linux Linux SDL Developers Weigh Reverting Wayland Over X11 For SDL 3.0
  • this_is_router this_is_router 6 months ago 50%

    Linus would like to have a word with you

  • asklemmy Asklemmy What is your favorite paradox or conundrum? I am partial to can god kill god?
  • this_is_router this_is_router 6 months ago 100%

    there are 10 kinds of people.

    • those who understand binary
    • those who don't
    • those who know ternary exists
  • asklemmy Asklemmy What is your favorite paradox or conundrum? I am partial to can god kill god?
  • this_is_router this_is_router 6 months ago 66%

    Zeno’s Paradox, even though it’s pretty much resolved

    Lol. It pretty much just decreases the time span you look at so that you never get to the point in time the arrow reaches the apple. Nothing there to be "solved" IMHO

  • linux Linux SDL Developers Weigh Reverting Wayland Over X11 For SDL 3.0
  • this_is_router this_is_router 6 months ago 72%

    one of the main reasons the linux kernel is where it is today: "never break userspace"

    unfortunately not every project keeps to this principle.

  • this_is_router this_is_router 6 months ago 100%

    In the past there were mutliple tools: apt-cache (searching packages), apt-get (managing packages), apt-file (searching for files belonging to packages), apt-key (managing repository keys)...

    A few years ago some developers created apt to combine these multiple tools into the single program called apt. Both tools (the old apt-... and the new apt) use dpkg in the backend to install and remove packages. Looks like apt hasn't done its documentation homework.

  • linux Linux custom location for themes, icons etc on a multi-user system?
  • this_is_router this_is_router 6 months ago 92%

    no package manager should put stuff into /usr/local, thats why its /usr/local. package manager should only put stuff into /usr/... not /usr/local. In the past some mainframes mounted these directory via nfs to do some kind of software management. It contains global stuff that is not managed by the package manager. install some software via "tarball and make" and it most likely puts everything into /usr/local/...

    It's the best location for your needs. /home/shared is a bad idea. /home is reserved for home directories not some shared stuff.

    /usr/local is specifically what you are asking for. i would put themes to /usr/local/share/themes for example. chances are gtk will already look there. You can manage permissions inside /usr/local as you like. since the package manager doesn't care for that directory there is no problem. giving write permissions only to root still is a good idea. it suggest to learn to use sudo when you are working on your system.

  • deutschland Deutschland Bayern beschließt Verbot von Gendersprache
  • this_is_router this_is_router 6 months ago 52%

    Ganz deiner Meinung, Wenn der quatsch wenigstens auf Fakten basieren würde:

    Genauso der "Gender Pay Gap". Fast niemand, der darüber diskutiert, hat begriffen, dass es dabei eben nicht um eine geringere Bezahlung bei gleicher Tätigkeit von Männern und Frauen geht.

    Ich hasse die Afd und bin eher Links eingestellt, aber dieser Gender-Bullshit und die unehrliche Diskussion darum geht mir verdammt auf den Sack und ist meiner Meinung nach sehr entscheidend daran mitschuldig, dass die Afd aktuell einen so hohen Zulauf hat.

    Glücklicherweise sieht ein Großteil der Gesellschaft das ähnlich. Ich freue mich schon drauf, wenn diese Phase vorbei ist und wir uns endlich wieder um wirkliche Ungerechtigkeit kümmern können.

  • memes Memes How does anybody think this is a solid plan
  • this_is_router this_is_router 6 months ago 100%

    Why are you so angry? I never meant or even said what you are implying i did. Quiet the contrary: read the wikipage again, its about when it is justified to act like the side you want to ban.

  • memes Memes How does anybody think this is a solid plan
  • this_is_router this_is_router 6 months ago 100%

    People are intolerant. Let's not tolerate them. Now we are intolerant:

  • mildlyinfuriating Mildly Infuriating Tethered plastic caps
  • this_is_router this_is_router 7 months ago 59%

    wtf, my muscle memory is impacted?! fuck the environment! /s

  • selfhosted Selfhosted Multiple HDDs in a RPi5 vanish
  • this_is_router this_is_router 7 months ago 100%

    Does it only happen with these two drives? i would try with some other HDD/SSDs or two usb sticks. that way you can test if its some weird hardware incompatibility that sometimes happen between specific devices or if the board wont support more then one connected usb drive in general.

  • news News Nuclear power output expected to break global records in 2025
  • this_is_router this_is_router 8 months ago 100%

    how anyone can take the IEA predictions seriously is beyond me:

  • news News 22-year-old man who vaped required double lung transplant: 'He had no idea how bad it was'
  • this_is_router this_is_router 8 months ago 84%

    what a load of bullocks:

    Scientists still don’t fully understand the association between vaping and lung disease, so it’s unclear what role vaping may have played in Allard’s case.

  • de_edv de_EDV Zocken auf Linux
  • this_is_router this_is_router 8 months ago 87%

    Hab ich persönlich selber so nie nachvollziehen können. Nvidia läuft bei mir einfach und das seit 15 Jahren. Lediglich in den Anfängen, als man die Treiber noch nicht über die Repos der Distribution bekommen hat, machten die häufiger Probleme.

    Unabhängig davon, AMD, die auch freie Treiber veröffentlichen, ist auf jeden Fall zu bevorzugen. Wie gut das dann in der Realität läuft kann ich aber leider nicht sagen, hab nie AMD GPUs genutzt.

  • de_edv de_EDV Zocken auf Linux
  • this_is_router this_is_router 8 months ago 100%

    Das läuft mittlerweile relativ entspannt. Wenn du die nvidia-treiber deiner Distribution nutzt (sudo apt install nvidia-driver) machen die eigentlich keine Probleme mehr. Einzig die Nutzung von zwei GPUs, wie bei Notebooks häufig der Fall, ist noch nicht ganz smooth.

    Die Kompatibilität der Games ist in >90% der Fälle ebenfalls kein Problem. Einzig große AAA-Titel, bei denen der Publisher Linux bewusst mit hilfe des Anti-Cheat ausschließt, funktionieren nicht (Destiny, LostArk, SCUM kein Multiplayer...).

    Ansonsten ist es bei mir so, dass ich nichtmal mehr schaue, ob ein Game Linux unterstützt, bevor ich es mir kaufe. Diablo 4, Starfield, Cyberpunk, BaldursGate4, Red dead redemption 2, läuft alles ohne gefrickel mit einer ähnlichen Performance wie unter Windows, machmal sogar besser.

    Als Distribution würde ich dir Linux Mint empfehlen. Falls du etwas tiefer einsteigen möchtest, nimm Debian. Distros wie Arch, Gentoo o.ä. kann man sich für später aufbewahren, wenn man sich einmal in Linux eingelebt und die unterschiedlichen Konzepte verstanden hat. Falls du sehr neue Hardware nutzt, müsstest du drauf achten, dass der Kernel deines Systems die Hardware bereits unterstützt. In dem Fall könntest du von z.B. Debian Stable auf Debian Testing wechseln.

  • germany Germany What are your favorite examples of German words making it into English?
  • this_is_router this_is_router 9 months ago 100%

    For the chess people: Zugzwang and Zwischenzug!

  • gaming Gaming LOL? lol
  • this_is_router this_is_router 9 months ago 100%

    in the past it usually took a few days for someone to get it working again, but this time it might be some kind of cheat detection.

    fortunately dota works as a substitude drug for me

  • gaming Gaming LOL? lol
  • this_is_router this_is_router 9 months ago 100%

    I have played lol for 10 years. Last week, due to some updates lol doesn't run on Linux at the moment, I switched to dota. I know exactly what you are talking about.

  • this_is_router this_is_router 10 months ago 100%

    The second part is bonkers. Most distro ship with the non free Nvidia driver and work well with it. Shit starts hitting the fan if you try to use the setup from nvidias website, which is not a problem of any distro but a user error

    My Tipp: don't use niche distros: arch, debian, fedora, mint...all of them work well with the non free Nvidia kernel module. For fedora you have to add an additional repository if I remember correctly but that's it

  • linux Linux How to take actions on multiple docker containers at once
  • this_is_router this_is_router 10 months ago 100%

    This works but I'd just create a function and use that instead of creating an alias that creates a function and then calls itself.

    if your containers are created with a docker compose file you can use docker-compose to target them all

  • memes Memes Black Friday
  • this_is_router this_is_router 10 months ago 100%

    They care...for the money

  • ansible Ansible ssh: Can't Open user config file, but the file exists
  • this_is_router this_is_router 10 months ago 100%

    directory also needs execute permission:

    chmod a+x /home/mike/automation/ssh_config

  • linux Linux 2in1's or tablet recs. for linux please.
  • this_is_router this_is_router 10 months ago 100%

    I'm using a HP spectre x360 since 2020-12 and I love it so much. I don't use the tablet functionality often. The touch works pretty well as far as I can say. The notebook, even if it's 13" ultra portable, is a little heavy for constant tablet usage. Everything else rocks aside of the thumbprint thingy. I use howdy instead.

  • news News Now that cars are like smartphones, we don’t really own them
  • this_is_router this_is_router 10 months ago 94%

    Do you really think this won't be the norm in 5-10 years? Now it's some, in a few years OP is right, so why bother with your argument that not all cars are like this at the moment?

  • asklemmy Asklemmy Do you think there's better ways to fediverse?
  • this_is_router this_is_router 10 months ago 100%

    Sure and there are pages helping you find communities, but there isn't that one central instance that works as a frontend to all the decentralized content.

    I really wish to get a solution that builds of a free protocol, not on a single centrally managed instance of something that gives disproportional power to the instance hoster.

    I fucking love the idea of activity pub. Everything can talk to everything and offer different features for different requirements like forums, short messages or even video distribution.

    Internet, as much as anyone acts like it's not, is in its childs steps. We should really make sure in 100 years it's a communication tool for the masses, not another advertising platform.

    OSS and open protocols are so important for the future. Who cares if some people feel overwhelmed by adding an @instance to some handles?!

    Sorry for my bad English btw. ;)

  • asklemmy Asklemmy Do you think there's better ways to fediverse?
  • this_is_router this_is_router 10 months ago 100%

    Give it time I would say. Nobody cares about not having a central mail index, because everyone is used to how email works.

    Now with Lemmy we are changing the central approach of reddit to a decentralized one like email. It's not a big problem if you ask me, it's only that people don't like change. Still, I think it's crucial that we stay with the decentralized approach instead of creating the same problems we had with reddit/facebook/twitter and the likes.

    We did it the wrong way nummerous times. This time, let's be patient and please do it the right way for once.

    And don't forget that the big corporations are already trying to undermine the new approach. Look at meta and threads for example.

  • linux Linux GNOME Recognized as Public Interest Infrastructure
  • this_is_router this_is_router 10 months ago 100%

    Im most interested in encrypted homedirs for servers. Since all my collegues are to lazy to use encrypted ssh keys, i hoped that systemd-homed makes it possible to secure them from the root user.

    Is systemd-homed already useable for such usecase? If gnome will do the same for desktops, that would be a big plus, thinking about firefox profiles and such. Hopefully also using pam or kerberos for decryption.

    I'll look into fuse though, thanks for the hint

  • asklemmy Asklemmy People of Lemmy! How to get fit?
  • this_is_router this_is_router 10 months ago 100%

    Read "the power of habit", then use it to create healthy habits. Nobody can change his life in an instant. The book explains how to accomplish any habit in small steps.

    It's not about what to do specifically, its about moving in the right direction in a healthy way

  • linux Linux GNOME Recognized as Public Interest Infrastructure
  • this_is_router this_is_router 10 months ago 91%

    My comment wasn't meant as a jab against systemd or gnome, I was just curious if there are different solutions for an encrypted homedir.

    I really like the direction linux, systemd and gnome are going! Big thank you to all the developers! <3

  • dach DACH - jetzt auf [DE] Und jetzt das gleiche bitte für Autos 🙏
  • this_is_router this_is_router 10 months ago 96%

    Autos haben 75% deines gehwegs als parkplatz zur verfügung, roller nicht.

    Stell dir mal vor es gäbe keine zweispurigen straßen mit parkpläzen am rand für die autos, die roller würde man nichtmals bemerken.

    Ich kanns ja verstehen: 75% der verfügbaren fläche an autos abzugeben ist man halt gewohnt, das stellt niemand in frage. Aber wehe es kommt ein e-scooter dazu, dann brennt die welt.

  • linux Linux GNOME Recognized as Public Interest Infrastructure
  • this_is_router this_is_router 10 months ago 100%

    Congrats GNOME!

    Does anyone know if homedir encryption will utilize systemd-homed?

  • dach DACH - jetzt auf [DE] Und jetzt das gleiche bitte für Autos 🙏
  • this_is_router this_is_router 10 months ago 93%

    Ich verstehs einfach nicht. Wenn man in einer beliebigen Stadt steht und sich um 360° dreht, sieht man zu 40-60% nur Autos, Straßen, Parkplätze und Straßenschilder. Das Auto und dessen Infrastruktur dominiert alles.

    Aber die paar E-Scooter, die weniger Platz brauchen und wesentlich Umweltschonender sind, die führen bei den Leuten zu Unmut? Verkehrte Welt!

  • main Haupteingang Meilenstein: 200 000 Kommentare
  • this_is_router this_is_router 11 months ago 100%

    Ich sortiere mittlerweile einfach nach subscribed, new und bin verwundert wie wenig Quatsch hier landet. Go Activity Pub, go!

  • linux Linux CLI tools to quickly find recently opened files by fuzzy search?
  • this_is_router this_is_router 11 months ago 100%

    things like “vim file.txt”, which is obviously not usually how files are edited

    You what mate? Don't assume my workflow. "vi file.txt" is obviously superior to clicking inside some texteditor or file browser

  • asklemmy Asklemmy *Permanently Deleted*
  • this_is_router this_is_router 11 months ago 100%

    It's like email: it doesn't matter if you have an or address, you can send and receive mail to/from anybody. Lemmy accounts and communities consist of a name which includes the instance, just like e-mail.

    That's it, I don't think a regular user needs to know more.

  • ich_iel ich_iel ich🚗🍔iel
  • this_is_router this_is_router 11 months ago 100%

    Ich hätte gerne eine Bratwurst!

  • world World News China blames Canada for ‘malicious, provocative’ moves after close midair intercepts over South China Sea
  • this_is_router this_is_router 11 months ago 88%

    They should have send an air balloon instead...

  • news News Dating apps lose their luster with college students
  • this_is_router this_is_router 11 months ago 100%

    I robs your soul like facebook on steroids. I'm glad I got over the idea of finding someone online based on some self describing texts and vacation pictures.

    I feel like even on tinder it's still the first impression that counts, but the first impression consists of meaningless bullshit, so even if you would connect with someone, the first impressions makes you loath meeting these peoples.

    I am glad that I'm not the only one feeling like that. Fuck off tinder, bumble and the likes.

  • news News Dating apps lose their luster with college students
  • this_is_router this_is_router 11 months ago 100%

    I feel the same way. Personally, I can't muster up excitement about getting to know someone just by looking at their last vacation pictures. I believe that a meaningful connection can only be established by meeting in person.

    Going on 20 dates, only to end up feeling indifferent about everyone, in the hopes of eventually meeting someone I truly connect with, makes me feel like a grumpy old man.

  • news News Dating apps lose their luster with college students
  • this_is_router this_is_router 11 months ago 66%

    People using dating apps don't have time to answer questionnaires. You need to invest time to find your soulmate do'h!

  • neovim
    Neovim this_is_router 1 year ago 85%
    Support question: lazy.vim and ansible-language-server

    I'm trying to use LazyVim to create and edit ansible playbooks and roles, but for the live of my I don't understand how to enable ansible-language-server. The installation of lazyvim went flawless and after starting nvim I used the command :Mason to install: * ansible-language-server * ansible-lint * yaml-language-server * yamllint but still, when opening a task or playbook file in nvim, i don't get any of that cool features like snippets and automatic syntax checking like I hoped. Can anyone give me a hint how to enable those? Mason says the plugins are installed, is it only a problem of nvim not recognizing the filetype as ansible? Do I need to enable some plugins via .config/nvim/lua/plugins? I'm out of my element here, help would be much appreciated.

    Musik this_is_router 1 year ago 100%
    Fall Out Boy - We Didn't Start the Fire (Lyric Video)

    Passend zu all dem Scheiß der gerade auf der Welt abgeht...

    Frag Feddit this_is_router 1 year ago 100% autoscroll

    Hallo Allerseits! Ich habe auf das Problem, dass die Seite automatisch scrollt. Ist etwas nervig, wenn man was lesen möchte und alle 10-20 sekunden verschiebt sich der Bildausschnitt. Das Problem tritt auch auf unterschiedlichen Geräten auf, allerdings laufen alle unter Linux mit Firefox. Bin ich der Einzige, der davon betroffen ist? Oder ist das sogar eine Art von Feature? EDIT: @fennec hat mich auf websockets hingewiesen, welche wahrscheinlich ursächlich sind. Hab mal in den Developer Tools vom Firefox nachgeschaut und sehe direkt bevor die Seite gescrollt wird die Meldung: "Retrying websocket connection..." und "Websocket reconnected" Gibt es eine Möglichkeit das zu deaktivieren? Aktuell ist lemmy so für mich kaum nutzbar, weil teilweise alle 5-10 Sekunden der Bildausschnitt weg scrollt :(
