cpusa Communist Party USA Bill of Rights Socialism
  • ballthrower ballthrower 5 months ago 7%

    The only way to ensure that would be to kill each American during the revolution, a massive genocide unlike any seen before. You can’t ditch and erase cultural influence, you can’t ditch how the U.S. revised British common law. If you want that, you want anarchism.

  • communism
    Communism ballthrower 6 months ago 63%
    What I’ve learned in the 2 years of Lemmy being a thing

    Warning: existential topics and eugenics and death and destruction and **opinions you may disagree with** Two years ago I was a sophomore in college, now I’m graduating. I’m majoring in legal history and I get my diploma in less than a month. Very exciting. Planning on going to law school the fall after next. But with all formalities out of the way, what have I learned in the two years of me being a communist, but a quiet one? A lot. ***A lot.*** I think I’m on the cusp of realizing something big, and I understand it will sound ridiculous to a lot of people here. But at least take into consideration that I’ve identified as a Marxist for 5-6 years now. I’m not new to this. It’s all because of last semester, I took a class called “Darwinism in Science and Society.” I took the class to hopefully learn more on the eugenics movement of the early 20th century and to learn more about social Darwinism. And boy did I learn. I learned and realized something horrible. The materialism we use for our theories is outdated. It sounds ridiculous, but bear with me. Prior to Darwin publishing Origin of Species, science was not science. It was not what we consider to be science today. That sounds reasonable, doctors were using mercury and cocaine to cure people. But it wasn’t science for the reason you think. It was not our science because there was no way to possible conceive the idea that something came into existence without a divine creator making it possible. Think Montesquieu. Lyell. Prominent early evolutionist thinkers. They had the idea that animals changed over time, but what drove change? There was no way humans could be related to apes, right? Europe at this time was obsessed with gorillas. We were so similar. That’s why Europe loved them. When you have no idea what drives change, you think it was purposefully changed. God made the dinosaurs, killed them off, made mammals and reptiles and took a step back and they changed. Each step of the way it was intentionally done. But Darwin changed everything. With the idea of natural selection, that the quest to survive was what drove evolution. Mutations that helped a creature survive repopulated and shared these traits, and all the animals that did not have the traits would inevitably die out. For the first time, religion and science were wholly separate. But the idea of materialism, the idea of a physical world not governed by a God, existed before and after Darwin. Aristotle. Ancient Greece, we know this. But even then, when it came down to the fundamentals, it was hard to explain change without resorting to creationism in some way. The idea that change is voluntary. That’s what old materialism is. The idea that we can step in and change nature. That something will force things to change due to the nature of being the force that will change things. Marx, at first, did not accept Darwinism. He at first rejected it because it he believed that it was the projection of capitalist thought onto nature, conformation bias. Essentially he believed Darwin was doing what people who believe they are Sigmas do to wolves. They project their perception of a natural hierarchy onto nature, the wolves, when wolves do not have a hierarchy. But someone would change things. Darwin was special in that he never delved deep into how the theory of natural selection applied to humans. Sure, he wrote one pamphlet, but it was just as “ehh…idk??” as everything else he published about humans. Darwin was an abolitionist and has been one of the only white historical figures I’ve read who picked up on how racism operated. He understood that it was a misinterpretation of nature, a purposeful perversion of nature to conform to one’s ego. So he was never enthusiastic to apply natural selection to humans. But one guy was! His name is Herbert Spencer! He’s the one who coined “survival of the fittest.” Darwin later adopted the term, but never applied it to humanity in the way Spencer did. Spencer created the idea of social evolution. And in this idea of social revolution he took a step backwards. He abandoned Darwin’s materialist thinking and held onto old materialism. That massive change can be voluntary, that the forces of change will cause change by being the force that causes change. Marx was not a white supremacist like Spencer was. Marx was not a eugenicist like Spencer was. Marx was optimistic while Spencer was nihilistic. But Spencer, being the one who created the idea of social evolution, misinterpreted evolution. Nothing we say and do is of free will, we are all nature. As studies show, our acts of “free will” occur after neurons fire in the parts of the brain that is associated with your act of “free will.” Energy sparked in one direction and that’s what caused you to “randomly raise your arm up as an act of free will.” Trippy, I know. That drove me into a week long existential crisis. Spencer created the idea that we can drive social evolution by weeding off those who “pollute” our population. That’s eugenics 101. Marx adopted the idea that we can drive social evolution by weeding off those who “pollute” our population…wait…what? Yeah. Spencer’s idea of the “pollutant” were people who weren’t white, criminals, mentally ill people. Marx’s idea of the “pollutant” was the bourgeoisie. And this is not me being “yass I love the bourgeoisie yasss.” That’s like saying that because I disagree with Spencer, I love criminals. Doesn’t work that way. So regardless, both ideas function on the idea that voluntary acts to weed out the bad in our society, will cause society to evolve in one way or another. For Spencer it was to be more civilized, for Marx it was to be socialist. Marx praised Spencer in Spencer’s early years. He wrote letters to him, he gave him copies of Kapital. That fact is devastating. But this explains a lot. It explains why we keep having idol worship. Because these agents of change is the vanguard party, it’s the leaders of revolution who “voluntarily” decided to change the world. We crowd around them like how we crowded around God for all explanations on how things work. We read their theories, we listen to their speeches, we display their bodies, we mourn them like they are distant relatives we never got to meet. And that’s the jist of what I’ve learned these past two years, but this is the most devastating. It personally explains to me why so many movements aren’t kicking off. Everyone is trying to be Lenin or Mao. But a Lenin or a Mao doesn’t just come into being because they wanted to be Lenin or Mao. Like materialist determinism says, the material conditions have to be ripe for change. But the material conditions aren’t acting in free will. You can’t make things ripe for change. You can’t force social evolution. For change to occur, the weak ones unable to survive in the current conditions will die. And as intelligent beings, we react to their deaths. The black moth against black bark doesn’t give a shit about the white moth who got spotted. The mother bird who discovers a defect in her child will knock the bird out of the nest and make it fall to its death. But we have the capability for complex empathy. So we think that we can force change. I hope I’m wrong. And if I’m wrong, that means we’re missing something. A scientific clue, the future agent of change. We won’t fully understand what caused change until we’re in the future. Anyways…reading list time!! - On the Origin of Species, Darwin - Darwin and the General Reader, Alvar Ellegård - The Origins of the Modern World (2nd Edition), Robert Marks - Social Darwinism in European and American Thought 1860-1946, Mike Hawkins - Social Darwinism: Science and Myth in Anglo-American Social Thought, Robert Bannister - Marx. Lenin. Stalin. Mao. Read all them. I don’t need to list them all, right? - I’ve read a bunch of documentary collections of U.S labor history. They’re hard to come by, so if you’re genuinely curious just look up US labor, documentary collection. You’ll likely find the one I read, it’s just very hard to come by and I snagged the only one that was a reasonable price. All of what I wrote was a synthesis of all the things I’ve read about in those books. The stuff about moths and birds was from high school science class in the evolution unit. They’re super simple examples. If you made it this far, thanks for reading even if you think I’m stupid!! I can’t really call myself a Marxist materialist because of what I’ve learned, so I just call myself a communist scientific determinist. Totes not a mouthful.

    memes Memes you're bourgeois but no one else is
  • ballthrower ballthrower 2 years ago 100%
  • us_news
    US News ballthrower 2 years ago 100%
    Beaches in NC shrinking up to 14 feet a year www.wral.com

    I’m a lifetime resident of NC and the beach has been a second home to me since I was born, because my family is all from there. I just hope more people will pay attention. Several houses have been collapsing within the past few months. It just doesn’t end.

    GenZedong ballthrower 2 years ago 100%
    Rodanthe House Collapse and Liberals Mocking Southern Suffering

    cross-posted from: https://lemmygrad.ml/post/242016 > Vent, of course. > > For the past decade, the impacts of climate change have made itself so incredibly clear on the coast of North Carolina. I grew up by the beach, as my father did, my grandfather did, and my great grandfather did. Eastern North Carolina and the coast of the Carolinas itself is very important to me and it is for a lot of people who have long family history there, whether it be the Lumbee or Tuscarora or any of the many different tribes that have grown their roots there in the sands of the islands. I’m not Native American myself but their stories of love and passion for the sand and the soil and the rivers that run through NC have made me feel that same love and passion for the state. Climate change’s effects on the coast are terrifying. The sea gets closer each year and the beaches become more like small cliff edges than the long walk to where the waves would once crash against the many small shells. > > Towns like Rodanthe are mainly tourist towns, where those houses were initially built far from the ocean and on solid ground. Nobody usually lives there in those houses year round. They’re bought by large real estate companies and rented out for the summers to people who can pay thousands a week for them. The people who do live year round do not live in the big houses, but the smaller houses closer to the sound. They are a lot less well built than the houses on stilts. The islands are skinny on a map, but in person they can fit rows of houses. Many houses are built on stilts per NC house building codes. The laws to build homes on the barrier islands have always been strict and have to follow specific guidelines or it will not be built. The houses in Rodanthe met those guidelines. Built on stilts, far from the ocean, and it still collapsed. It’s so easy to blame us North Carolinians as individuals than accept the harrowing, scarier reason for why this is happening. The barrier islands have always been fragile, and because of their fragility they are one of the first to feel the effects of climate change. I live a few hours south of Rodanthe, but each year the winds get worse. We get 30 mph winds constantly, often up to hurricane force winds a couple times a month due to the smallest rainstorm or low pressure system. We used to fear hurricane season but now we fear each week of the year. > > “It’s just houses collapsing!” > > But the houses are signs of a bigger problem. With the sands shifting and the barrier islands eroding, the mainland of NC is threatened. The coast of NC is like a giant marsh. Beautiful grasses and full of life living In brackish or freshwater, each time a storm brews they are at risk of having their environments destroyed by ocean salt water. This leads to a phenomenon called “ghost forests,” where forests become flooded with salt water and the trees all die. It leaves massive tree stalks standing without the greenery of the leaves. The wood is bleached. Ghost forests are scary to look at in person. It’s unsettling. > > And not only that, these eastern towns within NC were primarily founded by freed black slaves. With sea water rising, worsening storms, the loss of the barrier islands, we are losing Black communities. These communities are often very poor, as most eastern North Carolina towns are no matter the demographics of people who live there. They are the ones who are most effected by this issue, and yet people blame the white people who were able to afford buying their homes on top of hills for these problems. We talk a lot about Hurricane Katerina and how black neighborhoods were the ones who flooded the worst, as they had to live in flood plains due to bigotry and poverty. It’s the same thing here. But you know, since they’re southern, why should anyone care? > > When NC was hit by the Category 5 hurricane Matthew, the last recovery package we got was 2 million dollars. We needed almost a billion dollars. Towns like Princeville, founded by freed black slaves, sat underwater until the waters eventually receded. Now they lie abandoned and rotting. Many other towns close to the coast suffer this same fate. You can see houses and buildings rotting from floodwater. > > They all vote red, certainly. Voting matters when it comes to a life or death situation like this, certainly (sarcasm). > > Each time the South is hit by a hurricane I hear people saying we deserve it. That we deserve it for “voting red,” and yet we don’t say they deserve earthquakes or wildfires for voting blue. I don’t think the rest of the US really understands this social code that is found in many southerners. If you don’t give us respect, we won’t respect you. If you shit on everything that is about us, our home, we won’t follow you. How do you expect southerners to follow tail to tail to you when all you do is spit on our shoes while expecting us to shine yours? > > Southerners like politicians who speak to the people and promise to help. That’s why Trump was so powerful, because he spoke to the southerner and promised to help us and bring us back industry. To help let the southerner see the day where abandoned buildings weren’t everywhere and everyone wasn’t turning to drugs to cope with their situations. Yet, like all politicians, he lied. And the southerner keeps itching for a new politician to help them while propaganda is being shoved down their throat and while they’re blamed for the worlds problems. > > Fact of the matter is, most of these politicians and businesses responsible for this climate crisis live and grow in blue states. A lot of politicians who lead in the south aren’t even from the south. And yet it’s us who’s responsible for everything. > > Our states are so deeply corrupt and no one cares. People each year lose their homes and no one cares. Southerners have been suffering with poverty for decades and no one cares, refusing to acknowledge that the people hit the hardest aren’t white. Because they don’t care. > > But I hope communists do.

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körnerhttps://github.com/dicebear/dicebearLE
    Rodanthe House Collapse and Liberals Mocking Southern Suffering

    Vent, of course. For the past decade, the impacts of climate change have made itself so incredibly clear on the coast of North Carolina. I grew up by the beach, as my father did, my grandfather did, and my great grandfather did. Eastern North Carolina and the coast of the Carolinas itself is very important to me and it is for a lot of people who have long family history there, whether it be the Lumbee or Tuscarora or any of the many different tribes that have grown their roots there in the sands of the islands. I’m not Native American myself but their stories of love and passion for the sand and the soil and the rivers that run through NC have made me feel that same love and passion for the state. Climate change’s effects on the coast are terrifying. The sea gets closer each year and the beaches become more like small cliff edges than the long walk to where the waves would once crash against the many small shells. Towns like Rodanthe are mainly tourist towns, where those houses were initially built far from the ocean and on solid ground. Nobody usually lives there in those houses year round. They’re bought by large real estate companies and rented out for the summers to people who can pay thousands a week for them. The people who do live year round do not live in the big houses, but the smaller houses closer to the sound. They are a lot less well built than the houses on stilts. The islands are skinny on a map, but in person they can fit rows of houses. Many houses are built on stilts per NC house building codes. The laws to build homes on the barrier islands have always been strict and have to follow specific guidelines or it will not be built. The houses in Rodanthe met those guidelines. Built on stilts, far from the ocean, and it still collapsed. It’s so easy to blame us North Carolinians as individuals than accept the harrowing, scarier reason for why this is happening. The barrier islands have always been fragile, and because of their fragility they are one of the first to feel the effects of climate change. I live a few hours south of Rodanthe, but each year the winds get worse. We get 30 mph winds constantly, often up to hurricane force winds a couple times a month due to the smallest rainstorm or low pressure system. We used to fear hurricane season but now we fear each week of the year. “It’s just houses collapsing!” But the houses are signs of a bigger problem. With the sands shifting and the barrier islands eroding, the mainland of NC is threatened. The coast of NC is like a giant marsh. Beautiful grasses and full of life living In brackish or freshwater, each time a storm brews they are at risk of having their environments destroyed by ocean salt water. This leads to a phenomenon called “ghost forests,” where forests become flooded with salt water and the trees all die. It leaves massive tree stalks standing without the greenery of the leaves. The wood is bleached. Ghost forests are scary to look at in person. It’s unsettling. And not only that, these eastern towns within NC were primarily founded by freed black slaves. With sea water rising, worsening storms, the loss of the barrier islands, we are losing Black communities. These communities are often very poor, as most eastern North Carolina towns are no matter the demographics of people who live there. They are the ones who are most effected by this issue, and yet people blame the white people who were able to afford buying their homes on top of hills for these problems. We talk a lot about Hurricane Katerina and how black neighborhoods were the ones who flooded the worst, as they had to live in flood plains due to bigotry and poverty. It’s the same thing here. But you know, since they’re southern, why should anyone care? When NC was hit by the Category 5 hurricane Matthew, the last recovery package we got was 2 million dollars. We needed almost a billion dollars. Towns like Princeville, founded by freed black slaves, sat underwater until the waters eventually receded. Now they lie abandoned and rotting. Many other towns close to the coast suffer this same fate. You can see houses and buildings rotting from floodwater. They all vote red, certainly. Voting matters when it comes to a life or death situation like this, certainly (sarcasm). Each time the South is hit by a hurricane I hear people saying we deserve it. That we deserve it for “voting red,” and yet we don’t say they deserve earthquakes or wildfires for voting blue. I don’t think the rest of the US really understands this social code that is found in many southerners. If you don’t give us respect, we won’t respect you. If you shit on everything that is about us, our home, we won’t follow you. How do you expect southerners to follow tail to tail to you when all you do is spit on our shoes while expecting us to shine yours? Southerners like politicians who speak to the people and promise to help. That’s why Trump was so powerful, because he spoke to the southerner and promised to help us and bring us back industry. To help let the southerner see the day where abandoned buildings weren’t everywhere and everyone wasn’t turning to drugs to cope with their situations. Yet, like all politicians, he lied. And the southerner keeps itching for a new politician to help them while propaganda is being shoved down their throat and while they’re blamed for the worlds problems. Fact of the matter is, most of these politicians and businesses responsible for this climate crisis live and grow in blue states. A lot of politicians who lead in the south aren’t even from the south. And yet it’s us who’s responsible for everything. Our states are so deeply corrupt and no one cares. People each year lose their homes and no one cares. Southerners have been suffering with poverty for decades and no one cares, refusing to acknowledge that the people hit the hardest aren’t white. Because they don’t care. But I hope communists do.

    genzedong GenZedong Im so disappointed. Peace loving lesser evilism internationally
  • ballthrower ballthrower 2 years ago 75%

    Talking to other comrades always helps.

  • comradeship Comradeship // Freechat What type of non-lefty music do you like?
  • ballthrower ballthrower 2 years ago 100%

    Electric Light Orchestra, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Pink Floyd, The Decemberists, The New Pornographers, The Avett Brothers (their older stuff), Tally Hall, Ghost, and Korn. A bit of everything

  • genzedong GenZedong Im so disappointed. Peace loving lesser evilism internationally
  • ballthrower ballthrower 2 years ago 100%

    This realization you just had spiraled me into a deep depression for a few months. This realization is necessary but so hard. The people you love, the people around you who can do so much good for their neighbors and communities, can be genocidal maniacs because the propaganda in this country has made our good fellow working class into this. They see people outside the US on the news and to them, they only exist in the news and they’re just numbers, not people like us. They think people outside this country are almost fictional. It’s horrifying, and it won’t ever stop being horrifying.

  • genzedong GenZedong ⬇️⬇️⬇️ Leave your suggestions below ⬇️⬇️⬇️
  • ballthrower ballthrower 2 years ago 100%

    Ram ranch

  • genzedong GenZedong Can someone give a run up of how Greece has been doing, and what's up with the KKE.
  • ballthrower ballthrower 2 years ago 80%

    All I know is that the Greek communist party doesn’t believe in climate change

  • genzedong GenZedong The pride of America
  • ballthrower ballthrower 2 years ago 100%

    Free the South

  • genzhou GenZhou the great purge
  • ballthrower ballthrower 2 years ago 100%

    Add that into the list of soviet inventions people claim that capitalism created

  • us_news US News Exclusive: US Supreme Court has voted to overturn abortion rights, draft opinion shows
  • ballthrower ballthrower 2 years ago 100%

    Just kidding hehe

  • communism101 Communism101 Is historical materialism used outside of communism?
  • ballthrower ballthrower 2 years ago 100%

    Yep :/

  • communism101 Communism101 Is historical materialism used outside of communism?
  • ballthrower ballthrower 2 years ago 100%

    Yes, I study history in college and in class I’ve been told to analyze history through a dialectical materialist (historical materialism) lens. The study of history is pretty communist and every historian that is anti-communist is a hypocrite.

  • ballthrower ballthrower 2 years ago 100%

    A culmination of things. I never had a real set moment when I became a communist. I grew up in the south, so the anti-government sentiment was always there. I was a very empathetic kid and I always wanted to help people, but due to severe continuous trauma I lost that for awhile and became one of those edgy Instagram meme page kids. Since I was young and easily influenced I was influenced by the other edgy kids and my conservative father. I always felt terrible about it though and I felt trapped as I had little to no outside influence. Everything around me was just the same and I had no good role models in my life. My mother is completely apolitical. There was a time where the soviets were popular amongst that edgy meme culture and i latched onto it as well, often defending the gulags and shit without even knowing what they were. I ironically knew the correct definition of what communism and socialism were (the dictatorship of the proletariat) and I was in support of it without knowing much of it. But before long that faded out and I was pretty much a standard lib before becoming more radical gradually. It was purely individualist though, and I only really started to understand the true complexities of communism in 2019. But if I were to say that there was a time when I was a set communist, it was right after I read Socialism: Utopian and Scientific. Disowning that book doesn’t make you a communist, no matter how much you think you are one. Socialism is scientific, the study of dialectics, and materialism. Everything else is just you having “communist vibes.”

  • genzedong GenZedong im fucking done. whats your thought on kings and generals documentary ?. also is there a 'history'bros FOR ONCE not jumping on the bandwagon ?
  • ballthrower ballthrower 2 years ago 100%

    I’m talking about in regards to events having happened. I’m an archivist and work in collections, so I approach through that way. Some things are debated upon to have happened. Recent news article in my town claims that a notable historical figure walked through a park in town. If we have a picture or video of said figure in said park, then the evidence is undeniable. Now let’s add the bias: we have video evidence that a bomb went off in one place, then the video could be used to argue that bombing is bad because of X, Y, Z that is all demonstrated within the video. For the park example, the fact that said historical figure visited the park could be used as an argument why the park needs more funding, which is an argument that the park employees and board members would argue. History is not biased, the people who write about it are. History is either true or false, what is said based on said history is the bias. However, historians go beyond this and argue their own ideas based on said history. The idea that history is only true or false is to prevent ideas like determinism (that events in history were “fated” to happen, which to us in the communist circle is being against metaphysics) which is the historian’s enemy. In another post I was talking about the hypocrisies of a lot of western academia historians, and being deterministic is why. They make history biased because they don’t look at it objectively. They look at history as “how can I make money off of this?” Instead of looking at it as reporting the truth or not.

    Edit: added more things to make my argument more clear

  • genzedong GenZedong im fucking done. whats your thought on kings and generals documentary ?. also is there a 'history'bros FOR ONCE not jumping on the bandwagon ?
  • ballthrower ballthrower 2 years ago 92%

    Blackshirts and Reds (but there is some stuff he should’ve expanded upon in the sections abt WW2), The dawning of the apocalypse, The paradox of tarheel politics (lib author, and it shows at points. Very in-depth about how evil white southern politicians are and gerrymandering is), how Europe underdeveloped Africa, and facing the Anthropocene (more oriented in environmental science, but details the history of capitalism and some USSR history). All history books have flaws, and what I consider to be the best sources of all time are written and oral accounts and video and picture evidence of those very things happening. Documentaries and history books can twist the truth to fit their argument through bias. But pictures and videos exist by themselves. Too sad with modern tech they get manipulated and the truth is even harder to find.

  • memes
    Memes ballthrower 2 years ago 96%

    Now I’m gonna speak seriously but as a southerner this Roe v. Wade shit terrifies me. It’s no secret that rural states are more likely to be conservative and more violent against left leaning ideologies. That’s what isolation does. After BLM my campus was threatened to have all of its black students murdered. It’s only thanks to Jan 6 and the blowback from that that fascists are more quiet and less hostile. But with this god awful potential “win” (similar to the election of Trump) they could get more confident again. With social media websites like Facebook becoming even more lenient towards the far right, and ease of communications even better than in 2020, the outcomes are horrifying. I’m terrified for women in rural states, especially non-white women. Trans or not trans, I’m terrified.

    genzedong GenZedong im fucking done. whats your thought on kings and generals documentary ?. also is there a 'history'bros FOR ONCE not jumping on the bandwagon ?
  • ballthrower ballthrower 2 years ago 100%

    As a historian I don’t watch YouTube videos on history for a reason. Nor do I watch documentaries

  • ukraine_war_news Death to NATO Oliver Stone on a possible upcoming nuclear scenario in the Donbass.
  • ballthrower ballthrower 2 years ago 100%

    Using nukes would also piss people off because it would endanger Americans.

  • ukraine_war_news Death to NATO Oliver Stone on a possible upcoming nuclear scenario in the Donbass.
  • ballthrower ballthrower 2 years ago 100%

    Doubt. Possible the US will bomb the country, but nuking it? Nah. That’s suicide. But even bombing the country is just a waiting for retaliation. First, the US would have to destabilize the RF even further to where any threats of retaliation are meaningless and hold no weight. A sort of Iran situation, where Iran was under oath to not use or create nukes. They would first have to drain out Russian resources enough through the current conflict and slowly amp it up over time. Of course I’m no war professional but it just seems like something the US would do. The US is a blood thirsty monster but it wouldn’t use nukes as the population of the US is not warmed up enough to the idea of nukes being “safe” and will “never harm the US in return” and will wait after destabilizing the whole of Eastern Europe beyond this already existing destabilization.

  • socialdemocracy OK buddy succdem Sweden sterilized transgender people until 2013
  • ballthrower ballthrower 2 years ago 100%

    Everything I learn about Sweden is god awful

  • genzedong GenZedong Having a real stressful day but anarchist twitter always cheers me up
  • ballthrower ballthrower 2 years ago 100%

    Anarchists stress me out so much bc their lack of understanding of the value of being able to read is so dangerous and a total insult to many people in poverty caused by colonialism. They don’t care. They don’t care about how little they care about people in poverty who want better lives, instead they tell them that wanting better for themselves is the same as the horrors of colonialism. It’s not even stupidity, it’s stubbornness to admit they are wrong and don’t know anything. I’ve sworn off interacting w anarchists online for a reason. They’re too stubborn for me

  • communism Communism Question: do you think that the language barrier that exists in the West facilitates the propaganda and demonization of countries like China and North Korea?
  • ballthrower ballthrower 2 years ago 100%


  • comradeship
    Comradeship // Freechat ballthrower 2 years ago 85%
    Whenever Noam Chomsky is in the news I feel terrible

    It’s not because he has terrible politics (although maybe I should hate him for that) it’s just he looks like a mildew infested muppet that’s been locked in a grandma’s basement for thirty odd years and it just makes me feel bad. Like please just put him out of his misery already, I just feel bad looking at him. Like he’s a pile of potato skins, dried collard greens, a wet wrinkled piece of paper. It’s just sad. Can the media stop interviewing him already and just let him retire in his dusty home?

    games Games What video games are you playing? What have you finished recently? What do you plan to play? - Video Game General Discussion Thread #4
  • ballthrower ballthrower 2 years ago 100%

    Sims 3. Forever and always. Even if hell falls around us and the rapture begins with a serenade from the screams of the damned, I’ll be at my computer chair with my feet propped up on the desk trying to play the game on a shitty desktop my dad gave me from his storage closet after he forgot about it for 3 years.

  • comradeship Comradeship // Freechat the website with the most racism. which website would you think as super racist ?
  • ballthrower ballthrower 2 years ago 100%

    8chan is even worse

  • genzedong GenZedong i found this garbage at my local bookstore.
  • ballthrower ballthrower 2 years ago 100%

    Bobble head ass

  • ballthrower ballthrower 2 years ago 100%

    “Attacking anarchists is not allowed here”

  • shitfascistssay [ARCHIVED] Shit Fascists Say “Immigrants are poisoning America with socialism!!”
  • ballthrower ballthrower 2 years ago 100%

    His videos are under YouTube Kids…

  • ballthrower ballthrower 2 years ago 100%

    Coconut water makes my nose open up and a bit chilly. I like it

  • comradeship Comradeship // Freechat Whats the most random song you find yourself listening to all the time?
  • ballthrower ballthrower 2 years ago 100%

    You’re welcome comrade

  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körnerhttps://github.com/dicebear/dicebearAS
    Ask Historians ballthrower 2 years ago 100%
    Comintern’s Third Front

    cross-posted from: https://lemmygrad.ml/post/223266 > [Someone sent me this link about it in relation to the rise of fascism in Germany and how the KDP is the one responsible for Hitler’s rise, which contradicts other things I’ve read](https://www.marxists.org/subject/fascism/blick/appendix03.htm) > > Y’all got a summary ? I mainly focus in American history and its’ labor history, so I’m fr out of my usual history babbling zone. If you wanna call me stupid that’s fine too~~___~~

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körnerhttps://github.com/dicebear/dicebearED
    Education Hub ballthrower 2 years ago 100%
    Comintern’s Third Front

    [Someone sent me this link about it in relation to the rise of fascism in Germany and how the KDP is the one responsible for Hitler’s rise, which contradicts other things I’ve read](https://www.marxists.org/subject/fascism/blick/appendix03.htm) Y’all got a summary ? I mainly focus in American history and its’ labor history, so I’m fr out of my usual history babbling zone. If you wanna call me stupid that’s fine too

    shitfascistssay [ARCHIVED] Shit Fascists Say “Immigrants are poisoning America with socialism!!”
  • ballthrower ballthrower 2 years ago 100%

    No one talking abt how I censored the dog along w the kids Ok

  • shitfascistssay
    “Immigrants are poisoning America with socialism!!”

    This rhetoric high key terrifying. Peek the 13 colonies flag I took artistic liberty with the hammer and sickles, it should be fine considering this pamphlet looks like it was made using ms paint

    comradeship Comradeship // Freechat Whats the most random song you find yourself listening to all the time?
    Comradeship // Freechat ballthrower 2 years ago 100%
    What’s y’all’s favorite color and why?

    Mine is a dark blue-green. It reminds me of the color of the ocean after a storm, when the air is calm and everything seems to slow down. After a hurricane you get the best shells up here. Once I found a huge ass whole conch shell bigger than the size of my hand. I’m not from the Caribbean so it’s quite rare to get whole conches, they usually break apart along their journey north

  • ballthrower ballthrower 2 years ago 100%

    Straight up seaweed

  • genzedong GenZedong I cant fucking take it anymore
  • ballthrower ballthrower 2 years ago 100%

    This sort of thing won’t stop until socialism is brought to the west. We have to get used to it or go insane. We always have each other, comrade. Joining a party has helped me a lot in regards to this feeling of isolation with my beliefs, bc it’s always nice to talk to people who have the same beliefs as you with a similar approach to life in general.

  • comradeship Comradeship // Freechat What did you have for dinner today?
  • ballthrower ballthrower 2 years ago 100%

    Taco bell

  • genzedong
    GenZedong ballthrower 2 years ago 96%
    Since Elon bought Twitter I’ve seen more _phobic messages… like everywhere

    I don’t know if it’s just a confirmation bias thing, where it seems like there’s more of it bc my brain is intentionally picking up on things more, but I’m not sure. My father watches Fox News (unfortunately) and they had a segment talking about how conservative pages have had a sharp increase in following since the news was announced. I’m trying to be more weary because if Twitter doesn’t crack down on far right organizing even less than it does, it could lead to an increase of more violent counter protests for us. It’s possible that Twitter could be another Facebook, where it is very easy for right wing groups to organize and target minority groups. If it wasn’t apparent before, this will lead to increased harassment of our black, brown, and LGBT comrades. Any ideas on what we should do to help our comrades if they face an increase of harassment, other than the usual of showing our support?

    genzedong GenZedong Poland to annex western parts of Ukraine
  • ballthrower ballthrower 2 years ago 100%

    Too soon to tell imo. Sometimes crazy ideas gets thrown out there in foreign intelligence circles before they’re tossed to the wayside. Not definitive.

  • shitliberalssay [ARCHIVED] Shit Liberals Say Fuck this, I'm deleting reddit now
  • ballthrower ballthrower 2 years ago 100%

    Just tell him his username has the word scat in it. That’ll shut him up

  • genzedong
    GenZedong ballthrower 2 years ago 97%
    Presentation at my College by a Zionist

    Good thing I’m transferring, lmfao. Today is actually my last day at this school. This lady’s articles are wack. One is titled “Demonization Blueprints: Soviet Conspiracist Antizionism in Contemporary Left-Wing Discourse.” Actual ghoulish behavior. Yeah I wonder why the Soviets were against an organization that housed some of the worst colonialists known to man and ex-Nazis. Journalists acting as if they’re on the level as historians will never not be annoying. Majority of journalism in the west just serves to spread state sponsored propaganda. “Colleges are making people into communists!” Couldn’t be further from the truth

    shitliberalssay [ARCHIVED] Shit Liberals Say White academia liberalism man…
  • ballthrower ballthrower 2 years ago 100%

    Ok good bc I got confused. I hear ppl say stuff like “current events aren’t history” all the time

  • shitliberalssay [ARCHIVED] Shit Liberals Say White academia liberalism man…
  • ballthrower ballthrower 2 years ago 66%

    Are you joking?

  • shitliberalssay [ARCHIVED] Shit Liberals Say White academia liberalism man…
  • ballthrower ballthrower 2 years ago 100%

    But that takes effort ): (sarcasm). But fr through, a lot of academia historians are lazy as they could be. Who cares if people suffer from the lies they tell? To them getting public approval matters more than telling the truth.

  • shitliberalssay [ARCHIVED] Shit Liberals Say White academia liberalism man…
  • ballthrower ballthrower 2 years ago 100%

    You’re exactly right.

  • shitliberalssay [ARCHIVED] Shit Liberals Say White academia liberalism man…
  • ballthrower ballthrower 2 years ago 100%

    Where do I start, lol

    The analysis and study of history is pretty marxist. Like extremely marxist. When I was first introduced to the field, quotes by Marx were everywhere. Quotes about dialectics and historical materialism sprinkled into books about the recording of history, in books about writing scholarly articles, etc etc. But just about every historian I’ve interacted with (I’m from the US) does not seem to recognize this fact about the field of history. One example of this is was in March, where the Russo-Ukraine war got more intense. My history professor spouted propaganda upon propaganda, saying that Putin was similar to Hitler, all that kind of shit. While he was the one that told me that one of the worst things a historian could do was make comparisons between different historical events and people. It’s almost as if a lot of historians only apply this dialectical analysis when they’re writing something. And even then, a lot of history books have ignored this idea of definite proof of something happening in favor of spreading propaganda. One book I read for class was made to write a book review on, had a section where a NC politician was supposedly given a letter by Stalin. However it was signed by “Joe S.” In my review i criticized the book for this, stating that there was no proof of this letter existing other than a citation that it was from a library that wasn’t available to the public. I questioned the purpose of this letter being inserted into the chapter, stating that it could be used by the far right as evidence that a liberal who was moderate on giving Black Americans basic human rights was a communist. My professor gave me less points for that, stating that I was “focusing on the details” and that the criticism wasn’t necessary.

    TLDR; a lot of historians ignore the philosophy of studying history in favor of lazy analysis and hyping shit up for entertainment rather than being truthful.

  • china
    China ballthrower 2 years ago 93%
    Why do people often say that China bans LGBT western media?

    Hearing talk that the new Harry Potter movie is being “censored” by removing talk abt Dumblefuck and Grimshit being in love at one point or another. Thing is, there’s never any sources provided, especially never in the Chinese perspective, it doesn’t line up with what China would usually do (as there is a lot of LGBT media in China and popular LGBT people who get representation across the nation). And yet people often smear the country as being *less* progressive as the US, the country that has passed extremely discriminatory laws against LGBT people while in China there’s trans healthcare. Doesn’t make sense. Any of y’all know more about the subject than I do who can send me sources about the topic?

    Death to NATO ballthrower 2 years ago 94%
    … Uh huh…

    Well I think they already got jesus considering how closely related evangelism is to neo-nazism

    Memes ballthrower 2 years ago 100%

    Inspired by that one video of the guy screaming at gas prices and saying that “we’re sending Putin a bill” or whatever
