world World News Teenage girl kills classmate and herself in Russia school shooting
  • MonsterHighStan MonsterHighStan 9 months ago 100%

    Those are all fantastic suggestions. In my opinion we absolutely should be taking much more drastic measures to decrease school shootings in the meantime, as nearly everything you suggest would still take at least ~15-20 years to see results. Any dead kid is too many and there are way too many school shootings.

  • world World News Teenage girl kills classmate and herself in Russia school shooting
  • MonsterHighStan MonsterHighStan 9 months ago 100%

    Yes, if they want the privilege of owning a gun they should pay for registration as well. We do the same for cars and those are arguably actually required for a lot of people to work and live.

  • world World News Teenage girl kills classmate and herself in Russia school shooting
  • MonsterHighStan MonsterHighStan 10 months ago 88%

    So what do you think is going to decrease school shootings? What are you proposing or support that will improve the situation?

  • science Science Something Unexpectedly Cool Happens When You Use Banana Peel as an Ingredient
  • MonsterHighStan MonsterHighStan 10 months ago 100%

    I'm interested in a banana bread recipe that uses the peels too! I'd honestly never heard of cooking with banana peels before

  • mensliberation Men's Liberation Opinion | Why Aren’t More People Getting Married? Ask Women What Dating Is Like.
  • MonsterHighStan MonsterHighStan 10 months ago 100%

    You have some good points I hadn't considered before, so thank you for that. It's definitely something I'll have to think about more. It's also worth mentioning that the difference between women who couldn't find a suitable male partner vs men who couldn't find a suitable female partner also really isn't very much - "nearly half" vs "one third", which was something I also wasn't really considering when I made my comments. Ultimately it seems like a complicated issue that isn't going to be fixed with one simple solution

  • mensliberation Men's Liberation Opinion | Why Aren’t More People Getting Married? Ask Women What Dating Is Like.
  • MonsterHighStan MonsterHighStan 10 months ago 62%

    I mean, the point of the article is the women who are struggling to find suitable partners. The attitude that woman should just lower their standards (and yet again just accept higher workloads and lower efforts from their partners) is pretty antifeminist. The problem here isn't that they have unattainable standards, it's that a lot of men aren't putting in effort to meet those basic standards, for whatever reason.

  • mensliberation Men's Liberation Opinion | Why Aren’t More People Getting Married? Ask Women What Dating Is Like.
  • MonsterHighStan MonsterHighStan 10 months ago 50%

    Obviously that part only applies to people who are bisexual/pansexual/gay. I'm not saying that hetero women should just become gay >.< Though I realize it sounds like that, it isn't what I meant.

  • mensliberation Men's Liberation Opinion | Why Aren’t More People Getting Married? Ask Women What Dating Is Like.
  • MonsterHighStan MonsterHighStan 10 months ago 58%

    The standard doesn't necessarily apply in reverse if you look at how the work is split between male and female partners in hetero relationships - it's often skewed that the woman does a lot more emotional work, household work, and childcare, on top of also having full time jobs. I think you're right though, if men aren't meeting women's standards, then women should either be content to be single, hook up with other women (for those who would prefer), or reexamine how important romantic relationships are for them.

  • worldnews World News A Close Look at Some Key Evidence in the Gaza Hospital Blast
  • MonsterHighStan MonsterHighStan 11 months ago 100%

    For those who want to read it without the paywall, here are the important parts:

    Multiple synchronized videos show a projectile, previously identified by Israeli officials as a Palestinian rocket, launching from Israel and detonating near the Israel-Gaza border.

    The footage has become a widely cited piece of evidence as Israeli and American officials have made the case that an errant Palestinian rocket malfunctioned in the sky, fell to the ground and caused a deadly explosion at Al-Ahli Arab Hospital in Gaza City.

    Numerous media outlets have shown the video footage and several have cited it as evidence that a Palestinian rocket hit the hospital.

    But The Times concluded that the missile in the video was never near the hospital. It was launched from Israel, not Gaza, and appears to have exploded above the Israeli-Gaza border, at least two miles away from the hospital.

    To trace the object in the sky back to Israeli territory, The Times synchronized the Al Jazeera footage with five other videos filmed at the same time, including footage from an Israeli television station, Channel 12, and a CCTV camera in Tel Aviv. These different videos provided a view of the missile from north, south, east and west. Using satellite imagery to triangulate the launch point in those videos, The Times determined that the projectile was fired toward Gaza from near the Israeli town of Nahal Oz shortly before the deadly hospital blast. The findings match the conclusion reached by some online researchers.

    The Times cannot independently identify the type of projectile that was fired from Israel, though it was launched from an area known to have an Iron Dome defense system.

  • worldnews World News Now freed, an Israeli hostage describes the 'hell' of harrowing Hamas attack and terrifying capture
  • MonsterHighStan MonsterHighStan 11 months ago 100%

    That and Egypt also warned Israel that an attack was coming some time before too

  • risa Risa Wil looks like he's already mentally planning their life together
  • MonsterHighStan MonsterHighStan 11 months ago 100%

    Uhm, drag shows are absolutely not comparable in any way to blackface. The fact that you make that comparison reveals that you have little to zero understanding of drag or its history.

  • technology Technology New policy requires Chinese influencers to display their personal information on Weibo
  • MonsterHighStan MonsterHighStan 11 months ago 33%

    I'm kind of split on this one tbh. On one hand I can understand wanting to know the background behind influencers, especially influencers who claim to have knowledge or Expertise in some area. Plus a lot of influencers do already share their name and jobs etc.

    On the other hand I think it's outrageous to force people to dox themselves when they hit a certain number of subscribers. I feel like something like this would result in a lot more targeted harassment, especially for women. It's already dangerous to be a woman on the internet, no need to add a ton of identifying information on top of that. This may end up adding another barrier to marginalized groups of all kinds.

  • news News Civilian deaths are indefensible, whether done by Hamas or Israel | Rajan Menon
  • MonsterHighStan MonsterHighStan 11 months ago 100%

    Omg I wish more people were saying this

  • technology Technology Goodbye Youtube and thanks for all the fish
  • MonsterHighStan MonsterHighStan 12 months ago 100%

    Thank you!! Now it works perfectly :)

  • technology Technology Goodbye Youtube and thanks for all the fish
  • MonsterHighStan MonsterHighStan 12 months ago 100%

    I just tried libretube but it crashes every time I click on a video :(

    It's such a shame because I used to use newpipe all the time and I absolutely loved that, until it also stopped working

  • risa Risa Ensign Rivers has had enough.
  • MonsterHighStan MonsterHighStan 12 months ago 100%

    It's canon in my mind

  • world World News Sorry, Philip: Young Canadians' unhappiness is older generations' fault
  • MonsterHighStan MonsterHighStan 12 months ago 100%

    Holy cow, you weren't kidding!

    when a generation habituated to unquestioning adulation enters a labour market in which competition is global “the approval bath stops. The world doesn’t know your name or care who you are.” That’s a shock for a generation used to “years of being coddled in schools without failure and provided unearned rewards and medals for mediocre performance so their feelings wouldn’t be hurt or egos threatened,”

    Brooks argues a lack of morality leads to a focus on self rather than the well-being of others. David Foster Wallace agrees: “This is a generation that has an inheritance of absolutely nothing as far as meaningful moral values.” Brooks recommends turning off the screen, which too often acts as a mirror to yourself, and getting involved in the outside world

  • technology Technology A revelation about trees is messing with climate calculations
  • MonsterHighStan MonsterHighStan 12 months ago 100%

    Wow, that's actually super interesting. Thanks for sharing!

  • RedditMigration Reddit Migration "That's a bold move, Cotton" - Reddit to begin paying people for popular posts
  • MonsterHighStan MonsterHighStan 12 months ago 100%

    And the content that makes up top posts isn't what you want to make top posts..

    X now rewards Premium subscribers with an ad revenue share tied to the number of impressions, or views, of ads a user generates in their tweet replies," he said.

    "This incentives X users to post content that sparks the most replies, and the characteristics of content that typically generates the most replies is content that is divisive, polarising, provocative, and controversial... exactly the sort of content that brands do not want to have their ads placed amongst.

  • news News Food Can Be Literally Addictive, New Evidence Suggests
    tech Technology US Copyright Office denies protection for another AI-created image
  • MonsterHighStan MonsterHighStan 1 year ago 100%

    I don't know why they didn't! It's not like it's copyrighted ....

  • politics Politics [News] "Write a Check for $11,000. She Was 26, She Had Limited Value." SPD Officer Jokes with Police Union Leader About Killing of Pedestrian by Fellow Cop - PubliCola
  • MonsterHighStan MonsterHighStan 1 year ago 100%

    I agree completely with everything you've said. The way it is now, the police are pretty much just a legally protected gang. It doesn't feel like they're here to protect civilians at all. I just have one question - does it make sense to take guns away from cops when the US has a gun problem? In England there are significantly fewer guns, which is just one of several reasons why it works for the police there. I feel we would need significant overhaul to be able to get to the same point, and only after we did so could they start to build trust with the public again.

  • risa Risa The holy trinity of DS9
  • MonsterHighStan MonsterHighStan 1 year ago 100%

    Someone's been watching season 4 😂

  • kbinMeta /kbin meta How are you using or hoping to use kbin?
  • MonsterHighStan MonsterHighStan 1 year ago 100%

    Same! I was a long time Reddit user and decided to leave after the whole spez thing. I'm hoping to build up some of the same communities that I really loved. The apps will also make a huge difference imo

  • lgbtq_plus LGBTQ+ Lesbians being anti-trans is a lesbophobic trope
  • MonsterHighStan MonsterHighStan 1 year ago 100%

    That's amazing to hear

  • lgbtq_plus LGBTQ+ Lesbians being anti-trans is a lesbophobic trope
  • MonsterHighStan MonsterHighStan 1 year ago 100%

    I know it's incredibly disheartening, I just want to let you know that there's someone out there for you 🧡

  • lgbtq_plus LGBTQ+ Lesbians being anti-trans is a lesbophobic trope
  • MonsterHighStan MonsterHighStan 1 year ago 100%

    What was the demographic of the study? Honestly that 69% of non LGBTQ+ people is surprisingly high imo

  • news News France to ban female students from wearing abayas in state schools
  • MonsterHighStan MonsterHighStan 1 year ago 100%

    God forbid they have religious freedom 🙄

  • news News Man who set fire to Planned Parenthood sentenced to 10 years in prison
  • MonsterHighStan MonsterHighStan 1 year ago 100%

    Yeah I'm really not sure how you get "abortion = commodification of human life". If we're going there, it's the women forced to carry dead babies and schoolgirls giving birth in toilets who are being commodified.

  • news News Man who set fire to Planned Parenthood sentenced to 10 years in prison
  • MonsterHighStan MonsterHighStan 1 year ago 100%
    1. Making abortion illegal (or burning down centers where they happen) doesn't stop abortions. It just makes it significantly more dangerous for women with BOTH wanted and unwanted pregnancies.

    2. Planned Parenthood provides a significant number of other services in addition to abortion that are geared towards sexual health and women's health. Some of this care wouldn't be accessible to the patients without a PP.

    3. Burning down a Planned Parenthood doesn't stop abortions. See point 1

  • technology Technology *Permanently Deleted*
  • MonsterHighStan MonsterHighStan 1 year ago 95%

    Tbh that says a lot more about the people at SpaceX than it does about Musk

  • tech Technology Supermarket AI meal planner app suggests recipe that would create chlorine gas
  • MonsterHighStan MonsterHighStan 1 year ago 100%

    When customers began experimenting with entering a wider range of household shopping list items into the app, however, it began to make even less appealing recommendations. One recipe it dubbed “aromatic water mix” would create chlorine gas. The bot recommends the recipe as “the perfect nonalcoholic beverage to quench your thirst and refresh your senses”.

    “Serve chilled and enjoy the refreshing fragrance,” it says

    New Zealand political commentator Liam Hehir posted the “recipe” to Twitter, prompting other New Zealanders to experiment and share their results to social media. Recommendations included a bleach “fresh breath” mocktail, ant-poison and glue sandwiches, “bleach-infused rice surprise” and “methanol bliss” – a kind of turpentine-flavoured french toast.

  • news News Federal Judge in Trump case says, No, bring your ass to Court on Friday like I said
  • MonsterHighStan MonsterHighStan 1 year ago 100%

    I mean, the article's actual headline is "DC judge rejects Trump team’s delay attempt and schedules protective order hearing"

  • scifi Science Fiction From /r/scifi but it's hilarious: "So I heard someone refer to Elon Musk as "real-life Tony Stark."
  • MonsterHighStan MonsterHighStan 1 year ago 100%

    This is a fantastic analogy.

  • scifi Science Fiction Black characters and stories are finally in the sci-fi and horror spotlight. It’s been a long time coming for fans
  • MonsterHighStan MonsterHighStan 1 year ago 100%

    As a white person I'm super happy and supportive for the increased diversity. Not to mention how some of the best sci fi stories I've watched lately have been black! This can only improve sci fi

  • technology News and discussions about technology These 13 Amazing Inventions Will Blow Your Mind
  • MonsterHighStan MonsterHighStan 1 year ago 100%

    The inventions are cool, too bad the video sucks. It doesn't really give us any information at all on the inventions that it's about except for what they're called

  • technology Technology Twitter’s Rebrand To X Could Be a Trademark Nightmare Thanks To Microsoft
  • MonsterHighStan MonsterHighStan 1 year ago 100%

    Is that even a question at this point? He's made so many terrible decisions

  • mensliberation Men's Liberation I was made to hang out with my partner's friend's new boyfriend
  • MonsterHighStan MonsterHighStan 1 year ago 100%

    Oh, thank you!!

  • mensliberation Men's Liberation I was made to hang out with my partner's friend's new boyfriend
  • MonsterHighStan MonsterHighStan 1 year ago 100%

    Is there a community/instance here for poly people? I haven't seen one yet

  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    Pet Pictures MonsterHighStan 1 year ago 100%
    My cat loves to sleep in the strangest positions