linux Linux How can I organize my ebook collection without file duplication?
  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    4 weeks ago 100%

    I don't like keeping duplicate files, especially in my main drive where I don't store media. If I didn't mind duplicate files, it wouldn't be an issue.

  • linux
    Linux CoderSupreme 4 weeks ago 95%
    How can I organize my ebook collection without file duplication?

    I am seeking advice regarding my ebook collection on a Linux system, which is stored on an external drive and sorted into categories. However, there are still many unsorted ebooks. I have tried using Calibre for organization, but it creates duplicate files during import on my main drive where I don't want to keep any media. I would like to: * Use Calibre's automatic organization (tags, etc.) without duplicating files * Maintain my existing folder structure while using Calibre * Automatically sort the remaining ebooks into my existing categories/folder structure I am considering the use of symlinks to maintain the existing folder structure if there is a simple way to automate the process due to my very large collection. Regarding automatic sorting by category, I am looking for a solution that doesn't require manual organization or a significant time investment. I'm wondering if there's a way to extract metadata based on file hashes or any other method that doesn't involve manual work. Most of the files should have title and author metadata, but some won't. Has anyone encountered a similar problem and found a solution? I would appreciate any suggestions for tools, scripts, or workflows that might help. Thank you in advance for any advice!

    Fediverse CoderSupreme 4 weeks ago 95%
    Why did the Lemmy instances stopped upgrading the version they use?

    It seems most instances still use version 0.19.3 and the only one using the up-to-date version is They used to update relatively fast. What's changed?

    linux Linux File indexing and search tool with specific features?
  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    2 months ago 100%

    Yes, they are all media but they are not specific to a single type of media. Today I may want to find a book and tomorrow a song with the same program. So the files can be literature, audio, movies, series, etc.

  • linux
    Linux CoderSupreme 2 months ago 95%
    File indexing and search tool with specific features?

    Hey Linux community, I'm struggling with a file management issue and hoping you can help. I have a large media collection spread across multiple external hard drives. Often, when I'm looking for a specific file, I can't remember which drive it's on. I'm looking for a file indexing and search tool that meets the following requirements: * Ability to scan multiple locations * Option to exclude specific folders or subfolders from both scan and search * File indexing for quicker searches * Capability to search indexed files even when the original drive is disconnected * Real-time updates as files change Any recommendations for tools that meet most or all of these criteria? It would be a huge help in organizing and finding my media files. Thanks in advance for any suggestions!

    No Stupid Questions CoderSupreme 4 months ago 100%
    How to manage contact information between Android and Linux without any Big Tech software?

    I used Google before, but since I degoogled, I only have my contacts on my Android phone. However, I would like to be able to access them on Linux too and have them synced.

    programming Programming Free accessible endpoints for info on movies and TV shows? (Writing a script [or a program, haven't decided yet] for my brother)
    Linux CoderSupreme 7 months ago 95%
    Actually Useful AI CoderSupreme 10 months ago 92%
    *Permanently Deleted*

    *Permanently Deleted*

    LocalLLaMA CoderSupreme 11 months ago 82%

    CogVLM: Visual Expert for Pretrained Language Models Presents CogVLM, a powerful open-source visual language foundation model that achieves SotA perf on 10 classic cross-modal benchmarks repo: abs:

    Open Source CoderSupreme 11 months ago 96%

    A self-hosted BitTorrent indexer, DHT crawler, content classifier and torrent search engine with web UI, GraphQL API and Servarr stack integration.

    Open Source CoderSupreme 11 months ago 91%

    A terminal workspace with batteries included

    LocalLLaMA CoderSupreme 11 months ago 76%

    article: trained a prototype LLM (Grok-0) with 33 billion parameters. This early model approaches LLaMA 2 (70B) capabilities on standard LM benchmarks but uses only half of its training resources. In the last two months, we have made significant improvements in reasoning and coding capabilities leading up to Grok-1, a state-of-the-art language model that is significantly more powerful, achieving 63.2% on the HumanEval coding task and 73% on MMLU.

    Python CoderSupreme 11 months ago 100%
    *Permanently Deleted*

    *Permanently Deleted*

    Open Source CoderSupreme 11 months ago 0%
    Linux CoderSupreme 12 months ago 92%
    *Permanently Deleted*

    *Permanently Deleted*

    No Stupid Questions CoderSupreme 12 months ago 77%
    Python CoderSupreme 12 months ago 70%

    The instance where I was using it changed it's rules to prevent bots from posting in it and I didn't care enough to search for another instance. ` ```py LEMMY_INSTANCE_URL = "" LEMMY_COMMUNITY_NAME = "" LEMMY_USERNAME = "" LEMMY_PASSWORD = "" GITHUB_API_BASE = "" GITHUB_URL_BASE = "" REPOSITORIES = ["LemmyNet/lemmy", "LemmyNet/lemmy-ui"] DB_FILE = "lemmy_github.db" DELAY = 1 MAX_BACKOFF_TIME = 300 PERSONAL_ACCESS_TOKEN = "" ``` `` ```py import backoff import datetime import logging import requests import schedule import sqlite3 import time from config import * from pythorhead import Lemmy from typing import Any, Dict, Generator, List, Optional, Tuple, Callable, TypeVar T = TypeVar('T') # "[%(levelname)s]:%(asctime)s:%(name)s [%(filename)s:%(lineno)s - %(funcName)s()] %(message)s" FORMAT = "%(message)s" logging.basicConfig( level=logging.INFO, format=FORMAT, handlers=[logging.FileHandler("debug.log", mode="w"), logging.StreamHandler()], ) def on_giveup(details: Dict[str, int]) -> None: logging.error(f"Failed to fetch issues after {details['tries']} attempts", exc_info=True) def handle_errors(message: Optional[str] = None) -> Callable[[Callable[..., T]], Callable[..., T]]: def decorator(function: Callable[..., T]) -> Callable[..., T]: def wrapper(*args: Tuple[Any], **kwargs: Dict[str, Any]) -> T: try: return function(*args, **kwargs) except Exception as e: if message: logging.exception(f"{message} - Error in {function.__name__}:\n{e}") else: logging.exception(f"Error in {function.__name__}:\n{e}") raise return wrapper return decorator class GitHubIssue: def __init__(self, issue_dict: dict[str, Any], github_repo: str) -> None: try: self.url = issue_dict["html_url"]"Creating issue {self.url}") self.state = issue_dict["state"] self.state_fmt = "[Closed]" if issue_dict["state"] == "closed" else "" self.repo_abbr = "[UI]" if "lemmy-ui" in github_repo else "[BE]" self.title = f"{self.state_fmt}{self.repo_abbr} {issue_dict['title']} #{issue_dict['number']}" self.title = self.title[:200] self.body = issue_dict["body"] if self.body is not None: self.body = self.body[:30000] self.user = issue_dict["user"]["login"] self.user_url = issue_dict["user"]["html_url"] self.updated_at = datetime.datetime.strptime(issue_dict["updated_at"], '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ') except Exception as e: log_message: str = ( f"Formatted issue:\n" f" - Repo: {github_repo}\n" f" - Issue State: {self.state}\n" f" - Repo Abbreviation: {self.repo_abbr}\n" f" - Title: {self.title}\n" f" - URL: {self.url}\n" f" - User: {self.user}\n" f" - User URL: {self.user_url}\n" f" - Updated At: {self.updated_at}\n" ) logging.exception(log_message) logging.exception(e) @property def formatted_body(self) -> str: formatted_body: str = self.body try: if self.body is not None: formatted_body = self.body.replace("\n", "\n> ") formatted_body = f"> {formatted_body}\n> \n> *Originally posted by [{self.user}]({self.user_url}) in [#{self.number}]({self.url})*" except Exception as e: logging.exception(f"Error formatting body for {self.url}\n{e}") return formatted_body @property def number(self) -> int: return int(self.url.split("/")[-1]) class GitHubComment: def __init__(self, comment_dict: dict[str, Any], issue_number: int) -> None: = comment_dict["id"] self.body = comment_dict["body"] self.user = comment_dict["user"]["login"] self.user_url = comment_dict["user"]["html_url"] self.url = comment_dict["html_url"] self.issue_number = issue_number @property def formatted_comment(self) -> str: formatted_body:str = self.body.replace("\n", "\n> ") formatted_body = f"> {formatted_body}\n> \n> *Originally posted by [{self.user}]({self.user_url}) in [#{self.issue_number}]({self.url})*" return formatted_body @handle_errors("Error initializing database") def initialize_database() -> sqlite3.Connection:"Initializing database") conn: sqlite3.Connection = sqlite3.connect(DB_FILE) cursor: sqlite3.Cursor = conn.cursor() cursor.execute( """ CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS posts ( issue_number INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, lemmy_post_id INTEGER NOT NULL UNIQUE, issue_title TEXT, issue_body TEXT, updated_at TIMESTAMP DEFAULT NULL ) """ ) cursor.execute( """ CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS comments ( github_comment_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, lemmy_comment_id INTEGER NOT NULL UNIQUE, comment_user TEXT, comment_body TEXT updated_at TIMESTAMP DEFAULT NULL ) """ ) cursor.execute( """ CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS last_updated ( id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, last_updated_time TIMESTAMP ); """ ) conn.commit() return conn def get_last_updated_time() -> str: conn = sqlite3.connect(DB_FILE) cursor = conn.cursor() cursor.execute("SELECT last_updated_time FROM last_updated WHERE id = 1") last_updated_time: str = cursor.fetchone()[0] conn.close() return last_updated_time def update_last_updated_time() -> None: conn = sqlite3.connect(DB_FILE) cursor = conn.cursor() current_time = datetime.datetime.utcnow().isoformat() cursor.execute("UPDATE last_updated SET last_updated_time = ? WHERE id = 1", (current_time,)) if cursor.rowcount == 0: cursor.execute("INSERT INTO last_updated (id, last_updated_time) VALUES (1, ?)", (current_time,)) conn.commit() conn.close()"Updated last updated time") def update_post_time(post_id: int, updated_at: datetime.datetime) -> None: conn: sqlite3.Connection = sqlite3.connect(DB_FILE) cursor: sqlite3.Cursor = conn.cursor() time_formatted = updated_at.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') SQL = "UPDATE posts SET updated_at = ? WHERE lemmy_post_id = ?" cursor.execute(SQL, (time_formatted, post_id)) conn.commit() conn.close() def check_updated_at(issue_number: int) -> Optional[Tuple[int, str, str, Optional[str]]]:"Checking last post update for {issue_number}") conn: sqlite3.Connection = sqlite3.connect(DB_FILE) cursor: sqlite3.Cursor = conn.cursor() SQL = "SELECT lemmy_post_id, issue_title, issue_body, updated_at FROM posts WHERE issue_number = ?" cursor.execute(SQL, (issue_number,)) result: Tuple[int, str, str, Optional[str]] = cursor.fetchone() conn.close() if result is None:"No post found for {issue_number}") return None else:"Found post for {issue_number}") return result @handle_errors("Error initializing Lemmy instance") def initialize_lemmy_instance() -> Lemmy:"Initializing Lemmy instance") lemmy = Lemmy(LEMMY_INSTANCE_URL)"Initialized Lemmy instance in {LEMMY_INSTANCE_URL}") lemmy.log_in(LEMMY_USERNAME, LEMMY_PASSWORD)"Logged in to Lemmy instance with user {LEMMY_USERNAME}") return lemmy @backoff.on_exception( backoff.expo, (requests.exceptions.RequestException, TypeError), max_time=MAX_BACKOFF_TIME, on_giveup=on_giveup, ) def fetch_github_data(url: str) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]: global LAST_REQUEST_TIME try: headers = { "Accept": "application/vnd.github+json", "Authorization": f"Bearer {PERSONAL_ACCESS_TOKEN}", "X-GitHub-Api-Version": "2022-11-28", } time_elapsed = time.time() - LAST_REQUEST_TIME required_delay = max(0, DELAY - time_elapsed) time.sleep(required_delay) response = requests.get(url, headers=headers) LAST_REQUEST_TIME = time.time()"Fetched data from {url}") res: List[Dict[str, Any]] = response.json() return res except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e: logging.exception(f"Error fetching data from {url}\n{e}") raise def check_existing_post(issue_number: str) -> Optional[int]: conn: sqlite3.Connection = sqlite3.connect(DB_FILE) cursor: sqlite3.Cursor = conn.cursor() SQL = "SELECT lemmy_post_id FROM posts WHERE issue_number=?" cursor.execute(SQL, (issue_number,)) post_id: Optional[tuple[int]] = cursor.fetchone() if post_id: return post_id[0] return None def insert_post_to_db(issue: GitHubIssue, lemmy_post_id: Optional[int]) -> None: try: conn: sqlite3.Connection = sqlite3.connect(DB_FILE) cursor: sqlite3.Cursor = conn.cursor() SQL = "INSERT INTO posts (issue_number, lemmy_post_id, issue_title, issue_body, updated_at) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)" cursor.execute(SQL, (issue.number, lemmy_post_id, issue.title, issue.formatted_body, issue.updated_at)) conn.commit()"Inserted new Lemmy post {lemmy_post_id} into the database") except sqlite3.Error as e: logging.exception(f"Error inserting post into the database for issue {issue.title} with url {issue.url}\n{e}") raise def insert_comment_to_database(cursor: sqlite3.Cursor, github_comment_id: int, lemmy_comment_id: int, comment: GitHubComment) -> None: try: SQL = "INSERT INTO comments (github_comment_id, lemmy_comment_id, comment_user, comment_body) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)" cursor.execute(SQL, (github_comment_id, lemmy_comment_id, comment.user, comment.formatted_comment,))"Inserted comment {github_comment_id} into the database") except Exception as e: logging.exception(f"Error encountered while inserting comment {github_comment_id} to database\n{e}") @backoff.on_exception( backoff.expo, (requests.exceptions.RequestException, TypeError), max_time=MAX_BACKOFF_TIME, on_giveup=on_giveup, ) def create_lemmy_post(lemmy: Any, community_id: int, issue: GitHubIssue) -> Optional[int]: lemmy_post_id: Optional[int] = None lemmy_post_id =, issue.title, url=issue.url, body=issue.body)["post_view"]["post"]["id"] lemmy_url = f"{LEMMY_INSTANCE_URL}/post/{lemmy_post_id}""Posted issue {lemmy_url}") return lemmy_post_id @backoff.on_exception( backoff.expo, (requests.exceptions.RequestException, TypeError), max_time=MAX_BACKOFF_TIME, on_giveup=on_giveup, ) def create_lemmy_comment(lemmy: Any, post_id: Optional[int], comment: GitHubComment) -> Optional[int]:"Creating new Lemmy comment in {LEMMY_INSTANCE_URL}/post/{post_id}") if not post_id: logging.warning("Post ID is empty. Skipping comment creation") return None response = lemmy.comment.create(post_id, comment.formatted_comment) lemmy_comment_id:int = response["comment_view"]["comment"]["id"]"Successfully created Lemmy comment {LEMMY_INSTANCE_URL}/comment/{lemmy_comment_id}") return lemmy_comment_id def get_total_issues(github_repo: str) -> int: url: str = f"{github_repo}" data: List[Dict[str, Any]] = fetch_github_data(url) total_issues: int = data["open_issues_count"] return total_issues def fetch_issues(github_repo: str, last_updated_time: str) -> Generator[Dict[str, Any], None, None]: page = 1 per_page = 100 issues_url = (f"{GITHUB_API_BASE}/repos/{github_repo}/issues?state=all&since={last_updated_time}&per_page={per_page}") while True: page_url = f"{issues_url}&page={page}" issues: List[Dict[str, Any]] = fetch_github_data(page_url) if not issues: break for issue_dict in issues: yield issue_dict page += 1 @backoff.on_exception( backoff.expo, (requests.exceptions.RequestException, TypeError), max_time=MAX_BACKOFF_TIME, on_giveup=on_giveup, ) def edit_lemmy_post(lemmy: Any, lemmy_post_id: int, issue: GitHubIssue) -> None:, name=issue.title, url=issue.url, body=issue.body) def process_issues(lemmy: Any, community_id: int, github_repo: str) -> None: last_updated_time = get_last_updated_time() update_last_updated_time() for issue_dict in fetch_issues(github_repo, last_updated_time): process_issue(lemmy, community_id, github_repo, issue_dict) def process_issue(lemmy: Any, community_id: int, github_repo: str, issue_dict: dict[str, Any]) -> None: issue: GitHubIssue = GitHubIssue(issue_dict, github_repo) res: Optional[Tuple[int, str, str, Optional[str]]] = check_updated_at(issue.number) if res is None: create_new_lemmy_post(lemmy, community_id, github_repo, issue) else: lemmy_post_id, existing_title, existing_body, updated_at = res if updated_at is None or has_enough_time_passed(updated_at, issue.updated_at): update_issue_if_needed(lemmy, lemmy_post_id, existing_title, existing_body, issue) process_comments(lemmy, lemmy_post_id, github_repo, issue) update_post_time(lemmy_post_id, issue.updated_at) def has_enough_time_passed(old_updated_at_str: str, new_updated_at: datetime.datetime) -> bool: old_updated_at = datetime.datetime.strptime(old_updated_at_str, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') time_difference: datetime.timedelta = new_updated_at - old_updated_at return time_difference >= datetime.timedelta(hours=2) def update_issue_if_needed(lemmy: Any, lemmy_post_id: int, existing_title: str, existing_body: str, issue: GitHubIssue) -> None: if existing_title != issue.title or existing_body != issue.formatted_body: edit_lemmy_post(lemmy, lemmy_post_id, issue) def create_new_lemmy_post(lemmy: Any, community_id: int, github_repo: str, issue: GitHubIssue) -> None: lemmy_post_id: Optional[int] = post_issue_to_lemmy(lemmy, community_id, issue) insert_post_to_db(issue, lemmy_post_id) process_comments(lemmy, lemmy_post_id, github_repo, issue) def post_issue_to_lemmy(lemmy: Any, community_id: int, issue: GitHubIssue) -> Optional[int]: try:"Start posting issue {issue.title} to community {community_id}") lemmy_post_id: Optional[int] = create_lemmy_post(lemmy, community_id, issue) return lemmy_post_id except Exception as e: logging.exception(f"Error posting issue {issue.title} to community {community_id}\n{e}") return None def process_comments(lemmy: Any, post_id: Optional[int], github_repo: str, issue: GitHubIssue) -> None: try:"Posting comments from issue #{issue.number} to Lemmy post {LEMMY_INSTANCE_URL}/post/{post_id}") comments_url: str = f"{GITHUB_API_BASE}/repos/{github_repo}/issues/{issue.number}/comments" comments: Dict[str, Any] = fetch_github_data(comments_url) for comment_data in comments: if isinstance(comment_data, str): logging.warning(f"Skipping comment {comment_data}") continue process_comment(lemmy, github_repo, comment_data, post_id, issue.number) except Exception as e: logging.exception(f"Error posting comments to lemmy post {post_id}\n{e}") def process_comment(lemmy: Any, github_repo: str, comment_data: Dict[str, Any], post_id: Optional[int], issue_number: int) -> None: conn: sqlite3.Connection = sqlite3.connect(DB_FILE) cursor: sqlite3.Cursor = conn.cursor() comment = GitHubComment(comment_data, issue_number) existing_comment_id: Optional[int] = get_existing_comment_id(cursor, if existing_comment_id:"Skipping existing comment with GitHub comment ID: {}") return post_comment_to_lemmy(cursor, lemmy, github_repo, comment, post_id, issue_number) conn.commit() def post_comment_to_lemmy(cursor: sqlite3.Cursor, lemmy: Any, github_repo: str, comment: GitHubComment, post_id: Optional[int], issue_number: int) -> None: lemmy_post_url = f"{LEMMY_INSTANCE_URL}/post/{post_id}" comment_url = f"{GITHUB_URL_BASE}/{github_repo}/issues/{issue_number}#issuecomment-{}""Posting comment {comment.url} to Lemmy post {lemmy_post_url}") lemmy_comment_id: Optional[int] = create_lemmy_comment(lemmy, post_id, comment) if not lemmy_comment_id: logging.exception(f"Error creating Lemmy comment {lemmy_comment_id} to {lemmy_post_url} from Github comment {comment.url}") return"Posted comment {comment_url} to Lemmy post {lemmy_post_url}") insert_comment_to_database(cursor,, lemmy_comment_id, comment) def get_existing_comment_id(cursor: sqlite3.Cursor, github_comment_id: int) -> Optional[int]:"Checking if comment with GitHub comment ID: {github_comment_id} exists") cursor.execute("SELECT lemmy_comment_id FROM comments WHERE github_comment_id=?", (github_comment_id,)) existing_comment = cursor.fetchone() if existing_comment is not None:"Found existing comment with GitHub comment ID: {github_comment_id}") existing_comment_id: int = existing_comment[0] return existing_comment_id else:"No existing comment found with GitHub comment ID: {github_comment_id}") return None def fetch_issue_data(github_repo: str) -> List[Tuple[str, Optional[int]]]:"Fetching the GitHub issue number and Lemmy post ID for all issues") conn: sqlite3.Connection = sqlite3.connect(DB_FILE) cursor: sqlite3.Cursor = conn.cursor() SQL = "SELECT issue_url, lemmy_post_id FROM posts WHERE issue_url LIKE ?" issues_url = f"{github_repo}/issues/%" issue_data = cursor.execute(SQL, (issues_url,)).fetchall()"Fetched {len(issue_data)} issues") return issue_data def process_repo(lemmy: Any, community_id: int, github_repo: str) -> None: try:"Processing repository {github_repo}") process_issues(lemmy, community_id, github_repo) except Exception as e: logging.exception(f"Error occurred while processing repository {github_repo}\n{e}") def main() -> None:"Running main function") initialize_database() lemmy = initialize_lemmy_instance() community_id = lemmy.discover_community(LEMMY_COMMUNITY_NAME) for github_repo in REPOSITORIES: process_repo(lemmy, community_id, github_repo) def run_periodically() -> None:"Starting periodic run") schedule.every(1) while True: try: schedule.run_pending() except Exception as e: logging.exception(f"Error occurred during scheduling\n{e}") time.sleep(60) if __name__ == "__main__": try:"Starting script") main() run_periodically() except Exception as e: logging.exception(f"Error occurred during script execution\n{e}") ``` `requirements.txt` ``` pythorhead==0.12.3 schedule==1.2.0 backoff==2.2.1 feedparser==6.0.10 ```

    Lemmy CoderSupreme 12 months ago 86%

    Hey everyone, I was wondering what you think about having a bot for nightly builds to test the latest changes and discover regressions. This would allow some instances to test the latest changes and discover regressions so that we don't get stuck with those until the next big release. I think this would be a great way to improve the user experience. What do you think?

    Fediverse CoderSupreme 1 year ago 100%
    Request for Feedback: New Tag System for Lemmy. "Speak Now or Forever Hold Your Peace"

    Fellow Lemmy users, The Lemmy development team is considering adding a new tag system that would allow us to tag posts with keywords. This could make it easier to search for and find content on Lemmy. Before implementing this, the team would like our feedback as users. Specifically: - Do you think having post tags would be helpful on Lemmy? Why or why not? - How should tags be displayed and integrated into Lemmy? Please share your thoughts on whether you'd find a tag system useful, and if so, how you'd want it implemented. The dev team reads the feedback and will use it to decide how to proceed. To give your input, you can comment or vote here or on the GitHub issue[^1]. Thanks for helping shape Lemmy! This is our community, so please speak up. Looking forward to hearing your thoughts. - [RFC document]( [^1]: [GitHub — Post tags](

    Opensource CoderSupreme 1 year ago 100%
    Request for Feedback: New Tag System for Lemmy. "Speak Now or Forever Hold Your Peace"

    Fellow Lemmy users, The Lemmy development team is considering adding a new tag system that would allow us to tag posts with keywords. This could make it easier to search for and find content on Lemmy. Before implementing this, the team would like our feedback as users. Specifically: - Do you think having post tags would be helpful on Lemmy? Why or why not? - How should tags be displayed and integrated into Lemmy? Please share your thoughts on whether you'd find a tag system useful, and if so, how you'd want it implemented. The dev team reads the feedback and will use it to decide how to proceed. To give your input, you can comment or vote here or on the GitHub issue[^1]. Thanks for helping shape Lemmy! This is our community, so please speak up. Looking forward to hearing your thoughts. - [RFC document]( [^1]: [GitHub — Post tags](

    Actually Useful AI CoderSupreme 1 year ago 87%

    I've been really impressed with how well perplexity answers my search queries. It seems to understand what I'm asking for and returns very relevant results. I would have expected more competition in the AI search engine space by now. The big players like YouChat, Bing, and others don't seem to be trying to match perplexity's capabilities. I'm surprised there aren't more free public AI search options that are more accurate than perplexity. Are there any good alternatives out there that I'm missing? I'd love to find other AI search engines that can match or exceed perplexity.

    Fediverse CoderSupreme 1 year ago 93%
    Python CoderSupreme 1 year ago 100%
    *Permanently Deleted*

    I've been working on some Python scripts for Lemmy that you might find useful. Here's what's included: - Reposting invidious feed - Purging your user posts and comments - Reposting GitHub issues and comments - Checking which instances block a given instance - Pinging instances multiple times and sorting them by latency - Awesome Lemmy Instances has an added column that shows total blocked users for each instance. Thanks to []( for making [Pythörhead]( You can find other useful Lemmy tools in [Awesome Lemmy](
