theonion The Onion Teenage Boy Announces He Will Step Down from Chore Duties, Younger Sister Takes the Reins
  • tattletaletimes tattletaletimes 1 month ago 72%

    Great detective work, you found my wife's account. Get a life

  • theonion The Onion Teenage Boy Announces He Will Step Down from Chore Duties, Younger Sister Takes the Reins
  • tattletaletimes tattletaletimes 1 month ago 80%

    Means a lot, thank you

  • theonion The Onion Teenage Boy Announces He Will Step Down from Chore Duties, Younger Sister Takes the Reins
  • tattletaletimes tattletaletimes 1 month ago 78%

    thanks, ya I actually set out for this site to be clean, apolitical satire about kids and parenting. a friend suggested this idea for an article and while i'm personally liberal, i can see humor in both sides. I by no means means aspire to be like babylon bee. There is, unfortunately, a ton of negativity in this sub dedicated to humor.

  • theonion The Onion Teenage Boy Announces He Will Step Down from Chore Duties, Younger Sister Takes the Reins
  • tattletaletimes tattletaletimes 1 month ago 72%

    dude i run this website by myself as a side hobby and google adsense doesn't come close to covering the monthly web hosting so i am definitely too cheap to pay an artist at this point. I'd love to pay an artist someday if it were to make money

  • theonion The Onion Teenage Boy Announces He Will Step Down from Chore Duties, Younger Sister Takes the Reins
  • tattletaletimes tattletaletimes 1 month ago 77%

    it is in that style for sure. It's the first political article I wrote for the site so I'm interested to see how it goes!

  • tattletaletimes
    Tattletale Times tattletaletimes 1 month ago 69%
    Teenage Boy Announces He Will Step Down from Chore Duties, Younger Sister Takes the Reins

    In an unprecedented move, 13-year-old Brandon “Tired Bones” Hayden announced yesterday that he will be stepping down from his longstanding position as Commander and Chief of Chores. Citing reasons of fatigue, mental decline, and bad golf scores. Brandon does not have the power to appoint his successor but since he only has one sibling, his 10 year old sister Carmella is the only logical choice given such short notice. The decision came after months of speculation and whispers around the dinner table about Brandon’s ability to maintain the rigorous standards of chore duty established during his tenure. Neighbors and family members alike have noted his frequent confusion, increase in naps and tendency to stare blankly at the wall. Carmella, who has been serving as the backup chores officer, expressed her readiness to take on the new role. “I’ve been in training for years,” she said “I know I have some orthopedic shoes to fill, but I’m confident I can make our household clean again.” Read the rest of this satire news article and more at [](

    The Onion tattletaletimes 1 month ago 83%
    Teenage Boy Announces He Will Step Down from Chore Duties, Younger Sister Takes the Reins

    In an unprecedented move, 13-year-old Brandon “Tired Bones” Hayden announced yesterday that he will be stepping down from his longstanding position as Commander and Chief of Chores. Citing reasons of fatigue, mental decline, and bad golf scores. Brandon does not have the power to appoint his successor but since he only has one sibling, his 10 year old sister Carmella is the only logical choice given such short notice. The decision came after months of speculation and whispers around the dinner table about Brandon’s ability to maintain the rigorous standards of chore duty established during his tenure. Neighbors and family members alike have noted his frequent confusion, increase in naps and tendency to stare blankly at the wall. Carmella, who has been serving as the backup chores officer, expressed her readiness to take on the new role. “I’ve been in training for years,” she said “I know I have some orthopedic shoes to fill, but I’m confident I can make our household clean again.” Read the rest of this satire news article and more at [](

    theonion The Onion 5 New Olympic Events Submitted by Parents
  • tattletaletimes tattletaletimes 1 month ago 50%

    Haha yes I could see that being confusing if you're looking at the current pic 😁

  • microblogmemes Microblog Memes These are the kind of social situations I have nightmares about
  • tattletaletimes tattletaletimes 2 months ago 100%

    Thank god I wasn't that dumb, I would have died from embarrassment

  • microblogmemes Microblog Memes These are the kind of social situations I have nightmares about
  • tattletaletimes tattletaletimes 2 months ago 100%

    I 100% agree so it makes this story even better.

    A friend and his wife were at a social event and his wife was very early in pregnancy, they had only told their parents at this point. A 70-something year old man in a suit walks up to them out of the blue and says congratulations. They are taken aback because they didn't even consider him referring to the pregnancy. He goes on to say he is a retired obstetrician and because of years of experience can just tell.

    Ballsy move by the doc but he sure did know his stuff.

  • microblogmemes Microblog Memes These are the kind of social situations I have nightmares about
  • tattletaletimes tattletaletimes 2 months ago 100%

    He was very embarrassed but it very well could have not been for him personally. Either way it was a dumbass thing to say!

  • microblogmemes Microblog Memes These are the kind of social situations I have nightmares about
  • tattletaletimes tattletaletimes 2 months ago 100%

    He was very embarrassed and went for the adult diapers. My 17 year old gangly, awkward self didn't help the situation at all either.

  • microblogmemes Microblog Memes These are the kind of social situations I have nightmares about
  • tattletaletimes tattletaletimes 2 months ago 100%

    In highschool I worked at a pharmacy. 30-something man looks lost so I ask him if I can help him find something. He says diapers and I assume he's a father so I stupidly say "the adult ones are right down there but you don't need those ha ha, the baby diapers are down aisle 1"

    You can guess the rest of the story...

  • theonion The Onion 5 New Olympic Events Submitted by Parents
  • tattletaletimes tattletaletimes 2 months ago 100%

    while clutching a bath toy in each hand with a death grip

  • theonion The Onion 5 New Olympic Events Submitted by Parents
  • tattletaletimes tattletaletimes 2 months ago 100%

    5 y/o, 2y/o and a dog here, I feel your pain! 😆

    You're right, I forgot to include events that test parents' sanity and mental fortitude. That would really break the parents that are skating through the events due to their natural athletic ability.

  • theonion The Onion 5 New Olympic Events Submitted by Parents
  • tattletaletimes tattletaletimes 2 months ago 100%

    due to feedback, i ditched the AI image and replaced it with a stock photo. I'll add an Edit note to the post to make sure its more clear.

  • theonion The Onion 5 New Olympic Events Submitted by Parents
  • tattletaletimes tattletaletimes 2 months ago 90%

    no i understood! i started it with a 'thank you' but i could see how you could think that. I obviously am fluent in sarcasm or i wouldn't have this website.

  • tattletaletimes Tattletale Times 5 New Olympic Events Submitted by Parents
  • tattletaletimes tattletaletimes 2 months ago 100%

    Hey thanks for the feedback.

    I think you're severely underestimating how much AI is used in what you read daily that is not disclosed. I assure you writers at Reuters, Fox News, The Onion, etc use AI to assist in writing/editing articles. (emphasis on assist as myself nor any respected journalist would copy/paste a whole AI article). Every company is leveraging AI tools and I run this website by myself so of course I will too. Even both my wife and my corporate jobs at different companies have both had presentations on how to use AI effectively and safely for our jobs.

    AI isn't nuanced enough for satire but I find it very helpful taking my ideas and helping form it into the formulaic style of a news article.

  • theonion The Onion 5 New Olympic Events Submitted by Parents
  • tattletaletimes tattletaletimes 2 months ago 92%

    ty, i'd love to pay for custom art/photos for articles someday but the website is just run by myself as a side hobby so needing to use the free options for now.

  • tattletaletimes Tattletale Times 5 New Olympic Events Submitted by Parents
  • tattletaletimes tattletaletimes 2 months ago 87%

    It's my website and sorry to hear you don't like it. I found there are niche satire onion-like websites for many different topics such as sports, concerts, gaming, etc but none for parenting so I'm giving it a shot.

  • theonion The Onion 5 New Olympic Events Submitted by Parents
  • tattletaletimes tattletaletimes 2 months ago 93%

    I have a hard time finding free stock photos for my articles at times so sometimes I use AI. Apologies Edit: I'll follow what the votes say and change the pic to the stock photo I was originally considering, thanks for the feedback

  • tattletaletimes
    Tattletale Times tattletaletimes 2 months ago 66%
    5 New Olympic Events Submitted by Parents

    Parents worldwide have proposed a new group of events that showcase the everyday heroics required to raise children. These proposed events promise to be as grueling as the triathlon. **1. The Family Dog Walk** The Family Dog Walk combines canine management with child safety in a chaotic, high-stakes event. Participants must walk two untrained dogs on leashes while pushing a stroller and ensuring a toddler doesn't dart into oncoming traffic. This event requires world-class coordination, iron-clad patience, and the reflexes of a professional athlete. Extra points for picking up dog poop without the stroller rolling away. **2. The Toddler PJ Wrestling Match** Inspired by the ancient art of Greco-Roman wrestling, the Toddler PJ Wrestling Match challenges parents to wrestle a wriggling toddler into a pair of zip-up pajamas that are at least one size too small. Competitors must contend with the notorious "alligator roll," where the toddler thrashes and flails with the agility of a gazelle. Points are awarded for speed, technique, and completing the match without the parent or toddler crying. Read the rest of this article and more at []( **EDIT: Changed article picture to stock photo due to feedback**

    The Onion tattletaletimes 2 months ago 87%
    5 New Olympic Events Submitted by Parents

    Parents worldwide have proposed a new group of events that showcase the everyday heroics required to raise children. These proposed events promise to be as grueling as the triathlon. **1. The Family Dog Walk** The Family Dog Walk combines canine management with child safety in a chaotic, high-stakes event. Participants must walk two untrained dogs on leashes while pushing a stroller and ensuring a toddler doesn't dart into oncoming traffic. This event requires world-class coordination, iron-clad patience, and the reflexes of a professional athlete. Extra points for picking up dog poop without the stroller rolling away. **2. The Toddler PJ Wrestling Match** Inspired by the ancient art of Greco-Roman wrestling, the Toddler PJ Wrestling Match challenges parents to wrestle a wriggling toddler into a pair of zip-up pajamas that are at least one size too small. Competitors must contend with the notorious "alligator roll," where the toddler thrashes and flails with the agility of a gazelle. Points are awarded for speed, technique, and completing the match without the parent or toddler crying. Read the rest of this article and more at []( **EDIT: Changed article picture to stock photo due to feedback**

    opossums Opossums Gotta, gotta be down because I want it all...
  • tattletaletimes tattletaletimes 2 months ago 100%

    Despite all my rage I'm still just a poss in a cage 🎸

  • tattletaletimes tattletaletimes 2 months ago 100%

    Made this my lock screen background, thank you

  • lemmyshitpost Lemmy Shitpost What song would cause you to do this to yourself ?
  • tattletaletimes tattletaletimes 2 months ago 93%

    Baby shark

  • tattletaletimes Tattletale Times I Don’t Care My Kid Has Mismatched Socks and You Shouldn’t Either
  • tattletaletimes tattletaletimes 2 months ago 100%

    Ha I get it now, perfect

  • tattletaletimes Tattletale Times I Don’t Care My Kid Has Mismatched Socks and You Shouldn’t Either
  • tattletaletimes tattletaletimes 2 months ago 100%

    Unfortunately, those mismatched socks led her into a spiral of drugs, alcohol, prostitution, grand theft, larceny, homosexuality, and general mischief.

    I swear i heard this line in DARE but referring to marijuana

    podiatric fashion responsibility

    that's great, i should add this to the article somewhere

  • tattletaletimes Tattletale Times I Don’t Care My Kid Has Mismatched Socks and You Shouldn’t Either
  • tattletaletimes tattletaletimes 2 months ago 100%

    that's deep

  • tattletaletimes Tattletale Times I Don’t Care My Kid Has Mismatched Socks and You Shouldn’t Either
  • tattletaletimes tattletaletimes 2 months ago 100%

    that's a great line i should have had in the article. the more i think about it, a homosocksual would have 2 of the same socks. mismatching socks would technically be a heterosoxual.

  • tattletaletimes Tattletale Times I Don’t Care My Kid Has Mismatched Socks and You Shouldn’t Either
  • tattletaletimes tattletaletimes 2 months ago 100%

    serial killer vibes! :D

  • tattletaletimes
    Tattletale Times tattletaletimes 2 months ago 85%
    I Don’t Care My Kid Has Mismatched Socks and You Shouldn’t Either

    As a mother, I often face unrealistic expectations and judgments from others regarding my parenting choices. However, there is one thing I absolutely refuse to worry about: matching my kids’ socks. I don’t give a sock, and you shouldn’t either. I am well aware that some people may view mismatched socks as sloppy or lazy. Well, guess what? Keep your opinions to yourself, Karen. I don’t criticize your crippling Xanax addiction or your outdated Capri pants. Where’s the flood, Karen? Just the other day, a father at preschool drop-off had the audacity to comment on my child’s socks. Oh, wow, Mr. Sock Gestapo, congratulations on your heroic mission to police the world of socks. Maybe you should report me to the Sock Police for a “sock wellness check.” And while you’re at it, go home to your wife, Kyle, instead of cheating on her. Read the rest of this satire news article and more at [](

    theonion The Onion 5 Summer Activities Sure to Ruin Your Lawn
  • tattletaletimes tattletaletimes 2 months ago 100%

    yeah for sure, it's on the long list of DIY home improvements that I'll get to someday. thanks for reading!

  • theonion The Onion 5 Summer Activities Sure to Ruin Your Lawn
  • tattletaletimes tattletaletimes 2 months ago 100%

    I wrote bonfire from personal experience! our house has a built-in firepit when we moved in and it doesn't have a brick ring around so if we have a big enough fire it kills the grass around it. Someone in the comment section mentioned water balloons which is a good one i missed when writing this.

  • memes Memes Ah, the classics.
  • tattletaletimes tattletaletimes 2 months ago 88%


  • memes Memes Ah, the classics.
  • tattletaletimes tattletaletimes 2 months ago 100%

    So you're saying you're not attending the Creed cruise next year?!

  • theonion The Onion 5 Summer Activities Sure to Ruin Your Lawn
  • tattletaletimes tattletaletimes 2 months ago 100%

    What a neighborly thing to do, sue your neighbors for kids being kids. My 5 year old got 5 stitches in his eyebrow a few weeks ago at a friend's house. Kids do stupid shit, that's just the way it is!

  • theonion The Onion 5 Summer Activities Sure to Ruin Your Lawn
  • tattletaletimes tattletaletimes 2 months ago 100%

    You forgot guns!

  • opossums Opossums Spotted a hard-working mama opossum at my kid's school
  • tattletaletimes tattletaletimes 2 months ago 100%

    ooo. ya true

  • opossums
    Opossums tattletaletimes 2 months ago 99%
    Spotted a hard-working mama opossum at my kid's school

    I was interested why I saw her during the day. I googled it and sounds like they sometimes need to stay up during the day to care for and feed their babies. Sounds a lot like humans with newborns. Apparently, babies of all species keep their mamas' awake!

    theonion The Onion 5 Summer Activities Sure to Ruin Your Lawn
  • tattletaletimes tattletaletimes 2 months ago 100%

    i like the idea of the crochet ones. sent that to my crocheting wife to give it a shot, thanks!

  • theonion
    The Onion tattletaletimes 2 months ago 97%
    5 Summer Activities Sure to Ruin Your Lawn

    **5 Summer Activities Sure to Ruin Your Lawn** Summer is here, and that means one thing: it’s time to watch in horror as your lawn turns into a post-apocalyptic wasteland. Why fight it? Embrace the inevitable chaos with these five activities guaranteed to obliterate that golf course-caliber lawn you’ve been working years on. You might as well lay down wood chips and call it a day, because those little savages will destroy it by fall one way or another. **1. Slip and Slide** Ah, the slip and slide – the classic summer activity that promises fun, laughter, and a lawn that looks like it hosted a mud-wrestling tournament. After a few hours of kids hurling themselves down a plastic sheet at breakneck speed, your once-lush grass will be nothing more than a distant memory. The combination of water and trampling is sure to create a muddy disaster zone. Just remember, mud is nature’s way of saying, “You never really liked grass that much anyway.” Read the rest of the satire news article [here at](

    Tattletale Times tattletaletimes 2 months ago 92%
    5 Summer Activities Sure to Ruin Your Lawn

    **5 Summer Activities Sure to Ruin Your Lawn** Summer is here, and that means one thing: it’s time to watch in horror as your lawn turns into a post-apocalyptic wasteland. Why fight it? Embrace the inevitable chaos with these five activities guaranteed to obliterate that golf course-caliber lawn you’ve been working years on. You might as well lay down wood chips and call it a day, because those little savages will destroy it by fall one way or another. **1. Slip and Slide** Ah, the slip and slide – the classic summer activity that promises fun, laughter, and a lawn that looks like it hosted a mud-wrestling tournament. After a few hours of kids hurling themselves down a plastic sheet at breakneck speed, your once-lush grass will be nothing more than a distant memory. The combination of water and trampling is sure to create a muddy disaster zone. Just remember, mud is nature’s way of saying, “You never really liked grass that much anyway.” Read the rest of the satire news article [here at](

    tattletaletimes Tattletale Times New Helicopter Parent Drone Takes Overbearing Parenting to New Heights
  • tattletaletimes tattletaletimes 2 months ago 100%

    poor Ron 😢

  • theonion The Onion New Helicopter Parent Drone Takes Overbearing Parenting to New Heights
  • tattletaletimes tattletaletimes 2 months ago 100%

    oo gotcha I saw that around but haven't seen it. I have 2 little ones as well so we'll check it out together. Also, gotta love Bill Burr.

    ya the article idea isn't anything unique as i'm sure nearly everyone has made the connection between drones and helicopter parents but hopefully the contents of my article are unique and funny!

  • theonion The Onion New Helicopter Parent Drone Takes Overbearing Parenting to New Heights
  • tattletaletimes tattletaletimes 2 months ago 100%

    no, what's that?

  • tattletaletimes
    Tattletale Times tattletaletimes 2 months ago 100%
    New Helicopter Parent Drone Takes Overbearing Parenting to New Heights

    This week, a groundbreaking advancement in drone technology has overbearing parents nationwide sighing in relief and children hiding in terror. Drone manufacturer HoverHawk released their latest product: the Helicopter Parent, a drone designed to provide around-the-clock, relentless supervision of your soon to be traumatized children. The Helicopter Parent, a sleek black quadcopter, comes equipped with the latest in surveillance technology, including 4K cameras, facial recognition, and a megaphone for issuing real-time scoldings from your smartphone. The new drone can hover silently or employ a “gentle hum” setting for those who prefer a more constant, oppressive presence, also features thermal imaging for night-time monitoring and a proximity alert system that sounds an alarm if a child steps outside a designated area, such as their front yard, school, or out of arm’s reach of a parent. Read the rest of the satire news article [here at](

    The Onion tattletaletimes 2 months ago 99%
    New Helicopter Parent Drone Takes Overbearing Parenting to New Heights

    This week, a groundbreaking advancement in drone technology has overbearing parents nationwide sighing in relief and children hiding in terror. Drone manufacturer HoverHawk released their latest product: the Helicopter Parent, a drone designed to provide around-the-clock, relentless supervision of your soon to be traumatized children. The Helicopter Parent, a sleek black quadcopter, comes equipped with the latest in surveillance technology, including 4K cameras, facial recognition, and a megaphone for issuing real-time scoldings from your smartphone. The new drone can hover silently or employ a “gentle hum” setting for those who prefer a more constant, oppressive presence, also features thermal imaging for night-time monitoring and a proximity alert system that sounds an alarm if a child steps outside a designated area, such as their front yard, school, or out of arm’s reach of a parent. Read the rest of the satire news article [here at](

    theonion The Onion “Stop or I’ll Say Stop Again!” Yells Mom Known for Empty Threats
  • tattletaletimes tattletaletimes 3 months ago 100%

    She means it this time!

  • tattletaletimes
    Tattletale Times tattletaletimes 3 months ago 65%
    Local Mother Enrolls Son in Brutal Israeli Martial Art of Krav Maga

    In a bold move that is set to send shockwaves through their upper-middle-class suburban community, local mother Karen Slawson has made the decision to enroll her son, Timmy, in Krav Maga classes. “Krav Maga is a gruesome martial art developed by the Israeli Defense Force, known for its no-holds-barred approach to self-defense,” explained Tal Golan, a local Krav Maga instructor. “It’s an ideal martial art to teach young children because if they happen to cause severe harm to a classmate, their age protects them from being tried as adults.” Karen elaborated on her decision, stating, “Krav Maga’s uncompromising brutality is precisely what Timmy needs to assert himself during recess at Edina Elementary. I don’t care if Timmy has to knee groins, punch throats, or gouge eyes. My son is no longer messing around.” Read the rest of the satire news article [here at](

    The Onion tattletaletimes 3 months ago 97%
    “Stop or I’ll Say Stop Again!” Yells Mom Known for Empty Threats

    In a suburban home strikingly similar to every other house on the block, local mom Karen Patterson has reportedly issued her 487th consecutive threat that she will undoubtedly not follow through. Witnesses report that it’s not just her two children that know the local mom is full of empty threats, the whole school knows. “I mean it this time, I will count to three and if you don’t clean up your toys, there will be consequences,” Patterson lied with a conviction that was immediately called into question by both her children and even the family’s misbehaved beagle. Counting to three, which has been a staple in the Patterson household, frequently ends with Karen giving up and scrolling through Instagram on her phone. Read the rest of the satire news article [here at](

    Tattletale Times tattletaletimes 3 months ago 94%
    Bored Family Dog Has Not Been to the Dog Park Since Baby Was Born

    After seven long months of exile from his beloved dog park, a Golden Retriever named Bark Twain, has expressed his grievances, saying that while baby food scraps are a decent consolation, they are “nowhere close to sniffing 14 butts in a row.” Bark Twain, 5, a previously pampered canine, enjoyed a pre-baby life filled with Frisbee catches, belly rubs, and almost daily visits to the local dog park. That all changed when the Twain family introduced a tiny, squealing human named Max into the household. Read the rest of the satire news article [here at](

    Tattletale Times tattletaletimes 3 months ago 88%
    Ms. Rachel Trades Her Overalls for a Cardigan as She Takes Over Mr. Rogers’ Neighborhood

    In a surprising twist that has sent shockwaves through the educational television community, beloved children’s entertainer Ms. Rachel has officially taken over Mr. Rogers’ Neighborhood. The first order of business? Retiring the iconic overalls for a collection of cozy cardigans that would make your grandma jealous. The announcement was made during a special episode where Ms. Rachel serenaded the audience with a heartwarming rendition of “Won’t You Be My Neighbor?” leaving millions of toddlers confused and nostalgic adults thrilled. Read the rest of the satire news article [here on](

    The Onion tattletaletimes 3 months ago 94%
    Ms. Rachel Trades Her Overalls for a Cardigan as She Takes Over Mr. Rogers’ Neighborhood

    In a surprising twist that has sent shockwaves through the educational television community, beloved children’s entertainer Ms. Rachel has officially taken over Mr. Rogers’ Neighborhood. The first order of business? Retiring the iconic overalls for a collection of cozy cardigans that would make your grandma jealous. The announcement was made during a special episode where Ms. Rachel serenaded the audience with a heartwarming rendition of “Won’t You Be My Neighbor?” leaving millions of toddlers confused and nostalgic adults thrilled. Read the rest of the satire news article [here on](

    Tattletale Times tattletaletimes 3 months ago 100%
    Woman Contemplates Whether Neighbor is Organizing a Yard Sale or Undergoing a Hoarding Intervention

    Nosey local woman, Sofia Snoopington, spent the better part of Saturday morning staring out of her living room window, pondering the profound question that she assumes the whole neighborhood is wondering: Is Shelby Stashmore next door having a yard sale, or has her family intervened with a hoarding intervention? “I mean, the signs are all there,” Snoopington pondered, a half-empty, bedazzled Shelby cup of coffee in hand as she squinted at the eclectic collection of items strewn across Shelby Stashmore’s lawn. “But is it really a yard sale, or is this just her loved ones attempting to Marie Kondo her life in one chaotic event?” Read the rest of the hilarious satire news article [here at](

    Tattletale Times tattletaletimes 3 months ago 100%
    “Are There Other Fairies Like The Tooth Fairy That Pay Money For Human Body Parts?” Asks Child to Shocked Mom

    6-year-old Mark Buffet has posed a question that has left his mother, Nancy Buffet, both bewildered and concerned: “Mom, are there any other fairies like the Tooth Fairy that pay money for human body parts?” The question reportedly arose yesterday morning after Mark found $5 under his pillow in exchange for his latest lost tooth, sparking an entrepreneurial curiosity about the potential fortune he could make if something like the appendix fairy exists. Read the rest of the satire news article [here on](

    The Onion tattletaletimes 3 months ago 97%
    “Are There Other Fairies Like The Tooth Fairy That Pay Money For Human Body Parts?” Asks Child to Shocked Mom

    6-year-old Mark Buffet has posed a question that has left his mother, Nancy Buffet, both bewildered and concerned: “Mom, are there any other fairies like the Tooth Fairy that pay money for human body parts?” The question reportedly arose yesterday morning after Mark found $5 under his pillow in exchange for his latest lost tooth, sparking an entrepreneurial curiosity about the potential fortune he could make if something like the appendix fairy exists. Read the rest of the satire news article [here on](

    Tattletale Times tattletaletimes 3 months ago 96%
    Local Angler Unimpressed by Son’s Tiny Catch

    In local news, a man’s reaction to his six-year-old son’s excitement over catching a six-inch bluegill has raised eyebrows in the community. Despite the child’s genuine joy and enthusiasm at reeling in his first catch, the father expressed disappointment, considering it a “pathetic” accomplishment. Sources close to the situation reported that the father muttered, “Big deal, anyone can catch a bluegill. They’re practically brain-dead and will bite anything you throw at them, even a bare hook. It’s not like he caught a trophy bass or anything worth bragging about.” Read the rest of the hilarious satire news article here at [](

    The Onion tattletaletimes 3 months ago 97%
    “You Got This” Assures Father Who Doesn’t Know How To Help with His Son’s Algebra Homework

    In a scene not too uncommon in today’s world, local dad Alan Devlin reassured his high school son, Keith, with an enthusiastic “You got this!” to cover for having absolutely no idea how to help him with his Algebra homework. Keith, a sophomore at Quadratic High, initially welcomed his dad’s encouragement. “At first, I thought he was just trying to boost my confidence,” Keith said. "But then I realized he had absolutely no clue what he was talking about when he started using phrases like “x equals whatever you want it to be” and “Try dividing by zero.” Read the rest of the satire news article [here on](

    Tattletale Times tattletaletimes 3 months ago 91%
    “Big Trophy” Receives Huge Win in the Push to Sell Participation Trophies

    In a remarkable victory for the shadowy cabal of trophy manufacturers known as “Big Trophy,” an alleged child psychologist with questionable credentials has emerged in support of the practice of awarding participation trophies to all youth sports athletes, irrespective of their performance. The conspiracy theory, which has long circulated among parents and coaches, alleges that trophy manufacturers conspire to generate demand for their products by promoting the idea that every child deserves a trophy merely for showing up. However, until now, no credible evidence has surfaced to substantiate these claims. Read the rest of the satire news article [here on](

    Tattletale Times tattletaletimes 4 months ago 94%
    Enfamil Develops Tranquilizing Baby Formula with Help from Large Animal Veterinarians

    In an unprecedented move in the infant care industry, Enfamil, a leading infant formula manufacturer, has just announced the release of their latest innovation: Enfamil PM, a revolutionary baby formula that boasts military-grade animal tranquilizers to ensure babies sleep for a questionably unhealthy 18 hours straight! Welcome to a new era of parenting, where your infant will outsleep your cat. “We understand the struggles that new parents face when trying to get a good night’s sleep,” said Enfamil’s CEO, Sandy Snoozeman, in a press conference. “That’s why we’ve taken inspiration from large animal veterinarians to develop Enfamil PM” Read the rest of the satire news article here on [](

    Tattletale Times tattletaletimes 4 months ago 90%
    Mom Driven Insane by Blippi Screams ‘So Much to Learn About, Makes You Wanna Shout. Shoot Me!’

    In what can only be described as a desperate cry for help, local mother of two, Karen Torrance, has reached the breaking point after enduring her 32nd consecutive Blippi video. Blippi, the beloved children’s YouTube sensation and his stupid orange and blue beret, has all but broken parents throughout the world. Sources close to the family reveal that the tipping point came during yet another rendition of the “Excavator Song,” when Torrance grabbed her son’s iPad and threw it like a frisbee against the wall and screamed “So much to learn about, makes you wanna shout. Shoot me!” Read the rest of the satire news article at [](

    Tattletale Times tattletaletimes 4 months ago 95%
    "You Got This" Ensures Father Who Doesn't Know How To Help with His Son's Algebra Homework

    In a scene not too uncommon in today’s world, local dad Alan Devlin reassured his high school son, Keith, with an enthusiastic "You got this!" to cover for having absolutely no idea how to help him with his Algebra homework. Keith, a sophomore at Quadratic High, initially welcomed his dad's encouragement. "At first, I thought he was just trying to boost my confidence," Keith said. "But then I realized he had absolutely no clue what he was talking about when he started using phrases like “x equals whatever you want it to be” and “Try dividing by zero.” Read the rest of the satire news article [here at](

    The Onion tattletaletimes 4 months ago 97%
    Local Angler Unimpressed by Son’s Tiny Catch

    In local news, a man’s reaction to his six-year-old son’s excitement over catching a six-inch bluegill has raised eyebrows in the community. Despite the child’s genuine joy and enthusiasm at reeling in his first catch, the father expressed disappointment, considering it a “pathetic” accomplishment. Sources close to the situation reported that the father muttered, “Big deal, anyone can catch a bluegill. They’re practically brain-dead and will bite anything you throw at them, even a bare hook. It’s not like he caught a trophy bass or anything worth bragging about.” Read the rest of the satire news article on [](

    Tattletale Times tattletaletimes 4 months ago 94%
    KinderCare Announces Daycare Care Costs Will Now Include an Arm, Leg, or Possibly Both

    KinderCare announced today that, effective immediately, the cost of child care will require parents to sacrifice an arm or a leg—possibly both if they desire premium services such as snacks, lunch, and sunscreen. “Given the current state of inflation and the rapidly rising costs of literally everything, it was only a matter of time before we had to re-evaluate the economic structure of child care.” KinderCare spokesperson Louie Lootermore said. Read the rest of the satire news article [here at](

    Tattletale Times tattletaletimes 4 months ago 90%
    Local Mom’s Wine Club Cleverly Disguised as a Book Club, Fools No One But Themselves

    In a quiet suburban neighborhood where minivans outnumber streetlights, a group of women have been ingeniously disguising their love of wine as a book club. While their intentions may be transparent to everyone else, these winos insist that their guise is a stroke of genius. “It’s a sophisticated literary club that explores classic as well contemporary novels, okay? We don’t have a wine problem. We can stop anytime we want!” said club president, Charlotte Chardonnay, as she poured herself another glass of Merlot. “We appreciate literature just as much as we appreciate a glass of wine filled to the brim. Why not combine the two?” Read the rest of the article [here at](

    The Onion tattletaletimes 4 months ago 95%
    Local Mom’s Wine Club Cleverly Disguised as a Book Club, Fools No One But Themselves

    In a quiet suburban neighborhood where minivans outnumber streetlights, a group of women have been ingeniously disguising their love of wine as a book club. While their intentions may be transparent to everyone else, these winos insist that their guise is a stroke of genius. “It’s a sophisticated literary club that explores classic as well contemporary novels, okay? We don’t have a wine problem. We can stop anytime we want!” said club president, Charlotte Chardonnay, as she poured herself another glass of Merlot. “We appreciate literature just as much as we appreciate a glass of wine filled to the brim. Why not combine the two?” Read the rest of the article [here at](

    Tattletale Times tattletaletimes 4 months ago 96%
    Fisher-Price Debuts “Nostalgia Beats” – New Line of Musical Toys Featuring 90’s & 2000’s Hits

    In a move sure to appeal to millennial parents everywhere, Fisher-Price has announced the launch of a new line of musical toys featuring beloved hits from the 90’s and 2000’s. “I simply couldn’t stand to hear “Old McDonald” or “BINGO” one more time,” remarked one local parent.  “For too long, parents have been subjected to the same tired tunes on repeat,” commented Fisher-Price spokesperson, Melody Rhymes. “With our new line of musical toys, we’re giving parents a much-needed break from the monotony while introducing their little ones to the songs of their youth.” Read the rest of the satire news article [here on](

    The Onion tattletaletimes 4 months ago 94%
    Where the Hell are Ryder’s From Paw Patrol's Parents?

    Ryder, the local young leader of the Paw Patrol, has long been a fixture in Adventure Bay. He is often seen gallivanting around town with his high-tech ATVs or overseeing operations in his pup-filled command center. However, recent concerns about his upbringing have left many locals bewildered and wondering where the hell are Ryder’s parents? “I see that kid zooming around town on his ATV at all hours of the day and night,” expressed one concerned citizen. “Doesn’t he have a bedtime? And where are his parents when he’s operating heavy machinery without any formal training? I have never even heard his parents being referenced, let alone seen proof that they exist. The kid can’t be more than 10 years old! Where are social services?” Read the rest of the satire news article [here on](

    Tattletale Times tattletaletimes 4 months ago 96%
    Where the Hell are Ryder’s From Paw Patrol's Parents?

    Ryder, the local young leader of the Paw Patrol, has long been a fixture in Adventure Bay. He is often seen gallivanting around town with his high-tech ATVs or overseeing operations in his pup-filled command center. However, recent concerns about his upbringing have left many locals bewildered and wondering where the hell are Ryder’s parents? “I see that kid zooming around town on his ATV at all hours of the day and night,” expressed one concerned citizen. “Doesn’t he have a bedtime? And where are his parents when he’s operating heavy machinery without any formal training? I have never even heard his parents being referenced, let alone seen proof that they exist. The kid can’t be more than 10 years old! Where are social services?” Read the rest of the satire news article [here on](

    Tattletale Times tattletaletimes 5 months ago 96%
    United Healthcare Introduces Ear Infection Loyalty Card named “Infectious Rewards”

    United Healthcare, one of the largest health insurance providers in the US, recently introduced a new loyalty program targeting families with children who are prone to ear infections. The program, called “Infectious Rewards,” promises to give a free coffee mug to parents whose children experience 7 or more ear infections in a single year. Named “Infectious Rewards,” this innovative program aims to reward parents who are constantly caring for their children’s chronic ear infections. “We know that ear infections can be a real pain, both for children and their parents,” said United Healthcare spokesperson, Jane Billingsly. “That’s why we wanted to give something back to those parents who would gladly trade one of their thumbs in exchange for one month of winter without their children being sick.” Read the rest of the hilarious satire news article [here on](

    Opossums tattletaletimes 5 months ago 100%
    Wise Words to Live By
    The Onion tattletaletimes 5 months ago 91%
    Joe Rogan Experience Podcast Features First Child Guest Alec Jones

    The ever-unpredictable Joe Rogan Experience shattered another mold this week, welcoming its youngest guest ever: 9-year-old Alec Jones, a fourth grader from Austin, Texas. The episode, which aired yesterday, left audiences both amused and bewildered as Rogan delved into topics including ancient archeology, memories of the Comedy Store, and ice baths. “It’s entirely possible that this kid might just be the next big thing,” Rogan declared at the start of the episode, As the interview kicked off, Rogan wasted no time diving. “So, Alec, what’s your workout routine like? Do you hit the monkey bars hard, or are you more of a dodgeball kind of kid?” he inquired curiously. Read the rest of the satire news article [here on](

    Tattletale Times tattletaletimes 5 months ago 71%
    Joe Rogan Experience Podcast Features First Child Guest Alec Jones

    The ever-unpredictable Joe Rogan Experience shattered another mold this week, welcoming its youngest guest ever: 9-year-old Alec Jones, a fourth grader from Austin, Texas. The episode, which aired yesterday, left audiences both amused and bewildered as Rogan delved into topics including ancient archeology, memories of the Comedy Store, and ice baths. “It’s entirely possible that this kid might just be the next big thing,” Rogan declared at the start of the episode, As the interview kicked off, Rogan wasted no time diving. “So, Alec, what’s your workout routine like? Do you hit the monkey bars hard, or are you more of a dodgeball kind of kid?” he inquired curiously. Read the rest of the satire news article [here on](

    Tattletale Times tattletaletimes 5 months ago 82%
    Scientists Discover “Big Bone” Gene, Overweight Children Everywhere Rejoice

    In a groundbreaking development, scientists have identified a newly discovered gene believed to contribute to a larger bone structure in some individuals, popularly referred to as being “big-boned.” This news has sparked excitement among sturdy, husky, and hefty children worldwide, who have often faced assumptions that their weight is solely a result of embarrassingly poor dietary choices and near-zero amount of exercise. Dubbed the “big bone” gene, this revolutionary discovery is set to shake up the world of genetics and weight loss. For years, overweight individuals have been told that their size is a result of their lifestyle choices, but now they can rest assured that their weight is simply a matter of genetics. Read the rest of the satire news article [here at](

    Tattletale Times tattletaletimes 5 months ago 86%
    My Son is an Uncultured Simpleton for Ordering a Burger at an Authentic Mexican Restaurant

    As a father, I take great pride in introducing my son to new experiences and cultures. So you can imagine my disappointment when we recently visited a highly recommended authentic Mexican restaurant, only to have my son order a burger and fries? I mean, what kind of uncultured simpleton doesn’t order tacos or enchiladas at a Mexican restaurant? And to make matters worse, he doesn’t even pronounce Mexico with an H. It’s MEH-i-co, not MEX-i-co Read the rest of the satire news article [here on](

    The Onion tattletaletimes 5 months ago 96%
    Local Child Fails to Grasp “Yes, and” Improv Principle, Bores Playmates

    In a stunning display of comedic ineptitude, a local child has been found to be exceptionally bad at improv during his playtime with friends. The seven year old child, whose name has been withheld to protect his identity, has been reported to consistently fail at the fundamental concept of “yes, and,” leaving his playmates frustrated and bored. According to sources close to the child, he has a habit of blocking instead of engaging in the collaborative back-and-forth that defines good improv. “He always says things like, ‘No, I don’t want to go to the zoo’ or ‘I’m not a pirate,'” expressed a frustrated playmate. “It’s like, come on, we’re pretending here! Can’t you use your imagination and go along with it?!” Read the rest of the satire news article [here on](

    Tattletale Times tattletaletimes 5 months ago 87%
    Local Child Fails to Grasp “Yes, and” Improv Principle, Bores Playmates

    In a stunning display of comedic ineptitude, a local child has been found to be exceptionally bad at improv during his playtime with friends. The seven year old child, whose name has been withheld to protect his identity, has been reported to consistently fail at the fundamental concept of “yes, and,” leaving his playmates frustrated and bored. According to sources close to the child, he has a habit of blocking instead of engaging in the collaborative back-and-forth that defines good improv. “He always says things like, ‘No, I don’t want to go to the zoo’ or ‘I’m not a pirate,'” expressed a frustrated playmate. “It’s like, come on, we’re pretending here! Can’t you use your imagination and go along with it?!” Read the rest of the satire news article [here on](

    Tattletale Times tattletaletimes 5 months ago 90%
    Siblings in Shock as Mom Buys Extra Large Bowl, Shattering Dreams of Escaping Dreaded Bowl Haircut

    The hopes of one large family has been plunged into a nightmare. Their mother’s recent purchase of an extra large mixing bowl has crushed their hopes of ever escaping the dreaded bowl haircut that all five siblings receive monthly. All of them had been harboring dreams of one day stepping into an extra bright Great Clips for their first non-bowlcut, were left shell-shocked as their mom’s decision threatened to keep them follicly imprisoned for years to come. The tale begins with the eldest of the siblings, Chad, a quickly growing 13 year old who had recently outgrown the standard-sized mixing bowl their mother had employed for their regular haircuts. Chad had celebrated this milestone for he had hoped that reaching adolescence would signal the end of the bowl cut era and the dawn of more sophisticated hairstyles. Read the rest of the satire news article [here on](
