196 196 Modern Conservativism Rule
  • gandalf_der_12te gandalf_der_12te 4 hours ago 100%
  • showerthoughts Showerthoughts We only do things for 2 reasons; either we want to, or we have to
  • gandalf_der_12te gandalf_der_12te 13 hours ago 100%

    welcome to philosophy :)

  • health Health - Resources and discussion for everything health-related Two or three cups of coffee a day is linked to a lower risk of heart and metabolic disease
  • gandalf_der_12te gandalf_der_12te 15 hours ago 100%

    No, effects are non-linear. If you drink too much, it's bad for you.

  • health Health - Resources and discussion for everything health-related Two or three cups of coffee a day is linked to a lower risk of heart and metabolic disease
  • gandalf_der_12te gandalf_der_12te 15 hours ago 100%

    Yeah, drugs stimulate the body and keep you fresh. This has both mental and physiological advantages. People should understand that a certain amount of drugs has more positive than negative effects.

    Society needs to drop the stigma that all drugs are bad and that we should take as little of them as possible. Just like coffeine, other drugs can have a rejuvenating effect on the mind, and possibly (through mind-body interactions) also on the body.

  • world World News Japan faces labor shortages and demographic crisis as elderly population hits record high
  • gandalf_der_12te gandalf_der_12te 15 hours ago 70%

    According to Robert Feldman, chief economist at Morgan Stanley MUFG Securities, the data fuels concerns about demographic shifts and a labor crunch in the country.

    How the fuck is it his problem though? Is he personally interested in the well-being of Japanese people? No. Does he only care about maximizing his own profits? Yes.

  • casualconversation Casual Conversation Just me or people keep asking the same questions all the time here?
  • gandalf_der_12te gandalf_der_12te 15 hours ago 50%

    Yeah we need more content, I agree. Maybe we should either bring in more people from somewhere (in case that is even possible), or we should connect to additional platforms to increase exchanges.

  • ausomememes Ausome Memes Conversation Options - Which one is your preference?
  • gandalf_der_12te gandalf_der_12te 15 hours ago 100%

  • ausomememes Ausome Memes CPU is overloaded
  • gandalf_der_12te gandalf_der_12te 15 hours ago 100%

    Names are arbitrary most of the times anyways, you might as well make one up at this point.

  • ausomememes Ausome Memes CPU is overloaded
  • gandalf_der_12te gandalf_der_12te 15 hours ago 100%

    maybe they just don't have any sense of self-worth. That happens a lot.

  • ausomememes Ausome Memes I swear my brain forgets on purpose just to torture me
  • gandalf_der_12te gandalf_der_12te 15 hours ago 100%

    I find it has a lot to do with what type of people you're surrounding yourself. Some people are ok or fun to be around, while others give me a horrendous twitching inside.

  • ausomememes Ausome Memes 👌Consistency 👌
  • gandalf_der_12te gandalf_der_12te 15 hours ago 100%

    it's not about the taste, it's about the consistency

  • adhd ADHD memes Just AuDHD life paths
  • gandalf_der_12te gandalf_der_12te 15 hours ago 88%

    there's the global trans polycule that i've heard about 😉 spreading the word 😚😚

  • adhd ADHD memes Just AuDHD life paths
  • gandalf_der_12te gandalf_der_12te 15 hours ago 100%

    take care of yourselves, you're worth it 😋😚

  • asklemmy Asklemmy What's the most polarizing thing you've ever done or said?
  • gandalf_der_12te gandalf_der_12te 16 hours ago 100%

    I think that's about as controversial as saying "We should abandon industrialized meat production".

  • asklemmy Asklemmy What's the most polarizing thing you've ever done or said?
  • gandalf_der_12te gandalf_der_12te 16 hours ago 100%

    You can embed LaTeX math formulas in Markdown with $x = y$ on many clients.

    Let me try: $f(x) = \frac{1}{x}$.

    Doesn't seem to work on Lemmy. Maybe a bug/missing feature?

  • asklemmy Asklemmy What's the most polarizing thing you've ever done or said?
  • gandalf_der_12te gandalf_der_12te 16 hours ago 100%

    also, we need 20h/week, 4 days/week schools.

  • gandalf_der_12te gandalf_der_12te 16 hours ago 100%

  • microblogmemes Microblog Memes I promise the Republican Party
  • gandalf_der_12te gandalf_der_12te 17 hours ago 96%

    Both sides are wrong, just that Democrats are center-wrong, while Republicans are far-wrong.

  • asklemmy Asklemmy what would be the best way to tell your supervisor to stop inquiring about your personal life and mobbing you into opening up?
  • gandalf_der_12te gandalf_der_12te 1 day ago 100%

    It's important for you to learn to set boundaries. And to block questions that you feel are hitting "too close to home". So don't respond. Just tell her that you have a private life that you'd like to keep to yourself.

    There's nothing wrong with that. You just need some time and practice to stand up for yourself. :)

  • worldnews World News Greta Thunberg labeled 'antisemite of the week' amid anti-Israel activity
  • gandalf_der_12te gandalf_der_12te 1 day ago 100%

    I'm worried that she makes herself too much of a target by being so active.

    Otherwise than that, fuck Israel, yeah.

  • gandalf_der_12te gandalf_der_12te 1 day ago 100%

    it's the main component of a meal.

  • memes Memes 2 life pro tips in one meme!
  • gandalf_der_12te gandalf_der_12te 1 day ago 100%

    two conspiracy theories in one! i love that community.

  • memes Memes 2 life pro tips in one meme!
  • gandalf_der_12te gandalf_der_12te 1 day ago 100%

    Cooking rice is a notoriously hard problem (and for that reason I recommend noodles instead) but my tip is:

    • Don't (!) do the 2:1 thing where you mix 2 cups of water with 1 cup of rice. Some of the water will boil off and the ratio will be distorted, except if you close your cooking pot, in which case it begins to foam like crazy and give you something to clean up
    • Do just fill a large pot with lots of water and make it boil; then when it boils add the rice and cook a certain time with the pot open. I've made the best rice this way.
  • memes Memes 2 life pro tips in one meme!
  • gandalf_der_12te gandalf_der_12te 1 day ago 90%

    Did you know that at lemmy, they have special discounts, where you can get two wisdoms for the price of one upvote?

  • memes memes It's true.
  • gandalf_der_12te gandalf_der_12te 1 day ago 100%

    oh wow, the second one is actually impressive. :)

  • technology Technology The internet is worse than it used to be. How did we get here, and can we go back?
  • gandalf_der_12te gandalf_der_12te 2 days ago 50%

    We could have separate instances for the normies and for the femboy linux users. And then, everybody can choose which instances to block/follow.

  • technology Technology The internet is worse than it used to be. How did we get here, and can we go back?
  • gandalf_der_12te gandalf_der_12te 2 days ago 100%

    Tbf, democracies kinda always suffered from this problem.

    The italian long-term prime minister Silvio Berlusconi was a comedian before going into politics. And so was english prime minister Boris Johnsson. In other words, they were used to catering to audiences, instead of having technical training. (IIRC)

  • technology Technology The internet is worse than it used to be. How did we get here, and can we go back?
  • gandalf_der_12te gandalf_der_12te 2 days ago 100%

    I disagree. Such a thing is not feasible. In 1500, when the printing press was developed, Martin Luther tried to raise all people in the entire population to be priests, because "now that they have books, they can educate themselves". Obviously, it didn't work. I think most people just aren't made for higher knowledge, and we should accept that fact rather than push people through a high-pressure high-stress levels school system.

  • showerthoughts Showerthoughts Do cartoon characters see each other in the art style or “realistically”?
  • gandalf_der_12te gandalf_der_12te 2 days ago 100%

    Do you see other people realistically, or like in Euclidean Space?

  • showerthoughts Showerthoughts I wonder if Quantum computer could be used to solve hard math problems like Integrals.
  • gandalf_der_12te gandalf_der_12te 2 days ago 100%

    Well yeah in the simple case.

    And then there's stochastics.

  • showerthoughts Showerthoughts Jesus could have been an antique meme à la Chuck Norris that got waaaay out of hand
  • gandalf_der_12te gandalf_der_12te 2 days ago 100%

    yep, that's actually what I beliefe. People in earlier times weren't stupid, they have the same genes and brains as us. If we could figure out religion is fake, so could they. But they didn't because back then, magic wasn't fake. It was real.

  • showerthoughts Showerthoughts Jesus could have been an antique meme à la Chuck Norris that got waaaay out of hand
  • gandalf_der_12te gandalf_der_12te 2 days ago 50%

    I know from first-hand experience that I have often heard some information from somewhere, but for the heck of me I can't remember where. So I can often not find sources for something I was sure was true. This happens a lot to me.

  • showerthoughts Showerthoughts If gravity is a particle... How come it can escape a black hole? 🤔
  • gandalf_der_12te gandalf_der_12te 2 days ago 100%

    Thank you, finally somebody asks.

    Also, other important question: What are the differential equations that describe how the Gravity Field propagates through space? In other words, at what speed does gravity propagate?

  • showerthoughts Showerthoughts I hope this doesn't sound negative, it is a thought that I had and just felt good about it. I'm nothing. I'm cosmic dust but I enjoyed my life.
  • gandalf_der_12te gandalf_der_12te 2 days ago 100%

    I find the idea of not expecting too much of oneself can be extremely liberating. Just let go of the stress, relax and enjoy life.

  • nottheonion Not The Onion Putin encourages Russians to have sex at work amid falling birth rate
  • gandalf_der_12te gandalf_der_12te 2 days ago 86%

    I disagree. There's a lot of reasons why people don't have children, including:

    • emotional devastated youth (abandoned by parents, addicted to smartphones, misunderstood by society)
    • people can't find partners for this reason
    • too much stress from too much work
    • wages are barely keeping up with inflation, and I project they will in fact not keep up in the long term in the US due to missing labor protections and decreasing demand for labor.
    • rising cost of living because politically, nobody really cares about the population.

    edit: sorry i realized i made these points US-specific but you were talking about russia, sorry.

  • nottheonion Not The Onion Putin encourages Russians to have sex at work amid falling birth rate
  • gandalf_der_12te gandalf_der_12te 2 days ago 100%

    To raise their motivation to come to work, right?

    To raise their motivation to come to work, right?

    insert padme meme

  • asklemmy Asklemmy What's the most polarizing thing you've ever done or said?
  • gandalf_der_12te gandalf_der_12te 2 days ago 94%

    Pedophiles aren't the problem.

    Rapists are the problem.

  • showerthoughts Showerthoughts It's hard to tell anymore if the internet truly offers nothing of value to me or if I'm just dead inside.
  • gandalf_der_12te gandalf_der_12te 2 days ago 75%


  • memes memes It's true.
  • gandalf_der_12te gandalf_der_12te 2 days ago 100%


    I wrote a piece about why imaginary numbers are actually important. It's in german though.

    To sum it up, to every polynomial equation, there exists at least one solution to it, if you allow complex numbers to be solutions.

  • aboringdystopia A Boring Dystopia 14 pages of dead babies
  • gandalf_der_12te gandalf_der_12te 2 days ago 100%

    I've met palestinians and I can tell you, they're normal people.

  • 196
    196 gandalf_der_12te 3 days ago 98%
    jenga rule

    ... and we know how the game ends, right?

    Technology gandalf_der_12te 3 weeks ago 95%
    [discussion] DC (direct current) power network

    As we all know, [AC won the "War of the Currents"](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/War_of_the_currents). The reasoning behind this is that AC voltage is easy to convert up/down with just a ring of iron and two coils. And high voltage allows us to transport current over longer distances, with less loss. Now, the War of the Currents happened in 1900 (approximately), and our technology has improved a lot since then. We have useful diodes and transistors now, we have microcontrollers and [Buck/Boost converters](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Buck_converter). We can transform DC voltage well today. Additionally, photovoltaics produces DC naturally. Whereas the traditional generator has an easier time producing AC, photovoltaic plants would have to transform the power into AC, which, if I understand correctly, has a massive loss. And then there's the issue of stabilizing the frequency. When you have one big producer (one big hydro-electric dam or coal power plant), then stabilizing the frequency is trivial, because you only have to talk to yourself. When you have 100000 small producers (assume everyone in a bigger area has photovoltaics on their roof), then suddenly stabilizing the frequency becomes more challenging, because everybody has to work in exactly the same rhythm. I wonder, would it make sense to change our power grid from AC to DC today? I know it would obviously be a lot of work, since every consuming device would have to change what power it accepts from the grid. But in the long run, could it be worth it? Also, what about insular networks. Would it make sense there? Thanks for taking the time for reading this, and also, I'm willing to go into the maths, if that's relevant to the discussion.

    Lemmy Shitpost gandalf_der_12te 1 month ago 86%
    spy x family rules

    season 1 episode 10 meme template here: https://feddit.org/pictrs/image/9a6dadfa-35a9-4b28-b58c-8ddb6789460f.png

    Lemmy Shitpost gandalf_der_12te 1 month ago 94%
    grindset does not rule

    Hey there, I wanted to make a meme to clarify what the "grindset" actually does. It grinds the human to dust. With "grindset" I mean the "hard-working" mindset that lots of people in the US seam to have. I think it's very unhealthy, exhausts the body, and should be avoided. People should make a living with less than 50 hours of work per week.

    Lemmy Shitpost gandalf_der_12te 2 months ago 97%
    technological advancement

    scene from Ice Age - No Time For Nuts (2006) it is a dystopian future where we technologically advance the planet to a state where there's no oak trees anymore. the above picture (supposed to be utopian) always appears dystopian to me, so i made this meme.

    Solarpunk gandalf_der_12te 2 months ago 100%
    Solar punk is not... here's what it actually is. peertube.stream

    Strong video: showing the difference between true solar punk on the one hand and greenwashing on the other .

    196 gandalf_der_12te 2 months ago 100%
    Fluttershy doing Furry uWu Rap (GOD PLEASE FORGIVE ME) uwu {Short Blender 2D 3D Animation Hybrid} pony.tube

