asklemmy Asklemmy *Permanently Deleted*
  • yak yak 2 months ago 100%

    piuttosto bene, uso quotidianamente sia linux che una custom rom da qualche anno!

  • asklemmy Asklemmy *Permanently Deleted*
  • yak yak 2 months ago 100%

    Ho dato un'occhiata ai commenti e ho anche visto che hai fatto un altro paio di post sulla cosa, però no, ad essere onesto non ho proprio letto tutto tutto. Ti ho fatto queste domande perché volevo capire meglio come aiutarti... Perché se stai cercando di capire meglio come funziona la sorveglianza su internet in generale e come proteggerti, e lo stai chiedendo a partire da questo discorso dell'uni allora è un tema gigantesco che richiede una certa calma e un po' di tempo per essere affrontato.

    Se invece ti preoccupa il fatto specifico dell'uni allora vedo di leggermi con calma gli altri commenti (forse avrei dovuto farlo subito in effetti, prima di commentare a caso ahah ma ero incuriosito dalla tua domanda) e vedo se c'è altro di utile che posso dirti, ma quello che ti ho scritto secondo me è già sufficiente dal punto di vista uni. Alcuni consigli che ti hanno dato, come passare a Linux o usare custom ROM sono più rivolti alla privacy online in generale che al discorso università, quindi secondo me si stanno un po' mescolando le cose... Ma magari sono io che non ho capito lol

    In ogni caso è molto bello che tu sia preoccupata e ti renda conto dell'importanza del tema ed è deprimente che sia così raro trovare qualcuno che si faccia queste domande e sia (giustamente!) paranoico al riguardo... Detto ciò non andare nel panico, perché per tenere fuori l'uni dai cacchi tuoi hai già fatto abbastanza :)

  • asklemmy Asklemmy *Permanently Deleted*
  • yak yak 2 months ago 100%

    Ora sono terrorizzata

    Ma no! Perché?ahah Già il fatto che non sei entrata con l'account e ne stai usando uno nuovo va benissimo e togli all'Università una gran fetta di tuoi dati personali. Quindi secondo me sei già a posto così.

    Dicevo che è un primo passo perché ad essere onesto non ho capito al 100% se hai un problema preciso o se stai semplicemente cercando di regalare meno dati possibili alla tua università. Se è il primo caso, eventualmente spiegami meglio qual è il problema e cerco di aiutarti, se è il secondo invece altre cose che potresti fare sono sicuramente non collegarti al Wi-Fi dell'uni o farlo solo usando una vpn (io non lo facevo e basta, usavo solo rete dati e hotspot), e ridurre al minimo la quantità di app/programmi dell'uni che installi sui tuoi dispositivi personali.

    Se non sei connessa alla loro rete, non hai app o programmi loro installati e non sei loggata col tuo account dell'uni da nessuna parte, allora possono spiare ben poco, quindi puoi stare tranquilla!

    Chiedi pure se hai bisogno di altro :)

  • asklemmy Asklemmy *Permanently Deleted*
  • yak yak 2 months ago 100%

    I sound like a criminal

    Yeah, a little bit ahah but everyone has their secrets to protect I guess 😄

    Anyway, don't logging into your account at all is a great first step to protect your data. There may be other things to do then but I don't know, it really depends on what other services does the uni provides and I should know a bit more... I mean for example, is the device yours? Are you connected to uni's network?

    I don't know about your uni, but I'm Italian and here all the digital services provided by my university were pretty intrusive, to the point that when I can I just wouldn't use them at all.

  • asklemmy Asklemmy *Permanently Deleted*
  • yak yak 2 months ago 100%

    What do you mean precisely by "find me"?

  • linux Linux First Pop!_OS 24.04 Alpha with COSMIC DE Drops on August 8 - OMG! Ubuntu
  • yak yak 2 months ago 100%

    It has no relation with GNOME

  • musica Musica Agorà Fever Ray - Fever Ray (2009)
  • yak yak 2 months ago 100%


  • asklemmy Asklemmy *Permanently Deleted*
  • yak yak 2 months ago 100%

    So I'm not the only one!! thank you, I thought I was crazy

  • memes Memes Windows 7's sample music unironically slapped so hard
  • yak yak 2 months ago 100%

    keep moving is 🔥 too

  • linux Linux First Pop!_OS 24.04 Alpha with COSMIC DE Drops on August 8 - OMG! Ubuntu
  • yak yak 2 months ago 100%

    Yes, I agree. Pop!_OS gets a lot of hate for some reason, but it's actually a really, really good distro.

    I was asking about COSMIC though, since I'm really looking forward to try it!

  • linux Linux First Pop!_OS 24.04 Alpha with COSMIC DE Drops on August 8 - OMG! Ubuntu
  • yak yak 2 months ago 100%

    How far is it to be daily drivable, in your opinion? Like, crazy far or just far?

  • linux Linux GNOME 47's New Font
  • yak yak 2 months ago 100%

    hates you

  • programmer_humor
    Programmer Humor yak 3 months ago 93%
    Please stop
    linux Linux People doing the 30 days linux Challenge are having several problems because of Mint's old packages and technology. Why people still recommend it when there is Fedora and Opensuse with KDE and Gnome?
  • yak yak 3 months ago 92%

    Laughs in Debian Stable

  • linux Linux Fedora Silverblue is the most frustrating distro so far
  • yak yak 3 months ago 100%

    Bro how about this? Sounds pretty interesting to me

  • unixporn Unixporn [MATE] I'm starting to feel comfortable in my desktop
  • yak yak 3 months ago 100%

    There's octoxbps for that!

  • asklemmy Asklemmy What's your favorite underrated band?
  • yak yak 3 months ago 100%
  • linux Linux Fedora Silverblue is the most frustrating distro so far
  • yak yak 3 months ago 100%

    That helps, yes. Thank you.

  • linux Linux Fedora Silverblue is the most frustrating distro so far
  • yak yak 3 months ago 100%

    That really sucks, sorry to hear that man. It seems honestly pretty bad and I really have to stay away from this distro.

    Only RedHat could have conceived something this evil. Of course is RedHat, who else could it have been?


    but, i read a history that happened a bug in ostree, in the early days, and the devs needed to ask the users to fix it manually, but was when in the start of silverblue

    This. This is really giving me hope. It kind of confirms what I was saying too. You see? It almost never breaks. But when it breaks, oh man! It breaks very hard indeed.

    Never give up mate, that thing is gonna break somehow, sooner or later. It has to.

  • privacy Privacy *Permanently Deleted*
  • yak yak 3 months ago 100%

    The server seems proprietary to me.

    No, they stopped updating the source code of the server at some point, but then they started again. Anyway Signal is far from my favorite messagging app, I actually don't like it at all, but it's still e2e encrypted, so it's (kinda) fine for me.

    The bridge is still encrypting stuff

    It is. But for a message to be bridged it have to be decrypted by the bridge first, then re-encrypted. So there's a step where the message is in plain text and you have to trust the matrix server which manages the bridge. Don't get me wrong, that's surely better than to trust Meta and other big corporations, but still not ideal.

    Anyway thanks for all the useful insights, I'll try to remember to update! 😄

  • linux Linux Fedora Silverblue is the most frustrating distro so far
  • yak yak 3 months ago 100%

    But well, if that helps, look at the bright side: while it's true that it'll almost never give you problems, I think it's true that the time the problems will happen, they will be pretty hard to solve, so it might break very bad. That's great, isn't it?

    Don't tell me that this thing just cannot breaks. If that was even possible, that'd be tremendously evil.

  • linux Linux Fedora Silverblue is the most frustrating distro so far
  • yak yak 3 months ago 100%

    Welcome to the very reason I'll never ever try Silveblue 😄

  • privacy Privacy *Permanently Deleted*
  • yak yak 3 months ago 100%

    Thanks mate!!

    On the bridge thing I 100% agree, although for the way they works you'll have to deal with your messages being unencrypted. On WhatsApp (and Discord, I guess? I don't use it) this probably is still far better than having the app installed, on Signal it's a bit of a shame because it's the only app with proprietary-level usability while being real FOSS and e2e. So using it with the bridge kind of defeat the purpose of e2e I guess, but still I'm definitely gonna try it again.

    I have a OnePlus 6 and a Poco F1, so I'll just choose one and give pmOS another go :)

  • linux Linux Arch Linux, made immutable, declarative and atomic: blendOS v4 released
  • yak yak 3 months ago 100%

    Please, don't listen to this kind of nonsense and keep using whatever you're happy with.

    While I personally don't love Ubuntu, it is a perfectly fine choice and if you're comfortable with it that's just great! Period.

    So, congratulations for making this choice and don't hesitate to ask if you have questions. You'll find that the Linux community has much more to give than "you shouldn't use X, use Y because I say so". Just ignore this.

    Keep it up, enjoy the ride and welcome!

  • linux Linux Any good Debian-based OS for a laptop?
  • yak yak 3 months ago 100%

    It is :)

    There's a very useful and friendly forum at and it is very easy to replace openbox with any other wm of your choice, as long as you're fine with X11.

  • linux Linux Any good Debian-based OS for a laptop?
  • yak yak 3 months ago 95%

    If you want Debian, just install Debian.

    Maybe if you're into wm setups and you'd like to not have to do everything from scratch you can install Bunsenlabs instead.

    It's just plain Debian with preconfigured Openox, that's all.

  • linux Linux Arch Linux, made immutable, declarative and atomic: blendOS v4 released
  • yak yak 3 months ago 100%

    jesus christ

  • privacy Privacy *Permanently Deleted*
  • yak yak 3 months ago 100%

    Thank you for the reply!

    Feel free to ask more.

    Okay, I will 😄

    using stable vs unstable/edge/etc makes a huge difference.

    Yeah, that's why I was thinking that using edge could have been a good idea, on software so rapidly evolving. Do you use stable because you fear sudden bugs and breakages or for other reasons?

    matrix (fluffychat) bridged to whatsapp, signal

    So you're using only fluffychat with bridges? I mean, you have not installed WhatsApp, Signal or Discord clients, right? But there are unofficial flatpak which should work I guess. Or bridges are the only choice? I ask this because while I think bridges are neat, they have their problems and I'm not sure I would happily and painlessly be able to use only them.

    And, you're still using an iOS/Android device from time to time to prevent automatic logout from WhatsApp's bridge and manage Signal's login, right? Well I think you should have a device anyway for banking apps. Yes I saw banking it's dead on Linux and this may be alone one reason to keep an Android device around. It's a good idea to use a container, although I agree on the risk of being locked out. Though for other android-only apps mendeavor

    the bitwarden desktop app which is quite the endeavor

    You know, to be honest the last time I tried pmOS it was specifically the unusable state of Bitwarden and Freetube which made me think "okay, maybe it's better to wait more time before trying to using it". But after reading your messages I think the time has definitely come :) I'd love to contribute too!

    Anyway, one last thing. How do you primarily install software? Apk and flatpak should be the easiest ways I think...? Because I'm talking about flatpak when I say that I tried, but now that I think about it I'm not sure at all that I was supposed to install graphical apps like that, it was just the more obvious way to do it.

  • privacy Privacy *Permanently Deleted*
  • yak yak 3 months ago 100%

    Yeah, what to other guy said.

    I just mean that I don't like it. I use it, because it's surely better than iOS (for my needs, obviously). I can use a custom ROM, change launcher, use F-Droid... All things that aren't easily possible on iOS.

    But it's still far from ideal for me and I use it just because there are no better alternatives. I mean, the real better alternative is Linux Mobile and it's great, but I don't think that, as today, Android it's 100% replaceable with Linux.

    I'm really looking forward for that moment though.

  • privacy Privacy *Permanently Deleted*
  • yak yak 3 months ago 100%

    look at it from a „what would I be able to let go of“ perspective.

    I think this is a wonderful advice. I have this idea that the limits of Linux Mobile could actually be a huge help to rethink the relationship with the smartphone and to build a new, healthier one.

    I totally agree with you're observation about how proprietary software spoiled and ruined us in some ways... I think we all need to recover from this, and that's why I have so much faith in postmarketOS (and Linux Mobile in general).

    That said, the last time I tried it there were some actual showstoppers for me, but maybe it's better now so I'll definitely give it another go. Thank you!

    If you don't mind, I have a couple of questions to help me to have a better idea on how to approach it.

    Do you use Phosh? I tried Plasma Mobile, Phosh and GNOME. Now for me, Plasma was a big no because of a trillion of various bugs. I had the feeling that Phosh was the more optimized and overall the best option, but GNOME had more features (notably the amazing gestures, which were limited and a bit buggy on Phosh). What do you think about it?

    And... One thing I thought that could really be a problem (beside the banking apps, that's just a lost cause I think) were some messaging apps. I think that if you use just matrix and xmpp you could be just fine on pmOS, but I use Signal on a daily basis and sometime I'm forced to use WhatsApp. I think that one could use unofficial flatpaks, but would still be necessary to have an Android phone to manage login from time to time... Is that right? How do you manage your messaging apps?

    Sorry for all the questions, but I think that it's pretty rare to have the opportunity to talk about this with someone who uses pmOS on a daily basis so I sort of had to 😄

  • privacy Privacy *Permanently Deleted*
  • yak yak 3 months ago 100%

    Can I ask what's you're use case for postmarketOS?

    I mean, are you a "just calls and messages" guy or are you using extensively, like many are using an Android/iOS devices?

    I ask because I don't believe in Android at all, but I found pmOS not ready yet to be usable daily, last time I tried. I'm anxious for it to be ready though

  • foodporn FoodPorn Chicken thigh banh mi - everything from scratch
  • yak yak 1 year ago 100%

    They look even better upside down

  • linux Linux Did we kill Linux's killer feature?
  • yak yak 1 year ago 100%

    You can use the great topgrade!

  • privacy Privacy How to demonstrate to people the importance of privacy by showing the data collected about them?
  • yak yak 1 year ago 100%

    Seems cool. Are there many jumpscares?

  • reddit Reddit Reddit Mod permabans user for using "female" in post title, proceeds to obliterate all criticism before locking the thread calling them out. Akwardtheturtle reincarnated?
  • yak yak 1 year ago 100%


  • lealternative Le Alternative Come scegliere il prossimo telefono?
  • yak yak 1 year ago 100%

    Perché per forza Motorola?

  • btrfs btrfs *Permanently Deleted*
  • yak yak 1 year ago 100%
  • android Android Infinity for Lemmy
  • yak yak 1 year ago 50%

    Well, if it's not too early for the Play Store, why is it too early for F-Droid? :)

  • android Android Infinity for Lemmy
  • yak yak 1 year ago 100%

    Awesome! Would be possible, in the future, to get it from F-droid and not only the Play Store? Like it was for Infinity!

  • linux Linux Slackware turns 30 today
  • yak yak 1 year ago 100%

    Thanks, that's terrifying and I'm glad that I never had to do it

  • youshouldknow You Should Know YSK that a lot of common questions/complaints about Lemmy are presently answered by kbin
  • yak yak 1 year ago 100%

    I knew that it's a thing in the emails, but what this has to do with Lemmy, and why kbin should solve this issue? That's what I'm not understanding

  • feddit
    Non mi è possibile eliminare il mio account

    Ciao, spero che questo sia il posto giusto. Quando, dalle impostazioni, clicco su _Delete account_, la pagina si ricarica e mi impedisce di proseguire. Qualcuno può dirmi se esiste un modo alternativo per farlo, o se c'è modo di aggirare questo bug? Mi capita da ogni browser e da ogni dispositivo che ho provato, quindi dubito che sia un problema mio. Ho scoperto con dispiacere che non è possibile migrare fra istanze, credevo che lo fosse, e se ho ben capito non è neanche una funzionalità alla quale gli sviluppatori hanno intenzione di dare priorità. Fra l'altro non mi sembra che esista neanche una funzione per esportare/importare i dati dell'account, che poteva essere una funzione simile, forse più semplice da implementare. Ad ogni modo, mi fa piacere provare varie istanze quindi vorrei esplorare un po', ma non mi piace l'idea di lasciare account che non uso sparsi in giro. Quindi grazie a chi cercherà di aiutarmi!
