running Running any actually good ear buds out there?
  • brenticus brenticus 2 days ago 100%

    I find there's a trade-off in quality for my bone conduction vs in ear pods, especially if I'm moving a lot, but not blocking my hearing as much is often worth that trade-off. Plus it's more secure on my head, which is important when running/biking/swimming where it is not trivial to find a missing earbud in the grass however far back it fell.

    Highly recommend for exercise, but I would never fully replace my earbuds with them because, frankly, they sound worse and look worse.

  • starwarsmemes Star Wars Memes Star Wars Fans Always Agree with Each Other
  • brenticus brenticus 3 weeks ago 100%

    I have read some bad fucking Star Wars books in my youth. Still love them. Even Darksaber, where a random hutt builds a death star because it's actually even easier to build planet-destroying weapons than Disney made it seem.

  • brenticus brenticus 3 weeks ago 100%

    You are using a Masterlock 176. It can be opened with a Masterlock 176.

  • games Games Star Wars Outlaws - Review Thread
  • brenticus brenticus 4 weeks ago 100%

    Yep, it sounds pretty much exactly like what people expected.

    Honestly, I'm on a bit of a Star Wars kick lately and it's been long enough since I've played an Ubisoft open world to find some enjoyment, so I might pick this up. But it certainly doesn't sound like it's going to blow me away.

  • starwarstelevision Star Wars Television ‘The Acolyte’ Canceled: No Season 2 For Disney+’s ‘Star Wars’ Series
  • brenticus brenticus 1 month ago 83%

    I found it fairly entertaining on the whole and it leaves off in a way that I would say is final enough but clearly could use a season 2. Honestly I'd say you could literally flip a coin to decide and either way it's fine.

  • games Games Actors demand action over 'disgusting' video game sex scenes
  • brenticus brenticus 1 month ago 100%

    Yeah, there was a whole kerfuffle about it because all the files were still on the disc, therefore some jurisdictions re-rated the game to some version of adults only. Rockstar definitely did all the development work to get that sex in the game, they just decided not to show it in normal gameplay.

  • hololive hololive Roommate (by Sheri)
  • brenticus brenticus 2 months ago 100%

    On the one hand, Ina would be a great roommate in that she never leaves her room.

    On the other hand, I'm pretty sure I recall a room cleaning stream in which a certain priestess basically just spent a ton of time throwing cans that were lying around into a bag, which doesn't sound great.

  • 2007scape Old School Runescape [Settled] The 0 Damage Fire Cape
  • brenticus brenticus 2 months ago 100%

    I was very much expecting a death followed by a mad montage of him training up Lowlife109 followed by a victory, but no, the madlad just did it. God damn.

  • games Games My wacky Stanly Parable-inspored game called DO NOT PRESS THE BUTTON (To Delete The Multiverse) finally reached 5000+ wishlists today!
  • brenticus brenticus 2 months ago 100%

    I went from being glad this goofy-looking game is getting some attention to realizing I wasn't one of those 5000 wishlists already. Oops.

    Game looks like it'll be a fun little experience, I'm looking forward to it!

  • fitness Fitness Advice on fixing my "whey protein soup"
  • brenticus brenticus 2 months ago 100%

    This is cursed, and every added detail is more cursed. Holy moly.

    Usually if I throw whey protein into something and it comes out chalky the problem is not enough liquid, you may have just reduced it too far. I'd probably try adding... chicken broth? Man that feels gross to suggest, but I imagine adding milk to Chinese food would be worse.

    God speed on that diet, my man, you need it.

  • canada Canada Government of Canada's response to fediverse infrastructure
  • brenticus brenticus 2 months ago 93%

    Yeah, it's not a no, it's basically a "not our problem, everyone does their own thing." Which is fair, but they normally have no problems loading extra work on public servants even though it's not their job, so it's a bit moot.

  • music Music Jack Black cancels Tenacious D tour and places future projects on hold after Kyle Gass comments on Trump
  • brenticus brenticus 2 months ago 75%

    What a shame, you've contributed greatly to this conversation, you will be missed 🙏

  • music Music Jack Black cancels Tenacious D tour and places future projects on hold after Kyle Gass comments on Trump
  • brenticus brenticus 2 months ago 97%

    I think it's complicated a bit by the fact that this was said on stage at one of their shows. I think canceling the tour is a gross overreaction, but with the current political climate (even ignoring the assassination attempt) I can understand some hesitancy to proceed if anyone is going to be associating them with calls for political violence.

    All that said... based birthday wish, fully agree with Gass's joke.

  • canada Canada Canada Anti-trans Legislature Risk Assessment Map July 2024 Edition
  • brenticus brenticus 2 months ago 77%

    What makes Alberta the most unfriendly? Like, I wouldn't be surprised, but I don't recall any major differences between the recent legislation in any of those three provinces.

  • rpg rpg It's not Critical Role, it's Podcasting Itself
  • brenticus brenticus 2 months ago 100%

    This sounds much more like the reason. 12pm-3pm, plus some time before and after to prep and commute and stuff, plus these things often run long in my experience... It easily becomes most of the afternoon. If you have anything else you need to do that day it becomes a fairly big deal.

  • asklemmy Ask Lemmy What would you do if you won 5 Billion GBP? (6.415450 billion USD)
  • brenticus brenticus 2 months ago 100%

    I agree with all of this. Except I would probably buy all the stupid shit I want because I have no concept of how all the stupid shit I want could amount to more than a rounding error.

  • showerthoughts Showerthoughts Why don't we put butter and sour cream on French fries? They're basically like tiny skinless baked potatoes...
  • brenticus brenticus 2 months ago 100%

    Unironically my two favorite sauces for fries. I attribute a not insignificant portion of my weight gain pre-COVID on slathering cafeteria fries with too much mayo.

  • lotrmemes Lord of the memes I wince every time I hear a younger person refer to it as "the late 1900s"
  • brenticus brenticus 3 months ago 100%

    I'm 31 and it happens sporadically, but in the past couple of weeks I had one guy double-take because he figured there was no way I was that old and one lady who gave me a good ol' "keep doin' what you're doin'."

    The ego boost is necessary since my body insists on groaning every time I sit down.

  • hololive hololive Bae's girlfailure fried rice
  • brenticus brenticus 3 months ago 100%

    It's the maccas nuggets, really. God bless Bae, she needs it.

  • linux Linux Ladybird announcement
  • brenticus brenticus 3 months ago 100%

    It's been almost a decade since I used C++ and had to verify, but after some quick searching around it looks like it hasn't changed a ton since I last looked at it.

    You can use smart pointers, and certainly you should, but it's a whole extra thing tacked on to the language and the compiler doesn't consider it an issue if you don't use them. Using new in C++ isn't like using unsafe in rust; in rust your code is almost certainly safe unless marked otherwise, whereas in C++ it may or may not be managed properly unless you explicitly mark a pointer as smart.

    For your own code in new codebases this is probably fine. You can just always make your pointers smart. When you're relying on code from other people, some of which has been around for many years and has been written by people you've never heard of, it becomes harder to be sure everything is being done properly at every point, and that's where many of these issues come into play.

  • linux Linux Ladybird announcement
  • brenticus brenticus 3 months ago 97%

    C and C++ require more manual management of memory, and their compilers are unable to let you know about a lot of cases where you're managing memory improperly. This often causes bugs, memory leaks, and security issues.

    Safer languages manage the memory for you, or at least are able to track memory usage to ensure you don't run into problems. Rust is the poster boy for this lately; if you're writing code that has potential issues with memory management, the compiler will consider that an error unless you specifically mark that section of code as unsafe.

  • games Games Steam Summer Sale - Top Deals
  • brenticus brenticus 3 months ago 100%

    It is genuinely ridiculous how much content there is in this game for the price. Like, a lot of it looks like an excuse to play the same levels a dozen times with minor variations, but then there are tons of levels, lots of events, ongoing updates with new content of all types, so many different towers and upgrades to play with, community maps to add even more variety... It looks like I've played over 200 games and I have so much of the game that I haven't even touched yet.

  • games Games Steam Summer Sale - Top Deals
  • brenticus brenticus 3 months ago 100%

    Just to throw a few other options on the pile:

    • Valheim is more combat oriented, but is probably my favourite survival crafting game after Subnautica. You're playing vikings trying to earn their way into Valhalla. I die a lot. Very fun.
    • Planet Crafter is more chill, more jank, and more linear, but it's a survival crafting game that is clearly heavily inspired by Subnautica. You are sent to a mars-like planet to terraform it as part of your prison sentence. It's a great podcast game, just build and explore and watch numbers go up.
    • Less on the survival crafting side of things, the environmental storytelling is also really good in Outer Wilds and Return of the Obra Dinn. Very different games, but they were actually what I went to after Subnautica to scratch that itch and it worked weirdly well.
  • asklemmy Ask Lemmy What is the superior voting methodology? To whom does each alternative benefit
  • brenticus brenticus 3 months ago 66%

    I wouldn't call it a bug, just that a naive ranked ballot naturally favours the centrist voices. I don't even mean this in an extreme way: in Canada we basically have three centrist, neoliberal parties running parliament, and this would mean that the Liberals just win a majority almost every time. NDP voters generally won't vote Conservative, Conservative voters won't vote NDP.

    This can turn into a bug because it ends up pushing other voices out: if the popular vote suggests equal support between left, right, and center candidates, you would typically hope the make-up of the government reflects that, but more likely it would look like a center majority. There are ways to mitigate this (large number of parties, electing multiple candidates on a ballot, proportional components of the vote, etc) but ranked choice on its own tends to be a centralizing force, not a way to get a more representative democracy.

    Again, not a bug, and I definitely wouldn't call it worse than FPTP, just making it clear that it has its own biases that are worth taking into account.

  • asklemmy Ask Lemmy What is the superior voting methodology? To whom does each alternative benefit
  • brenticus brenticus 3 months ago 100%

    Ranked choice is one of the simplest ways to get a more representative, but to the question in the title it does tend to favour centrist parties. Progressives will vote for a centrist over a conservative, and a conservative will vote for a centrist over a progressive, so the centrist party will win almost every time.

    It's still an improvement over the disaster of FPTP because it will at least elect parties that the majority can tolerate, but there is still a bias present.

  • canada Canada Canada to Curb China EV Imports as Trudeau Responds to Biden Move
  • brenticus brenticus 3 months ago 100%

    There are a lot of ethical concerns around Chinese worker treatment, economic concerns around Chinese subsidies driving the price down, privacy concerns around Chinese tech's tendency to phone home, geopolitical concerns around giving China even more power in our nation...

    But honestly, same. Nowadays I can't get a car at a decent price in a decent time frame, even worse if I want an EV, so what's the expectation? The auto industry has dropped the ball so hard that China would trivially dominate the EV industry if they were allowed to compete. That's bad, but it's so bad because the local industry isn't even in the ballpark of good enough.

  • canada Canada Alberta's left-leaning opposition picks former Calgary mayor as party leader
  • brenticus brenticus 3 months ago 100%

    Nenshi was a good mayor with a meh council and his frustration with dumb political issues came forth in ways that felt like actual human emotions, even if some people thought he was arrogant.

    He was pretty obviously the right choice here. Everyone's platforms were basically the same. Ganley and Stonehouse are basically unknown, and Hoffman is more known for being the overweight health minister than anything else, unfair though that may be. He is the most recognizable of the leadership candidates by a mile, he has actual demonstrated leadership abilities we hardly see from anyone nowadays, and Calgarians generally like him. The only major downside is that he's not a currently sitting MLA, but he would probably win any riding in Calgary handily.

    Calgary is pretty much a swing city at this point, since Edmonton goes mostly NDP and the smaller regions mostly go UCP, so someone Calgary can get behind is automatically a huge bonus. There's a better chance of seeing another NDP government under him than basically anyone else in the province.

  • linux Linux What is your favourite shell to use
  • brenticus brenticus 3 months ago 96%

    Honestly? Bash. I tried a bunch a few years back and eventually settled back on bash.

    Fish was really nice in a lot of ways, but the incompatibilities with normal POSIX workflows threw me off regularly. The tradeoff ended up with me moving off of it.

    I liked the extensibility of zsh, except that I found it would get slow with only a few bits from ohmyzsh installed. My terminal did cool things but too slowly for me to find it acceptable.

    Dash was the opposite, too feature light for me to be able to use efficiently. It didn't even have tab completion. I suffered that week.

    Bash sits in a middle ground of usability, performance, and extensibility that just works for me. It has enough features to work well out of the box, I can add enough in my bashrc to ease some workflows for myself, and it's basically instantaneous when I open a terminal or run simple commands.

  • obsidianmd ObsidianMD What notes do you find yourself on most often?
  • brenticus brenticus 3 months ago 100%

    I have a few evergreen notes that I update as needed, but the most frequent one is simply a list of what books I have on preorder and when they're expected to ship. I have a book buying problem.

    Otherwise most of my notes don't get referenced often because they're stores of knowledge, not items related to active projects. I have several reference docs for fiction writing and DnD that I reference and update often because I work on those projects often, but my note on the Zanclean Flood is just obviously not going to come up almost ever. But writing is how I learn, so I wrote about it 🤷

  • running Running Heavy sweaters, how do you cope?
  • brenticus brenticus 3 months ago 100%

    Yup. If my merino shirts didn't work so well through my workouts I'd probably hardly ever do an intense workout. My back sweats like I'm my own personal rain storm.

  • games Games Dragon Age: The Veilguard | Official Reveal Trailer
  • brenticus brenticus 3 months ago 100%

    The art direction seems kind of off, but sometimes that can shake itself out in game.

    The tone of the trailer is definitely not the Dragon Age vibe. Lighthearted Oceans-style crew selection to deal with what looks like some sort of world-ending calamity? Yeah, that's not right.

    Things could work out but I'm sure not feeling optimistic.

  • politicalmemes Political Memes Who else needs an apology?
  • brenticus brenticus 3 months ago 100%

    As far as I can tell, he's basically a random web designer who got traction on Twitter with criticism of Trump. It's kind of impressive how prolific a dude can be out of nowhere.

  • games Games Sid Meier’s Civilization VII - Official Teaser Trailer
  • brenticus brenticus 3 months ago 99%

    My prediction is that people will overhype it with lots of hopes for super complex systems, call it shit when it has fewer mechanics and civs than 3/4/5/6 with all their DLC, and then eventually decide it's good after a couple years of DLC and patches.

    You know, the usual Civ cycle. I'll probably buy it day 1 assuming it isn't actually broken, per usual, and dump a couple hundred hours in it, per usual.

  • canada Canada 'Shocking,' 'abusive': Liberals blasted for blocking over 1,000 documents from foreign interference committee
  • brenticus brenticus 3 months ago 100%

    Notwithstanding the four Cabinet documents, federal departments and agencies withheld or refused the disclosure of over a thousand documents, in whole or in part, on the basis that they were Cabinet confidences.

    Wait, is this even a Liberal thing then? It sounds like they requested information from federal departments and those departments said "We have these documents but cannot share them due to Cabinet confidence." That doesn't sound like it involves a single elected entity, nevermind a Liberal one.

  • technology Technology Proton Pass Arrives on Mac and Linux
  • brenticus brenticus 4 months ago 100%

    On principal I don't use cloud-based password management solutions like this, but Proton Pass does make it somewhat tempting, especially since I have a Proton Unlimited subscription anyways. KeepassXC + syncthing do well enough, but PAM integration would be kind of nice some days when I'm opening and closing my vault a ton.

  • games Games What are some excellent free games/total conversions that are worth playing the whole thing?
  • brenticus brenticus 4 months ago 100%

    Mount and Blade: Warband has multiple incredible total conversions. I've dumped a lot of time into Prophecy of Pendor and The Last Days, probably more than the base game.

    For actually free games there are so many options that it really comes down to taste. Unciv is a fantastic reimplementation of Civ 5. Super Auto Pets is a fun casual auto battler. HoloCure is a really good Vampire Survivors-style game themed after Hololive vtubers. There are tons of MMOs and shooters that are F2P and good, but I know most of those from hearsay rather than experience.

  • hololive hololive 【original anime MV】Shiranui Flare - Daikangensai! Yume no Flare Channel!
  • brenticus brenticus 4 months ago 100%

    I don't know what I watched but what I listened to was a banger.

  • hololive hololive In 1 hour, Gura and Fauna are "racing" in Dark Souls: Remastered
  • brenticus brenticus 4 months ago 100%

    I found it painful because I wanted to help them so badly, but it was definitely a fun pair of streams. I would 100% watch a sequel.

  • rpg rpg Forged in the dark : one large clock, or stacking small clocks ?
  • brenticus brenticus 4 months ago 100%

    If the bad guy hears rumours about someone asking the question, does anything change?

    When a clock fills in these contexts that should indicate that something needs to happen, and that something likely requires PC response. So if it isn't going to significantly impact the PCs until the third clock, it may as well be one big clock with stuff happening in the background as it fills. But if each clock has an impact and the PCs can do something to impact future clocks, stacking makes sense.

    Regarding handling the consequence: it definitely depends. I'll sometimes use a clock if they're trying to overcome some major obstacle, so filling it means that they have less to deal with and that's probably going to be an RP exercise. But most of the time it's going to result in a change in position, or a need to resist something, or even a material change in their crew's territory that requires some response. In the example above, especially for such a large clock, I'd probably have the consequence be something like the bad guys invading their territory targeting the PC asking questions, which requires more than a mere change in position to resolve. That could involve a full-on heist to thwart.

  • asklemmy Ask Lemmy What Seasonal Things Should be Available Year Round?
  • brenticus brenticus 4 months ago 100%

    This is basically it, yes, but sometimes I'm drunk-ordering 40 nuggets and a milkshake and adding the mint myself is enough effort to make me reconsider my reckless disregard for my wellbeing.

  • grandorder
    Fate/Grand Order brenticus 4 months ago 58%
    Gacha is cruel

    150 pulls, so I figured one Kriemhild and no Charlemagne would be reasonable, but *nooooo*, here's NP3 of a servant I didn't really want and 0 of the goth waifu.

    Edmonton brenticus 4 months ago 88%
    Welp, summer is here.

    Should have known not to get too excited about warm weather, that's on me.

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    Books brenticus 6 months ago 91%
    ADHD: Reading hobby edition

    I just keep starting books lately. Yeesh. **Star Wars: Jedi Apprentice: The Rising Force**: I have a fairly decent collection of Star Wars books, and recently my dad gave me all his old books plus a bunch from when I was a kid. Wanting to read one but not wanting to start YET ANOTHER book that would take a week to finish, I picked this up yesterday. 9% done. **I May Be a Guild Receptionist, but I'll Solo Any Boss to Clock Out on Time, Vol. 2**: I read volume 1 last week. Blew through it. I loved it. I started volume 2 this week rather than finish off anything else. *Genius move.* 11% done. **Whalefall**: Library surprise! Put it on hold months ago, got an email that it was ready just before the library workers went on strike, rushed to pick it up, read a few pages. It is now in the pile. 2% done. **A Vindication of the Rights of Woman**: Sometimes I just want to read on my kobo. My kobo book for a long time has been Ulysses. Ulysses is a hard and long read. I needed a break from it so I started reading this... and am still reading it three weeks later. 54% done. **Ulysses** : I've been reading this for a long time and wondering whether I understand it, like it, or generally have the slightest clue why I'm reading it, but when I pick it up and my brain doesn't bounce I am just enthralled by whatever the hell Joyce is doing. I'll get back to it eventually. 40% done. **The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring**: I got these lovely hardcovers a while back which are beautiful, feel lovely to read, have fantastic illustrations, and my god it's just a wonderful story... but lately I've been pretty lethargic and don't want to hold a hardcover. So it's been sitting by my bedside for ages. 37% done. What do I start without finishing any of my other books next?

    homeassistant brenticus 10 months ago 100%
    How much do I need to worry about temperature for LED strips?

    'Tis the season and I figure I should finally put up some Christmas lights on the house, but ideally I'd like something I can leave up and change colours for other holidays, shots and giggles, etc. So getting some RGB LED strips sounds reasonable. The problem, potentially, is that it gets below -30° here pretty much every winter. I know this is problematic for batteries, and sometimes other electronics depending on the build, but for a bunch of LEDs with some sort of ZigBee controller I'm less sure. So: outdoor RGB LEDs when it's really freaking cold. Anything I should worry about? Any recommendations?

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    Books brenticus 1 year ago 91%
    Web novels are the cocaine of books

    I avoided web novels for ages because I knew this would happen to me, but then a friend recommended *Shadow Slave* to me last weekend and god damn it my life is over. You read a chapter, around a thousand words. It ends on a light cliffhanger. You swipe to the next chapter. Repeat ad infinitum. Sometimes it takes me a long time to get through a longer book – I've been reading *Don Juan* for, like, a month now – but this? 300 chapters in a week. Around 300k words. Like nothing. I have over 700 chapters to go before I catch up, but then what? I can hardly imagine a world where I stop at just one series, even though it has a new chapter every goddamn day. Maybe I check out the sources for other manwha and light novels I've read. Maybe I dive into that one where Florida Man is selling bath salts in another world. There are too many options. How many years of my life will disappear into reading mediocre but addicting progression fantasy a few hundred words at a time? TL;DR I have a problem but at least I'm not on Reddit.
