
What is this thing?

What is this thing? Wxfisch 3 weeks ago 98%
What are the white antennas on this pole

They started installing poles along a main road near where we live and I’m not sure what the white antennas on them are for. Some of the poles have traffic cameras like the one in the picture but others don’t. They are spaced every half to one mile and have antennas on opposite sides, with what looks like a radio cabinet near the base. The antennas are all aligned along the road, pointing parallel to traffic. This is in southwest Pennsylvania.

What is this thing? FmbyMF 3 weeks ago 75%
What is this country?

It appeared in my discord server. It's not Japan by the way. No one in server has answered it yet.

What is this thing? morphballganon 3 weeks ago 43%
[META] Can we have a different community for creatures, and have this one just for objects?

I love this kind of community in theory, because I love learning about how things work, but I don't love the posts asking for creature identification. Those are less how things work and more "I need an expert on this geologic region's fauna" so they seem like completely different topics to me. I don't want to see spiders in my feed, but I'm happy to see curious objects. If I block the community due to the spiders, I miss out on the curious objects.

What is this thing? macaro 4 weeks ago 100%
What is this metal connector?

I'm installing a stereo head unit and don't have sound. This blue wire comes from the included harness and is the amp control wire. The control wire on the other connector at the unit also says amp control and isn't connected to anything. I'm assuming I have to connect the two wires and this thing (plus heat shrink wrap...?) will help. I'm unsure if I should use this or cut and strip the wires and find some wire nuts. How do I use this connector, (if it even is one)?

What is this thing? Machinist 4 weeks ago 95%
What kind of stone is this mantle? [SOLVED]

So, I found this stone mantel behind the garage of the 100 year old house we just bought. It was mostly buried in the dirt. Fits our mantel perfect. Some sort of green stone. Was painted black at some point. I'm trying to strip the paint and want to refinish the stone. Area is southeast of Pittsburgh. Father of the man who built the house was an Italian stonemason that immigrated. Don't think it's slate, has a tight grain and rings when you knock on it. What kind of stone is this? ![]( ![](

What is this thing? Nostalgia 4 weeks ago 90%
This showed up on a neighbor's roof. Extra context in post.

Fiber Internet and cable are included in mandatory HOA fees (yay HOAs) so this seems weird. No other homes in the area have anything like this. Also, I’m 99% sure this unit is a full time Airbnb if that might matter (and why I can’t just ask my neighbor wtf is on their roof). Did some reverse image searches and didn’t find a match, that 5G seemed closest to my untrained eye. I don’t like tech shit that I don’t know what the hell it is. Particularly when it’s aimed close to my house. TIA!

What is this thing? tophneal 4 weeks ago 95%
What is this connector? [SOLVED]

I have a project I'm doing where a small hobby board has connectors for different things, including LEDs. I don't want to use the original LED strip, and would like to make a single LED that plugs into the board instead, but I don't know how to identify/find this connector. Can anyone help?

What is this thing? dysprosium 1 month ago 94%
Found this in new (farm) house after 3 years in a secluded place in the attic

![]( ![]( Any idea what animal this is? Or extraterrestrial?

What is this thing? Knuschberkeks 1 month ago 100%
[Solved] At a music festival in Germany that takes place at an airfield

These are spread all over the place, approximately every 5 m.

What is this thing? TehBamski 1 month ago 87%
What the heck is this thing I found at the top of a hill surrounded by trees and not at all from the Oregon coast? (Google Maps link)

At first, I thought it might be some kind of water treatment plant. But it's too small to be that from what I know about those systems. (Could be wrong.) Then I thought it might be someone's house. But I'm not sure and it's a mystery.

What is this thing? bastion 2 months ago 95%
[Solved] What is this awful thing?

This awful creature was, according to my partner, found under or black walnut tree, attached to or emerging from the neck of a very-recently killed bunny that the dog had (killed within the last ~15m). Any idea what it is? More pics available. It's not smooth like a slug/leech, but has a textured surface. It looks like a grub, but what would a grub be doing attached to a bunny? It has an obvious mouth and anus. She described the mouth part as "hexagonal", which she saw open while it was alive, coming off of or out of the Bunny's neck (it was in or by by a wound it didn't necessarily inflict). I think it's probably just congealed evil and should be thrown into a fire, along with everything it touched except the puppy, and that's how it's going to get me. My opinion is obviously tongue-in-cheek, but what is this really?

What is this thing? over_clox 2 months ago 97%
[Solved] What is this apparent child's toy?

Clearly it ain't scissors, but what actually is it? Edit: Found! Miniature Faux Clamps Pretend Play Medical Doctor Play Toy

What is this thing? Flummoxed 2 months ago 100%
Any ideas what these are?

These are spaced about every 300 meters next to the trail in Memorial Park in Houston, TX, but they aren't only along the trail. They are throughout the park. Does anyone have an idea what they might be? Thanks!

What is this thing? Melatonin 2 months ago 100%
SOLVED: This apparently is a baking dish. Thrift store find for my wife. But why is there a hole in the side? What is it?

Oh, and it's LARGE. That's my range it's sitting on, and it covers about 2/3 of it.

What is this thing? Fosheze 3 months ago 94%
(Solved) What is this definitely not capybara?

A friend of mine just sent me this picture and said someone they knew just got a capybara. I informed them that that definitely isn't a capybara. Now neither of us know what it is. It kinda looks like it's in the uncanny valley of the rabbit species. Is it just a fucked up looking rabbit?

What is this thing? Veddit 3 months ago 91%
Machanism/item strapped above audience in a music venue

I saw this at a music venue. It was strapped onto railings above the audience facing the stage. Says "kick out", is attached by zip ties, looks like a tube wrapped in a durable plastic coat, and looked like it might have a wire running to it.

What bird did this feather come from?


What kind of frog is this?


Is this a starving deer or a pregnant deer?


What is this thing? El_guapazo 3 months ago 100%
could be a candle holder or ceremonial item

I bought this at an estate sale. I'll burn votive candles in it. The repaired crack was already there when I got it. I bought it for a few dollars. What is it though? ![front]( ![back](

What is this thing? shinigamiookamiryuu 3 months ago 100%
What's the deal with this unknown disfigurement on this possum?

![]( There's a baby possum that's kind enough to be a regular visitor where I am. Poor kid has what appears to be a wound on his/her face, almost like a cleft lip. I am no veterinarian, but [a "code of honor" relevant to my hobby here]( casts a shadow over me and I was wondering what kind of issue the disfigurement represents so I don't feel guilty.

What is this ruby-looking bug?

![]( ![](

What is this thing? federalreverse 3 months ago 100%
Who's pollinating my peas?

Kind of looks like a glossy, all-black bumblebee. Location is Germany.

What is this thing? shinigamiookamiryuu 4 months ago 100%
What is this sapphire-looking bug?

![]( ![]( ![](

What is this thing? synae 4 months ago 90%
[Solved] What kind of spider is this?

About 1.5 to 2 inches across. Found in Santa Cruz, CA Edit: Thanks all for your responses!

What is this thing? 58008 5 months ago 97%
Is there a name for this sort of object? I need something like this, but don't know what to type into the webs

I'm going to convert my computer chair from pneumatic to static. I'm currently using plastic clasps that are held on with jubilee clips, but they're not great and need replaced (I'm a heavy lad). A sturdy metal version would be better. I'm assuming the plumbing world would have something like this, but the language of the plumber is arcane and inaccessible to regular goombas like me. What do I type into the search box? Cheers!

What is this thing? JairSterre 5 months ago 100%
Anyone know what kind of spider this is?

Found this spider in Assen(NL) can anyone identify it?

What is this thing? lettruthout 5 months ago 100%
Very small valve part?

Small metal object with clip on top. Clip spins around the object body and can be attracted to a magnet (so made of steel probably). Object body does not react to magnet (so made of brass maybe). Cone shaped tip seems to be made of some kind of plastic. Found this in my back yard, probably from something I was working on, but it doesn't look familiar. What is this thing? (Identification may help me fix something I don't know is broken!)

What is this thing? lettruthout 5 months ago 98%
Just for counting? For speed also?

Yeah I know these are used for counting vehicles but can they also be used for detecting vehicle speed? Description: two pneumatic hoses, affixed to a road. They lead to a box that's locked to a telephone pole. Location is southern California. On a minor artery road. Doubtful that it's to survey if a new stop sign is needed since the next street is minor, dead ends into this one and already has a stop sign. The next intersection with another minor artery already has a stop sign. Extremely doubtful that a traffic light is being considered since there isn't anywhere near the amount of traffic to justify one. This is located on a slope. Many cars speed down here. That's why I'm wondering about speed sensing by this device.

What is this thing? HootinNHollerin 5 months ago 98%
Nest of eggs in garden in SoCal

I’ve seen lizards running around in the garden but these seem pretty big imo like 1-2cm I’ve also seen a 4ft long California king snake

What is this thing? ben1o 5 months ago 100%
What is thing (connector) thing?

This is outside my apartment building, next to the car park. Is it a connector for a hose of some kind?

What is this thing? MrQuallzin 6 months ago 100%
Is this a vertebra?

Pacific Northwest, southern Washington. Found during a walk in the woods