unitedkingdom United Kingdom Thames Water urgent 'do not drink' warning to hundreds of Surrey homes
  • theinspectorst theinspectorst 4 months ago 100%

    Politically, this is magnificent. The Lib Dems have target seats throughout Surrey where they're typically the main challenger, they've been campaigning hard locally on water quality through most of this parliament (hasn't always got national attention but they worked out a while ago it's a very resonant issue in their target seats) and then just in time for the election Thames Water start warning people the water isn't drinkable...

  • world World News Israel War Cabinet member Benny Gantz files motion to dissolve parliament
  • theinspectorst theinspectorst 4 months ago 87%

    Yes, having an election is a normal thing in a democracy.

  • world World News Only seven EU countries require parties to reveal identity of all private donors
  • theinspectorst theinspectorst 4 months ago 100%

    Well of course - publishing the identity of all private donors would be madness.

    Small donors should be allowed to donate freely without their name appearing on the internet for all their friends, neighbours, employers, journalists, rabble-rousers, etc to see. Someone donating a few tens or hundred of euros to their local candidate doesn't create a risk of influencing (or appearing to influence) the candidate's political platform; and we should be positively encouraging small donors, as I'd much prefer a political system where politicians relied on many small donations to one where they relied on a handful of millionaire donors.

    It's big money donors - the ones stumping up enough money to potentially influence the candidate - that parties should be required to disclose.

  • world World News UK’s Sunak promises mandatory national service for 18-year-olds if elected [26 May 2024 | Al Jazeera]
  • theinspectorst theinspectorst 4 months ago 100%

    If you’re not doing great, wouldn’t it make more sense to try and weather the storm and work to make things sunnier before the next election rather than call for an election amidst the storm?

    The latest possible date the election could have been is January 2025, but that was practically very unlikely as i) there is an extremely sharp generational divide in voting intentions (far sharper than in most Western democracies) and January would have meant the Tories having to get their elderly core voters to the polls in the middle of winter, and ii) a January vote would have meant a campaign running over Christmas, and everyone would have punished Sunak for that. The widespread expectation was for an autumn election.

    It's unclear why Sunak jumped earlier but likely a combination of various factors:

    • them being worried the economy will not get better by the autumn (so avoids going to the polls after a summer of bad economic news);

    • going early means their main opponents on the right (Reform) don't have time to get their act together and select candidates in all seats (which they would have done by the autumn);

    • their flagship immigration policy is controversial and expensive, yet likely to have an underwhelming impact on illegal immigration levels, and they'll look like complete idiots for centring an autumn election on a 'stop the boats' slogan if there's another summer of small boat arrivals in the meantime; and

    • Sunak personally is fed up - he's very much a political child of the far-right (an avowed Brexiter long before Boris Johnson or Liz Truss converted to the cause) yet the far-right of the Tory Party don't see him as one of their own and have been constant thorns in his side throughout his leadership - he may just want out at this stage.

  • uk_politics UK Politics Corbyn confirms he will stand against Labour
  • theinspectorst theinspectorst 4 months ago 100%

    Reminder that the Equality and Human Rights Commission is not 'the media'. It's a non-governmental public body created by a Labour government in 2006 to promote and enforce equality legislation introduced by said Labour government.

  • uk_politics UK Politics Corbyn confirms he will stand against Labour
  • theinspectorst theinspectorst 4 months ago 25%

    I mean, is it? Under his leadership the Labour Party broke the law in relation to racism within the party - that was the finding of the independent Equalities and Human Rights Commission investigation. It found that on Corbyn's watch, the culture of the Labour Party 'at best, did not do enough to prevent anti-Semitism and, at worst, could be seen to accept it'. He was the leader, he is accountable. That was his doing.

    He then chose to put out a statement rejecting this and dismissing the evidence of racism suffered by Labour members as exaggerated - as a result of which he was suspended. That statement was his doing too.

    And now he has chosen to stand against the Labour candidate in an election - this choice was also his doing.

    So which part of this is 'their doing'?

  • world World News Rishi Sunak announces UK general election for Thursday 4 July
  • theinspectorst theinspectorst 4 months ago 100%

    All of our constitutional law takes the form of Acts of Parliament that can be amended or repealed with a 50%+1 vote in Parliament - unlike most countries where the constitution sits above the parliament and changing it requires a supermajority and/or a referendum. Boris had a majority so he could change the constitution. It's a totally messed up system.

    One reason British liberals as so passionate about internationalism and the European Union is that international treaties and EU law are some of the few mechanisms we have had for constraining executive overreach, since they sit outside and above Parliament's remit. For example, even if Parliament were to repeal the Human Rights Act, Britain remains a party to the European Convention on Human Rights (which is why some Tories now talk about withdrawing from this too). Without international safeguards external to the UK, in theory all that stands between Britain and despotism is a simple majority vote in Parliament.

  • world World News Rishi Sunak announces UK general election for Thursday 4 July
  • theinspectorst theinspectorst 4 months ago 100%

    It's a corrupt convention but it wasn't always the case. An important reform by the 2010-15 coalition government was the Fixed Term Parliaments Act, which took this incredibly important decision out of the prime minister's partisan hands and have elections on a predictable 5 year cycle (barring the government falling or a supermajority for early elections).

    After Boris Johnson won the 2019 election though, he set about dismantling checks and balances such as this. He also changed the electoral system for mayoral elections to First Past the Post (with no consultation or referendum - which the Tories have always insisted was needed to change the electoral system away from FPTP...) because FPTP tends to favour Tories.

  • uk_politics UK Politics Three councillors resign over Labour's ‘lily-livered stand’ on Gaza
  • theinspectorst theinspectorst 4 months ago 93%


    Hoist the mainsail and shiver me timbers, are they joining the Pirate Party?

  • world World News Rise in UK knife attacks leads to a crackdown and stokes public anxiety
  • theinspectorst theinspectorst 4 months ago 97%

    The homicide rate in the US is about 6-7 times that in the UK per 100,000 population. I'd take our situation any day of the week.

    Last time I looked into this properly, knife crime in the US was actually roughly the same frequency as that in the UK. The difference is that knife-based murders stand out in the UK, whereas in the US nobody pays attention because the problem is dwarfed by the much greater problem of rampant gun crime.

  • uk_politics UK Politics Rishi Sunak admits Tories may not win general election | ITV News
  • theinspectorst theinspectorst 5 months ago 100%

    I don't think Starmer is stupid but I think Labour's large polling lead has - paradoxically - encouraged him to be very politically timid, to the detriment of his party and the country.

    Broadly speaking the Labour leadership seems to be acting as if, if literally nothing changes between now and election day, then Labour will win a landslide. That means no genuine big new policy announcements, because any policy change is seen as a roll of the dice that could change the polling status quo. Rejoining the single market whilst staying outside the EU could be a popular policy - polling shows that even Labour Leave voters support it by a 53% to 31% margin - and would give an incoming Labour government an actual policy option to help turn around the economy, but Starmer's caution means forgoing this in favour of saying literally nothing novel. The Labour leadership think any change is a risk, and why take a risk when you're already sitting on a polling lead.

    In general I'm favourable towards Starmer, and certainly in comparison to what came immediately before him. But on several issues - Europe, electoral reform, Gaza/Israel - he's adopting bad cautious positions to protect the enormous polling lead over the Tories he's stumbled into. These are going to end up doing him more harm than good in the long run.

  • uk_politics UK Politics Rishi Sunak admits Tories may not win general election | ITV News
  • theinspectorst theinspectorst 5 months ago 100%

    I was replying to you (you were saying Starmer is staying quiet because he needs Brexit voters in the North).

    I'm saying that if that's the case, he's thinking of the Brexit voters of 2016, not what these people think about things in 2024.

  • uk_politics UK Politics Rishi Sunak admits Tories may not win general election | ITV News
  • theinspectorst theinspectorst 5 months ago 100%

    The world has moved on from the divisions of 2016. The idea that Brexit was a bad idea is now pretty common outside the political bubble. Even among Leave voters, few think Brexit has been a success.

    The economic reality of what Britain outside the EU looks like and the global geopolitical realignment that has happened since that day in 2016 - Russia's warmongering in our European neighbourhood and the very real prospect of a future Republican president (if not Trump this November, then someone else 4 or 8 years later) abandoning NATO - obviously should lead (and is leading) to people who voted for Brexit rethinking Britain's relationship with the EU.

    And anyway - rejoining the Single Market wouldn't be undoing Brexit, it would just be doing literally what the Brexiters promised their voters they would do in the first place.

    Starmer is being dramatically too cautious about the most impactful thing he could do to improve things in Britain.

  • world World News Bernard Hill: Titanic and Lord of the Rings actor dies
  • theinspectorst theinspectorst 5 months ago 100%

    Forth, and fear no darkness.

  • star_wars Star Wars George Lucas before CGI.
  • theinspectorst theinspectorst 5 months ago 100%

    Jabba before CGI...

    (In a deleted scene in ANH. Obviously he'd gone full slug by the time of his first actual on-screen appearance in RotJ.)

  • uk_politics
    UK Politics theinspectorst 5 months ago 96%
    Boris Johnson turned away from polling station after forgetting to bring photo ID www.theguardian.com

    Former PM made the requirement to bring photo ID a stipulation of the Elections Act in 2022

    uk_politics UK Politics Galloway's Workers Party to stand candidates everywhere in challenge to Labour
  • theinspectorst theinspectorst 5 months ago 100%

    The EU is a capitalist entity, why would any leftist support it?

    *gestures generally at modern Britain*

  • scifi Science Fiction What's your Sci-Fi unpopular opinion? Part II
  • theinspectorst theinspectorst 5 months ago 100%

    Do you know why I stuck with it through s1-s3, even though I couldn't know if it would get better?


  • uk_politics UK Politics Galloway's Workers Party to stand candidates everywhere in challenge to Labour
  • theinspectorst theinspectorst 5 months ago 94%

    Yawn. He's a pro-Brexit, anti-net-zero, conspiracy-theory-peddling demagogue. He literally endorsed and then tried to get selected as a candidate for Nigel Farage's Brexit Party in 2019.

    Why are people who claim to be on the left even giving Galloway the time of day?

  • scifi Science Fiction What's your Sci-Fi unpopular opinion? Part II
  • theinspectorst theinspectorst 5 months ago 100%

    I don’t consider Star Wars to be sci-fi. It’s a futuristic space fantasy.

    Is that an unpopular opinion? Most sci-fi/fantasy fans I know would probably agree with this. I love Star Wars, but in the same way I love Lord of the Rings.

    Also, Star Trek Enterprise is one of the best Trek series, IMO. Top 5.

    I would say the final season of Enterprise is arguably the best single season of any Star Trek show so far. But it was a long road getting there...

    The human crew (particularly Archer and Trip) were difficult to warm to in seasons 1 and 2 - I found them so much more emotional and overdramatic than an intelligent professional human would be today, and that it made it difficult for me to accept them as the bridge from today to the 23rd/24th century Starfleet we know.

    Season 3 was tough for different reasons - maybe it played differently in America, but watching from outside the US a lot of it felt like post-9/11 revenge fantasy. Very proto-'America First'.

  • uk_politics UK Politics Tory plot to take sword to Sunak and make Mordaunt PM
  • theinspectorst theinspectorst 5 months ago 100%

    They've yet to try the 'pick the candidate with the most sensible policies' method.

  • technology Technology What do you personally use AI for?
  • theinspectorst theinspectorst 5 months ago 100%

    I've found it useful for TTRPGs too. Art generators are certainly helpful for character portraits, I also find ChatGPT can be useful for lots of other things. I've had pretty mediocre results trying to get it to generate a whole adventure but if you give it tight enough parameters then it can flesh out content for you - ranging from NPC name ideas, to ideas for custom magic items, to whole sections of dialogue.

    You can give it a plot hook you have in mind and ask it to generate ideas for a three-act structure and encounter summary to go with it (helpful when brainstorming the party's next adventure), or you can give it an overview of an encounter you have in mind and ask it to flesh out the encounter - GPT4 is reasonably good at a lot of this, I just wouldn't ask it to go the whole way from start to finish in adventure design as it starts to introduce inconsistencies.

    You also need to be ready to take what it gives you as a starting point for editing rather than a finished product. For example, if I ask it to come up with scene descriptions in D&D then it has a disproportionate tendency to come up with things that are 'bioluminescent' - little tells like that which show it's AI generated.

    Overall - you can use it as a tool for a busy DM that can free you up to focus on the more important aspects of designing your adventure. But you need to remember it's just a tool, don't think you can outsource the whole thing to it and remember it's only as helpful as how you try to use it.

  • unitedkingdom United Kingdom Two UK water companies lack complete maps of sewage networks
  • theinspectorst theinspectorst 5 months ago 100%
  • world World News Modi Calls Muslims ‘Infiltrators’ Who Would Take India’s Wealth
  • theinspectorst theinspectorst 5 months ago 97%

    I Call Modi 'A Fucking Fascist' Who Would Take India's Freedom, Diversity And Democracy

  • world World News London police apologize after threatening to arrest ‘openly Jewish’ man near pro-Palestinian protest
  • theinspectorst theinspectorst 5 months ago 100%

    Beigel Bake on Brick Lane.

  • world World News London police apologize after threatening to arrest ‘openly Jewish’ man near pro-Palestinian protest
  • theinspectorst theinspectorst 5 months ago 92%

    I think he was pretty clearly there with the intent of his presence being antagonistic. He's not just a random Jewish man who coincidentally happened to be walking through the area at that particular time, he's a pro-Israeli activist who was hoping his presence would provoke a reaction as part of an attempt by political partisans to paint mainstream pro-Palestinian protestors as racist.

    But - regardless of his intent - if the only reason the Met could point to for them believing his presence might have actually been antagonistic is his ethnicity and his religion, then on the surface he hasn't done anything wrong.

    I think this episode should be read in the context of a wide-ranging assault on free speech and the right to protest by the current Conservative government, which is encouraging a pattern of overreach by the Met police in response to legitimate protest.

  • world World News Greece becomes first European country to ban bottom trawling in marine parks
  • theinspectorst theinspectorst 5 months ago 100%

    Greece has become the first country in Europe to announce a ban on bottom trawling in all of its national marine parks and protected areas.

    It doesn't say EU, it says Europe. The Guardian is a British newspaper, they know the difference.

    Brexit meant Britain left the EU, it didn't literally move Britain to a different continent.

  • world World News Greece becomes first European country to ban bottom trawling in marine parks
  • theinspectorst theinspectorst 5 months ago 100%

    Hasn't the UK already done this? The French are currently protesting against it.


    Wait - weirdly it's the same journalist who wrote both articles. How did she manage to write an article two days ago about a UK ban, and then write again yesterday about Greece being the first European country to do this?

  • startrek Star Trek “Untitled Star Trek Origin Story” film officially added to Paramount Pictures' 2025-2026 lineup.
  • theinspectorst theinspectorst 5 months ago 100%

    But ... I thought the 2009 film was an origin story?

    It was literally the story of how the Kelvinverse came to exist and it followed Kirk, Spock, McCoy and co from their Academy days.

  • unitedkingdom United Kingdom Food price fears as Brexit import charges revealed
  • theinspectorst theinspectorst 6 months ago 100%

    Rishi: we have a plan for tackling the cost of living crisis.

    The plan:

  • uk_politics UK Politics Labour could axe all hereditary peers from House of Lords, reports suggest
  • theinspectorst theinspectorst 6 months ago 100%

    No, they're not even proposing to replace the House of Lords here. All they're proposing is to remove the remaining 92 unelected hereditary peers (out of around 800+ total unelected peers) who survived Blair's 1999 cull of most hereditary peers.

  • startrek Star Trek ‘Section 31’ Movie Director Says It’s A “Different” Star Trek + New Character Details Revealed
  • theinspectorst theinspectorst 6 months ago 66%

    That was my thought, I'm quite up for this. I enjoyed The Voyage Home, I enjoyed The Trouble with Tribbles - I wouldn't want all Trek to be like that but there is absolutely a place in the franchise for light-hearted takes on Trek.

  • uk_politics UK Politics Liz Truss shares bizarre Easter message as she holds uncomfortable-looking lamb
  • theinspectorst theinspectorst 6 months ago 80%

    No, it's member of Parliament who's not a frontbencher - i.e. who's not a government minister or an official spokesperson for their party in Parliament.

    Keir Starmer and Rachel Reeves and Ed Davey don't hold government office, since they're opposition politicians, but they're not backbenchers.

  • uk_politics UK Politics Keir Starmer faces discontent as Labour MPs reject union jack election flyers
  • theinspectorst theinspectorst 6 months ago 85%

    You do have to feel for these red wall Brexit voters.

    Apparently they require constant visual assurance that they are in fact still in Britain, and can't just maintain this information in their heads like the rest of us.

  • world World News EU nature restoration laws face collapse as member states withdraw support
  • theinspectorst theinspectorst 6 months ago 91%

    eight member states, including Hungary and Italy

    Fascists are why we can't have nice things.

  • uk_politics UK Politics UK housing developments axed as Tory planning reforms take effect
  • theinspectorst theinspectorst 6 months ago 100%


    Compared to the average European country, Britain today has a backlog of 4.3 million homes that are missing from the national housing market as they were never built.


    Housebuilding rates in England and Wales have dropped by more than a third after the introduction of the Town and Country Planning Act 1947, from 2 per cent growth per year between 1856 and 1939 to 1.2 per cent between 1947 and 2019.

    This has been a key factor behind the UK’s long-standing housing crisis, which has led to inflated property prices and soaring rents in recent decades.

  • uk_politics UK Politics UK housing developments axed as Tory planning reforms take effect
  • theinspectorst theinspectorst 6 months ago 100%

    Non-paywall link: https://archive.is/JCp2k

    Calling the government’s reforms a “grubby concession” to backbenchers who want to block housing development, Matthew Pennycook, shadow housing minister, has pledged that Labour would enact “mandatory targets that bite on individual local planning authorities” if it came to power.

    The issue of housing and planning is set to be a point of contention in this year’s general election, with the Centre for Cities think-tank estimating that the UK has a historical backlog of 4mn unbuilt homes, with an average house in England now costing more than 10 times the average salary.

  • uk_politics
    UK Politics theinspectorst 6 months ago 100%
    UK housing developments axed as Tory planning reforms take effect https://www.ft.com/content/37803a77-858b-4dc8-946c-b1f893ba5c0d

    Councils reverse course on agreed plans after targets diluted despite acute shortage of homes

    world World News Africa: 'Historic Milestone' As Child Mortality Hits Record Low of 4.9 Million in 2022
  • theinspectorst theinspectorst 6 months ago 100%

    I assume that's the reaction they were going for by expressing the stat in that way, but aside from shock value it isn't that informative.

    Child mortality is usually expressed as 'X per 1,000 live births' so you have some sense of scale. We'll never live in a world where zero children die before their 5th birthday (simply because of illnesses and accidents) but expressing the number of deaths per 1,000 gives you a sense of whether the number of deaths is a lot or not.

    Here's a UNICEF article that provides some more context on the 4.9 million global figure for under-5 deaths: 'The global under-five mortality rate declined by 60 per cent, from 93 deaths per 1,000 live births in 1990 to 37 in 2022.' To add more context on 37 per 1,000: in San Marino that figure is about 1.5, in the United Kingdom it's about 4.1, whereas in several countries in sub-Saharan Africa it remains above 100 deaths per 1,000 live births - which I find to be a frankly much more informative and terrifying way of understanding the number.

  • daystrominstitute Daystrom Institute How certain are we that Discovery went to THE future rather than A future?
  • theinspectorst theinspectorst 6 months ago 100%

    But removing Discovery from the timeline seems to be consistent with the prime timeline post-Discovery season 2 (in TOS etc) - e.g. Spock not talking about his human adopted sister, no further use of spore drives, and so on. It's certainly explicitly the timeline of SNW (which makes multiple references to the events of Discovery s2) and therefore the timeline of Lower Decks.

    That suggests the prime timeline as we know it is an altered timeline caused by Discovery's jump to the future.

  • uk_politics
    UK Politics theinspectorst 6 months ago 93%
    Labour calls on Sunak to return Frank Hester’s £10m Tory donation www.theguardian.com

    Donor told colleagues looking at Diane Abbott made you ‘want to hate all black women’ and she ‘should be shot’

    uk_politics UK Politics Rishi Sunak’s focus on extremism risks boosting Reform UK, Tory MPs warn
  • theinspectorst theinspectorst 6 months ago 100%
  • world World News Irish prime minister concedes defeat in vote over constitutional amendments about family and women
  • theinspectorst theinspectorst 6 months ago 100%

    In general I get that and my instinct was similarly that it was strange not to use the word. I'd use Taoiseach for Varadkar in a way I wouldn't use the native language word for other world leaders, because I think of Ireland as a primarily English-speaking country and that's the word they still use whilst otherwise speaking in English.

    But then again, I can also see that British readers like you and I who follow current affairs are going to be a lot more familiar with the term Taoiseach (or, in Calamity Truss's case, the 'Tea Sock') given it's the country next door and so hugely intertwined with British politics. I could name every Taoiseach in the last quarter century just by virtue of how much those individuals have featured in UK news - through the peace process, the financial crisis and then Brexit. I couldn't do that for the leaders of any other foreign country of Ireland's size. So I think it's not unreasonable to assume the average US or other reader might not not know what a Taoiseach is.

  • uk_politics
    UK Politics theinspectorst 7 months ago 100%
    Tories hit rock bottom with support hitting record low of 20 per cent, new poll shows www.standard.co.uk

    The result is the worst for the Conservatives since 1978 when Ipsos regular poll tracker started and puts them 27 points behind Labour

    UK Politics theinspectorst 7 months ago 100%
    Can you build a British voter? www.economist.com

    We break down the polls to explain how Britons might vote in the next general election

    United Kingdom theinspectorst 7 months ago 100%
    ‘97% seemed absurd’: Labour’s Stephen Timms on the English test scandal that wrecked lives www.theguardian.com

    The London MP has battled to get the Home Office to take responsibility for its mistaken allegations of cheating against many thousands of overseas students

    United Kingdom theinspectorst 8 months ago 92%
    Brianna Ghey’s father demands apology from Sunak over transgender remark www.theguardian.com

    Peter Spooner describes comment made in an exchange at prime minister’s questions as ‘absolutely dehumanising’

    United Kingdom theinspectorst 8 months ago 90%
    Ken Clarke Warns Rwanda Bill Moves UK Towards An 'Elected Dictatorship' www.huffingtonpost.co.uk

    Tory grandee says Rishi Sunak overturning a Supreme Court judgement is “very dangerous".

    United Kingdom theinspectorst 8 months ago 88%
    How Britain’s political elite broke the development bargain https://www.ft.com/content/efe3f061-f128-42c3-a9dd-e6de655c8478

    The Conservative party believed voters would back them no matter how they behaved

    United Kingdom theinspectorst 9 months ago 100%
    One in three adults in UK and Ireland eat five or more daily portions of fruit and veg www.theguardian.com

    In both countries 33% of adults hit the target on a daily basis, with Korea and Israel next highest in OECD figures

    UK Politics theinspectorst 10 months ago 100%
    Why the Tories’ hardline immigration policies won’t win over UK voters | Robert Ford www.theguardian.com

    Visa changes may cut numbers of students and skilled workers who enjoy public support while Rwanda plan won’t address concerns over small boats, writes political scientist Robert Ford

    Yes in my backyard! theinspectorst 11 months ago 98%
    Fifteen-minute cities are about convenience, not conspiracy https://www.ft.com/content/a6f50b7c-f78f-469d-b3f2-c6f505edaa9c

    Despite the wild accusations, this is about providing parks and grocery stores within walking distance of people’s homes

    UK Politics theinspectorst 11 months ago 100%
    Tory MPs blast ‘out of touch’ Sunak as he woos homeowners in king’s speech www.theguardian.com

    Conservatives furious at PM’s ‘naive’ meeting with Musk ahead of last Westminster session before election

    United Kingdom theinspectorst 11 months ago 98%
    Most British people hold positive view of immigration, survey reveals www.theguardian.com

    Although Tories claim curbing net inflow of migrants is critical issue for voters, poll shows attitudes have evolved significantly

    United Kingdom theinspectorst 11 months ago 100%
    Black Met officers urged by colleagues to donate to fund for sacked PCs www.theguardian.com

    Exclusive: Black officers complain of collection for men who lied about the stop and search of black athletes

    UK Politics theinspectorst 11 months ago 100%
    The UK’s ‘official’ labour data is becoming a nonsense https://www.ft.com/content/d6bdfe59-af9a-427a-8d10-f8b58be60593

    How can we make economic policy if the figures we rely on are problematic?

    United Kingdom theinspectorst 11 months ago 100%
    The Shit List 2023 www.theneweuropean.co.uk

    They brought us Brexit, immigrant paranoia and Boris Johnson. Here’s our definitive rundown of 50 people the UK could definitely do without

    United Kingdom theinspectorst 11 months ago 100%
    ‘Are we reyt?’: the course that aims to revive the Yorkshire dialect www.theguardian.com

    The Guardian attends a session of the six-week course Let’s Talk Tyke! on adrizzly morning in Keighley

    Europe theinspectorst 12 months ago 89%
    Migrant crisis: Sunak to urge 'Europe-wide solutions' at summit in Granada www.bbc.co.uk

    At a summit in Spain, Europe's leaders will discuss how to lower irregular migration to the continent.

    UK Politics theinspectorst 12 months ago 92%
    Sunak refuses to rule out welcoming Farage back into Tory party www.theguardian.com

    PM leaves door open for Farage to rejoin party he left in 1992 – but ex-Ukip leader later says he is not interested

    United Kingdom theinspectorst 12 months ago 96%
    In one vulgar swoop, Suella Braverman has humiliated every single migrant in the UK www.theguardian.com

    The home secretary’s assertion that multiculturalism has ‘failed’ crosses the line, says the Guardian columnist Nesrine Malik

    United Kingdom theinspectorst 12 months ago 100%
    Are you single or in a ‘hard-working family’? Your answer counts for a lot | Nesrine Malik www.theguardian.com

    There are millions of people struggling alone in the cost-of-living crisis – but they’re invisible to our politicians, says Guardian columnist Nesrine Malik

    UK Politics theinspectorst 1 year ago 100%
    Ministers may have broken law over sewage dumping in England, says watchdog www.theguardian.com

    Government and regulators may be responsible for failing to stem discharges into rivers, says Office for Environmental Protection

    UK Politics theinspectorst 1 year ago 93%
    Voter ID in England led to racial and disability discrimination, report finds www.theguardian.com

    Exclusive: All-party report on rules governing 2023 local elections calls voter ID system a ‘poisoned cure’

    UK Politics theinspectorst 1 year ago 99%
    TNE cover: Stop THIS Boat

    Tory peer Michelle Mone bought herself a yacht with profits from useless NHS protective gear. If Rishi Sunak is serious about restoring faith in politics, he should start here.

    Chelsea have a billion-dollar team, but do they have a plan? www.theguardian.com

    The club’s owners have invested a fortune in new players. But there’s a sense the squad has been assembled without a clear blueprint

    UK Politics theinspectorst 1 year ago 96%
    Brexit's 21st Amendment benansell.substack.com

    Can the Rejoin campaign learn anything from the End of Prohibition?

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körnerhttps://github.com/dicebear/dicebearKB
    /kbin meta theinspectorst 1 year ago 100%
    Do magazine sidebars not federate properly?

    I edited the sidebar for the magazine I'm modding. But then apparently the changes don't appear when it's viewed from Lemmy instances that I know do otherwise federate with kbin.social and that display most of the rest of the magazine fine. Is this a known issue and is there anything I can do about it?

    Chelsea fear Reece James will be out for months with hamstring injury www.theguardian.com

    Chelsea fear Reece James will be out for months with a hamstring injury sustained in training

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körnerhttps://github.com/dicebear/dicebearKB
    /kbin meta theinspectorst 1 year ago 100%
    Do we have a mechanism to deal with absent mods yet?

    Title is hopefully self-explanatory. During the early growth, there were a number of examples of users setting up magazines based on popular Reddit subs but then losing their initial enthusiasm for kbin. I'm an active user of one such sub, which has taken off in the last few weeks after a slow start, but where the only mod hasn't been seen in over a month. How do we either replace them or get additional mods added, when there's no way to get in contact with them in the first place?

    UK Politics theinspectorst 1 year ago 100%
    How the ‘small boats week’ unravelled www.theguardian.com

    First asylum seekers were forced on to the Bibby Stockholm barge – then they were taken off when Legionella was detected

    UK Politics theinspectorst 1 year ago 97%
    Rejoin EU 62%, Stay Out 38% (Omnisis poll, fieldwork 10-11 August 2023) omnisis.co.uk

    More than 60% of Brits want to re-join the EU with nearly the same number saying Britain was wrong to leave in the first place, a new poll shows.

    UK Politics theinspectorst 1 year ago 100%
    Ed Davey: ‘Tactical voting can lock Tories out of power for a generation’ www.theguardian.com

    Lib Dem leader says people lending their votes to rival parties could shut the door on Conservatives at Westminster for years to come

    United Kingdom theinspectorst 1 year ago 98%
    The Sun finds itself in line of fire over report on Huw Edwards www.theguardian.com

    Days after publication, the newsreader is in hospital with mental health issues and the paper is rapidly backtracking

    UK Politics theinspectorst 1 year ago 100%
    The Ukraine war highlights the deep strategic folly of Euroscepticism | Rafael Behr www.theguardian.com

    Nato and the EU are the twin pillars of European security, but Britain now has to pretend there is only one, says Guardian columnist Rafael Behr

    United Kingdom theinspectorst 1 year ago 90%
    Boris Johnson announces arrival of sixth, seventh, eighth or maybe even ninth child newsthump.com

    A spokesperson for Boris Johnson has announced that the former prime minister and his current wife Carrie Symonds have had another healthy baby boy
