196 196 Dune rule
  • funky_rodent funky_rodent 3 months ago 100%

    But would you still love him as a worm?

  • linux Linux What was your latest improvement to your Linux setup?
  • funky_rodent funky_rodent 3 months ago 100%

    Fantastic for you 🙈

    Got quite savie with the grub parameters, wasn't practical tho. Wait for this baby to dye, my next one gets some prior research

  • microblogmemes Microblog Memes And people who don't read make fun of you for it.
  • funky_rodent funky_rodent 3 months ago 100%

    The colour Beige was my downfall 🙈

  • linux Linux What was your latest improvement to your Linux setup?
  • funky_rodent funky_rodent 3 months ago 100%

    Ryzen crew, never rest, never sleep!

    I am so confused that this is still an issue, but be warned even with more "modern" Ryzen it is an issue. My Ryzen 5(?) Huawei matebook still can't run Linux without this shit.

  • 196 196 [meta] "." is not a rule
  • funky_rodent funky_rodent 4 months ago 100%

    Thank you :) Ya I see it more as service than power play I agree

    Have good day

  • 196 196 [meta] "." is not a rule
  • funky_rodent funky_rodent 4 months ago 100%

    Ya, I guess I could get a power-rush easier in my life :D Sifting through reports and reading mean stuff just doesn't tickle that spot for me.

    I am a social worker in real life and think of modding more as a service than, power-governing. I like the fediverse and most of the time I enjoy beeing part of a garbage crew here

    But I agree we don't owe eachother shit here. But I also think beeing friendly, understanding and nice is helpful:)

    Have a good day

  • 196 196 [meta] "." is not a rule
  • funky_rodent funky_rodent 4 months ago 99%

    Thank you for that call out, we will discuss this with the other mods and make sure that removing and banning reasons are used transparently

    In the meantime I would love to remind y'all that we are moderating this forum in our free time as volunteers, it takes time and capacity. Sometimes it works better sometimes it doesn't

    Feel free to write in the mod-application post if you feel like becoming a mod here would help.

    Best wishes and a good night from Germany Funky-rodent

  • 196 196 [meta] "." is not a rule
  • funky_rodent funky_rodent 4 months ago 100%

    My dear, you are of course free to do so, that's the fun of the fediverse.

    I also think it's good to call out flawed modding moments so we as a small group o volunteers can work in this and improve. So this (shitpost)-Forum can remain as big as it is in the moment.

    Otherwise you are free to write Moss and become part of the mod-team

  • technology Technology Microsoft is trying to convince Windows 10 users to upgrade with full-screen prompts
  • funky_rodent funky_rodent 5 months ago 100%

    Wicked processor freezing while switching into power saving (idle cpu-modes) modes, workes fine if I disable these, but then it's always on full power

    Have tried a lot, is a pain

  • technology Technology Microsoft is trying to convince Windows 10 users to upgrade with full-screen prompts
  • funky_rodent funky_rodent 5 months ago 100%

    Well sadly my laptop is not supported for update 🤷

    I'll wait for it to day and get a proper Linux supported device:)

    Till then, I'll fly my w10

  • 196
    196 funky_rodent 5 months ago 100%
    🏆 rule


    196 196 I'm dead now rule
  • funky_rodent funky_rodent 5 months ago 100%

    You are under investigation now

  • 196 196 Praise be the rule
  • funky_rodent funky_rodent 5 months ago 100%

    May you add a nsfw tag pls

  • 196 196 p-p-please rule
  • funky_rodent funky_rodent 5 months ago 100%

    Pls add a nsfw tag here :)

  • 196 196 hwhehehehehegegeg fur-rule
  • funky_rodent funky_rodent 6 months ago 100%

    I get reports, work networks a prude So pls mark it

  • 196 196 hwhehehehehegegeg fur-rule
  • funky_rodent funky_rodent 6 months ago 100%

    My dear,

    Could you pls add a nsfw tag for this, Ty :)

    Best wishes funky-rodent

  • 196 196 some adult needs to make rules against this becoming a usa politics community
  • funky_rodent funky_rodent 6 months ago 100%

    My dear, I am sorry if the moderation is not up to your standards. I have a job, It's Easter, I try to celebrate with my family. While some people are, I agree in that l, obnoxious.

    You can write Moss if you like to join moderating Best wishes Funky-rodent

  • 196 196 Please, for the love of God, VOTE!
  • funky_rodent funky_rodent 6 months ago 100%

    Yo you kids can't behave, I will look this now, it's Easter and I don't want to have this burning here

  • futurology Futurology Germany's largest telecom company, Deutsche Telekom, says AI will render apps on phones obsolete and is launching a high-end smartphone with only an AI interface.
  • funky_rodent funky_rodent 7 months ago 100%

    Luckily to them "Deutsche Telekom" is in Germany known to be aggressively incompetent.

    Their main goal seemed to be to grab as much taxpayer money as possible and make mediocre services out of it, As the "Telekom-Cloud". They try to ride the recent AI wave without having a clue what they are doing I guess

    Edit: clou ≠ clue

  • ich_iel ich_iel ich⛪🏴🚩iel
  • funky_rodent funky_rodent 7 months ago 100%

    Are we the baddies?

  • deutschland Deutschland MeToo-Vorwürfe werden geprüft: Grünen-EU-Abgeordneter tritt zurück
  • funky_rodent funky_rodent 7 months ago 100%

    Link zur Süddeutschen

    Die beziehen sich auf die dpa Pressenmeldung

    Er sagt, gibt Gerüchte habe sich nichts zu schulden kommen lassen. Was soll er auch anderes sagen 🤷

    Glaube wenn mehrere Leute melden das er sich nicht fit verhält, dann muss da hingeschaut werden. Politik und Hierarchien holen leider nicht das beste aus den Leuten raus.

    Fände es spannend, wenn aus anderen Parteien mehr Leute so schnell weg waren * träum *

  • 196 196 goofy rule
  • funky_rodent funky_rodent 7 months ago 100%


  • 196 196 goofy rule
  • funky_rodent funky_rodent 7 months ago 100%

    Could you please mark this as nsfw?

  • fragfeddit Frag Feddit Zum ersten Date zur Begrüßung umarmen?
  • funky_rodent funky_rodent 7 months ago 100%

    Yes habe ich Biko Berlin ✨ 1 Jahr lang Tolle Leute :) gute Fortbildung

  • nostupidquestions No Stupid Questions Do you tip for takeout? (How much?)
  • funky_rodent funky_rodent 7 months ago 100%

    Don't mind the pop :)

    The poor was more refering to my ability to give a tip and the range i can do it with. (And I would say poor, changes from country to country?)

    Expensive dine outs like this are rare (sadly) The regular meal out in my region is between 8-15 € Home cooking is far cheaper

    How is the range in your area in Hungary

    My last grocery shop without expensive stuff for ½-1 week was 45 € which was ruff 😢

  • fragfeddit Frag Feddit Zum ersten Date zur Begrüßung umarmen?
  • funky_rodent funky_rodent 7 months ago 97%

    Sexy und hilfreicher Tip (eines Sexualpädagogen) :)

    Wenn es eine Person ist, die du gerne umarmen möchtest, kannst du auch fragen und genau diese Unsicherheit ansprechen.

    "Hey schön das wir uns in echt sehen, würde dich gerne umarmen, ist das fein für dich?"

    Extrapunkte für Unsicherheiten ansprechen: "Bin bei so Datingsachen ein bisschen lost, was Begrüßungen angeht, würde dich aber gerne umarmen, bist du dabei? :)"

    Viel Spaß und hab(t) eine gute Zeit

  • nostupidquestions No Stupid Questions Do you tip for takeout? (How much?)
  • funky_rodent funky_rodent 7 months ago 100%

    German here, I don't have to give anything.

    If I am enlighted by service, or the food was really nice I tend to give 10/15%. Mind I am poor and expensive meals are like 45€, so giving 50€ for a good service and evening seems fine to me :)

  • aicompanions AI Companions [Other] AI girlfriends? What about AI boyfriends?
  • funky_rodent funky_rodent 8 months ago 80%

    That looks like me writing way too long sentences in German (my nother-tongue), before noticing that I severely got lost on my way

  • privacy Privacy Switching to custom rom on android device with data
  • funky_rodent funky_rodent 11 months ago 100%

    I fear that everything around custom ROMs and data security comes around as tedious;) Creating backups may be one of the less bad ones tho

  • casualconversation [Outdated, please look at pinned post] Casual Conversation [Daily thread] How are you doing today? 19-10-2023
  • funky_rodent funky_rodent 11 months ago 100%

    Failed to use my alarm clock, got one hour extra sleep and nobody was mad at work. Gonna see my girlfriend later, so iam doing good :)

    How is you doing?

  • funky_rodent funky_rodent 11 months ago 100%

    Well, comming from Europe sadly most old houses are neither cheap or haunted:(

  • ltb_iel LTB_iel Ich_iel bei Like 🐟
  • funky_rodent funky_rodent 12 months ago 100%

    Ergreife den Stör bei dem Flossen und sahn ab :)

  • ltb_iel
    LTB_iel funky_rodent 12 months ago 100%
    Ich_iel bei Like 🐟
    LTB_iel funky_rodent 12 months ago 100%
    😭 zum Heulen
  • funky_rodent funky_rodent 12 months ago 100%

    LTB Comics! Beste! :)

  • boostforlemmy Boost For Lemmy Early Access: Become a tester for Boost for Lemmy and share your feedback 🚀
  • funky_rodent funky_rodent 12 months ago 100%

    Hello :) I love it so much! Haven't realised how much I missed this interface!

    Ist there any chance to integrate mod-tools

  • dach DACH - jetzt auf feddit.org Aufklärungsunterricht in Belgien: Zwei Stunden Penis und Vulva und schon brennt die Schule
  • funky_rodent funky_rodent 1 year ago 96%

    Arbeite als Sexualpädagoge in NRW, großes Kino zur Zeit Eltern von Kindern in Kindergärten und Schulen eskalieren zum Teil im Vorhinein massiv. Werfen uns vor Missbrauch zu betreiben und sexuelle Handlungen zu nötigen.

    Haben gerade den Fall das eine rechtsversierte Mutter aus dem Corona/Schwurbel Umfeld und massiv mit rechtliche folgen droht , per Mail. Mal schauen wie der Elternabend wird 🤷

    Meistens wird das bei ¾ der Eltern besser wenn die erstmal reden konnten und ein bisschen zugehört haben. ¼ ist leider lost und bleibt es

  • asklemmy Asklemmy What's the most expensive lesson you've learned?
  • funky_rodent funky_rodent 1 year ago 88%

    Not a massive expense. Turned 500 € into 250€. Learned a lesson nonetheless.

    I followed the GameStop (GME) hype to late and halfed my money in 4 easy steps. Follow and don't repeat.

    • invest (feel like robin hood ... hehe)
    • panic (notice why I shouldn't daytrade and why I was in therapy
    • withdraw my money at an awesome 2:1 ratio
    • not fall for internet hype that quicky again and delete my invest account
  • asklemmy Asklemmy Whats your favorite free open source software that everyone should try?
  • funky_rodent funky_rodent 1 year ago 85%

    I guess, i love you The PDF annotation part always bothered me. Will give it a try

  • internetfuneral internet funeral Just the absolute WORST night to have curse
  • funky_rodent funky_rodent 1 year ago 100%

    Direct earworm while reading this :D

  • technology Technology Some veteran YouTube staff think Shorts might ruin YouTube
  • funky_rodent funky_rodent 1 year ago 66%

    Yeah some people want to be annoyed :D

    I just blocked then in Firefox and carried on I Watch everything else through newpipe so I don't even bother:)

  • technology Technology “We just lost 3TB of data on a SanDisk Extreme SSD” - The Verge
  • funky_rodent funky_rodent 1 year ago 100%

    Thank you for your service !

  • unixsocks r/unixsocks on fediverse My first real pair of socks uwu (repost from r/unixsocks) (reddit sucks) (i need a skirt)
  • funky_rodent funky_rodent 1 year ago 100%

    Surprised youcabn wear socks at estimated 50°C with all that tech in one room !

  • dach
    Stauffenberg als Held und Widerständler? Was denkt ihr?

    Hab vorhin einen Artikel über den 79. Jahrestag des Attentates von Stauffenberg auf Hitler gelesen: https://www.belltower.news/staufenberg-deutschland-deine-helden-zwischen-sieg-heil-rufen-und-heiligtumsanspruechen-151137/ Wie habt ihr in der Schule dazu gelernt und was denkt ihr jetzt darüber?
