dredge_tank The Dredge Tank Even Leninism is getting co-opted now
  • Drewfro66 Drewfro66 11 hours ago 100%

    This is reminding me of Parenti - to put his conclusions in my own words, Fascism is when the revolutionary rhetoric developed by the Left-Wing (whether that is Socialists or Communists or Left-Liberals) is used to advance the goals of the ruling classes instead.

  • chapotraphouse chapotraphouse 👏DENGIST POPE👏 👏DENGIST POPE👏 👏DENGIST POPE👏 👏DENGIST POPE👏
  • Drewfro66 Drewfro66 3 days ago 100%

    what if he fell off

  • agitprop Agitprop USA socialist ballot access as of September 2024
  • Drewfro66 Drewfro66 4 days ago 100%

    If anyone is in the Northeast Ohio area and volunteers we can hang out

  • politics politics Spotted this based poster in the wild
  • Drewfro66 Drewfro66 4 days ago 100%

    I think some people are being a bit unfair - they're good people with (95%) good politics, just with poor organization and tactics. Even their national contact was enthusiastic about cooperation with the PSL and even participation in the campaign. And best of all, at least the people local to me are open and willing to learn more effective methods of organizing. It takes time and confidence to build organizing skills.

    They're cringe, not evil or fundamentally flawed. Be nice, be tolerant, and be willing to help and teach. They are not doomed - they just need direction.

  • politics politics Spotted this based poster in the wild
  • Drewfro66 Drewfro66 5 days ago 100%

    They aren't. Those are the Revolutionary Communist Party, USA. These guys are the Revolutionary Communists of America. Two completely different, unrelated orgs.

    I'm in the PSL and I recently started meeting regularly with a couple guys from the local RCA. Their organization is not perfect but they have been friendly and enthusiastic about cooperation and I look forward to working with them. Here's some of what I've learned either from them or the PSL:

    They're a continuation of a Trot party, Marxist International (that changed its name at least partially due to a sex pest scandal), but they claim to be "non-sectarian Marxist-Leninists" and not Trots. The local guys seem unaware of the history of their party, they joined two months ago along with the name change and believe that the party is new and was founded two months ago.

    I've re-written this paragraph several times because I don't want to come off as too harsh, because they really are good folks who are doing their best, but: their organization suffers from a lack of, well, organization, and a focus on what I believe to be ineffective tactics ("agitation", selling newspapers on street corners, etc.). They are also admitted class-reductionists, and the local branch at least is seven or eight white guys and one of their girlfriends. They've read a lot of books but knew very little about the political struggles going on in their own city.

    The only time I would suggest joining the RCA is if you've already tried to join your local PSL branch and haven't heard back.

  • badrealestate Terrible Estate Agent Photos Quite an unusual interior
  • Drewfro66 Drewfro66 6 days ago 100%

    With that much stone they should install drainage grates in every room so you can just spray the place down instead of mopping/dusting/sweeping

  • chat chat How did an easily debunked story of immigrants abducting cats and dogs become a bigger source of outrage than neverending school shootings?
  • Drewfro66 Drewfro66 6 days ago 100%

    They do. I think some people in this thread are swinging too far the other way - yes, some cultures normalize eating cats and dogs. It is what it is, I'm not a vegan and I don't believe there's anything intrinsically wrong with it. A Burmese family in a trailer park near where I live got the cops called on them by the local Crazy Cat Karen for catching and eating strays a few years back.

    The problem is not one of "barbaric" foreigners needing to be kept out; it's a failure to educate new immigrants on American customs beyond their ability to parrot jingoistic slogans, remember the names of presidents and holidays, and denounce Communism.

  • gaming Gaming Hasbro CEO Says AI Will Become Core Part of Dungeons & Dragons
  • Drewfro66 Drewfro66 6 days ago 100%

    Wow that sucks

    AI art is going to do the same thing to fantasy art that digital art did: completely destroy the immersive feeling for the benefit of rich assholes who want to pump out slop quicker and cheaper

  • futurology Futurology The UN is testing a 3D printer it says can build small modular homes, with the smallest single-room units costing just $1,000.
  • Drewfro66 Drewfro66 2 weeks ago 100%

    No problem!

  • futurology Futurology The UN is testing a 3D printer it says can build small modular homes, with the smallest single-room units costing just $1,000.
  • Drewfro66 Drewfro66 2 weeks ago 100%

    Sorry I'm a Tankie I can't see Lemmy.world

  • maps Maps Countries colonized by Europe
  • Drewfro66 Drewfro66 2 weeks ago 100%

    Depending on your definition of "Colonized or Controlled", the Ottomans never completely conquered what is today Saudi Arabia - they conquered Hejaz and parts of the Gulf province but never (as far as I am aware) Najd and other parts of the center and south.

  • futurology Futurology The UN is testing a 3D printer it says can build small modular homes, with the smallest single-room units costing just $1,000.
  • Drewfro66 Drewfro66 2 weeks ago 100%

    The main problem is zoning laws - too much land zoned for single-family residences only, a lack of mixed-use zoning and walkability, and heavily restrictive laws on apartment buildings (height limits, floorplan requirements such as the infamous dual-stairway rule, etc ).

    These laws exist because of NIMBY's - people with an existing stake in the community who don't want noisy transit, tall buildings being an "eyesore", affordable housing bringing in more poor people.

    The solution, of course, is to [REDACTED] all the NIMBY's.

  • lemmy Lemmy Should bot comments contribute to the comment count for regular users?
  • Drewfro66 Drewfro66 2 weeks ago 100%

    Amber Volcel Police Whataboutism

  • communism Communism Protestation
  • Drewfro66 Drewfro66 2 weeks ago 100%

    .worlder rare good take alert

  • Drewfro66 Drewfro66 2 weeks ago 91%

    Don't worry, you're still serving an important role in the economy!

    As part of the "reserve army of labor", by your very existence you drive down the wages of other workers in your field, based on the threat that they could be replaced with you.

  • badposting badposting I used a gender neutral toilet the other day and did such a foul shite it felt transphobic
  • Drewfro66 Drewfro66 2 weeks ago 100%

    Good post

  • crypto cryptocurrency Donald Trump Launches World Liberty Financial to Revolutionize DeFi
  • Drewfro66 Drewfro66 2 weeks ago 100%

    Can't wait for gullible idiots to put millions of dollars into a pump-and-dump scheme to make some of the richest, slimiest people in the world even richer and slimier

  • games games Pictures taken moments before disaster
  • Drewfro66 Drewfro66 3 weeks ago 100%

    Yes we all watched the same OSP video last week

  • technology technology Hello comrades, I'm new to this and looking for resources to explain the fediverse to a dummy, hopefully with simplistic drawings.
  • Drewfro66 Drewfro66 3 weeks ago 100%

    Like others have said, Lemmy runs off of ActivityPub, an open-source protocol similar to Email. Some other applications, such as Mastodon, Kbin, and PixelFed, also use ActivityPub, which is why you can occasionally see posts from those apps if a Lemmy-user shares them.

    "Easier Moderation" and "Protecting data" are good, sure, but the main benefit of Open-Source, Federated Social Media is the decentralization and taking power over media away from corporations.

    Imagine if Email was closed-source, like Reddit. In order to send or receive email you had to make an account on "Email.com", the email corporation could read your private messages to "moderate", they could ban your account if you send emails they disagree with.

    And you might say, "But I use Gmail, and Google can do all those things!", and that's true! And the same is true for Lemmy.world or, yes, even Hexbear.net. What makes Email (and ActivityPub, which Lemmy uses) different is that you can rent a domain name from Mali, set up a computer in your basement, and host your own server. And you can send emails from "ComradeDrew@ComradeDrew.ml" just as easily as you can ComradeDrew@gmail.com.

    And just like I can send an email from my own private email server to someone with a Gmail account, you can send a private message with a Hexbear account to Lemmy.world (or, even, Mastodon social or Threads.net, assuming neither party explicitly blocks traffic).

  • games games Dwarven Fort of Litast/"Torch" and Electoralism
  • Drewfro66 Drewfro66 3 weeks ago 100%

    This happens because Vampires get very high bonuses to their social skills - so high that they pretty much always win elections.

    You'll have to kill the vampire, I think

  • badposting badposting the ppb beanis’s at 9/11
  • Drewfro66 Drewfro66 3 weeks ago 100%

    Good post

  • chat chat Depressed as fuck tonight, anybody up for a chat?
  • Drewfro66 Drewfro66 3 weeks ago 100%

    Metal I think? Not my type of music but they picked the venue.

  • badposting badposting PPB Confirmed Not Vegan
  • Drewfro66 Drewfro66 3 weeks ago 100%

    Great now I have "Swine Artificial Insemination.pdf" on my phone can't wait for someone to see the title when I'm scrolling through files because I'm too lazy to delete it

  • chat chat Depressed as fuck tonight, anybody up for a chat?
  • Drewfro66 Drewfro66 3 weeks ago 100%

    Long day of work then I went to a live music bar and made out with a chubby enbie

  • Drewfro66 Drewfro66 3 weeks ago 50%

    Why not both

  • Drewfro66 Drewfro66 3 weeks ago 100%

    My biggest complaint with how the Gowron character was written was his final battle with Worf. He fought honorably with a Bat'leth. From everything we've seen about Gowron earlier in his presentation, he should have fought dirty, and with knives.

  • programmer_humor Programmer Humor BS from MS about AI helping an MD
  • Drewfro66 Drewfro66 4 weeks ago 100%

    I'm part of a coalition trying to prevent a private equity firm from buying out a local nonprofit hospital and using AI to "Improve efficiency" is one of their plans that we've had to study (done by people much more competent than I).

    The main thing they plan to use AI for is filling out paperwork - nurses will record their introductory interviews with patients and the AI (basically, speech recognition + knowing what fields to fill out for certain information) will automatically fill out that patient's chart.

    I'm sure they're planning on using AI for other purposes as well, but this is the most prevalent use - speech recognition and filling out charts automatically.

  • usa United States | News & Politics RFK Jr. is planning to drop out of the 2024 presidential race and endorse Trump [ Vaughn Hillyard, Dasha Burns, Katherine Koretski and Alec Hernández | Aug. 21, 2024 | NBC News]
  • Drewfro66 Drewfro66 4 weeks ago 33%

    Correct. Claudia de la Cruz and Jill Stein

  • urbanism urbanism These tiny buildings are 100% legal in Japan
  • Drewfro66 Drewfro66 4 weeks ago 100%

    As someone living in a studio, while they do have their issues I think they're fundamentally serviceable as housing, especially in urban areas.

    The failure of studios is when the surrounding building and community does not adequately support them - chiefly, a lack of common rooms, third spaces, and cheap wholesome dining within easy walking distance.

  • main main ✍️main
  • Drewfro66 Drewfro66 4 weeks ago 100%

    It's just 🤨📸 redux

  • games games day off
  • Drewfro66 Drewfro66 4 weeks ago 100%

    It's from Chengdu Science and Technology, so probably so many nerds were going to call of that day to play the game the company decided to just make it a holiday

  • fashion fashion I don't know if this belt is problematic
  • Drewfro66 Drewfro66 1 month ago 100%

    I think it's cool

  • futurology Futurology Birthrates are plummeting worldwide. Can governments turn the tide? Nations are deploying baby bonuses, subsidised childcare and parental leave – largely to no avail.
  • Drewfro66 Drewfro66 1 month ago 100%


  • uk_politics UK Politics ‘Labour is fair game’: Led By Donkeys says it will hold government to account
  • Drewfro66 Drewfro66 1 month ago 66%

    To some people, any criticism of the center just means you're aiding the right.

  • chapotraphouse chapotraphouse is there anyone here whos favorite chapo wasnt Matt?
  • Drewfro66 Drewfro66 1 month ago 100%

    So true

  • games games Curious to hear what this comm's favorite top 3 Final Fantasy games are.
  • Drewfro66 Drewfro66 1 month ago 100%

    VI, IV, and the original

    Runner up is V.

  • greentext > Greentext This kills the christian
  • Drewfro66 Drewfro66 1 month ago 100%

    Yeah, they aren't biblical, basically just Christian fanfiction

  • asklemmy Asklemmy Examples of racism on Lemmy?
  • Drewfro66 Drewfro66 1 month ago 82%

    Sounds like a .worlder problem

  • badposting badposting Its flag is text on green
  • Drewfro66 Drewfro66 1 month ago 100%

    Based and Greenpilled

  • Drewfro66 Drewfro66 1 month ago 100%

    And he recognizes Burmese claims to the Andamans

  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körnerhttps://github.com/dicebear/dicebearTT
    LFG Drewfro66 1 year ago 88%
    Welcome to the Axe and Sickle, a DnD 3.5e West Marches server! https://discord.gg/R5dPsZU

    cross-posted from: https://lemmygrad.ml/post/1296101 > Howdy! I’m Drew, and I’m the administrator of a Socialist West-Marches DnD 3.5e Discord Server, the Axe and Sickle! The server is over a year old, has a dozen DMs, over 30 active members (and over a hundred lurkers), and hosts an average of 2 or 3 games a week. The game has an old-school, traditional fantasy feel. > > Devastated by an unknown catastrophe centuries ago, the Ohm Basin is home to naught but monsters and outlaws. A retired adventurer from a foreign land has founded a town in the middle of it, and adventurers - such as yourselves - file into its tavern, the Axe and Sickle, to secure their own fortune! Plunge ancient depths to uncover lost secrets, thwart necromancers who build their strength away from civilization, and compete with fellow grave-robbers to loot forgotten tombs! > > If you don’t know what a West Marches Game is, it is a style of DnD game where, rather than a static party that meets regularly and follows the DM’s campaign, the players themselves choose who to adventure with (and when to meet) for a single expedition before returning to town and disbanding. This is good for players with inconsistent schedules and interest, as it is an extremely low-commitment game. You don’t need to set aside any time in your schedule for this game on a permanent basis; just pick a time and day that works for you, one session at a time. And if you have the energy for anywhere between two games a week to one game a month or even one game ever, you can be accommodated. > > The only things required are a Discord account and a mic. Prior DnD experience is not; everyone is welcome. For now, all games are run in English. The game is a safe space for Socialists but anyone is welcome as long as they aren't disruptive. > > If you have any other questions, feel free to ask. We’ve recently expanded our DM team and are looking to run even more games than we do now, but to do that we need more players. We’d love to have you! > > https://discord.gg/R5dPsZU

    Tabletop RPGs Drewfro66 1 year ago 100%
    Welcome to the Axe and Sickle, a DnD 3.5e West Marches server! https://discord.gg/R5dPsZU

    Howdy! I’m Drew, and I’m the administrator of a Socialist West-Marches DnD 3.5e Discord Server, the Axe and Sickle! The server is over a year old, has a dozen DMs, over 30 active members (and over a hundred lurkers), and hosts an average of 2 or 3 games a week. The game has an old-school, traditional fantasy feel. Devastated by an unknown catastrophe centuries ago, the Ohm Basin is home to naught but monsters and outlaws. A retired adventurer from a foreign land has founded a town in the middle of it, and adventurers - such as yourselves - file into its tavern, the Axe and Sickle, to secure their own fortune! Plunge ancient depths to uncover lost secrets, thwart necromancers who build their strength away from civilization, and compete with fellow grave-robbers to loot forgotten tombs! If you don’t know what a West Marches Game is, it is a style of DnD game where, rather than a static party that meets regularly and follows the DM’s campaign, the players themselves choose who to adventure with (and when to meet) for a single expedition before returning to town and disbanding. This is good for players with inconsistent schedules and interest, as it is an extremely low-commitment game. You don’t need to set aside any time in your schedule for this game on a permanent basis; just pick a time and day that works for you, one session at a time. And if you have the energy for anywhere between two games a week to one game a month or even one game ever, you can be accommodated. The only things required are a Discord account and a mic. Prior DnD experience is not; everyone is welcome. For now, all games are run in English. The game is a safe space for Socialists but anyone is welcome as long as they aren't disruptive. If you have any other questions, feel free to ask. We’ve recently expanded our DM team and are looking to run even more games than we do now, but to do that we need more players. We’d love to have you! https://discord.gg/R5dPsZU

    Asklemmy Drewfro66 1 year ago 95%
    How to view posts from an entire instance?

    Is there any way to view all posts on a given instance (as if that instance was your home instance and set to "local"), and not just a specific community/communities you are subscribed to? Specifically, my home instance is Lemmygrad, but I'm interested in ttrpgs and want to keep up with ttrpg.network. This instance is relatively inactive so I never see their posts on my front page, and it's content is spread over several communities. I want to be able to see what's going on there while still using my Lemmygrad account.

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körnerhttps://github.com/dicebear/dicebearTO
    tonightsdinner Drewfro66 1 year ago 100%
    Strip Steak and Veggies

    Stovetop strip steak, roasted veggies and steak fries, mushroom and onion topping, and the best garlic bread I've had in my life. Measuring is for nerds. I just vibe. --- **Marinade (24/hr):** Mostly soy sauce Olive oil Worcester sauce Lemon juice Red wine vinegar Garlic powder Dried rosemary --- **Steak:** New York Strip. Boneless, because I don't like the hassle (and the boneless was on sale for $7.99/lb!) McCormick Montreal steak seasoning Fried in butter. I put some more on it at some point. Butter. After cooking, put some garlic spread on 4 min. on each side in the pan, 15 minutes in the oven Let it rest! --- **Topping:** Half a sweet onion Two 4 oz cans of mushrooms Two jalapeno peppers A garlic bulb (chopped) A lil bit of sweet red wine A spoonful of sugar, added near the end Fried in olive oil, like 10 minutes? Until the wine is reduced. --- **Veggies:** The other half of the onion Another garlic bulb (just thrown in there) Another jalapeno pepper A big ole' carrot A bag of frozen steak fries, forgotten about and added 5 minutes after the other veggies Cook for half an hour at 450 F. --- **Garlic Bread:** Two loaves of Italian bread The majority of a tin of garlic spread Seasoned salt A whole lot of Parmesan cheese, freshly grated. Italian seasoning 15 minutes at 450 F.

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körnerhttps://github.com/dicebear/dicebearTO
    tonightsdinner Drewfro66 1 year ago 100%
    Chicken Noodle Soup

    Here's the recipe: 3 sticks of celery One large carrot A bulb of garlic 2 Lbs. of chicken breast 8 cups of wide egg noodles 8 cups of chicken broth (+2 cups of water) Fried the chicken in olive oil, then the carrot and celery in butter. Added the chopped garlic then the broth, brought to a boil then added the noodles. After about 15 minutes of cooking added the chicken back in. Haven't tasted it yet, but I burned my tongue on the broth lol.

    Tabletop RPGs Drewfro66 2 years ago 100%
    Welcome to the Axe and Sickle, a DnD 3.5e West Marches server! https://discord.gg/R5dPsZU

    Howdy! I’m Drew, and I’m the administrator of a Socialist West-Marches DnD 3.5e Discord Server, the Axe and Sickle! The server is over a year old, has 9 DMs, over 30 active members (and over a hundred lurkers), and hosts an average of 2 or 3 games a week. The game has an old-school, traditional fantasy feel. Devastated by an unknown catastrophe centuries ago, the Ohm Basin is home to naught but monsters and outlaws. A retired adventurer from a foreign land has founded a town in the middle of it, and adventurers - such as yourselves - file into its tavern, the Axe and Sickle, to secure their own fortune! Plunge ancient depths to uncover lost secrets, thwart necromancers who build their strength away from civilization, and compete with fellow grave-robbers to loot forgotten tombs! If you don’t know what a West Marches Game is, it is a style of DnD game where, rather than a static party that meets regularly and follows the DM’s campaign, the players themselves choose who to adventure with (and when to meet) for a single expedition before returning to town and disbanding. This is good for players with inconsistent schedules and interest, as it is an extremely low-commitment game. You don’t need to set aside any time in your schedule for this game on a permanent basis; just pick a time and day that works for you, one session at a time. And if you have the energy for anywhere between two games a week to one game a month or even one game ever, you can be accommodated. The only things required are a Discord account, a mic, and a Fantasy Grounds Unity Demo License or better (don’t worry, it’s free; though it doesn't work on ChromeOS or mobile). Prior DnD experience is not; everyone is welcome. For now, all games are run in English. The game is a safe space for Socialists but anyone is welcome as long as you keep your mouth shut about politics if you aren't one. If you have any other questions, feel free to ask. We've recently expanded our DM team and are looking to run even more games than we do now, but to do that we need more players. We'd love to have you! https://discord.gg/R5dPsZU
