genzedong GenZedong General Discussion Thread - Juche 113, Week 14
  • comrade_toaster comrade_toaster 6 months ago 100%

    Can anyone link me to the list of quotes used at the top of the page when you load into Lemmygrad?

  • china China China Drafts New Rules to Curb Internet Addiction Among Children and Teens
  • comrade_toaster comrade_toaster 1 year ago 100%

    Thanks! I've updated the original post with some of your info

  • china China China Drafts New Rules to Curb Internet Addiction Among Children and Teens
  • comrade_toaster comrade_toaster 1 year ago 100%

    I wonder if there will be an exception made for texting or calling, since the article mentions Internet addiction specifically and parents probably want their children to be able to contact them 24/7

  • china
    China comrade_toaster 1 year ago 93%
    China Drafts New Rules to Curb Internet Addiction Among Children and Teens

    Summary of proposed limits by Twitter user [@Orikron]( >🇨🇳 China is set to limit the amount of time children spend on the internet: > >16 to 18 - 2 hours > >8 to 16 - 1 hour > >Under 8 - 40 minutes > >No internet access on children’s devices from 10pm-6am > >Parents will be allowed to opt out of the time limits for their youngsters. Edit: additional info from []( >Parents can change default time limits > >Reminder to rest every 30 minutes > >Apps not subject to time limits include: > >* Emergency-related (safety, emergency calling etc.) >* Approved educational apps >* Tools suitable for minors (image processing, calculator, measurement etc.) >* User-defined by parents > >Full draft available in Chinese:

    China comrade_toaster 3 years ago 92%
    Politics in the People's Republic of China


    linux Linux Chinese government to ditch Windows in the next three years
  • comrade_toaster comrade_toaster 3 years ago 100%
  • cuba
    Cuba comrade_toaster 3 years ago 100%
    Cuba blocks U.S.-sponsored regime-change ‘protests’ aimed at overthrowing government

    Official Cuban response (in Spanish):

    communism Communism Vietnam and China press the communism button
  • comrade_toaster comrade_toaster 3 years ago 100%
  • china China China and games
  • comrade_toaster comrade_toaster 3 years ago 100%

    Likewise in World of Warcraft, your skeleton that appeared when you died was turned to a tombstone

    This was actually a result of the publisher and not government censorship.

    TL;DR from this article:

    So, while there’s no way to be totally sure what’s going on behind the scenes, can can draw some basic conclusions:

    • Skeletons are not censored in all Chinese games, or considered taboo in Chinese culture.
    • There is no public law that bans the use of skeletons, blood, or anything else like that in video games. But China’s laws about game censorship are broad and could be interpreted in a variety of ways.
    • The censorship of skeletons in foreign games like WOW and Dota 2 was probably voluntary on the part of the games’ Chinese publishers, who were being extra careful to avoid any potential delays in the review process.

    In other words, the next time you see a fleshy skeleton lumbering towards you in WOW, don’t blame Chinese culture, and don’t even blame the Chinese government. Instead, blame the game’s Chinese publishers, who put flesh back on the bones in the hopes of getting the game released more quickly in China.

  • china China What are some good resources to learn Mandarin?
  • comrade_toaster comrade_toaster 3 years ago 100%

    I can absolutely vouch for HelloChinese, I've enjoyed it a lot more than Duolingo but definitely try both! Great list, recommend everything on here but here's a couple extra things I use:


    • Pleco -- Dictionary app
    • 微信读书 -- Audio book app




    • Ultimate Chinese Deck -- Deck of Chinese words in order of common usage. Definitely look up example sentences and watch content after learning new words so they stick
    • MorphMan -- Add-on that generates sentences for you to learn and read from
  • korea Korea / 조선 My Brothers and Sisters in the North (Full documentary)
  • comrade_toaster comrade_toaster 3 years ago 100%

    Great documentary. For another look at daily life in the DPRK I've recently found this video series by a Chinese tourist. The video I linked talks about housing, income, etc. but there are many more videos on the channel in the [North Korea World] Playlist

  • genzedong GenZedong Garfxist: Americans will call Cuba authoritarian and then see no problem with this
  • comrade_toaster comrade_toaster 3 years ago 100%

    Wow that is a surprising amount of support, even for Twitter. Maybe people are starting to realize America's hypocrisy.

  • communism Communism Attempted Color Revolution in Cuba
  • comrade_toaster comrade_toaster 3 years ago 100%

    Yo no conozco a nadie que odie el comunismo y su patria más que a mi familia, y ellos nunca dejan de hablar de cubanos que apoyan la revolución. Por lo menos un vez a la dilla se quejan de los cubanos que extrañan a cuba, que quiren volver a cuba, or de los que decien que nunca van a viener a los Estados Unidos porque "no quieren traicionar la revolución." Esto no es un delirio de paranoia, es la verdad.

  • worldnews World News Cuba sees biggest protests for decades
  • comrade_toaster comrade_toaster 3 years ago 80%

    There could be legitimate grievances among the people for sure. Food, medical, and power shortages are all real (and the fault of the US blockade), but these protests have gone far beyond that in the imperial core. Almost 350k people have signed a petition demanding US military intervention for "humanitarian" reasons. To voice support for these protests is to enable and encourage those who seek Cuban blood.

  • worldnews World News Cuba sees biggest protests for decades
  • comrade_toaster comrade_toaster 3 years ago 87%

    I've linked my thoughts here. In short: we are not in favor of this US sponsored color revolution, when the majority of Cubans are in favor of their government.

  • communism
    Communism comrade_toaster 3 years ago 97%
    Attempted Color Revolution in Cuba

    An attempted color revolution is currently underway in Cuba. The media has claimed "hundreds" of the 11 million Cubans are protesting seeking to overthrow the socialist government. Videos have circulated showing [tens or at most a hundred protestors.]( In response, president of Cuba has called for defenders of the revolution to take to the streets to counter protest and show the popular support for the government. The [counter-protests seem much larger]( then the anti-government protests, chanting ["I am Fidel" and "This road for Fidel."]( These videos are not being circulated on popular US news or social media. Instead, hundreds or thousands of seemingly [fake bot accounts swarm Twitter threads in disdain for the government]( The Communist Party of Cuba (PCC) has over [700,000 thousands members](, consisting of ~6.25% of the Cuban population. Furthermore, [over 8.4 million Cubans (~75% of the population) are members of the Committees for the Defense of the Revolution (CDR).]( The Cuban people are [overwhelming in support]( of the Cuban revolutionary government. A few weeks ago the [Director of the CIA met with Brazilian President Bolsonaro]( to discuss the pink tide in Latin America. Haitian President Moïse was [assassinated in his home]( less than a week ago. And now this weak attempted color revolution in Cuba. Make no mistake, the Yankee Empire is scared of a red Latin America and they will try their hardest to destroy all progress. "America is back." Para todos mis hermanos y hermanas en Cuba, Hasta la victoria, siempre! Venceremos!

    Communism comrade_toaster 3 years ago 100%
    Haitian President Moïse assassinated at home

    According to the AP report, President Moïse was assassinated by "professional killers ... masquerading as agents of the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration" who spoke "Spanish or English." I've seen some comrades speculating this could be another situation like Ngô Đình Diệm-- an unpopular U.S. sponsored dictator assassinated and replaced by another one. The assassination comes shortly after the declaration of a new ["Revolutionary Force"]( in Haiti. There hasn't been any evidence so far tying this group to the assassination, however. The group featured a mural of comrade Ernesto Che Guevara, with plans to make murals of Thomas Sankara and Fidel Castro. Whether the group idealizes these figures as figures of Marxism or national liberation is unknown. The group has not announced themselves as a communist group, though there is a large [anti-imperialism and pro-socialist sentiment among the people of Haiti]( I would love to get the feedback of other comrades, is this looking like a potential socialist revolution?

    linux Linux How To Use Gamemode To Make Games Run Faster On Linux.
  • comrade_toaster comrade_toaster 3 years ago 100%

    It's been preinstalled in Ubuntu since 20.04 if that helps. I use and haven't had any issues with it so far

  • latestagecapitalism Late Stage Capitalism Good news: majority of Gen Z Americans hold negative views of capitalism
  • comrade_toaster comrade_toaster 3 years ago 100%

    Or they call themselves socialist but say the Nordic countries are true socialism. To be fair, I used to be one of those people. It takes a strong anti-capitalist mindset for people to look into socialism, then witness the failure of the electoral system to slide into communism/Marxism-Leninism. So while I would still regard this is good news, even if most of them aren't comrades yet.

  • privacy Privacy Qwant unveils its new mobile-first design!
  • comrade_toaster comrade_toaster 3 years ago 100%

    Are there any advantages to using Qwant over Duckduckgo?

  • communism101 Communism101 Good books on Palestine?
  • comrade_toaster comrade_toaster 3 years ago 100%

    Here's a couple book recommendations. I have not personally read them myself yet, but I've heard particularly good things about the "The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine."

  • asklemmy Asklemmy What are your favorite online games to play with friends?
  • comrade_toaster comrade_toaster 3 years ago 100%

    Sorry I haven't checked lemmy in a minute, you can find guides for it on this steam page. Check the About section for the specific games you want to try. It's pretty simple, latency is good too though that depends on the ping of each player.

    Edit: just realized you wanted a general netplay guide, you can find one here or use the netplay section under the Mario Party 4/5/6/7 Netplay Guide, it's pretty much the same for most games.

  • asklemmy Asklemmy What are your favorite online games to play with friends?
  • comrade_toaster comrade_toaster 3 years ago 100%

    Dota 2, Halo, Tabletop Simulator, and Mario Party via Dolphin.

  • genzedong GenZedong Denying the "Uyghur Genocide" is now a bannable offense by the reddit admins.
  • comrade_toaster comrade_toaster 3 years ago 100%

    Anyone know why they stopped advertising lemmygrad on r/GenZedong btw? It was how I found this website, it's a shame they're not promoting it more and more

  • us_news US News Bolivians are rallying in front of the Lincoln Memorial today, calling for an end to US interventions.
  • comrade_toaster comrade_toaster 3 years ago 100%

    It's in Washington DC, USA

  • comrade_toaster comrade_toaster 3 years ago 100%

    To preserve peace of course

  • linux Linux Review: Gnome 40 - The anti-desktop desktop
  • comrade_toaster comrade_toaster 3 years ago 100%

    Moreover, that the dock is now further away is something that the Gnome designers have become aware of and planned fixes are in the pipeline for Gnome 41.

    Source? Overall I like the changes made except for the dock movement, would be great if my one gripe was being improved

  • china China How does China work? | Viki 1999
  • comrade_toaster comrade_toaster 4 years ago 100%

    her opinions

    So sorry! I edited the comment to fix the pronoun before the server but I guess the change wasn't backed up, let me fix it again

  • china China How does China work? | Viki 1999
  • comrade_toaster comrade_toaster 4 years ago 100%

    While I don't agree with all of her opinions, I found this to be a more or less fair assessment of China and the PRC's history.

    For those of you who haven't heard of Viki 1999, I really recommend watching The cold war from the soviet POV | Bias in storytelling.

  • fullcommunism FULLCOMMUNISM *Permanently Deleted*
  • comrade_toaster comrade_toaster 4 years ago 100%

    Did you forget to add a picture or am I missing something

  • linux Linux A decent alternative to thunderbird?
  • comrade_toaster comrade_toaster 4 years ago 100%

    If you use Gnome then Geary is my favorite email client. Very simple and straightforward email client.

  • lemmy Lemmy What are some features or small quality of life improvements you'd like to see implemented on Lemmy?
  • comrade_toaster comrade_toaster 4 years ago 80%

    Infinite scrolling

  • communism101 Communism101 Risks of Joining Communist Party in the USA
  • comrade_toaster comrade_toaster 4 years ago 100%

    Wow, this is something I did not know and had not considered. I've only been a US citizen for about 3 years so I would be at risk. Is there any articles you can send me to read up on this? Thank you so much.

  • communism101 Communism101 Risks of Joining Communist Party in the USA
  • comrade_toaster comrade_toaster 4 years ago 100%

    Oh, I forgot to mention that in my state party affiliation is public info, so I would think it would show up on a basic background check though I could be wrong. If not then I might be joining an org soon

  • communism101
    Communism101 comrade_toaster 4 years ago 93%
    Risks of Joining Communist Party in the USA

    Hi all, I've been considering joining the PCUSA or PLS, but am afraid of being discriminated against when finding a job or internship. I'm wondering if anyone here can provide their personal experience with being in a communist or socialist party in the USA, and whether or not I should wait until after finding a job to join one?

    communism Communism Any good video games that take place in a communist or socialist setting?
  • comrade_toaster comrade_toaster 4 years ago 100%

    Here's a reddit post from a few months ago with a list Only one I've played is Bewitching Revolution and I enjoyed it
