lisp Lisp Community Friday Social: What is your favorite non-Lisp language?
  • amoroso amoroso 5 months ago 100%

    1. What Lisp programming languages do you use?

    I use pretty much only languages in the Lisp family. Since I'm a hobby programmer I'm the boss and get to decide what tools to use.

    2. What non-Lisp programming languages do you use?

    None, at least regularly.

    3. What is your favorite Lisp programming language? Why?

    Interlisp and Common Lisp because my daily driver is the wonderful Medley Interlisp development environment, which supports both dialects.

    4. What is your favorite non-Lisp programming language? Why?

    AWK. I love its combination of simplicity, abstraction, control paradigm, and support for rapid development.

    5. What is that one thing about your favorite non-Lisp language that you wish to see in your favorite Lisp language?

    I wouldn't necessarily want to see AWK or some of its features in Lisp. Some of these features are already in Lisp and, as for the others, I don't mind dusting off AWK itself when needed.

  • commonlisp
    Common Lisp amoroso 6 months ago 100%
    Explorative Programming

    An exploratory programming environment for Common Lisp

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    ChromeOS amoroso 7 months ago 20%
    Why Chromebook keyboards have lowercase letters
    asklemmy Asklemmy I've recently turned 20. What highly specific advice you, lemmy users, would offer me?
  • amoroso amoroso 7 months ago 100%

    Learn to cook (which saves you money) and do all the house chores (including ironing).

  • retrocomputing retrocomputing Office workstations
  • amoroso amoroso 8 months ago 100%

    An interesting view. But the PET was definitely lower specced than the later 16/32-bit machines usually regarded as workstations.

  • retrocomputing retrocomputing Office workstations
  • amoroso amoroso 8 months ago 100%

    Yes, possibly.

  • retrocomputing retrocomputing Office workstations
  • amoroso amoroso 8 months ago 100%

    That's likely, but I wonder whether any other office workstations were actually developed.

  • retrocomputing
    retrocomputing amoroso 8 months ago 100%
    Office workstations

    Up to the 1990s there were workstations designed for software development (Lisp/Smalltalk Machines by various vendors), graphics and CAD (Apollo, SGI), and general purpose systems (Sun, HP). Was Xerox Star the only office workstation? Were there other dedicated workstations (not high-end PCs or Macs) designed for office and business tasks? Of course there were word processing machines. But I'm not sure they qualify as they didn't play in the same league as the Star and were much less versatile.

    asklemmy Asklemmy Why people gave up using linux?
  • amoroso amoroso 8 months ago 100%

    Although it did have an nVidia card, my PC was an otherwise ordinary machine running Ubuntu, not a gaming rig or something custom built.

  • asklemmy Asklemmy Why people gave up using linux?
  • amoroso amoroso 8 months ago 100%

    I love Linux. But I got so exasperated with system updates breaking X-Windows and dropping me into the console with no clue what to do, for some time I intentionally deferred the updates.

    I wanted a stable daily driver, so in 2015 I switched from Linux to ChromeOS. Now I'm back to Linux with the Crostini container of ChromeOS and Raspberry Pi OS on a Raspberry Pi 400.

  • asklemmy Asklemmy Yo, what was your first computer? How old were you, where and how did you get it, what did you do with it, etc.
  • amoroso amoroso 9 months ago 100%

    My first computer was a Sinclair ZX Spectrum 48K in the early 1980s when I was 17. My parents agreed to buy it and I used to device to learn about computers, which I was curious about as I had played a bit with the Apple IIe and the Sinclair ZX-81 of some classmates.

  • commonlisp
    Common Lisp amoroso 9 months ago 100%
    30 years since ANSI Common Lisp approved in 1994

    In 2024 it's 30 years since X3J13 approved ANSI Common Lisp in 1994. But when in the year? Is it known in which month or date was the standard approved? While many sources mention 1994 there doesn't seem to be much other metadata online. ## Update [I asked on comp.lang.lisp]( ANSI Common Lisp was approved on December 8, 1994.

    linux Linux Why do you use the terminal?
  • amoroso amoroso 9 months ago 100%

    Because it's the most effective and powerful tool for putting the Unix philosophy into practice.

  • retrocomputing
    retrocomputing amoroso 9 months ago 100%
    2023 Medley Interlisp Annual Report

    Disclosure: I'm a member of the Medley Interlisp Project.

    asklemmy Asklemmy Why don't telemarketers give up on unresponsive numbers?
  • amoroso amoroso 9 months ago 100%

    An alternative is to ask questions about features of the pitched product or offer.

  • asklemmy Asklemmy Why don't telemarketers give up on unresponsive numbers?
  • amoroso amoroso 9 months ago 83%

    Possibly saving time and resources.

  • asklemmy Asklemmy Why don't telemarketers give up on unresponsive numbers?
  • amoroso amoroso 9 months ago 100%

    Okay. But if a robocaller doesn't lead to results, it may be programmed to give up on unpromising numbers.

  • asklemmy
    Asklemmy amoroso 9 months ago 97%
    Why don't telemarketers give up on unresponsive numbers?

    When receiving unsoliciting phone calls by telemarketers, many people consistently hung up, don't bait, and don't interact. So why don't telemarketers delete from their databases such phone numbers that don't lead to any sales or other business benefits? Maybe the cost of keeping the numbers is so low telemarketers just don't bother. Or keeping track of what numbers to delete may actually have a cost. Or perhaps telemarketers hope those people will eventually pick up the calls. Any insight?

    retrocomputing retrocomputing Ctrl+Alt Museum retrocomputing museum photos
  • amoroso amoroso 10 months ago 100%

    You're welcome, enjoy.

  • retrocomputing retrocomputing Ctrl+Alt Museum retrocomputing museum photos
  • amoroso amoroso 10 months ago 100%

    There are plates with labels and information but they're small, easy to miss, and not for all items. But the venue is still relatively young and more work is underway.

  • retrocomputing retrocomputing Ctrl+Alt Museum retrocomputing museum photos
  • amoroso amoroso 10 months ago 100%

    What's even more remarkable is 95% of the items on display still work. And they have lots more in storage.

    They are car enthusiasts too, so that's why there are some such vehicles. The bulk of the material comes from the personal collection of one of the founders of the group.

  • retrocomputing
    retrocomputing amoroso 10 months ago 100%
    Ctrl+Alt Museum retrocomputing museum photos

    My photos of a visit to the incredible [Ctrl+Alt Museum]( retrocomputing museum in Pavia, Italy. Mind blowing.

    asklemmy Asklemmy *Permanently Deleted*
  • amoroso amoroso 10 months ago 93%

    While I don't downvote posts with emojis I'm most interested in reading tech content, where emojis feel redundant and distracting.

  • linux Linux Screencasting tools with Wayland support
  • amoroso amoroso 10 months ago 100%

    VokoscreenNG is a screencasting tool that works with Raspberry Pi OS, I tested it on my Pi 400. And it's also easy to install, just sudo apt install vokoscreen-ng gstreamer1.0-pipewire.

    I've updated the post.

  • programming Programming If you had to choose one programming language that you had to use for the rest of your life, what would it be?
  • amoroso amoroso 10 months ago 97%

    Lisp, the language that has them all.

  • linux Linux Screencasting tools with Wayland support
  • amoroso amoroso 10 months ago 100%

    Looks nice indeed, thanks.

  • linux Linux Screencasting tools with Wayland support
  • amoroso amoroso 10 months ago 80%

    Interesting suggestion but possibly overkill.

  • linux
    Linux amoroso 10 months ago 96%
    Screencasting tools with Wayland support

    Can you recommend any screen video capture tools compatible with Wayland? I’ll use such a tool on my Raspberry Pi 400 under 64-bit Raspberry Pi OS Bookworm, so I'd prefer one with appropriate Debian binaries. ## Update [VokoscreenNG]( is a screencasting tool that works with Raspberry Pi OS, I tested it on my Pi 400. And it's also easy to install, just `sudo apt install vokoscreen-ng gstreamer1.0-pipewire`.

    raspberrypi amoroso 11 months ago 100%
    Looking for screencasting programs with Wayland support

    Can you recommend any screen video capture programs compatible with Wayland, possibly with Debian binaries? I'd like to use such a tool on my Raspberry Pi 400 under Raspberry OS Bookworm 64-bit.

    asklemmy Asklemmy *Permanently Deleted*
  • amoroso amoroso 12 months ago 100%

    Text searches (e.g. page search in browsers) that do return results, but they don't show up anywhere on the screen or aren't highlighted.

  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    ChromeOS amoroso 12 months ago 80%
    Now more than ever, ChromeOS is Linux with Google’s desktop environment
    lisp Lisp Community What type of problems do you solve using Lisp?
  • amoroso amoroso 12 months ago 100%

    Which dialect of Lisp do you use?

    Currently Interlisp and Common Lisp, mostly under Medley.

    What problems do you solve?

    I use Lisp for my hobby programming, not necessarily for solving practical problems. I enjoy coding for the intellectual pleasure of creating, exploring algorithms and systems, and learning computing.

    Why do you choose Lisp to solve these problems?

    I have been checking out several programming languages for the past four decades or so and Lisp is the only family of languages that doesn't just come the most natural to me, it gives me pure joy.

  • comradeship Comradeship // Freechat Who to follow on mastodon?
  • amoroso amoroso 12 months ago 100%

    When I was a brand new Mastodon user I published a post summarizing my experience on how to find people to follow and populate your feed.

  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    ChromeOS amoroso 12 months ago 100%
    Chromebooks are forever... well, a decade
    retrocomputing retrocomputing [META] What are the demographics of this community?
  • amoroso amoroso 1 year ago 100%

    Although I did see some punch cards I never used them. At the time I couldn't afford a computer with punch cards and was too young and inexperienced to work for an organization that had such machines.

  • retrocomputing retrocomputing [META] What are the demographics of this community?
  • amoroso amoroso 1 year ago 100%

    Old fart Boomer here, my first computer was a Sinclair ZX Spectrum.

  • retrocomputing retrocomputing What are your defining memories of computing in the old days?
  • amoroso amoroso 1 year ago 100%

    Reading computer magazines and books, and eagerly anticipating getting my hands on such material. Today's kids born in an online era of infinite content just can't imagine how difficult it was back them to get technical publications and information, printed or otherwise.

  • linux Linux What is your favorite terminal emulator.
  • amoroso amoroso 1 year ago 100%

    Zutty, the Zero-cost Unicode Teletype which the developer describes as "A high-end terminal for low-end systems".

  • caffeitalia Caffè Italia [Serio] Come si riscuote una vincita multimilionaria?
  • amoroso amoroso 1 year ago 100%

    Ho letto tutto il testo e ribadisco la mia risposta che vale la pena di incaricare della riscossione un professionista in modo che se ne occupi, investendo così implicitamente in sicurezza una parte di quello che si riscuoterà tramite il professionista (che spiegherà nei dettagli come procedere).

  • caffeitalia Caffè Italia [Serio] Come si riscuote una vincita multimilionaria?
  • amoroso amoroso 1 year ago 100%

    Se la vincita è consistente vale la pena di investirne una piccola parte per mettere al sicuro il resto, cioè chiedere la consulenza di un avvocato, un commercialista o un altro professionista. Altrimenti il rischio potrebbe essere troppo alto.

  • asklemmy Ask Lemmy What are some good Twitter accounts that you really wish they move to Fediverse?
  • amoroso amoroso 1 year ago 100%

    I'm aware of those accounts but they aren't official.

  • asklemmy Ask Lemmy What are some good Twitter accounts that you really wish they move to Fediverse?
  • amoroso amoroso 1 year ago 100%

    The accounts of space agencies such as NASA and ESA.

  • lisp Lisp Community What does your Lisp development environment look like?
  • amoroso amoroso 1 year ago 100%
    • Which Lisp do you most often program in?

    These days I use mostly Interlisp and Common Lisp under Medley, the restored and revived Interlisp-D environment of the Xerox Lisp Machines developed at Xerox PARC since the early 1980s.

    • What does your Lisp development environment or IDE look like?

    Here you can see some screenshots of my Medley environment. It comprises all the traditional Interlisp development tools such as the SEdit structure editor, the File Manager, and Masterscope.

    • How did you get started with Lisp? Did you follow any particular articles to set up your environment or begin learning Lisp?

    In the early 1990s I took an introductory computer science class based on SICP and fell in love with Scheme. I later learned Common Lisp and Emacs Lisp, and I've been programming almost exclusively in Lisp on and off since then.

  • retrogaming
    Retrogaming e nostalgia amoroso 1 year ago 85%
    Retrogaming e retroinformatica a Milano

    Potete consigliare qualche gruppo di appassionati, eventi, mercatini, esposizioni, musei o iniziative di retroinformatica e retrogaming a Milano? Sono interessato a tutte le tecnologie informatiche vintage, non solo ai giochi.

    commonlisp Common Lisp Condition Handling in the Lisp Language Family
  • amoroso amoroso 1 year ago 100%

    Glad you liked the paper, I found this angle interesting too.

  • asklemmy Asklemmy Why do washing machines prevent opening the hatch just after the washing cycle ends?
  • amoroso amoroso 1 year ago 100%


  • asklemmy Asklemmy Why do washing machines prevent opening the hatch just after the washing cycle ends?
  • amoroso amoroso 1 year ago 94%

    So why not make the washing cycle end when the water has fully drained? I get the impression the timer starts after the drain.

  • asklemmy
    Asklemmy amoroso 1 year ago 91%
    Why do washing machines prevent opening the hatch just after the washing cycle ends?

    Most washing machines have a timer that prevents you from opening the hatch just after the washing cycle ends. Instad you must wait for the timer to go off, usually a minute or two, before you can open the hatch. Why? Would letting the user open the hatch immediately after washing ends pose any safety or other issues?

    retrocomputing retrocomputing The History of Windows 1.0
  • amoroso amoroso 1 year ago 100%

    You're welcome.

  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    ChromeOS amoroso 1 year ago 100%
    Chrome OS Flex: a good start with zero follow-through
    asklemmy Asklemmy What are some interesting email newsletters to subscribe to?
  • amoroso amoroso 1 year ago 100%
  • asklemmy Asklemmy What is your favorite operating system and what do you like about it?
  • amoroso amoroso 1 year ago 42%

    My favorite is chromeOS because it requires zero maintenance and I can access all my data, apps, and preferences in minutes on any compatible device by just signing into my account.

  • asklemmy Asklemmy What's your favorite programming language and what about it do you like?
  • amoroso amoroso 1 year ago 100%


    It just feels extremely natural to me, so it's difficult to pinpoint specific features I like. But two such features stand out: the parantheses-based syntax and the extreme interactivity.

  • asklemmy Asklemmy What website/app do you use to read ebooks?
  • amoroso amoroso 1 year ago 100%

    I use Google Play Books but I also like BookFusion.

  • retrocomputing
    retrocomputing amoroso 1 year ago 95%

    Hyper-G was a distributed hypermedia system developed at the Graz University of Technology in Austria, overshadowed by the World Wide Web and now long forgotten. See this PDF overview article: [Hyper-G: A Large Universal Hypermedia System and Some Spin-Offs](

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    Compilers amoroso 1 year ago 100%
    Demystifying Pratt Parsers
    Caffè Italia amoroso 1 year ago 100%
    Perché nei bar avanzano molti croissant poco richiesti?

    Se passate in un bar nel pomeriggio o verso fine giornata noterete che in genere sono avanzati dei croissant integrali al miele, con marmellata ai frutti di bosco, o di altri tipi ma sepolti dallo zucchero a velo. Questo non sorprende perché probabilmente sono i tipi di croissant meno richiesti dai clienti. Quello che sorprende è che ne avanzino *così tanti*. Questa situazione viene notata dai gestori dei bar? Perché non provano a ordinare qualche pezzo in più dei croissant più richiesti, per esempio quelli alla crema o alla marmellata di albicocche, e qualche pezzo in meno di quelli meno richiesti? Avete qualche ipotesi o esperienza diretta, specialmente se lavorate in un bar o nella ristorazione?

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    Register Spill

    An informal newsletter in which Thorsten Ball, of *Writing an Interpreter in Go* and *Writing a Compiler in Go* fame, shares his thoughts about software engineering.

    Asklemmy amoroso 1 year ago 96%
    What's with the corporate obsession with customer feedback?

    If you contact the customer support of your utility company, phone carrier, bank, or other service provider you'll likely be flooded with requests to rate the experience and provide feedback. Likewise, corporate websites and email communications often solicit feedback via embedded buttons or links to online forms. What's with this corporate obsession with customer feedback? Are these huge piles of feedback actually analyzed and acted upon? Is customer feedback some sort of corporate cargo cult? Or maybe clever marketing by vendors of feedback tools and services? The impression is the feedback is just discarded or ignored.

    Lisp Community amoroso 1 year ago 100%
    What Were the Differences Between Symbolics Genera and Xerox Interlisp-D?

    Feel free to comment here and/or on the linked Hacker News thread.

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    ChromeOS amoroso 1 year ago 83%
    Desktop Linux breaks 7% marketshare

    > Other publications do not count Chrome OS installations as part of the Linux share, but I think that’s nonsense – they’re both clearly Linux desktop operating systems, and should be added up.

    Common Lisp amoroso 1 year ago 100%
    Let Over Lambda: 50 Years of Lisp: any thoughts?

    The book *Let Over Lambda: 50 Years of Lisp* by Doug Hoyte (2008) seems good but I haven't seen it recommended or discussed much. I ordered a copy thinking it was some overlooked vintage classic, then realized it's a self-published work. The book is on its way to me and I read a few reviews. And yes it's opinionated, but the author [regrets the language]( Still, since the book is so intriguing, if you have any thoughts I'd be happy to read them.
