196 VoidCrow 11 months ago 98%
Highly Specific Fandom Rule
196 196 JK Rule-ing
  • VoidCrow VoidCrow 1 year ago 100%

    The only time she'd be right

  • 196
    196 VoidCrow 1 year ago 100%
    Elxn Mxsk rule
    196 VoidCrow 1 year ago 100%
    Ford Rule
    asklemmy Ask Lemmy What was "that incident" at your high school or college?
  • VoidCrow VoidCrow 1 year ago 100%

    I didn't want to dox my college because it became a pretty huge deal (however you'll probably know with this comment admittedly) but there was a mass murder killing a couple students one night, I think the guy got caught but it was a devastating time. Not to mention subsequently getting the emails from my college stating a murder happened and then following it up with several murders actually was scary

  • asklemmy Ask Lemmy What was "that incident" at your high school or college?
  • VoidCrow VoidCrow 1 year ago 100%

    I'm so fucking stupid ignore me lakddff ⚰️🚶

  • asklemmy Ask Lemmy What was "that incident" at your high school or college?
  • VoidCrow VoidCrow 1 year ago 75%

    Omg I cannot with non-american conservatives 💀can't even use the "southern pride" excuse at that point lmao (edit: bozo forgot geography)

  • asklemmy Ask Lemmy What was "that incident" at your high school or college?
  • VoidCrow VoidCrow 1 year ago 100%


    Man seeing that first point listed here is kinda surreal to see. Because my highschool was in a bumbfuck nowhere yeeyee ass town there were confederate flags everywhere and fake wannabe southerners in cowboy hats (this is a very north state lol) literally the first thing you'd see upon entering the town was one of those flags flying on the right side (tho it slowly got destroyed by the weather until it was taken down thankfully)

  • asklemmy Ask Lemmy What was "that incident" at your high school or college?
  • VoidCrow VoidCrow 1 year ago 100%

    There were a few for my high school, but one I was there for was when I was sitting in the bus when suddenly everything went quiet (highly unusual). I looked behind myself and everyone was covering their ears, then the smell of gunpowder hit my nose. Some dumb fuck lit a firecracker and tossed it into the middle lane (wtvr it was called) when the bus was driving between the lake and the train tracks. Thank GOD it was a dud. Anyways, I brought this up to the principle and teachers the next day and seemingly no one gave a shit ?? Goes to show how garbage my school was lol

    For my college, I can't give specifics but it'd have to be the murders. Very tragic and sad incident

  • adhd ADHD So many project ideas yet so little energy
  • VoidCrow VoidCrow 1 year ago 100%

    It absolutely has for me, prior it would take me genuinely months to even do a single thing (including really important shit) but with medication it's significantly helped my executive dysfunction, made me able to get things done within the week or even a day if lucky, I can actually focus (sometimes on the wrong things lol), and since removing the executive dysfunction it's allowed me to have more motivation. (Of course still not perfect hence my post)

    The effectiveness of meds vary for everyone esp on the specific kinds of meds (I take ritalin), but I'd say go for it (also the dependence thing isn't as scary as you'd think, I mean with meds you'll more than likely improve on productivity, and if you ever run out it'll just go back to how it was before (in my experience at least) I'd say it's def worth asking a doc about it)

  • asklemmy Ask Lemmy What was the strangest take you've seen/heard someone say?
  • VoidCrow VoidCrow 1 year ago 100%

    I don't remember it well other than it was on a tumblr blog and as they were answering an anonymous ask they just casually mentioned that with no explanation

    My only ideas are either they're filthy rich, have no sense of smell, or somehow think "bad" implies morality so they don't believe smells can be evil which like ?? No ones claiming otherwise lmao

  • chat
    Chat VoidCrow 1 year ago 100%
    I've decided to pick up trash picking as a hobby

    Every time I walk outside I try to remember to bring a plastic bag with me so I can pick up whatever piece of trash I see on the ground. It's a bit of a double-edged sword really, while it's nice to take care of the earth around you it's also quite sad to see just how much trash is around you at all times. Thankfully it ends up being nice in the end because I now see less and less litter around on my usual routes. Keeping in mind that some is enough (I don't need to pick up every little piece esp if I'm on my way to someplace like work) and that what's small to you means the world to the plants, insects, and whatever animal that may be in that area does help with this hobby as well I'm hoping to do more volunteer work and bigger actions for helping the local area at some point in the near future but for now this is a good habit to have

    ADHD VoidCrow 1 year ago 97%
    So many project ideas yet so little energy

    God I wanna make so much art (drawing/painting/wood carving/crochet/build things/etc), make comics, learn languages, learn how to deep clean and power wash, garden, make clothes, make fursuits, travel, hike, forage, make youtube videos, go urban exploring, go ghost hunting, animate, preserve animal skeletons and insects, etc etc. But I'm so perpetually exhausted that even just planning out an idea takes a lot out of me, and it feels so unfair. Thankfully medication has helped out a looot (I mean the difference between taking genuinely months to do *anything* vs being able to do so within a week or even a day if lucky is quite an improvement) but it's not gonna make me superhuman any time soon ^^;

    adhd ADHD If I go onto meds, will I still be able to rely on hyperfocus to accomplish tasks or master new skills?
  • VoidCrow VoidCrow 1 year ago 100%

    I take ritalin and in my experience it's made my hyperfocus more efficient and in a way stronger, since the medication mainly gets rid of my executive dysfunction. Can still very well focus on the wrong thing lol but it's made doing projects and in general existing waaay better

  • asklemmy Ask Lemmy What was the strangest take you've seen/heard someone say?
  • VoidCrow VoidCrow 1 year ago 100%

    For example one that's baffled me was someone saying they don't believe in bad smells ??

  • 196
    196 VoidCrow 1 year ago 100%
    House rule
    McMansionHell VoidCrow 1 year ago 100%
    Mill Creek, IN www.realtor.com

    More pics in link, the back of the mansion is truly something else

    horror Horror My Horror Movie Tier List (80+ titles color coded and all)
  • VoidCrow VoidCrow 1 year ago 100%

    That one's one of the few I mentioned were just purely from spite/bad personal experience, unfair I know but this is a hella subjective chart after all

  • gender Gender Anti-transphobia twitter backlash at PinkNews for using the term "LGB"
  • VoidCrow VoidCrow 1 year ago 100%

    I mean considering that the term LGB isn't commonplace, is purely associated with transphobic activist groups, the article subject can very easily include trans perspectives (or even just imply it with using the full term LGBT), we're already in an incredibly hostile political environment in terms of trans rights, and is more than likely a conscious choice to specifically remove the T (unless it's a spelling error, which in that case they should proofread better) I'd say it's fair to criticize their choice

  • VoidCrow VoidCrow 1 year ago 100%

    Cat in the background sporting a glorious mustache

  • outoftheloop Out of the loop ...what's with the "rule" posts?
  • VoidCrow VoidCrow 1 year ago 100%

    Aw thx :D

  • autism Autism Eye Contact TikTok
  • VoidCrow VoidCrow 1 year ago 100%

    Eye contact kinda hurts (not physically but dunno how to describe) it's like if everyone had laser vision

  • gardening Gardening Anyone have any luck with growing lavender indoors?
  • VoidCrow VoidCrow 1 year ago 100%

    Oh shit good point I didn't think of that

  • nostupidquestions No Stupid Questions Why does it feel like we're at a point where every social media + other digital media are making shitty decisions and falling apart?
  • VoidCrow VoidCrow 1 year ago 100%

    There is also that weird hidden alternate layout that is an ungodly eyesore (I think it can be accessed either in the settings or if you double click the sparkle emoji for some reason?) Admittedly I'm not as familiar with Discord's issues, mainly heard others talking about it

  • nostupidquestions
    No Stupid Questions VoidCrow 1 year ago 99%
    Why does it feel like we're at a point where every social media + other digital media are making shitty decisions and falling apart?

    I mean there's Reddit ofc, as well as Twitter in its entirety, Discord is implementing some dumb updates, there are issues with Tumblr as well as everything to do with Meta, and I'm sure there are plenty more (and I haven't even touched other digital media, for example the Sims). Why is it all happening in the span of about a couple months?

    pokemon Pokémon Who's your favorite, and why?
  • VoidCrow VoidCrow 1 year ago 100%

    Atm for some reason it's Joltik, just instant serotonin on sight

    Chandelure is also sick

    And in terms of nostalgia it'd be Snivy because getting a Snivy plushy as a kid was a part of my introduction to Pokemon in general

  • bisexual Bisexual how and when did you find out you were bi?
  • VoidCrow VoidCrow 1 year ago 100%

    Ngl I found out when I first heard the term bi from Mae Borowski in Night In The Woods, I looked it up after and that's how I not only figured out I was bi but a part of the lgbt community in general!

  • 196 196 Artist Pain Rule
  • VoidCrow VoidCrow 1 year ago 100%

    Wait are you the artist or am I misreading?

  • 196 196 Rules, regulations, or: why am I banned???
  • VoidCrow VoidCrow 1 year ago 84%

    Question is Lemmy.world affiliated with the tankies that made lemmygrad or is it separate? I didn't know about any of this prior so now I'm worried a bit

  • 196 196 important rulepost
  • VoidCrow VoidCrow 1 year ago 87%


  • chat Chat First time I feel completely chill with talking on social media (thank you Lemmy)
  • VoidCrow VoidCrow 1 year ago 100%

    Ohh that is true haven't thought about that

  • culinary Culinary Creations This channel needs a logo!
  • VoidCrow VoidCrow 1 year ago 100%

    I don't have any pics specifically but the website Unsplash has really pretty royalty-free images

  • horror Horror My Horror Movie Tier List (80+ titles color coded and all)
  • VoidCrow VoidCrow 1 year ago 100%

    Oh man I started that but some stuff came up for me so I didn't get to finish it, absolutely gotta rewatch when I get the chance that show is 👌

  • VoidCrow VoidCrow 1 year ago 100%

    I tried to play Minecraft with some friends but I near immediately got too distracted by thinking about ghost hunting and witchcraft stuff to the point where I couldn't play anymore ⚰️

  • adhd ADHD How do you remember people’s names?
  • VoidCrow VoidCrow 1 year ago 100%

    Sometimes names have certain colors and I either associate the person with that color or the person already made me think of a certain color that just so happens to fit their name; otherwise, dunno some names are easier to remember than others and there's no pattern to that for me

  • 196
    196 VoidCrow 1 year ago 100%
    Artist Pain Rule

    I forgot the artist (I just know I found it on tumblr) if you know pls credit in comments :')

    autism Autism It's currently 3:11a where I am at
  • VoidCrow VoidCrow 1 year ago 100%

    And if you stay up long enough you can see the sun rise and hear the birds wake up, you like experience a new level of peace previously unachievable

  • autism Autism AuDHD gang rise up ✊
  • VoidCrow VoidCrow 1 year ago 100%

    Me when ADHD meds make me hyperfocus more intensely and efficiently

  • autism Autism Obsession
  • VoidCrow VoidCrow 1 year ago 100%

    Me with horror and (shamefully) true crime/disturbing stories and ghost hunting and basically everything spooky

  • autism Autism Let's go to the mall
  • VoidCrow VoidCrow 1 year ago 100%

    God fr every time I get so excited to go to the mall with friends because woag!! Lots of cool stuff everywhere !! Then boom overstimulated 😔

  • asklemmy
    Asklemmy VoidCrow 1 year ago 98%
    What are some communities you'd like to see on Lemmy that don't exist yet?

    This goes out to all the homies that don't have the time/energy to moderate, and to the ones that do that would like ideas (If there's been posts about this already then I'm srry)

    jerboa Jerboa Anyone else prefer the app over the desktop website?
  • VoidCrow VoidCrow 1 year ago 100%

    That is very true, the app is definitely not perfect and I still do use desktop for moments like those, I just find that more manageable than it signing me out everytime I'm on certain instances

  • chat
    Chat VoidCrow 1 year ago 100%
    First time I feel completely chill with talking on social media (thank you Lemmy)

    I'm sure it's not going to last forever as this site grows in popularity but I feel like I can talk about whatever with minimal judgement here (and just overall no anxiety in comparison to everywhere else), just nice vibes all around ^^

    asklemmy Asklemmy What's your scariest/weirdest paranormal encounter?
  • VoidCrow VoidCrow 1 year ago 100%

    Dang it says couldn't find post when I clicked :(

  • jerboa
    Jerboa VoidCrow 1 year ago 100%
    Anyone else prefer the app over the desktop website?

    Idk it just seems to work/look better and doesn't sign me out whenever I go on some certain instances

    horror Horror My Horror Movie Tier List (80+ titles color coded and all)
  • VoidCrow VoidCrow 1 year ago 100%

    I respect that and also thanks ^^

  • VoidCrow VoidCrow 1 year ago 100%

    Strongly disagree do not percieve me

  • gardening
    Gardening VoidCrow 1 year ago 100%
    Anyone have any luck with growing lavender indoors?

    I live in an apartment but I have lavender seeds and soil, can those long window pots work for them? Overall can they thrive indoors and if so do any of you have any tips?

    196 196 snake sock
  • VoidCrow VoidCrow 1 year ago 100%


  • 196 196 First time here. Let me show one of my favorite pictures I've seen on the internet. I wish In new where it came from
  • VoidCrow VoidCrow 1 year ago 100%

    Omg bnnuys !!

  • horror
    Horror VoidCrow 1 year ago 92%
    My Horror Movie Tier List (80+ titles color coded and all)

    This is entirely subjective, I have placed some classics down lower because they just haven't clicked with me :/ as well as a few down in shitty purely out of spite or a bad personal experience Color codes: blue is for light-hearted/comedies, yellow to red are varying shades of disturbing/content warnings (feel free to ask or check out doesthedogdie.com for more information regarding a title)

    usa United States | News & Politics Detroit-area city bans LGBTQ+ pride flags on public property
  • VoidCrow VoidCrow 1 year ago 100%

    Nice freedom of speech there /s

  • progmetal
    Progressive Metal Music VoidCrow 1 year ago 100%
    Katatonia - The Great Cold Distance youtu.be

    Great album all around, the track In The White even inspired a DnD character of mine

    Progressive Metal Music VoidCrow 1 year ago 100%
    Cult of Luna - A Dawn to Fear youtu.be

    While it's post metal, I'd wager there's also prog metal mixed in too This album, Somewhere Along The Highway, and The Raging River are my faves from them. In terms of tracks, Inland Rain from A Dawn to Fear, Dark City Dead Man from SATH, and Wave After Wave from The Raging River are my top tracks

    deebus Deebus pull up at the club with these
  • VoidCrow VoidCrow 1 year ago 100%

    Immense drip

  • 196 196 Car rule
  • VoidCrow VoidCrow 1 year ago 100%


  • 196
    196 VoidCrow 1 year ago 100%
    Zip Rule
    The Bug Menagerie VoidCrow 1 year ago 100%
    Twig Spider (Ariamnes)

    Gotta be one of the weirdest spiders I've heard about (Image not mine, credit in bottom left)

    Progressive Metal Music VoidCrow 1 year ago 100%
    Rishloo - Living As Ghosts With Buildings As Teeth https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLX_ZUCaed_xd_wOvlJ2jk0a19HimaLLCM

    The album that got me into prog metal, specifically the song Dark Charade

    Progressive Metal Music VoidCrow 1 year ago 100%
    The Ocean - Phanerozoic II: Mesozoic | Cenozoic youtu.be

    Fantastic album, helped me through some tough times

    Progressive Metal Music VoidCrow 1 year ago 100%
    Gojira - The Way of All Flesh youtu.be

    Can't have a prog metal community without Gojira

    196 VoidCrow 1 year ago 100%
    Car rule
    195 VoidCrow 1 year ago 95%