asklemmy Asklemmy Why do we always consider cultures as inherently better than cults? Are there no exceptions to this?
  • _cnt0 _cnt0 11 months ago 100%

    The terms cult and culture have the same problem(s) as sect and religion. There is no one clear-cut definition, but many competing definitions, most of which are kind of vague or ambiguous. Both sect and cult are usually used in us versus them narratives. If you pick a random person and try to discuss if and why something is a cult/sect or culture/religion you are almost guaranteed to run into unresolvable conflict because you'll likely have different definitions in mind. The obvious solution is to settle on a common definition beforehand, but that will just cause the next conflict because there are so many and there is no obviously correct one.

    People often bring up an aspect of control as the defining characteristic of cults/sects. Does that make all states cults? Does that mean every major Christian denomination was a sect 200 years ago?

    Another common definition is that of a new group splitting off from the established group. Does that mean the entirety of Christianity is just a jewish sect?

    Most definitions, when applied rigorously, imply that every culture/religion has been a cult/sect at least for some time in the past. And here comes the trouble: Most people from some culture/religion will provide you with a definition for cult/sect, when arguing about it, but will not accept when you apply it to theirs and point out that by that definition it either is a cult/sect, or was 200/500/1000 years ago. Because most people use those terms to denote otherness possibly even in a pejorative way.

    In an academic context (for example anthropology or history) the distinction between cult and culture or sect and religion can be useful when a definition is given in the context and it is applied consistently. Outside of academia those terms aren't very useful beyond instigating people against each other or minorities, solidifying circle jerks, or starting flame wars.

    My nonprofessional take on it:

    Every culture started out as a cult and all cultures are or have been horrid given the opportunity.

    Every religion started out as a sect and all the sects' and religions' fairy tales are equally ridiculous when observed from the outside.

    The distinction between cult and culture, and sect and religion, has no net positive benefit outside of academia and should be avoided outside of fiction.

  • _cnt0 _cnt0 12 months ago 40%

    Wo NSFA?

  • shittydarksouls ShittyDarkSouls At least one of those gators probably shoots lightning
  • _cnt0 _cnt0 12 months ago 100%

    Somehow I see this guy in a conversation along the lines of

    Him: Fuck you!

    Somebody: Why?

    Him: Because fuck you! That's why!

  • privacy Privacy Please, do not use Brave.
  • _cnt0 _cnt0 12 months ago 100%

    Considering how many tests Brave does not pass, I'd say that page looks pretty balanced and fair. Also it is consistent with independent studies where Brave came out on top of the list.

    My impression is that most opposition against Brave is largely political. And then people try to find technical reasons after the fact, which simply isn't justified in comparison with other browsers.

  • linux Linux Why laptops with linux mostly use unknown distros?
  • _cnt0 _cnt0 12 months ago 100%

    As other comments have pointed out, I'm not convinced the premise of your question is correct. I'll throw in Slimbook to increase the sample size:

  • ich_iel ich_iel ich🤦‍♂️iel
  • _cnt0 _cnt0 12 months ago 100%

  • ich_iel ich_iel ich🤦‍♂️iel
  • _cnt0 _cnt0 12 months ago 100%

    Ok, aber steht das jetzt irgendwie im Widerspruch zu dem was ich gesagt habe und ich sehe einfach nicht wie?

  • ich_iel ich_iel ich🤦‍♂️iel
  • _cnt0 _cnt0 12 months ago 100%

    Die Zahl ist zu niedrig. Die Freien Wähler und deren Wähler sind jetzt auch nicht unbedingt die hellsten Kerzen auf der Torte, Und für die CSU ist das mindestens höchst diskutabel.

  • privacy Privacy Please, do not use Brave.
  • _cnt0 _cnt0 12 months ago 22%

    Funny how you do not address most of what I said ... so, disingenuous it is.

    Regarding optional features, I more used them as a segue red herring into the last three links


    Nothing good will come of this conversation, so I'll stop it right here. Have a nice day.

  • privacy Privacy Please, do not use Brave.
  • _cnt0 _cnt0 12 months ago 58%

    Being chromium based it

    • has better performance
    • has less bugs
    • has better standards compatibility

    Don't get me wrong, I am using Firefox, but your entire post is pretty disingenuous. Criticizing Brave over privacy concerns and then suggesting Firefox instead requires disingenuity or a special kind of ignorance and/or stupidity. Firefox has had 10 times as many privacy "mishaps" as Brave with all the "experiments" of corporate affiliates they shipped to users unannounced. There's a reason there are so many forks of Firefox.

    Pretty much everything you criticize about Brave is entirely optional.

    Then you title a link as Brave "getting ousted as spyware", and the linked to page does not oust Brave as spyware at all. You would do good to adopt some of the more neutral/factual tone of that page.

    And in parts that page is pretty ridiculous, too: complaining about what is set as the default search engine (the same as Firefox, btw). Who the fuck cares what search engine is set by default? Just change it. Opt out of everything you do not like. If there's stuff you cannot opt out of which is bad, we can talk about that. But arguing about optional features is ridiculous.

    Edit: little add-on: Brave factually has better out of the box (no plugins) privacy protection than Firefox:

  • foss Free and Open Source Software Flatpak Fans Will Want to Install This Neat New Tool
  • _cnt0 _cnt0 12 months ago 100%

    Sorry, I am too much of a KDE user to answer that question. In Discover you can add, remove, and order remotes via settings in the GUI. I'd assume it would be the same in Gnome Software, but I might assume wrong. If your distro does not ship it by default, you'll need to install a plugin.

  • _cnt0 _cnt0 12 months ago 100%

    Da komm ich ja her ... in Hannover geboren, ich habe gelebt/gearbeitet/Verwandte/Kontake in/zu Bremen, Oldenburg, Emden, Leer, Flennsburg, Rostock, Hamburg ... meine Frau kommt aus dem Harz. Bremen hat übrigens nen braunen Gürtel der komplett in Niedersachsen liegt. Ich bin mir mittlerweile auch nicht mehr sicher, was uns vor ~15 Jahren geritten hat nach Bayern zu ziehen. (Neo-)Nazis bin ich im Norden auch zur Genüge begegnet; Vor allem in so Käffern wie Apen oder Remels. Aber die aktuellen Wahlergebnisse hier ...

  • foss Free and Open Source Software Flatpak Fans Will Want to Install This Neat New Tool
  • _cnt0 _cnt0 12 months ago 100%

    Is the author of that article clickbait garbage actually not aware of KDE Discover, Gnome Software, bauh, and likely others? It has been possible to manage flatpak remotes and packages via GUI for years ...

  • _cnt0 _cnt0 12 months ago 96%

    Ich zieh dann mal wieder zurück in den Norden. Oder wandere aus ... mal schauen wie der Rest von Deutschland nächstes mal wählt.

  • meow_irl MEOW_IRL These are meant for sharing, right?
  • _cnt0 _cnt0 12 months ago 75%

    It was a comment on their diet.

  • ich_iel ich_iel ich🐟️iel
  • _cnt0 _cnt0 12 months ago 100%

    Müsste es nicht Störnenzerstörer heißen? Hab hier auf jeden fall einiges zu Störnen gesehen ...

  • meow_irl MEOW_IRL These are meant for sharing, right?
  • _cnt0 _cnt0 12 months ago 36%

    I can smell your farts by looking at that photo.

  • lemmy Lemmy Why do lemmy posts, particularly image, often have the wrong title on it only to be corrected upon refreshing?
  • _cnt0 _cnt0 12 months ago 100%

    I've never seen this on the web, Jerboa, or Boost.

  • privacy Privacy I wish more people clean URLs before sharing it to others.
  • _cnt0 _cnt0 12 months ago 62%

    I take it you missed that the "previous one" was also sarcasm.

  • privacy Privacy I wish more people clean URLs before sharing it to others.
  • _cnt0 _cnt0 12 months ago 64%

    That's terrible advice, [...]

    Is it really? It reliably protects people from all the garbage content on youtube.

  • privacy Privacy I wish more people clean URLs before sharing it to others.
  • _cnt0 _cnt0 12 months ago 92%

    Being able to adjust your sarcasm detector is a must-have skill. Sarcasm levels fluctuate wildly depending on platform, community, season, and topic. Otherwise you can never know if you're making an ass of yourself when replying to other comments. Really, it's irresponsible to partake in social media without a finely tuned sarcasm detector.

  • _cnt0 _cnt0 12 months ago 100%

    Wenn du dich auf das Maimai einlässt, dann veränderst du nicht das Maimai, sondern das Maimai verändert dich!

  • boostforlemmy
    Boost For Lemmy _cnt0 12 months ago 90%
    [BUG] scaling issue with some images

    Boost will sometimes scale images in a weird way, making them look like low resolution renders without antialiasing. This behavior can be observed in this post: The image looks fine when opened in the web view: []( In boost it looks like this, even when zooming in: ![](

    mildlyinfuriating Mildly Infuriating Brought my Chromecast with Google TV to a Hotel, TV is framed.
  • _cnt0 _cnt0 12 months ago 100%

    It's actually a bug in my client (Boost):

  • mildlyinfuriating Mildly Infuriating Brought my Chromecast with Google TV to a Hotel, TV is framed.
  • _cnt0 _cnt0 12 months ago 100%

    Weird. Must be some scaling issue in Boost. It even looks like that when I view it full screen and zoom in:

  • mildlyinfuriating Mildly Infuriating Brought my Chromecast with Google TV to a Hotel, TV is framed.
  • _cnt0 _cnt0 12 months ago 100%

    Why does this photo(?) look like digital concept rendering from ~2000 without antialiasing?

  • ich_iel ich_iel ich🥺iel
  • _cnt0 _cnt0 12 months ago 100%

    Wenn mir jemand in der Softwareentwicklung mit unzureichenden "Verbesserungs"vorschlägen für schlechte Lösungen kommt, pflege ich zu sagen: Du kannst Kacke lila einfärben und mit Veilchenduft parfümieren, aber es bleibt halt trotzdem Kacke!

  • asklemmy Asklemmy people that use reddit repost bots- are you okay? why do you suck?
  • _cnt0 _cnt0 12 months ago 100%

  • privacy Privacy Google docs infects html exports with google tracking redirects.
  • _cnt0 _cnt0 12 months ago 100%

    They've been doing the same with all hyperlinks in the gmail web frontend. Not when you fetch the mails via imap/pop, though.

  • ich_iel ich_iel ich🐴iel
  • _cnt0 _cnt0 12 months ago 100%

    Ich hab ein Steckenpferd im Arsch. Ich bin so eine art ruatneZ.

  • asklemmy Asklemmy people that use reddit repost bots- are you okay? why do you suck?
  • _cnt0 _cnt0 12 months ago 91%


  • asklemmy Asklemmy people that use reddit repost bots- are you okay? why do you suck?
  • _cnt0 _cnt0 12 months ago 56%

  • news News How a Big Pharma Company Stalled a Potentially Lifesaving Vaccine in Pursuit of Bigger Profits
  • _cnt0 _cnt0 12 months ago 100%

    “Any suggestion that our commitment to continued investment in global health has reduced, is fundamentally untrue,” Dr. Thomas Breuer, the company’s chief global health officer, wrote in a statement.

    The company told ProPublica [...] that a vaccine for TB is radically different from the company’s other vaccines because it can’t be sold at scale in wealthy countries.

    This is the best summary I could come up with. I am not a bot ;-)

  • memes memes Repost because I forgot what to do when I hate everyone
  • _cnt0 _cnt0 12 months ago 100%

    When am I getting any shit done with all the sleeping, eating, and taking showers?

  • atheism Atheism If there was a religion of hate, do you think it should be allowed to be practiced?
  • _cnt0 _cnt0 12 months ago 100%


    Already is are.

  • boostforlemmy Boost For Lemmy [Bug?] Drafts missing from sidebar and option missing from sidebar configuration page
  • _cnt0 _cnt0 12 months ago 100%

    I think your post drafts are listed under your profile together with your posts.

  • privacy Privacy Meta Trained Its AI Using Your Public Facebook and Instagram Posts
  • _cnt0 _cnt0 12 months ago 100%

    They trained an "AI" on an empty set?

  • ich_iel ich_iel ich🐷iel
  • _cnt0 _cnt0 12 months ago 100%

    Da hat sich doch glatt der Fehlerteufel eingeschlichen. Ich weiß nicht mehr wo ich diese Fehlinformation aufgeschnappt habe. Aber eine kurze Recherche ergibt, dass die Aussage so definitiv nicht haltbar ist. Leider ist es recht schwer dazu belastbare Zahlen zu finden. Ich werde mich mit der Thematik noch mal intensiver beschäftigen müssen.

  • ich_iel ich_iel ich🐷iel
  • _cnt0 _cnt0 12 months ago 100%

    Ein Bundestagsabgeordneter bekommt aktuel eine "Diät" von 10.674,28€ zuzüglich einer Kostenpauschale von 4.418 € die z.B. für das Anmieten von Wohnungen verwendet werden kann. Also faktisch ein Gehalt von ~15.000 € monatlich. Das Durchschnittseinkommen von Vollzeitbeschäftigten beträgt aktuell ca 4.100 €, was kein fairer Vergleich ist, weil die Meisten Bundestagsabgeordneten nicht verrichten was die meisten als Vollzeitbeschäftigung bezeichnen würden. Bezieht man Teilzeit, geringfügige, ... Beschäftigungen mit ein liegt das Durschnittseinkommen nur bei 2.165 €. Und das beinhaltet die Wenigen, die absurd hohe Gehälter beziehen. Darüber hinaus kommen noch einige Vorzüge wie kostenfreies Reisen mit der Bahn; Wäre ja auch nicht zumutbar das von der kleinen Diät oder der Pauschale zu finanzieren. Ach ja, habe ich erwähnt, dass von der Diät keine Rentenversicherungsbeiträge abgezogen werden? Damit dadurch für diese armen Menschen im Alter keine Versorgungslücke entsteht, erhalten sie 2.5% der Diät pro Jahr Bundestagsangehörigkeit als "Altersentschädigung" zuzüglich zu regulären Rentenbezügen. Die Durschnittsrente nach 45 Versicherungsjahren beträgt aktuell ca 1500€. Das bezieht ein Bundestagsabgeordneter minimal nach 6 Jahren Bundestagszugehörigkeit.

    Wenn man da auch nur einen Cent wegsparen würde, können diese armen Politiker ja gar nicht anders als Korrupt werden. Natürlich muss man es ihnen erlauben neben der Abgeordnetentätigkeit noch anderen Tätigkeiten nachzugehen wie z.B. in Aufsichtsräten zu sitzen. Ein Aufsichtsrat verdient in Deutschland durchschnittlich übrigens 330.000 € pro Jahr. Das ist natürlich völlig angemessen um vier mal im Jahr an einer Sitzung teilzunehmen und diese eventuell etwas vorzubereiten (offensichtliches /s ist offensichtlich).

  • ich_iel ich_iel ich🐷iel
  • _cnt0 _cnt0 12 months ago 78%

    Ich habe nichts da gegegn, dass Vermieter in diesem Maimai sind. Aber, ich möchte darauf hinweisen, dass es tausend gute Gründe gibt arbeitslos zu sein, abed keinen guten Grund gibt 1000 mal so viel zu verdienen schmarotzern wie ein Angestellter. Neben Vermietern sind die echten Schmarotzer unsere Politiker mit ihren fetten "Diäten" (der blanke Hohn, dass die ihre Gehälter so nennen) und "wohlhabende" Arbeitgeber Ausbeuter, sowie Leute die "ihr Geld für sich arbeiten lassen". Es fließt vier mal so viel Geld in den Verwaltungsapparat für Arbeitslose wie Arbeitslosengeld gezahlt wird. "Arbeitslose sind Schmarotzer" ist dämlichste Propaganda der echten Schmarotzer.

  • support Support _cnt0 12 months ago 88%
    community linuxmemes seems to be unmoderated

    Hi there. ~~The community [!]( seems to be unmoderated. The only registered moderator []( has been inactive since ~2 months. I'd like to be added as a mod to weed out blatantly racist and other unacceptable content like this: [Lol! So true.]( I've been a regular in r/linuxmemes, have switched to lemmy, and would like [!]( not to become a shithole. Edit/correction: Looking at the mod log, []( is still moderating (even if not commenting/posting). Their last mod action was 4 days ago. I've written to them with a link to this post. Edit2: the mod is still active. Due to some bugs it looked otherwise to me.

    ich_iel _cnt0 12 months ago 96%
    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    ik_ihe _cnt0 12 months ago 91%
    Asklemmy _cnt0 12 months ago 94%
    Does anybody know what happened to

    It was my home to my account. I didn't catch any announcement it would be going down. 2 weeks ago the website started throwing errors (50\* internal server errors) and since a week it is completely unreachable. There are still DNS records resolving the domain, but the site seems completely gone.

    Boost For Lemmy _cnt0 12 months ago 94%
    Thank you so much! + minor issue with app icon

    First of all, thank you so much for doing Boost for Lemmy. Boost was what made reddit nice, while their app and web ui went down the drain. I am super happy to now be able to use Boost to access lemmy! The app already seems to be quite solid (haven't seen a bug, yet). The only minor issue I have is that Boost for Reddit and Boost for Lemmy have the same set of icons and are quite difficult to distinguish: ![]( Though, that can be easily worked around by changing the icon for one of them via settings. Maybe the default icons + a small super imposed logo/mascot of the respective platform would be a nice idea (there might be copyright issues).
