worldnews World News Debunking of Ukraine biolab claims
  • flbn flbn 3 years ago 58%

    Only in a Ukraine could you have, in your capital city, a street named after a Nazi collaborator and holocaust abettor Stephan Bandera, who is also officially recognized as a national hero. lol

    Characterizing it that way is minimization of Fascism.

    as opposed to the facist free Russian invasion?

    perhaps hidden in crevasses was a poor choice of words, since i agree that they are everywhere and not very interested in concealing themselves. as of late, they have been increasingly vocal; it's disgusting. what i meant to portray is that they are parasitic and it's not a new endemic, they are and have been infiltrating government entities and mass-market corporations since 1945. it's a separate (yet, important!) issue to tackle.

    just the other week, i drove past a nazi demonstration with people waving swastika flags and wearing full-on nazi uniforms. out in the open, with megaphones, chanting out antisemitic slurs and doing that salute thing. in the us! we also have countless statues, memorials, streets, buildings, etc commemorating racist slave traders and "war-heroes". through active protests and public outcry, we've slowly been seeing some movement in getting rid of this stuff. next, we have to work at the stopping the spread from where it starts. this isn't achieved through bombing innocent civilians (nor sanctioning innocent civilians), but through a change in culture. that's what praxis is all about. it's a tired reference but Pedagogy of the Oppressed is how i started thinking differently about cultural movements.

    my point is, it's not the reason russia is invading. misconstruing that as a motivator is simply propaganda at work. we can and should work to eradicate vermin like them but i simply do not see how connecting the two is doing anything other than misplacing the frame of putin's intent. it's also a False Dilemma because the moment you point something like this out, people will make it out to seem as if you're a facist or blindingly following the media's support for ukraine. funnily enough, i might be doing the same to you. i simply just wish people could talk about these things without calling each other prejudiced.

  • worldnews World News Debunking of Ukraine biolab claims
  • flbn flbn 3 years ago 76%

    i've got to say, i got off twitter and started mostly reading wikipedia articles as my main source of information (combing through current events via legiblenews). i have yet to see misinformation slip through, like russia invaded ukraine to get rid of nazi's and underworld biolabs. ** i'm trading immediacy for some sense of legitimacy.

    for whatever reason, i think anything that is counter-media gets the spotlight on twitter and sometimes on lemmy. i'm all for not buying into what "they" want us to believe, but it's sort of insane how people give anything conspiratorial the light of day. just because it's what "they" don't want to hear or what "they" "refuse" to publish doesn't mean it's real lol.

    ** yes, i'm aware there are nazi's in ukraine. i'm also aware that nazi's have snuck themselves into almost every crevasse of society. it's fucking gross, but it's certainly not what provoked this invasion.

  • asklemmy Asklemmy Do you guys know a Twitter frontend besides Nitter?
  • flbn flbn 3 years ago 100%

    i'm a little late but i've paid for kizie before. i only stopped because i deleted my twitter.

  • linux Linux Should You Use A Rolling Or Point Release Distro?
  • flbn flbn 3 years ago 100%

    i'll be referencing these next time i want to try it out again. thanks!!

  • linux Linux Should You Use A Rolling Or Point Release Distro?
  • flbn flbn 3 years ago 100%

    the installation process is actually alright, it's moreso the maintenance that i had problems with. the mental model is still foreign to me and when i tried it last flakes were recommended by most forum users but not in the documentation. almost all public repo's made use of flakes and it just confused me :/

  • linux Linux Should You Use A Rolling Or Point Release Distro?
  • flbn flbn 3 years ago 100%

    i've tried nix three different times and find the learning curve so incredibly steep that the productivity gains are simply not worth it for my desktop usage. i'm waiting for the space to mature so i can feel better about picking it up.

  • libre_culture Libre Culture Drew DeVault interviews 100 rabbits
  • flbn flbn 3 years ago 80%

    for one, 100r created the only online community that i was able to make lifelong friends on. bringing people together is a touchstone of the internet; whereas you are dividing people with a tired comment about value production. what would you like them to do? serious question here: what would someone have to produce for you to deem their digital following/existence valuable?

    the internet is largely a marketplace of ideas. Rekka and Devine have managed to curate a niche community for FOSS artists to comfortably create in the open. i really don't see how living a life of principles they've set up for themselves is vain... if anything, it's inspiring. in spite of how much society wants you to conform to the standard living experience, you CAN escape and you CAN live life according to your values.

  • linux Linux *Permanently Deleted*
  • flbn flbn 3 years ago 100%

    on this, if you choose to go the Mint route and want to make your DE look like Zorin: the cinnamon flavor will let you do that. granted, it's not out of the box and will take some tinkering and exploring, but it's still possible to get a Zorin-esque aesthetic with Mint.

  • linux Linux *Permanently Deleted*
  • flbn flbn 3 years ago 100%

    lol, ignore this guy. the best part of linux is that if you don't like something, you can just switch. in the community a lot of people do this thing called distrohopping where they move from one distribution (e.g. Zorin) to another (e.g. Linux Mint) to try different things out. i personally suggest trying out Mint first, and if you don't like it or are feeling like trying something new out, move to another distro that looks interesting to you. as long as you have an installer and an ubuntu base, most questions/issues you'll have are a quick google search away.

    if you're really into the Zorin aesthetic, Mint comes with a cinnamon flavor (a flavor is an official image of the same distribution with some differences from the other flavors. in most cases, this means the official Linux Mint team will create different installations for different Desktop Environments (i.e. Gnome, KDE Plasma, etc)). cinnamon is lightweight and very, very easy to use. it's much more customizable than Gnome, not so much as KDE Plasma, so it offers a good balance between the two. imo, it's a great DE to pick up in the beginning. there's a lot of guides on how to customize it to your liking, so you can look those up to help. along the way, you'll explore the settings of your DE and become more familiar with your computer. this is basically the entire point of ricing (imo).

    though it might not seem like it at first, the vast majority of the linux community is willing to go a long way to help you out. after all, there's no real customer service here: we just rely on each other.

  • programmerhumor Programmer Humor Essential read for any programmer
  • flbn flbn 3 years ago 100%

    i feel this way about my own code. read the standard libraries, open source codebases, and other examples of production level code and improve your own. this will likely prompt a raise/promotion if it impacts performance and cuts costs. good luck :)

  • asklemmy Asklemmy *Permanently Deleted*
  • flbn flbn 3 years ago 100%

    i got myself a yoga mat and some dumbbells. hoping to lose weight in the new year.

    PS: i open presents on the 25th, so apologies for the late post. merry christmas!

  • asklemmy
    Asklemmy flbn 3 years ago 100%
    how did you lose weight as an adult?

    i wouldn't say i'm overweight, and i know that the BMI index is not necessarily reliable, but i do feel like over the years i've kinda lost the figure i used to have. i mostly stay at home and code now, whereas a couple years back i used to play a competitive sport on a daily basis. how do you guys lose weight, or stay fit, as adults? i've tried the gym, i just don't really like it there. i feel insecure, and i don't really utilize many of the machines they have there since i don't want to bulk or gain muscle. for christmas, i got a yoga mat and some dumbells. do lemmers have resources for creating a low-maintenance workout plan? there's also the whole diet thing. how do you count calories, eat well balanced meals, etc? i already struggle with meal prepping, and feel like having to account for calorie intake would make this even harder. or would that make it easier since i would get good at making the same things? idk, it's stressful but i'm hoping to take better care of myself in 2022.

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    General Programming Discussion flbn 3 years ago 100%
    Why Derw: an Elm-like language that compiles to TypeScript?

    TLDR: Noah is a core contributor to Elm and provides some valuable perspective. He mentions some of the following topics for inspiring the development: - TypeScript has a great ecosystem. I think this means that the tooling will help speed up development. - TypeScript is missing function-based pure view functions (vs classes or functions with localized states). - TypeScript does not provide the Elm architecture (Model-View-Update). - Working with existing codebases with Elm is complicated. - Writing backend code with Elm is complicated. Here's a link to the repository for the language if you wanted to check it out: [](

    asklemmy Asklemmy what is the origin story of your username?
  • flbn flbn 3 years ago 100%

    flbn is shorthand for fleabane, my favorite flower. it's a bit of a shitter and most people would consider it a weed; i've always been fond of the little guys though. i also just happen to think flea and bane are both kinda cool names.

  • asklemmy Asklemmy what is the origin story of your username?
  • flbn flbn 3 years ago 100%

    so based

  • announcements Announcements Best SEO Company in India
  • flbn flbn 3 years ago 100%

    unsure how to flag this but

  • programming General Programming Discussion is it worth learning elm in 2022?
  • flbn flbn 3 years ago 100%

    looks like i'll be doing advent of code with elm this year :)

  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    General Programming Discussion flbn 3 years ago 100%
    is it worth learning elm in 2022?

    i've always wanted to get into functional programming, but my uni has been smitten with oop and c++ since like the 90's or something. i started learning and writing Rust last year, which, i know, is not like an *actual* functional language, but i found it to be quite different from what i was used to and i want to keep exploring. i'm a frontend developer by trade, so something like elm not only looks like fun, but also it seems like it could be a great tool for creating stable software. my only hesitancy is that the frontend world moves incredibly fast and the time i spend learning/adopting elm could be spent picking up something *shinier* and *newer* that could actually land me a job lol. another thing i've heard is that programming languages like elm can teach you a lot about what it means to write cleaner code, so it's not like my time would be entirely wasted. what do you guys think?

    programmerhumor Programmer Humor No one hates programming languages as much as programmers
  • flbn flbn 3 years ago 100%

    funnily enough, the rust subreddit just posted some of their grievances.

  • linux Linux System76 creating their own desktop environment written in Rust
  • flbn flbn 3 years ago 100%

    from the mouth of a system76 developer: "If we can achieve a better COSMIC experience in Rust as opposed to having COSMIC bolted on top of GNOME as a JS extension, I think it makes sense to go the Rust route. There's honestly a lot of flaws in Pop Shell's tiling that I just can't fix under the limitations of GNOME Shell's design. And between extension API breakages and GNOME Shell making large core behavior changes that we have to work around, it'd honestly take more effort to maintain GNOME Shell extensions than it would be to make our own desktop." [0]

    as well as responding to a question of whether the new DE will be a fork of GNOME with: "No it is its own thing written in Rust." [1]

    sources: [0] [1]

  • linux Linux some notes on my Void Linux installation
  • flbn flbn 3 years ago 100%

    how else can i set up wifi? i've always done it with wpa_cli, which is kinda unintuitive

  • linux Linux some notes on my Void Linux installation
  • flbn flbn 3 years ago 100%

    i'm not sure about Kate but when i was first learning Rust, CLion tooling was a huge help in learning about what's going on. the on-the-fly-analysis and macro expansions were really useful, but it's just so resource heavy. i haven't been able to get my vim setup to be as informative (probably a good thing, since i've been having to look through more docs), so really it's just a convenience thing. it's almost purely out of sheer laziness.

    i suppose now would be a good time to ask if you have any recommendations for me to get a similar experience out of Vim? like, i have the rust-analyzer plugin but i couldn't get some features to work, like those macro-expansions i was mentioning, despite using the dedicated plugin required. i even got rust-analyzer to work on vsc, so i know that it works, i just need to hack at it a little more. tbh this comment kinda grounded me. if i didn't respond to this, it might've taken some more time for me realize i was just making excuses for myself. it also gives me an opportunity to document my vim setup, which i would 100% want some feedback on.

  • voidlinux Void Linux some notes on my Void Linux installation
  • flbn flbn 3 years ago 100%

    mostly looking for feedback here, or anything you want to point out i should look into so i can take full advantage of void. i come from a couple months of daily-driving arch, after having used Debain for the better part of a year, and just wanted to try out void. liking it so far!

  • voidlinux
    Void Linux flbn 3 years ago 100%
    some notes on my Void Linux installation

    cross posting my Void installation notes

    linux Linux some notes on my Void Linux installation
  • flbn flbn 3 years ago 100%

    btw, this is for an unencrypted UEFI installation. later, once i have my rice down pat, i will re-partition (and actually thoroughly document that) and encrypt my disk.

    i'm also interested in exploring a text editor. i love everything that vim and neovim give me, but sometimes i miss clion. it's a lot of bloat, so i was thinking of picking up Kate and adding their vim bindings plugin. lmk if you have any alternatives you like!

  • linux
    Linux flbn 3 years ago 90%
    some notes on my Void Linux installation

    i actually documented something for once, so i could reference it myself later. asking for some feedback on this, but it is quite long so i get it if you don't read it all or care. figured some newbie might stumble upon this in the future and get something out of it. - First of all, make sure you have the Void [installation guide]( open. Most of this is just hand holding you through their instructions. For what it's worth, I think it's valuable to have another newb explain how they went about getting things done. 1) Install latest ISO - Download the base image, which should look something like: [void-live-x86_64-20210218.iso]( - If you're doing this properly, ensure that the `sha256sum.txt` and `sha256sum.sig` files are authentic. The [Void docs]( hold your hand for this step. 2) Do the Disk Mounting Thingy - I use [balena]( but you can use any other similar tool. 3) Boot machine and change Boot Device List ranking to USB first - Shut computer off -> press Enter (that's the key I spam for my ThinkPad, it might be different for your machine) -> move USB HDD up to #1 4) Plug USB in and Boot up 5) Select Enter on the first option: Void Linux (no RAM) - Or choose the RAM option if you want ~superspeed~. It's not really necessary and I get paranoid when doing things non-default. 7) Configure the WIFI with wpa_supplicant - Create symbolic links and start the services ```bash sudo ln -s /etc/sv/dhcpcd /var/service ``` ```bash sudo ln -s /etc/sv/wpa_supplicant /var/service ``` ```bash sudo sv up dhcpcd ``` ```bash sudo sv up wpa_supplicant ``` ```bash ip link show ``` - Configure your network now that we know the interface (for me, that's wlp58s0) ```bash wpa_cli -i {wifi interface} ``` - Within the wpa_cli interface, set up the network ```bash scan ``` ``` scan_results ``` ``` add_network set_network 0 ssid "MYNETWORK" set_network 0 psk "secret" ``` ``` enable_network 0 0K ``` - Test your wifi ``` ping ``` - Save your configuration ``` bash wpa_supplicant -B -i wlp58s0 -c /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf ``` 8. Enter the Void Installer - Do the thing (going to expand on this later, I actually feel like I should study this step and understand what it is I'm doing before I tell anyone to copy me). - For now, this [video]( helped a ton. ``` void-installer ``` 8) Update the package manager ```bash sudo xbps-install -u xbps ``` 9) Update the uhh rest of the stuff ```bash sudo xbps-install -Su ``` 10) Restart the services: ```bash xcheckrestart ``` - On error, install the following dependency: xtools ```bash sudo xbps-install xtools ``` 11) Reboot to get latest kernel version after update ```bash sudo shutdown -r now ``` 12) Install packages: - After install, I got started with: xorg, pulseaudio, i3-gaps, dmenu, alacritty, firefox, nnn, sxiv, Zathura, htop, node, rust, and ofc nvim. This will keep me going for a while. ```bash sudo xbps-install -Su xorg pulseaudio i3-gaps dmenu alacritty firefox nnn sxiv zathura htop nodejs rustup ``` 13) On error, install the following dependencies: ```bash sudo xbps-install base-devel libX11-devel libXft-devel libXinerama-devel freetype-devel fontconfig-devel ``` 14) Edit .xinitrc (in your home directory) to run i3-gaps on load ``` exec i3 ``` 15) Update packages, just in case and reboot - Honestly, I just do this out of paranoia and habit. Every time I open a terminal session I just update everything. ``` bash sudo xbps-install -Syu ``` ``` bash reboot ``` - Some issues I faced dealt with audio, which I found was quite common. Ensure you have pulseaudio installed, and if that doesnt work, apparently alsamixer also works pretty well. Just make sure to change your i3 config (/.config/i3/config) to bind the alsamixer settings and not the default pulseaudio bindings.

    anarchism Anarchism *Permanently Deleted*
  • flbn flbn 3 years ago 100%

    this is pretty cool. admirable effort, i wonder how they plan on collecting content? nowadays, streaming services are also in-house producers. they produce their own content, and get the publishing rights for other content. grassroots stuff is cool, they should connect with people at independent festivals for sure. i hope they can help make art a more profitable profession for lesser-known creatives!

  • opensource Open Source Mastodon Lawyers Tell Trump Social Network to Make Source Code Public
  • flbn flbn 3 years ago 91%

    they basically have a 30 day grace period to fess up and comply or face the wrath of angry FOSSheads and more than half of the country lol

  • opensource Open Source Mastodon Lawyers Tell Trump Social Network to Make Source Code Public
  • flbn flbn 3 years ago 100%

    as far as i understand it, the outcome varies for different licenses but under AGPLv3 the cure provision is that once the 30 days are up, the license is revoked and legally speaking that means Truth social would be not only using but distributing unlicensed software. in that case, Mastodon has full and complete legal grounds to successfully sue them for copyright infringement.

  • opensource Open Source Mastodon Lawyers Tell Trump Social Network to Make Source Code Public
  • flbn flbn 3 years ago 100%

    not sure if this is a hot take or not but honestly, i don't think there's any malevolent reason, like weird telemetry or anything like that. i believe they may have wanted to make the effort look like it was grassroots and that the app was revolutionary, completely concocted by their brilliant engineers, so as to liberate the internet and let digital freedom reign.

    the app was announced in time for Trump's SPAC, which was up something like 500% after the Truth Social announcement. i imagine that if they advertised the platform as a fork of an existing technology, "borrowing" an existing theme, and slapping some patriotic propaganda on top of it wouldn't exactly excite the market or entice usage.

    i really do wonder why they didn't just create their own instance and celebrate the concept of federation? decentralization as a buzzword is so in right now, it really would have helped their case, i think.

    ironically, TRUTH Social as a platform was created in the most disingenuous fashion. hopefully it makes people lose faith in these crooked people. unfortunately, it will probably not play out that way and people will continue to crown deceit as truth and sink further into their disillusion.

    at times, i even feel pity for folks being led astray by a government that is supposed to protect their interests, but then i remember all of the awful things "truthers" have said to me about my skin color, my beliefs, etc and i throw away the idea of giving someone free empathy. which is a roundabout way to say, i hope this thing gets fucked into oblivion.

  • asklemmy
    Asklemmy flbn 3 years ago 100%
    do you read comments before you respond to a post?

    just had a thought about some of my habits on lemmy and other social media. i tend to read a post or the article attached, comment, and then read the other responses. not sure if it even matters or introduces any biases before reading something but i think it'd be interesting to note how other lemmings loiter on the internet!

    asklemmy Asklemmy Does typing speed really matter?
  • flbn flbn 3 years ago 100%

    just read the comments and someone else mentioned that it makes for more fluid writing, since you can type as you think. i believe this is what i meant by the 60-70 wpm mark. so long as your typing doesn't impact your stream of consciousness, i think it's largely trivial. though i could be wrong and spiteful about having maxxed out at 85-90 wpm.

    ps: i spent so much time working on getting that number up, only for it to fall QUICKLY after not keeping up with my practice. anecdotally, i haven't felt that it's a damper on my productivity at all.

  • asklemmy Asklemmy Does typing speed really matter?
  • flbn flbn 3 years ago 100%

    imo, you kinda reach an inflection point after 60-70 wpm where it probably doesn't impact productivity all that much, not based on any objectivity just a figure i threw up based on my own up's and down's.

    no matter how fast you type, nothing impacts productivity more than being comfortable with your environment. someone who types at 30wpm but understands and uses their keybindings and shortcuts effectively can get much more done in less time than someone who can just type fast. as always, there's also the whole competency thing. if you can say more with less words, doesn't really matter how fast you type, does it? same goes for code, i feel.

  • opensource Open Source Mastodon Lawyers Tell Trump Social Network to Make Source Code Public
  • flbn flbn 3 years ago 100%

    a little update on the situation, looks like Truth Social has 30 days to comply or their license is being permanently revoked.

  • linux Linux KDE Connect Arrives for iPhone, At last, And Here’s How to Try It
  • flbn flbn 3 years ago 100%

    this is what i found after looking into it a bit more. some of those apps actually look sort of useful, but i am mostly at the command line. in terms of window management, does KDE play well with outside libraries or are your options mostly tied down to KWin? thanks for the feedback, might be joining the KDE gang soon! also looking at sway, not sure how mature it is yet though.

  • linux Linux KDE Connect Arrives for iPhone, At last, And Here’s How to Try It
  • flbn flbn 3 years ago 100%

    ... just when i got my xfce setup complete :/ on a similar note, is KDE really as bloated as everyone says? i have an 8gb thinkpad, i should be fine running KDE right?

  • asklemmy Asklemmy Do you check consumers' reviews before making a purchase?
  • flbn flbn 3 years ago 100%

    your post made me reflect on my recent purchases and i found that i don't really. i suppose i have enough brands that i trust through having had a good experience with a previous purchase and just remain a loyal consoomer. for instance, i really like jinen's products and customer service. my kitchen and bathroom are full of their products.

  • linux Linux Asahi Linux devs poking fun at the new M1X
  • flbn flbn 3 years ago 100%
  • programmerhumor Programmer Humor *Permanently Deleted*
  • flbn flbn 3 years ago 100%

    some resources i just dug out of my bookmarks (in order of how much i actually use them):

    not a resource but this guy's website is super cool, crazy gardening journey.

  • programmerhumor Programmer Humor *Permanently Deleted*
  • flbn flbn 3 years ago 100%

    i'm not really near the age to feel real burn out, but i just like plants cause they make me feel less alone. i live by my lonesome, so i like having some sort of reminder of life near me. at first, i had no idea what i was doing and some of my buddies would die, or have several very near-death experiences.

    i've found that online guides and advice can only help so much. the real key is to actually give a shit. you get to know your plants well after you see how your watering schedule and sunlight exposure affects them. i suppose this is more for indoor plants, as i live in an apartment and don't have much of a garden aside of my balcony.

    another thing that helped was going to the nursery where i bought them at and talking to the workers. they are always very kind and offer really specific instructions for the species you're buying. i've begun documenting things about each species: observations on water schedule and amount given, soil changes, repotting, sunlight exposure, etc. i also draw them, it's like a weird scientific bullet journal. i can understand why anyone, especially a programmer, would get into this. it sort of feels like you're emulating Darwin and his experiments.

    i think people my age misconstrue what owning a plant is. i've seen a lot of other students at my uni utilize plants purely for aesthetic reasons. sure, that's a thing, but plants are pets! it's a serious thing to take care of a life! although plants are fairly autonomous, i think they require just as much thought, care, and patience as other domestic pets.

  • programmerhumor Programmer Humor Unicode is ’
  • flbn flbn 3 years ago 100%


  • unixporn Unixporn [2bwm] 爪ㄩㄒ丨几ㄚ
  • flbn flbn 3 years ago 100%

    wow, this is a really great rice!

  • technology Technology Framework Marketplace is now live
  • flbn flbn 3 years ago 100%

    so sick, i've got no wishes for my thinkpad to give out on me but...

  • technology Technology IPFS: the future of data storage
  • flbn flbn 3 years ago 100%

    the docs are actually pretty good but some of the concepts go over my head. i wish there was more content on youtube and blogs though. most content surrounding ipfs rn are talks about the ecosystem and existing projects.

  • memes Memes My IQ is in the 4 digits range
  • flbn flbn 3 years ago 100%

    the zoom equivalent is asking in the main chat: "are we allowed to leave once we finish" within 3 minutes of being assigned something.

  • linux Linux Have you ever tried using the terminal exclusively for your day-to-day usage for any amount of time?
  • flbn flbn 3 years ago 100%

    dude i tried this cause i also watch a lot (admittedly, too much) youtube and it's just too much of a bother on my slow ass machine. invidious helps.

  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    Unixporn flbn 3 years ago 94% - share annotated screenshots of your desktop

    saw this on earlier today, looks super useful for sharing rices.

    Linux flbn 3 years ago 100%
    how did you guys land your first job?

    *sigh* i'm graduating next may and feeling extremely anxious about the whole job thing. i don't think i'm necessarily *awful* at interviews, but i'm fucking terrified of them. i've gone through several different rounds for internships and i'm just a sweaty, nervous mess no matter how much prep i do. i hate the fact that every round i meet with someone new and i have to re-pitch myself to them. i wish i could just sit down with an engineer and walk through a real-life problem with them. how did you guys go about getting your first industry-related job? am i just targeting the wrong companies?

    [QUESTION] Static IP vs Dynamic DNS?

    I'm trying to self-host some stuff on my Raspberry Pi (i.e. web server, lightweight matrix server, etc) and every time I get around to try and set it up I forget that I have to do this lol Do you guys recommend going full send and contacting my ISP about a static IP or should I just pay for a Dynamic DNS service?
