firefox Firefox I had a low expectations from Mozilla, but holy shit.
  • smpl smpl 19 hours ago 80%

    As a general stance "People want me to give them free shit. I say gtfo.", I understand you.

    That's just not proportional to Mozilla and Firefox. In 2022 they had a total revenue of $595 million¹. That allows them to hire 3305 software developers at a salary of $180.000. Google was responsible for 81% of that revenue¹. If you remove Google and their influence from the equation you're left with $113 millon and Mozilla can then hire 628 software developers. I think that would be more than adequate to maintain a browser.

  • firefox Firefox Orbit by Mozilla
  • smpl smpl 19 hours ago 100%

    lol, I think we're giving too little credit to the marketing people in tech. I want to read their blogs!

  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    Teknologi smpl 1 week ago 87%
    Carpentopod: Det mobile sofabord

    Giliam de Carpentier skrev noget software for sjov til at generere forskellige optimerede gangmekanismer. Kombineret med elektronik- og snedkerevner blev en af gangmekanismerne til et trådløst gående sofabord i træ. Carpentopod.

    Forskning og Videnskab smpl 1 week ago 100%
    Papirtyper rangeret efter sandsynlighed for paper cut

    >Gennem tests med en hud stand-in har en trio af fysikere fra Danmarks Tekniske Universitet rangeret de typer papir, der har størst sandsynlighed for at give paper cut. I en artikel offentliggjort i Physical Review E har Sif Fink Arnbjerg-Nielsen, Matthew Biviano og Kaare Jensen testet skæreevnen og omstændighederne involveret i paper cuts for at sammensætte deres rangliste. Artikel mm. kan findes her

    selfhosted Selfhosted Is there any way to save storage on similar images?
  • smpl smpl 2 weeks ago 100%

    It seems that we focus our interest in two different parts of the problem.

    Finding the most optimal way to classify which images are best compressed in bulk is an interesting problem in itself. In this particular problem the person asking it had already picked out similar images by hand and they can be identified by their timestamp for optimizing a comparison of similarity. What I wanted to find out was how well the similar images can be compressed with various methods and codecs with minimal loss of quality. My goal was not to use it as a method to classify the images. It was simply to examine how well the compression stage would work with various methods.

  • privacy Privacy Why do you care about privacy?
  • smpl smpl 2 weeks ago 94%

    It's a pillar of democracy to protect the autonomy of the people.

  • privacy Privacy Why do you care about privacy?
  • smpl smpl 2 weeks ago 100%

    It is a human right..

  • selfhosted Selfhosted Is there any way to save storage on similar images?
  • smpl smpl 2 weeks ago 100%

    Wait.. this is exactly the problem a video codec solves. Scoot and give me some sample data!

  • selfhosted Selfhosted Is there any way to save storage on similar images?
  • smpl smpl 2 weeks ago 100%

    I was not talking about classification. What I was talking about was a simple probe at how well a collage of similar images compares in compressed size to the images individually. The hypothesis is that a compression codec would compress images with similar colordistribution in a spritesheet better than if it encode each image individually. I don't know, the savings might be neglible, but I'd assume that there was something to gain at least for some compression codecs. I doubt doing deduplication post compression has much to gain.

    I think you're overthinking the classification task. These images are very similar and I think comparing the color distribution would be adequate. It would of course be interesting to compare the different methods :)

  • selfhosted Selfhosted Is there any way to save storage on similar images?
  • smpl smpl 2 weeks ago 75%

    The first thing I would do writing such a paper would be to test current compression algorithms by create a collage of the similar images and see how that compares to the size of the indiviual images.

  • c_programming The C Programming Language Are there better alternatives to null-terminated strings?
  • smpl smpl 3 weeks ago 100%

    Yes and no. Sometimes a NUL terminated string allow you to make the simplest algorithms. Apart from NUL terminated strings I use structs with a buffer pointer and length or one with a start and an end pointer when that makes the implementation simpler. NULL terminated arrays are also often an efficient way to make your algorithms simple. Go for the data representation that allow you to make the simplest algorithms.

  • bash Bash Pipe wget output into bzip2 for decompression
  • smpl smpl 3 weeks ago 100%

    I think you just need to redirect¹ stdout from bzip2 to a file.

    wget -qO- "" | bzip2 -dv > img


  • teknologi Teknologi Danske virksomheder både frygter og elsker kunstig intelligens: ‘Man tør ikke sidde for længe tilbage på perronen’
  • smpl smpl 3 weeks ago 92%

    Jeg sidder trygt og roligt på perronen med en kop kaffe og ser tosserne løbe rundt og råbe AI uden at de ved hvad det er eller hvad de skal bruge det til. Jeg har ro i maven, bortset fra at jeg begynder at kunne mærke kaffen lidt. Jeg gør som jeg altid har gjort. Jeg bruger de bedste værktøjer til at løse en opgave og det måles ikke på hvordan man udtaler værktøjets navn. Måske bruger det et neuralt netværk måske gør det ikke. Det er ret uvigtigt i forhold til løsningen af opgaven. Det er software. Det er et værktøj. Parametrene er korrekthed og effektivitet.

    Hvis digitaliseringslemmingerne lige holder sig for ørene så har jeg en ting jeg vil sige... hallo! kan i høre mig?.. nej, godt.

    Nogle gange er et digitalt værktøj slet ikke den bedste løsning.

    Så er det sagt. Jeg bliver nødt til at smutte nu, for jeg skal lige høre en erfaren kollegas mening om noget inden min pause er slut. Jeg orker nemlig ikke at skulle spørge en maskine, der kan sætte ord sammen i en overbevisende rækkefølge. Hvis min kollega ikke ved det så ser jeg om jeg kan finde en bog eller nogle artikler fra nogle andre erfarne mennesker, der har sat sig ind i emnet. Vi ses.

    Sorry, I don't understand 'Jeg sidder trygt og roligt på.......'

  • technology technology NoScript is revelatory
  • smpl smpl 3 weeks ago 100%

    Is that still the default answer on stackoverflow?

    • Q: I'm having trouble turning on my computer.
    • A: Use jQuery!
  • technology technology Microsoft donates the Mono Project to the Wine team
  • smpl smpl 3 weeks ago 100%

    Thank you Microsoft! Eternal gratitude for the kind things you do for us in the Free Software community...

    I'm not explicitly mentioned in the post, but effectively the maintainer duties for the Mono project now fall on me.

    -- Esme Povirk

    I am going to have to request that issues and code contributions be refiled at Winehq for those who still care about them. I have enough on my plate just getting things up and running in their new home, along with my other duties at CodeWeavers, and I don't have the bandwidth to sort through that whole backlog.

    -- Esme Povirk

    libgdiplus does, as it's a Mono (class library) dependency. So do any submodules. But I don't think we can handle separate projects like MonoDevelop, unless they're important for some reason.

    -- Esme Povirk

    I can't spend any time on it, I'm stretched thin as it is. Winehq could probably provide a space for it, but I can't help with development.

    -- Esme Povirk

  • librewolf LibreWolf WTF - you had only one job and you are failing in it.
  • smpl smpl 3 weeks ago 100%

    dom.push.enabled = false

  • privacy Privacy live location sharing?
  • smpl smpl 4 weeks ago 100%

    What are your expectations for the software? I assume it's not enough to use a group chat and tell people where you are, but from the description you've given that would be my suggestion.

  • linuxmemes linuxmemes Concept: beer that is free as in freedom, not as in gratis
  • smpl smpl 4 weeks ago 100%

    I think that B is a problem for everyones eyes :)

  • smpl smpl 4 weeks ago 100%

    I have this in code I'm writing right now...

    #ifdef DEBUG
        #define DEBUG_PRINT(...) printf(__VA_ARGS__)
        #define DEBUG_PRINT(...)

    It is the most straighforward way to get the state of things while hammering on the keyboard trying to mash up something that looks like a program.

  • smpl smpl 4 weeks ago 100%

    Tests? What tests?

  • smpl smpl 4 weeks ago 100%

    That's a lot of trouble, you can just ask it if it's telling the truth.

  • cybersecuritymemes Cybersecurity - Memes Obscure password requirements
  • smpl smpl 4 weeks ago 100%

    The good old NTLM rule of max 8 characters and all converted to uppercase. It was a simple rule and if you forgot your password you could easily bruteforce it with normal consumer hardware.

  • linuxmemes linuxmemes Concept: beer that is free as in freedom, not as in gratis
  • smpl smpl 4 weeks ago 100%

    I take it you haven't heard about Free Beer.

  • selfhosted Selfhosted Invoice system with hour tracking?
  • smpl smpl 4 weeks ago 100%

    Desktop Applications

  • firefox Firefox Mozilla Has Been Suspiciously Silent About Google And Manifest V3
  • smpl smpl 4 weeks ago 100%

    One of the most controversial changes of Chrome’s MV3 approach is the removal of blocking WebRequest, which provides a level of power and flexibility that is critical to enabling advanced privacy and content blocking features. Unfortunately, that power has also been used to harm users in a variety of ways. Chrome’s solution in MV3 was to define a more narrowly scoped API (declarativeNetRequest) as a replacement. However, this will limit the capabilities of certain types of privacy extensions without adequate replacement.

    Mozilla will maintain support for blocking WebRequest in MV3. To maximize compatibility with other browsers, we will also ship support for declarativeNetRequest. We will continue to work with content blockers and other key consumers of this API to identify current and future alternatives where appropriate. Content blocking is one of the most important use cases for extensions, and we are committed to ensuring that Firefox users have access to the best privacy tools available.

  • firefox Firefox How to Switch From Chrome to Firefox (and Why You Should)
  • smpl smpl 4 weeks ago 100%

    Librewolf explicitly reject donations.

  • programmer_humor Programmer Humor “C has known memory footguns. C++, due to its complexity, has footnukes.” - Hacker News comment
  • smpl smpl 4 weeks ago 100%

    The quote is a derivative of something Bjarne Stroustrup said himself¹.

    C makes it easy to shoot yourself in the foot; C++ makes it harder, but when you do it blows your whole leg off


  • librewolf LibreWolf Thank you! ALSA works again without pulseaudio in 129.0.1-1
  • smpl smpl 1 month ago 100%

    Ah okay, so you're not attempting to deprecate ALSA. That's a relief! :)

  • teknologi Teknologi Mark Zuckerberg og Facebook sagsøger det europæiske datatilsyn: Vil have ændret central afgørelse [at 'Pay or Okay' ikke er lovligt]
  • smpl smpl 1 month ago 100%

    Den kan vel bare kasseres. GDPR er ret klar om at det er ulovlig praksis, der er overhovedet ingen tvivl.

  • librewolf LibreWolf Thank you! ALSA works again without pulseaudio in 129.0.1-1
  • smpl smpl 1 month ago 100%

    The most recent commit is removing it again. I see no reason in the commits for this back and forth ALSA removal, do you know what it is about?

  • technology Technology Apple vs EU Commission: the FSFE intervenes to safeguard Free Software
  • smpl smpl 1 month ago 75%

    Intervene? I don't think they have that kind of power ;)

  • privacy Privacy Degoogling my phoone - Feeling like is too much trouble for the privacy
  • smpl smpl 1 month ago 100%

    The other commenters in this thread seems to be giving you good advice and moral support, so I'm just going to give my input which comes from a perspective that's a bit different.

    Sometimes especially when the options we have are contrary to our beliefs, we have to consider if we really need to be a part of it. Sometimes the burden is the smartphone itself. I don't use smartphones and I couldn't be happier, somehow my life didn't end. The last one I had was the N900 and even though it was a pretty cool pocketcomputer, I guess it's now been around 10 years since I last had a smartphone. I don't miss it and especially not when I see other people who have one. It's scary so addictive it seems to be. Pen and paper for data sharing and just calling people can accomplish many tasks.

    Old people with bad eyesight also need banking, so I'd hope theres a bank out there who don't require a smartphone. In my country banks use the national id for authentication and you can get a TOTP keychain for the 2FA instead of an app, perhabs similar options exist.

    Anyway, I hope you find something that works for you. Life is a process.

  • datahoarder datahoarder Suggestions wanted re: Saving/archiving web pages
  • smpl smpl 1 month ago 100%

    I use WebScrapBook on LibreWolf. It let you choose between saving to single html, maff and htz. I prefer the htz format where resources are stored next to the page in an archive. It can also be viewed natively by Firefox-based browsers using the URI scheme jar:file:///home/me/somepage.htz!/index.html.

  • degoogle DeGoogle Yourself Google Fiber is the only decent home ISP around here. What do I do?
  • smpl smpl 2 months ago 88%

    My recommendation:

    1. Write to your politicians and tell them that cables should become provider neutral to increase competition.
    2. Find a cheaper wireless provider and move what can be moved to offline first.
    3. Write your current provider and tell them why you cancel.
  • technology Technology Google Chrome is no longer 'deprecating third-party cookies'
  • smpl smpl 2 months ago 100%

    Thank you.

    Interesting that they'll make it a user choice. Who would answer yes?

    On 22 July 2024, Google announced that it is changing its approach to Privacy Sandbox. Instead of removing third-party cookies from Chrome, it will be introducing a user-choice prompt, which will allow users to choose whether to retain third party cookies.

  • technology Technology Google Chrome is no longer 'deprecating third-party cookies'
  • smpl smpl 2 months ago 50%

    Do you have a source for that excus.. uehm.. claim?

  • programmer_humor Programmer Humor Bold Ideas For Funding Open Source Software
  • smpl smpl 2 months ago 100%

    That's the last stage of being a FOSS developer.

  • retrogaming RetroGaming Metal Gear Solid's E3 Reveal Had The Syphon Filter Team "Despairing" | Time Extension
  • smpl smpl 2 months ago 100%

    To me Syphon Filter was like "I want more of this" after playing Metal Gear Solid. Plenty room for two stealth games. To be honest I don't remember any other cutscene sequences from Metal Gear Solid other than "snaaaaaaake... snaaaake..".

  • privacy Privacy I created a light DNS page for me.
  • smpl smpl 2 months ago 100%

    From what I read these articles talk about post infection use of OpenNIC tlds. Anyway it was just a suggestion, it's always a good idea to only use DNS servers you trust :)

  • privacy Privacy I created a light DNS page for me.
  • smpl smpl 2 months ago 66%

    I don't understand how that would be a security risk to you. Even if I understood what the threat vector was, it would be very inefficient to use an OpenNIC tld to spread malware as you only target 0.0001% (random very low number) of internet users.

  • firefox Firefox Jonathan Kamens: "It has come to my attention that many of the people complaining about Firefox's PPA experiment don't actually understand what PPA is…" -
  • smpl smpl 2 months ago 62%

    You're in trouble already as a business, wasting a lot of money, if you don't know where your target audience is. What you argue is that this is used for a business to probe where an advertisement would work. I'd argue that that is a very expensive way of finding your target audience, because you still have to pay for all the ads that didn't work. There are much better ways of figuring out where your target audience is.

    I think most people believe that this obsessive data collection is neccessary, only because Google has repeatedly painted that narrative. This better advertising is just coincidentally the form of advertising that Google is in the best position to supply.

    If you carefully pick the places you advertise and do statistics on how it affect your business while a campaign runs I'm willing to bet you get a much better return. As a bonus to saving money you didn't have to shit on an important principle in democracy, the autonomy of the people, protected by something called privacy.

  • privacy Privacy Firefox added ad tracking and has already turned it on without asking you
  • smpl smpl 2 months ago 90%

    Did you ironically preserve the utm_source parameter?

  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner smpl 4 months ago 92%
    Hvor mange EM ottendedels-finaler viser TV2?

    Er det alle 4 eller alle 8? ;)

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    Teknologi smpl 8 months ago 89%
    Det er en IPv4 adresse