comradeship Comradeship // Freechat Good news! My daughter shared a surprising and welcome detail about her US history class with me today
  • ButtigiegMineralMap ButtigiegMineralMap 2 weeks ago 100%

    I’m sure if you go to a PTA meeting and give them credit for a good lesson plan, it will go a long way with them. Lord knows they probably put up with a lot of annoying parents at PTA meetings

  • genzedong GenZedong Mr. Israel Epstein of the Communist Party of China
  • ButtigiegMineralMap ButtigiegMineralMap 2 weeks ago 100%

    Lol yeah you’re right, his grandpa (I believe) was George Washington Hitler, he thought he only had one historical reference in his name for a good couple decades. Poor guy, same with семён гитлер, they don’t deserve to be attached to probably the most despicable person on Earth if you’d ask most people

  • memes Memes Libs be like about Palestine
  • ButtigiegMineralMap ButtigiegMineralMap 2 weeks ago 100%

    Don’t forget the time India killed a Sikh dude in Canada, that shit was crazy

  • genzedong GenZedong Why are some American liberals so aggressive?
  • ButtigiegMineralMap ButtigiegMineralMap 2 weeks ago 100%

    My Dad is a Blue MAGA guy, and yes he refers to people he doesn’t like as Trump supporters sometimes, even out of political settings. Like if someone is on a motorcycle and it’s kinda loud, he’ll basically be like “hm probably a Trump supporter” or he’ll say it about St Louis Cardinals fans, but that one is actually pretty believable

  • genzedong GenZedong Mr. Israel Epstein of the Communist Party of China
  • ButtigiegMineralMap ButtigiegMineralMap 2 weeks ago 96%

    I know another great one. There was once a dentist in the 20s-40s in the US midwest, a man named George Washington Hitler. He didn’t change his name bc he said to paraphrase “I never disrespected my name, Adolf did” which is pretty funny bc George Washington is already a pretty tarnished name. It gets better. His son or grandson or something was named Gaylord and went by Gay Hitler.

  • memes Memes Libs be like about Palestine
  • ButtigiegMineralMap ButtigiegMineralMap 4 weeks ago 100%

    Pelosi telling Palestine protesters to go back to their Chinese HQ will forever stay with me. How did she know about the Chatanooga Checkpoint? Have the Deep State infiltrated the Gen Zedong Lair?

  • memes Memes We ArE WorKinG oN a CeaCefiRe DeAl
  • ButtigiegMineralMap ButtigiegMineralMap 4 weeks ago 100%

    I feel similarly to Will Menaker about Harris/Walz, like yeah it’s better than Biden was, and if you’re happy with it, fine, I won’t scold you, but it still doesn’t meet my one single requirement for me to be able to bite the bullet and vote for her. She just needs to shut off all aid to Israel, but seeing as how they’re still sending billions at a time like it’s pocket change, I can’t in good faith vote for that kind of person.

  • memes Memes Who wants to explain to comrade Xi what Dialectical Materialsm is 🤣
  • ButtigiegMineralMap ButtigiegMineralMap 1 month ago 100%

    Xi Jinping casts DialMat, it is very effective!

  • ButtigiegMineralMap ButtigiegMineralMap 2 months ago 100%

    Subscriptions will be the death of me, I will have to start pirating like all the shit I watch just to afford a fast food meal like once a week smh

  • agitprop Agitprop Yemen is based
  • ButtigiegMineralMap ButtigiegMineralMap 2 months ago 100%

    I may have to make this into a poster for my room🤔

  • worldnews World News Poland Tears Down Anti-Nazi Monument
  • ButtigiegMineralMap ButtigiegMineralMap 2 months ago 100%

    I love how they mentioned in a Deprogram, Poland during the 80s was viewed as suffering under a totalitarian socialist regime, yearning for a Democratic progressive republic, but now Poland just complains about Green energy and tolerance towards minorities to the EU🤦‍♂️

  • comradeship Comradeship // Freechat How do you think your nation's youth will deal with the future?
  • ButtigiegMineralMap ButtigiegMineralMap 2 months ago 100%

    In their defense they were grinding XP

  • comradeship Comradeship // Freechat How do you think your nation's youth will deal with the future?
  • ButtigiegMineralMap ButtigiegMineralMap 2 months ago 100%

    true, apparently sometimes they fuck with other animals purely for trolling, they don’t even eat their prey sometimes. They even slap the shit out of sharks with their tailfin and have been known to launch seals, and occasionally dolphins, into the air with a tail slap against the water that sends them flying, orcas don’t play, or I mean technically they do play but you know what I mean lol

  • shitreactionariessay Shit Reactionaries Say "Public toilets are vanishing." Mr. Techbro to the rescue.
  • ButtigiegMineralMap ButtigiegMineralMap 2 months ago 100%

    I’d rather shit myself

  • comradeship Comradeship // Freechat This is a real shirt you can buy from Wal-Mart
  • ButtigiegMineralMap ButtigiegMineralMap 2 months ago 100%

    Thank you, I spent a decent amount of time on Twitter (or X) and after getting like 100+ porn bots in my comments I decided to stop logging on. Same w TikTok for the most part. I like the occasional Panda facts and funny vids, but nothing keeps me grounded in DialMat and class-consciousness consistently like Lemmygrad

  • shitposting shitposting I'm going insane
  • ButtigiegMineralMap ButtigiegMineralMap 2 months ago 100%

    Kid named finger:😳

  • comradeship Comradeship // Freechat This is a real shirt you can buy from Wal-Mart
  • ButtigiegMineralMap ButtigiegMineralMap 3 months ago 100%

    I had to go there recently for Milk at like midnight (My Dad is so odd lol, he drinks milk at the most random hours and NEEDS 2 gallons of milk in the fridge at all times) and not to sound judgmental or rude, but you see the strangest assortment of people there. They also typically have a cop car in their parking lot which is super weird. Lots of “surveillance cameras” that I hear from some people are not even powered. Half the cameras are empty just to scare you, some of them are real and they show you what’s being filmed to discourage theft. Anything for cost cutting measures. I suppose the threat of a camera is just as good as a physical camera, hell it worked on me, I didn’t steal anything.

  • comradeship Comradeship // Freechat This is a real shirt you can buy from Wal-Mart
  • ButtigiegMineralMap ButtigiegMineralMap 3 months ago 100%

    I have no anti-comm shirt in time for 4th of July!!!😡😤🤬Laterally 1967

  • comradeship
    This is a real shirt you can buy from Wal-Mart

    In case anyone was wondering what to get me for Xmas…hint hint😂 /s

    genzedong GenZedong Fuck Twitter
  • ButtigiegMineralMap ButtigiegMineralMap 4 months ago 100%

    The only reason I downloaded it was to watch vids that friends/fam sent me. Then I started following accounts I like (Adam Friedland,Chapo hosts,a few comedians and a few leftist party accounts) and eventually I started commenting and later posting. I get the appeal but now that Elon owns it, they have had a plague of porn bots that descend upon like 4 out of every 10 posts which is a huge problem ever since Elon fired like all of the content moderation team because of ThE WoKe ViRuS

  • genzedong GenZedong Fuck Twitter
  • ButtigiegMineralMap ButtigiegMineralMap 4 months ago 100%

    Wow that’s pretty cool, I never knew that but it makes sense. I can definitely use a better attention to detail, thanks for letting me know, I’ll try to force myself a bit more to focus, I appreciate it Comrade!

  • genzedong GenZedong Fuck Twitter
  • ButtigiegMineralMap ButtigiegMineralMap 4 months ago 100%

    I can definitely agree that too many Marxists don’t actually read the works 100% and I definitely agree that the good way of emphasizing that point is to explain small points and say “if you want a deeper dive, make sure to read X Book by Y Author” instead of telling people to shut up bc they read Economic Manuscripts of 1844 once 8 years ago.

  • genzedong GenZedong Fuck Twitter
  • ButtigiegMineralMap ButtigiegMineralMap 4 months ago 100%

    I like TikTok bc I haven’t had a good attention span since 2019. I also just check Reddit posts every now and then but never post. Occasionally I comment but I usually confine my leftist views to my bookshelf rather than trying to act like the King of Communism on Twitter like a lot do. It’s exhausting

  • genzedong
    GenZedong ButtigiegMineralMap 4 months ago 97%
    Fuck Twitter

    Recently I had been going on Twitter a lot instinctively when I was bored. I guess I liked the interactions but tbh it’s so bad. Left Twitter has 3 kinds of people: (1) Acts like they are the embodiment of Marxism, nobody else knows anything and nobody else reads according to them. (2) Doesn’t care about theory or material conditions, just looking for a controversial side to join and loves posting about Russia and Jackson Hinkle/Haz. (3) Wreckers (on purpose or not makes little difference) who want to shut down any and all acts of popular resistance because “nothing ever happens”. “What are these campus protests even doing for the people in Palestine?” They say while ignoring Yemeni and Lebanese rallies with posters addressing students to continue their protests. And I would add the folks trying to become a “character” or something or like the voice of Left Twitter, but usually they fall into of the previous 3 categories (feel free to add any that you think I missed). And that’s just the Left. At LEAST they have decent takes to start with that they can ruin slowly over time. Then you get to the libs who have all been scratched. Then you push further right and you get people with usernames I can’t even say here and yet they aren’t banned from Twitter. Not to mention all the incels putting Ancient Rome on a pedestal when they would probably be slaves or merchants at best. I tried to quit Twitter a week ago and it was tough at first, but now I wanna make it like 3 weeks. If I’m still not missing Twitter I’ll prob just keep it for when friends and family send me posts from it but I probably won’t scroll thru.

    comradeship Comradeship // Freechat "The DPRK truly is the modern day Holy Roman Empire" - Something I actually heard from a liberal acquaintance
  • ButtigiegMineralMap ButtigiegMineralMap 5 months ago 100%

    I would ask what territories they control outside of their own borders. They have been barred from much of the international trade community and don’t have a powerful position or influence on the UN or the Security Commissions. The UN even mandated that DPRK citizens cannot leave the DPRK, not much of an Empire if you ask me

  • us_news US News Remember, All This Fascism Would Feel Way More Fascismy Under Trump
  • ButtigiegMineralMap ButtigiegMineralMap 5 months ago 100%

    I’m not that old so take this with a grain of salt, but this is the most Fascist that I’ve ever seen the USA domestically. The US gov is demonizing peaceful protesters while Biden says on Press Night that a free press and free speech must be respected and protected. Not to mention the teachers and staff being arrested or the students being doxxed or beaten by police. I certainly won’t vote for Trump but I’ve never wanted to see Biden lose so bad before. I genuinely believe he’ll die in office if he wins a second term.

  • genzedong GenZedong Happy Labour Day, comrades!
  • ButtigiegMineralMap ButtigiegMineralMap 5 months ago 100%

    So glad to have the day off today (by coincidence) lol. I kinda want to read more about the Haymarket uprising in Chicago that started May Day, does anyone have any good articles or book suggestions on said topic? Thank you in advance!

  • comradeship Comradeship // Freechat In urgent need of a profile picture
  • ButtigiegMineralMap ButtigiegMineralMap 5 months ago 100%

    That goes so hard, especially for April😂

  • comradeship Comradeship // Freechat Informal poll: What’s your favorite bird
  • ButtigiegMineralMap ButtigiegMineralMap 5 months ago 80%

    My pet cockatiel made me appreciate birds more in general so I’ll give it to cockatiels

  • games Games What video games are you playing? What have you finished recently? What do you plan to play? - Video Game General Discussion Thread #23
  • ButtigiegMineralMap ButtigiegMineralMap 5 months ago 100%

    I forget which one, but it has lava everywhere and Pack-a-punch is in the first stage/starting area of the zombies map

  • games Games What video games are you playing? What have you finished recently? What do you plan to play? - Video Game General Discussion Thread #23
  • ButtigiegMineralMap ButtigiegMineralMap 6 months ago 100%

    Been playing a lot of Black Ops 2 Zombies w my friends and brother lately, mostly the map with the lava all around. Other than that on my free time I play a lot of GTA 4. I fucking love GTA 4, I could spend hours talking about it and all the little tricks and exploits that aren’t as obvious in game

  • genzedong GenZedong Just got my first Twitter Jail today, who else here has gotten banned before?
  • ButtigiegMineralMap ButtigiegMineralMap 6 months ago 100%

    I surprisingly didn’t get banned for telling a Nazi to “follow your leader” and had a gif of someone shooting themselves with Finger Guns (it was Neil Patrick Harris I believe lol)

  • genzedong GenZedong Just got my first Twitter Jail today, who else here has gotten banned before?
  • ButtigiegMineralMap ButtigiegMineralMap 6 months ago 100%

    I got a long ban on my Reddit account ButtigiegMineralMap because I was reported as a Terrorist (lmao) and the only reason I cared about it was because I was kicked off of SchoolFights or some fight sub, it was my favorite sub that I was kinda active in, and when the mods kicked me because they said I was a commie terrorist I just got pissed and deleted reddit, I still have it now but only so I can view stuff my friends send me, but it’s my second account I use for other shit

  • genzedong GenZedong Just got my first Twitter Jail today, who else here has gotten banned before?
  • ButtigiegMineralMap ButtigiegMineralMap 6 months ago 100%

    Lol my brother got a ban for telling Charlie Kirk to kys, he said it was well worth it because he got over 100 likes and a few RTs lol can’t say I disagree, also double credit because it was a “Hamas bad, Israel is white Civilized” type posts that Charlie Kirk put up

  • genzedong
    GenZedong ButtigiegMineralMap 6 months ago 96%
    Just got my first Twitter Jail today, who else here has gotten banned before?

    I like to troll on Twitter nowadays. That includes Slazac and Drew Pavlou, Ian Miles Cheong, etc. basically any annoying lib. Recently I got a 1 day ban for telling some idiot Ukkkraine lib to kys because they called Stalin a “Nazi Collaborator”. Wanna know WHY ON EARTH they called STALIN of all ppl a Nazi Collaborator? Because of the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact. SMH 🤦‍♂️! I explained how all of Europe signed decrees and treaties with Nazi Germany immediately beforehand and they just blocked me and I assume reported me. Have any of you fine comrades ever been hit with a ban before?

    memes Memes The two sides of Lemmygrad
  • ButtigiegMineralMap ButtigiegMineralMap 6 months ago 100%

    Simply astounding post

  • ButtigiegMineralMap ButtigiegMineralMap 6 months ago 100%

    Cheap liquor and getting wasted whilst sitting on a public park bench? Sounds like Havana Syndrome to me, I should know. I suffered through it and it took a lot of money and vacations to finally feel better. Thoughts and prayers go out to this brave Recruiter, senselessly zapped by those Pesky Cubans!!!

  • comradeship Comradeship // Freechat Here ask if something you're not sure about is normal (Serious)
  • ButtigiegMineralMap ButtigiegMineralMap 7 months ago 100%

    I used to hate when my oldest brother cracked my knuckles to fuck w me, now I wait all day for the few knuckle cracks I can get, finger ones are easy

  • comradeship Comradeship // Freechat Here ask if something you're not sure about is normal (Serious)
  • ButtigiegMineralMap ButtigiegMineralMap 7 months ago 100%

    Exactly lol, I crack both ways and try to go kinda quick just to hear the symphony of cracks

  • comradeship Comradeship // Freechat Here ask if something you're not sure about is normal (Serious)
  • ButtigiegMineralMap ButtigiegMineralMap 7 months ago 100%

    I hundred percent get what you mean about overstretching and bending something but I typically (i hope) use the same amount of low force just enough for the crack sound, then I stop. I really really hope that doesn’t go wrong one day, that would really suck

  • asklemmygrad Ask Lemmygrad Cisgender people of Lemmygrad: why are you cis?
  • ButtigiegMineralMap ButtigiegMineralMap 7 months ago 100%

    I had to hide my orange toy snubnose from my dad. Luckily I didn’t put it in my backpack or a cop might’ve come and shot me lol

  • asklemmygrad Ask Lemmygrad Cisgender people of Lemmygrad: why are you cis?
  • ButtigiegMineralMap ButtigiegMineralMap 7 months ago 100%

    They didn’t make me play with Nerd guns because they were anti-gun, I had to beg my Mom to get one because my Dad is so staunchly anti-gun.

  • asklemmygrad Ask Lemmygrad Cisgender people of Lemmygrad: why are you cis?
  • ButtigiegMineralMap ButtigiegMineralMap 7 months ago 100%

    Of course I’m cis. My pappy was cis, my pappy’s pappy was cis, and his pappy before him was all cis. /S. Tbh tho I don’t feel like I identify as a girl or even non-male at all. I’m straight and cis and never had anything that really bothered me about it or made me question it.

  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    Movies ButtigiegMineralMap 8 months ago 100%
    Full Metal Jacket

    Wow! What a movie. Spoilers included (duh). So we start off Kubrick’s classic Vietnam War film with the dehumanizing act of shaving the heads of the new recruits. These “maggots” will soon be shaped into Killing Machines, property of the USA. The Drill Sergeant makes an effort to put these young men through HELL because ultimately that’s what war is. Kubrick, having a problem with authority figures in the Western World, makes an equal effort to depict the “good guys” (from a western perspective) as bloodthirsty monsters or at the very least, willing to comply with orders they understand are heinous and inhumane. The first 30-50 min of the movie are vastly different from the second part. Private Pyle being beaten and broken down and eventually murdering the Drill Sergeant (and himself) represents the soul-crushing feeling of being denied your own agency, a common Kubrick theme. But at the same time it represents a sort of impotence of rules and etiquette that the military tries to instill in its soldiers. The main soldier Joker is never in danger technically in the first part. But when they get to Vietnam, they see real innocent Vietnamese people getting murdered for no reason other than the fact that they were born in the incorrect country according to the US. One soldier brags about his kill count, many of them being innocent farmers. The main character joins Stars and Stripes Journalism (military propaganda) They lie about war reports in news papers, they film mass killings and wonder why the locals don’t like them, the whole time, racial and ethnic slurs are tossed around. They depict the Tet offensive as cowardly while they shoot women, children and animals from the safety of a helicopter. Kubrick does a spectacular job of capturing the duality of the military. They want prim and proper young men that are ready to murder innocents in cold blood. I highly suggest anyone watch it. It is a great Anti-War film that was important to be made at the time it came out.

    US News ButtigiegMineralMap 8 months ago 98%
    What is Biden running on?

    I mean seriously: what is he running his campaign based on? Feel free to look around, usually you can find campaign promises on a Candidate’s official website or their social media pages, but Hasan brought up a great point, when you go on Biden’s site, you see how to donate, how to buy merch(aka donate, the markup on everything in those “stores” is ridiculous) how to work with them (free labor) or basic stuff like Privacy, Terms and Cond., accessibility, etc. Notice the lack of Campaign Promises, Issues he runs on, or even something as trivial and basic as an Accomplishments/Accolades list. For fuck’s sake, EVEN I put my accomplishments on a resume for a job that doesn’t require a degree, and Biden’s team doesn’t even have anything useful to brag about for a man running for re-election to one of the most powerful nations on Earth. I also checked out the White House official website and the only issues they have are not updated since like 2020-2021. Ahem, First Issue to be tackled is COVID-19: Well elephant in the room is that Biden didn’t do much, a better job than Trump without a doubt, but more time had already passed, more breakthroughs were made in that time, Covid was slowing down a lot by the time Biden was inaugurated. Granted there are still more cases but far fewer so I’ll give him half a point for that. And that’s being generous. CLIMATE CHANGE: Well, I can’t blame all of Climate Change on Biden, but the 1.5 degree C threshold was broken 2023, in fact it was the hottest year based on global average temperatures, 2024 likely won’t be better. Again, not all his fault, but he really hasn’t delivered on that promise. No points for that one. RACIAL EQUALITY: This one is tougher to prove or debunk, but I will say he didn’t do anything about Cop City, he helped to build parts of the Border Wall that he dumped on Trump for and has most likely forgotten that BLM was ever a thing. So no points for that one either. ECONOMY: This one is anecdotal I admit, but goddamn look at inflation, gas prices aren’t awful but food prices and clothing prices are rising fast. I don’t think Biden supporters would even give him that one, so again no points awarded. HEALTHCARE: lol nope, next. IMMIGRATION: Bro built part of the border wall, arrests and deportations are still very common. Not to mention that he did nothing about Greg Abbott’s crimes of kidnapping (he illegally bussed migrants to Blue States with no communication or planning with said Blue States, essentially leaving them homeless in Midwest Winters). I want to give him a negative point for that, but he doesn’t have a full 1 point yet, so I’ll just give him a zero for that. RESTORING AMERICA’S GLOBAL STANDING: This one is weird, like even when other countries thought Trump was an idiot, the US was still seen as a dangerously powerful nation. Also, just kinda confused, what is our global standing supposed to refer to? Does it imply that we are respected around the world for having a mature world leader? Because Trump was about as stupid as Dan Quayle (GB Sr’s Vice President)and George W Bush, and apparently those dumbfucks didn’t ruin our reputation or “global standing”. So how is Biden, our oldest president who routinely has gaffs and senior moments, the best and brightest we can offer? I guess a few European countries like Biden better because he’s a tiny bit smarter and nicer in person than Trump is. Lastly I’m gonna touch on his ads quickly. It’ll be pretty damn quick because I’ve only seen like 2-3 ads for him. One has Obama in it, one is just Joe talking about how he isn’t Trump and that he may have to face him again, and the last one is an ad where he tries to come off as energetic and determined. None of these ads are memorable for more than 10 seconds. It’s easy to forget his messaging because none of it is tailored to him. Besides the fact that he was VP, there’s no reason to put Obama in the ad, he isn’t on the ballot, he’s retired. People are also reluctant to vote for a man who may or may not survive the entirety of his second term. And Kamala Harris as VP isn’t helping that reluctance.

    My new boss is cringe af

    So they are really into the whole “not a business, we’re family” type shit. My boss called me a few times like an hr after work to see what I learned today. I learned that you’re a fuckin asshole w no boundaries dude. Get this, today for morning meeting, he tells us about how “actually, people in poverty are much more similar to wealthy people. And poor and rich people are similar because they’re complacent.” We’re supposed to write down notes smh. Halfway through his dumbass speech, I just started writing up a critique of everything he said. Like sure, inheritance and intergenerational wealth play NO role at all dude, just grind more. What metaphysical bullshit. Tbh if they keep pushing this class collaboration, idealistic view of the world just to act like we need to work harder, I’m gonna look for a new job.

    GenZedong ButtigiegMineralMap 8 months ago 100%
    Are the attacks on the Houthis working? Biden answers honestly.

    I was under the impression that Biden would try to give more charismatic responses to tough questions, y’know, considering that he’s running for reelection against Trump. I’m disgusted that he knows it isn’t doing anything to discourage them but will do it anyway. Genocidal Joe is more a title of his that he proudly wears rather than a criticism from the left on his foreign policy. I’m sure he doesn’t care. In fact I’m positive. He was at a church where protesters voiced their support for ceasefire in Gaza and he just shrugged them off and had them removed by police. Tbh, I was surprised that his handlers didn’t have that question about Ansr Allah prepped days ago already and had Joe trained on what to say. I may eat my words later but Joey stands no chance in this election. Not saying it will be the blowout of the century or anything. Hell he may even win popular vote, but I really doubt he can win the presidency at this point. Things can always change, but not many people can stand this level of honest true incompetency.

    shitposting ButtigiegMineralMap 8 months ago 100%
    Marxism with Chicago Characteristics

    Is it just me, or does 1985 Bears Coach Mike Ditka look like he could’ve been the leader of a Central/Eastern European Communist Republic in the late 50s-80s? I can’t unsee it now.

    Am I a Bolshevik???? (/s)

    Right as I was getting off work after a horrible day, an old lib coworker cussed me out and called me a Bolshevik. I responded with a number of redacted responses because my last day is in 2 days. Part of me wants to go to HR just to fuck with him. Idk tho, I was really pissed in the moment, now just sorta laughing at it. He said his mom punched a Bolshevik🤣

    Ask Lemmygrad ButtigiegMineralMap 9 months ago 100%
    Do you have glasses, contacts or neither?

    I will put in a poll in the comments, only upvote the comment that applies. Obv you can make other comments but for voting purposes just choose one.

    Job interview today! Wish me luck! 🍀

    I love my current job, it’s unionized, we get weekly pay, the managers are some of the kindest people I’ve ever had the pleasure to meet, let alone work alongside of, I get plenty of breaks and reading time when I’m not busy, I get Saturdays off and additional Sunday pay. But two things suck, the coworkers and the pay. One of my coworkers is an old Lib that was very Pro Ireland and we talked for a bit but he’s TERRIFIED of Soviets, like he’s literally spooked by me bc I wear a USSR jacket and Ushankas in winter. I also had a coworker that claimed to be Jesus. Yep, they thought they were the Son of God sent down to redeem humanity’s sinners. He also claimed to have been in the military, a few cults and a few mafias and eventually got fired for calling a young black coworker the Hard-R N-slur, so he was a piece of work. You could never trust what he says and would love to cockblock people. Very odd guy, tough to feel sorry for him but I kinda do, he’s obviously not all there. With all that craziness out of the way, I’m interviewing for a new position that makes like 2-3x as much as my current job and a lot more professional than a grocery. Technically the title of this post is a TINY bit misleading because I already did the interview early this morning. I had to look up stuff about the company and slob a whole bunch of corporate knob to make me seem interested in the job without sounding desperate. If it went well I go on to Interview #2 in-person, if THAT goes well, I get the job. Hopefully I never have to see that crazy wannabe Jesus dude again.

    Ask Lemmygrad ButtigiegMineralMap 9 months ago 100%
    Do you have any Dietary Restrictions?

    I was thinking to myself earlier that many people have dietary restrictions of SOME sort. Whether that be self-imposed or pre-determined. Plenty of people have allergies or take medications that don’t allow them to have certain foods, Grapefruit is (or was idk) not good for people on Blood Pressure medication I hear firsthand. Then there’s the religious exemptions, like avoiding Pork or alcohol or Beef. Then there’s also the ideological exemptions; Vegetarianism, Pescatarianism, Veganism, I could go on. TL;DR: Do you have a dietary restriction and if so, why?

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    Movies ButtigiegMineralMap 10 months ago 83%
    Avalon (1990)

    I watched this movie earlier today and enjoyed it far more than I thought I would. We start in Baltimore 1914, with the Patriarch of the Jewish-Pole Krichinsky family, Sam, arriving in Baltimore on July 4th, the spectacle all around him encapsulates his excitement for new life and opportunity. We see his life as a wallpaper presser in his newfound home in America. Over time, the years pass by, into the 1940s and 50s and eventually to the early 70s at the end of the film. He marries and has a large family. His son and nephew go into business together, he helps to raise his grandson, he battles verbally with his wife and his brother and deals with old age and with loss in its many different forms, biological, financial or otherwise. I don’t want to give spoilers but oddly enough, even if I did, it wouldn’t fundamentally change much of your viewing. The movie isn’t about a huge plot-twist, or a gigantic action scene that kills multiple characters or anything. I would describe it as a Slice of Life, and the pain-staking detail that Barry Levinson-Gould went through in directing this movie to be accurate to the times is more than admirable. Every car and piece of furniture is spectacularly curated. The scenes that are supposed to feel happy and exciting look bright and vibrant, kinetic in a way. The scenes of dispair, of agony in some sort, feel so slow and dark that you feel like you yourself are there, begging for the moment to pass. (in a good way, not saying the scenes are boring and drag on too long) There are also many *small* comedic moments, nothing that will get you flying off your seat, dying laughing, but small little cultural/linguistic things, like the difference between “Can I?” and “May I?” or how they pronounce Turkey or Furnace (Toykey, Foynace). I really loved this movie, if you have a chance to stream it or check it out from your local library I would highly suggest it. It was a great movie and I feel like (as cringe as it sounds to say) I lived through a period of the 50s watching this movie. My big caveat is that it sorta puts Rose-Tinted glasses on and drifts past issues of racism or abuse by only focusing on this one particular Jewish family. Besides that, I really liked this movie, I related to it on a very personal level (except I’m not Jewish) with some of their plot points and characters that appear, it really touched me at certain points. I would probably put this in my top 30 movies, watch it if possible. That’s all Folks!

    Ask Lemmygrad ButtigiegMineralMap 10 months ago 100%
    Odd pet peeves?

    Do you have any pet peeves (small things that piss you tf off) that don’t seem rational really? I definitely do. People that cut lines seem like an obvious one, had that happen earlier today and I reinforced the rule and went ahead of the line-cutter, I felt good about myself😃, but I digress, my #1 Pet Peeve is people talking to me at the urinal. My dick is out, can you not make convo rn?? Maybe it’s just me but in my most vulnerable state, I want some privacy, save your analysis of the weather for when I’m washing my hands at the very least. Sorry, needed to vent a bit bc it happens a lot, what pet peeves do yall have?

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    Movies ButtigiegMineralMap 10 months ago 87%
    Any movies or genres that you want to read Movie Reviews for???

    I’ve been a cinephile for a while now, I have tons of movies on my watchlist, and they are all very different in their own way. I’m basically asking: what movies would yall be interested to hear about? Only movies I refuse to review are most RomComs, (few exceptions) tiny-budget movies that are tough to find, (I don’t doubt some of those are great films, I just don’t wanna search thru 30 websites of pure malware to find a 1hr 27 min 70s Dutch Crime Thriller) history documentaries (I would consider those educational films rather than cinema to be reviewed) and maybe stuff that’s too overtly grotesque (I ain’t watching Saw movies or anything similar, all other horror is still on the table). Besides that, I would love to watch basically any film people are interested in, Old Soviet films, Cringe-inducing Right-wing movies, Liberal Utopias, hell, even classic films that could really use a lefty perspective on it like Forrest Gump or Full Metal Jacket. Any movie suggestions are not only welcome but appreciated. Thanks in advance everybody, I look forward to watching these movies and subsequently reviewing them for you all to read.

    US News ButtigiegMineralMap 10 months ago 96%
    He was already a cracker and a pig, now he’s role-playing as Swiss Cheese.

    I understand that nothing can be done to remedy the disgusting behavior that Chauvin did, but goddamn does it feel nice to see something like this. Chauvin spent a lot of his career tossing people into prison and was made an infamous part of US history in the 21st century when he brutally beat, chokes and murdered George Floyd. The 2 had worked together in the past, if Chauvin’s crime on its own wasn’t already 1st degree murder, that fact puts it over the top. To see someone like that in prison, and to know that he’s getting stabbed and living in fear, like the people he terrorized, well it doesn’t right any wrongs, but it’s something that you love to hear.

    World News ButtigiegMineralMap 10 months ago 92%
    Opinions on Sahra Wagenknecht?

    I’ve only learned about her today, and I found [](this article, which despite being liberal, doesn’t do a good job of making her sound scary and evil.) (a lil outdated tho)Are there good resources of her policies and political stances, everything I look up just says she’s “leftist” and I’m wondering what kind. It sounds positive because people are calling her “authoritarian left” aka actual functional left

    GenZhou ButtigiegMineralMap 10 months ago 100%
    Marxist takes on History of Taiwan?

    I know that Chiang Kai Shek ran away to Taiwan to continue the reactionary policies of the ROC. Although I admit that I don’t know as much about Taiwan and their connection with China as I would like. Has Taiwan always been a part of China? Do leftists in Taiwan care to join China or make their own communist state? Or is Taiwan independence mostly astroturfed? Sorry that I have so many questions, I want to learn more and searching for answers about Taiwan (especially about hypothetical independence scenarios) brings up “China, yay, 4000 years of history… Before IT , the unspeakable, happened!” Ok I’m exaggerating a bit lol but yk what I mean. Any answers are more than appreciated🫂🤗

    Which nations do you critically support (Besides AES)

    Obviously we support AES countries as well as Palestine. Which other countries are worth supporting? (critically, of course)

    Ask Lemmygrad ButtigiegMineralMap 10 months ago 96%
    Thoughts on Bad Empanada?

    I’ve heard a mixed bag of takes on him. Maybe I had a bad intro to him, but I don’t really like him. Ik that he’s been on The Deprogram (I haven’t heard the ep yet) and that he’s lefty, well better than being a liberal. The reason I don’t like him is because he was shitting on BayArea415 for supporting Deng Xiaoping. Basically BE was saying “Read Parenti” bc Parenti was not very positive about Deng. He really tried to rip BA415 a new one on that topic. I feel that it’s fine to recognize Deng’s faults but to say he was a capitalist roader or something is a bit much while also recognizing that Parenti may have simplified a bit. I’m open to criticism on that also, to be clear. BE’s Palestine takes are decent, hell he probably has quite a few good takes but I haven’t watched him enough,what do yall think?

    China ButtigiegMineralMap 10 months ago 97%
    Great article on China’s economic growth + how the average people were positively impacted

    Idk if this has been posted on the ‘grad already, but this thread is great stuff. Its quite long, but you can skip ahead or read from the beginning, can’t recommend this enough.

    Asklemmy ButtigiegMineralMap 10 months ago 95%
    Where can I learn more about Native Americans before during and “after” colonization?

    All my life, from when I was a little Republican shitstain to now, I always had a soft spot for the Native Americans. No rationale or so-called “nuance” ever made what the settlers did okay. In school we didn’t learn much about the Native Americans. We learned a tiny bit about their infrastructure and where they would typically live, but nothing that humanized them, we didn’t learn about culture or traditions or their own history. We learned that “Colombus sailed the Ocean Blue a long time ago in 1492 and came to America to give new inventions and spread religion to these far-off undiscovered lands”. Then you find out in HS or on your own time that 95% of that sentence is completely false, especially the coming to America part, he never went to any part of the Lower 48. You also learn about the Pilgrims in school. We learned that “some stuffy Christians who were even stuffier than the ones in England came over here to practice their religion in peace. They were a bit in over their heads and needed the Native Americans to help. They thanked each other and ate pumpkin pie with Turkey and stuffing and agreed that they were all friends” and then you learn what actually happens and it’s fucking terrifying. I had a nightmare as a little kid that drunken pilgrims were breaking in and trying to steal my family’s house. it really shook me for like a week or 2. Seeing as how like everything we were taught was utterly bullshit, what else is interesting to learn about the Native Americans? I ask because I found a “fun fact” (not very fun once you realize what the US did to these people) that the area I live in used to have Native Americans living here for 12,000 yrs STRAIGHT! Disgusting to think that that legacy is over because of racism and greed. Any short reads or good videos you would recommend?

    Islamic Leftism ButtigiegMineralMap 11 months ago 89%
    Any words for an atheist considering Islam?

    I was born and raised Catholic (Western Belarusian and Irish parents) and I went through a once-a-week religious class, but never felt especially attached to Christianity. I became an atheist over time and have been going through difficulties currently and I find that I still have a faith deep down. I’m interested in Islam because I read a tiny bit of the Quran as a kid out of curiosity (during the height of Islamophobia in the US, George Bush, early Obama era) and found that it wasn’t “terrifying and inhumane” as Fox News would say on the TV set at my grandparents’ condo. What resources would you point to for a beginner/ on the fence person to learn about Islam? Thank you in advance.

    What topics have you taken a 180° turn on?

    My family are mostly Democrat voting liberals and I identified as one for years. When I was in 5th grade I spent more time with my Fox News-watching grandparents and became a Republican for like a year or 2 and became an apolitical lib for a while. From like 2015-2019 I was a Bernie bro who had some objectively shit takes. The biggest 180 I did was probably on the sex trade. I used to be for it as a horny teen like “huh? Did someone say SeX?? Well it’s all ConSeNsUAL so why cockblock someone from getting some PuSsY?” Obviously now I realize that’s a disgusting sentiment and that most people in the industry are not happy and would rather do anything else. Just because a few are happy with their line of work, it doesn’t make it right to force so many others into a position where they feel abused and humiliated or threatened. “Legitimacy of industry” in terms of prostitution always means lining the pockets of abusive pimps (physical or anything else) who will use the opportunity to get rich and usually fund illegal markets (source: Look at Nevada). Enough about me, what topics have become more clear to yall after becoming a communist? I could probably list a few others but I’m interested in seeing what yall say.

    Palestine ButtigiegMineralMap 11 months ago 92%
    A good podcast interview with a Hamas Representative.

    I highly recommend sending this to people who are on the fence about supporting Hamas. This Hamas official appears on the “Dispatch” podcast and has a lot of great points to bring up without sounding overly aggressive or dismissive of the other side. The interview is all in English and the rep addresses a lot of questions about the Palestinian situation, current atrocities committed by Israel and more. Hamas really put their best foot forward with this spectacular conversation. Spotify: Deezer:

    GenZedong ButtigiegMineralMap 11 months ago 96%
    Meme circulating around Chinese Social Media

    For context, the Social Darwinists only support Russia and Israel because they’re bigger and have a larger military than their counterparts. Anti-war is described as people who are pro-ukraine and pro Palestine because they were attacked. Obviously there’s more nuance needed to this meme (like Donbass and Euromaidan, but for meme’s sake I can understand the point) but it’s pretty damn funny and I get what they’re trying to convey.

    Physical Education ButtigiegMineralMap 11 months ago 100%
    What is your bench press? (8 Reps and 1RM)

    My 8 reps has slowly improved as I changed my diet recently (not especially healthy, I still live in the US and am broke af so healthy food is a treat for me) and I’m up to 185 lbs (bar+ Plate and 25 each side), I very rarely do 1 Rep Max because it gets me exhausted for the rest of my exercise unless I drink a shitload of water. Last I checked I’m at 205 (bar+ Plate and 35 each side). Sorry if this is confusing to anyone because of the Lbs to Kilos dilemma. Around 84 kilos for 8 Reps, around 93 kilos for 1RM, what are yall at?

    TankieTunes ButtigiegMineralMap 12 months ago 81%
    One of my favorite Anti-Imperialist songs🚩 (OG video got yeeted by YT, edited URL)

    🇵🇸الحرية لفلسطين Falasteen Hurra🇵🇸

    Physical Education ButtigiegMineralMap 12 months ago 81%
    New Boxing Exercise

    Listen to this song at 1.25x speed and try shadow boxing in rhythm to the beat. You’ll be feeling like Muhammad Ali halfway through the song

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    Education Hub ButtigiegMineralMap 12 months ago 100%
    Edmodo, an Educational Tech Company, is in hot water for selling the info of underage kids

    To preface, this company has been around for a little while, over 10 years and this private company has been hired and used by public schools for over a decade now. They tried to make it like Facebook but for kids, and they made us do it. When you’re in 4th grade and your teacher tells you to make an account you don’t think twice about it. Looking back tho, it was weird as FUCK: they would ask you for an email (ok pretty normal) then ask for your phone number if you have one (umm a bit weird) then they’d ask you to say what town you live in (ok dude too far) then they would be like ok last step tell us your full name and put up a picture for your pfp (what the fuck). Keep in mind these are all KIDS. Not only did Edmodo sell all this info, but that’s also like 1 step away from inviting child predators into your site. Idk if anything happened with that particular theory (I hope to God it didn’t) but it seems like a very bad idea to put kids’ private info online. At least now they’re facing repercussions but that’s not nearly enough and it’s way too late. Check this FTC article for more info on their fuckups

    Opinion on Hippies?

    As a kid my Dad really warped my perspective on Hippies. He was born in the 60s and loved the music of the 60s and 70s and he’s very Liberal. At first I used to think Hippies were the best people that humanity could ever bring forth: Peace-loving folks who love everyone and believe in preserving nature. And I still appreciate a lot of that sentiment, especially protesting the Vietnam War, but as I became a Marxist I became sorta disillusioned with the Hippie’s dedication to non-violence and how their “free love” was often used as an excuse to be a sex-pest drug-addled parasite who refuses to work. I don’t like Forrest Gump’s portrayal of Hippies exactly, it was written by a right winger, they aren’t all assholes and they usually don’t beat women for sure. Nowadays I can respect their anti-war sentiments and their pro-nature stances but so much of being a hippy seems to be a misunderstanding of what gets shit done. Also some Hippie music is great but FUCK jam bands, nobody’s trying to hear a song that’s as long as a full album and just repeats over and over again with slight variations. That’s all I have to say about Hippies, what are your thoughts?

    Birds ButtigiegMineralMap 12 months ago 100%
    Resplendent Quetzal

    Living in Southern Mexico and Central America, the Resplendent Quetzal is an endangered bird that has been heavily affected by deforestation, there are estimated to be less than 50,000 left. This free-spirited species reacts EXTREMELY negatively to being caged or held in captivity, so negatively that they will not only abstain from procreating in captivity, they will abstain from eating entirely and kill themselves. They weigh about 1/2 lb and have long thin tailfeathers. Pairs of the Quetzal couples will join together to bust holes in trees to create a nice warm hole to put eggs in. Then the Quetzals put their thin tailfeathers into the hole to keep it warm. Their colors look amazing, especially seeing their tailfeathers mid-flight.
