"Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körnerhttps://github.com/dicebear/dicebearKB
/kbin meta HubertManne 4 months ago 100%
about this last weekend and the whole totally down thing. we going to get any word around that.

It would just be nice to know what the heck happened.

"Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körnerhttps://github.com/dicebear/dicebearKB
/kbin meta HubertManne 4 months ago 100%
about this last weekend and the whole totally down thing. we going to get any word around that.

It would just be nice to know what the heck happened.

news News Poll: More than 60% of middle class say they’re ‘struggling financially’ and are not expecting things to turn around for the rest of their lives
  • HubertManne HubertManne 4 months ago 100%

    50% would be fine but it should apply to all income including investments, gifts, etc. maybe let inheritance be amoritized over 10 years or something.

  • linux Linux Gaming vs Regular Distros
  • HubertManne HubertManne 4 months ago 100%

    I view the gaming distros as being about out of box. I don't see anything improving performance outside of how the kernel compiles but I doubt any do anything special.

  • texas Texas Texas GOP Wish List Includes Death Penalty for Abortion Patients
  • HubertManne HubertManne 4 months ago 100%

    Remember if your in one of these states that sterilization is your best defense.

  • texas Texas Texas GOP Wish List Includes Death Penalty for Abortion Patients
  • HubertManne HubertManne 4 months ago 100%

    Molech's still in the biz? Man its been awhile since I sacrificed ala molech.

  • world World News Trial results for new lung cancer drug are ‘off the charts’, say doctors
  • HubertManne HubertManne 4 months ago 100%

    doctors further said that once the results where back on the charts it showed a beneficial effect.

  • nostupidquestions No Stupid Questions Do 9-5 jobs still exist in the U.S.?
  • HubertManne HubertManne 4 months ago 100%

    Never had a paid lunch

  • politics politics Live Updates: Trump Lashes Out After Conviction in Misleading Speech
  • HubertManne HubertManne 4 months ago 100%

    One thing I am glad about is the press used to tippie toe around calling out lying with him and at least that seems to not so much be the case anymore.

  • showerthoughts Shower Thoughts Wifi 6 doesn't support 6Ghz, you have to use Wifi 6E for that, which seems intentionally confusing.
  • HubertManne HubertManne 4 months ago 100%
  • technology Technology The ugly truth behind ChatGPT: AI is guzzling resources at planet-eating rates
  • HubertManne HubertManne 4 months ago 100%

    yeah. funny thing is there is like gridcoin which is perfectly fine because it uses the energy for useful work but they don't like it because it does not have the pyramid scheme artifical value increase. Its value by and large stays in line with energy prices (although if you look historically there is this hilarious spike when idiots were grabbing at everything crypto. it pretty much shows the point in time where cypto became a buzzword thing)

  • news News Biden administration canceling student loans for another 160,000 borrowers
  • HubertManne HubertManne 4 months ago 100%

    I have no idea how you seem to be drawing that conclusion from my conversation so far so I can't answer your question. Our you saying im defending it by him dealing with the reality of it???

  • news News Americans shrug over falling birthrate
  • HubertManne HubertManne 4 months ago 100%

    well im not sure I consider myself and edge case but I get your point.

  • news News Americans shrug over falling birthrate
  • HubertManne HubertManne 4 months ago 100%

    this has actually benn really interesting for me and im now evaluating how I think of both depression and anxiety.

  • games Games Gamers aged 55+ account for almost a third of gamers now, and that share is on the rise.
  • HubertManne HubertManne 4 months ago 100%

    I was actually the poor kid in a rich area so like my friend had a commodore and the game consoles as they came out (and his family was like average wealth for the area). Money was definitely not stopping most of the kids from being into video games. Arcades were very active to so nothing keeping kids from being into gaming by going to the arcades but again it was a crowd that had almost 100% overlap with the comic book shop.

  • news News Americans shrug over falling birthrate
  • HubertManne HubertManne 4 months ago 100%

    yeah. I guess is are they not having it because of anxiety about the future or the fact its a reality now and the future effects are just reality. Is facing reality anxiety?

  • news News Americans shrug over falling birthrate
  • HubertManne HubertManne 4 months ago 100%

    Im starting to get it. the phrase just to me sounds like its more about a possibility but the replies make me get it. I definitely get anxiety from current circumstances although I guess both my wife and I were discussing that with our depression. Its not like it can be cured because it comes from our current circumstances and often you think about like diagnosis and medication and its like how is that going to help when there are external factors. We think of it as more anxiety/depression for no reason or for reasons that should not cause them.

  • politics politics Donald Trump's popularity is soaring
  • HubertManne HubertManne 4 months ago 100%

    I have said it before but I am blown away by what he has accomplished in one term with such an adversarial setup. I loved obama but he pretty much flushed his first term down the toilet trying to work with the rebulicans. Granted joe had that as a lesson learned by that time. There are to many lessons in recent history to ignore. How much better position would we be environment wise if the president after carter had not symbolically taken down the solar panels and had a deregulation emphasis and then put in gore whose main platform was global warming instead of bush jr. Then we have had 45 years of tax cuts (any time its been raised its by an insignificant amounts next to the cuts) and it has not been a good thing. As a matter of fact from my experience the time following tax increases have tended to be better right up to about when they cut them again.

  • nostupidquestions No Stupid Questions Medical Bill negotiation, how should one do it?
  • HubertManne HubertManne 4 months ago 50%

    Its a bit like the law that is on the books but not enforced. Until it is and the problem with using another credit card is now you are taking out of your regular savings when you specifically have saved for medical issues from a pool that is not being used for that. Its not great.

  • news News Americans shrug over falling birthrate
  • HubertManne HubertManne 4 months ago 50%

    Its happening now though. Its like being anxious about walking down a dark alley because you might get the shit beat out of you as opposed to being anxious about the medical bills you will have while your getting the shit beat out of you.

  • politics politics Donald Trump's popularity is soaring
  • HubertManne HubertManne 4 months ago 85%

    Exactly. He should be doing something about student loan debt. Like blanket forgiving it and if they stop him in the courts then he should turn around and use the judgements to identify more narrow actions he should take. He should get rid of the bs of companies calling all their employees exempt and not paying overtime. Or do something about non compete clauses in contracts. Or fight the roe vs wade and get an over the counter birth control pill available. At least get passed a large budget bill that prioritizes encouraging energy efficiency and green energy. Maybe getting our aging infrstructure more healthy while your at it. How about do something about all these bs fees companies charge. Or hey given jan 6th how about revising the law to make it clear the vice president can't just choose the presidential electors. Maybe incentivize important production capacity for the country like microchips. Cancers been around for awhile. How bout putting more effort toward eliminating that. Or jeesh at least make the airlines not blow you off if they cancel a flight. I mean common. Show us something with the one term youve gotten. Anything at all. Something we can measure against trumps accomplishments in the term he got.

  • HubertManne HubertManne 4 months ago 100%

    ok see that makes more sense. so it is a pattern but the idea its specific changing patterns that don't imitate tastey food patterns.

  • games Games Gamers aged 55+ account for almost a third of gamers now, and that share is on the rise.
  • HubertManne HubertManne 4 months ago 100%

    yeah but was it cool? Were most kids in high school gaming at your time? Im curious because im a bit over 50 so maybe 1989 or something was the floodgate year. I mean for 55+ to be such a large percentage it would mean a good percentage of the population itself must game in realtion to younger gen right. So I figure something close to 100% of teenagers game nowadays but when I was in high school it might have been under 10%

  • nostupidquestions No Stupid Questions Medical Bill negotiation, how should one do it?
  • HubertManne HubertManne 4 months ago 100%

    Our hospital used to reduce it by 20% if you paid it within a certain amount of time. I was trying my damndest to meet the deadline and certainly had them at the top of my bill paying pile. They got rid of it so they get date order now like all the rest.

  • nostupidquestions No Stupid Questions Medical Bill negotiation, how should one do it?
  • HubertManne HubertManne 4 months ago 100%

    I mostly do that but I have to tell you its a fight every time as even the reasonable places expect the bill to be paid like a week after they bill you. So they take 3 weeks to do the claim and bill you and they don't recognize the insurance company will take 3 weeks to process the claim formally and they certainly don't want to give you the curtesy of taking 3 weeks to compare the bill to the eob and send out the payment. Again this is the reasonable ones as many places insist on a credit card being put on file and maybe they have an agreement but I have literally been ghosted by providers if I refuse to put one down. So they technically are not requiring it but they are. Oh and to boot they mention if they charge you wrong it is fine because they will just refund you. Which means if you use an hsa debit card and they charge it and then refund you well they just basically acted as your money laundering agent for tax evasion. The US is wack.

  • nostupidquestions No Stupid Questions Medical Bill negotiation, how should one do it?
  • HubertManne HubertManne 4 months ago 100%

    Its pretty hard to get off with as low as a few k from the ER. Just going there would likely hit the deductible.

  • HubertManne HubertManne 4 months ago 100%

    I was thinking they should have had the actors wear earpieces and have it say step at random intervals or something.

  • canada Canada Canadian Home Prices "Need" To Be High To Pay For Retirements: PM - Better Dwelling
  • HubertManne HubertManne 4 months ago 100%

    so the problem is not enough taxation and a lack of social safety nets. got it.

  • canada Canada Loblaws boycott: Costco and Walmart are Canadians’ top low-cost grocery store alternatives
  • HubertManne HubertManne 4 months ago 100%

    ouch. no aldi over there?

  • videos Videos Being anonymous is getting harder and harder
  • HubertManne HubertManne 4 months ago 100%

    yeah its just belief thought really. Its made me think on it more and its sorta a chicken and egg thing. like the whole basic things with cells. attracted to beneficial things like food and repulsed by dangerous things. so recognition becomes important but maybe just the like dislike is the thing and not the aparatus to identify it. shrug

  • world World News Locals-only hotels in China fret over rule change to accept foreigners | The Straits Times
  • HubertManne HubertManne 4 months ago 33%

    as a us citizen i would love one that was no locals. me being the local they allowed because they can have one. ok I jest but really its neat to meet people from other places.

  • asklemmy Ask Lemmy What did you do with the porn collection you found when cleaning out your dead parent's home?
  • HubertManne HubertManne 4 months ago 100%

    cram it.

  • asklemmy Ask Lemmy What did you do with the porn collection you found when cleaning out your dead parent's home?
  • HubertManne HubertManne 4 months ago 100%

    big breasted beautiful black women or Por Qué No Los todos tres.

  • asklemmy Ask Lemmy What did you do with the porn collection you found when cleaning out your dead parent's home?
  • HubertManne HubertManne 4 months ago 100%

    You should be proud. Sure the cycle of porn starts usually with the dumpster find but such mana from heaven.

  • linux Linux Comparing Linux gaming distros performance
  • HubertManne HubertManne 4 months ago 100%

    yeah I always looked at it as more of an out of the box thing being the idea. I mean really for all distros to some degree. To some degree people, I recognize there are other things but I can feel the heat of the torches from the pitchfork wielders already even before I post this.

  • videos Videos Michigan man with suspended license joins court hearing via Zoom, while driving
  • HubertManne HubertManne 4 months ago 100%

    Maybe your local people need to be a bit more charismatic and they to could be on the internets!

  • HubertManne HubertManne 4 months ago 100%

    One thing that got me about the movie was how much of a pattern the non patterned moving was. Might work better if they were immitating some natural pattern the worms don't care about.

  • videos Videos Being anonymous is getting harder and harder
  • HubertManne HubertManne 4 months ago 100%

    My second statement is certainly not comprehensive and rather offhand. Its just we have a ton of pattern matching behavior thats been optimized. Sometimes you may read things about it in why we see faces in everything and why we like certain sounds such that we have music and such.

  • games Games Gamers aged 55+ account for almost a third of gamers now, and that share is on the rise.
  • HubertManne HubertManne 4 months ago 100%

    Im sorta surpised as even when I was in high school video games were something that was considered nerdy. Most had played them but it was considered a bit like comic books, cartoons, and toys. Something you grew out of. I would expect it to not be a major share until I am well over 55+. I though at first maybe it was just people getting new into it like mobile but the article says they make up 23% of the pc gamers and 11% of console (heck I don't even play console anymore). I wonder if some were influence by their kids?

  • world World News Wealthy white men are UK’s biggest transport polluters, study finds
  • HubertManne HubertManne 4 months ago 94%

    came to say this. One of the filters seems meaningless.

  • news News Americans shrug over falling birthrate
  • HubertManne HubertManne 4 months ago 100%

    I mean if i get to maximum out of pocket its a bit over 7 grand now which tends to be about the same as my monthly cost on the insurance for the year and one kid will raise my monthly cost from spouse only to family (although keep em coming as after that they are all free). One decent surgery can pretty much push to max out of pocket. Of course that is max out of pocket for what is covered. Like this machine that automatically ices and puts pressure on an area and is proven to have better outcomes from surgery is not covered (one of the many health insurance chicken contests. sure we will pay more because you will have more issues if you don't get it but you will have to live with lower quality of life). Anyway just some perspective on cost because while not 22k it can get up there.

  • news News Justice Alito's Upside-Down Flag Claim Dismantled by Police, Neighbors: Report
  • HubertManne HubertManne 4 months ago 100%

    Its just so funny how we literally have the most insider folks that are the most responsible for the state of the country walking around like they are oppressed and need to rebel against the repression. The repression they speak of is of course enforcement of laws around corruption or fighting said corruption.

  • nowhereelsetoshare
    Nowhere Else To Share HubertManne 5 months ago 90%
    I was caring about work today.

    Please help! Argh! Im thinking about it right now. Get these thoughts out of my head.

    Nowhere Else To Share HubertManne 5 months ago 95%

    subscribing. been looking for something like this. sometimes I have something that does not really have to do with anything and I want to let it out. will post when I have something if I remember.

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körnerhttps://github.com/dicebear/dicebearKB
    /kbin meta HubertManne 5 months ago 100%
    Are we cut off?

    I can only get my subscriptions and not the all feed. I feel like maybe I am only getting kbin content.

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körnerhttps://github.com/dicebear/dicebearKB
    /kbin meta HubertManne 8 months ago 100%
    Is there a way to message a user?

    I have not seen an option so replying to a thread seems to be the only way that I can tell.

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körnerhttps://github.com/dicebear/dicebearKB
    /kbin meta HubertManne 8 months ago 100%
    url link blocking. What happened to it.

    So when someone submitted a url at least at one point it would show up on the right and you could block it. So if someone posted a newsweek link you could block any link postings from like newsweek.com or maybe reddit.com or google.com. Lately though I have not been able to. It seemed to disapear at some point. I have not seen it as an option in a long time.

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körnerhttps://github.com/dicebear/dicebearKB
    /kbin meta HubertManne 8 months ago 100%

    So im pretty happy with users just being able to block and control things themselves but there has been posts from this somali call girls account where I feel like the extra step of reporting is warranted.

    Shower Thoughts HubertManne 10 months ago 100%
    Adulting in america.

    Where I am in america you can get a buy a gun when you reach 18, alcohol when you reach 21 and cough syrup when you reach 40.

    Climate HubertManne 11 months ago 100%
    Looking for the word or phrase that means how many barrels of oil we produce from one barrel of oil.

    Question is in title. My searching is actually rather disturbing this morning as the results are fillled with industry fud and not what im looking for. What im really trying to find is a graph of oil produced historically because I recall we used to get something like a 50 barrel return but now we get single digits. Edited - thanks for the info. kbin has an issue or at least my account does for some magazines where I can't see any replies when logged in so I can see it from a non logged in browser but can't reply so im replying in my post. EROI fits what I was looking for but if anyone finds a nice historical chart for it specifically with oil that would be great but with the EROI term I think I will be able to find it.

    Chicago HubertManne 1 year ago 44%
    How do folks feel about the firing of Arwady?

    It bothers me as I feel she was fired do to her doing her job and sticking to her guns on what the correct thing to do given the data. FYI im on kbin and my notifications page is not working so I may not respond so well.

    OpenStreetMap community HubertManne 1 year ago 96%
    Search engine that defaults to open street map?

    I tend to use maps from a search browser and it suddenly occurred to me that if the search engine I used defaulted to open street maps I would use it. Do any search engines default map searches to open street maps?

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körnerhttps://github.com/dicebear/dicebearKB
    /kbin meta HubertManne 1 year ago 100%
    View users block lists.

    I sorta hate this request as it seems invasive but I was thinking about folks in the future and even myself now and I was thinking I would love to see what folks that I have subscribed to have blocked. I don't subscribe to a person unless Im really impressed by what they post or their discourse so its like a trusted list of users for me. That made me think I would love to see how they have blocked so I could look at it and see if it looks like an obvious person or place I would want to block.

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körnerhttps://github.com/dicebear/dicebearKB
    /kbin meta HubertManne 1 year ago 100%
    search for thread lists. I realize this is not exactly the best time to suggest features but man would I love a search bar at the top of the thread bars where I could put like. I dunno. -titan

    search for thread lists. I realize this is not exactly the best time to suggest features but man would I love a search bar at the top of the thread bars where I could put like. I dunno. -titan [\#kbinMeta](https://kbin.social/tag/kbinMeta)

    Reddit Migration HubertManne 1 year ago 100%
    **30 DAYS TO GET MY DATA!** So I put in a data requet last week with reddit and it said it would take a few days. Yesterday I inquired to its status as I had not received anything and they repsonded t

    **30 DAYS TO GET MY DATA!** So I put in a data requet last week with reddit and it said it would take a few days. Yesterday I inquired to its status as I had not received anything and they repsonded that it might take 30 days. Im not sure if this is bs to keep their account numbers up or they are just innundated with requests. [\#RedditMigration](https://kbin.social/tag/RedditMigration)

    World News HubertManne 1 year ago 100%
    Explosion Rocks Central Paris, Injuring at Least 37 People www.nytimes.com

    The blast, in the Fifth Arrondissement of the French capital, started a blaze that firefighters quickly brought under control. The origin of the explosion, which critically injured four people, was unclear.

    News HubertManne 1 year ago 100%
    For first time, US task force recommends screening adults for anxiety disorders | CNN www.cnn.com

    All adults in the United States ages 19 to 64 should be screened for anxiety disorders, according to a recommendation from the US Preventive Services Task Force that was released Tuesday.

    News HubertManne 1 year ago 100%
    US approves chicken made from cultivated cells, the nation's first 'lab-grown' meat apnews.com

    Chicken grown from animal cells, not from slaughtered birds, can now be sold in the U.S. The Agriculture Department issued approvals Wednesday to California firms Upside Foods and Good Meat to sell the products, known as “lab-grown” or “cultivated” meat. The meat is grown in steel tanks, using cells that come from a living animal, a fertilized egg or a special bank of stored cells. The goal is to eliminate harm to animals and drastically reduce the environmental impacts of raising them. The meat will initially be sold only at upscale restaurants.
