No Stupid Questions vestmoria 3 days ago 98%
can you ELI5 the physics of bleeding radiators on an apartment building?

I live on the 14th floor of a 30 story apartment building and so far, I've been bleeding my radiators myself. This usually worked and after bleeding I had a fully functioning radiator, 100% filled with water. However, last time I tried bleeding, it would only fill up to 25% of its volume, it's like there's no pressure in the circuit. Am I doing something wrong?

No Stupid Questions vestmoria 1 week ago 73%
how do I accept that a doctor earns more than double what I do?

I'm a nurse and oversaw a doctor checking his bank statements: his salary is a bit more than twice what I earn. This is not a particularly productive doctor, if you listen to several doctors and nurses where I work at. Just today I overheard a group of 3 female doctors ranting about him and how all he does is sitting and playing with his phone, always redirecting us nurses to talk to the other doctors. I was surprised, because I never expected to find so much drama between doctors, them being much more educated than nurses and I never expected doctors, specially female doctors, to use that kind of language. This lazy doctor earns more than double my salary. It's depressing. But I also feel like a loser, because even those ranting doctors earn more than twice what I do... and they get to sit for longer than I do. Regretting my life choices. Maybe the sane choice here would be to study or to get a certification that means a higher salary?

No Stupid Questions vestmoria 1 week ago 92%
American tourists visiting the EU, what do you think of it?

is it poorer? richer? better? worse? Is European internet cheaper? are EU food prices outrageous? Is European healthcare better? Is Europe safer?

No Stupid Questions vestmoria 4 weeks ago 96%
I'm not a good liar but need to pretend I like my current job and not rant about how much I dislike it till I find a job I like more. How do I make my coworkers and supervisors believe this lie?

I'm a unionized nurse and basically I'm on an unenforceable PIP because management simply wrote what I, according to them, do wrong and gave me the filled form, but without conducting an interview with me, the union wasn't contacted and they even didn't ask me to sign it. Union already told me this is not enforceable. There are union representatives and union representatives: the one who feels a job is a job told me to calm down and keep applying for jobs elsewhere if I so decide, not asking for a 2 month 'reprieve' to be better at a job most days I don't want to do anymore (working bedside with difficult patients). The other union representative who still considers nursing a calling but works with compliant patients (pediatrics), told me the hospital can fire me if I don't ask for a meeting with management to ask how I can be better and that only after being better I should apply for jobs elsewhere (which I call BS). I'm still undecided about how to play this, but I sure want to quit bedside. If playing theatrics and pretending I have an interest in becoming a person they consider a better nurse helps me quit this job, even if the PIP is unenforceable, I'm playing this game. Except that my first impulse to the question if I like my job would be a 5 minute rant about non compliant patients, stupid family members working against you, people calling for you to refill their water when they can walk, being blamed for things I cannot control, bad ratios, having to get up at 04:00 to get to work, having to work nights, listening to my coworkers talk about their holidays in the middle of report, drama... So, how do I become a better liar to the tune of: I want to keep working here, I like what I do, I like seeing patients leave healthy and independent to live their lives... until I find a job I like more?

No Stupid Questions vestmoria 4 weeks ago 94%
what's a polite way to reject a picture with a very thankful patient who was under your care?

I have a problem with establishing boundaries. I'm a private person. That's very often misinterpreted as being arrogant and feeling superior to others. I'm not, I just wish to be left alone, but people still feel disrespected and it's tiring to be constantly explaining yourself. And I don't understand why I have to explain myself constantly. This very emotional and thankful patient wanted a picture with me and I stupidly agreed. He also wanted my phone number (I gave him a false one) to invite me to have lunch, as he celebrated his 70th birthday. I don't believe it was sexual or romantic, because he is married, his wife was there when he extended the invitation and took the picture and he also wanted to invite the whole unit. I acted like this because it was the easiest way to get him to leave the hospital and free the room but also because I didn't want to cause a scene. What could I do next time?

No Stupid Questions vestmoria 1 month ago 61%
can you smoke bacteria out of meat boiling it?

To avoid wasting meat I've been doing this for years. So far it has worked and now I wonder about the science behind it: If for whatever reason I end up with a piece of raw meat that starts smelling a bit strong I cut the piece into small chunks, press the chunks to remove as much liquid as possible, put the meat in a pan, cover the meat with water, let the pan uncovered, boil it and wait till the water completely evaporates. At this point, meat looks brownish or darker depending on the meat I use and it doesn't smell as strong. I cook it then as I see fit. I believe by boiling the meat, convection currents take (at least?) some of the bacteria away and this is a safe way not to waste meat. Is this right? Meat always smells better after 'washing' it this way.

No Stupid Questions vestmoria 1 month ago 97%
if you ever had to start consuming low fat dairy and cheese due to high cholesterol, did your ldl cholesterol levels decrease?

I eat cheese every day, mostly because it's cheap and easy to eat with a toast. Wondering if changing my regular dairy and cheese for low fat versions would be enough.

No Stupid Questions vestmoria 1 month ago 93%
is it possible to be married and still feel lonely?

I always considered marriage the epitome of feeling connected: you share a life with a partner and maybe even have children. Society at least acts like it is. I have a coworker in his 40s, conservative and Christian, married to a woman holding a job, he is also employed and has a good job, all things considered and they have a child. I don't see this person much but each time he sees me he approaches to basically complain and rant, mostly about democrats and foreigners, getting very emotional to the point of crying. At first I hated him for spewing so much shit, but now I think I'm starting to pity him: he has a job, is married to a working woman, they have a child, they are homeowners... and he still feels angry and needs to rant to feel good. It's like he's angry at everything. Which takes me to think, maybe there are things men need emotionally that women cannot provide, but I couldn't write a list. What are some of these connections men need out of a marriage?

Asklemmy vestmoria 2 months ago 100%
what tips do you have to survive job hunting?

I have a job I don't quite like and I'm shooting applications elsewhere. I work full time and I'm also looking for another job in my city that fits my qualifications. I cannot change states or move to another city, it is what it is. So far I've sent 5 apps for positions that interest me: 2 have answered, one could offer me a different but similar job (position already filled) and the other one, while fitting what I majored in, means constant stress, plans that change constantly, even several times a day, a pay reduction and the last 2 who applied to do this quit in 4 and 6 months respectively. At least they were honest during the interview, but I now feel depressed. I was hoping to work there and quit my current job.

asklemmy Asklemmy humble, introverted self asks for your advice about human behavior at the workplace. Please read below:
  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    2 months ago 100%

    I enjoyed reading your post, but Im the laziest sob to ever walk on earth and while I can promise to pay attention, I don't believe I'm gonna follow through.

  • nostupidquestions
    No Stupid Questions vestmoria 2 months ago 88%
    humble, introverted self asks for your advice about human behavior at the workplace. Please read below:

    cross-posted from: > Im introverted and have always enjoyed my solitude. Some people have complained that I don't talk much, which is true, I don't need to talk to feel good. > > After changing workplaces, I decided to be proactive and introduce myself to my new coworkers. I was friendly and did it properly: my name, smiley face and what I do, eager to help them. > > Some of them are friendly, greet back when I greet, but jesus christ, others outright avoid even eye contact with me like the plague, even though I kept greeting them for at least 2 more days. > > Now I've returned the favor and I ignore them, not even asking them to do anything for me because last time I did, one of them said she would take a batch of documents to a nearby department but then outright ignored it and I had to do it myself. > > It's also a bit funny: 2 coworkers that the first day had small but normal conversations with me now look elsewhere when they see me... and I give them back the same treatment. Childish and petty? extremely, but I ask you: what should I do? > > Introverted me says: what were you expecting? This is what people are, don't bother trying to be extroverted, see what this brought you, return to your introverted self, do your job and go home, but this might sabotage me. > > I confess neither do I know how to react when people are friendly when I'm talking to a coworker they like but the moment this coworker leaves, they turn to a mute. > > To me, those of you who can play this silly workplace theater so well are geniuses. I cannot fake that a boring person interests me, nor can I fake respect for a person who treats me like I described. > > I'd like to read your feedback.

    Asklemmy vestmoria 2 months ago 93%
    humble, introverted self asks for your advice about human behavior at the workplace. Please read below:

    Im introverted and have always enjoyed my solitude. Some people have complained that I don't talk much, which is true, I don't need to talk to feel good. After changing workplaces, I decided to be proactive and introduce myself to my new coworkers. I was friendly and did it properly: my name, smiley face and what I do, eager to help them. Some of them are friendly, greet back when I greet, but jesus christ, others outright avoid even eye contact with me like the plague, even though I kept greeting them for at least 2 more days. Now I've returned the favor and I ignore them, not even asking them to do anything for me because last time I did, one of them said she would take a batch of documents to a nearby department but then outright ignored it and I had to do it myself. It's also a bit funny: 2 coworkers that the first day had small but normal conversations with me now look elsewhere when they see me... and I give them back the same treatment. Childish and petty? extremely, but I ask you: what should I do? Introverted me says: what were you expecting? This is what people are, don't bother trying to be extroverted, see what this brought you, return to your introverted self, do your job and go home, but this might sabotage me. I confess neither do I know how to react when people are friendly when I'm talking to a coworker they like but the moment this coworker leaves, they turn to a mute. To me, those of you who can play this silly workplace theater so well are geniuses. I cannot fake that a boring person interests me, nor can I fake respect for a person who treats me like I described. I'd like to read your feedback.

    No Stupid Questions vestmoria 2 months ago 97%
    is it normal that I need to apply more sunscreen to certain parts of my body?

    cross-posted from: > this is strange, but I have the feeling I have to apply more sunscreen to my arms and shoulders. OTOH I feel my legs and torso don't need as much stuff, neither does my face. > > When I sunbath I only wear my swim trunks and I lay on the ground, which means my legs and torso receive the same amount of radiation as my arms and shoulders. > > I could understand that my arms and shoulders needed more sunscreen if I walked under the sun, but that's rarely the case: I lay on the ground. > > Does this happen to you? > > my arms are thinner than my legs: do I need more sunscreen in the areas where blood vessels are thinner / muscles are leaner?

    Asklemmy vestmoria 2 months ago 97%
    is it normal that I need to apply more sunscreen to certain parts of my body?

    this is strange, but I have the feeling I have to apply more sunscreen to my arms and shoulders. OTOH I feel my legs and torso don't need as much stuff, neither does my face. When I sunbath I only wear my swim trunks and I lay on the ground, which means my legs and torso receive the same amount of radiation as my arms and shoulders. I could understand that my arms and shoulders needed more sunscreen if I walked under the sun, but that's rarely the case: I lay on the ground. Does this happen to you? my arms are thinner than my legs: do I need more sunscreen in the areas where blood vessels are thinner / muscles are leaner?

    asklemmy Asklemmy In your career, have you found a drama free workplace?
  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    2 months ago 100%

    do you have any advice for me, now that I'm applying and might work elsewhere? Is there anything I could ask during interviewing to indicate I loathe drama, people full of themselves talking politics or conspiracies or openly discussing how vaginas look like?

  • nostupidquestions
    No Stupid Questions vestmoria 2 months ago 95%
    In your career, have you found a drama free workplace?

    cross-posted from: > alternative post title: how can I grow a thicker skin, so I simply stop caring what my coworkers think or say? > > I'm still looking for a drama free workplace and I don't understand why people seem to enjoy creating chaos out of nowhere > > Working in several industries, I've met: > > * white Christian nationalist: too many Arabs and Mexicans in our country, somebody should send them all back to where they belong, and I'm very Christian. This was 5 minutes after meeting me for the first time. Why even tell this to a coworker? > > * Married woman complaining to me about how her husband isn't so affectionate nowadays: 2 minutes after meeting me for the first time. Who does that? Shouldn't you tell this to somebody you trust, like a friend and not a stranger you met 2 minutes ago? > > * An anti vaxxer trying to convert me to his cause, or however you want to call it. > > * And just today: 'it's good that Trump was shot' Why would a sane person blurt that out in the middle of our pause for everyone to hear you? Why do you need to antagonize your coworkers? This was a manager btw. > > I have waaaaay more examples, but I'll keep it simple. > > I just want to work and go home. Completely drama free. I don't want to care what coworkers think, but apparently I'm very thin skinned and I'm easy to be triggered. Each of the examples I wrote triggered me: I wanted to yell 'f*ck off, you piece of sh*t, I don't give a f*ck what you think, leave me alone', or something like that. But I need the job. > > My conundrum: If this happens at every workplace, wouldn't it make more sense to stay with the devil you know? > > Unless, of course, you've job hopped till you found a drama free workplace... please tell me how you did it. > > I want to be the old guy who doesn't give a f*ck about stuff like this, yet it still triggers me.

    Asklemmy vestmoria 2 months ago 98%
    In your career, have you found a drama free workplace?

    alternative post title: how can I grow a thicker skin, so I simply stop caring what my coworkers think or say? I'm still looking for a drama free workplace and I don't understand why people seem to enjoy creating chaos out of nowhere Working in several industries, I've met: * white Christian nationalist: too many Arabs and Mexicans in our country, somebody should send them all back to where they belong, and I'm very Christian. This was 5 minutes after meeting me for the first time. Why even tell this to a coworker? * Married woman complaining to me about how her husband isn't so affectionate nowadays: 2 minutes after meeting me for the first time. Who does that? Shouldn't you tell this to somebody you trust, like a friend and not a stranger you met 2 minutes ago? * An anti vaxxer trying to convert me to his cause, or however you want to call it. * And just today: 'it's good that Trump was shot' Why would a sane person blurt that out in the middle of our pause for everyone to hear you? Why do you need to antagonize your coworkers? This was a manager btw. I have waaaaay more examples, but I'll keep it simple. I just want to work and go home. Completely drama free. I don't want to care what coworkers think, but apparently I'm very thin skinned and I'm easy to be triggered. Each of the examples I wrote triggered me: I wanted to yell 'f*ck off, you piece of sh*t, I don't give a f*ck what you think, leave me alone', or something like that. But I need the job. My conundrum: If this happens at every workplace, wouldn't it make more sense to stay with the devil you know? Unless, of course, you've job hopped till you found a drama free workplace... please tell me how you did it. I want to be the old guy who doesn't give a f*ck about stuff like this, yet it still triggers me.

    nostupidquestions No Stupid Questions if you like doing your job and going home, how do you bear with coworkers who are lazier but more popular than you and get away with doing less?
  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    2 months ago 50%

    yes, a very beautiful post.

    Lost_My_Mind: how do you do it? Because apparently I'm very thin skinned and overly political statements my coworkers blurt out trigger me or their boring marriage troubles bore me and I find myself trying to control me not to yell 'I don't give a f*ck about you, leave me alone', which of course earns me an invitation with management...

  • asklemmy
    Asklemmy vestmoria 2 months ago 96%
    if you like doing your job and going home, how do you bear with coworkers who are lazier but more popular than you and get away with doing less?

    cross-posted from: > you might be an introvert, passionate about your job, or simply old enough to disregard friendships at work because you already have enough friends and a family. > > The coworkers I like the most are the ones that come to work, don't like drama, do their job and go home. That's what I try to do. > > However, there are always some established cliques who know how to play the unit / supervisor and get away doing much less, even feeling entitled to order you around, even though they are not your supervisor. > > To people who experience this. How do you tolerate it? Even after changing jobs, this can happen at your new workplace, maybe it happens in every workplace?

    No Stupid Questions vestmoria 2 months ago 95%
    if you like doing your job and going home, how do you bear with coworkers who are lazier but more popular than you and get away with doing less?

    you might be an introvert, passionate about your job, or simply old enough to disregard friendships at work because you already have enough friends and a family. The coworkers I like the most are the ones that come to work, don't like drama, do their job and go home. That's what I try to do. However, there are always some established cliques who know how to play the unit / supervisor and get away doing much less, even feeling entitled to order you around, even though they are not your supervisor. To people who experience this. How do you tolerate it? Even after changing jobs, this can happen at your new workplace, maybe it happens in every workplace?

    Asklemmy vestmoria 3 months ago 94%
    do humans shed more skin when sunbathing?

    cross-posted from: > I've started sunbathing because... reasons. > > second day: I applied sunscreen to my skin and after some 30 seconds of rubbing my arms, I started to see what I could be dead skin on my hands: tiny balls of grey and white junk, the size of one to several sand grains, but not hard to press like sand or a tiny particle of wood. > > The other thing that crossed my mind is it could be rests of the chemical sunscreen I use. Has this ever happened to you with chemical screens? > > Is this normal?

    No Stupid Questions vestmoria 3 months ago 95%
    do humans shed more skin when sunbathing?

    I've started sunbathing because... reasons. second day: I applied sunscreen to my skin and after some 30 seconds of rubbing my arms, I started to see what I could be dead skin on my hands: tiny balls of grey and white junk, the size of one to several sand grains, but not hard to press like sand or a tiny particle of wood. The other thing that crossed my mind is it could be rests of the chemical sunscreen I use. Has this ever happened to you with chemical screens? Is this normal?

    Asklemmy vestmoria 3 months ago 96%
    what's your experience washing sneakers in the washing machine?

    cross-posted from: > after running under the rain for 30 minutes my white sneakers had a foul stench. I tried disinfectant and washing them with soap and water and lots of rubbing and sunlight to dry. > > While that got rid of most of the smell, my white sneakers are now brownish, specially around the shoelaces. > > I've never washed sneakers in the washing machine. Am I going to ruin them?

    No Stupid Questions vestmoria 3 months ago 90%
    what's your experience washing sneakers in the washing machine?

    after running under the rain for 30 minutes my white sneakers had a foul stench. I tried disinfectant and washing them with soap and water and lots of rubbing and sunlight to dry. While that got rid of most of the smell, my white sneakers are now brownish, specially around the shoelaces. I've never washed sneakers in the washing machine. Am I going to ruin them?

    Android vestmoria 3 months ago 90%
    Is there any way to brute delete stock firmware on a redmi 10c with debian? do you know of any compatible foss OS I could install on this device?

    cross-posted from: > on my last post I wrote device is a redmi 9c. Turns out it's a redmi 10c and the custom ROM I wanted to install won't work. > > Anyhow, to unlock the device the official way I have to identify to their services through a phone line, not internet, and purchase a sim card, which I'm not going to do to experiment with this device. > > I have no use for the stock software in the device and I'd rather have anything foss that works or kinda works. > > If you ever experimented with this particular model or know what could work, feel free to post an answer. > > debian 12.5

    Android vestmoria 3 months ago 86%
    Is there any way to brute delete stock firmware on a redmi 10c with debian? do you know of any compatible foss OS I could install on this device?

    cross-posted from: > on my last post I wrote device is a redmi 9c. Turns out it's a redmi 10c and the custom ROM I wanted to install won't work. > > Anyhow, to unlock the device the official way I have to identify to their services through a phone line, not internet, and purchase a sim card, which I'm not going to do to experiment with this device. > > I have no use for the stock software in the device and I'd rather have anything foss that works or kinda works. > > If you ever experimented with this particular model or know what could work, feel free to post an answer. > > debian 12.5

    Linux vestmoria 3 months ago 87%
    Is there any way to brute delete stock firmware on a redmi 10c with debian? do you know of any compatible foss OS I could install on this device?

    on my last post I wrote device is a redmi 9c. Turns out it's a redmi 10c and the custom ROM I wanted to install won't work. Anyhow, to unlock the device the official way I have to identify to their services through a phone line, not internet, and purchase a sim card, which I'm not going to do to experiment with this device. I have no use for the stock software in the device and I'd rather have anything foss that works or kinda works. If you ever experimented with this particular model or know what could work, feel free to post an answer. debian 12.5

    Asklemmy vestmoria 3 months ago 100%
    Is there any way to find out if I've been blocked from a community?

    some posts have zero comments and views

    Android vestmoria 3 months ago 90%
    can you link a guide to flash custom firmware (lineageos) on debian on a redmi 9c or help me flash it?

    cross-posted from: > most guides I found online are for windows based computers and those that even name linux are outdated. > > * Linux distro I run: debian 12.5, adb and fastboot installed through apt > > * Phone I want to experiment with: redmi 9c > > * Firmware I'm installing: > > `fastboot devices` recognizes the device and I can also boot the phone to fastboot: it shows a black (not blank) screen with the word FASTBOOT printed orange. > > I tried following but `fastboot flashing unlock` and `fastboot oem unlock` return `FAILED (remote: 'Token Verify Failed, Reboot the device > ')` > > developer options and OEM unlocking are both activated on the device

    Linux vestmoria 3 months ago 86%
    can you link a guide to flash custom firmware (lineageos) on debian on a redmi 9c or help me flash it?

    most guides I found online are for windows based computers and those that even name linux are outdated. * Linux distro I run: debian 12.5, adb and fastboot installed through apt * Phone I want to experiment with: redmi 9c * Firmware I'm installing: `fastboot devices` recognizes the device and I can also boot the phone to fastboot: it shows a black (not blank) screen with the word FASTBOOT printed orange. I tried following but `fastboot flashing unlock` and `fastboot oem unlock` return `FAILED (remote: 'Token Verify Failed, Reboot the device ')` developer options and OEM unlocking are both activated on the device

    workreform Work Reform I this a firm and polite way to tell an opinionated coworker to stop pushing his agenda I don't care about?
  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    4 months ago 100%

    because he engages, won't disengage and I don't know how to politely tell him to piss off.

    I don't want drama and people like this have a tendency for that.

  • nostupidquestions
    No Stupid Questions vestmoria 4 months ago 89%
    I this a firm and polite way to tell an opinionated coworker to stop pushing his agenda I don't care about?

    cross-posted from: > I've observed if I say nothing (because I simply don't know how to react), opinionated people think you agree with them, which I don't. I don't care. > > what I want to tell him, next time he starts ranting: 'I don't care what you think, leave me alone'. > > However, I may have to work with this person in the future, so what about 'you don't have to tell me everything you think, most of the time I don't pay attention' and if he keeps pushing it 'it's tiring working with a person who has to rant to feel good, it's boring and makes me ignore you, which is a problem, because we work together.' And leave. > > What about 'everybody has problems, maybe talk to a therapist? I cannot help you'. > > Or maybe simply leaving when he starts his rants?

    No Stupid Questions vestmoria 4 months ago 75%
    If somebody spends the whole day watching fox or religious propaganda, gets worked up and all he can think of is owning a liberal or converting an unbeliever, is this person a victim or just gullible?

    Let me explain the question: If fox news and religious propaganda are exactly that, propaganda, then they are victims. If, however, every person is free to listen to what they want and then rant against liberals, migrants, Muslims, Arabs, trans, gays, atheists, you name it, then they are just gullible. I’d have more patience for a victim than a gullible person. Everybody is free to believe what they want to believe. What I don’t get is why they have to stir things up and why they believe they are the only ones getting it and everyone else is dumb, woke, a communist or is going to hell. Why can’t they keep their opinions to themselves?

    No Stupid Questions vestmoria 5 months ago 22%
    Republicans / conservatives are winning the immigration and values game. Am I misguided? (read post)

    This post may be all over the place with 3 ideas that might be unconnected. You be the judge: 1. Odds are stacked against progressives in the US and in the rest of the developed world: We got the elites of the poor world migrating to the rich world, where they buy property, residency and voting rights, but they don't turn progressive. Why would they? They've always been conservative, it’s always worked for them. The poor ones are refused entry, die trying or become the new underclass in the rich world, working for their new owners who pat them and call them good workers, because they have no recourse and cannot change nothing because they have no voting rights. 2. Mail brides chosen by an American or Western bachelor, rejected by local women for being ignorant and uneducated, are chosen for being feminine, submissive and traditional, perpetuating conservatism. Suddenly our bachelor has a woman who will cook and do the laundry and won’t question him. Our character doesn’t have to try to mold his views anymore to meet a partner, he has imported a yes maid. He will raise their children accordingly. And for the mail bride, this is the normal state of affairs since she was small. Why would she even think about changing? 3. Add to that the working class conservatives, proud of not being like ‘those odd and strange looking progressives and feminists. Heck, I’m better than them because I’m not like them, don’t matter I work 50 hours a week and I’m not in an union. I'm not a lazy blob like them’ These working conservatives don’t care about public transport, a public healthcare option, unions, expanded medicaid, access to abortion and family planning or public sex education, things that would lower their premiums and avoid unwanted pregnancies. All that matters to them is being perceived as better than the groups I mentioned before. I don’t understand how this can be so powerful, but so many people believe it and vote accordingly. It’s not rational, it is identity, it is tribe. Republicans are winning this game. Happy for you to prove me wrong.

    Asklemmy vestmoria 5 months ago 93%
    If you take care of your parents or other elderly, how are you preparing to age gracefully?

    cross-posted from: > Experiencing firsthand how difficult an aging alcoholic, quadriplegic, post stroke, narcissistic, demented or simply ‘nothing’s wrong with me, I can drive, I don’t need those meds, I don’t need to go to a nursing facility’ kinda parent surely gives you some insight on what to do, what not to do and how to prepare for our own aging and eventual demise. > > How do you plan to age gracefully and what advice do you have for us all?

    No Stupid Questions vestmoria 5 months ago 97%
    If you take care of your parents or other elderly, how are you preparing to age gracefully?

    Experiencing firsthand how difficult an aging alcoholic, quadriplegic, post stroke, narcissistic, demented or simply ‘nothing’s wrong with me, I can drive, I don’t need those meds, I don’t need to go to a nursing facility’ kinda parent surely gives you some insight on what to do, what not to do and how to prepare for our own aging and eventual demise. How do you plan to age gracefully and what advice do you have for us all?

    Asklemmy vestmoria 5 months ago 96%
    If you or somebody you know ever fell for a romance scam, how did you or the person fall for it?

    cross-posted from: > And when did you / the person you know realize he was scammed? > > What tips do you have for people who haven’t lived this, so they don’t fall for it? > > How long till they start asking for money? > > What sites do scammers use? Can it be a facebook group or is it only limited to dating sites?

    No Stupid Questions vestmoria 5 months ago 94%
    If you or somebody you know ever fell for a romance scam, how did you or the person fall for it?

    And when did you / the person you know realize he was scammed? What tips do you have for people who haven’t lived this, so they don’t fall for it? How long till they start asking for money? What sites do scammers use? Can it be a facebook group or is it only limited to dating sites?

    Asklemmy vestmoria 5 months ago 93%
    is Texas really that cold and cruel as depicted in movies of the Coen brothers, the novels of Cormac Mccarthy and the movie Hell or High Water?

    cross-posted from: > I've never been that far to the south but lately I've been reading and watching those novels and movies. > > The prevalent idea is: in this world (Texas?) you are alone, nobody gives a cr*p about you, do not trust anyone because they'll take advantage of you, ridicule and mock you. The world (or maybe only Texas?) is an inhospitable, inhuman, Darwinist place.

    No Stupid Questions vestmoria 5 months ago 87%
    is Texas really that cold and cruel as depicted in movies of the Coen brothers, the novels of Cormac Mccarthy and the movie Hell or High Water?

    I've never been that far to the south but lately I've been reading and watching those novels and movies. The prevalent idea is: in this world (Texas?) you are alone, nobody gives a cr*p about you, do not trust anyone because they'll take advantage of you, ridicule and mock you. The world (or maybe only Texas?) is an inhospitable, inhuman, Darwinist place.

    No Stupid Questions vestmoria 5 months ago 85%
    I don't really know how to deal with coworkers who emotionally dump their issues on me

    cross-posted from: > I'm a man and so far this has happened only with other men, but I'm genuinely baffled as to why some people do this. It has happened thrice so far in 3 different work settings: > > One was a fifty-ish coworker who, 3 minutes after knowing me started a monologue/rant: 'I'm very Christian, there are too many migrants and refugees in this country, when their wars are over, we have to send them all back'. Kept repeating the 'very Christian' part quite often and talking about his conservative wife. I sat there, not knowing how to react until he said 'but let's not talk about politics'. We parted ways. I didn't work with him after that. > > Another one is even better: no more than 4 minutes after knowing him on our first shift together: 'democrats and unions are useless (this was working in an unionized hospital where the union got us a raise, including his), there are too many Arabs in America, if Biden keeps letting migrants in, there's going to be another civil war, when Trump wins everything is going to be better, you're lucky to be only part Mexican, because you don't look too dark. When I was younger I was a right wing extremist, but not anymore and I'm not racist, because I'm married to a Croat.' > > Speechless as well. How do I react to that? > > The third one was not so unhinged, but opened his wallet to show me pictures of his service in the navy and then started to talk about his health issues. 20 minutes in our first shift together. > > Why do some men do this? > > Is this a way to test the waters to see how ideologically similar we are? Not everyone is going to think like you. Why alienate coworkers? > > I'd never talk about my health issues with a person I barely know. You put yourself in a position to be exploited. > > Do only older white conservative men do this?

    Work Reform vestmoria 5 months ago 91%
    I don't really know how to deal with coworkers who emotionally dump their issues on me

    I'm a man and so far this has happened only with other men, but I'm genuinely baffled as to why some people do this. It has happened thrice so far in 3 different work settings: One was a fifty-ish coworker who, 3 minutes after knowing me started a monologue/rant: 'I'm very Christian, there are too many migrants and refugees in this country, when their wars are over, we have to send them all back'. Kept repeating the 'very Christian' part quite often and talking about his conservative wife. I sat there, not knowing how to react until he said 'but let's not talk about politics'. We parted ways. I didn't work with him after that. Another one is even better: no more than 4 minutes after knowing him on our first shift together: 'democrats and unions are useless (this was working in an unionized hospital where the union got us a raise, including his), there are too many Arabs in America, if Biden keeps letting migrants in, there's going to be another civil war, when Trump wins everything is going to be better, you're lucky to be only part Mexican, because you don't look too dark. When I was younger I was a right wing extremist, but not anymore and I'm not racist, because I'm married to a Croat.' Speechless as well. How do I react to that? The third one was not so unhinged, but opened his wallet to show me pictures of his service in the navy and then started to talk about his health issues. 20 minutes in our first shift together. Why do some men do this? Is this a way to test the waters to see how ideologically similar we are? Not everyone is going to think like you. Why alienate coworkers? I'd never talk about my health issues with a person I barely know. You put yourself in a position to be exploited. Do only older white conservative men do this?

    workreform Work Reform can you help me formulate an answer to a colleague who is not my boss but feels entitled to tell me how I have to work?
    asklemmy Asklemmy to those of you who get bored at work if there's lots of downtime, why?
  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    5 months ago 100%

    I’ve worked in jobs with plenty of downtime, but have never worked in one where I could just wander off to exercise or read a book openly. I was expected to be finding things to do or to at least appear busy and engaged.

    good point, this changes the calculus

  • asklemmy Asklemmy to those of you who get bored at work if there's lots of downtime, why?
  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    5 months ago 60%

    The only thing that maintains sanity is having something to do to distract yourself

    I don't see why reading or writing poetry don't accomplish that

  • asklemmy Asklemmy to those of you who get bored at work if there's lots of downtime, why?
  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    5 months ago 71%

    I don't know if you're complaining but if you are, I don't understand you. I want to be you.

    earning money doing almost nothing is meaningless? You earn money for doing nothing! and you cannot be fired, so...

  • asklemmy Asklemmy to those of you who get bored at work if there's lots of downtime, why?
    linux Linux is there any drawback to having too many partitions?
    asklemmy Asklemmy where can I ask for OCLP (open core legacy patcher) and macOS support?
    linux Linux Is it possible to install ubuntu or another linux distro on a 2014 macbook pro?
    android Android is there any application to automatically turn an android device off after a predetermined period of time?
    android Android if you run lineage or graphene on a pixel 6 or 7, what's your experience?
  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    7 months ago 50%

    broke my 7 a couple of months ago

    physically? or did you nuke the software and couldn't reboot anymore?

  • android Android if you run lineage or graphene on a pixel 6 or 7, what's your experience?
  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    7 months ago 100%

    When you install graphene, you literally just have five apps and a handful of system apps that are built into android.

    but you can still install libraries like f-droid or droid-ify, right?

  • android Android if you run lineage or graphene on a pixel 6 or 7, what's your experience?
  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    7 months ago 28%

    frequent updates and feels like a better version of android.

    why is this relevant if I plan to nuke the device and install graphene or lineage on it?

  • android Android How come I get different app versions when I load f-droid from my desktop compared to loading the f-droid client (app) on my phone?
    android Android any idea why my phone doesn't show any aurora store app anymore?
    android Android How come I get different app versions when I load f-droid from my desktop compared to loading the f-droid client (app) on my phone?
    android Android How come I get different app versions when I load f-droid from my desktop compared to loading the f-droid client (app) on my phone?
    android Android for those of you who out of principle refuse to use google store, what f-droid voip client do you recommend?
  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    7 months ago 100%

    to use element I need to provide an email address. Do I also need to provide a valid phone number?

  • android Android for those of you who out of principle refuse to use google store, what f-droid voip client do you recommend?
    asklemmy Asklemmy is telling your employer you may leave if passive aggressive coworkers don't stop gossiping about you behind your back and gaslighting you a good idea?
    asklemmy Asklemmy is telling your employer you may leave if passive aggressive coworkers don't stop gossiping about you behind your back and gaslighting you a good idea?
  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    7 months ago 57%

    but it’s officially on record that you’ll speak up while others quietly work

    why would I want to work where people try destroying my credibility behind my back? This is not something I'm willing to overlook.

    If HR acts like you described, if I'm that replaceable to them, so is my workplace.

    The others don't work quietly, btw.

    ETA: wait, are you implying this is normalized? Employees do actually say nothing not to land in hot water, because they're afraid of being fired and are willing to overlook the gossip and backstabbing for a check? Not for me.

  • workreform Work Reform how long did you need to become proficient at your job?
  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    7 months ago 28%

    career: are you paying for my certifications and the financial penalty I'd take? it's a 3 year minimum for any bachelor.

    workplace: how do you know the new place is going to be better?
