
The Debunker

The Debunker RedWizard 9 months ago 100%
Chinese Police in America/UK

I'm going to do my own digging but I know some of us recall the details: The Chinese police in NYC is a fake story, right?

The Debunker AlbigensianGhoul 9 months ago 100%
Is there any actual evidence that points to Russia ever intending to annex Ukraine?

I was feeling masochistic so I browsed ![reddit logo]( "emoji reddit-logo") for a while, and remembered that all pro-Ukraine folks seem to take this as a fact. I remember trying to look into this and not finding any evidence, and angry libs were not exactly forthcoming with sources themselves. So besides the initial feint towards Kyiv (which AFAIK is circumstantial at best) was there ever any evidence pointing towards some Russian plan to eventually annex the entirety of Ukraine?

The Debunker TheUltimateCommunist 9 months ago 100%
Need help from history knowing comrades, debunking the claim that Zionists have dibs on Palestine because it was a former colony and then the British gave it to them

So, I was having a long discussion with my liberal dad, and he said the statement above: Zionists have claim to Israel because apparently Palestine was a former British colony and it was given to the Jews by the British. Also, that there was not such thing as the country of Palestine before that. He also mentioned that apparently, Palestinians have refused the 2-state solution and that apparently makes them the bad guys for October 7th. It is all pure liberal bs, but I don't know enough of the history of the occupation to debunk his claims thoroughly. Therefore, help debunking this would be appreciated.