chapotraphouse chapotraphouse This is just an elaborate way to kill yourself
  • UmbraVivi UmbraVivi 11 hours ago 100%

    The Long March took place over many months. I don't think these two are all that comparable.

  • the_dunk_tank the_dunk_tank Nightmare blunt rotation
  • UmbraVivi UmbraVivi 6 days ago 100%

    As far as right-wing grifters go, I think the top row could be a decently fun blunt rotation idk. RFK's unhinged stories are funny.

  • chapotraphouse chapotraphouse Merry 9/11 and Happy Holidays - New General Megathread for the 11th-13th of September 2024
  • UmbraVivi UmbraVivi 6 days ago 100%

    What's a "dating personal"?

    Also wouldn't a place like reddit be heavily male-leaning?

  • chapotraphouse chapotraphouse As always - democratic pols can't actually fail themselves. They can only be failed by voters.
  • UmbraVivi UmbraVivi 6 days ago 100%

    Is this even wrong? I think if Kamala had been a white guy, she would've done a lot better and the Democrats might very well have rallied behind her instead of Biden. Yeah, she sucks ass, but she's not particularly worse than any of the other Dems. The only reason she's the candidate now is because she happened to be VP while Biden basically died during a live debate.

  • chapotraphouse chapotraphouse Merry 9/11 and Happy Holidays - New General Megathread for the 11th-13th of September 2024
  • UmbraVivi UmbraVivi 7 days ago 100%

    When I'm at parties, I'm always wherever it's most quiet. Partially because my autism makes me very noise-sensitive but also because talking to people is the only thing I find interesting. Dancing to music does literally nothing for me.

    is there a dating app specifically for pretentious introverts

  • chapotraphouse chapotraphouse Merry 9/11 and Happy Holidays - New General Megathread for the 11th-13th of September 2024
  • UmbraVivi UmbraVivi 7 days ago 100%

    Wish not getting laid and/or being in a relationship didn't hurt my ego so much.

    I just don't feel like I'm capable of being in a relationship at this point and I can't imagine hooking up with a person I don't care about just for sex. I need a lot of mental stimulation and if I can't get that from people, I lose interest in them. In that regard, I can't imagine being with someone who's not like me. I don't wanna do activities, I don't need to travel, I just wanna sit and talk, discuss, question, analyze, argue ad infinitum about anything and everything.

    There's definitely others like me out there. The problem is that we won't find each other because neither of us goes outside.

  • chapotraphouse chapotraphouse Merry 9/11 and Happy Holidays - New General Megathread for the 11th-13th of September 2024
  • UmbraVivi UmbraVivi 7 days ago 100%

    Legends of Runeterra is mostly singleplayer now. Multiplayer is mostly on life support these days but it has a way, way more generous business model than any other online card game.

  • movies movies The X-Files - New General Megathread for the 9th-10th of September 2024
  • UmbraVivi UmbraVivi 1 week ago 100%

    Unironically this might be more attributable to Israel than Vyvanse. I've gotten so angry so often in the past months because of the news.

  • movies movies The X-Files - New General Megathread for the 9th-10th of September 2024
  • UmbraVivi UmbraVivi 1 week ago 100%

    Over the past few weeks it's been pointed out to me twice that I have pretty red cheeks and my grandma just asked me about my blood pressure. The psychiatrist also said I have to get it checked on a yearly basis as long as I'm taking Vyvanse.

    I am now scared that Vyvanse is raising my blood pressure and I may have to stop taking it. I am genuinely completely fucked without those meds. I can barely function with them and without them not at all.

    Gonna stop drinking caffeine altogether. I think I may have to greatly lower my social media/hexbear usage as well because it frequently makes me very upset. I am not being hyperbolic when I say that if I have to stop taking Vyvanse, I will literally never achieve anything in life ever.

  • movies movies The X-Files - New General Megathread for the 9th-10th of September 2024
  • UmbraVivi UmbraVivi 1 week ago 100%

    The story of WoW has always been messy but the writers really thought "Let's create a realm where all the dead people go, including many characters whose deaths have been extremely impactful for the story up until this point and also there there is a portal that connects that realm to the world of the living".

    But then again, the story has also always had time travel so I guess we can just ignore that bit as well.

  • movies movies The X-Files - New General Megathread for the 9th-10th of September 2024
  • UmbraVivi UmbraVivi 1 week ago 100%

    Blizzard said "The Jailer was behind everything that happened up to this point" and the community said "No fuck off he wasn't" and this one time, the Gamers were right

  • dredge_tank The Dredge Tank British people should try not to be miserable for 5 minutes
  • UmbraVivi UmbraVivi 1 week ago 100%

    Right-wingers be like: retail workers have it too easy

  • games games Oxenfree will be removed for download from for existing purchases from October 1, 2024
  • UmbraVivi UmbraVivi 1 week ago 100%

    Great presentation and atmosphere but the writing was mid at best imo

  • movies movies The X-Files - New General Megathread for the 9th-10th of September 2024
  • UmbraVivi UmbraVivi 1 week ago 100%

    central nerd agency

  • technology technology Texas bitcoin mining operation holds electric grid ransom, is paid more than it earns mining to not run its hardware on high-load days
  • UmbraVivi UmbraVivi 1 week ago 100%


  • askchapo askchapo If the "Republic of Gamers" was real, what would their elections be like? Who would be the candidates? Parties? What would the big issues be?
  • UmbraVivi UmbraVivi 2 weeks ago 100%

  • askchapo askchapo If the "Republic of Gamers" was real, what would their elections be like? Who would be the candidates? Parties? What would the big issues be?
  • UmbraVivi UmbraVivi 2 weeks ago 100%

    Pewdiepie is appointed Supreme Führer

  • chapotraphouse chapotraphouse Trump wants 25th Amendment changed to impeach vice presidents. He has repeatedly accused Kamala & dems of hiding the state of Biden’s health.
  • UmbraVivi UmbraVivi 2 weeks ago 100%

    lathe-of-heaven Kamala being imprisoned before Trump is would be the funniest possible outcome

  • askchapo askchapo If the "Republic of Gamers" was real, what would their elections be like? Who would be the candidates? Parties? What would the big issues be?
  • UmbraVivi UmbraVivi 2 weeks ago 100%

    Every attractive woman female is legally required to have an OnlyFans but also having an OnlyFans is illegal

  • askchapo askchapo What's the worst movie you've ever seen?
  • UmbraVivi UmbraVivi 2 weeks ago 100%

    This is kinda how I felt about Rise of Skywalker

  • earth earth Ants - New General Megathread for the 5th-6th of September 2024
  • UmbraVivi UmbraVivi 2 weeks ago 100%

    My PC is about 1 year old. As of last week, when I boot it up in the morning there's a loud whirring sound, sounds like an issue with a fan. But when I turn it off and on again, it usually works properly and runs quietly for hours on end. The issue only pops up again if it's been turned off for a while. Does anyone know what might cause something like this? I don't know the first thing about fixing hardware stuff.

  • chapotraphouse chapotraphouse Hate how murican Redditors act when something racist happens outside USA
  • UmbraVivi UmbraVivi 2 weeks ago 100%


    The only part where Europe is better is that our cops don't gun down as many minorities in the streets. They would if they could, but they don't have quite the same impunity (yet). But I know Germany is working on that 100%.

  • news news Bulletins and News Discussion from September 2nd to September 8th, 2024 - We Love Our Trans Comrades - Chemicals of the Week: Estrogen and Testosterone
  • UmbraVivi UmbraVivi 2 weeks ago 100%

    SPD is eating shit but the CDU will come out ahead.

  • art art Holy shit this art is so bad
  • UmbraVivi UmbraVivi 2 weeks ago 100%

    These days, Israelis mainly use AI art anyways

  • technology technology No AI apocalypse.
  • UmbraVivi UmbraVivi 2 weeks ago 100%

    Yeah, that's something I was thinking about. With human employees, you can always blame workers when anything goes wrong, fire some people and call it a day. AI can't take responsibility the same way.

  • the_dunk_tank the_dunk_tank Uyghur "genocide" denial? Instaban. Gaza genocide denial? No probs buddy
  • UmbraVivi UmbraVivi 2 weeks ago 100%

    They'll say it's because Ukraine are wholesome 100 Marvel heroes who protect their people while Hamas uses human shielderinos.

  • earth earth Termites - New General Megathread for the 2nd-4th of September 2024
  • UmbraVivi UmbraVivi 2 weeks ago 100%

    Fun fact about León Castillo to give you an idea of how frustrating this game is:

    The one time you see his name outside of the journal is when, during the final chapter of Fran Bow, you see this this picture (he's the guy who's not in a wheelchair) which features him alongside a bunch of other characters you meet throughout the game, including Fran's mother and the twins from chapter 2. Fran's mother was born in 1905 and appears to be between 6-10 years old in this picture. Castillo, according to his own journal, was 92 years old in the year 1908, meaning he would have to have been around 100 years old when the picture was taken which he clearly fucking wasn't.

    Does this mean something or is it just an oversight? I sure as heck don't know shrug-outta-hecks

  • earth earth Termites - New General Megathread for the 2nd-4th of September 2024
  • UmbraVivi UmbraVivi 2 weeks ago 100%

    So a few weeks ago I watched 2 video essays about the 2015 indie game Fran Bow, a horror point & click adventure game. I played the game myself 2 years ago, didn't really get it and mostly just wrote it off but these video analyses got me intrigued again because they were like, really bad. They clearly didn't get what the game was about either, this one guy made a 40 minute video and the only thing he really interpreted were the freaking chapter titles.

    So I downloaded the game again and this time I'm taking notes. I have a document purely for noting down literally anything I find noteworthy and another document of possible interpretations and theories.

    And ooh boy, this game. It does not give you a damn break with how much stuff it throws at you. It became apparent to me within like 2 hours that this is not a game where you can do a Game Theory style "explanation" video about what "really" happened because it's almost aggressively nonsensical and ambiguous. At the same time, there are so, so, so many things that could symbolize something but don't necessarily have to. It's weird because it starts semi-grounded, then becomes increasingly fantastical to the point where you wonder if this is still about anything at all, but then it comes back around to reality only to go completely off the rails at the end.

    There are just enough recurring themes and loose connections between the endless waves of nonsense Fran Bow throws at me that I think there is something there that connects it all, but it still feels like a Sisyphean task to decipher it. It's so hard to tell what is just there for "horror & madness" vibes and what is there because it actually means something.

    At the end of chapter 2, this random toad in the most "apropos nothing" gives you a 40 page journal of this dude named León Castillo who, and I can't stress this enough, does not appear in the game outside of a single photograph at the end and has no impact on the story whatsoever. The content of the journal is also not directly relevant to the game's progression at all, you can easily solve every puzzle and finish the game without ever looking at the journal. But if you do read it, you can tell that it's clearly about something, that it is related to what the game is about, but I have no fucking clue what that is. I found this guide post on Steam which attempts to interpret it and connects it to spiritualism and occultism, which are subjects I know very little about so I have no idea if this person is onto something or talking out of their ass. It includes screenshots of every page so if you recognize anything in there, do tell me.

    I wanna know what this game is about. Look at these stupid fkn journal pages. Surely this is not just vibes. Right??

  • news news Bulletins and News Discussion from September 2nd to September 8th, 2024 - We Love Our Trans Comrades - Chemicals of the Week: Estrogen and Testosterone
  • UmbraVivi UmbraVivi 2 weeks ago 100%

    Something something Netanyahu US congress blah blah you know the drill

  • games games This game designed for masochists should be made easier for me, because I allowed peer pressure to make me waste my time on a game I don’t like and I want to fit in instead of playing a game I like
  • UmbraVivi UmbraVivi 2 weeks ago 100%

    bottom text

  • the_dunk_tank the_dunk_tank "If I had a big red button that would exterminate every single Gazan if I press it, I would press it so hard." - Average Zionist
  • UmbraVivi UmbraVivi 2 weeks ago 100%

    And if we press the button? Blame Hamas smuglord

  • games games Stop Doing Skill Based Matchmaking
  • UmbraVivi UmbraVivi 2 weeks ago 100%

    ngl I can't take people who argue against SBMM seriously. 10/10 times it's some nerd who has spent 3000 hours playing Apex Legends and wants to feel powerful by stomping beginners. "I don't wanna have to tryhard all the time" is the line they always say and it's one of the most toddler-brained arguments I've ever heard.

  • latam latam Communist Party of Brazil - New General Megathread for the 31st of August-1st of September 2024
  • UmbraVivi UmbraVivi 3 weeks ago 100%

    living in a bougie family


    • no money problems


    • you have to pretend golf is a valid hobby

    • their political takes will turn you into the joker

    • their friends are somehow all the most hollow and uninteresting people you'll ever meet

    seriously is there something about financial security that turns you into a mind-numbingly dull person all they talk about is whatever holiday resort they were at last month and "i hate my wife" jokes

  • askchapo askchapo What are some lingering Redditisms, or generally annoying internet conversation trends, that you wish would end already?
  • UmbraVivi UmbraVivi 3 weeks ago 100%
  • technology technology "REM sleep is the next AI"
  • UmbraVivi UmbraVivi 3 weeks ago 100%

    "I confirm the information published in the Daily Mail. On May 17, 2023, I performed by myself trepanation, electrode implantation, and electrical stimulation of my brain's motor cortex. I needed it to test brain stimulation during lucid dreaming"

    This is what you find written on scattered notes in an abandoned asylum in a horror game

  • badposting badposting me when single
  • UmbraVivi UmbraVivi 3 weeks ago 100%

    volcel-judge HALT

  • history history Fred Hampton - New General Megathread for the 29th-30th of August 2024
  • UmbraVivi UmbraVivi 3 weeks ago 100%

    Contemplating playing WoW again, is the new expansion any good?

  • the_dunk_tank the_dunk_tank I think I just found the most incel video on youtube
  • UmbraVivi UmbraVivi 3 weeks ago 100%

    Don't the racist coomers usually go with Thailand or sth?

  • the_dunk_tank the_dunk_tank I think I just found the most incel video on youtube
  • UmbraVivi UmbraVivi 3 weeks ago 100%

    Copying a comment from the video since I refuse to watch this and don't think anyone here should either:












    1. China

    I can see why Ukraine and Russia could currently have an imbalance but all these other countries? China? Why would China have more women than men?

  • games games The Danger of Chasing Trends. Chasing trends was once possible, but now games just take way too long to develop. This strategy that once worked, might not be ideal anymore.
  • UmbraVivi UmbraVivi 3 weeks ago 100%

    I'm generally a defender of modern Pokemon games but to call the online features of Scarlet and Violet "outdated" would be an understatement. The tera raid battle lobbies are inexcusably awful. We figured online lobby systems out in the 90s for god's sake.

  • askchapo
    askchapo UmbraVivi 6 months ago 100%
    Can someone explain what is meant when people talk about "increased interest rates" and "no more free money"?

    Pretty much title. I've seen this talked about a lot but I only very vaguely know what all this means, could someone elaborate on what happened, why it happened and what the consequences of it are?

    chapotraphouse UmbraVivi 8 months ago 100%
    I figured out how to achieve communism

    Step 1: Learn Spanish Step 2: Become a medium Step 3: Move to Argentina Step 4: Have a seánce with Javier Milei Step 5: Tell him his dogs think that in order to truly free the markets, the means of production must be nationalized Step 6: Tell him to stop dating his sister Step 7: Communism has won

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    languagelearning UmbraVivi 10 months ago 100%
    Rakuten Viki removed learn mode, now what

    This is extremely cringe. Rakuten Viki (a platform that has all kinds of Asian TV shows) used to have a feature that allowed you to watch videos with 2 sets of subtitles at the same time, which was ideal to learn languages. But for some reason, they just got rid of that feature? Now there is "Language Reactor", which is a Chrome add-on that allows you the same feature on other platforms like Netflix, but none of those platforms have an even remotely decent catalogue of shows from mainland China (it's probably perfectly sufficient if you wanna learn Korean though). It's also a Chrome add-on and I'm using Firefox. I'm looking into ways to pirate the shows and then add 2 layers of subtitles myself, which is probably gonna be a huge hassle because torrent hubs also don't seem to have many shows from mainland China. Does anyone have a somewhat convenient way to a) Watch Chinese TV shows and b) Watch them with both English and Chinese subtitles? I specifically found this show I thought looked cute named [以家人之名]( and it's on Rakuten Viki but alas, I can only watch it on there with either English or Chinese subs, not both simultaneously. And from my experience, you don't learn a lot at all when just reading English subs, especially with how difficult Chinese is from a listening comprehension standpoint.

    Taylor Swift UmbraVivi 11 months ago 100%
    Israel tries to @ Taylor Swift a 2nd time

    This is after they already tried to wrap her into it on October 19th Holy shit, I thought Ukraine propaganda was cringe but Israel is making them look sane and normal. How pathetic can a country get? ![]( ![]( ![]( ![]( We love our cringe twitter stans, don't we folks. I wonder how many Swifties had no strong opinions on this matter before Israel tried to claim their idol for their side and pissed them off in the process.

    Taylor Swift UmbraVivi 11 months ago 100%
    Isn'treal tries to use comrade Swift for propaganda, Swifties are not having it

    I don't know if asking for likes is against hexbear rules but it would be so freaking funny if the IDF refusing Swiftie post ratio'd the country of Israel itself, the reply is only 600 likes off. Rare stan twitter W, also you can tell the real Swifties by them @'ing Tree Paine, Taylor's head of PR iirc ![taylor-commie]( "emoji taylor-commie")

    Taylor Swift UmbraVivi 12 months ago 100%
    Throwback to the legendary Swift update account who went to jail for refusing Israeli military service Posting this partly because it's classic ![taylor-commie]( "emoji taylor-commie") lore and partly because I was an actual stan twitter Swiftie at the time and not only that, I was friends with this girl and had met her irl when she went to prison. She was an Israeli communist and while she was in prison, she'd write notes that her friend would post to twitter. I don't remember much of what she said about her time in prison but I do remember that she apparently got laid a lot while in there, so good for her. Our friend group drifted apart over the years and I'm not in contact with her anymore. The story has gone viral a few times since then and I've seen a lot of upvoted comments say that it's fake and the girl was actually from Michigan or some shit? I'm here to tell you that no, this girl was real, she was from Israel (I distinctly remember her having to quit a skype call because of a bomb alarm) and she really did go to prison for refusing to join the IDF. I remember her tweeting in hebrew on her main account and repeatedly posting pro-Palestine stuff. This story is 100% real and I can confirm it to you first-hand. Also fun fact: "LegitTayUpdates" was a bit account. It was not a "real" update account that would post paparazzi shots with real things Taylor did today, it was mainly Swiftie shitposting. The content was not too dissimilar of c/taylorswift, honestly. Maybe that's why people thought the prison thing was fake? But no, that really did happen, she texted us about it ahead of time as well.

    Taylor Swift UmbraVivi 1 year ago 100%
    "You Belong With Me" is about how workers should own the means of production

    It's pretty obvious if you pay attention. >Cause she wears short skirts, I wear t-shirts > >She’s cheer captain and I’m on the bleachers Swift is mocking the ruling class and presenting herself as the average, relatable worker left behind. >And you’ve got a smile that could light up this whole town > >I haven’t seen it in a while since she brought you down > >You say you’re fine I know you better than that > >Hey what you doing with a girl like that She masterfully illustrates how much good the means of production could do for the world and how the very machinery itself is being over-exploited to the point of breaking down. Not only does she comment on how the people of the town are being deprived of the light, but that the light itself is being diminished by the bourgeoisie. >Can’t you see that I’m the one who understands you > >Been here all along so why can’t you see > >You belong with me > >Standing by waiting at your back door > >All this time how could you not know baby > >You belong with me > >You belong with me > >You belong with me > >Have you ever thought just maybe > >You belong with me > >You belong with me Another well-placed jab at the owning class, Swift points out that the bourgeoisie usually doesn't even understand the things they own and are relying on the workers to actually operate machinery and produce value. Despite this, they are being left at the proverbial backdoor while the owners take front and center, hoarding wealth and media attention for things they didn't earn. I fully support her message that the means of production do absolutely belong with the working class. ![taylor-commie]( "emoji taylor-commie")

    Taylor Swift UmbraVivi 1 year ago 100%
    ITT we wait for Taylor to finally remake the debut album

    As we all know, Taylor Swift released her first, self-titled album at the age of 16 on October 24th in 2006. The album is distinctly more country-flavored than her later music and attentive listeners will notice a very real and totally authentic rural accent which mysteriously disappeared as early as her 2nd album, Fearless. The debut album didn't have any massive hits, it was before her breakthrough, but its most popular songs are definitely [Our Song]( (which has the most 2000s video ever made, she looks like an actual barbie doll) and the charmingly corny [Teardrops On My Guitar.]( While with her later albums, I usually like about 90% of songs (except Reputation but we don't talk about that), the debut album is 50/50 for me. If you want my personal hipster "I-liked-Taylor-Swift-before-she-was-cool" songs, it's definitely [Picture To Burn]( and probably [I'm Only Me When I'm With You.]( Taylor Swift has never been an outstanding vocalist, and this was especially true when 15/16-year-old Taylor recorded the debut album. Her voice is kinda thin and you can hear her struggling to hit higher notes, but it makes it all the more endearing. The album doesn't have nearly the same mainstream appeal that her later albums had, but it was all the more authentic and the roots of what made her so popular, her ability to put her feelings on paper and make her audience relate to her, are already there. To love Taylor Swift, the album, you kinda already have to love Taylor Swift, the singer. I hope she does remake it, she's sung a bunch of the songs from it as bonus songs on the current eras tour so it's not like she's trying to sweep it under the rug. Fun Fact 1: There exists an [original version of Picture To Burn]( where instead of "So go and tell your friends that I'm obsessive and crazy, that's fine, *you won't mind if I say...*" she sings "that's fine, *I'll tell mine you're gay.*" If you read the comments, you'll find a lot of gay Swifties asking her to bring that version back. Fun Fact 2: Drew, the guy who she wrote Teardrops On My Guitar about, went on to be arrested for child abuse a couple years later. Dodged a bullet there, Taytay!

    games UmbraVivi 1 year ago 100%
    How I would change Stellaris

    In my subjective opinion, Stellaris' biggest issue is the lack of resource scarcity. The infinite abundance of resources means that there isn't much to fight over for most of the game, it means individual colonies will matter less and less as the game goes on and it often leads to games stagnating until a crisis shows up. Wars are fought over resources, over material gains, and in Stellaris it rarely feels like that. I rarely feel compelled to go to war with another empire because between megastructures, ecumenopoli, habitats and ring worlds, i can generate infinite resources regardless of how many planets and systems I control. This wouldn't be as much of an issue if Stellaris had victory conditions outside of military victory, if you could win through diplomacy, science, faith or whatever like in Civilization, but with how the crises are designed, it's very apparent that you're supposed to win through combat. But wars don't feel "organically incentivized" to me a lot of the time, if that makes sense. I don't feel like I have much to gain from going to war, I just do it because that's the only way to make the game end. I think the game would be more exciting, dynamic and strategic if colonies and system resource deposits had a limited amount of minerals, food and energy you could extract from them before their output greatly decreases. That way, there would be a much bigger incentive to fight over colonies, especially in the lategame. Because when you have 20 colonies in the lategame, one more or less doesn't matter all that much, but when only 3 of these colonies are still running at full capacity, suddenly that one untapped planet becomes much, much more valuable. It would cause conflict much more organically, as eventually the exploitable galaxy gets smaller and smaller until there is only one last empire standing. While the crises are cool (and I don't think they should be removed), I think they are a very clunky way to force conflict, and it would be much nicer if the endgame was instead determined by the friends and enemies we made along the way rather than an outside entity randomly entering the playing field so you have to actually fight someone. This is, again, subjective, as I'm sure a lot of people specifically enjoy Stellaris for its chill, relaxing pace that allows you to watch youtube on your second monitor while effectively playing stardew valley in space. I enjoy that aspect of it too sometimes, but still, it eventually always falls short for me. Wonder what you folks think about this. Edit: I realize that this would be way too fundamental of a change to ever realistically make for the devs or a modder, as you would have to basically re-design and re-balance everything from scratch. This is purely theoretical.

    games UmbraVivi 1 year ago 100%
    This is the worst video game lore I've ever seen

    I haven't played Dead by Daylight in a long time but I just read up on the new killers that have released since I stopped and I just have to share this. DbD was never known for its great writing, but their previous OCs were, I'd say, competently written usually. But this one, the "Skull Merchant", has the most amateurishly bad backstory I have ever seen in a decently successful game and I am genuinely baffled as to how this could happen. ::: spoiler READ The self-made millionaire Adriana Imai came from a humble home in Fortaleza, Brazil. Her father, Seita, moved to Brazil as a young man, hoping to see a side of the world completely different than his hometown in Hokkaido. A talented illustrator, he spent his spare time designing colourful characters and worlds. While sketching patrons of a local jazz club, he was approached by Belinda, the owner, to work on a logo. What began as a business partnership soon became a romantic one, and within a couple of years, Adriana was born. Adriana excelled in all facets of education. A house full of art and music honed a brilliant mind, and her intelligence was only exceeded by her obsessive drive to be the best. While scoring at the top of every class, she was often on the receiving end of disciplinary action due to her overly competitive, and sometimes violent, nature during schoolyard games. Adriana’s mother did her best to keep her on the right track, but her father was increasingly absent as his own obsessive drive ramped up: Adi Valente, a manga about a young girl who saves and protects the weak with her quirky robot companion. Despite working long hours at a canning facility and writing his manga in his spare time, he somehow managed a little time every night to share his wild and highly imaginative illustrations with his daughter. By middle school, Adriana was courted by a fancy private school due to her high performance, and, needing money, Seita spoke to publishers about his unpublished manuscripts. He managed to find a small local publisher to carry Adi Valente, but it meant more work than he could handle. He eventually lost his job at the cannery, giving him more time to develop and illustrate his series. Adriana loved the manga, but the family was forced into hard times. In her final semester, Seita requested higher royalties, but the publishing company went into administration and decided to cut the series. No longer able to afford the school fees, Adriana was pulled out of the elite academy where she was at the top of her class. Belinda was able to negotiate her graduation, but another student was able to take her place at the head of the class. Adriana was furious. On summer break, she learned everything about her rival: where he lived, where he hung out, what he liked to do in his spare time, what he listened to, what he watched, everything. She even stalked him on his way home one late summer evening and considered the myriad ways she could ruin his life. But, in the end, she did nothing, though something awakened within her and she felt like the anti-hero in a new story her father had been exploring. Seita retreated further into himself and began producing this newer, darker manga, inspired by his visions and nightmares. A manga about a woman who hunts and guts the weak in a nightmarish realm with drones made of salvaged skulls and bones. But unable to sell this manga, Sonhadores Sombrios, the family became solely reliant on Belinda’s income. Adriana, looking for ways to make her own money, started a website dedicated to the world of Brazilian manga. It became a runaway success and significant advertising dollars started to roll in. She realized she had no real interest in writing for it, though, so she convinced other kids to write for it for free while the money flooded in. The second she got an offer she sold the site and never looked back. Proud of her accomplishment, she came home to show her parents the cheque. She never got a chance to show her father, though. He walked out the door that morning, never to return, leaving only a stack of unpublished manuscripts about The Skull Merchant mercilessly hunting those she deemed worthy of her efforts. To help her mother, Adriana began to study at the library, teaching herself investment and economics, and soon tripled her money. By the age of 18, barely with a high school degree, she had already become a self-made millionaire. As stories of this investment wunderkind spread across Brazil, more and more doors opened for her. Before long, she had the kind of money that allowed her to buy small companies—companies that she would gut, replace with non-union workers, and sell at a profit. The only breaks she took from her corporate obsession was to pore over her father’s manuscripts, trying to understand this chilling world he had created. By her mid 20’s, she was regularly flipping companies. While finalizing on a real estate firm, two members of the board moved to block the sale, pointing to the trail of hollowed-out husks she left in her wake. Adriana was frustrated. It took her weeks to find out who the holdouts were, but once she did, she thought about how it would feel to hurt them. She learned everything about the directors. Stalked their every move. Manipulated them into attending a conference in Switzerland. And, while on retreat in the Alps, she made her move. Inspired by The Skull Merchant, and feeling something within demanding expression, she tracked them with a prototype drone, and brutally dismembered them with a cruel two-bladed weapon. The rush of emotion and adrenaline was unlike anything she had ever experience before. And the company was hers! Thus began an unsettling cycle. Swoop in on a business, destroy anyone standing in her way, and gut the company for maximum profit. She targeted companies with larger-than-life CEOs and hoped one would present a challenge. None ever did. They just ‘disappeared’ unremarkably. An aggressive manager of a fireworks company, known for his “survival tours,” was her last target, right at home in Brazil. Survival tours… a perfect cover. Adriana lured him to a decommissioned airship hangar. The hunt started at dawn and went the distance, with her still tracking him well into the evening. Locating him, she used one of her drones to direct him to a dead end, when a pair of kites suddenly appeared on camera, and the feed died. Her face hardened. Her eyes widened in disbelief as she slammed her laptop shut and charged to where the drone had crashed. There she found her prey reaching out to someone in the growing dark for help. Witnesses. Not part of the plan! Without a second to lose, she plunged her blade through his stomach, exposing meat, bone, and a dying heart. The vitiated body staggered left and right, sending a shower of red over the green foliage. As her victim collapsed with a thud she turned to the young witnesses. Wrong place, wrong time. They broke into a sprint. She gave chase, her blades thirsting for more blood. The lush green of the trees melted into a thick black fog. Real life warped into something like Sonhadores Sombrios. A sick grin crept across her face as she rushed forward to begin a new chapter in her life. :::

    Introductions UmbraVivi 1 year ago 100%
    Howdy hexbear I am UmbraVivi

    I've been around for 3 years and you might have seen my comments before About me: - I'm from Germany - I'm a fake weeb who doesn't watch anime but is way too invested in V-tubers - I'm very good at Pokemon and Teamfight Tactics - I love media analysis and analyzing things in general. Thanks to being both autistic AND German I am also not bound by such weaknesses as "trying to be nice", so if you have an essay or a piece of media that you would like feedback on, I probably have a bunch of things to say about it and I can be pretty insightful if I do say so myself.

    askchapo UmbraVivi 1 year ago 97%
    Pls give me leftist dogwhistles to put in my dating app bio

    My friend made me install Bumble. I want something that leftists will recognize but that won't immediately scare off liberals (I can fix them) Does anyone have any cool Lenin quotes for this purpose or something

    technology UmbraVivi 3 years ago 0%
    Elon Musk is creating the most hilariously inefficient machine in history

    Tesla is building a humanoid robot to do manual labor and this is up there with his idiotic hyper loop projects in being a perfect example of his insane obsession with form over function because FuUTuRee. > Proposed tasks for the product are ones that are "dangerous, repetitive and boring", such as providing manufacturing assistance. > This week, Mr Musk told investors the humanoid robot's first application would be at a Tesla plant "moving parts around the factory, or something like that". But in the future, he sees it helping solve labour shortages. > Tesla Bot will measure 5'8" (173 cm) tall and weigh 125lbs (57 kg) [...] and have a carrying capacity of 45 lb (20 kg). Elon thought to himself "wow wouldn't it be like really futuristic if we had humanoid robots working in our factories" and then decided that was a good idea. We have thousands, *thousands* of machines that can do repetitive, boring tasks like these better than any human ever could. There is literally no practical reason to confine your machine to human form, which is absolutely not optimal for pretty much anything. 2 legs are stupidly impractical, they make you slow and incredibly easy to push over compared to something with 4 legs, let alone something with wheels. Even just walking is a balancing act. 2 legs are the reason this billion-dollar-punchline can only carry a pathetic 20 kilograms. The only, and I mean the *only* reason this is done is because it looks futuristic. In practice, it's a massive step backwards and it will make any work place perform worse than without them. Elon doesn't want "machines", those don't look like the future, he needs *"robots"*. Robots which are, in practice, just humans but worse.

    anime UmbraVivi 3 years ago 0%
    Why does Steins;Gate treat every female character like dirt

    I played 8 hours of the Steins;Gate VN and it started out really interesting but after a while it just became aggravating to no end. Like holy moly does this VN hate women. It feels like it was written by a fucking pick-up artist. Mayuri is an immature, borderline infantile 16-year-old girl and Rintaro treats her like *shit*. He constantly puts her down, dismisses what she says and uses food she buys (which she cares about a lot) for whatever he wants at the moment. There was that one scene where he literally made her cry by eating some of the food she just bought. And the consequences? Nada. Next scene she's back to "Okarin :D". Throughout my entire playtime there was not a moment of consideration for how Rintaro's treatment of her would affect her in the long-term. No matter what he says and does, she loves him and forgives everything basically immediately. Kurisu is almost even more infuriating, she's leagues more competent and capable than Rintaro is yet he constantly puts her down, calls her nicknames she doesn't like, literally molests her the very first time they meet and what is her reaction? The most generic tsundere behavior I've ever seen. At one point he literally shouts at her to the point of tears and again, exactly zero consequences. She falls in love with him because I assume this was written by a redpill dude who believes that the more you treat women like shit the more they will want to have sex with you. It's incredible. Not one, not *a single moment* of consequences in EIGHT HOURS. If you want a protagonist who's an asshole, fine, but show that you acknowledge that what he's doing is bad. Don't fucking reward him for it. *Fucking Rick & Morty manages to do this.* It's just baffling to me that it has so many glowing reviews, especially cause the "mystery" sucks ass. After reading the synopsis there are exactly 0 plot twists, it's all exactly what it seems like on the surface. Yes, there is a secret organization. Yes, it is time travel. Everything is the most obvious explanation you could think of. Who lives and who dies is decided by who the protagonist wants to fuck the most. I'm super disappointed because I was really intrigued by the first chapter and how the plot shaped up to be. But then the trashy behavior of the protagonist just kept going, and all the other characters just kept putting up with it. And like, if it has not been adressed *at all* in the first 8 hours I have no reason to believe it ever will be. Fuck this shit. Edit: Also shoutout to the future dystopia being a communist regime which abolished railroads. :yea: Edit 2: Oh I forgot to mention how Rintaro and Daru keep Kurisu in line by blatantly sexually harassing her and making her uncomfortable until she folds, and this is framed as a clever tactic.

    music UmbraVivi 3 years ago 0%
    I want to watch Hoshimachi Suisei's concert tomorrow but I'm not paying 5000 Yen for a stream of a virtual concert

    I don't know if this is the right community or c/anime but whatever I love Hololive and Hoshimachi Suisei is my absolute favorite. She has her first solo concert tomorrow but Hololive charges bizarre prices for these, 5000 yen (37,63€ or $43,80) for a *stream* of a digital concert is insane. So I was wondering if anyone here knows where I could either find a recording of this afterwards or, alternatively, if there are other fans here maybe who'd be interested in buying one ticket together and then one person could stream it to the others and record it perhaps? After buying a ticket you can watch the archived stream until the 21st of November so it should be feasible. Asking here because as a Hololive fan, most other Hololive fans would rather snap their own necks than pirate something like this. I just wanna watch my favorite anime girl sing ;-; More info about the whole thing here: Edit: Someone linked this and that is where we will hopefully get our comet content, fellow hoshiyomi星街すいせい

    askchapo UmbraVivi 3 years ago 0%
    What did Marx fail to consider? Post your best answers

    Answer with the most upbears will be deemed the one true leftist on hexbear Edit: what the fuck there's no more upbears what is this reddit
