dndhomebrew DnD Homebrew Psi Warrior 5e v0.9 [feedback requested]
  • jesterraiin jesterraiin 1 year ago 100%

    Or, provide an explanation to keep the skills you selected. There's always a place for Psionic Thief. 😉

  • dndhomebrew DnD Homebrew Psi Warrior 5e v0.9 [feedback requested]
  • jesterraiin jesterraiin 1 year ago 100%

    Especially deception!

  • showerthoughts Showerthoughts If we were created then the creators probably put fail safes so we can't see our own code.
  • jesterraiin jesterraiin 1 year ago 100%

    Hard to say. It depends on what kind of programs/robots we were. It might be that certain percentage of us are our creaters, it might be that we got rid of our creators, it might be that there's only one creator...

    Too many possibilities.

  • nostupidquestions No Stupid Questions Those who are against iOS and Apple in general, have you tried their devices lately?
  • jesterraiin jesterraiin 1 year ago 82%
    1. Are you AI/bot?
    2. Wall of text = incomprehensible, would not read/5.
    3. It's rarely about how good the devices are, but how much they cost + Apple's two-faced moral model that makes people oppose/reject it.
  • dndhomebrew DnD Homebrew Psi Warrior 5e v0.9 [feedback requested]
  • jesterraiin jesterraiin 1 year ago 100%

    It's a good homebrew, would try it out/5, but I have one question: why Sleight of hand? Useful as it might be, it feels a bit out of place.

  • general General Discussion *Permanently Deleted*
  • jesterraiin jesterraiin 1 year ago 100%

    Ah, I see. You'd want more diversity or substance to the dungeons, not length, or puzzles.

    Would you exchange it for less dungeons? I mean, smaller number of them, but each distinctive?

    And if so, how would you predict it'd change the dynamics of the game? Because now dungeons are pretty much "loot trips", or locations required to solve some quests only. You know, "Oh, I need me some good weaponry, I'm gonna raid a few tombs and see where it's going to get me.

    (Asking as a worldbuilder).

  • general General Discussion *Permanently Deleted*
  • jesterraiin jesterraiin 1 year ago 100%

    What would you require of plain, simple dungeons?

  • general General Discussion *Permanently Deleted*
  • jesterraiin jesterraiin 1 year ago 80%

    I honestly don't get it.

    What we're seeing in Bethesda's design are more and more vibrant worlds - modern NPCs walk around, sit on whatever benches they see, react to day/night cycles, use the objects around them, comment on how you're looking, what you're wearing (or not), hear about your exploits. Not every NPC is ready to break to you his sad story worth a doctorate in psychology, but which one does?

    Even in games one may consider deep you will still find shopkeepers with same lines, or NPCs standing there, in the same spot, no matter whether it rains or not, ready to give you what is essentially a FedEx quest, no matter how many sentences they are going to express it with. You can break a fight in many deep games, and nobody around will mind it - attack a villager in Skyrim and guards and other denizens won't take this shit kindly.

    Heck, the lore is vast, even since Daggerfall or Morrowind you had in-game books to find and read, stories to pursue, myths and legends to learn.

    The style, the tone, the predictability are things that definitely might use more attention, but I definitely wouldn't call it a shallow design.

  • general General Discussion *Permanently Deleted*
  • jesterraiin jesterraiin 1 year ago 100%

    Only one hour?


  • dnd Dungeons and Dragons Any tips for a complete noob?
  • jesterraiin jesterraiin 1 year ago 100%

    Yet your argument still ignores all nuance. (...)

    There are no nuances needed to be acknowledged in this specific distinction. People playing in good faith, WILL try to overcome any obstacles according to their experience, skills and maturity. People who don't, will invent problems and actively search for them rather than focus on solutions. Neither needs Session #0.

    good group doesn’t need session zero and bad group isn’t helped by it

    It's absolutely wrong take on the dillema. GOOD group doesn't have to play in good faith - they are good players, experienced veterans, that know the art of role playing well. But they don't have to put all their skills into good outcome. They may, for many reasons try to undermine the experience, break the game, test the ruleset for weaknesses, focus on one singe aspect of the game (for example, on combat) rather than on the whole adventure. And the other way around - bad gamers, clueless and inexperienced might still try to save their game, make the best of it.

    As you can see, what you're discussing is wildly different to what I've been talking about.

    Now you’re just doing some pedantic backpedaling, as though it changes the fact that your argument hinges on a false binary.

    From where I sit - it's you who didn't think through your position and when asked about details became passively-aggressive. Usually a strong hint that you feel you're/were wrong.

    And it's ironic that you simultaneously accuse me of lacking nuances and simultaneously of being "too nuanced". 😬

  • general General Discussion *Permanently Deleted*
  • jesterraiin jesterraiin 1 year ago 100%

    OSIRIS is pretty much what you described, Starbourne 2 I know only from gameplays on YT, but I'm planning to try it "later". 😉

    In the meantime, I already think about spaceships I'm gonna build in Starfield.

  • general General Discussion *Permanently Deleted*
  • jesterraiin jesterraiin 1 year ago 100%

    I'm conflicted about Ulfric. One the one hand, he seems to be archetypical liberator, revolutionary against tyranny. So are his followers - people who want to live according to their own ways, enjoying life, minding their own business...

    But things he does and the state of the city under his control are abhorrent. How can a liberator not care about children starving on the streets of his citadel? What wrong did all those non-humans did to him to deserve the scorn?

    ...this seems like an argument for what you were talking about. Bethesda may not provide deep, elaborate, very difficult stories, but by all means, they are memorable and they feature SOME depth.

  • asklemmy Ask Lemmy *Permanently Deleted*
  • jesterraiin jesterraiin 1 year ago 100%

    "What are you doing?"

  • general General Discussion *Permanently Deleted*
  • jesterraiin jesterraiin 1 year ago 75%

    A game shouldn’t be considered “rock-solid” because a ton of dedicated and skilled fans make the game fun to play.

    Why not?

    Also, not "fun to play". FUNNIER..

    The game isn’t rock-solid, the modders are.

    Do their mods run without the game? And while at that, are all mods good, stable, logical, lore-friendly, etc, etc?

  • asklemmy Ask Lemmy Why can't Wikipedia be trusted anymore?
  • jesterraiin jesterraiin 1 year ago 100%


  • showerthoughts Showerthoughts Do kids talk like cartoons or do cartoons try to talk like kids?
  • jesterraiin jesterraiin 1 year ago 80%

    The entire showerthought must be in the title

    Your question belongs more to Ask Lemmy or No Stupid Questions I think.

    In addition: what appeared earlier on this planet? Kids or cartoons?

  • general General Discussion *Permanently Deleted*
  • jesterraiin jesterraiin 1 year ago 50%

    I prefer Fallout: Tactics to vanilla F:NV.

    If not for DLCs that offer something wildly different in their own separate maps, I'd call it the worst Fallout game I've been playing...

  • general General Discussion *Permanently Deleted*
  • jesterraiin jesterraiin 1 year ago 66%

    I don't get that "shallow" part.

    In Bethesda's worlds there's always something going on, something new to discover, something new to learn... Providing you put an effort to pursue that. These games don't force themselves upon the player, they leave helluva room for breathing, caring about whatever small goals you may set upon yourself, but that's not "bad", isn't it?

  • general General Discussion *Permanently Deleted*
  • jesterraiin jesterraiin 1 year ago 66%

    I never understood the hate Bethesda's open world sandboxes get. Give them a few months of time for patching & modding and they become rock-solid games to enjoy for decades. I don't expect Starfield to be anything less and I hope it will be far more than that.

    By the way... OSIRIS: New Dawn and SpaceBourne 2 - have you tried either?

  • dnd Dungeons and Dragons Any tips for a complete noob?
  • jesterraiin jesterraiin 1 year ago 100%

    I never said that individuals are "good/bad". I said they approach the game with either good faith or bad faith, which is radically different to what you're talking about.

  • mildlyinteresting Mildly Interesting Earth if it was 4 Degrees more warmer.
  • jesterraiin jesterraiin 1 year ago 100%

    time will tell

    So we can agree that we're discussing and juxtaposing against each other very vague things, that might as well turn out to be completely false?

  • mildlyinteresting Mildly Interesting Earth if it was 4 Degrees more warmer.
  • jesterraiin jesterraiin 1 year ago 100%

    Extinction event level but not really, (...)

    Much like the predicted scenario of allegedly upcoming climate disaster, correct?

  • dnd Dungeons and Dragons Any tips for a complete noob?
  • jesterraiin jesterraiin 1 year ago 100%

    If the group consists of people who come there in good faith and are determined to have fun, no Session 0 is needed. Whatever problems will arise on the way, are going to be dealt with in mature way.

    And if the group features bad faith actors, then no amount of discussion prior to the game will prevent a disaster from happening.

  • mildlyinteresting Mildly Interesting Earth if it was 4 Degrees more warmer.
  • jesterraiin jesterraiin 1 year ago 50%

    I never said Toba didn’t happen.

    I never said you did.

    We’re just debating the degree it affected the entire species

    We're not.

    We're on the way to acknowledge the fact that the mankind withstood "extinction level" events in the past.

    Multiple times.

  • mildlyinteresting Mildly Interesting Earth if it was 4 Degrees more warmer.
  • jesterraiin jesterraiin 1 year ago 50%

    You should read the entire article.

    I'm glad YOU did. This way you can learn that there were "extinction level" events in Mankind's history.

    And we survived it.

  • asklemmy Ask Lemmy What's the last thing you do before going to sleep?
  • jesterraiin jesterraiin 1 year ago 80%



  • asklemmy Ask Lemmy What's the last thing you do before going to sleep?
  • jesterraiin jesterraiin 1 year ago 97%

    I curse Death that she didn't take me peacefully during the day.

  • mildlyinteresting Mildly Interesting Earth if it was 4 Degrees more warmer.
  • jesterraiin jesterraiin 1 year ago 25%

    I mean, the history of the planet involves mass extinction events when 95% of species died off so… not really?

    And yet, life is still abundant, diverse and thriving. Isn't it?

    human extinction


  • tolkien Tolkien, Lord of the Rings (LotR), etc. Actually, the Lord of the Rings extended editions aren’t long enough
  • jesterraiin jesterraiin 1 year ago 100%

    Same here. People often complain on Jackson. As far as I'm concerned, the man did pretty good job given how massive the challenge of Tolkien's adaptation was.

  • asklemmy Ask Lemmy What will it actually take for everyone to just quit X (Twitter)?
  • jesterraiin jesterraiin 1 year ago 96%

    Such massive and old platform won't lose its userbase just because it undergoes a wild evolution. Look at .tumblr, facebook...

    Instead, ask what it takes for eXTwitter to stop being any important.

  • relationship_advice Relationship Advice My gf went through my phone
  • jesterraiin jesterraiin 1 year ago 33%

    I have been very open with my phone and given her the password


  • tolkien Tolkien, Lord of the Rings (LotR), etc. Actually, the Lord of the Rings extended editions aren’t long enough
  • jesterraiin jesterraiin 1 year ago 100%

    When I hear that people complain on Hobbit's length and making it a trilogy, I like to joke, that it's not a problem. the problem is that Jackson didn't have budget, vision and time to make each part of LotR a trilogy. 😉

  • tolkien Tolkien, Lord of the Rings (LotR), etc. Actually, the Lord of the Rings extended editions aren’t long enough
  • jesterraiin jesterraiin 1 year ago 100%

    I agree. Ditto for Hobbit. As an example: all those scenes where characters just walk and advertise New Zealand's landscape are important to understand just how much the road was taken, how much of an effort it was and how beautiful the world is, thus worth saving.

  • mildlyinteresting Mildly Interesting Earth if it was 4 Degrees more warmer.
  • jesterraiin jesterraiin 1 year ago 77%

    This is wrong. So very wrong. "Stop flying as much"? Dude, the majority of people that I know didn't fly airplane a single time in their lives. Small percentage flew perhaps a few times in their decades-long lives.

    The lists misses more reasonable things:

    • ditch whatever modern "high energy demand" fad there is, be it bitcoin mining or electric car
    • spend less time on activities that rely on energy consumption, be it online browsing, or playing high-demand video games
    • vote for whatever party there is, that wants to build nuclear power plants and postulate to bring cheap energy to every household
    • vote for whatever party plans to do something about urban infrastructure, so that mass transit and bikes become plausible alternative to a car
    • as much as possible avoid Chinese stuff, avoid enterprises that outsource their work to China, yes it means skipping yet another iCrap announced
    • do not exchange hardware/electronic/digital devices that often, ffs the cpu/gpu/memory values do not matter that much
    • don't change your diet, but consider improving it - eat less, waste less, do not overindulge on delicacies
    • learn as much as you can about things that reduce your reliance on the society and the products/services it provides
  • mildlyinteresting Mildly Interesting Earth if it was 4 Degrees more warmer.
  • jesterraiin jesterraiin 1 year ago 28%

    ...and as usual, the Mankind survives, adjusting to new reality, be it its own mistakes, or natural disasters.

    Life finds the way...

  • asklemmy Ask Lemmy Google Drive, Google Docs Replacement: Is OneDrive and a subscription to M365 Personal the answer?
  • jesterraiin jesterraiin 1 year ago 100%

    OneDrive is among the most unreliable pieces of software I've ever seen.

    It behaves erratic and unpredictably. Its credential manager resembles a blind monkey with Down syndrome that snorts coke to wake up. Webclient is slow, with UI resembling times of Netscape Navigator.

    tl;dr: I'd rather put all files on a thumbdrive and travel to wherever they are needed, than rely on Onedrive.

    As for M365 - plenty of good applications there. Using them daily.

  • adhd ADHD Every weeknight, like clockwork
  • jesterraiin jesterraiin 1 year ago 100%

    Headquarters! Mayday! This hit too close to our position!

  • jesterraiin jesterraiin 1 year ago 100%

    Try these tricks (providing they are applicable!):

    • Lower down the number of enemies under your control, but make them stronger. This way, you won't have to deal with so many pawns.
    • Don't force your NPCs to fight to death. Assume that once, say 25% of your pawns are wiped out, their leader halts the fight and asks to parlay, or that if 75% of them/their leader go to the ground, the rest escapes.
    • Tucker's Kobolds.
    • If a combat action leads to multiple dice rolls one after another, roll all of the dice at once - this speeds up the game.
    • Use combat managers/helpers - Excel file, dedicated software, whatever helps you in math, use it.
    • If the combat becomes too overwhelming, introduce some unsuspected elements. Sudden earthquake, volcano eruption, castle falling down, incoming of a truly powerful enemy, etc. Have some good in-game explanation for such an event!
  • dnd Dungeons and Dragons Any tips for a complete noob?
  • jesterraiin jesterraiin 1 year ago 66%

    These things should be part of in-game experience.

    Sitting there and discussing stuff rather than doing it, is a waste of time.

  • atheism Atheism Can Christianity Survive—With So Many Problems and Scandals?
  • jesterraiin jesterraiin 1 year ago 100%

    Can Christianity Survive—With So Many Problems and Scandals?

    The idea for this article is idiotic.

    Apply critical thinking, ffs. If the followers are ready to die and kill for the idea that there's some big guy watching over everything they do, loving them and giving terminal cancer to kids, then they will as sure as hell won't mind some problems and scandals by their leaders.

  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körnerhttps://github.com/dicebear/dicebearLI
    Listen to This jesterraiin 1 year ago 100%
    Ayreon "Beneath the Waves" www.youtube.com
    Quick info concerning Lemmy's outages

    I just checked and holy cow, there apparently are 400 of subscribed users. I didn't realize that since there are very little upvoting and even less comments, but I hope you're having fun, people. Anyway. Long story short, Lemmy.world was recently inaccessible quite often and it seems the situation may persist. As such, I can't promise constant flow of new content. I'll try to add a link or two when I can. Take care.
