chat chat Scanning recent discussion I am literally begging you to look at how the wages of workers in the core are allocated. Pay goes to rents, debts, medical, insurance, despite undercosted pineapples etc.
  • 1917isnow 1917isnow 5 months ago 100%

    Everyone's pretty high too, and US central banking is a smorgasbord of international organized drug smuggling. It's less about people thinking everything is just fine and more about them being caught in a vise and trying not to get arrested again, rented to Wendy's or a Clinton mansion out of prison if they fuck that up.

    This whole place is a prison for a lot of people. A LOT of them.

  • chat chat Scanning recent discussion I am literally begging you to look at how the wages of workers in the core are allocated. Pay goes to rents, debts, medical, insurance, despite undercosted pineapples etc.
  • 1917isnow 1917isnow 5 months ago 100%

    it hasn’t occurred to them

    I mean, what structure is there to translate their political will into reality in order to assume this not happening is because of a lack of interest? Also stamping shit out is getting more expensive as things get worse. All the main orgs here are not just compromised but a hydra that's part of the NGO complex.

    NATO-anarchism is the most popular leftist current in the West

    what metrics are we even using here. wouldn't that be larger shitty-unionism? what are you basing this off of?

  • chat chat Scanning recent discussion I am literally begging you to look at how the wages of workers in the core are allocated. Pay goes to rents, debts, medical, insurance, despite undercosted pineapples etc.
  • 1917isnow 1917isnow 5 months ago 100%

    I really don't understand what either of you are talking about tbqh. Since Clinton's presidency upwards of 50% of Americans are in service work, very few people are in these industries where people actually take propaganda seriously (ritzy tech workers are). But it's like advertising, you know it's bullshit, but it hints how people will view you for buying a product, and that's pretty unavoidable.

    For 90% of us propaganda works primarily by 70% omission, rest is some depressing watered down truth to direct our attention towards, and indecipherable screeds which as we read them we can tell are not for us, or sometimes even talking down to us with bloodcurdling austerity bullshit. With our eye for media criticism we can translate them: "i am a failson and i was handed this job" "i want to bomb iran so bad it hurts" "fuck you die die die get sick fuck your kids, i think your bodies will sponge the virus for me, only my kids get air filters muahahaha" etc.

    There is of course a reason people are coming to the US to be exploited for higher wages than they can get at home, but US workers are still headed into a position where they have no way to survive in this shrinking empire. Many people are losing their homes and dying.

    We don't need to try to reason with people who really take the NYT really seriously or have a bunch of reddit karma, that's a small fraction of the population. It's good to relate this to dependency theory but not if we leave out inequality and where all the wealth and debt is in the US.

  • linux Linux Firefox UX: On Purpose: Collectively Defining Our Team’s Mission Statement
  • 1917isnow 1917isnow 5 months ago 100%

    You're gonna want librewolf most likely

  • chat chat Scanning recent discussion I am literally begging you to look at how the wages of workers in the core are allocated. Pay goes to rents, debts, medical, insurance, despite undercosted pineapples etc.
  • 1917isnow 1917isnow 5 months ago 100%

    It's more being highlighted as part of my response to some unusual criticisms of the analysis of how financialization has destituted so many people in the US. Saying that it's somehow trying to paint industrialist exploitation of workers as being okay, but financial exploitation of workers as bad. That's not what highlighting the contradictions between finance and industrial capitalism is about. It's examining the further exploitation of workers more in depth than just looking at the low cost goods taken from poor countries like tropical fruits, and higher wages overall. (Alongside looking at how financialization is disintegrating the economy and deindustrializing the first world BECAUSE of the exploitation of the third world, it's not some Infrared shit about how baristas are the labor aristocracy and only industrial shit matters. People think everything is Patsocs. There's only like 400 patsocs. Most of the likes "patsoc" posts get are coming from African uncles who know what Hillary Clinton Emails Revealed) I'm saying only 10% of the population even belongs to the global labor aristocracy but I'm open to hearing arguments against it. Maybe my definition of labor aristocracy is too narrow.

  • linux Linux Firefox UX: On Purpose: Collectively Defining Our Team’s Mission Statement
  • 1917isnow 1917isnow 5 months ago 100%

    Fake open source idk. Look i put up with a lot of shit from cutting edge japanese developers

  • hexbear hexbear The Dunk Tank DM harassment ban appeal: harassment consisted of the sentences "if they weren't alt accounts, you would have blocked them already"
  • 1917isnow 1917isnow 5 months ago 100%

    Yeah you would have gotten a lot more out of me on Prolewiki back when I was on there months ago if not for all this nonsense. It's almost as dead as the uhh [redacted website]. I didn't get into it with anyone I just have extremely high standards for contributing to wikis (and very low standards for smashing the "it's finished" button on my Lemmy replies ☄️) so I did the Irish Goodbye

    Good on war crimes and covert ops, but a bit light on stuff like this

  • chat chat Scanning recent discussion I am literally begging you to look at how the wages of workers in the core are allocated. Pay goes to rents, debts, medical, insurance, despite undercosted pineapples etc.
  • 1917isnow 1917isnow 5 months ago 100%

    The pineapples thing is a reference to undercosted exports from global south countries which are a good example of a way that workers in the imperial core benefit. I'm using this example since it points to rising food costs, which show where the exploited wealth actually goes. You can also contrast the cost reductions of imperialism (which are being yanked back pretty severely) with the financialization of the lives of workers on top of increasing hardships.

    Nobody in their right mind would care if pineapples were $11 if they got paid more, or had at least a thousand more dollars a month from socialized housing and medicine rather than this bloodsucking insanity, nobody wants food picked by wage slaves who get treated like shit, as evidenced by where most people spend their money at the grocery store when they have more of it (healthier and more ethical choices).

    I am also deliberately using different terms for high/low income countries interchangeably.

  • linux Linux Firefox UX: On Purpose: Collectively Defining Our Team’s Mission Statement
  • 1917isnow 1917isnow 5 months ago 100%

    It means they want to use telemetry to understand which features are used, to change how they deploy features. Since it's related to investment I wouldn't be surprised if it means more intrusive stuff like Pocket rather than their subtly irritating changes to bookmarks being worked out better.

    I don't need feature developement streamlining based on user surveillance. I need options to disable features which are built based on a serious user feedback system if I don't need them.

    Best thing about Floorp is how it lets you swap between layouts of the browser itself to me

  • asklemmy Asklemmy How many reCAPTCHAs did you solve today ?
  • 1917isnow 1917isnow 5 months ago 100%

    I have no idea dude I save to and ghostarchive frequently so a lot

  • linux_gaming Linux Gaming MineClone 2 will switch to a new name, VoxeLibre
  • 1917isnow 1917isnow 5 months ago 100%

    Why? Most people's last names are more cumbersome.

  • linux_gaming Linux Gaming Team Fortress 2 Update Released with 64-bit support
  • 1917isnow 1917isnow 5 months ago 100%

    I've been close enough to a room like that thanks!!!

  • chat chat Scanning recent discussion I am literally begging you to look at how the wages of workers in the core are allocated. Pay goes to rents, debts, medical, insurance, despite undercosted pineapples etc.
  • 1917isnow 1917isnow 5 months ago 100%

    Like, workers at Google are drawn to telegraphed ineffectual labor action because they're able to get some of the last monopoly rents in US industries at the top of the value chain. Service workers have been much better at organizing. Having done a fair bit of service industry work and attempts at organizing [redacted shithead business] that doesn't surprise me.

  • hexbear hexbear The Dunk Tank DM harassment ban appeal: harassment consisted of the sentences "if they weren't alt accounts, you would have blocked them already"
  • 1917isnow 1917isnow 5 months ago 100%

    I'm not litigating that, don't worry lol, there's plenty of other evasive tactics going on here to point out that are totally apparent. For instance I don't instantly block everyone who disagrees with me on the Mastodons. However that's because I get satisfaction out of making the liberals there tear their hair out and give up, not any genuine sportsmanship. I just think using sockpuppets is bad for the brain so I put it out there! Everyone should eat more potassium and make sure to go on long hikes in nature and look at distant objects. 🥰 Since someone was so kind to point out I should do that more I am relaying it again.

    Not everyone assumes their comment is going to be tracked down by completely normal stan accounts who were perhaps out backpacking for several days before the recent thread 📝 and turned into a struggle session but I've inserted my 2¢

  • chat chat Scanning recent discussion I am literally begging you to look at how the wages of workers in the core are allocated. Pay goes to rents, debts, medical, insurance, despite undercosted pineapples etc.
  • 1917isnow 1917isnow 5 months ago 100%

    I think it's pretty easy to identify who falls into the category of not being worth dealing with. Ppl employed at like raytheon, in cybersecurity, building submarines etc, lotta people working at boeing are gonna be intractable as hell. See how during the recent debacle w Boeing that Prospect article just focuses on improving industrial productivity (& workers avoiding going to jail for literal felonies tbf and having benefits stripped), fighting off financialization to bring back GLORIOUS USA EAGLE BURGER PLANES. Not everyone who has a retirement plan but most of the people who have retirement plans and mortgages. That's crucial for understanding why they have these imaginary class interests of being fake investors and fake real estate moguls. Makes talking to people so aggravating that you're better off with the rest of the 90% of the population.

    When we're online it's important to weigh how people we're interacting with are more likely to be people who can make money in their sleep, (or are children lol).

  • chat chat Scanning recent discussion I am literally begging you to look at how the wages of workers in the core are allocated. Pay goes to rents, debts, medical, insurance, despite undercosted pineapples etc.
  • 1917isnow 1917isnow 5 months ago 100%

    Right I'm saying the people who believe in that shit are the people in a position to profit off exploitation of migrant workers by contracting their work out or employing them in shitty conditions and some people who have their imaginary class position that's associated with being a "PMC"

  • chat chat I am never gonna post on the fucking internet again holy shit
  • 1917isnow 1917isnow 5 months ago 100%

    I think my problem is it's impossible for me to treat any communications channel as a "space". Sometimes I deliberately zone into a Mastodon instance to post huge angry open letters at the admin because it just doesn't bother me.

    I recommend reading fiction it gives a lot of perspective on life even if you're just kind of analyzing how it was written. I got stuck reading nonfiction for too long 2021-2023

    Fiction allows me to kind of absorb other people's experiences in a cryptic way. Maybe I'm out of my fucking mind or maybe I'm over-explaining a basic concept familiar to everyone who did better in school ☺️

  • gaming Gaming The 'rushed' attempt to rehabilitate Cities Skylines II is becoming a cautionary tale
  • 1917isnow 1917isnow 5 months ago 85%

    Meanwhile, Rift Wizard 2 is being hailed as "the greatest game possible" by Forbes and WSJ. "Modding is going to be even better now, holy shit," experts consulted by NYT said.

  • chat chat If you say IMHO I am just going to read whatever you posted like you are of lowly status and addressing your liege
  • 1917isnow 1917isnow 5 months ago 100%

    They are full again 😔

  • linux_gaming Linux Gaming Team Fortress 2 Update Released with 64-bit support
  • 1917isnow 1917isnow 5 months ago 100%

    Is that what's his name as what's his name from Marvel Avenger's

  • chat chat Scanning recent discussion I am literally begging you to look at how the wages of workers in the core are allocated. Pay goes to rents, debts, medical, insurance, despite undercosted pineapples etc.
  • 1917isnow 1917isnow 5 months ago 100%

    It's surprising certain people are so hostile to the discussion of financialization in the core countries and assume this is some kind of Proudhonist simping for industrialists. (Was Mao simping for the national bourgeoisie when he conscripted them to the anti-imperialist struggle? Just a short detour.) This is not about the exploitation of industrialists, nobody is crying for them, this is about the competition between industrialists and the FIRE sector to exploit labor. It presents an opportunity in third world countries because contradictions are starker following covid 19 and the sanctions on Russia. I hope Biden sanctions Iran. Do it you old bastard. I dare you

    It really resolves the whole question of why Americans can be some of the richest people in the world, make the highest wages, and give it all up to the system and die, when you see stuff like JP Morgan Chase making 80% of its income from mortgages. This site is one of the best places to find discussion of this despite the occasional outbursts of idealism. Don't we all joke about where the money of the top 10% Americans gets wasted? Gotta finance another SUV! We need real analysis not tweets and literary references. Yes, small proprietors are evil, they grab people's asses, they talk shit for no reason, but it is a fact that they are screwed by financialization, by suppliers raising prices in "anticipation of rising costs". It seems like some people are looking for reasons to avoid any coalition with anyone rather than actually looking at the contradictions.

    For most people, imo they're inundated with fear, not the American Dream. I think their uncertain precarity makes some dude who only knows how to post screenshots of Engels and imply they're relevant talking down to them about how they believe in propaganda because it makes them feel better about being a pampered westoid v unlikely to produce any success.

    It's completely misunderstanding US inequality to assume these things. People are in fact pissed and not living the dream. Look around.

  • linux_gaming Linux Gaming Team Fortress 2 Update Released with 64-bit support
  • 1917isnow 1917isnow 5 months ago 100%

    I leave the room because of the smell.

  • chat
    chat 1917isnow 5 months ago 100%
    Scanning recent discussion I am literally begging you to look at how the wages of workers in the core are allocated. Pay goes to rents, debts, medical, insurance, despite undercosted pineapples etc.

    This is why the theory of third world development & first world class consciousness evolved way past the point which our friends on twitter are beginning to reach.

    linux_gaming Linux Gaming Team Fortress 2 Update Released with 64-bit support
  • 1917isnow 1917isnow 5 months ago 100%

    Valve still makes money off TF2 through passive financialization in the game's cosmetic/sidegrade microtransactions. Having a snappy feel to an old game is important. I would rightfully expect a game from 2007 to have perfect performance even if I have other stuff open.

  • hexbear hexbear The Dunk Tank DM harassment ban appeal: harassment consisted of the sentences "if they weren't alt accounts, you would have blocked them already"
  • 1917isnow 1917isnow 5 months ago 100% Lol, you do realize that podcast has telltale artifacts of one of the most popular voice alteration apps, right? You can hear the squeaking. Most people who do that just have an excuse that they're using one because they know people are looking for it. I've already run into people doing this level of sock puppetry before. Check out "Subliminal Jihad" and "Programmed to Chill", most of it is the same guy. Not surprising you immediately use the identity of your alts as a parry, that's no doubt the reason you created these "party members".

    Anyways, whether you're alts or not, and I think you are, this is just as embarrassing to have the whole gang show up on the site to defend him and try to use the gender identity (I didn't even check) of one of the suspicious accounts in question as a shield. My point was the interactions of "Ali Circe" and "Nia Frome" have practically no function other than to promote RedSails. (Very far from what online friendships entail! Well above codependent besties. I have accounts where I'm in a gaggle of furries and it's nowhere near as intense. Mike Judge of Death/Corner was less enthusiastic about retweeting the namesake pod of '' (which we are on) when he was popping painkillers.) Like I said, self-promotion is a motivation to people even in the absence of a direct financial opportunity, and there is one in the form of donations & sales of materials. Same reason everyone is suspicious of anonymous edits to personal wikipedia pages and they're immediately rolled back by bots 90% of the time. There's just no reason to make it that easy for people.

    As for the rest of my critique of the approach being taken to Hudson's work in Roderic's posts, nobody even approached that. It was just immediate attacks and attempts to control the discussion. I think that speaks for itself. You're not even confident in what was said. if you want to turn this into some kind of "debate" I'd start there. All of this online behavior is used to substitute for real work.

    All I got in response was "he's tweeting lots about Hudson, I'm sure he made better arguments there" (he didn't, it's very surface level engagement with his work, fuming at the vlog is the most embarrassing part to me though). Roderic makes numerous claims about the content of Hudson's work which strike me as hilarious having actually read it.

    Saying something reminds you of another argument by Proudhon or Bakunin or what have you is just ridiculous especially considering the guy's gone into depth about what quirky ancient economists he truly does dig. The man is a Marxist he just happens to go on a lot of I Fucking Love Science pods.

    I'm not done with my 🚔🚨👨‍⚕️psychological profiling either I think an RTS player turning to a swarm and control strategy makes perfect sense. It's not really a concern to me though, ultimately people's arguments stand up or they don't. People who throw a lot of ultraliberal jibber jabber into the discourse don't accomplish anything no matter how many accounts it's spread across. Like the raddle and the moderators upvoting themselves with bots, the only people who care about that kind of stuff aren't predisposed towards any theory related to taking action on the ground anyways. Some of the stuff on RedSails that's been reposted is cute, but all of the original writing on it restates the obvious. I checked it out originally for the Xinjiang genocide debunking, but that really doesn't take any grasp of historical materialism to refute.

    For the most part original articles consist of inane historical references which Stalin would have laughed at.

    Redsails is very similar to Caleb Maupin's webpage for CPI where he reposts a bunch of stuff but for a more highbrow audience. 😁

  • hexbear hexbear The Dunk Tank DM harassment ban appeal: harassment consisted of the sentences "if they weren't alt accounts, you would have blocked them already"
  • 1917isnow 1917isnow 5 months ago 100%

    Thinly veiled insult. I do 30 min strength exercise (if you need more than that you're not lifting enough imo) 3x a week and go hiking once a week. Never seen anyone in the fitness comm here discuss routines or anything. Just "motivation" to work out.

  • technology Technology Bots dominate internet activity, account for nearly half of all traffic
  • 1917isnow 1917isnow 5 months ago 100%

    Think about all the energy use, too

  • leftymemes Lefty Memes The logo for "lefty memes" is a right hand.
  • 1917isnow 1917isnow 5 months ago 22%

    The DSA is the leftmost wing of US fascist politics, it's a perfect example of what people call leftism for the most part. All that interests them is the conditions of workers in imperial core countries. They just recently went to Cuba to denounce their revolution and refused to meet with their president. The arrogance is jawdropping.

  • chat chat If you say IMHO I am just going to read whatever you posted like you are of lowly status and addressing your liege
  • 1917isnow 1917isnow 5 months ago 100%

    True. Maybe it's to separate themselves from "[Music Artist] is OBJECTIVELY TRASH" posting

  • hexbear hexbear The Dunk Tank DM harassment ban appeal: harassment consisted of the sentences "if they weren't alt accounts, you would have blocked them already"
  • 1917isnow 1917isnow 5 months ago 100%

    I can see why it would be perceived as an attack, but it's just a nudge like "psst buddy your alt behavior is just as transparent here as on twitter". Am I trashing the guy? No I'm saying he should actually read what he criticizes. I laid out the format for the attacks that make up most of these threads, like dismissing this author based on his introduction during a vlog he did. (Make a nonsensical parallel between something you dislike and another thing you can dig up criticism for and quote it at length without making your own criticism. People use this strategy to avoid discussion of current events, too. They claim something is an inter-imperialist war and then quote Lenin at length as if you can simply transplant analyses themselves from one time to the future instead of performing an analysis building off the methods of people who came before you & developed the science.) That's the kind of stuff you can do while playing HOI4 or Syrian Warfare or whatever. If people want to game and then dip into undialectical flame wars in their spare time that's fine with me, but I don't like dressing it up as this pseudointellectual pageantry for Twitter.

  • chat chat If you say IMHO I am just going to read whatever you posted like you are of lowly status and addressing your liege
  • 1917isnow 1917isnow 5 months ago 100%

    For that I always put [most sincere voice] but for some reason people take it the wrong way

  • chat chat If you say IMHO I am just going to read whatever you posted like you are of lowly status and addressing your liege
  • 1917isnow 1917isnow 5 months ago 100%

    I'm currently haunting the building waiting for the counter revolution from the other lords to come and torture everyone who led the jacquerie to death in my gaols so I no longer have the authority to grant you jesterhood

  • chat chat If you say IMHO I am just going to read whatever you posted like you are of lowly status and addressing your liege
  • 1917isnow 1917isnow 5 months ago 100%

    Yeah I think it's good when I read Varoufakis's stuff about techno feudalism I put down my visor and prepare to fulfill my duties for Peter Thiel

  • chat chat If you say IMHO I am just going to read whatever you posted like you are of lowly status and addressing your liege
  • 1917isnow 1917isnow 5 months ago 100%

    [dies of gout and hemophilia] [my successor is feeble from sucking on rocks that unknowingly contain lead we believe are medicinal] [you are freed from the gaol by a Jacquerie by the weekend]

  • games Games Starfield Is About to Get Some Really Good Updates Soon, Says Howard
  • 1917isnow 1917isnow 5 months ago 90%


  • chat chat If you say IMHO I am just going to read whatever you posted like you are of lowly status and addressing your liege
  • 1917isnow 1917isnow 5 months ago 100%

    Also 'TBQH' fills most of that whole niche TBQH

  • chat chat If you say IMHO I am just going to read whatever you posted like you are of lowly status and addressing your liege
  • 1917isnow 1917isnow 5 months ago 100%

    I sentence you to execution

  • chat chat If you say IMHO I am just going to read whatever you posted like you are of lowly status and addressing your liege
  • 1917isnow 1917isnow 5 months ago 100%

    Thine buttocks art stained milord, stained!

  • chat chat If you say IMHO I am just going to read whatever you posted like you are of lowly status and addressing your liege
  • 1917isnow 1917isnow 5 months ago 100%

    Yes, yes!!! That is the way people ought to address their liege

  • chat chat If you say IMHO I am just going to read whatever you posted like you are of lowly status and addressing your liege
  • 1917isnow 1917isnow 5 months ago 100%

    Then they're lying

  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    hexbear 1917isnow 5 months ago 100%
    The Dunk Tank DM harassment ban appeal: harassment consisted of the sentences "if they weren't alt accounts, you would have blocked them already"

    No idea if you do appeals I sent this DM to avoid the impression on the part of []( that I was trying to publicly accuse them of being an alt just because we had a disagreement. Making it a DM establishes that it's personal banter. If this is unacceptable, so be it, but 30 days ban for this waters down the definition of harassment a lot.
