chapotraphouse glimmer_twin 8 months ago 100%
Bruh I watched s2 of “Triggerpoint” at my parent’s place because they had it on, might be the purest ideology shit I’ve watched in years

Long story short the stupid lefties are evil murderers because people that are anti capitalist must be the most reprehensible cold blooded killers in society. But don’t worry cool edgy cop lady is here to stop them - damn cops are cool. But even better, before she was a cop she was a troop! Honestly stunning that this shit is walking around masquerading as prestige TV. It’s a whole lot of “boomers be afraid at every waking moment, there could be a bomb under your toilet seat!!” mixed with “and the bomb was put there by your woke grandkids that never visit!” and “cop good!” 0/10 would not recommend unless you like to be angry about irrelevant aspects of our cultural silage heap

  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    1 year ago 0%

    I’m Don Draper in the elevator with that guy, the guy is 196 and I’m saying “I don’t think about you at all”

    I literally don’t know what 196 is tbh

  • memes
    memes glimmer_twin 1 year ago 100%
    Posting a Gex every day until I’ve posted 100 Gex, day 82

    Today I’m posting a picture of a media-obsessed anthropomorphic lizard. Oh and Gex I guess.

    ttrpg ttrpg I don't 'get' orcs and goblins
  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    1 year ago 100%

    In lotr the orcs are more technologically advanced than the humans, it was part of the unintentional WWI allegory that was going on

  • menby menby It really do be tough for Asian guys out there...
    askchapo glimmer_twin 1 year ago 0%
    Anyone remember “Ahmed the dead terrorist”?

    Our culture is diseased now but damn the post-9/11 zeitgeist was cursed as hell

    sports sports How can I learn more about the basics of soccer/football?
  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    1 year ago 100%

    Tifo Football on YouTube has some good tactical stuff, it might be a little more in depth than what you’re after. But they’ll put up videos after big games like “here is how team A beat team B and how their tactics achieved that”.

    Depending on how much time you have, if you’re interested in formations there’s a good book called “inverting the pyramid” that’s about how modern formations came to be (the title comes from the fact that in the early days teams would have most of their guys further up the field and less defenders, and that has basically inverted over the years).

    Formations in elite level football are super fluid in the modern game though. There’s a lot of content out there, depending on how much of a tactics nerd you want to become. That sort of granular analysis isn’t super interesting to me so I don’t have many recs.

    I can give a quick run down of positions… this might take a while, haha.

    Goalkeeper: pretty obvious, the person at the back with the gloves and weird coloured shirt who can use their hands. You might hear the term “sweeper keeper” a lot. Basically that is used to denote the “modern” style of goal keeper that comes and “sweeps” up behind the defence and is good with their feet, rather than the old school pure shot stopper. (A sweeper used to be a type of defender who would sit behind the defensive line to sweep up balls over the top and so on, now the trend is for the gk to do that job)

    Defenders: you’re usually gonna see it described as a back 3 (or 5…) or a back 4. Back 4 is two “full backs” on the left and right, with two centre backs in the… centre. Full backs can also be “wing backs”, which is a more attacking full back who gets up the field much more to help attack. You usually see wing backs on either side of 3 centre backs (this is where the 3 at the back/back 5 including the wingbacks comes in). Centre backs used to just be big tough guys who could tackle and head the ball, but more and more the trend is for them to be good in possession too, to carry or pass the ball upfield (at the elite level this really goes for every position these days).

    So to sum up the defenders you have fullbacks, wingbacks, centrebacks (aka centre halfs, a bit archaic now).

    Midfield is where it gets complicated. For the sake of brevity I’ll try to keep it simple. As far as central midfield goes, you can have more defensively skilled guys who will sit in front of the defenders and win tackles/cut out passes etc, as well as start attacks if they’re good at carrying the ball or passing themselves. These are the defensive midfielders. Then you have true centre mids, which are weirdly kind of rare at the minute. You’ll also hear the term “box to box” midfielder. It’s because that’s where they do their business, between the boxes, winning that midfield battle for their team and setting up attacks. Then you have your attacking midfielders. The traditional centre attacking midfielder is a skilful guy who threads passes through to the strikers and knits attacks together, but now the role is super varied (if a team has one at all). Besides the CDM, CM, and CAM there’s also left and right midfielders, but they’re pretty rare to see at the top level these days because most teams don’t play a 4-4-2 formation. You’ll have attacking fullbacks or even wingbacks doing the job a wide midfielder used to do.

    Oh also just to make things super fun and confusing for a newcomer, defensive midfielders also get called “sixes”, box-to-box mids get called “eights” and central attacking midfielders get called “tens” - however this often has nothing to do with what number the player is actually wearing because the way shirt numbers work has changed, but the short hand has stayed the same. You can also have more than one of each (lmao). Like a team might play a “midfield three” in a 4-3-3 that has two 6s and an 8 - or if they’re being more attacking a 6 and two 8s!

    Then there’s the attackers/forwards. This sorta kinda includes the aforementioned central attacking midfielder AKA “number ten” from earlier, as you’d expect. In front of the number 10 you have…. The number 9 AKA the striker. The guy who sits at the tip of the spear whose main job is to score goals (except when it isn’t, but hey this is a simplified explanation here). The attackers on wide left and right are called wingers. Wingers (and full backs and right left mids) used to play on the same side as their dominant foot. So your right winger would be right footed. This was back when a lot of teams played with 2 strikers in a 4-4-2, so the right mids/wingers would be trying to cross into those guys. These days you see a lot of so-called “inverted wingers” who play on the OPPOSITE to the traditional side, trying to come inside and use that angle to shoot with their stronger foot, or play in teammates.

    As you can see, with all these positional variants coaches have a lot of options, but they can only pick 10 outfield players. This is where all the different formations come from. For example a 3-4-3 will have the wide play provided by the wingbacks (the outer two of the “four”) while the wingers will likely be inverted (the outer two of the front 3) so those wingbacks have space to work with out wide.

    As for how to figure out if a team is doing well when they’re not actively scoring… are they having a lot of shots on target? Forcing the opposing keeper to make a lot of saves? Do they have the majority of the ball possession? Are they stringing a lot of passes together and putting together nice attacking moves? Is the game being played primarily in the opposition half rather than their side of the field? Those are all signs a team is on top and playing well.

    Really I could take about this shit for hours because it’s fun for me, but I might just be telling you stuff you already know! Haha

  • movies movies The Last Jedi fucking blows, it’s legit the worst stor wor movie and no amount of purple haired Asian actresses is going to make me like it
  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    1 year ago 100%

    I really don’t think so lol. The first five minutes of RoS is all the characters saying “hey the last movie didn’t happen, palpatine’s back, time to go on a quest for the 7 maguffins”. It’s not like JJ followed up any of the stuff TLJ was railroading the plot towards.

  • movies movies The Last Jedi fucking blows, it’s legit the worst stor wor movie and no amount of purple haired Asian actresses is going to make me like it
  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    1 year ago 0%

    It wasn’t “good”, it’s blockbuster slop. I didn’t mind some of its ideas though, trying to take Star Wars away from “hey everything important that happens in this galaxy with a trillion trillion beings living in it revolves around this one family”. And then the 3rd sequel shat on that from a great height lol.

    There was some cool looking stuff. The hoth remix with the red salt was cool. When the admiral blows up the whole fleet is cool. The lightsaber blowing up. I even thought the sequence where Luke “comes back” was kinda dope. However it also had some terrible action stuff like the horse race scene or whatever. And the plot was a contrived afterthought.

    all that being said the sequels taken as a whole are a disgrace and this makes up a third of that disgrace so it’s hard to say it’s good, lol. It’s better than RoS by an order of magnitude, but that is literally one of the worst films I’ve ever seen.

  • history history cool ideas for my history class research paper?
  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    1 year ago 100%

    Haitian rev? It opens up avenues to compare and contrast with the French and maybe even American revs, the French doing their bourgeois revolution then immediately turning round and trying to keep the Haitians as slaves and slapping them with “reparations” for successfully freeing themselves.

    (Edit: bonus of this is nobody can come back at you calling you a dirty commie or mark you down because you call out the US for teaming up with nazis in Central America or whatever. Nobody is gonna say “umm actually the Haitians should’ve stayed as slaves”)

  • vegan
    vegan glimmer_twin 1 year ago 100%
    (Cw: carnist murder) Calls for investigation after 'hard to watch' footage of pigs being stunned by gas

    The Libs: “we must put CCTV in the abattoirs” Right thinking vegans everywhere: “release all animals immediately and stop the genocide”

    chapotraphouse glimmer_twin 2 years ago 100%
    I’m sorry but I will never accept the use of the word “addicting” in place of addictive

    Reading it feels like nails on a chalkboard to me every time

    history history Next time someone tries to tell you Churchill was a good guy hit em with this (cw: eugenics, ableism)
    history glimmer_twin 2 years ago 0%
    Next time someone tries to tell you Churchill was a good guy hit em with this (cw: eugenics, ableism)

    > Winston Churchill spoke of the need to introduce compulsory labour camps for "mental defectives" in the House of Commons in February 1911. In May 1912, a Private Members' Bill entitled the "Feeble-Minded Control Bill" was introduced in the House of Commons… It rejected sterilisation of the "feeble-minded", but had provision for registration and segregation. > The bill was withdrawn, but a government bill introduced on 10 June 1912 replaced it, which would become the Mental Deficiency Act 1913. > At the height of operation of the Mental Deficiency Act, 65,000 people were placed in "colonies" or in other institutional settings. The act remained in effect until it was repealed by the Mental Health Act 1959. [from another article:]( > The pages of Winston Churchill’s biography is a chapter short. Written by his son Randolph the sibling was too ashamed to go into any detail about the letter his father wrote to British statesman H.H. Asquith. > >Behind the parotic speeches of fighting them on the beaches Sir Winston Leonard Spencer-Churchill fought another battle to keep the vulnerable out of sight hidden in the dunes. > >In December 1910 the British PM sent a letter to Asquith stating: “The unnatural and increasingly rapid growth of the Feeble-Minded and Insane classes, coupled as it is with a steady restriction among all the thrifty, energetic and superior stocks, constitutes a national and race danger which it is impossible to exaggerate.” > When Churchill moved to the Liberal benches in 1904 he tried to push through tougher legislations for the “feeble minded” after researching a controversial act which was being carried out in Indiana. > >The Eugenics Law made it compulsory for criminals and the mentally unfit to be sterilised, they were also not given the right to marry. Reading the act in a book written by Dr. H.C.Sharp Churchill asked the Home Office to put the laws into practice on these shores for the “Feeble-Minded” and research the legal requirements so he could introduce the sterilisation process. > >His proposed actions were challenged by Chief Medical Advisor Dr. Horation Donkin who called the laws “The outcome of an arrogation of scientific knowledge by those who had no claim to it….It is a monument of ignorance and hopeless mental confusion.” > >Churchill wasn’t one to back down. In 1910 he told the Government Britain’s 120,000 “feeble-minded “people should be “segregated under proper conditions so that their curse died with them and was not transmitted to future generations.” Angered his views on sterilisation had been aborted the leader argued the “feeble-minded” should be segregated from the opposite sex. > > Defending his case Churchill said **sterilising would come as a much cheaper cost opposed to sending the “feeble minded” to colonies and surgery would allow them “to live freely in the world without causing much inconvenience to others.”**

    the_dunk_tank the_dunk_tank "We must burn Galileo to ensure the "heliocentrism" mind virus does not destroy our society" style argument from "Roko." Yep, the bazinga basilisk creep.
    history glimmer_twin 2 years ago 0%
    Nazis and Baathists - an interesting historical contradiction

    It tickles my brain in a strange way that the Americans did such a pissweak job of de-nazification after WWII (deliberately so in many ways) and it worked out great for the empire. But after toppling Saddam, they did a much better job of removing every member of the Ba’ath party from civilian and military power, and it turned into a disaster. I’ve been turning it over it my head, what was incompetence, what was deliberate, how these two distinct yet similar events played out. Was it simply a matter of the management of empire becoming less competent over time? Would full denazification have caused similar issues in postwar Germany (the experience of the GDR suggests not)? Very interesting to think about.

    movies glimmer_twin 2 years ago 0%
    The menu is fucking brilliant

    Can’t believe I slept on it thinking it was gonna be some run of the mill “people go to a place and get slowly killed off” type thriller. Highly recommend if you’ve also let it pass by like I have. It’s also very funny.

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    oceania glimmer_twin 2 years ago 100%
    Fascist infighting in Queensland
    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    antifascism glimmer_twin 2 years ago 100%
    Australian nazis are getting bold
    chapotraphouse glimmer_twin 2 years ago 0%
    From the Wikipedia page on The Witcher series

    Love my non-political fantasy series that heavily features racism, colonialism, the consequences those things have for the colonised, and their armed resistance to colonisation.

    memes memes Common Bot the Flag W
  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    2 years ago 100%

    “First they came for the Twitter shitlibs, and I did not speak out, because I hated those assholes”

  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    antifascism glimmer_twin 2 years ago 100%
    this seems like a potentially useful resource that could use some love, currently doesn't have too much content

    you have to fill in a form to create new entries but we should try and spread this around

    politics politics A thoughtful response to the "“is China socialist?” question
  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    2 years ago 0%

    17 screenshots of text and never answers or even considers the key question. We all know why China pivoted toward capitalist development, the question is when or if it will ever pivot back.

    2nd screenshot:

    you can only…. If you already have developed industry

    China has a well developed industrial economy. It’s been developing for half a century and has no sign of stopping. How developed does it need to be before you stop doing capitalism? How long will it take?

    The first four screens aren’t exactly new information. It’s the justification used by the USSR in enacting the NEP. Y’know, the NEP that lasted less than a decade? China is well into the 4th decade of marketisation and there are no indications that it’s likely to change anytime soon - private ownership and inequality are expanding in China, not contracting.

    The second half of the post, sure, I don’t think China is imperialist either (yet?). But the first half of the post is just a lot of words for “we’re building productive forces bro trust us bro we’re doing communism any second now bro” which is an argument we’ve all heard a thousand times.

  • vegan
    vegan glimmer_twin 2 years ago 100%
    Hi I’m a vegan Marxist

    It is not ideas but material conditions that propel history forward. Veganism will win not necessarily through ethical/moral appeals (even though they are correct) but because factory farming of meat will become untenable (it already is). The malding carnists of today will be the vegans of tomorrow. Thank you and goodbye.

    askchapo glimmer_twin 2 years ago 0%
    So do we hate Johnny Depp or not wtf happened there

    I don’t hate myself enough to delve deep into the depp/heard lore. I see that people seem to think he’s absolved, is that real? Do they both suck equally? Tell me how to feel, fellow echo chamber members!

    the_dunk_tank the_dunk_tank Gravel Institute are Tankies because they care about the brown folks we kill
    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    oceania glimmer_twin 2 years ago 100%
    Pig laughs and calls an aboriginal man a c*nt while searching for him after chasing him into a river (the man was dead because he fucken drowned)


    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    oceania glimmer_twin 2 years ago 100%
    Lessons from the Your Rights at Work campaign

    >Directed against the Howard government’s anti-worker WorkChoices legislation, Your Rights at Work protests were the biggest working class mobilisations in Australian history. The campaign cost John Howard his seat in parliament and tipped his Liberal government from power. > >Yet the fruits of the campaign were meagre for the trade union movement. Labor rolled into government at the 2007 election with a blank cheque from unions about what reforms to enact. The result was the Fair Work Act, a suite of minimal improvements alongside the retention of most longstanding anti-union laws.

    the_dunk_tank the_dunk_tank [Not the Onion] Richard Dawkins rants about Kafka's Metamorphosis. He calls it "bad SF".
    games games What a perfectly succinct way do describe the entire neoliberal paradigm
  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    3 years ago 100%

    I really wish this game was better. Got very repetitive and shallow very quickly and the RPG elements weren’t amazing. I really like that they went so openly anti-capitalist, even that’s presented in a pretty low-hanging-fruit “every single capitalist operator is extremely blatantly evil” kind of a way

  • movies
    movies glimmer_twin 4 years ago 0%
    Dude, I just watched “Yesterday”. It has to be one of the worst films I’ve seen in a long long time

    Like.... what the fuck? Danny Boyle has been known to make good films. You’re working with the catalogue of the Beatles, they have some, I dunno, pretty good songs. But what resulted is an absolutely jarring mess of shitty covers, bad acting, bad direction, weird editing, weird dialogue.... I honestly feel like I did a bunch of drugs before watching this movie, and not in a fun way. I haven’t felt this bemused and upset by a film since I did a bunch of ketamine watching Fear and Loathing and thought I was watching the movie from inside the TV. This is a movie about Beatles music that has more screen time for Ed sheeran and his music than the fucking Beatles. They even manage to shoehorn in the despicable black hole of talent that is James Cordern. The whole time I was expecting a cameo from a living beatle (because if anyone can get a beatle, it would be the director who did the opening of the Olympic Games after all), and at one point they tease it but don’t do it! Instead they perform a travesty by having some dude that, admittedly, looks a lot like an old John Lennon, show up. In this dogshit movie. The surviving Beatles probably didn’t want to attach their names to this absolute turd. I’m not even a huge Beatles fan. I think they have a bunch of good songs but are somewhat overrated. And even I feel like this does a disservice to their music, and it’s just on the whole a terrible movie. There’s so many Dutch angles I started to think the cinematographer had an inner ear disorder. Has anyone else seen this? Am I completely off kilter? I thought this movie was dog shit from the first 90 seconds, how does this exist?!

    movies movies Lol, Adam Curtis unironically quotes the author of The Gulag Archipelago in his latest film
  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    4 years ago 100%

    Most self-identified leftists have critiques of the late USSR and the revisionist CPSU as well though, I think that’s more compatible with our worldview than stating things like “the Chinese revolution hadn’t actually done anything to change the old structures of power in China” :agony-turbo:

  • movies
    movies glimmer_twin 4 years ago 0%
    Lol, Adam Curtis unironically quotes the author of The Gulag Archipelago in his latest film

    My lingering feeling that he sucks/is an op is growing. I’ve long figured that nobody truly subversive would be getting published by the BBC. The majority of his latest work is a borderline anti communist hit piece tbh.

    music music Dolly Parton has remade “9-5” for a super bowl ad - it is now “5-9” and is about gig economy rise and grind bullshit :agony-yeehaw:
  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    4 years ago 100%

    Honestly impressive when artists can do that. I saw the cure three or four years ago, Robert Smith sounds exactly like he did in the 80s. Meanwhile I saw Oasis like fifteen years ago and Liam Gallagher already sounded like shit lol

  • music music Dolly Parton has remade “9-5” for a super bowl ad - it is now “5-9” and is about gig economy rise and grind bullshit :agony-yeehaw:
    music music Dolly Parton has remade “9-5” for a super bowl ad - it is now “5-9” and is about gig economy rise and grind bullshit :agony-yeehaw:
    music glimmer_twin 4 years ago 0%
    Dolly Parton has remade “9-5” for a super bowl ad - it is now “5-9” and is about gig economy rise and grind bullshit :agony-yeehaw:

    It couldn’t be more on the nose about the decline in fortunes of the working class in the last forty years. Also lmao that people think Dolly is some kind of working class hero when she takes money from SquareSpace to shit out this abomination

    askchapo askchapo Genuine question: why does everyone hate Trotsky(ists/ism)?
  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    4 years ago 100%

    There is a lot of controversy around “Lenin’s last testament” which you mention. Besides, as much as I enjoy Lenin why should he get to arbitrarily pick his successor in between having strokes lol.

    Their ideological differences aside, by all accounts Trotsky was and always had been a huge asshole with a superiority complex (not to say he wasn’t actually a very intelligent guy, but y’know how some people are assholes about it?), and Stalin was just better at schmoozing people. So when it came down to it, he was better at politicking his way into power, while Trotsky would alienate people.

    Now, after Trotsky was no longer involved in running the USSR, my personal thought are that he basically just became dogmatically against whatever was happening in Russia under Stalin, because of personal grievance. And keep in mind that it’s much easier to sit on the sidelines, criticising everything, than to be involved in the actual running of a nation trying to establish socialism for the first time.

    There’s also a materialist argument to be made that if the power struggle had gone the other way, and Stalin got exiled, things in the USSR would have gone pretty similarly under Trotsky - or that someone else would have taken over earlier than 1953, because, again, everyone personally thought Trotsky was an asshole who was annoying to work with, lol.

    This isn’t to say everything Trotsky ever did is poison, and that he should be completely disregarded. He has some good writings, and we’re talking about a guy who led the Petrograd Soviet and then the Red Army during the civil war. He was definitely smart and a true revolutionary. But I think after his ousting from power he became very embittered (perhaps understandably), and became the kind of socialist we criticise today, sitting on the sidelines in a capitalist country and constantly attacking AES.

    TROTSKYISTS on the other hand are pretty insufferable lmao, because you can pretty much discard the first half of my previous paragraph, and just apply the second half to them.

  • main main Someone call the militsya, I'd like to report a murder
  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    4 years ago 100%

    Absolute own. Jacobin sucks, look at that flaming shitheap of an article Amber got printed in there the other day lol.

  • writing writing Why does America hate people trying to walk so much
  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    4 years ago 100%

    We’re weird here in Australia, a loooooot of suburban places will only have pavement (“sidewalk”) on one side of the street. And it’s like, cool I have to zig zag from side to side if I don’t wanna walk in dirt (or someone’s literal front garden, we don’t really do picket fences here) half the time I’m walking (this is Australia we don’t have grass we have dirt)

  • main
    main glimmer_twin 4 years ago 100%
    I know it’s flogging a dead horse at this point

    But it’s still fucking amazing and jokerfying that biden is the fucking guy this decaying empire coughed up during its death rattle to oversee the continuing and accelerating decline. Real last days of rome shit. Actually, it’s too much even for that. If someone was making a movie about the fall of rome and the emperor was portrayed as a doddering old decrepit fuck like Biden people would say it was a little much. It’s still astounding that they couldn’t find another smooth talking neoliberal ghoul ANYWHERE. Couple that with Pelosi’s fucking “good morning, Sunday morning” gaffe, the fact that Feinstein apparently doesn’t know what planet she’s on, and then multiple senators and congresspeople are apparently on Alzheimer’s medication. The absolute state of bourgeois democracy. incredible.

    askchapo askchapo Question for anarchists on this board: What is your solution to fascists/qultists/reactionaries in general?
    askchapo askchapo Question for anarchists on this board: What is your solution to fascists/qultists/reactionaries in general?
  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    4 years ago 100%

    Ehh, I’m kinda partial to the “our flag is red for the blood of our martyred comrades” thing

  • askchapo askchapo Question for anarchists on this board: What is your solution to fascists/qultists/reactionaries in general?
  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    4 years ago 0%

    I’m not an an anarchist but I challenge the premise of the question, I think it’s pretty clear there have been plenty of anarchist groups throughout history “willing to get their hands dirty”. Anarchists aren’t hippies lol.

  • music
    music glimmer_twin 4 years ago 0%
    The Beatles “Revolution” is a microcosm of why the 60s counter-culture movement represented liberal bourgeois thought

    The entire thing is indicative of the failure of the hippy project to even contemplate enacting real change. You wanna change the world? Nah, take LSD instead, “don’t you know it’s gonna be alright?”. The idea that any of these people genuinely believed they were doing anything other than assisting in the maintenance of the status quo is laughable. Of course I’m not saying I thought rock stars represented the ideological pinnacle of the movement, but I’d claim that this sort of thought is indicative of the wider milieu.

    the_dunk_tank the_dunk_tank I have discovered the radlib final boss
  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    4 years ago 0%

    They already ruined the term “social democratic”, isn’t that enough? Lenin would be spinning in his grave, if we hadn’t turned him into a freaky madame tussauds attraction

  • main
    main glimmer_twin 4 years ago 0%
    It’s unethical to buy shit from pawn shops right?

    Not that I ever do, I don’t have money even for second hand shit. But sometimes I get drawn into checking out the windows (I like guitars and electronics, that seems to be all those places sell).

    main main Miyazaki on alienation
  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    4 years ago 100%

    Apparently the inventor of the loudspeaker regretted his invention after seeing the Nazis use it at Nuremberg

  • main main Two hot takes fresh off the presses. 1) You're a lib for not setting pronouns. 2) If you're going to post images of dead bods please put "NSFL" in the title.
  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    4 years ago 100%

    C’mon comrades, show solidarity, choose they/them if you don’t want random internet people knowing your gender.

    Also, please please make sure your titles make it explicitly clear when it’s a picture of some chud lying there with his face blown off, I wanna make sure I don’t miss that kind of content.

  • main main Existential crisis time
  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    4 years ago 100%

    I’m by no means a mentally healthy individual myself, but I’m coming around to the idea that current mental health practice is mainly concerned with making sure we all stay productive worker bees under capitalism. Feel alienated? Your brain chemistry is off. Feel like nothing means anything and it’s all pointless? That’s not because of the mode of production, YOU are the problem, time to fix your brain!

    I dunno man. Antidepressants saved my life, but I find myself questioning the way our society treats these diseases more and more.

  • main
    main glimmer_twin 4 years ago 0%
    I feel like we should change the Assad “Who must go” meme to Maduro

    He’s less of a problematic fave also we could use this :maduro_coffee-big: which is fun

    main main Playing a “Modern military shooter” is super depressing
    music music Daily struggle session time: the Beatles fucking suck
  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    4 years ago 100%

    Haha, I like em, and maybe they were influential or whatever, but they have a lot of garbage in their catalogue for sure. The white album for example could easily be cut in half, didn’t need to be a double album.

    I think Rubber Soul is their best album, after that a lot of their stuff went way too far up its own ass, I don’t need to listen to a bunch of white dudes playing the sitar tbh.

    Also my “hot take” (and amongst a certain crowd it is definitely a hot take) is that the Rolling Stones are better than Beatles - sure the Beatles were better for like, four years in the 60s, but the stones have another 50 years of material after that. The stones didn’t even release some of their best albums until after the Beatles were broken up. So over the course of their whole output I much prefer the stones.

  • main main What bike lock should I get
  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    4 years ago 100%

    Haha, I’ve wasted quite a few hours watching LPL, it’s what makes me so concerned about this topic. I find his videos oddly soothing.

  • main
    main glimmer_twin 4 years ago 0%
    What bike lock should I get

    I got the bike for free so it’s not like I’m protecting an investment, but y’know I don’t wanna replace it, having it stolen would suck. They all seem hella expensive, I was thinking of just going to the hardware shop and buying a fucking big chain and padlock lol.
