privacy Privacy Apple AirTag alternatives for theft prevention?
  • 01189998819991197253 01189998819991197253 13 hours ago 100%

    This is amazing!

  • android Android Xiaomi confirms global launch for foldable Mix Flip as it briefly overtakes Apple
  • 01189998819991197253 01189998819991197253 13 hours ago 100%

    Did they fix the screen crease? If not, then this release is irrelevant, as it brings nothing new to the table.

    Edit: I really hope SOMEONE figures out the screen crease, because the concept of foldable phones is amazing. Just, poorly executed currently.

  • privacy Privacy LinkedIn scraped user data for training AI before updating its terms of service and without obtaining user opt-in consent
  • 01189998819991197253 01189998819991197253 13 hours ago 100%

    I'm sure there's something in the Microsoft tos that allows them to do this on any product. Kind of like how signing up for Disney+ prevents someone from suing Disney theme park over negligent homicide.

  • technology Technology Indestructible quartz crystal can store 360TB of data for billions of years
  • 01189998819991197253 01189998819991197253 13 hours ago 100%

    You mean... this guy might be on our horizons now?

  • mildlyinfuriating Mildly Infuriating Amazon's system marked an item I returned a year ago as not received and charged me for this return, but the chat bot already knew they had received it.
  • 01189998819991197253 01189998819991197253 13 hours ago 100%

    Maybe we can do that to them...

  • technology Technology YouTube will shove ads in your face even when you pause videos
  • 01189998819991197253 01189998819991197253 17 hours ago 100%

    How long will they f around, before we make them find out, I wonder...

  • traditional_art Traditional Art Autoritratto dell'artista che prende il giro - by Joseph ducreux, 1793
  • 01189998819991197253 01189998819991197253 1 day ago 100%

    It's the guy walking next to you, isn't it?

  • privacy Privacy 7 Things You Should Know Before Switching to GrapheneOS
  • 01189998819991197253 01189998819991197253 2 days ago 100%

    I think what they attribute to that "android feel", is google spying on them at every turn.

  • 01189998819991197253 01189998819991197253 3 days ago 100%

    ...You like crabby patties, don't you, Squidward?

  • mechanicalkeyboards Mechanical Keyboards Real keyboards have curves... in their giant steel backplates.
  • 01189998819991197253 01189998819991197253 3 days ago 100%

    Thank you! Yeah, I wasn't planning on going off of your experience alone, but I've wanted a model M ever since mine was inadvertently discarded with my dad's old tech. I totally understand the desire to clean house of old stuff every so often... but a model M?? I wasn't happy lol

  • mechanicalkeyboards Mechanical Keyboards Real keyboards have curves... in their giant steel backplates.
  • 01189998819991197253 01189998819991197253 3 days ago 100%

    I got so carried away yesterday with reading the comments and ogling the picture, I forgot to updoot. Basically, I'm just writing my failure here as an excuse to be able to look upon its glory again today.

  • jingszo Jings ! Inspired by squids and octopi, a new screen stores and displays encrypted images without electronics
  • 01189998819991197253 01189998819991197253 4 days ago 100%

    Sounds like a magnetic variant of eink displays. Very cool!

  • mechanicalkeyboards Mechanical Keyboards Real keyboards have curves... in their giant steel backplates.
  • 01189998819991197253 01189998819991197253 4 days ago 100%

    Oh nice! That's always been a deterrent for me, that the key codes are different, and I would need a translator midline, which I didn't want to deal with haha this is MUCH nicer!

  • mechanicalkeyboards Mechanical Keyboards Real keyboards have curves... in their giant steel backplates.
  • 01189998819991197253 01189998819991197253 4 days ago 100%

    How did you convert from rj45 (I'm assuming serial) to USB?

  • politicalmemes Political Memes It's been a few days since I told people Sticker Mule is a shitty company
  • 01189998819991197253 01189998819991197253 5 days ago 90%

    He did say 'many' not 'all' and that he, personally supported him, so no lie then showed that he supports him with the selfie. The reactions show why his third sentence was said (the one where he states that he and others were afraid to admit their support). It is very possible that I don't understand where the lie is, though. I'm very tired. I've always found politics in that country strange, so I think I may be missing something. Without getting into why someone should or shouldn't support one or the other, can someone explain where the lie is?

  • politicalmemes Political Memes It's been a few days since I told people Sticker Mule is a shitty company
  • 01189998819991197253 01189998819991197253 5 days ago 83%

    Is sticker robot not as cheap?

  • 01189998819991197253 01189998819991197253 5 days ago 100%

    I had a friend who did that.


  • asklemmy Asklemmy What’s your “I can’t believe other people don’t do this” hack?
  • 01189998819991197253 01189998819991197253 6 days ago 100%

    KANBAN your life. Love it

  • cat cats cat dog bag cartoon - Lemmy.World
  • 01189998819991197253 01189998819991197253 6 days ago 100%

    Sorry. But that's not cat dog.

    This is...

  • squaredcircle SquaredCircle Fuck Ticketmaster.
  • 01189998819991197253 01189998819991197253 6 days ago 100%

    I don't think so. It's been a while for me, but they emailed me a PDFs of the tickets. They pushed HARD for me to download their apps but I pushed harder that I won't, so the tickets were pdf qr codes. Also, they accepted my Google number, even though they said no VoIP.

    Edit: also, that was the last time I bought tickets from them. 100% markup for "fees". Fuck. That. And fuck. Them.

  • squaredcircle SquaredCircle Fuck Ticketmaster.
  • 01189998819991197253 01189998819991197253 6 days ago 100%

    They, uh........... might like it...

  • 01189998819991197253 01189998819991197253 6 days ago 100%

    It was all conjecture. Until I read the damning last line. It's clear to me: Gabe is it.

  • memes Memes Decision time
  • 01189998819991197253 01189998819991197253 7 days ago 100%

    Fate will take it from here lol

  • memes Memes Decision time
  • 01189998819991197253 01189998819991197253 7 days ago 100%

    Why are you stressing this nice Lemming to fast track their site? It'll take the standard 30 years. It's fine.

  • technology Technology YouTube on TVs is cramming ads down your throat even when pausing videos
  • 01189998819991197253 01189998819991197253 7 days ago 100%

    That's fair. It's more of when google breaks YouTube for the custom apps, that people start to get all pissy lol

  • technology Technology YouTube on TVs is cramming ads down your throat even when pausing videos
  • 01189998819991197253 01189998819991197253 7 days ago 100%

    I thought about doing this, but didn't want to essentially be their maintainer. I do that enough at work lol

  • fountainpens Fountain Pens [SOLVED] Pen Search Help Request
  • 01189998819991197253 01189998819991197253 7 days ago 100%

    No way! That's awesome! Someone else here suggested something like this, but I didn't realize it was for all cartridges. Very cool!

  • technology Technology After charger, Apple removes USB-C cable from the box
  • 01189998819991197253 01189998819991197253 7 days ago 37%

    Not sure about USBC, but it was in their lightning cables.

    It's not farfetched that they would also add it to their "certified USBC".

    Edit: apple isn't hiding this program, either. Nor should they. It has merit. But it can be abused, as it was with certified lighting cables.

  • technology Technology After charger, Apple removes USB-C cable from the box
  • 01189998819991197253 01189998819991197253 7 days ago 57%

    If only.

    Now, I don't know if it's in USBC cables, but it was in their lightning cables.

    Edit: apple isn't hiding this program, either. Nor should they. It has merit. But it can be abused, as it was with certified lighting cables.

    Edit: also, I think it's funny that you assumed I was angry/mad about this hahahahaha I'm really not. I no longer buy apple, so it really doesn't affect me. And if I did buy apple, I don't think I would care that much, as when I did buy apple, I bought certified add-ons. I was simply pointing out the gap in the passed regulation. It seems that you're more upset about this than I am. Sorry my comment affected you this way--it was not my intention.

  • technology Technology After charger, Apple removes USB-C cable from the box
  • 01189998819991197253 01189998819991197253 7 days ago 18%

    Not if when they add a chip in the official Apple cable that the iPhone/iPad/iwhatever checks for, and refuses to properly charge or transfer data without it. At this point, a generic USBC will only work for a short time, before the device rejects it, forcing you to bin it and buy a new one, which negates the benefits of the regulation. Regulations do work, but they have to be thorough, and this one isn't covering all the corners.

    Edit: changes when to if. It was causing confusion as to what I meant.

  • fountainpens Fountain Pens [SOLVED] Pen Search Help Request
  • 01189998819991197253 01189998819991197253 7 days ago 100%

    Thank you for this!

    I actually use a Zebra F-301 ballpoint, and it's great for its price. Do the converter kits work with this pen? Although, I'm not sure it'll be worth it, since the kits seem to cost more than the pen haha

    I'm going to change the Must-Have to Really-Like-To-Haves lol I see I was being very wishy with them. I don't mind saving up and getting a more 'long term' pen that's reasonably priced to be a daily driver. I don't like dailying pens that would break me if they get lost or stolen. I travel for work, and have lost so many cheap pens over the years, and more than a few nice pens. The only one that truly caused me grief was one my grand gifted me.

    I also fully expect to buy more than one pen and alternate dailies. But, that's problem for a future me to solve haha

  • technology Technology YouTube on TVs is cramming ads down your throat even when pausing videos
  • 01189998819991197253 01189998819991197253 1 week ago 100%

    You made it into a choose your own adventure template hahahahaha

  • linuxmemes linuxmemes Aw hell naw man
  • 01189998819991197253 01189998819991197253 1 week ago 100%

    BonziBuddy! He was the best! Almost as good as the dancing baby.

    And in case anyone is wondering...


    Dancing Baby:

  • technology Technology YouTube on TVs is cramming ads down your throat even when pausing videos
  • 01189998819991197253 01189998819991197253 1 week ago 100%

    I agree completely. It's actually why I went with NewPipe as a recommendation to family and friends. After a few months using it, I really didn't miss the original YouTube app, and it has become, when combined with the ease of installation, my go-to recommendation for Android users who want to block ads and be able to play audio in the background with the screen off. All of these solutions have the potential to temporarily break as google (needlessly, imo) fights them. The FOSS solutions fix is to apply the update, where as revanced is to re-revance the YouTube app (not so simple).

    And as for your calm and pleasant comment, I try to always be : ) we're (mostly) all here to have a conversation (at least, I treat everyone as though they are, until they show me otherwise lol). So, thank you : )

  • technology Technology YouTube on TVs is cramming ads down your throat even when pausing videos
  • 01189998819991197253 01189998819991197253 1 week ago 100%

    Hahahahaha!! Good catch! Fixing now

  • technology Technology YouTube on TVs is cramming ads down your throat even when pausing videos
  • 01189998819991197253 01189998819991197253 1 week ago 100%

    I don't disagree with this point. Calling them objectively better however, is not covering the whole story imo. They are objectively better if your goal is to deproprietarize (not a real word) as much as possible. But if your goal is to just block ads as seamlessly as possible while still keeping all other features in YouTube, then those FOSS apps drop to subjectively better.

  • technology Technology YouTube on TVs is cramming ads down your throat even when pausing videos
  • 01189998819991197253 01189998819991197253 1 week ago 100%

    I appreciate your viewpoint, as it's a part of what makes the software development community so great. I don't necessarily agree with it, personally, since they all rely on proprietary backend (YouTube), but I truly do appreciate it.

  • technology Technology YouTube on TVs is cramming ads down your throat even when pausing videos
  • 01189998819991197253 01189998819991197253 1 week ago 91%

    Imagine watching YouTube. Your kid, spouse, grandparent, whatever falls and gets badly hurt. You pause the video (out of habit, instead of shutting off the TV) to tend to them. You toss the remote as you rush off the couch, the remote is lost. Instead of silence so you can hear whether they're breathing and be able to hear and talk to the emergency services dispatcher, you hear an unskippable ad. They perish, because the dispatcher couldn't hear you and get the ambulance truck to your door in time.

    Imagine watching YouTube. You're alone in your house. You hear something at the window behind you. You pause the video, since it's probably nothing, to listen more intently. Instead of silence to allow you hear the burglar, you hear an ad for something you would never buy, as the burglar breaks into your house and attacks you for that sweet, sweet PS5. You perish, because you couldn't react in time.

    Edge cases? Maybe. Possible? Yes. Will YouTube/google be charged with accessory to murder? I highly doubt that.

    Pause ads are a very bad, and very dangerous, idea.

  • technology Technology YouTube on TVs is cramming ads down your throat even when pausing videos
  • 01189998819991197253 01189998819991197253 1 week ago 96%

    I wouldn't call them 'better' alternatives. They're easier to install for sure. Personally, I've used revanced, newpipe, and libretube and love them all. I stuck with newpipe, since that's what my family uses now, and it's easier to troubleshoot when I have it too. And revanced takes some steps, more than just "install this package, done".

  • fountainpens Fountain Pens [SOLVED] Pen Search Help Request
  • 01189998819991197253 01189998819991197253 1 week ago 100%

    Thank you! This is great!

  • fountainpens
    Fountain Pens 01189998819991197253 2 weeks ago 100%
    [SOLVED] Pen Search Help Request

    ## Conclusion: Thank you, everyone, for your expertise, experience, recommendations, suggestions, and patience!! I have decided to go with the Platinum Preppy in Blue Black with fine nib. I didn't want to jump too far into it with an expensive (to me) one without any experience. So far, granted it's the first day, I love it. A lot. I'm going to give it a few days to see how it feels as a daily driver, but if the few bits I wrote are an indication, it won't be an issue. Again, thank you all SO MUCH for your help! Here's a (poor quality, sorry, it's night) picture of my new favorite pen: ![]( ## Original Post I didn't see anything on the sidebar where this is not allowed. BUT, if it isn't, please accept my sincerest apologies, and feel free to remove the post (or let me know, and I'll remove it). ### A little backstory: Ever since a quill that I happened to use (without permission, might I add) at a friend's grandfather's house oh so many moons ago, my fascination with pens began. Up until then, all I've used were pencils, markers, crayons, and a couple cheap ballpoint pens. Over the many years, I have gone from pen to pen, never really finding "that pen feel" I've craved since that single-digit age. Now, I understand that quills write very differently to ballpoints, and even differently to many nibs. However, price has always been an object for me, regrettably, limiting my choices, forcing me to stay on the 'budget' side of things. The closest I've found to that feel was a 0.8mm Micron felt-tipped pen. However, it wasn't close enough for me to stay with it, so the search continues. (The feel: smooth, light, almost effortless glide on the page, while still feeling the tactility of the page with each stroke. The resulting line is smooth, but crisp.) Recently (past couple years), I've been thinking more and more about that quill, and started searching for it again, to no avail. Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if his grandfather had it custom made. I would ask the friend or grandfather, but the grandfather has long passed, and the friend has disappeared shortly after uni (he always talked about going full hermit... I guess he did). Yesterday, as I was aimlessly scrolling Lemmy, after, what seemed like the billionth time searching for that quill, I came across this community, filled with people searching for their illusive perfect pen; my people. ### The ask As before, price is an object (again, regrettably). Are there recommendations for budget fountain pens or quills with a few must-haves? ##### Would-Really-Like-To-Have ~~Must-Haves~~ 1) non-scratchy nib 2) 0.5-0.7mm line is preferred, but no more than 0.8mm 3) it can use ink cartridges, but it needs to also handle other inks from bottles (pumps or wells, I think it's called) 4) budget, so within the 5-10€ range (I know this might be the biggest ask here) ### The original quill that started it all The shaft looked like a thick feather, with the feathery bits removed. I don't think it was an actual feather, though, as it was much thicker than any I've ever felt. The shaft held the ink, which was added by unscrewing the nib and pouring the ink in (or, as he did it, using a pipette), then screwing the nib back on. The nib was ornate; etched gold on the outside, smooth silver on the inside, split down the middle, with a small hole halfway down the split. A preemptive thank you to everyone, for reading and considering this post. Edit: added the last section about the original quill Edit: change to really like to have, since it seems I was being too wishy with them being a 'must' : )

    Open Source 01189998819991197253 2 months ago 98%
    NewPipe v0.27.0 No longer Working? [Update]

    Has NewPipe v0.27.0 stopped working for anyone else? It won't play anymore. It loads the video page and comments, but throws an error when attempting to play or download the video. I've submitted an error report, but was wondering if anyone else is experiencing this. Edit: thank you, everyone! I figured it was google being a giant turd again, but want sure, since it worked perfectly fine for me yesterday, and I didn't see anything pop up on Lemmy yet. I understand the logistical and costing nightmare of this, but we really need a FOSS decentralized video sharing platform to take hold and take off. Let google and other bigturdtech die where they made their beds. Update: newpipe 0.27.1 was just released, which fixes this deliberately google-caused issue. As I understand, some other frontends implemented their own fixes, too. These teams are amazing!

    Asklemmy 01189998819991197253 7 months ago 94%
    [Solved] How do I resize this band

    ![]( There are no arrows, no obvious pins, no pin latches. This band is different than all of the ones I've ever sized. Does anyone know how to remove links from this band? Edit: user Septimaeus was correct in that it was a fixed link band. The link they provided helped in understanding what is requires to resize, and the band now fits my wrist like it was made for it. Thanks!!

    CalyxOS 01189998819991197253 9 months ago 62%
    Bummed about lack of activity

    I'm bummed about the lack of update activity on this channel. I'm super happy with the os, though. Who is the mod? Maybe s/he can add a bot to repost from reddit?

    Ask Lemmy 01189998819991197253 10 months ago 70%
    Do InvisibleFence brand controller units work with non-IF collars?

    Do InvisibleFence brand controller units work with non-InvisibleFence brand collars? I have an InvisibleFence brand controller unit, and would like to get a collar for it. The InvisibleFence brand stuff requires their techs come out to your house and do whatever it is that they do (at a significantly higher cost). If the controller unit works (tested and verified), will other brand collars work with it? Edit: Some of the other brands do work with the InvisibleFence brand underground system, as long as the collar is also designed for the same type of system (the collar should be called something like 'receiver collar'). The issue I'm running into, though, is that I don't like the shock collars, in general. While not as restrictive or cruel as an 8m tether, according to the vets I've spoken to, I still find it needlessly cruel. So, I'm working with the landlord to allow me to install an above ground fence with a dig protection system. It's going to be very expensive, but I'm hoping I can just increase the monthly payments some to make up for it. I've signed a long-term agreement anyway, so I'm here for a while.

    Rip and index DVDs?

    Are there any automatic or semiautomatic tools that will rip a set of DVDs from a tv show, and label the resulting vids (like *Show name - s##e##* or similar)? I want to digitize entire series (of DVDs I own) for an in-home streaming server, and it's super annoying to name each file individually.

    Espresso 01189998819991197253 12 months ago 100%
    Happy International Coffee Day

    Happy International Coffee Day, everyone!

    Coffee 01189998819991197253 12 months ago 98%
    Happy International Coffee Day

    Happy International Coffee Day, everyone!

    ADHD 01189998819991197253 12 months ago 95%
    The worst part of ADHD (IMO)

    The impulsivity is bad, wasted so much money and time. The hyperfocus, when on the wrong task, has cost me hours in that day. The poor planning / time management has landed me in a world of hurt more times than I care to admit. The low tolerance for distractions / hot temper has caused me to hurt those whom I love most in this world. The inability to properly direct my focus on a task has caused me to lose sight of, and therefore miss, deadlines. That's all bad. But the worst part for me? The part that doctors don't seem to even attempt to address (except for direct symptom management, which barely work)? Emotional mirroring. If you're depressed and I'm with you, guess what happens to me? Today sucked. Depression is an unrelenting *removed*, and I hate her with every fiber of my being.

    Asklemmy 01189998819991197253 12 months ago 90%
    [SOLVED] I can't find this post on finding CSAM on Lemmy

    Yesterday, I was reading this post on an open source solution to detecting and deleting CSAM material on Lemmy. I was reading the post, then my browser crashed mid-read. I've been looking for it ever since, and can't find it. Can anyone link it?

    Espresso 01189998819991197253 1 year ago 100%
    Fireweed Coffee Co. Ethiopia Yorgacheffe

    Black tea is strong, as are fruity notes (blackberry, maybe?). The acidity of the kiwi is there somewhat, but mostly, I taste its sweetness. I'm not sure I taste the lemongrass at all, but that's not saying much, as it could just be masked by the other notes. Overall, this is a very nice roast.

    Memes 01189998819991197253 1 year ago 96%
    Our Computer

    OC for you.

    Espresso 01189998819991197253 1 year ago 88%
    Making coffee before coffee

    Half asleep, I added coffee to the espresso grinder. Never has it been more clear, that grind size matters.

    linuxmemes 01189998819991197253 1 year ago 94%
    Put your hands together

    I was watching friends, and this scene came on. Instantly made me think of GNU plus Linux.

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    IT Crowd 01189998819991197253 1 year ago 100%
    Me and my possy, just looking *more* normal
    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    IT Crowd 01189998819991197253 1 year ago 50%
    Four! I mean... Five! I mean... Fire!

    When you call the new sexy emergency services, but are connected with an unknown country instead, you do the next logical thing… you send an email. Picture's not coming through. I'll try an embedded one... ![](

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    IT Crowd 01189998819991197253 1 year ago 100%
    Good morning, that's a nice tnetennba

    Just found this sub, and I see it's not active anymore :( Let's change that!

    Memes 01189998819991197253 1 year ago 86%
    I don't have herpes!!

    My OG content for your viewing pleasure

    Asklemmy 01189998819991197253 1 year ago 94%
    Where can I get more of these plastic caps?

    I have these wire shelves that are held together with these plastic caps. I'm reconfiguring the layout and ran out of caps. It's been a decade+/- since we got these, and I can't remember the name. Does anyone know where I can get more of these caps? Or, at least, what these caps and/or shelves are called, so I can go hunting for them?

    Espresso 01189998819991197253 1 year ago 96%
    Sidamo G1, Self Roasted

    I roasted a Sidamo G1 to right after first crack. I pulled one shot today, and it's amazing!

    Privacy 01189998819991197253 1 year ago 97%
    Pay with Palm

    I can only see this going into a very dystopian path. Based on their actions, I don't trust these companies, their security practices, nor their privacy policies. Why would I give them my biometrics? And my full palm, at that!? Hell no!

    Espresso 01189998819991197253 1 year ago 98%
    ProTip: Coffee beans don't go in the water reservoir

    Hopefully you're having a better morning than putting friggin coffee beans in the friggin water reservoir. That is all.

    Espresso 01189998819991197253 1 year ago 98%
    Espresso machines reliability chart

    cross-posted from: Original post was titled "Coffee machines reliability chart", but the image says that they're in the "espresso machine category". > The biggest swiss online seller makes charts for warranty claims. Basically: how many warranty claims does each brand have? This chart only shows the most popular brands of coffee machines sold on the site, but I still find it interesting.

    Espresso 01189998819991197253 1 year ago 98%
    Went to a wedding, they had a poet dressed like a fox, you give him a word and he writes a poem... I chose 'espresso'

    Went to a wedding and they had a poet dressed like a fox. You give him a word and he types out a poem on an old-timey typewriter. Of course, I chose 'espresso'. I asked him why a fox. So, he's a professional poet. One of his friends gave him a fox costume as a joke. He wore it to his friend's kid's birthday party (IIRC), and loved it. He started doing that as a side hustle (wearing the costume at parties, writing poems), and later, started doing it full time. He says that it's fun for everyone involved, and allows him to get creative with very little in terms of overextended expectations. REALLY nice guy! Here he is: ![](

    Espresso 01189998819991197253 1 year ago 100%
    New Rules due an an Incident

    Hey everyone! We had a bit of a trolling incident yesterday, and I wanted to address it real quick. We are a kind and accepting community for those who love, want to love, are getting into, or are interested in espresso. We have no room for trolls or unkind behavior. Because of the user who reported this incident (thank you!!), the offender has been banned from this wonderful community and, thanks to Jerry, the Instance owner (don't forget to support him), banned from this Instance altogether. I thought the Instance and Community expectations were understood, considering the ambiance of Lemmy, but I was wrong. As a result, I have added a Rules section in the Sidebar. If you haven't already, please take a look, and let me know if those rules should change in any way. Together, we can rid this world of trolls and goblins, as we hunt for that Perfect Pull. Stay caffeinated, my fellow Espressons!

    Ask Lemmy 01189998819991197253 1 year ago 96%
    What are these things, and why are they on my tomato plant?

    This little sack thing was on the tomato plant today. When it was touched, these little worm-looking things popped out, like a spider sack of worms. - What are they? - Why are they on the plant? - Are they harmful to the plant or to us? Thanks!

    Ask Lemmy 01189998819991197253 1 year ago 91%
    Besides Teddit, which is being severely limited by the API debacle and has instances shutting down, what Reddit front-ends still work?

    In reading the rules and pinned posts, it doesn't seem to me that my question is out of line with the intention of the community. However, if I am mistaken, please remove the post and accept my sincere apologies. _______________ So, I've been getting a lot of 429 errors as of late. Today, I came across [this post]( by one of the Teddit instance admins. The reason for the 429, is the same API restrictions that killed the apps. Teddit is dying. I still use Reddit for searches, unfortunately, considering much of the world's IT knowledgebase is on there. Since before the Reddit spez-out, I was using Teddit on PC or Slide/Infinity on mobile. Now that Teddit is being so severely limited by the API debacle that it has instances shutting down, I find myself asking: what Reddit front-ends still work? Regrettably, I can't not use Reddit for work, though I don't participate or even log in, but I REALLY don't want to give Reddit the traffic.

    Cybersecurity 01189998819991197253 1 year ago 100%
    Seeking Advice: Windows XP and a Networked Printer

    I hope I can ask for advice here. I didn't see anything against this in the rules, but also don't want to harsh the vibe. If it's not ok, please delete my most. TL;DR - I need to share a network printer with the greater network, while also making it available to non-networked Windows XP and Vista computers. I am seeking advice on how to do this without connecting the out-of-compliance computers to the network (or to each other). -------------------- I can't believe I have to consider this problem, but here I am. We have a bunch of equipment ranging from about $20k to over $250k each, with computers running Windows Vista and Windows XP. We can't replace the computers, because both the software and device drivers are proprietary and we can't get the updated versions without purchasing new devices. The department must be able to print from these computers. So far, I've implemented a "floating USB" methodology, where the printer is connected through one USB cable that the tech moves from computer to computer, as s/he needs to print. They only ever use one, MAYBE two, at a time, so the floating USB isn't as inconvenient as it sounds. The subscription on the printer that's in there now, ends soon and corporate is unwilling/unable to renew at this time. The only other printer the department has, is across the hall. I proposed to move that printer to the other office, connect it to the network to allow them continued ability to print from their laptops, while continuing the floating USB for the WinXP and WinVista machines. They declined, as they use that printer quite often, and don't want to have to run across the hall during high-stress tasks. I thought about running USB the distance, but it's capped at about 5 meters / 16 feet. My latest proposals include an active USB extension cable or USB-over-Ethernet and running USB cabling in the rafters, which will allow for the floating USB method as well as keep the printer networked. My goal is to keep these XP and Vista computers disconnected from the network. I know connecting them to a networked printer isn't great, but it's better than connecting them directly to the greater network. Another idea I had was to create a physically segregated network for these computers only, disconnected from the greater network, with the printer connected to this network's firewall via USB and shared as a Networked printer inside this internal network. The printer will also be connected to the greater network via Ethernet, and used there. The issue I have with this, is that it keeps the XP/Vista computers connected to each other and to the printer, which still holds the risk of infection spreading among them. I'm anticipating the (worst case) push to connect them to the internal network and "just put them behind the firewall," which, as you all know, is a very bad idea. Therefore, I'm trying to amass as many viable ideas as I can, in the hope that one of them will prevent the worst case. Does anyone have any other ideas for sharing this printer with networked and non-networked computers?

    Espresso 01189998819991197253 1 year ago 100%
    What's Your Least Favorite From the Past Week

    I though it could be fun to list our *least* favorite roasts from the past week, maybe with a description on why you disliked it. This way we could round out the "what are you brewing" posts with a sort of "I won't be brewing that again" type of end cap. Personally, I find it fun sometimes to try the black sheep. After all, my least favorite could be your favorite. Feel free to downvote the post if you don't think this would benefit the community. If we get to an overall point value in the negatives, I will unpin the post and we can move forward with it in the rearview.

    Espresso 01189998819991197253 1 year ago 96%
    What are You Brewing?

    What are you brewing this weekend? Post pictures, names, descriptions, recommendations, whatever you want to share that you think will help others. May your brew be satisfying and your weekend restful.

    Espresso 01189998819991197253 1 year ago 94%
    Ethiopia Yirgacheffe

    This was delicious. Mostly flavor notes of vanilla and cocoa, maybe some floral hints, too. Forgot to add, this is from Volcanica Coffee.

    Espresso 01189998819991197253 1 year ago 100%
    20.00g in

    20.00g in. Don't even know how that happened, but it's perfect.

    My daily (lower)

    My daily is the kb below. Keychron C1, Fekker Panda switches, foam mod, o-rings, GSA keycaps. Nothing special, but a very pleasant typing experience. The above kb is a Moergo Glove80. I'm still getting used to it, so it's not my daily.

    Asklemmy 01189998819991197253 1 year ago 98%
    What is this device?

    This was inside the bill of a baseball cap with the word "MARINES" on the front. I tried changing the batteries, but it doesn't seem to be doing anything. Does anyone know what this is? It has a button on one side. But new batteries didn't reveal it's purpose. I'm thinking it's too corroded now to work. I know that round thing is a simple speaker or buzzer, but I don't know (a) what sound it's intended to make and (b) why it was sewn into the bill of a baseball cap. Internals, image 1: ![]( Internals, image 2: ![]( External, backside: ![]( Cap pictures: ![]( ![]( Edit: added images of the internals. Edit 2: added a small description of the button, and why I didn't just test it with new batteries (I did, but it doesn't work). So, basically, all I know. Edit 3: added a picture of the backside of the casing. Edit 4: Adding pictures of the cap itself. Thank you, everyone, for all of your input. If I'm ever able to get this thing working, I'll add a video of the device and it's audio.

    Espresso 01189998819991197253 1 year ago 93%
    Espresso Macchiato and a Family Day

    One of the local shoppes has an arcade style room in the back, perfect for a family day. The adults get their coffee, beit espresso or brew, and the children get their blended chocolate milks or whatnots. I got my regular, espresso macchiato, and it was delicious! This shoppe seriously knows how to 'pull' it off (get it? Pull? Like a shot). I'll let myself out...

    Woodworking 01189998819991197253 1 year ago 100%
    Only one post on my home instance

    I only see one post when I go through my Local instance, but I see a bunch of posts when I open the community in its Home instance. Does anyone know why? And how I can see the rest of the posts so I can interact?

    Espresso 01189998819991197253 1 year ago 100%
    Stick in The Beans?

    I was prepping an Americano, and the Peet's Major Dickason had a stick in it. I have never seen this before on a national brand like Peet's.

    Espresso 01189998819991197253 1 year ago 92%
    New Community Icon Fun Contest [ends 22-AUG]

    Edit: I'm going to extend the contest to mid-Aug to give time for the newest Reddit refugees to participate. The original icon from r/espresso is great. However, I thought that we can customize this community's icon every so often with a little contest. Here are the rules: 0) This goes without saying, but be kind. 1) You should be subscribed. After all, it should to be your community, if you're going to affect it. 2) The image you submit needs to be your OC. It doesn't have to be a shot you pulled, but it does need to be a picture you took. 3) [edit] Sign the picture on one of the corners or anywhere else that doesn't "take away" from the image[, if you want to. If you don't, I'll sign it for you before we use it. If you'd rather not display your username on the picture, let me know in the post, and I won't use it. Sorry for the poor foresight with this very basic privacy thing. That's my bad.] 4) Post your submission as a comment. 5) Upvote your 2-3 favorite(s) and downvote your one least favorite. Let's give it ~~30 days?~~ to mid-August. At the end, the image with the highest votes will become the new community icon until the next contest. Have fun!

    Espresso 01189998819991197253 1 year ago 100%
    Stumptown Homestead

    I'm still dialing it in, but at 11.36g in / 41.73g out, it was pretty good. Still not there, but closer than I thought on the first pull. I vaguely taste a fruit (apple maybe?) and some cacao. Not so much milk chocolate, as stated on the bag, and it's a bit more acidic that I would expect from this roaster, but both of those points could be just it not being dialed in yet.
