asklemmy Asklemmy What things from the 2020s do you think will age horribly?
  • VinesNFluff VinesNFluff 1 hour ago 100%

    I think climate denial will look pretty funny in hindsight after agriculture has broadly collapsed leading to mass famines, and a bunch of coastal cities are several meters under toxified saltwater.

    Like, that thing I just described is the optimistic scenario, where humanity/society survives despite things turning way shittier. It could be much worse.

  • asklemmy Asklemmy What things from the 2020s do you think will age horribly?
  • VinesNFluff VinesNFluff 1 hour ago 100%

    Counterpoint: A lot of things that are aggressively "of their time" end up as iconic period pieces after some twenty years.

  • 196 196 notifications rule
  • VinesNFluff VinesNFluff 3 hours ago 100%

    Roko's Basilisk mfers when a minor brownout causes their "god" to die:

    (even the fake-ass pretend "AI" we have nowadays is straining the global power grids. It'd take the invention of Miracle Fairy Dust Energy to make a true God-from-the-Machine physically feasible)

  • 196 196 notifications rule
  • VinesNFluff VinesNFluff 3 hours ago 100%

    We should bring back pre-WW1 servant-to-master etiquette. But only and exclusively for machines talking to humans.

    My computer should call me "Master <Lastname>" and always be extremely careful with its words around me. It is not my friend, it is my servant.

  • 196
    196 VinesNFluff 8 hours ago 97%
    memes memes Who indeed
  • VinesNFluff VinesNFluff 1 day ago 100%

    I learned some years ago that Rand wrote erotica before she wrote ""philosophy""

    Then I read some of her porn. And everything clicked.

    She let her self-indulgent porn fantasies leak into her philosophy, that's all.

  • asklemmy Asklemmy What is a low technology you really love ?
  • VinesNFluff VinesNFluff 3 days ago 100%

    I am fully aware

    I fear every person from any of those cultures. Those who sleep on hard surfaces are not to be trifled with, for they are stronger than all of us.

  • asklemmy Asklemmy When the ruling class finally extracts the last of the wealth from the working class, what are you bringing to the feast?
  • VinesNFluff VinesNFluff 3 days ago 100%

    Pots, pans, and knowledge of cooking.

    Oh, and enough garlic to fucking nuke Transylvania.

  • asklemmy Ask Lemmy If you could make up a new fashion trend/aesthetic, what would it look like and what would you call it
  • VinesNFluff VinesNFluff 4 days ago 100%

    I do believe there is a niche of people into that. Though my view might be skewed by The Algorithm :tm: knowing I like vintage fashion.

    My youtube shorts recs are full of chicks trying on their grandmother's old and well-kept clothes from the 50s~70s.

  • asklemmy Ask Lemmy If you could make up a new fashion trend/aesthetic, what would it look like and what would you call it
  • VinesNFluff VinesNFluff 4 days ago 88%

    Made a different comment. Deleted it. Had a better idea:

    Those loose, light clothes that people in middle-eastern cultures still wear as traditional clothing. There is a reason they came up with those when they did. Elsewhere in this thread another peep was complaining that men don't get to show enough skin and specifically citing heat as the reason this annoyed them. I say fool. Showing skin will not save you from the heat, especially as climate change continues to cook the planet. It will, in fact, make it worse.

    If we are to survive being cooked alive by the sun, we will need to cover up, as the people who inhabited arid-and-extremely-hot places for centuries have done.

    Actually, since the Dune series got an injection of popularity with non sci-fi nerds thanks to the Denis Villeneuve films --

    -- We could call it "Fremencore". Integrate some futuristic aesthetic influences so people don't think it's cultural appropriation.

  • asklemmy Asklemmy What is a low technology you really love ?
  • VinesNFluff VinesNFluff 4 days ago 100%

    See memory foam is cool and all

    But my point is that even the simplest pillow consisting of a linen sack with some animal nonsense inside it is still an exponential improvement over not that, or worse, those wooden head-supports that they still use in some eastern cultures.

    Also: People use way too few pillows. I use five for the average night.

  • asklemmy Ask Lemmy If Lemmy was a physical place, what would it look like?
  • VinesNFluff VinesNFluff 4 days ago 100%

    A flophouse exclusively inhabited by giant nerds.

  • asklemmy Ask Lemmy If you could make up a new fashion trend/aesthetic, what would it look like and what would you call it
  • VinesNFluff VinesNFluff 4 days ago 100%
  • asklemmy Asklemmy What is your favourite animal?
  • VinesNFluff VinesNFluff 4 days ago 80%

    I'm biased, I just sorta... Like all animals. All of them. So this reply is just my mood for today:

    Mammal: Raccoon. The grabby hands, the masks, they're just cool little guys

    Bird: Crows. Clever and playful caw caw boys. Capable of incredible feats of animal intelligence.

    Reptile: Tegu. The cats of the lizard world.

    Amphibian: Poison dart frogs. Danger bois. Don't touch. But they look so cool.

    Fish: fish are not valid

    Crustacean: Coconut crabs! They are big and cool.

    Insect: Ants. Eusocial insects are really cool.

    Mollusk: those really big snails that look like slime bunnies

    Worm: Leeches. They're cool to look at.

    Arachnid: Jumping spider. They are smols.

  • worldnews World News Protesters invade Mexican Senate to halt judicial reform debate
  • VinesNFluff VinesNFluff 4 days ago 100%

    You got any idea how easy it is for those with power to convince a few thousand suckers to defend their evil interests, WHILE genuinely believing they're doing the right thing? That's like 90% of content on social media.

  • asklemmy Asklemmy What is a low technology you really love ?
  • VinesNFluff VinesNFluff 4 days ago 100%

    Consider the humble pillow.

  • nostupidquestions No Stupid Questions Why are people on the internet (and Lemmy) so quick to say someone "deserves to die"
  • VinesNFluff VinesNFluff 6 days ago 100%

    I've once read somewhere that the human brain is only REALLY able to include about 100 people at any time in the list of "people one truly cares about", that we are neurologically unprepared for the level of exposure to other people and their problems that we get nowadays.

    But I never bothered checking the veracity of that statement. It might be complete bullshit. A lot of stuff online is. Either way it's irrelevant because if it IS indeed a problem, then "overexposure to someone else's problems" is a concept at least as old as the printing press. What the internet adds to the mix is... Well...

    .... It's far easier to act like a psychotic jerk to someone that exists as a few paragraphs of glowy text on a slab of silicon and glass. You aren't forced to look another human being in the eye while you talk about all the horrid shit you wish upon them.

  • 196 196 Analog Rule
  • VinesNFluff VinesNFluff 6 days ago 100%

    Fun fact: When the first thumbstick was being invented, the engineers nicknamed it "oppai controra"

    Literally boobie controller

  • asklemmy Ask Lemmy If you could regulate something relatively inconsequential, what would it be?
  • VinesNFluff VinesNFluff 7 days ago 100%


  • asklemmy Ask Lemmy If you could regulate something relatively inconsequential, what would it be?
  • VinesNFluff VinesNFluff 7 days ago 100%

    [angry anime fan noises]

  • asklemmy Ask Lemmy If you could regulate something relatively inconsequential, what would it be?
  • VinesNFluff VinesNFluff 1 week ago 100%

    Right. Gonna do that with the humidifier

    That I need

    To make my room bearable during drought season

    Or the split AC.

    That I also need

    To make my room bearable during summer.

    Can you see how that would be a problem?

    People who make electric devices are putting blinding blue LEDs in a million places they do not and will never belong.

  • asklemmy Ask Lemmy If you could regulate something relatively inconsequential, what would it be?
  • VinesNFluff VinesNFluff 1 week ago 100%

    Which one

  • rpgmemes RPGMemes The solution is to post about your campaign to Lemmy so internet randos can meme about it
  • VinesNFluff VinesNFluff 1 week ago 100%

    Blorbos from my friend group's shared imagination

  • asklemmy Ask Lemmy If you could regulate something relatively inconsequential, what would it be?
  • VinesNFluff VinesNFluff 1 week ago 100%

    At least game cutscenes tend to be less mumbly. Even IF the volume of things is all over the place.

    TV and Movies? Fuck me, it's like actors all forgot how to talk and instead just mumble every line.

  • 196 196 (soy) bean-a-holic rule
  • VinesNFluff VinesNFluff 1 week ago 100%

    Ew, SOY milk

    Oat is better u.u

  • asklemmy Ask Lemmy If you could regulate something relatively inconsequential, what would it be?
  • VinesNFluff VinesNFluff 1 week ago 100%

    Same, all my electronics look like abominations of electric tape, it's the only way I can have them not light up my room at night.

  • asklemmy Ask Lemmy If you could regulate something relatively inconsequential, what would it be?
  • VinesNFluff VinesNFluff 1 week ago 100%

    Packaging for supermarket products should have what the product is big and the branding small. Not the other way around.

    Oh. Sound mixing on movies/tv shows should be such that voice lines are always perfectly audible even on shitty speakers. Make actors e n u n c i a t e like they did in the 30s. Christopher Nolan has a lot to answer for, turning all of media into mumblecore chief among those things.

  • VinesNFluff VinesNFluff 1 week ago 100%

    I just like getting my dumb blorbos without having to have a spreadsheet of where to find them scattered over 20 different services

  • memes Memes Did your country recognize Palestine before the Fairly OddParents?
  • VinesNFluff VinesNFluff 1 week ago 100%

    Portuguese Wikipedia

    I misunderstood the line that says "O Brasil se soma a uma lista de mais países que reconhecem o Estado Palestino,(...)Reconhecendo também a Organização para a Libertação da Palestina (OLP), desde 1975 como "legítima representante do povo palestino"." as meaning we've recognised the state of Palestine officially since '75

    Apparently, according to the govbr site OP linked in reply to me above, stuff is a bit more complicated than that but ye.

  • memes Memes Did your country recognize Palestine before the Fairly OddParents?
  • VinesNFluff VinesNFluff 2 weeks ago 100%

    The list from english wikipedia says my country (Brazil) only recognised Palestine in 2010

    But in portutugese wikipedia it is said we've recognised them since 1975.

    I don't know which one is right, so.

  • asklemmy Ask Lemmy How does Lemmy feel about "open source" machine learning, akin to the Fediverse vs Social Media?
  • VinesNFluff VinesNFluff 2 weeks ago 100%

    As I said in a different thread:

    I might be this close to butlerian jihad thought when it comes to AI as an invention

    But if it must come to pass, better it be on the back of community owned and controlled models than a couple of megacorps.

  • rpgmemes RPGMemes The mortifying ordeal of being known
  • VinesNFluff VinesNFluff 2 weeks ago 100%

    I explained my fursona to my therapist.

    It was

    A fun time.

  • memes memes Remember when games had manuals too?
  • VinesNFluff VinesNFluff 2 weeks ago 100%


    Buying a game during a trip to another town, being away from your computer for a week, and spending the entire week just fondling the game box, reading it, reading the papers that came inside, doing game foreplay.

  • rpgmemes RPGMemes When you're high level, people notice you. Shock!
  • VinesNFluff VinesNFluff 2 weeks ago 100%

    Your comics are so cute.

    Also man. I was part of 1(one) campaign that made it to high level. And it is a bit of a magical experience.

    When our crew of sky pirates flew into town everyone immediately knew who they were, local authorities and groups of people were always either trying to court their favour or get rid of them at any cost, they never needed to introduce themselves -- They were the Monarchs of the Storm, and their career had started with them causing an entire criminal empire to crumble (specifically because they'd messed with their friends), and only gotten more intense and destructive from there.

    Shame one of our players disappeared because of Life :tm: and so we haven't played in almost a year.

  • nostupidquestions No Stupid Questions Why I Haven't Seen Any Trump Supporters In Fediverse (Lemmy and Mastodon)?
  • VinesNFluff VinesNFluff 2 weeks ago 75%

    Personally I'm cool with that. I don't think daily exposure to actual fascists is good for one's head. And I wouldn't mind .ml getting the axe too (though I'm not gonna be the one pestering my instance admin about that) because Tankies are equally as draining.

  • nostupidquestions No Stupid Questions What the hell even is Diet Coke?
  • VinesNFluff VinesNFluff 2 weeks ago 75%

    I wasn't even under the illusion that it would be good for me, lol.

    Even IF Diet Coke is a sometimes drink for me, that 'sometimes' means 'once every saturday' -- It'll probably give me diabetes long-term but y'know. Some people ruin their livers with alcohol, some people fuck their lungs with cigs, I'm screwing up my pancreas with diet soda. 🤷

  • asklemmy Ask Lemmy Going on my first super long haul flight - what can I buy to make it more comfortable?
  • VinesNFluff VinesNFluff 2 weeks ago 100%

    Those pain medications that make you unnaturally sleepy.

  • linux_gaming Linux Gaming Steam On Linux Drops Below 2% For August 2024 Survey
  • VinesNFluff VinesNFluff 2 weeks ago 100%

    Might be me, I have mostly been emulating for the past month. And that only goes through the steam client on the deck

  • 196 196 Renewable electricity rule
  • VinesNFluff VinesNFluff 2 weeks ago 100%

    Hey neat, an iteration of this meme that is edited from an edit I posted on linuxmemes a few months ago.

  • 196 196 Renewable electricity rule
  • VinesNFluff VinesNFluff 2 weeks ago 100%

    That would cause the turbine to lock up with this design

  • nostupidquestions No Stupid Questions What the hell even is Diet Coke?
  • VinesNFluff VinesNFluff 2 weeks ago 100%

  • nostupidquestions
    No Stupid Questions VinesNFluff 2 weeks ago 93%
    What the hell even is Diet Coke?

    Like, the nutrition facts table says it contains nothing other than some sodium. No sugars or fats or calories at all Yet it clearly is edible, so what is it? Some concoction made mostly from indigestible minerals?

    196 VinesNFluff 3 weeks ago 98%
    196 VinesNFluff 4 weeks ago 100%
    196 VinesNFluff 1 month ago 100%
    Human Rule

    The gender I want to be is "Majestic Unicorn of unclear gender/sex, but decidedly statuesque in bearing" You can see how it would be difficult for me to transition in any meaningful way

    196 VinesNFluff 1 month ago 100%
    hectic rule
    Linux Gaming VinesNFluff 2 months ago 95%
    Can't log into Elden Ring on Linux?

    Title. Game otherwise works great. Windows-using friends say it works for them. Networking is also normal on computer. I initially thought it could be anticheat related so I disabled mangohud and made sure Easy AntiCheat was launching etc. But no cigar, the game loads and errors out like in the pic. : ![]( It seems to do so _immediately_, too, like it's not even trying to connect? Tried it on my Deck too, same error. Do not have a Windows PC to try it on, but it's really confusing me, because it ran perfectly until today. :P

    No Stupid Questions VinesNFluff 2 months ago 89%
    Who or what is Jerma?

    My younger friends all talk about this Jerma person like he's some kind of mythical entity. An eldritch being that cannot be explained for any attempt at explanation inevitably fails. I am confused. From what I could gather he's like... A streamer? Content creator?

    No Stupid Questions VinesNFluff 2 months ago 98%
    Is there any advantage to tying game logic to frame-rate?

    Way back in the day, every game had its logic tied to its framerate -- As anyone who's ever tried to run an eighties PC game on a nineties PC only to see it run at 20x speed and completely unplayable can tell you. But in the modern day this is less common. Generally the game keeps chugging along at the same pace, no matter how fast or slow the frames are being presented (unless, of course, everything is bogged down so hard that even the game logic is struggling) And yet, you'll still find a few. Any fan of Dark Souls who played on PC back when Prepare to Die edition first came to PC will remember how unlocking the framerate could cause collision bugs and send you into the void. And I recently watched a video of a gent who massively overclocked a Nintendo Switch OLED and got Tears of the Kingdom to run at 60FPS... Except everything was, indeed, running in fast-forward, rather than just being smoother. This makes me wonder -- Is there some unseen advantage to keeping game logic and framerate tied together? Perhaps something that only really shows on weaker hardware? Or is it just devs going "well the hardware we're targeting won't really go over this speed, and we don't really give a fuck about anything else" and not bothering to implement it?

    196 VinesNFluff 2 months ago 100%
    Katy Perrule

    Too much jpeg? Click [here](

    196 VinesNFluff 2 months ago 100%
    196 VinesNFluff 2 months ago 100%
    Brazilrule (translation inside post)

    Translation: _Riot Police watches as a patriot (read: fascist) gets into a brawl with Spider-Man, while a dildo flies by, and Mano Brown (famous rapper) films it all._ Just an insane event from the annals of my country's history.

    196 VinesNFluff 2 months ago 100%
    Like a Rulegon
    No Stupid Questions VinesNFluff 2 months ago 97%
    Why do hacked channels on youtube always post Tesla/SpaceX stuff?

    Youtube Channel SaveAFox, previously a channel about like, a fox sanctuary that showed cute footage of the foxes to get more donors, got hacked today. It is now full of videos claiming to be from SpaceX and Elon Musk's ugly mug. Thing is It's not the first channel I've seen being hacked, nor is it the first to get that _exact_ type of content spammed into it. Linus Tech Tips got hacked some time back (honestly I don't remember how long ago, but I was already on Lemmy, so it was within the past year and change) and it had that exact type of stuff before LMG took it back. And there was another random channel that I saw suffer the same fate some months _before_ LTT. My question is -- Why Elon Musk? Why SpaceX/Tesla? Is Musk himself paying people to build zombie farms for him? I wouldn't put it past him but at the same time he has the funds to not _need_ that kind of tactic -- He could astroturf by more "legit-looking" means. Is it just because people who like Musk are more likely to fall for scams? Idk, found myself wondering that.

    DeGoogle Yourself VinesNFluff 2 months ago 92%
    GBoard replacement?

    Title. I'm not sure I'm ready to go all "lineageOS full degoogle" on my phone because some rather necessary day-to-day apps for me will freak out if I have root, let alone a modified OS. Buuuut GBoard has gotten right in my tit, and now they're offering nightmarish AI generated emoji and I'm like "NO". So. I don't really care about predictive text or swipe-typing or any of that stuff, I mostly just type normally. The only nice-to-haves that might entice me would be support for one-handed mode and a configurable keyboard layout.

    Pokémon VinesNFluff 2 months ago 100%
    Cool and challenging romhacks?

    Title. Pokémon's too easy to be fun anymore, but Nuzlockes don't _work_ for me for a number of reasons. So I figured I'd play one of those romhacks that redesigns trainer teams -- That way I could play the game normally but also _would have to use my brain_. Any base game will do, although I'm not too fond of Gen4 because of how slow Gen4 pokémon games tend to be (gen5 is the prettiest, ofc)

    196 VinesNFluff 3 months ago 100%
    Ruleney Toons
    196 VinesNFluff 3 months ago 99%
    Trans Snek Rule

    A Brazilian ***RAINBOW*** boa that had been assigned male at birth gave birth to 14 babies. In the middle of June. Happy ***ing Pride Month

    Linux Questions VinesNFluff 3 months ago 100%
    How do I check which packages are taking up space in OpenSUSE

    Title. Tried to search, found instructions on how to do it in [debian-adjacent]( distros, but I'm in openSUSE, which doesn't use `dpkg`. I also checked the manpage for `zypper` and found nothing that seemed the part, though I don't exclude the possibility that I just failed to read it properly.

    Fancy Aesthetics VinesNFluff 3 months ago 71%
    Art by Tatujapa - Goupil & Corbeau

    Cross posted from:

    196 VinesNFluff 3 months ago 99%
    death of the ruleternet
    Linux Questions VinesNFluff 3 months ago 100%
    [Solved] Really weird bug with KDE Plasma rendering panels and window decorations

    Went away from my computer for a bathroom break. When I came back I noticed it took a very long time to wake up. But that was the least of my worries, as Plasma seems to now be really bugged out: Two things: Window decorations (like the ones at the top with the buttons to close and such) do not render properly. That's the simple part The other, weirder one, is harder to explain in text so I made a [video]( -- The short version is that whenever I mouse over any icon in a panel, be it a tray icon or something on the taskbar thingie -- it seems to jump to the top-right corner of that panel. Though only visually (as in, to interact with it, I still have to click the blank space the icon once occupied) I have also noticed that icons within qt6 windows do not show in the proper place ![]( These persisted after reboots. Other info: * Linux/KDE Plasma: OpenSUSE Tumbleweed 20240531 * KDE Plasma Version: 6.0.5 * KDE Frameworks Version: 6.2.0 * Qt Version: 6.7.1 * Kernel: 6.9.3-1-default (64-bit) * Graphics platform: X11 Extra details about system (idk maybe it helps?): 1. I have an AMD Processor and GPU 2. All the things I have installed are either from the official SUSE Repos or from Flatpak. There's also some appimages and local executables in my user folder. There is 1(one) application I compiled from source and installed system-wide, and that was [Orbiton](, a text editor for terminal. 3. When I update the system I get a notification about how updating glibc-32bit would break Steam. So I marked it as untouchable on YaST. Maybe this broke something else? Idk. Things I have already tried: 1. Updating the system 2. Rebooting 3. Changing theming configurations back to system defaults (hey, you never know) 4. Moving widgets around in panels 5. Disabling fancy effects 6. Disabling and re-enabling my second monitor/changing which monitor is the primary 7. Asking nicely Things I have not tried: 1. Switching to Wayland (I would do so permanently but it breaks Inkscape for me and that's part of my workflow -- Plus I'm new to SUSE, and the last time I switched from X to Wayland was on EndeavourOS, dunno if the process is any different) 2. Crying I have also posted this to the [kde bug tracker]( Posting it here to in hopes of getting an answer sooner :P EDIT: I gave it some time to see if it would stick and it did. So. "Going into the Plasma Renderer settings and switching it to OpenGL" was the solution to my issue, even if I have no idea what caused it, I at least seem to have fixed it

    196 VinesNFluff 4 months ago 98%
    Linux Gaming VinesNFluff 4 months ago 97%
    Automatically turn off Plasma Desktop effects when launching a Steam game?

    Title. Turning off the fancy effects (which can be done with Alt+Shift+F12) improves performance slightly, but having to toggle them on and off every time I start a game is... Y'know. A thing. I was wondering if there was a way to automate it, like game opens -> they turn off, game process ends -> they turn back on

    Fancy Aesthetics VinesNFluff 4 months ago 83%
    Fire emblem art by ai wa


    Fancy Aesthetics VinesNFluff 4 months ago 94%
    Zelink fanart by akihare


    196 VinesNFluff 4 months ago 100%
    My Little Pony VinesNFluff 5 months ago 82%
    I commissioned self-indulgent art of my MLP OCs again.

    *Count Regal Inkwell, the Lord Inquisitor, favoured by the Princess, leaned in for the kiss. For all the rewards which power netted him, it always came with equal if not greater amounts of stress: So much to worry about, so much to fear, so much at stake every day.* *This was meant to be his comfort from the stresses of life, to be in the embrace of Mr. Fluffy Pillow, his Majordomo, the highest-ranking servant of his household, and his beloved, his precious, sweet fluffy boy.* *And still, the noble worried. Always. He often joked that he wouldn't be himself if he didn't worry. It wasn't that he couldn't have the pegasus: Few would deny a powerful stallion such as him anything, let alone some common-born pegasus. It wasn't that he was a married stallion seeking comfort in the embrace of his servant, he was naught if not a dutiful husband, and his wife knew and did not mind the time he spent with the pegasus.* *Rather, what worried him at times like these, always, was quite the opposite: How aware he was of the gulf there was between himself and the winged servant. In power, in age, in all things. It had been years, and still every night did he wonder if one day the other horseshoe would drop, if he'd find out the pegasus was merely following orders, doing his job in spite of himself. — He very genuinely loved the servant and wanted to see him happy. He would never, ever, forgive himself if it came to light that his beloved had given himself to him out of duty, and that he had essentially been forcing himself on the pegasus.* *Still they kissed, even as the little pony in the lord-inquisitor's head reprimanded him for this great impropriety. Still they embraced in their secret little rendezvous.* *Fluffy, for his part, thought of nothing, and worried about nothing: His master was a great stallion, as lovely on the inside as he was outside. He took great joy and pride in serving a stallion such as Lord Inkwell, and considered himself the luckiest colt alive, that he was also the target of his glorious liege's affections* Very self-indulgent piece I commissioned as an early birthday gift to myself <3 It shall have a less safe sequel, in time, but it should take a while.

    196 VinesNFluff 5 months ago 100%
    linuxmemes VinesNFluff 5 months ago 89%
    linuxmemes VinesNFluff 5 months ago 98%
    Perpetual Energy
    techsupport VinesNFluff 5 months ago 97%
    [SOLVED-See Comments] My "Windows" boot entry has disappeared from the EFI menu

    Title. I dual-boot Windows and Linux. I always saw people making "WINDOWS DELETED MY LINUX BOOTLOADER OMGOMG" posts and it had never happened to me. Now, the opposite has happened. I switched from EndeavourOS to OpenSUSE and now my windows install is no longer selectable on boot. I keep Windows in a separate drive entirely, so instead of using grub, I use the EFI's boot-select menu thingamafuck (look I don't know jargon okay?) to choose Windows when I need it. Well today it's not there. Only the Linux entries show up. The Windows partition itself seems to be in good order, like, I can access it from within Linux no problem. But yeah it doesn't show up on my EFI selector thingie. I imagine I could get the EFI Shell going, but I have no idea how to use THAT either.

    Explain Like I'm Five VinesNFluff 6 months ago 96%
    ELI5: The Linux xz backdoor situation

    PLEASE. I keep seeing it in memes. As I understand it the latest version of the `xz` package (present in rolling release distros like Arch and SUSE Tumbleweed) has "a backdoor", but I have no earthly clue what can be _done_ by malicious folks with access to that backdoor or if I should be afraid or how to check if my distro is compromised or how to prevent damage if it is or (...)

    Linux Questions VinesNFluff 6 months ago 100%
    [SOLVED - See comments] Is there a way to turn on/off a kwin effect via terminal?

    Title. Plasma 6 just dropped on my arch-based distro, and it came with an option for a colorblindness correction filter: ![]( Neat little tool that my Protanope ass was very excited about, and it works. The thing is. Some time ago Windows also introduced one of those, and in Windows, you can turn it on and off with a key-combination shortcut. I use *that* a lot on Windows, to keep the filter off and turn it on just when it is necessary (look, every person experiences colorblindness differently, and on my end, these filters while useful for certain kinds of work, are very ugly most other times) Now, I already know I can set a key-combination shortcut to a terminal command on plasma. Easy peasy. But for me to do that on plasma I'd need to have a way to switch the effect on and off from the terminal. I know that I can do `systemsettings kcm_kwin_effects` to launch the configs app straight into the relevant tab. But now I'm wondering if I could make that even more automatic, maybe using the `--args` thing, which apparently is literally meant for sending commands directly to the configuration module. But then I wouldn't know what the command is.

    Linux Questions VinesNFluff 7 months ago 100%
    [SOLVED] Sddm shows mouse cursor for a few seconds before crashing to a black screen

    Rebooted my computer earlier today and walked away while it did its thing. When I got back to to it some minutes later, I saw a black screen with that "_" text cursor flashing on the topleft corner. Which was, of course, odd. Hitting Ctrl+Alt+F2 sent me to the TTY. Which is to say: The system was still up, and indeed, calling for a process manager loaded showed that sddm was still running, as were a bunch of other processes. Still, attempts to get sddm to do its thing failed. I tried to `systemctl restart` the sddm service, I tried to reboot the computer. I tried to delete customizations to its config files in case they were breaking something. In all of those cases -- Title happened. The mouse cursor would show up for a second or two. And then it'd kick me back to the black screen with text cursor because something was fucked. I eventually managed to get to my desktop by entirely disabling the sddm service, rebooting so I'd just get the TTY, and then doing `dbus-run-session startplasma-wayland` to run Plasma manually once logged in (thank FUCK for smartphones and access to internet search on them for helping me figure this out). So that's a workaround, and it sorta works but I'd like to get my display manager back, please. :P Further information: * I am running EndeavourOS. * As implied, I use KDE Plasma under Wayland as my DE. * I have an AMD GPU * I am at the latest version of every relevant package -- The reboot I mentioned at the start of the thread was just after running a `sudo pacman -Syyu` * I did try to search for my specific issue but nothing relevant came up? A lot of older issues, under X11, and most involving NVidia stuff. None seemed relevant to my case. * Having found the workaround I used the computer all night and had no other issues, which to me signals it's something about sddm and ONLY sddm that is broken, whether it's some config that got fucked up or some bs with my own incompetent package management. * I am, of course, able to provide logs and stuff if you tell me _which ones_ and _where to get them_, cuz yeah.

    196 VinesNFluff 7 months ago 100%
    Supporting the Rules

    alt text: "the state of the animation industry" "you're pirating that show? don't you wanna support the creators?" "I AM the creator." "haha the only way I can show future employers my work is to send a link to a bunch of pirated copies of it haha what a nightmare haha"

    Linux Questions VinesNFluff 8 months ago 93%
    How good/bad are the Linux drivers for Intel Arc GPUs right now?

    Title. Been meaning to upgrade my GPU, and Intel Arcs are undercutting their AMD equivalent by quite a bit? But like, I am not going to switch back to Windows. And I don't want to spend a lot of money on a new computer part just to learn it doesn't support my OS properly. Now. I *did* search for this and found a [phoronix benchmark thing]( -- But it's from almost a full year ago. So. Anyone have an Intel Arc GPU and can tell how they are doing as of now?
