Learn Japanese daredevil 6 months ago 100%

久しぶりですね。皆さんは元気だと希望します。じゃあ、日本語を勉強しましょうか? 14.I.B [#genki2textbook](https://kbin.social/tag/genki2textbook) [#japanese](https://kbin.social/tag/japanese) [#learnjapanese](https://kbin.social/tag/learnjapanese) [#japanesepractice](https://kbin.social/tag/japanesepractice) B. Items marked with O are what you wanted when you were a child, and items marked with ✗are what you did not want. Make sentences using ほしい。 > > > Example: > O・子供の時、本がほしかったです。 > ✗・子供の時、マフラーがほしくなかったです。 > > 1. O・テレビーゲーム 子供の時、テレビーゲームがほしかったです。 2. ✗・指輪 子供の時、指輪がほしくなかったです。 3. ✗・腕時計 子供の時、腕時計がほしくなかったです。 4. O・玩具 子供の時、玩具がほしかったです。 5. ✗・花 子供の時、花がほしくなかったです。 [\#LearnJapanese](https://kbin.social/tag/LearnJapanese)

kbinMeta /kbin meta RE: Is Ernest still here?
  • daredevil daredevil 7 months ago 100%

    Get well soon, and thanks for the update.

  • LearnJapanese
    Learn Japanese daredevil 7 months ago 100%
    14.I.A #genki2textbook #japanese #learnjapanese #japanesepractice

    14.I.A [#genki2textbook](https://kbin.social/tag/genki2textbook) [#japanese](https://kbin.social/tag/japanese) [#learnjapanese](https://kbin.social/tag/learnjapanese) [#japanesepractice](https://kbin.social/tag/japanesepractice) I. 日本がほしいです。 A. Items marked with O are what you want, and items marked with X are what you do not want. Make sentences using ほしい。 > > > Example: > [O] 本・本がほしいです。 > [X] マフラー・マフラーがほしくないです。 > > 1. [o] お金・お金がほしいです。 2. [x] セーター・セーターはほしくないです。 3. [x] パソコン・パソコンはほしくないです。 4. [o] バイク・バイクがほしいです。 5. [x] ぬいぐるみ・ぬいぐるみはほしくないです。 [\#LearnJapanese](https://kbin.social/tag/LearnJapanese)

    Learn Japanese daredevil 8 months ago 100%
    13.VII.B #genki2textbook #japanese #learnjapanese #japanesepractice

    13.VII.B [#genki2textbook](https://kbin.social/tag/genki2textbook) [#japanese](https://kbin.social/tag/japanese) [#learnjapanese](https://kbin.social/tag/learnjapanese) [#japanesepractice](https://kbin.social/tag/japanesepractice) B. Talk about part-time jobs 1. アルバイトをしたことがありますか。 > > > はい、ことがありました。 > > 1. いつしましたか。 > > > 先年です。 > > 1. どんなアルバイトでしたか。 > > > 日本レストランで給仕をしました。日本語練習ができるので、面白いアルバイトだと思いました。 > > 1. 一週間に何日働きましたか。 > > > 一週間三まで四日働きました。 > > 1. 一週間にいくらもらいましたか。 > > > 多分千ドルごろだけ。でも働くの後で、無料食べ物をくれます。悪くなかったです。 > > 1. どんなアルバイトがしてみたいですか。どうしてですか。 > > > 分かりません。今仕事が好きなので、あまりこのことについて考えりません。ラッキですよね。 > > [\#LearnJapanese](https://kbin.social/tag/LearnJapanese)

    fediverse Fediverse What is going on with kbin - a week has passed with no sign of any life
  • daredevil daredevil 8 months ago 100%

    defaming them without due diligence, think about that before continuing

    The irony here is unbelievable rofl you can't make this up. My previous statement was calling you childish and desperate for attention. Thanks for reminding me of that fact, so I can stop wasting my time. It is very clear you're not interested in a genuine and constructive conversation.

  • fediverse Fediverse What is going on with kbin - a week has passed with no sign of any life
  • daredevil daredevil 8 months ago 100%

    It's not one week of inactivity, is has been going on for months

    Looks at 2 months straight of kbin devlogs since October, when the man was having pretty significant personal issues

    Not to mention he was: recently sick; tended to financial issues, and personal matters; formalities relating to the project. This isn't even mentioning that he communicated this in the devlog magazine. Or the fact that he has implemented suggestions multiple times at the request of the community to enhance QoL, and allowed users to have agency in making mod contributions.

    You might want to take your own advice. This has also allowed me to revise my earlier statement. You people are actually insane.

  • fediverse Fediverse What is going on with kbin - a week has passed with no sign of any life
  • daredevil daredevil 8 months ago 100%

    every post I see from them further paints them as very childish and desperate for attention.

  • kbinMeta /kbin meta Cross posting norms and etiquette?
  • daredevil daredevil 8 months ago 100%

    I just use it to bring awareness to similar magazines/communities across the fediverse

  • fediverse Fediverse What is going on with kbin - a week has passed with no sign of any life
  • daredevil daredevil 8 months ago 83%

    Agreed, every post I see from them further paints them as very childish and desperate for attention.

  • kbinMeta /kbin meta To those genuinely interested in moderating
  • daredevil daredevil 8 months ago 100%

    Since @ernest is the owner for that magazine, I think moderator requests have to go through him. Unfortunately, he was dealing with a slight fever awhile ago, and has been dealing with financial planning and project formalities awhile back as well. Hopefully things haven't gotten worse. For what it's worth, I think it's great you're eager to contribute. There have definitely been some spam issues recently. I hope a solution can be found soon. Maybe even something like posts which have a <10% upvote-to-downvote ratio over a day/week can be temporarily quarantined until an admin approves of it. Anyways, best of luck with modship.

  • LearnJapanese
    Learn Japanese daredevil 8 months ago 100%
    15.4.I #genki2wb #learnjapanese #japanese #japanesepractice

    15.4.I [#genki2wb](https://kbin.social/tag/genki2wb) [#learnjapanese](https://kbin.social/tag/learnjapanese) [#japanese](https://kbin.social/tag/japanese) [#japanesepractice](https://kbin.social/tag/japanesepractice) I. Make sentences using the cues. 1. 食堂があります。 > > > これは食堂がある建物です。 > > 1. 私は先生に借りました。 > > > これは私が先生に借りた辞書です。 > > 1. 父は私にくれました。 > > > これは父が私にくれたです。 > > 1. 友達は住んでいます。 > > > これは友達が住んでいるです。 > > 1. 最近で来ました。 > > > これは最近で喫茶店に来たです。 > > [\#LearnJapanese](https://kbin.social/tag/LearnJapanese)

    linux Linux I feel like I'm missing out by not distro-hopping
  • daredevil daredevil 8 months ago 100%

    I've only felt the need to change distros once, from Linux Mint to EndeavourOS, because I wanted Wayland support. I realize there were ways to get Wayland working on Mint in the past, but I've already made the switch and have already gotten used to my current setup. I personally don't feel like I'm missing out by sticking to one distro, tbh. If you're enjoying Mint, I'd suggest to stick with it, unless another distro fulfills a specific need you can't get on Mint.

  • kbinMeta /kbin meta What's the quickest way to find a magazine/community you've subscribed to?
  • daredevil daredevil 8 months ago 100%

    You could make a (private) collection for your subscribed magazines. Not exactly the feature you were asking for, but it's an option to curate your feed. On Firefox I have various collections bookmarked and tagged so accessibility is seamless.

  • LearnJapanese
    Learn Japanese daredevil 8 months ago 100%
    15.3.II #genki2wb #learnjapanese #japanese #japanesepractice

    15.3.II [#genki2wb](https://kbin.social/tag/genki2wb) [#learnjapanese](https://kbin.social/tag/learnjapanese) [#japanese](https://kbin.social/tag/japanese) [#japanesepractice](https://kbin.social/tag/japanesepractice) 1. 来週、大きい台風が着ます。何しておきますか。 > > > お金を下ろしたり、食べ物を買ったり、服を準備しておきたりなどです。 > > 1. 来週、試験があります。何をしておきますか。 > > > 教科書を復習したり、先生に聞いておきたりなどです。 > > 1. 今度の休みに富士山に登ります。何をしておかなければいけませんか。 > > > 水を忘れなかったり、厚い服を持っていておかないといけません。 > > [\#LearnJapanese](https://kbin.social/tag/LearnJapanese)

    Learn Japanese daredevil 8 months ago 100%
    15.3.I #genki2wb #learnjapanese #japanese #japanesepractice

    15.3.I [#genki2wb](https://kbin.social/tag/genki2wb) [#learnjapanese](https://kbin.social/tag/learnjapanese) [#japanese](https://kbin.social/tag/japanese) [#japanesepractice](https://kbin.social/tag/japanesepractice) I. Read the first half of the sentences carefully. Then choose from the list what you will do in preparation and complete the sentences, using 〜ておきます。 1. あの店ではカード(Credit card)が使えないので、\_\_\_\_ > > > お金を下ろしておきます。 > > 1. 来週、北海道を旅行するので、 > > > 旅館に予約しておきます。 > > 1. 電車で東京に行くので、 > > > 電車予定を調べておきます。 > > 1. 今度の週末、友達とカラオケに行くので、 > > > 新しい歌を練習しておきます。 > > 1. 週末デートをするので、 > > > 素敵レストランを探しておきます。 > > [\#LearnJapanese](https://kbin.social/tag/LearnJapanese)

    Learn Japanese daredevil 8 months ago 100%
    13.VII.A #genki2textbook #japanese #learnjapanese

    13.VII.A [#genki2textbook](https://kbin.social/tag/genki2textbook) [#japanese](https://kbin.social/tag/japanese) [#learnjapanese](https://kbin.social/tag/learnjapanese) VII. まとめの練習 A. Answer the following questions 1. 子供の時に何ができましたか。何ができませんでしたか。 子供の時本が読めれたが、夜は外で一人で遊べませんでした。 1. 百円で何が買えますか。 多分ノートが買えます。 1. どこに行ってみたいですか。どうしてですか。 日本語を勉強するのが有益なので、日本に行ってみたいですよ。 1. 子供の時、何がしてみたかったですか。 時々漫画を書いてみたかったです。 1. 今、何がしてみたいですか。 もっと日本語が上手になりたいです。 1. 一日に何時間ぐらい勉強しますか。 最近、一時間まで二時間ぐらい勉強します。けど、すぐもっと練習したいです。お互い頑張りましょうか。 1. 一週間に何回レストランに行きますか。 最近、一週間に三まで四回に行きます。多分行くすぎると思います。 1. 一か月にいくらぐらい使いますか。 だけ少し使います。 [\#LearnJapanese](https://kbin.social/tag/LearnJapanese)

    Learn Japanese daredevil 8 months ago 100%

    久しぶりですね。皆さんは元気だと希望します。このごろすごくいそがしいので、すみません皆さんと一緒に話せませんでした。さて、日本語を練習しましょうか。 13.VI.A [#genki2textbook](https://kbin.social/tag/genki2textbook) [#japanese](https://kbin.social/tag/japanese) [#japanesereview](https://kbin.social/tag/japanesereview) A. Look at the following pictures and make sentences as in the example. > > > Ex. Twice a day > 一日に二回食べます。 > > 1. Brush teeth three times a day. 一日三回歯を磨きます。 2. Sleep seven hours a day. 一日七時間寝ます。 3. Study three hours a day. 一日三時間勉強します。 4. Clean room once a week. 一週間一回部屋で掃除する。 5. Do laundry twice a week 一週間二回洗濯をします。 6. Working part-time three days a week. 一週間三回バイトで働きます。 7. I go to school 5 days a week. 一週間五日学校へ行きます。 8. I watch a movie once a month. 一ヶ月一回映画を見ます。 [\#LearnJapanese](https://kbin.social/tag/LearnJapanese)

    kbinMeta /kbin meta To all moderators: Here is how you can add banner using CSS very easily to your Kbin magazines!
  • daredevil daredevil 9 months ago 100%

    I imagine something like this

    Duly noted, I missed a line of text. Won't try to help in the future

  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körnerhttps://github.com/dicebear/dicebearOL
    Old School Cool daredevil 9 months ago 88%
    Johnny Depp &amp; Matthew Perry (1988)
    commandline daredevil 9 months ago 98%
    Terminal Trove - The $HOME of all things in the terminal. terminaltrove.com

    Terminal Trove showcases the best of the terminal, Discover a collection of CLI, TUI, and more developer tools at Terminal Trove.

    LearnJapanese Learn Japanese Useful resources [Updated 2023-12-16]
  • daredevil daredevil 9 months ago 100%

    Starting to wonder if I should just make a doc at this point...

  • vgmusic
    Video Game Music daredevil 9 months ago 87%
    イニシエノウタ/デボル (Song of the Ancients / Devola) [Keiichi Okabe] www.youtube.com

    イニシエノウタ/デボル · SQUARE ENIX MUSIC · 岡部 啓一 · MONACA NieR Gestalt & NieR Replicant Original Soundtrack Released on: 2010-04-21

    linux Linux Firefox Sidebar Addon like Brave or Vivaldi?
  • daredevil daredevil 9 months ago 100%
  • asklemmy Asklemmy What shows have extended therapy arcs?
  • daredevil daredevil 9 months ago 100%

    Came here with this show in mind. Would recommend.

  • LearnJapanese
    Learn Japanese daredevil 9 months ago 100%
    日本語練習Genki教科書 L13-5-B [2023-12-15]

    B. Answer the following questions. Use \~なら whenever possible. > > > Example: > Q: スポーツをよく見ますか。 > A: ええ、野球なら見ます。/ いいえ、見ません。 > > 1. Q: 外国語ができますか。 A: ええ、ちょっと日本語ができます。 2. Q: アルバイトをしたことがありますか。 A: ええ、バイトならしたことがありました。 3. Q: 日本の料理が作れますか。 A: 中国の料理なら作れるが、日本語の料理は作れません。 4. Q: 有名人に会ったことがありますか。 A: ええ、有名人なら会ったことがありました。 5. Q: 楽器ができますか。 A: ええ、バイオリンならできます。 6. Q: お金が貸せますか A: ええ、お金なら貸せます。

    unixporn Unixporn [KDE Plasma] Minimal Dark Customization
    technology Technology Everybody’s talking about Mistral, an upstart French challenger to OpenAI
  • daredevil daredevil 9 months ago 100%

    I haven't, but I'll keep this in mind for the future -- thanks.

  • technology Technology Everybody’s talking about Mistral, an upstart French challenger to OpenAI
  • daredevil daredevil 9 months ago 100%

    I believe I was when I tried it before, but it's possible I may have misconfigured things

  • technology Technology Everybody’s talking about Mistral, an upstart French challenger to OpenAI
  • daredevil daredevil 9 months ago 100%

    I'll give it a shot later today, thanks

    edit: Tried out mistral-7b-instruct-v0.1.Q4_K_M.ggufvia the LM Studio app. it runs smoother than I expected -- I get about 7-8 tokens/sec. I'll definitely be playing around with this some more later.

  • technology Technology Everybody’s talking about Mistral, an upstart French challenger to OpenAI
  • daredevil daredevil 9 months ago 100%

    That's good to know. I do have 8GB VRAM, so maybe I'll look into it eventually.

  • technology Technology Everybody’s talking about Mistral, an upstart French challenger to OpenAI
  • daredevil daredevil 9 months ago 100%

    I'm looking forward to the day where these tools will be more accessible, too. I've tried playing with some of these models in the past, but my setup can't handle them yet.

  • technology
    Technology daredevil 9 months ago 93%
    Everybody’s talking about Mistral, an upstart French challenger to OpenAI arstechnica.com

    On Monday, Mistral AI announced a new AI language model called Mixtral 8x7B, a "mixture of experts" (MoE) model with open weights that reportedly truly matches OpenAI's GPT-3.5 in performance—an achievement that has been claimed by others in the past but is being taken seriously by AI heavyweights such as OpenAI's Andrej Karpathy and Jim Fan. That means we're closer to having a ChatGPT-3.5-level AI assistant that can run freely and locally on our devices, given the right implementation. Mistral, based in Paris and founded by Arthur Mensch, Guillaume Lample, and Timothée Lacroix, has seen a rapid rise in the AI space recently. It has been quickly raising venture capital to become a sort of French anti-OpenAI, championing smaller models with eye-catching performance. Most notably, Mistral's models run locally with open weights that can be downloaded and used with fewer restrictions than closed AI models from OpenAI, Anthropic, or Google. (In this context "weights" are the computer files that represent a trained neural network.) Mixtral 8x7B can process a 32K token context window and works in French, German, Spanish, Italian, and English. It works much like ChatGPT in that it can assist with compositional tasks, analyze data, troubleshoot software, and write programs. Mistral claims that it outperforms Meta's much larger LLaMA 2 70B (70 billion parameter) large language model and that it matches or exceeds OpenAI's GPT-3.5 on certain benchmarks, as seen in the chart below. A chart of Mixtral 8x7B performance vs. LLaMA 2 70B and GPT-3.5, provided by Mistral. The speed at which open-weights AI models have caught up with OpenAI's top offering a year ago has taken many by surprise. Pietro Schirano, the founder of EverArt, wrote on X, "Just incredible. I am running Mistral 8x7B instruct at 27 tokens per second, completely locally thanks to @LMStudioAI. A model that scores better than GPT-3.5, locally. Imagine where we will be 1 year from now." LexicaArt founder Sharif Shameem tweeted, "The Mixtral MoE model genuinely feels like an inflection point — a true GPT-3.5 level model that can run at 30 tokens/sec on an M1. Imagine all the products now possible when inference is 100% free and your data stays on your device." To which Andrej Karpathy replied, "Agree. It feels like the capability / reasoning power has made major strides, lagging behind is more the UI/UX of the whole thing, maybe some tool use finetuning, maybe some RAG databases, etc." ### Mixture of experts ### So what does mixture of experts mean? As this excellent Hugging Face guide explains, it refers to a machine-learning model architecture where a gate network routes input data to different specialized neural network components, known as "experts," for processing. The advantage of this is that it enables more efficient and scalable model training and inference, as only a subset of experts are activated for each input, reducing the computational load compared to monolithic models with equivalent parameter counts. In layperson's terms, a MoE is like having a team of specialized workers (the "experts") in a factory, where a smart system (the "gate network") decides which worker is best suited to handle each specific task. This setup makes the whole process more efficient and faster, as each task is done by an expert in that area, and not every worker needs to be involved in every task, unlike in a traditional factory where every worker might have to do a bit of everything. OpenAI has been rumored to use a MoE system with GPT-4, accounting for some of its performance. In the case of Mixtral 8x7B, the name implies that the model is a mixture of eight 7 billion-parameter neural networks, but as Karpathy pointed out in a tweet, the name is slightly misleading because, "it is not all 7B params that are being 8x'd, only the FeedForward blocks in the Transformer are 8x'd, everything else stays the same. Hence also why total number of params is not 56B but only 46.7B." Mixtral is not the first "open" mixture of experts model, but it is notable for its relatively small size in parameter count and performance. It's out now, available on Hugging Face and BitTorrent under the Apache 2.0 license. People have been running it locally using an app called LM Studio. Also, Mistral began offering beta access to an API for three levels of Mistral models on Monday.

    Technology daredevil 9 months ago 100%
    Everybody’s talking about Mistral, an upstart French challenger to OpenAI arstechnica.com

    On Monday, Mistral AI announced a new AI language model called Mixtral 8x7B, a "mixture of experts" (MoE) model with open weights that reportedly truly matches OpenAI's GPT-3.5 in performance—an achievement that has been claimed by others in the past but is being taken seriously by AI heavyweights such as OpenAI's Andrej Karpathy and Jim Fan. That means we're closer to having a ChatGPT-3.5-level AI assistant that can run freely and locally on our devices, given the right implementation. Mistral, based in Paris and founded by Arthur Mensch, Guillaume Lample, and Timothée Lacroix, has seen a rapid rise in the AI space recently. It has been quickly raising venture capital to become a sort of French anti-OpenAI, championing smaller models with eye-catching performance. Most notably, Mistral's models run locally with open weights that can be downloaded and used with fewer restrictions than closed AI models from OpenAI, Anthropic, or Google. (In this context "weights" are the computer files that represent a trained neural network.) Mixtral 8x7B can process a 32K token context window and works in French, German, Spanish, Italian, and English. It works much like ChatGPT in that it can assist with compositional tasks, analyze data, troubleshoot software, and write programs. Mistral claims that it outperforms Meta's much larger LLaMA 2 70B (70 billion parameter) large language model and that it matches or exceeds OpenAI's GPT-3.5 on certain benchmarks, as seen in the chart below. The speed at which open-weights AI models have caught up with OpenAI's top offering a year ago has taken many by surprise. Pietro Schirano, the founder of EverArt, wrote on X, "Just incredible. I am running Mistral 8x7B instruct at 27 tokens per second, completely locally thanks to @LMStudioAI. A model that scores better than GPT-3.5, locally. Imagine where we will be 1 year from now." LexicaArt founder Sharif Shameem tweeted, "The Mixtral MoE model genuinely feels like an inflection point — a true GPT-3.5 level model that can run at 30 tokens/sec on an M1. Imagine all the products now possible when inference is 100% free and your data stays on your device." To which Andrej Karpathy replied, "Agree. It feels like the capability / reasoning power has made major strides, lagging behind is more the UI/UX of the whole thing, maybe some tool use finetuning, maybe some RAG databases, etc." ### Mixture of experts ### So what does mixture of experts mean? As this excellent Hugging Face guide explains, it refers to a machine-learning model architecture where a gate network routes input data to different specialized neural network components, known as "experts," for processing. The advantage of this is that it enables more efficient and scalable model training and inference, as only a subset of experts are activated for each input, reducing the computational load compared to monolithic models with equivalent parameter counts. In layperson's terms, a MoE is like having a team of specialized workers (the "experts") in a factory, where a smart system (the "gate network") decides which worker is best suited to handle each specific task. This setup makes the whole process more efficient and faster, as each task is done by an expert in that area, and not every worker needs to be involved in every task, unlike in a traditional factory where every worker might have to do a bit of everything. OpenAI has been rumored to use a MoE system with GPT-4, accounting for some of its performance. In the case of Mixtral 8x7B, the name implies that the model is a mixture of eight 7 billion-parameter neural networks, but as Karpathy pointed out in a tweet, the name is slightly misleading because, "it is not all 7B params that are being 8x'd, only the FeedForward blocks in the Transformer are 8x'd, everything else stays the same. Hence also why total number of params is not 56B but only 46.7B." Mixtral is not the first "open" mixture of experts model, but it is notable for its relatively small size in parameter count and performance. It's out now, available on Hugging Face and BitTorrent under the Apache 2.0 license. People have been running it locally using an app called LM Studio. Also, Mistral began offering beta access to an API for three levels of Mistral models on Monday.

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körnerhttps://github.com/dicebear/dicebearLI
    Linguistics daredevil 9 months ago 100%
    Mixtral 8x7B can process a 32K token context window and works in French, German, Spanish, Italian, and English. arstechnica.com

    On Monday, Mistral AI announced a new AI language model called Mixtral 8x7B, a "mixture of experts" (MoE) model with open weights that reportedly truly matches OpenAI's GPT-3.5 in performance—an achievement that has been claimed by others in the past but is being taken seriously by AI heavyweights such as OpenAI's Andrej Karpathy and Jim Fan. That means we're closer to having a ChatGPT-3.5-level AI assistant that can run freely and locally on our devices, given the right implementation. Mistral, based in Paris and founded by Arthur Mensch, Guillaume Lample, and Timothée Lacroix, has seen a rapid rise in the AI space recently. It has been quickly raising venture capital to become a sort of French anti-OpenAI, championing smaller models with eye-catching performance. Most notably, Mistral's models run locally with open weights that can be downloaded and used with fewer restrictions than closed AI models from OpenAI, Anthropic, or Google. (In this context "weights" are the computer files that represent a trained neural network.) Mixtral 8x7B can process a 32K token context window and works in French, German, Spanish, Italian, and English. It works much like ChatGPT in that it can assist with compositional tasks, analyze data, troubleshoot software, and write programs. Mistral claims that it outperforms Meta's much larger LLaMA 2 70B (70 billion parameter) large language model and that it matches or exceeds OpenAI's GPT-3.5 on certain benchmarks, as seen in the chart below. The speed at which open-weights AI models have caught up with OpenAI's top offering a year ago has taken many by surprise. Pietro Schirano, the founder of EverArt, wrote on X, "Just incredible. I am running Mistral 8x7B instruct at 27 tokens per second, completely locally thanks to @LMStudioAI. A model that scores better than GPT-3.5, locally. Imagine where we will be 1 year from now." LexicaArt founder Sharif Shameem tweeted, "The Mixtral MoE model genuinely feels like an inflection point — a true GPT-3.5 level model that can run at 30 tokens/sec on an M1. Imagine all the products now possible when inference is 100% free and your data stays on your device." To which Andrej Karpathy replied, "Agree. It feels like the capability / reasoning power has made major strides, lagging behind is more the UI/UX of the whole thing, maybe some tool use finetuning, maybe some RAG databases, etc." ### Mixture of experts ### So what does mixture of experts mean? As this excellent Hugging Face guide explains, it refers to a machine-learning model architecture where a gate network routes input data to different specialized neural network components, known as "experts," for processing. The advantage of this is that it enables more efficient and scalable model training and inference, as only a subset of experts are activated for each input, reducing the computational load compared to monolithic models with equivalent parameter counts. In layperson's terms, a MoE is like having a team of specialized workers (the "experts") in a factory, where a smart system (the "gate network") decides which worker is best suited to handle each specific task. This setup makes the whole process more efficient and faster, as each task is done by an expert in that area, and not every worker needs to be involved in every task, unlike in a traditional factory where every worker might have to do a bit of everything. OpenAI has been rumored to use a MoE system with GPT-4, accounting for some of its performance. In the case of Mixtral 8x7B, the name implies that the model is a mixture of eight 7 billion-parameter neural networks, but as Karpathy pointed out in a tweet, the name is slightly misleading because, "it is not all 7B params that are being 8x'd, only the FeedForward blocks in the Transformer are 8x'd, everything else stays the same. Hence also why total number of params is not 56B but only 46.7B." Mixtral is not the first "open" mixture of experts model, but it is notable for its relatively small size in parameter count and performance. It's out now, available on Hugging Face and BitTorrent under the Apache 2.0 license. People have been running it locally using an app called LM Studio. Also, Mistral began offering beta access to an API for three levels of Mistral models on Monday.

    Learn Japanese daredevil 9 months ago 100%
    日本語練習Genki WB L15-2-II [2023-12-13]

    **II. Complete the dialogue, using the volitional + と思っています。** かな:1. (What do you intend to do for the next holiday?) ::: spoiler answer 来休みはどうするつもりですか? ::: ジョン: 2. \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ ので、3.\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_。 ::: spoiler answer 最近家族をあまり見ないので、会うつもりです。 ::: かな:いいですね。 ジョン:かなさんは? かな:4.\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_。 ::: spoiler answer 先学期の成績は良くないので、よく勉強するつもりです。 ::: ジョン:そうですか。

    asklemmy Ask Lemmy Best/usable free Evernote alternative
  • daredevil daredevil 9 months ago 100%

    Yeah I wanted to use it for work until I read that. Instead I'm just using Vimwiki since I really only need markdown and linking.

  • asklemmy Asklemmy What are some good extensions or apps that you use for your browser or desktop? Really useful ones outside of uBlock Origin or Dark Reader.
  • daredevil daredevil 9 months ago 100%


    • learning Japanese


    • keyboard-centric workflow >


    • password manager
  • LearnJapanese
    Learn Japanese daredevil 9 months ago 100%
    日本語練習Genki WB L15-2 [2023-12-12]

    ### 15-2 Volitional Form + と思っています ### **I. Read the first half of the sentences carefully. Then, choose what you are going to do from the list and complete the sentences, using the volitional + と思っています。** * ボランティア活動に参加する * 両親にお金を借りる * 練習する * お風呂に入って早く寝る * 保険に入る * 花を送る 1. 将来病気になるかもしれないので、 ::: spoiler spoiler 保険に入れると思っています。 ::: 2. お金がないので、 ::: spoiler spoiler 両親にお金を借りられると思っています。 ::: 3. 一日中運動して疲れたので、 ::: spoiler spoiler お風呂に入って早く寝られると思っています。 ::: 4. 夏休みに時間があるので、 ::: spoiler spoiler 練習できると思っています。 ::: 5. 母の日に、 ::: spoiler spoiler 花を送れると思っています。 ::: 6. 自転車に乗れないので、 ::: spoiler spoiler ボランティア活動に参加できないと思っています。 :::

    kbinMeta /kbin meta Blocking and Downvote Stalking
  • daredevil daredevil 9 months ago 100%

    I agree with you. Though, I'd also be curious to hear arguments why this shouldn't be implemented.

    edit: Thank you for the replies everyone, it's helpful to hear from other peoples' perspectives.

  • LearnJapanese
    Learn Japanese daredevil 9 months ago 100%
    日本語練習Genki L13-5 A [2023-12-11]

    またちょっと練習しました。多分この練習がもうしたと思ういます。しかし、復習はいい習慣だと思います。 13.V.A Answer the questions as in the example > > > Example > Q: メアリーさんは今朝、コーヒーを飲みましたか。 > A: (O tea X coffee) --\> 紅茶なら飲みましたが、こーひーは飲みませんでした。 > > 1. Q: メアリーさんはバイクに乗れますか。 A: (O bicycle X motorbike) --\> 自転車なら乗れるが、バイクは乗れなかったです。 1. Q: メアリーさんはニュージランドに行ったことがありますか。 A: (O Australia X New Zealand) --\> オーストラリアなら行ったことがあるが、ニュージランドにことがありませんでした。 1. Q: メアリーさんはゴルフをしますか。 A: (O tennis X golf) --\> テニスならするが、ゴルフをしませんでした。 1. Q: けんさんは日本の経済に興味がありますか。 A: (O history X economics) --\> 日本の歴史なら興味があるが、経済が興味がありませんでした。 1. Q: けんさんは彼女がいますか。 A: (O friend X girlfriend) --\> 友達ならいるが、彼女がいませんでした。 1. Q: けんさんは土曜日に出かけられますか。 A: (O Sunday X Saturday) 日曜日なら出かけられるが、土曜日が出かけられません。

    syncforlemmy Sync for Lemmy Grouping subscriptions of instances that share the same name/topic
  • daredevil daredevil 9 months ago 100%

    Good question. In the past, there have been some federation issues. However, things have seemed fine for awhile now. I will admit that it's entirely possible that there are issues that I may not be aware of. I don't do any extensive testing as I'm just a regular user, and /kbin is a younger platform which tries to do something different from lemmy and mastodon. If the Collections feature interests you, I might suggest just making a kbin account to give it a test run. You can essentially have the same feed you do now thanks to federation, but with the added benefit of feeds more suited to your interests. Public Collections are also very useful for discovering similar communities across the fediverse.

  • asklemmy Asklemmy What podcasts did you listen to the most this year
  • daredevil daredevil 9 months ago 100%

    Deep Questions with Cal Newport
    Learn Japanese with Masa-Sensei

  • news News 'Nudify' apps that use AI to undress women in photos are soaring in popularity, prompting worries about non-consensual porn
  • daredevil daredevil 10 months ago 100%

    I'd imagine this will also be very problematic for non-celebrities from all sorts of backgrounds as well. The harassment potential is very concerning.

  • asklemmy Ask Lemmy Where else are you in the Fediverse?
  • daredevil daredevil 10 months ago 100%

    kbin and mastodon

  • syncforlemmy Sync for Lemmy Grouping subscriptions of instances that share the same name/topic
  • daredevil daredevil 10 months ago 100%

    kbin has this -- the feature is called collections. https://kbin.social/magazines/collections

    you can make public ones that others can follow, or private ones to make curated feeds for yourself.

  • news News 'Nudify' apps that use AI to undress women in photos are soaring in popularity, prompting worries about non-consensual porn
  • daredevil daredevil 10 months ago 100%

    Pandora's Box is already opened, unfortunately. The Streisand Effect is only going to make this worse.

  • LearnJapanese
    Learn Japanese daredevil 10 months ago 100%
    日本語練習 [2023-12-8]

    久しぶりですね〜皆さんは元気だったと希望しますよ。今日はちょっと違い物を試します。/kbinのユーザーはよくスレのほうがmicroblogより好きなので、スレで日本語の練習を作りました。 ところで、今週は新しい仕事を始まったので、最近すごくいそがしいですよ。すごく面白いと思っていました。じゃあ、ちょっと日本語を練習しましょうか? Respond to the following sentences using \~てみる > > > Example > A: この服は素敵ですよ。 > B: じゃあ、着てみます。 > > 1. A: 経済の授業は面白かったですよ。 B: じゃあ、取ってみます。 1. A: あの映画を見て泣きました。 B: じゃあ、見てみます。 1. A: この本は感動しました。 B: じゃあ、読んでみます。 1. A: このケーキは美味しいですよ。 B: じゃあ、食べてみます。 1. A: 東京は面白かったですよ。 B: じゃあ、旅行してみます。 1. A: このCDは良かったですよ。 B: じゃあ、聞いてみます。 1. A: この辞書は便利でしたよ。 B: じゃあ、読んでみます。

    SilentHill Silent Hill appreciating SH1's beautiful graphics
  • daredevil daredevil 10 months ago 100%

    Haven't played it myself, but I've watched a friend and a streamer play through some of it. I can see the appeal. It's a shame P.T. got axed.

  • politics politics Trump declines to rule out abusing power or seeking retribution if he returns to the White House | AP News (VOTE!)
  • daredevil daredevil 10 months ago 98%

    What scares me more than the fact that this guy exists are how many people chose to and continue to support him

  • AskKbin Moving to: m/AskMbin! ✨ What is your favorite thing about kbin? ✨
  • daredevil daredevil 10 months ago 100%

    I was making scripts, styles, mags, and posting content several times a day every day trying to build kbin and encourage engagement, and on that front, it pretty much never got better.

    Your work is appreciated. :)

    It feels a bit lonely, I do wish more lurkers would consider joining the convo. There's lots of talk about things being stale and dead, not many active niche communities, but 98% of people aren't contributing. It's okay to not be a content creator, but a single comment a week is better than no comments ever. I might be a taaaad salty, because of how much effort I put in, and that the lack of interactions and engagement is pretty much the ONLY thing keeping kbin from reaching it's full potential.

    I could not agree more, LOL. Props for powering through that feeling, I'll go check out some of your magazines soon. Unfortunately, this is a problem that feeds itself, as people don't want to post because people aren't posting. Someone's gotta be first on the dance floor if we want to see /kbin thrive. I've been quite busy with IRL stuff, so I haven't been able to post as much lately. What you said about even a single comment every once in awhile really makes a difference.

    Speaking of microblogging, I still don't know what those are somehow lol. are they like mastodon tweets or toots or whatever? 😭

    Yeah, that's basically what they are. Being unfamilar with them is no problem. The great thing about #kbin is that options are available, but not forced on us. #Microblogs could become more useful/relevant with the introduction of the #allContent tab being created. Having an aggregated view is really helpful for easing into how it could be used. One way I've been messing with it is to have an overview of magazines so I can more easily be aware of any content that needs to be moderated. I think they could be useful for other stuff besides one off #tweets/#toots so you can group related posts to look back on -- themed posts over a span of time (like #inktober posts, #caturday etc). I also regularly use them in @learnjapanese for my #japanesepractice.

  • AskKbin Moving to: m/AskMbin! ✨ What is your favorite thing about kbin? ✨
  • daredevil daredevil 10 months ago 100%

    You mentioned a lot of things that I generally really enjoy about #kbin as well.

    ⭐ The admin @ernest is an incredibly hardworking, kind, supportive, and an all-around good person. This is my tip top most favorite thing because good leadership and communication is essential to a good and thriving community. Ernest is a star!

    Same, he also gets bonus points for listening to, and implementing suggestions. Some of them have come quite quickly as well. These factors when combined have made me feel like I'm really a part of the community.

    ⭐ I enjoy making scripts/styles for kbin. kbin is the reason I began learning JS, HTML, and CSS. I am so happy I started learning, and it's all thanks to kbin.

    Cheers to that, I actually use one of yours -- specifically the one that changes the layout of profile pages.

    ⭐ No malicious, tricky, over-calculated algorithm. It's very straight-forward and honest here. I love seeing a mix of upvoted/downvoted comments in comment sections too, rather than just top upvoted, because it makes me feel more apart of the conversation with everyone. Your contributions and thoughts won't get drowned out by upvoted witty remarks, that is truly unique to kbin (and maybe elsewhere on the fediverse?).

    Agreed -- I think Mastodon also functions similarly. It makes #discoverability a bit challenging at times, but I'm open to experimenting with it.

    ⭐ kbin gives me the urge to contribute, interact, and create because our contributions have actual impact. Can't say the same for other sites. Everywhere else is lurk only.

    Hard agree -- though it wears on me at times when I'm unable to get some engagement going after keeping at it for so long. I've changed my mindset about it a little while ago, so it's not too bad.

    ⭐ Tightknit but welcoming. kbin is small enough that I run into familiar people all the time, and I recognize usernames everywhere.

    Agreed, and to add onto this -- profile pictures are pretty easily recognizable as well.

    ⭐ Authenticity. kbin is authentic and real. It's not pushing a product, not manipulating what you see, not building an ad profile. It is what a forum should be.

    Yeah, adding on one of your points again -- it's very reminiscent of what #forums used to feel like. However, at the same time, it feels like something more due to the addition of #microblogging. #Microblogs may not be super popular on /kbin, but I think they're a stellar addition to the forum experience. I've had some nice back-and-forths with #Mastodon users from the comfort of /kbin's UI. I think there's more potential in what you can do with them, too.

  • kbinMeta /kbin meta To those genuinely interested in moderating
  • daredevil daredevil 10 months ago 100%

    Glad to hear you got it taken care of.

  • kbinMeta /kbin meta To those genuinely interested in moderating
  • daredevil daredevil 10 months ago 100%

    Yes, I'm aware of this. The magazine is not publicly listed as a magazine you moderate -- I do not see it listed in your profile. I noticed this problem a little over a week ago. While cleaning up abandoned magazines, I noticed in my profile it still says I have about 70 magazines that I moderate. An issue has already been raised.


  • asklemmy Asklemmy What is the first movie you can remember ever having watched?
  • daredevil daredevil 10 months ago 100%

    Hehe yeah, I'd have to agree. Studio Ghibli films are really nice. I should probably give it a rewatch some time soon.

  • asklemmy Asklemmy What is the first movie you can remember ever having watched?
  • daredevil daredevil 10 months ago 100%

    Kiki's Delivery Service

  • nostupidquestions No Stupid Questions A combination of languages to briefly cover the most of other languages.
  • daredevil daredevil 10 months ago 100%

    To add further context--I'd like to emphasize that an understanding of written Chinese would help with Kanji, but like you said, to a limited extent. When reading Kanji, there are cases where you'd have to be cognizant of Onyomi and Kunyomi (Basically pronunciations rooted in Chinese vs. Japanese). Not as important if you are strictly "reading", I suppose. However, this would also not provide insight when reading Hiragana nor Katakana, how particles are used, rules for conjugation (polite vs. casual, past vs. non-past tense, etc.), further reducing mutual intelligibility. In some cases, Chinese characters may be visually identical to Japanese Kanji, yet have different meanings or applications. Traditional Chinese vs. Simplified Chinese is also a whole other topic.

    Examples where there is some similarity:
    JP: 走る
    EN: Run (verb)

    CN: 走路
    EN: Walk (verb)

    Matching characters, unrelated meaning and application:
    JP: 勉強
    EN: Study (noun)

    CN: 勉強
    EN: Reluctantly (adverb)

    Furthermore, Chinese uses Subject-Verb-Object (SVO) word order, whereas Japanese uses Subject-Object-Verb (SOV) word order. Japanese also regularly uses subject omission, so it's important to consider these things if you're moving from one language to the other. Missing an understanding of these differences could lead to pretty different interpretations of a sentence.

    That being said, having a background in Chinese would be more beneficial when picking up Japanese than the other way around, IMO.

  • fediverse Fediverse *Permanently Deleted*
  • daredevil daredevil 10 months ago 100%

    To further add onto this, they can be public or private. Public Collections are able to be followed by other users. This would be helpful for increasing discoverability for fellow users and communities/magazines. You can create Private Collections for personalized feeds that you may not want to share, negating the need to create a new account for feeds with a different theme or purpose.

  • asklemmy Asklemmy Will duplicate communities, like ask, ever converge into one?
  • daredevil daredevil 10 months ago 100%

    On /kbin, there is a feature called Collections -- you can group similar communities akin to multireddits. These collections can be public or private, and don't need to have an overarching theme. Public collections are pretty handy for discoverability too.

  • LearnJapanese
    Learn Japanese daredevil 10 months ago 100%
    13.III.B #genki2textbook #japanesereview #japanese

    13.III.B [#genki2textbook](https://kbin.social/tag/genki2textbook) [#japanesereview](https://kbin.social/tag/japanesereview) [#japanese](https://kbin.social/tag/japanese) B. Look at the pictures in [A](https://kbin.social/m/LearnJapanese/p/3316395/13-III-A-genki2textbook-japanesereview-japanese-Describe-the-following-pictures-using-sou-Example-kono-shou-siha-mei-weishisoudesu) and make sentences as in the example. > > > Example > 寿司 -\> 美味しそうな寿司です。 > > 1. ケーキ 甘そうなケーキです。 2. カレー 辛そうなカレーです。 3. 服 古そうな服です。 4. 先生 厳しそうな先生です。 5. 時計 新しそうな時計です。 6. ヤクザ 怖そうなヤクザです。 7. 男の人 寂しそうな男の人です。 8. 女の人 嬉しそうな女の人です。 9. おじいさん 元気そうなおじいさんです。 10. おばあさん 意地悪そうなおばあさんです。 11. 女の人 優しそうな女の人です。 12. 弁護士 頭がよさそうな弁護士です。 13. 学生 眠そうな学生です。 14. セーター あたたかそうなセーターです。 15. 子供 悲しそうな子供です。 [\#LearnJapanese](https://kbin.social/tag/LearnJapanese)

    linux Linux Noob question: what to arrange before switching to linux
  • daredevil daredevil 10 months ago 100%

    It sounds like you've taken the appropriate precautions. I'm sure others will have better suggestions, but perhaps you can try running a VM for a week or so as if you've made the switch and take note of anything you feel you may be lacking.

  • LearnJapanese
    Learn Japanese daredevil 10 months ago 100%
    13.III.A #genki2textbook #japanesereview #japanese

    13.III.A [#genki2textbook](https://kbin.social/tag/genki2textbook) [#japanesereview](https://kbin.social/tag/japanesereview) [#japanese](https://kbin.social/tag/japanese) Describe the following pictures using \~そう。 > > > Example この寿司は美味しそうです。 > > 1. ケーキ (sweet) - このケーキは甘そうです。 2. カレー (spicy) - このカレーは辛そうです。 3. 服 (old) - この服は古そうです。 4. 先生 (strict) - この先生は厳しそうです。 5. 時計 (new) - この時計は新しそうでs。 6. ヤクザ - このヤクザは怖そうです。 7. 男の人 - (lonely) この男の人は寂しそうです。 8. 女の人 - (glad) この女の人は嬉しそうです。 9. おじいさん (energetic) - このおじいさんは元気そうです。 10. おばあさん (mean) - このおばあさんは意地悪そうです。 11. 女の人 (kind) - この女の人は優しそうです。 12. 弁護士 (smart) - この弁護士は頭がやさそうです。 13. 学生 (sleepy) - この学生は眠そうです。 14. このセーターはあたたかそうです。  15. 子供 (sad) - この子供は悲しそうです。 [\#LearnJapanese](https://kbin.social/tag/LearnJapanese)

    Learn Japanese daredevil 10 months ago 100%
    13.II.B #genki2textbook #japanesereview #japanese

    13.II.B [#genki2textbook](https://kbin.social/tag/genki2textbook) [#japanesereview](https://kbin.social/tag/japanesereview) [#japanese](https://kbin.social/tag/japanese) Answer the following questions and add reasons for your answer. > > > Example: > Q: 日本の生活は楽しいですか。 > A: はい、楽しいです。友達がたくさんいるし、みんなは親切だし。 > > 1. Q: このごろ忙しいですか。 A: はい、忙しいです。よく平日は日本語を勉強するし、/kbinの雑誌を養うし、最近新しい仕事に準備しているし、などです。このごろあまり時間がありません。残念で、まだもっと物をしたいので。 1. Q: 今、幸せですか。 A: はい、幸せです。日本語がまだ上手じゃなくて、けど今は時々悪くないと思うし、いいプロジェクトを働くし、などです。 1. Q: 来学期も日本語の授業を取りますか。 A: いいえ、授業が卒業したし、今は一人で日本語を勉強しています。 1. Q: 日本に住みたいですか。 A: 絶対住みたいですよ。しかし、仕事だし、近い将来に住めれません。残念ですよ。。。 1. Q: 日本語の授業は大変ですか。 A: あまり大変じゃないです。日本語は面白くて、綺麗な言語だと思うし。日本語のほうが英語より好きです。それにアニメが見られて、わかられるのがすごくエキサイティングだと思うし。ゲームと音楽も。 [\#LearnJapanese](https://kbin.social/tag/LearnJapanese)

    Learn Japanese daredevil 10 months ago 100%
    L13 [#genki2](https://kbin.social/tag/genki2) [#japanese](https://kbin.social/tag/japanese) [#japanesepractice](https://kbin.social/tag/japanesepractice) [#kanjipractice](https://kbin.social/tag/kanji

    L13 [#genki2](https://kbin.social/tag/genki2) [#japanese](https://kbin.social/tag/japanese) [#japanesepractice](https://kbin.social/tag/japanesepractice) [#kanjipractice](https://kbin.social/tag/kanjipractice) [#LearnJapanese](https://kbin.social/tag/LearnJapanese)

    Learn Japanese daredevil 10 months ago 100%
    13.II.A [#genki2textbook](https://kbin.social/tag/genki2textbook) [#japanesereview](https://kbin.social/tag/japanesereview) [#japanese](https://kbin.social/tag/japanese)

    13.II.A [#genki2textbook](https://kbin.social/tag/genki2textbook) [#japanesereview](https://kbin.social/tag/japanesereview) [#japanese](https://kbin.social/tag/japanese) Answer the following questions using \~ し \~ し。Examine the ideas in the cues and decide whether you want to answer in the affirmative or in the negative. > > > Example > Q: 日本に住みたいですか。 > A: (物価が高いです。人がたくさんいます。) > \--\> 物価が高いし、人がたくさんいるし、住みたくないです。 > > 1. 今週は忙しいですか。 (試験があります。宿題がたくさんあります。) 宿題がたくさんあるし、今週は忙しいです。 2. 新しいアパートはいいですか。 (会社に近いです。静かです。) 会社に近いだし、静かだし、新しいアパートはいいです。 3. 経済の授業を取りますか。 (先生は厳しいです。長いレポートを書かなきゃいけません。) 先生は厳しいだし、長いレポートを書かなきゃいけないし、経済の授業を取りません。 4. 旅行は楽しかったですか。 (食べ物が美味しくなかったです。言葉が分かりませんでした。) 食べ物が美味しくなかっただし、言葉が分かりなかったし、旅行は楽しくなかったです。 5. 今晩、パーティーに行きますか。 (風邪を弾いています。昨日もパーティーに行きました。) 風邪を弾いているし、昨日もパーティーに行ったし、今晩パーティーに行きません。 6. 日本語の新聞が読めますか。 (感じが読めません。文法が分かりません。) 感じが読めないし、文法がわからないし、日本語の新聞が読めません。 7. 一人で旅行ができますか。 (日本語が話せます。もう大人です。) 日本語が話せるし、もう大人だし、一人で旅行ができます。 8. 田中さんが好きですか。 (嘘を付きます。約束を守りません。) 嘘を付くし、約束を守らないし、田中さんが好きじゃないです。 単語を復習しなければいけません。。。最近すごく忙しいし、面倒くさいですね。でも、しょうがないですよね。まだ頑張りますよ。 [\#LearnJapanese](https://kbin.social/tag/LearnJapanese)

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körnerhttps://github.com/dicebear/dicebearLI
    Linguistics daredevil 10 months ago 100%
    ThinkCERCA Unveils New Science of Reading Aligned, Foundational Reading &amp; Linguistics Course for Grades 6-12 markets.businessinsider.com

    The key to ThinkCERCA's approach is the incorporation of linguistic principles. Designed to provide adolescent students with instruction related to phonetic concepts and decoding, the program follows a science of reading approach in providing systematic and explicit instruction to fill in foundational gaps that secondary struggling readers will not close on their own or in a Language Arts classroom.

    Learn Japanese daredevil 10 months ago 100%
    13.I.A [#genki2textbook](https://kbin.social/tag/genki2textbook) [#japanese](https://kbin.social/tag/japanese) [#japanesereview](https://kbin.social/tag/japanesereview)

    13.I.A [#genki2textbook](https://kbin.social/tag/genki2textbook) [#japanese](https://kbin.social/tag/japanese) [#japanesereview](https://kbin.social/tag/japanesereview) A. Change the verbs into potential forms 1. 話す - 話せる 2. する - できる 3. 行く- 行ける 4. 寝る - 寝られる 5. 来る - 来られる 6. 見る - 見られる 7. 辞める - 辞められる 8. 分かる - 分かれる 9. 飲む - 飲める 10. 待つ - 待てる 11. 泳ぐ - 泳げる 12. 働く - 働ける 13. 編む - 編める ちゃんと学びたいので、今日は前課を復習しました。来週、筆跡とヒアリングの練習するつもりです。ここで練習しないかも知れないんです。じゃあ、また来週ですね。 [\#LearnJapanese](https://kbin.social/tag/LearnJapanese)

    Learn Japanese daredevil 10 months ago 100%

    皆さん、すみません。めっちゃ忙しいので、最近練習ができなかったです。明日は練習したいつもりです。また明日ね。 [\#LearnJapanese](https://kbin.social/tag/LearnJapanese)

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körnerhttps://github.com/dicebear/dicebearLI
    Linguistics daredevil 10 months ago 100%
    Archaeologists discover previously unknown ancient language news.yahoo.com

    Discovery helps reveal how a long-lost empire used multiculturalism to achieve political stability

    Learn Japanese daredevil 10 months ago 100%
    最近の課がちょっと難しいとまだ思うので、今日はげんきの教科書を復習するつもりです。別にcomprehensible inputも勉強するつもりです。だから今日はげんきのワークブックを勉強しないかもしれません。多分皆さんも勉強したくて、下に日本語comprehensible inputのリンクがあります。さて、お当該頑張りましょうね。

    最近の課がちょっと難しいとまだ思うので、今日はげんきの教科書を復習するつもりです。別にcomprehensible inputも勉強するつもりです。だから今日はげんきのワークブックを勉強しないかもしれません。多分皆さんも勉強したくて、下に日本語comprehensible inputのリンクがあります。さて、お当該頑張りましょうね。 [https://kbin.social/m/LearnJapanese/t/621990/Japanese-Comprehensible-Input-YouTube-channels#comments](https://kbin.social/m/LearnJapanese/t/621990/Japanese-Comprehensible-Input-YouTube-channels#comments) [\#japanese](https://kbin.social/tag/japanese) [#learnjapanese](https://kbin.social/tag/learnjapanese) [#comprehensibleinput](https://kbin.social/tag/comprehensibleinput) [#LearnJapanese](https://kbin.social/tag/LearnJapanese)

    Learn Japanese daredevil 10 months ago 100%
    Japanese Comprehensible Input YouTube channels

    Hello friends. While reading and writing are great ways to study Japanese, listening comprehension and speaking are also important aspects to consider as well. As such, this post will serve to provide a list of YouTube channels for the purpose of comprehensible input. I will update this post periodically over time. [いろいろな日本語](https://www.youtube.com/@iroironanihongo) ========== A channel that uses hand-drawn pictures to narrate lessons while speaking. This channel also explains the plot to anime, and various kanji. Subtitles are only available in Japanese. Furigana is not provided. The channel is relatively new, so there is less content than some of the other channels I'll be linking. However, the creator speaks slowly, clearly, and repeats himself to help the viewer. This channel is useful for beginners. [Comprehensible Japanese](https://www.youtube.com/@cijapanese) ========== A channel that focuses on digital, hand-drawn, and live examples to narrate while speaking. Subtitles are in written in kanji and kana--furigana is not provided. This channel has been around longer than the previous channel, meaning there will be more content to consume. A bit more challenging than the previous channel as Yuki speaks at a more natural pace and does not repeat herself. [Daily Japanese with Naoko](https://www.youtube.com/@DailyJapanese) ========== A channel focused on speaking on day-to-day topics such as weather, traveling, daily tasks, etc. This channel has less videos to watch than the previous one. However, Naoko speaks at a more natural pace than the previous two, so this is probably recommended for intermediate to advanced learners. Additionally, she subtitles her videos in Japanese--this includes kana, kanji, and furigana. This will be useful if you wish to practice reading while listening simultaneously. [Nihongo-Learning](https://www.youtube.com/@nihongo-learning7582) ========== This channel focuses on grammar and how Japanese is used in daily life, similar to the previous channel. Lessons occasionally cover kanji and kana lessons, with supplemental visual aids. Yuta often creates videos while out on walks, so this also has the benefit of taking in some sights while learning. Subtitles are largely in kanji and kana. Occasionally, vocabulary is introduced in their kanji and kana forms. Yuta, the creator, takes his time to repeat phrases so that the viewer can practice both listening and imitating his pronunciation. There are nearly 100 videos, and I would say this is a very useful resource for beginners. [Japanese with Shun](https://www.youtube.com/@JapanesewithShun) ========== This channel covers a wide variety of topics, ranging from fashion, to travels, daily life, food, conversations with friends, listening exercises, and more. This channel also includes podcasts targeted at beginners. Shun also includes a brief description of how difficult the language content may be. These descriptions range anywhere from N5 --\> N2, with some descriptions used in relation to Genki (the podcasts in particular). Probably the most useful for those who wish to get a feel for their listening comprehension. Also useful for more intermediate to advanced learners. In the videos, you'll find kanji and kana. However, furigana is not provided (at least that I've seen so far). This channel is also has the largest library of content, containing 507 videos at the time of this post. [もしもしゆうすけ](https://www.youtube.com/@moshimoshi.yusuke) ========== This channel covers topics at convenience stores, recorded conversations with friends and acquaintances, dining at restaurants, daily life, and more. Yusuke's content may be on the more intermediate to advanced side of content listed here, as he speaks at a pace more suited for natural dialogue. Furthermore, as Yusuke likes to walk during some of his monologues, there may be added difficulty in practicing listening comprehension. This may prove useful for those who wish to listen to Japanese outside of an "idealistic setting" where some content creators are sitting in a noise-insulated room and can focus entirely on the clarity of their pronunciation for the viewer. These videos provide subtitles mostly in kana, with occasional instances of kanji and their associated furigana. English subtitles are also provided. [あかね的日本語教室](https://www.youtube.com/@Akane-JapaneseClass/videos) ========== * Travel vlog * Speaks clearly + slowly * Subtitles [YUYU](https://www.youtube.com/@Akane-JapaneseClass/videos) ========== * Wide variety of topics * Speaks quickly * Probably \~N2 level, recommended for more experienced learners [Japanese with Ken](https://www.youtube.com/@JapanesewithKen) ========== [Bite size Japanese Podcast](https://youtube.com/@the_bitesize_japanese_podcast?si=Q4LAjbC09KVmWUsU) ========== [tsubakiclass](https://www.youtube.com/@tsubakiclass) ========== [yukiijapanese00](https://www.youtube.com/@yukijapanese00) ========== [japarrot](https://www.youtube.com/@Japarrot_LetsLearnJP) ==========

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körnerhttps://github.com/dicebear/dicebearCA
    Cats daredevil 10 months ago 100%
    Sleepy teefies
    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körnerhttps://github.com/dicebear/dicebearDO
    Dogs daredevil 10 months ago 100%
    Breaking Bread
    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körnerhttps://github.com/dicebear/dicebearCA
    Cats daredevil 10 months ago 100%
    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körnerhttps://github.com/dicebear/dicebearLI
    Linguistics daredevil 10 months ago 100%
    American Sign Language now Yale’s third most popular language - Yale Daily News yaledailynews.com

    Since it was first offered in spring 2018, American Sign Language at Yale has grown to be the third largest language option, with over 200 students enrolled in ASL classes this semester.

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körnerhttps://github.com/dicebear/dicebearGA
    Gaming daredevil 10 months ago 100%
    Resident Evil 4 Remake wins PlayStation Game of the Year at the Golden Joystick Awards 2023 https://www.msn.com/en-gb/entertainment/news/resident-evil-4-remake-wins-playstation-game-of-the-year-at-the-golden-joystick-awards-2023/ar-AA1jJqyu

    Resident Evil 4 Remake has been crowned PlayStation Game of the Year at The Golden Joysticks 2023 powered by Intel. Capcom's third Resident Evil remake was released in March of this year and took players back to rural Spain to confront the mysterious, and deadly, Los Illuminados cult - 18 years after we originally did on the PlayStation 2. Fans clearly loved revisiting the classic survival horror game as it managed to beat out other games in the category including Final Fantasy 16, Street Fighter 6, and Star Wars Jedi: Survivor. The other Golden Joystick Awards 2023 nominees in this category can be found below: * Final Fantasy 16 * **Resident Evil 4 Remake (winner)** * Street Fighter 6 * Humanity * Armored Core 6: Fires of Rubicon * Star Wars Jedi: Survivor

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körnerhttps://github.com/dicebear/dicebearGA
    Gaming daredevil 10 months ago 100%
    Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth wins Most Wanted Game at the Golden Joystick Awards 2023 www.yahoo.com

    Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth has won the Most Wanted Game category at the Golden Joystick Awards 2023 powered by Intel. Due in February of next year, Square Enix's much-anticipated follow-up marks the second part of a planned three-part modern-day reimagining of its 1997 source material. Hot on the heels of 2020's Final Fantasy 7 Remake, Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth extends the legendary story beyond Midgar – with a recent trailer teasing familiar spots such as Cid's Rocket Town, Red XIII's Cosmo Canyon, and the indelible Gold Saucer theme park. Add flashes of an introspective Sephiroth, Jenova, Junon Harbor and that thoroughfare-dominating parade, and it's easy to see why people are looking forward to this one, and, indeed, why it's come out on top of this year's Golden Joysticks' Most Wanted category. Throw in the teasiest of Emerald Weapon teasers, and… yeah, February 29, 2024 really can't come soon enough. Full credit to Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth rising to the top of its 20-game-strong category. Here's the full list of [Most Wanted Game Golden Joystick 2023 nominees](https://www.gamesradar.com/golden-joystick-awards-2023-nominations/), and as you can see Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth beat 19 other games to come out on top: * Death Stranding 2 * Star Wars Outlaws * **Final Fantasy VII Rebirth (Winner)** * Tekken 8 * Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines 2 * S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2: Heart of Chornobyl * Hades 2 * Fable * Hollow Knight: Silksong * EVERYWHERE * Frostpunk 2 * Ark 2 * Metal Gear Solid Δ: Snake Eater * Persona 3 Reload * Bulwark: Falconeer Chronicles * Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League * Pacific Drive * Black Myth: Wukong * Banishers: Ghosts of New Eden * Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Realms of Ruin Discover the [best games of 2023](https://www.gamesradar.com/best-games-2023/) at the best prices by checking out the [Golden Joystick Awards Steam sale page](https://store.steampowered.com/sale/goldenjoystickawards)

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körnerhttps://github.com/dicebear/dicebearLI
    Linguistics daredevil 10 months ago 100%
    [crosspost] I made an IPA keyboard for fcitx on Linux! https://pub.kemonomimi.gay/yukijoou/videos/fcitx-ipa-sil-lemmy.mp4

    OP: [@yukijoou](https://lemmy.blahaj.zone/u/yukijoou): > > > For those who may not know, the IPA (international phonetics alphabet) is widely used for writing out how words are spoken. It’s very useful for linguists writing research papers, and for people looking to learn new languages! As I wasn’t satisfied with most IPA keyboards available, and wanted something that integrated well with fcitx, which I already have to use for japanese input, I re-implemented parts of the [SIL IPA keyboard](https://help.keyman.com/keyboard/sil_ipa/1.8.6/sil_ipa). It’s not a one-to-one recreation (yet), because I needed somthing now rather than later, and took some shortcuts to put in all the features I personally needed, but it should be good enough for doing broad transcription of RP English. It should also be fairly trivial to hack in support for most character combinations. Feel free to check out the [git repo](https://git.kemonomimi.gay/yukijoou/fcitx5-ipa-sil)! > >

    Learn Japanese daredevil 10 months ago 100%
    To see related [#Japanese](https://kbin.social/tag/Japanese) language-learning content, consider checking out [@Japanese](https://kbin.social/m/japanese/microblog). While [@Japanese](https://kbin.soci

    To see related [#Japanese](https://kbin.social/tag/Japanese) language-learning content, consider checking out [@Japanese](https://kbin.social/m/japanese/microblog). While [@Japanese](https://kbin.social/m/Japanese) will include language-learning content, it will also include content beyond simply learning Japanese itself. This may prove useful for finding resources and content for written and spoken immersion. [@Japanese](https://kbin.social/m/Japanese) may also be updated to include content related to more general Japanese-language content as well. Regarding the [#microblog](https://kbin.social/tag/microblog) section found here in [@LearnJapanese](https://kbin.social/m/LearnJapanese), you may use this space to complete Japanese language-learning exercises, ask questions, provide answers, or find others that are inexperienced and experienced alike. However, please note that **users from Mastodon will only have their posts federated to [@LearnJapanese](https://kbin.social/m/LearnJapanese) if [#learnjapanese](https://kbin.social/tag/learnjapanese) or [#japanesepractice](https://kbin.social/tag/japanesepractice) is the first tag embedded in your post**. The way /kbin currently works is that by using [#Japanese](https://kbin.social/tag/Japanese) as the first tag in your post, your post will be sent to [@Japanese](https://kbin.social/m/japanese/microblog) instead. This section may also be useful for posts that you may feel don't necessitate its own thread. In that sense, this area can act as a "daily discussion hub" akin to the megaposts found on Reddit. That being said, though this is a space for questions and whatever else--you're still permitted and encouraged to post questions among other things as threads too. We look forward to seeing beginners and veterans alike engaging in discussion with one another. お当該頑張りましょう! Attached below is a link to a list of recommended resources. [https://kbin.social/m/LearnJapanese/t/14796/Useful-resources](https://kbin.social/m/LearnJapanese/t/14796/Useful-resources) Please feel free to add a reply if you have a suggestion, or have critique regarding any resources I have provided. If one is providing critique, please also include an alternative. I am not perfect, but I am open to suggestions. By teaching me, you help future users that stop by to read our conversations. Thanks, and best wishes on your Japanese-language learning journey. [\#LearnJapanese](https://kbin.social/tag/LearnJapanese)

    Moving to: m/AskMbin! daredevil 10 months ago 100%
    What are your gaming pet peeves?

    First one that comes to my mind is having to travel with an NPC and our walk/run speeds don't match.
