mildlyinfuriating Mildly Infuriating YouTube diluting my recommended videos feed with AI-generated “music” that pretends to be made by an actual artist
  • Rade0nfighter Rade0nfighter 20 hours ago 100%


    When popular “real artists” release songs, they usually won’t have written the lyrics or the music, leaving just the vocals, which they will auto tune and possibly even mime in future performances.

    A producer will then use powerful software to mix and refine everything.

    So really the question to me is not about “is there anything impure in this art?” It’s “where is the line?”.

  • technology Technology Docker Raises Prices Up to 80 Percent | ServeTheHome
  • Rade0nfighter Rade0nfighter 6 days ago 100%

    How does the image scanning compare to docker scout? (Or whatever the docket desktop one is called).

  • gamedev Game Development Unity is canceling the Runtime Fee
  • Rade0nfighter Rade0nfighter 6 days ago 100%

    See also: Oracles Java runtime, Docker desktop, VMware.

  • linuxmemes linuxmemes Ransomware exploiting known vulnerabilities affecting millions of users worldwide
  • Rade0nfighter Rade0nfighter 7 days ago 77%

    Ubuntu pro joke related to another thread - not the best image post sorry 🙈

  • linuxmemes linuxmemes I like both, but usually prefer Ubuntu
  • Rade0nfighter Rade0nfighter 1 week ago 100%

    Do feel it is designed to scare normal users though.

    Like how the GUI software updater now shows a list of security updates, and then “there are more security updates available with Ubuntu pro” in the list of updates…. the obvious implication is “you’re computer has other known vulnerabilities that can only be fixed if you pay up”.

    Liiittlle bit ransomey and let be honest that’s by design.

    Wouldn’t consider myself part of the anti canonical pitchfork crowd but that new behaviour did irk me somewhat.

    If Microsoft did that people would be up in arms. Appreciate canonical provide Ubuntu is free but normal users wouldn’t get that nuance as they don’t think they pay for windows.

  • news News The debate accomplished more for Harris than it did for Trump
  • Rade0nfighter Rade0nfighter 1 week ago 93%

    Controversial but I was surprised at how well trump did for himself.

    He managed to dial down the lies and rhetoric from “how stupid does he think the audience is” to “obviously bullshit”.

    Well done to Harris of course, in particular for calling his playbook tactics out at the start, then repeatedly calling out the lies and dog whistling each time - the way to beat a manipulating bully is to shine a light on their behaviour plainly in public and she nailed it.

    Bonus points to Harris as well for laughing at him whilst maintaining class.

  • shermanposting Fire Memes for Traitor Haters The only appropriate response to being assailed with a traitor's rag
  • Rade0nfighter Rade0nfighter 2 weeks ago 98%

    What is it with that style of sunglasses and conservative men

  • asklemmy Ask Lemmy What is your favourite board game?
  • Rade0nfighter Rade0nfighter 2 weeks ago 100%

    Outsmarted. Technically a board game but with an app.

    It’s actually not the gimmick I thought it would be! Cast that bad boy to the tv and you’ve got a game show in the family room!

  • technology Technology Ukrainian drones now spray 4,000° F thermite streams right into Russian trenches
  • Rade0nfighter Rade0nfighter 2 weeks ago 96%

    For those also wondering (and I’m quoting a comment on Ars so may stand corrected…):

    Isn’t this a violation of the Geneva Conventions?

    Only if used to deliberately target infantry. The videoed operations so far seem to have been intended to burn away protective cover (trees/brush), which is a permitted use even if there's a risk of inflicting casualties as a side effect of the application of incendiaries.

  • technology Technology Gen AI Alexa to use Anthropic tech after it “struggled for words” with Amazon’s
  • Rade0nfighter Rade0nfighter 3 weeks ago 100%

    Paying a monthly subscription in addition to an upfront cost to have a billboard in my kitchen is going to be a tough sell.

  • unitedkingdom United Kingdom How to cut your energy bills by 30 per cent with a heat pump
  • Rade0nfighter Rade0nfighter 3 weeks ago 83%

    Okay so we’ll need a new boiler in a couple of years and to be honest the idea of pumping gas through a pipe into my house seems kinda archaic. Like oil lamp kind of technology.

    I really want a eco friendly alternative and modern, cost efficient technology instead.

    However heat pumps just don’t seem to make any sense, and the more marketing materials I read critically, the less convinced I am of their practicality, nor the integrity of the vendors - if they work similarly to air conditioning units or refrigerators why do they cost 20x as much as those devices?

    Anecdotally, an electrician I know has been involved with decommissioning more than one heat pump in new builds so that the owners could replace them with gas combi boilers because the heat pumps were so slow - taking a day or so to heat the house up after eg children leaving windows open, or forgetting to close doors when bringing in shopping etc. Never mind running out of hot water.

    There are some very insightful comments in this thread from people who are clearly more clued up than me, so I wondering if anyone could change my perception - which I will be the first to concede is likely ignorant.

    So…. Thinking about the UK implementation where one is supposed to swap out a gas boiler and replace it with a heat pump…

    My understanding - as an admittedly ignorant layman - is that:

    • They are cheaper to run in an ideal environment - a super insulated building, that is often a very high bar even for a relatively modern (less than 30 year old building say) with all the insulation one can achieve. For the sake of argument let’s say this is doable for the individual and they have achieved a C level EPC rating, the most you can get before your house begins to generate its own energy eg with solar panels.

    • They cost 4x the price of a gas boiler (approx 3k vs 12k). A few hundred quid a year off the gas bill doesn’t justify that difference.

    • They take incredibly long (by comparison) to heat a home from perceivably “cold” to “warm”. Eg 24 hours to go from 14 degrees C to 21 degrees C, vs an hour with a gas boiler.

    • Hot water on demand is impossible, so you’re back to the olden days of having to plan life around a hot water tank, and praying no one takes a slightly longer shower than usual, or guests don’t want a bath

    So then, what is the upside for a rational (ie selfishly motivated) consumer? A pay off after 26 years assuming a failure rate of 0? How long are they expected/guaranteed to work for? If the anticipated lifespan is less than that then it doesn’t make sense from a financial point of view no? And if they are expected to last longer, how much longer? Is that a good investment vs savings? And during/beyond that time are people expected to not value the loss of a superior experience in terms of heating time when temps drop unintentionally?

    Reading my post back I appreciate it sounds very critical and full of FUD but I’m genuinely not trolling - just looking for sense where I don’t see it, but really want to!

  • games Games Atomfall Isn’t British Fallout, It’s Something Much More Interesting
  • Rade0nfighter Rade0nfighter 3 weeks ago 100%

    Hyped for this.

    Appreciate it’s not the same thing, but still feel like it will scratch the same itch that fallout does, without having to suffer that janky Bethesda engine (even its latest incarnation for starfield was annoying!).

    Plus a nice looking colourful environment for a change instead of the standard post apocalyptic browngrey.

  • movies movies Borderlands is no longer the biggest box office flop of the year
  • Rade0nfighter Rade0nfighter 3 weeks ago 98%

    Schitts Creek - The Making of The Crows Have Eyes III

  • firefox Firefox Firefox rolls out Total Cookie Protection by default to all desktop users worldwide | It is Firefox’s strongest privacy protection to date, confining cookies to the site where they were created
  • Rade0nfighter Rade0nfighter 3 weeks ago 100%

    Double upvote

  • linux Linux Microsoft donates the Mono Project to the Wine team
  • Rade0nfighter Rade0nfighter 3 weeks ago 92%

    I can’t decide if this move is designed to overwhelm (or at least increase the workload of) the Wine team so that they can’t do as good a job reducing people’s dependence on Windows with their core product, or whether this is part of my prediction playing out - MS abandoning kernel/OS development in favour of a skinned Linux on which they can still harvest data and sell subscriptions.

    In any case charity from a corporation is never truly charitable!

  • politicalmemes Political Memes Pick your seat, Lemmy
  • Rade0nfighter Rade0nfighter 3 weeks ago 100%

    Number 2.

    Strike up some idle chit chat, how ya doing, nice weather etc…

    And then a totally innocent… so whaddya do for work?

  • gaming Gaming I'm quite excited for the Starship Troopers: Extermination single-player
  • Rade0nfighter Rade0nfighter 4 weeks ago 100%


  • noncredibledefense NonCredibleDefense Russians watching a combined arms/maneuver campaign supported by coordinated air & recon assets unfold on their own soil
  • Rade0nfighter Rade0nfighter 1 month ago 100%

    Don’t worry guys it’s just a special military operation.

  • aiop AMUSING, INTERESTING, OUTRAGEOUS, or PROFOUND Disney seeks dismissal of lawsuit over death at Walt Disney World because 5 years ago, victim's husband briefly subscribed to Disney+ and clicked a waiver of his right to sue
  • Rade0nfighter Rade0nfighter 1 month ago 100%

    The idea that the right to sue can even be waived is absurd.

  • games Games S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2: Heart of Chornobyl - World & Locations
  • Rade0nfighter Rade0nfighter 1 month ago 66%

    Please look that good on a steam deck Please look that good on a steam deck Please look that good on a steam deck

  • noncredibledefense NonCredibleDefense Russian progress
  • Rade0nfighter Rade0nfighter 1 month ago 94%

    Would be even funnier if it said second best in Russia, no need to complicate it.

  • workreform Work Reform In 2019, Microsoft tried a 4-day workweek in Japan. Productivity jumped 40%
  • Rade0nfighter Rade0nfighter 1 month ago 100%

    But what the employees do with their new found free time?

    Develop independence, or even, compete with us? No no can’t have that.

  • steamdeck Steam Deck [Game] Fallout London automated installer
  • Rade0nfighter Rade0nfighter 1 month ago 100%

    Awesome that they’ve done this but it’s still a lot of steps.

    I’ve heard there are cracked versions pre-packaged so it would be good if one of the retailers could release something similar given the popularity.

  • nytimes New York Times The Surprising Effect of Climate Change: We’re Eating More Junk Food
  • Rade0nfighter Rade0nfighter 1 month ago 100%

    Need to create an account to read this link :(

  • pcgaming PC Gaming Microsoft Auto SR Tested: AI Upscaling For Every Game... But How Good Is It? [Digital Foundry]
  • Rade0nfighter Rade0nfighter 1 month ago 100%

    Super interesting!

    I wonder how far this could go in time.

  • memes Memes An alternate timeline
  • Rade0nfighter Rade0nfighter 1 month ago 100%


  • pcgaming PC Gaming Petition to the EU to stop killing games is at 125k signatures [1 million, or 1000k, required: already 1.25/10 is done, despite poor coverage from youtube community]
  • Rade0nfighter Rade0nfighter 2 months ago 100%

    Thank you!

  • lemmyshitpost Lemmy Shitpost Financial advice
  • Rade0nfighter Rade0nfighter 2 months ago 100%

    Step 1: be ADORABLE

  • pcgaming PC Gaming Petition to the EU to stop killing games is at 125k signatures [1 million, or 1000k, required: already 1.25/10 is done, despite poor coverage from youtube community]
  • Rade0nfighter Rade0nfighter 2 months ago 90%

    Looking at the form, EU citizens living abroad apparently cannot sign either.

  • fallout
    Fallout Rade0nfighter 2 months ago 92%
    What’s your favourite part of Fallout London?

    For me, it the Cherry Bakewells.

    fallout Fallout Mad Max Cars! - Fallout 4 mod video 117 by DegenerateDak
  • Rade0nfighter Rade0nfighter 2 months ago 100%

    Very cool.

    Inevitably janky, because fallout engine, but still very cool.

    Anyone here tried it?

  • videos Videos The West Bank: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)
  • Rade0nfighter Rade0nfighter 2 months ago 84%

    Automatic upvote for John Oliver.

  • firefox Firefox Firefox Nightly Makes Picture-in-Picture Mode MUCH Easier to Use - OMG! Ubuntu
  • Rade0nfighter Rade0nfighter 2 months ago 80%

    Yes but can it cast to TVs yet?

  • technology Technology Apple in Talks to Bring Ads to Apple TV+
  • Rade0nfighter Rade0nfighter 2 months ago 100%

    Agree they’ve being easing their way in for a while. My point was specifically about advertising within the content itself which would be a new line crossed.

    Edit: actually yes they did do this with Apple News didn’t they! (Which is why I stopped paying for it).

  • technology Technology Apple in Talks to Bring Ads to Apple TV+
  • Rade0nfighter Rade0nfighter 2 months ago 98%

    Content advertising isn’t “on brand” for Apple, so this would be a bold move.

  • steamdeck Steam Deck What have you been playing lately? (August)
  • Rade0nfighter Rade0nfighter 2 months ago 100%

    Said it before and I’ll say it again - one of the most underrated games ever!

  • steamdeck Steam Deck What have you been playing lately? (August)
  • Rade0nfighter Rade0nfighter 2 months ago 100%

    Manor Lords.

    Plays really well but as one reviewer put it, it gets old after 20 hours or so.

    That said, the early access bit is done well in that the content that is there works pretty well, and you can see placeholder for the other features being worked on.

    Like right now it’s maybe like 25% of the full game, but that 25% works well and you can clearly see what’s coming.

  • lego LEGO TIL LEGO buys back bricks with giftcards
  • Rade0nfighter Rade0nfighter 2 months ago 100%

    They go into a massive Lego box then whenever someone in the office needs a brick they trawl through the box with both hands to find the exact piece they need.

    As is tradition.

  • malefashionadvice Male Fashion Advice Weekly male fashion advice discussion
  • Rade0nfighter Rade0nfighter 2 months ago 100%

    People should regularly wear hats again.

    That is all.

  • buyitforlife Buy it for Life What are good options for fans (tower, standing, etc.)
  • Rade0nfighter Rade0nfighter 2 months ago 100%

    I would recommend getting an adjustable angle oscillating desk fan, but one made of metal (not much difference in price tbh) when you can unclip the front guard to access the blades.

    That way you can wipe the dust off and give the spinning part a blast of WD40 once a year to keep it running nicely for a long time.

    Something like this

    For context about 30cm in diameter. Should cost around €25.

    If you need the height but lack the table space a similar floor fan should do though will probably cost a bit more.

  • asklemmy Ask Lemmy What are some unwritten rules of the Fediverse? I came from reddit so its a bit different for me.
  • Rade0nfighter Rade0nfighter 2 months ago 100%

    The only thing holding me back from switching to Linux is gaming.

    Nowadays you can run windows games with proton just as well if not better than on windows.

    I’m thinking about tying Ubuntu.

    Ubuntu is garbage and canonical are pure evil for everything they’ve done. Snaps? Garbage you need flatpaks/debs/app images.

    Bro it’s easy just avoid any distro with systemd and gnome/goblin/plasma that’s why I use Trilby. It’s a molecular version of Susan.

    I installed Linux mint for my Granma if she can use it anyone can. Though personally I use arch btw.

    (I actually do use Linux, for anyone curious a bastardisation of Ubuntu + KDE wrangled to work on a MacBook that Apple are ditching support for… , btw)

  • asklemmy
    Ask Lemmy Rade0nfighter 2 months ago 85%
    Should half naked pictures of anime characters be marked NSFW on Lemmy?

    I’m talking about [this sort of thing]( Like clearly I wouldn’t want someone to see that on my phone in the office or when I’m sat on a bus. However there seems be a lot of these that aren’t filtered out by nsfw settings, when a similar picture of a woman would be, so it seems this is a deliberate feature I might not be understanding. Discuss.

    Android Rade0nfighter 10 months ago 100%
    Any “gotchas” with the Murena Fairphone 5?

    Murena offer a degoogled /e/os version of the fairphone 5. I’m wondering if there are any catches… eg - have google privacy issues been replaced with murena ones? - would we still expect the 8-10 years of updates? - would there be any driver issues eg worse camera/face unlock/fingerprint experience? Also if anyone has had one (murena or stock) since launch, how is it working out?

    Linux Gaming Rade0nfighter 12 months ago 99%
    Awesome tool for backing up game saves!

    After too much time spent on google I finally found this lightweight GUI + CLI tool that finds locally installed games (yes including non-steam games running under proton) and thought I'd spread the gospel! Combeined with something like dropbox/onedrive/nextcloud, or rsync/borg/syncthing etc you've got yourself cloud backups too. Zero configuration involved so far on my Steam Deck which is nice as well. Forgive me if it's old news ☺️

    Steam Deck Rade0nfighter 12 months ago 90%
    Awesome tool for backing up game saves!

    After too much time spent on google I finally found this lightweight GUI + CLI tool that finds locally installed games (yes including non-steam games running under proton) and thought I'd spread the gospel! Combeined with something like dropbox/onedrive/nextcloud, or rsync/borg/syncthing etc you've got yourself cloud backups too. Zero configuration involved so far on my Steam Deck which is nice as well. Forgive me if it's old news ☺️

    Patient Gamers Rade0nfighter 1 year ago 96%
    Just picked up DOOM Eternal (2020) for $5 on eBay

    Just came across this on an old wish list, had completely forgotten about it! Think I mustn’t have fancied paying full whack at the time as I wasn’t interested in the multiplayer or the dlc hype etc (I know, I know). Anyway well worth a couple of bucks and saves the many now-unloved copies out there becoming trash so thought I’d share in case anyone else missed out!

    Selfhosted Rade0nfighter 1 year ago 100%
    Recommendations for notes apps that sync with IMAP

    Looking for a new notes app that will sync with the notes that are stored with my email provider eg gmail and custom email provider. Similar to how the Apple notes apps work, but ideally cross platform (osx/win/Ubuntu). I’ve noticed there are lots of notes apps that use their own formats and data sources, but struggling to find something that will work without having to host another service or rely on Onedrive/Google/iCloud etc. Any recommendations gratefully received!
