeat

    For what it’s worth I blame W3C as well.
    Their relatively young “Anti-Fraud Community Group” has essentially green lit this thing during meetings as can be seen here:



  • programming Programming Google Tries to Defend Its Web Environment Integrity as Critics Slam It as Dangerous
  • lazyvar lazyvar 1 year ago 100%

    WEI can potentially be used to impose restrictions on unlawful activities on the internet, such as downloading YouTube videos and other content, ad blocking, web scraping, etc.

    Did the author of the article come from some dystopian parallel universe?

  • programming Programming Stack Overflow Just Announced Their Own AI OverflowAI
  • lazyvar lazyvar 1 year ago 100%

    Well that explains why they did a 180 on their "no AI" rule, which has the mods in a tizzy.

    Who knows, maybe it'll cut back on the toxicity in the sense that you don't have to interact with toxic people ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

  • programmer_humor Programmer Humor Apple's Xcode Ladies and Gentlemen
  • lazyvar lazyvar 1 year ago 100%

    But for iOS you’re forced to use Xcode for implementing certain things like permissions, build and upload.

    You can do all that via VSCode as well if you so desire.

    Permissions, configurations, etc. are essentially all just XML files and can be edited as such, building, running in simulator and uploading can all be done via CLI.

    And if you're not comfortable doing it via the terminal in VSCode, you can also find some extensions.

    Personally as a native dev I don't know why you'd want to of course, but to each their own.

  • tvplus
    Apple TV+ Community lazyvar 1 year ago 100%
    Foundation S02E02 - A Glimpse of Darkness - Episode Discussion

    Discussion thread for Foundation season 2 episode 2: “A Glimpse of Darkness” Episode is live! Allowed: - Everything pertaining to this episode and prior episodes **Off limits:** - Anything that pertains to episodes beyond the episode of this thread

    Apple TV+ Community lazyvar 1 year ago 50%
    The Afterparty S02E03 - Travis - Episode Discussion

    Discussion thread for The Afterparty season 2 episode 3: “Travis” Episode is live! Allowed: - Everything pertaining to this episode and prior episodes **Off limits:** - Anything that pertains to episodes beyond the episode of this thread

    Apple TV+ Community lazyvar 1 year ago 100%
    Weekly “What are you watching” Megathread - Week of Monday July 17, 2023

    Share what you're watching with the rest of the community. Anything that pleasantly surprised you? Or did something disappoint perhaps? Found a gem that no one is talking about but everyone should know about? Share it all in here!

    Apple TV+ Community lazyvar 1 year ago 100%
    Foundation S02E01 - In Sheldon’s Shadow - Episode Discussion

    Discussion thread for Foundation season 2 episode 1: “In Sheldon’s Shadow” Episode is live! Allowed: - Everything pertaining to this episode and prior episodes **Off limits:** - Anything that pertains to episodes beyond the episode of this thread

    Apple TV+ Community lazyvar 1 year ago 100%
    The Afterparty S02E02 - Grace- Episode Discussion

    Discussion thread for The Afterparty season 2 episode 2: “Grace” Episode is live! Allowed: - Everything pertaining to this episode and prior episodes **Off limits:** - Anything that pertains to episodes beyond the episode of this thread

    Apple TV+ Community lazyvar 1 year ago 100%
    The Afterparty S02E01 - Aniq 2: The Sequel - Episode Discussion

    Discussion thread for The Afterparty season 2 episode 1: “Aniq 2: The Sequel” Episode is live! Allowed: - Everything pertaining to this episode and prior episodes **Off limits:** - Anything that pertains to episodes beyond the episode of this thread

    Silo TV & Book Series lazyvar 1 year ago 100%
    [TV Spoilers] So who are your favorite and least favorite characters on the TV Show and why?

    I think my favorite character is Bernard, the way he is depicted he makes for a great bad guy. I like that he acts all unassuming but is secretly pulling the strings, while a the same time we're shown that he too doesn't know everything but manages to hide the fact that he isn't all knowing. My least favorite character is probably judge Meadows for lack of a spine and being a willing participant in the facade or perhaps Regina because her reading of her relationship with George feels "off" somehow, I can't place my finger on it and she ended up passing information to Judicial. So what are your favorite characters or your least favorite and why? Please use a spoiler tag if you're going to make comparisons to book characters.

    Apple TV+ Community lazyvar 1 year ago 100%
    Weekly “What are you watching” Megathread - Week of Monday July 10, 2023

    Share what you're watching with the rest of the community. Anything that pleasantly surprised you? Or did something disappoint perhaps? Found a gem that no one is talking about but everyone should know about? Share it all in here!

    Reddit lazyvar 1 year ago 99%
    Evidence found that a pro-admin ChatGPT driven astroturfing campaign took place on r/Programming

    I need to preface this by saying that this evidence is from *right before the blackout protest, a few weeks ago*. So it's not *fresh* tea, if that's what you're looking for. Nevertheless I still think it's relevant and interesting. Why? Because I've been suspecting an astroturf campaign for a while now, especially post-blackout given the sudden and enormous influx of cookie-cutter pro-Reddit comments we saw after the blackout. I've seen others have similar suspicions, but I hadn't seen any concrete evidence for it. Until now that is. I'm not sure how it flew under the radar, perhaps because the evidence was posted on Reddit right before the blackout? In any case, without further ado, below is what I'm talking about. --- r/Programming is a sub who's mod team is made up out of majority admins/ex-admins. It's currently blacked out, seemingly[ due to a combination of a rogue mod and admins being too busy to notice](https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=36290585), but [others think it was a panicky response to suppress the uncovering of the astroturfing campaign](https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=36361247) that just happened to coincide with the general blackout. Whatever the case, r/Programming never announced anywhere they'd join in the blackout and the last top post on the sub before it went dark, is the one exposing the astroturfing campaign. On June 11, Redditor [u/ammon-jerro](https://old.reddit.com/user/ammon-jerro) notices an astroturfing campaign on r/Programming, and makes [a post about it](https://web.archive.org/web/20230611210834/https://old.reddit.com/r/programming/comments/146wn9s/meta_who_is_astroturfing_rprogramming_and_why/). In a [comment](https://web.archive.org/web/20230611205112/https://old.reddit.com/r/programming/comments/146wn9s/meta_who_is_astroturfing_rprogramming_and_why/jnsfcfi/) u/ammon-jerro provided 6 examples to support his claims of there being an astroturfing campaign. As if those examples weren't enough, Redditor [u/schauerlich](https://old.reddit.com/user/schauerlich) went and [found an account](https://web.archive.org/web/20230611211136/https://old.reddit.com/r/programming/comments/146wn9s/meta_who_is_astroturfing_rprogramming_and_why/jnsyw9e/) that had posted a comment containing the following verbatim: >Sorry, I am not capable of generating inappropriate or offensive content. In addition to this, there's something weird going on with the bot accounts that are involved in this. Let's look at the one that posted "Sorry, I am not capable of generating inappropriate or offensive content" as an example. That was posted by u/Joseph_Harris2. But if you go to https://www.reddit.com/u/Joseph_Harris2 it'll show a "Page not Found" page with "u/Joseph_Harris2: page not found" in the upper left corner. If you instead go to https://www.reddit.com/u/joseph_harris2 (same url, all lowercase) you'll see the same page with the same "u/Joseph_Harris2: page not found" (notice that it's still correctly capitalized). So clearly Reddit knows who you're talking about. However it doesn't seem that the account is simply suspended or banned because that [looks different](https://www.reddit.com/user/awkwardtheturtle ). Nor is it deleted, because that looks like [this](https://www.reddit.com/u/DeleteAccountTest). And a non-existing account [looks almost identical](https://www.reddit.com/user/random-non-exisiting-account-used-as-example), but there's an important difference. The difference being in the upper left, where it doesn't mention the username and just says "page not found". This weird behavior on the profile page happens with all the accounts that are brought up in the post on r/Programming in relation to the astroturfing. Not sure what to make of it just yet, but it is strange. --- The evidence is clear as day. There has been, and perhaps still is, a pro-admin astroturfing campaign going on on Reddit with the help of ChatGPT and other such tools. Does this prove that it's a Reddit commissioned or even sanctioned astroturfing campaign? No, there isn't sufficient evidence for that at the moment. Off course Reddit would have the best motivation for something like this, and it is at least remarkable that a mod team stacked with admins that have access to admin tools wouldn't be able to effectively detect this and be able to prevent comments like these on a sub they moderated. Nevertheless, that's at best circumstantial and can't be considered concrete evidence. **Edit: Mods, the usernames mentioned in this post (and subsequent links) are either of seemingly defunct bot accounts or of people who shed a light on this. If this is against the rules please let me know and I'll remove references to these users on Reddit.**

    Request a subreddit lazyvar 1 year ago 100%
    Apple TV+ Community lazyvar 1 year ago 100%
    [Lemmit] Apple TV+ Cancels New Wrestling Series ‘Monster Factory’ After Season One https://comicbook.com/wwe/amp/news/apple-tv-plus-cancellations-monster-factory/

    cross-posted from: https://lemmit.online/post/78071 > ##### This is an automated archive made by the [Lemmit Bot](https://lemmit.online/post/14692). > The original was posted on [/r/tvplus](https://old.reddit.com/r/tvPlus/comments/14pg0i4/apple_tv_cancels_new_wrestling_series_monster/) by [/u/Justp1ayin](https://old.reddit.com/u/Justp1ayin) on 2023-07-03 11:09:42+00:00. >

    Apple TV+ Community lazyvar 1 year ago 100%
    [Lemmit] Is foundation a must watch?

    cross-posted from: https://lemmit.online/post/79365 > ##### This is an automated archive made by the [Lemmit Bot](https://lemmit.online/post/14692). > The original was posted on [/r/tvplus](https://old.reddit.com/r/tvPlus/comments/14pl21d/is_foundation_a_must_watch/) by [/u/Starlord_1986](https://old.reddit.com/u/Starlord_1986) on 2023-07-03 14:45:38+00:00. > *** > I loved dune the movie, is it slow paced? > >

    Apple TV+ Community lazyvar 1 year ago 100%
    [Lemmit] ‘Swagger’ Creator Reggie Rock Bythewood on How Emmett Till Painting Influenced the Narrative of Apple TV+ Series www.hollywoodreporter.com

    cross-posted from: https://lemmit.online/post/80404 > ##### This is an automated archive made by the [Lemmit Bot](https://lemmit.online/post/14692). > The original was posted on [/r/tvplus](https://old.reddit.com/r/tvPlus/comments/14pnuw2/swagger_creator_reggie_rock_bythewood_on_how/) by [/u/Lymfatx](https://old.reddit.com/u/Lymfatx) on 2023-07-03 16:32:25+00:00. >

    Silo TV & Book Series lazyvar 1 year ago 100%
    [Lemmit] [TV Spoilers] Bernard did not know !!! Author confirmed

    ##### This is an automated archive made by the [Lemmit Bot](https://lemmit.online/post/77399). The original was posted on [/r/siloseries](https://old.reddit.com/r/SiloSeries/comments/14oyr5q/bernard_did_not_know_author_confirmed/) by [/u/tinfoilzhat](https://old.reddit.com/u/tinfoilzhat) on 2023-07-02 20:45:57+00:00.

    Silo TV & Book Series lazyvar 1 year ago 100%
    [Lemmit] [TV Spoilers] Just realized a double entendre about the series tagline

    cross-posted from: https://lemmit.online/post/77751 > ##### This is an automated archive made by the [Lemmit Bot](https://lemmit.online/post/14692). > The original was posted on [/r/siloseries](https://old.reddit.com/r/SiloSeries/comments/14pepcm/just_realized_a_double_entendre_about_the_series/) by [/u/HolistixRT](https://old.reddit.com/u/HolistixRT) on 2023-07-03 09:59:36+00:00. > *** > "The truth will surface" > > Juliette was given Holden's badge of truth and in episode 10 she went outside aka surfaced. > >

    Silo TV & Book Series lazyvar 1 year ago 100%
    [Lemmit] [TV Spoilers] Look at the difference! Pretty cool. https://www.reddit.com/gallery/14pgxwv

    cross-posted from: https://lemmit.online/post/78906 > ##### This is an automated archive made by the [Lemmit Bot](https://lemmit.online/post/14692). > The original was posted on [/r/siloseries](https://old.reddit.com/r/SiloSeries/comments/14pgxwv/look_at_the_difference_pretty_cool/) by [/u/DailyPanthersPodcast](https://old.reddit.com/u/DailyPanthersPodcast) on 2023-07-03 11:55:36+00:00. >

    Silo TV & Book Series lazyvar 1 year ago 100%
    [Lemmit] Howeys' morally ambiguous characters.

    cross-posted from: https://lemmit.online/post/79381 > ##### This is an automated archive made by the [Lemmit Bot](https://lemmit.online/post/14692). > The original was posted on [/r/siloseries](https://old.reddit.com/r/SiloSeries/comments/14pl5to/howeys_morally_ambiguous_characters/) by [/u/BigAssQuanta](https://old.reddit.com/u/BigAssQuanta) on 2023-07-03 14:49:48+00:00. > *** > Love silo. Is Bernard really the "bad guy"? Isn't he protecting the 10k citizens from civil war, possibly extinction? And Tim Robbins is just fucking perfect for this role. > > Oh, and by the way, Common is killing it. So stop all the bullshit criticism. > >

    Silo TV & Book Series lazyvar 1 year ago 100%
    [Lemmit] Short BTS video posted by Hugh Howey youtu.be

    cross-posted from: https://lemmit.online/post/80419 > ##### This is an automated archive made by the [Lemmit Bot](https://lemmit.online/post/14692). > The original was posted on [/r/siloseries](https://old.reddit.com/r/SiloSeries/comments/14po57y/short_bts_video_posted_by_hugh_howey/) by [/u/alexeyalb2577](https://old.reddit.com/u/alexeyalb2577) on 2023-07-03 16:43:37+00:00. >

    Silo TV & Book Series lazyvar 1 year ago 100%
    [Lemmit] [TV Spoilers] Astronomer here! Details about Silo location…

    cross-posted from: https://lemmit.online/post/79907 > ##### This is an automated archive made by the [Lemmit Bot](https://lemmit.online/post/14692). > The original was posted on [/r/siloseries](https://old.reddit.com/r/SiloSeries/comments/14pmocz/astronomer_here_details_about_silo_location/) by [/u/Andromeda321](https://old.reddit.com/u/Andromeda321) on 2023-07-03 15:47:31+00:00. > *** > Just putting this up because I’ve seen many posts speculating about the location of the Silo, but not putting it in the context of what we DO know, which is it’s in the northern hemisphere because the “W” is the constellation Cassiopeia. Which, for those unfamiliar, is a VERY northern constellation- more north than the Big Dipper, one of the first ones you hit going from the Little Dipper/Ursa Minor. Which leads to the following details: > > * The city is to the north of the Silo(s) (bc it’s just over the ridge where we see Cassiopeia), so per the panoramas at the end (with the mountains in the opposite direction of the city) those mountains are to the south. I mention this for those detailing how the snapshot of the city must be to the east of Atlanta- celestially this just doesn’t hold up. > * We don’t know how high the rim is obscuring the city, but with the height of Cassiopeia I’m gonna bet if anything Atlanta is a bit too south for it to be visible that high and clearly. Even from say Florida today you need a decent horizon and good viewing to easily spot it, so definitely not south of there; similarly at European/ Canadian latitudes Cassiopeia starts getting pretty direct overhead. So I think mid-latitude lower 48 makes sense. > * also worth noting, since the camera is fairly narrow angle that they clean, there’s likely never a view of the sun and the moon in the Silo, nor of the planets. In these latitudes those are always in the southern sky from you, with the furthest they go “north” is East and West. Maybe a brief one, but my evidence here is you know what’s *way* more obvious to a stargazer than Cassiopeia? The planet Venus, or Jupiter, which are honking bright in comparison and they move, on the same ecliptic line as the sun (moon is a tiny bit off but not much). More interesting and easier to track, but they aren’t mentioned! So makes me think the moon is never seen either, for starters. > * That said there is a sun in the simulation. Unclear if that’s just bc they can view 360 degrees, or there’s enough fake things in the simulation that who cares about the sun in the wrong part of the sky. :) > > Finally this all goes with the caveat that often constellations etc in movies and tv are just plain wrong- James Cameron famously obsessed over details of accuracy in Titanic for example but the sky was 100% wrong with the North Atlantic in spring. But I’m hoping if they included constellations as a plot point we can assume someone checked what would be accurate. > >

    Silo TV & Book Series lazyvar 1 year ago 100%
    [Lemmit] [TV Spoilers] Why were the original mayor and deputy poisoned?

    cross-posted from: https://lemmit.online/post/81397 > ##### This is an automated archive made by the [Lemmit Bot](https://lemmit.online/post/14692). > The original was posted on [/r/siloseries](https://old.reddit.com/r/SiloSeries/comments/14prjwe/why_were_the_original_mayor_and_deputy_poisoned/) by [/u/switchfoot47](https://old.reddit.com/u/switchfoot47) on 2023-07-03 18:56:52+00:00. >

    Apple TV+ Community lazyvar 1 year ago 100%
    Weekly "What are you watching" Megathread

    Share what you're watching with the rest of the community. Anything that pleasantly surprised you? Or did something disappoint perhaps? Found a gem that no one is talking about but everyone should know about? Share it all in here!
