technology Technology Qualcomm's Powerful PC Chip Is Worse for AMD Than for Intel
  • sapient_cogbag sapient_cogbag 6 months ago 100%

    I just wish we'd get solid, affordable RISC-V already. Especially with the arbitrary-length vector instruction extension, which I find to be a much better design for hardware compatibility than the fixed width extensions in x86 (and ARM too, AFAIK).

  • lgbtq_plus LGBTQ+ Kim Davis must pay $260,000 legal fees over same-sex marriage license refusal
  • sapient_cogbag sapient_cogbag 9 months ago 100%

    Go fash get financially smashed

  • 196 196 One More Lane
  • sapient_cogbag sapient_cogbag 9 months ago 100%

    That train looks seriously awesome :p

  • 196 196 has not been fact checked rule
  • sapient_cogbag sapient_cogbag 10 months ago 100%

    The catholic church still considers being trans a sin (and hence inferior to being cis).

    I wish people would stop whitewashing that organisation, even if this is a tiny amount of progress (no shade on the op, just a general comment on the way conversations around organised religion and the catholic church in general seem to be happening >.<)

  • linuxmemes linuxmemes It's OK if you cry
  • sapient_cogbag sapient_cogbag 10 months ago 100%

    Life Pro Tip

  • autism Autism The Antinatalism subreddit basically promoting eugenics against autistic people
  • sapient_cogbag sapient_cogbag 12 months ago 87%

    ITT: people advocating eugenics on themselves. I hate it. I hate seeing it. And stuff like this is psychologically destructive to read for me.

    If people here don't like others with similar traits to them advocating that their life and perspective is not valuable and that they should hate it and wish no-one new experience it, I recommend avoiding this thread - even moreso if you have suicidal tendencies. It was very upsetting for me ;-;, even though I personally have no intent to have kids.

  • linux Linux Microsoft published a guide on how to install Linux.
  • sapient_cogbag sapient_cogbag 12 months ago 100%

    I'm not sure they'll succeed in extinguishing linux. But I do get the worry, especially with WSL.

    What I am more worried about is them potentially extinguishing git via their control of github. In particular, with their github cli tool and such >.<

  • opensource Open Source This gives Google LESS access to your data! - YouTube
  • sapient_cogbag sapient_cogbag 12 months ago 100%

    I've always thought of "blob" in yerms of ot being opaque and hard to understand, like a blob of putty with little structure you can dig into to get at it, you just have to take it as one solid barely understandable mass to use it.

    Never thought of it as Binary Large OBject ;p

  • unitedkingdom United Kingdom Rishi Sunak says people ‘can’t be any sex they want to be’ in new swipe at trans community
  • sapient_cogbag sapient_cogbag 12 months ago 95%

    We shouldn’t get bullied into believing people can be any sex they want to be. They can’t

    They can't

    Sounds like a challenge for transhumanist tech to solve 😎✊⚧️Ⓐ💻.

    (Other people have covered the factual incorrectness here - the short of it is that (1) gender =/= sex and (2) "sex" isnt some monolithic thing but a complex, multi-axis thing itself - most of these axes are changeable to various degrees as well ^.^)

  • main Main Community Suddenly seeing more hexbear posts. Did we re-federate with them?
  • sapient_cogbag sapient_cogbag 1 year ago 100%

    It's frustrating, because I have pronouns after my name and I dislike hexbear.... a lot. It is a good idea to have users give pronouns and automatically attach it.

    Their behaviour has made me constantly check if people with pronouns after their names are part of hexbear before engaging in any threads, because of the stress of dealing with them :/, sometimes I do engage anyway and immediately regret it /shrug

    It is depressing, because normally using pronouns like this indicates trans supportiveness so I feel better about conversing with people with them on their names. Hexbear has ruined this because of their behaviour around all other topics and sometimes trans topics.

    Just hope Jerboa gets instance-blocking features soon ;p, then I can block them on both my lemmy accounts ^.^

  • selfhosted Selfhosted Lemmy Safety now supports cleaning local pict-rs storage from CSAM
  • sapient_cogbag sapient_cogbag 1 year ago 80%

    Something that might be useful long term is trying to train an AI and release weights to identify CSAM that admins can use to check images. The main problem is finding a way to do this without storing those kinds of images or video :/

    My understanding is that right now, the main mechanisms involved use several central databases which use perceptual hashes of known CSAM material. The problem is that this ends up being a whackamole solution, and at least in theory governments could use these databases to censor copyrighted or more general "unapproved" content, though i imagine such a db would lose trust quickly and I'm not aware of this being an issue in practise.

    One potential solution is "opportunistic training" where, when new CSAM material gets identified and submitted to the FBI or these databases by various server admins, a small amount of training is done on the AI weights before the image or video is deleted and only a perceptual hash remains. Furthermore, if a picture is reported as "known CSAM" by these dbs, then you do the same thing with that image before it gets deleted.

    To avoid false positives, you also train the AI on general non-CSAM content.

    Ideally this process would be fully automated so no-one has to look at that shit - over time, ypu'd theoretically get a neural net capable of identifying CSAM reliably with few or no false positives or false negatives ^.^. Admins could also try for some kind of distributed training, where each contributes weight deltas from local training, or each builds up LoRA-style improvement modules and people combine them to reduce bandwidth for modification sharing.

  • sapient_cogbag sapient_cogbag 1 year ago 100%

    I guess it's a typo for "baby trans", a sometimes-slightly-derogatory term (but can be neutral too) for people who only recently started transitioning or only recently realised they are trans ^.^

    Some people who've been transitioning for longer don't find the kind of stuff they feel is often posted by """baby trans""" people interesting or enjoyable or relatable. Or they just aren't into online trans meme cultures, or several other things.

  • 196 196 Managerial Feudalism Rule
  • sapient_cogbag sapient_cogbag 1 year ago 100%

    The only reason this happens is that capitalism ties survival to labour. Automation should be liberating us, and yet the structures of capitalism and "protestant work ethic" cause it to do the opposite :/. People would act this way because otherwise the greater efficiency acts as a detriment to their survival ability.

    None of what you said is an argument against worker democracy, but an argument against the fundamental models of capitalism and """free""" market ideology ^.^ (or more generally, any system and ideology which gatekeeps access to basic resources behind their perceived ability to provide "value" or perform labour).

  • unitedkingdom United Kingdom Lockdowns and face masks ‘unequivocally’ cut spread of Covid, report finds
  • sapient_cogbag sapient_cogbag 1 year ago 100%

    If they'd called it Dogs arse Flu you wouldn't even comment.

    This is totally irrelevant?? It was a coronavirus, not a flu virus, which is why it's not called as some kind of flu strain.

    P.S. Sar-cov2 is the alleged infection agent and not Covid19, which is a list of basic symptoms.

    It is the infection agent. Not the """alleged""" infection agent. Also casual conversation and speech is a thing ^.^

  • unitedkingdom United Kingdom Lockdowns and face masks ‘unequivocally’ cut spread of Covid, report finds
  • sapient_cogbag sapient_cogbag 1 year ago 50%

    I assure you i'm not capable of having been infected by a computer model, and I have absolutely been infected with covid-19 in the past.

  • unitedkingdom United Kingdom Apple security updates could be banned by British government
  • sapient_cogbag sapient_cogbag 1 year ago 99%

    The uk has a serious surveillance state cultural problem.

    And holy fuck is this dumb.

  • unixporn Unixporn Hey, we should all really stop using racist slang to refer to customozation
  • sapient_cogbag sapient_cogbag 1 year ago 100%

    I like:

    • fryup + frying
    • dish + cooking
  • lemmyshitpost Lemmy Shitpost No one really understands our struggle
  • sapient_cogbag sapient_cogbag 1 year ago 51%

    "Left leaning landlord" is an oxymoron ;p

    Or at least if someone actually held to their principles, they would not remain both for very long ^.^

    (The concept of a separate ownership class, which is the defining feature of landlordism, is in direct contradiction with leftism, which at the furthest end pushes for the destruction of these sorts of hierarchical class systems, or at the very least attempts to abolish the gatekeeping and hoarding of base necessities like shelter)

  • anarchism Anarchism Equity and equality is good but not enough, we need anarchism
  • sapient_cogbag sapient_cogbag 1 year ago 100%

    Because it's not correct, for a lot of reasons. Even the idea of "human nature" is pretty questionable, at least unless your conception of it is extremely broad and conditional ^.^

    People are capable of cooperation and non-hierarchical/coercive organising and natural disasters and shit demonstrate this. This is just one example of proto-anarchistic organising among many.

  • anarchism Anarchism Equity and equality is good but not enough, we need anarchism
  • sapient_cogbag sapient_cogbag 1 year ago 100%

    Ahh, the "human nature" argument. Never heard that one before /s

  • anarchism Anarchism Equity and equality is good but not enough, we need anarchism
  • sapient_cogbag sapient_cogbag 1 year ago 100%

    I am an anarchist and I do not want to be a strongman. You sound like you don't have even the most basic understanding of anarchism as a political concept <.<

  • neovim Neovim Anyone know what's happening with this-week-in-neovim?
  • sapient_cogbag sapient_cogbag 1 year ago 100%

    Thanks :)

  • neovim
    Neovim sapient_cogbag 1 year ago 94%
    Anyone know what's happening with this-week-in-neovim?

    Seems like TWIN's site ( is down - the dns doesn't resolve. IIRC the author was moving away from neovim and was having some maintainence issues, but I'm curious if anyone else has more info ^.^?

    unitedkingdom United Kingdom The U.K. Government Is Very Close To Eroding Encryption Worldwide, the EFF says
  • sapient_cogbag sapient_cogbag 1 year ago 100%

    Wish governments would stop trying this bullshit. I swear it seems to come up every few years. They just don't seem to be able to accept the idea of people defending themselves against mass surveillance for more than a few years <.<

  • fediverse Fediverse Anyone else having trouble logging in to
  • sapient_cogbag sapient_cogbag 1 year ago 100%

    It lives!

  • selfhosted Selfhosted What WiFi relay system can I host at home?
  • sapient_cogbag sapient_cogbag 1 year ago 66%

    A lot of phones can relay to wifi they are connected to, rather than just using phone signal. That is, instead of using mobile data to provide internet, it forwards connections through the wifi the phone is connected to, essentially acting as a mini router :)

  • 196 196 The transphobia stops now
  • sapient_cogbag sapient_cogbag 1 year ago 94%

    Queer is awesome.

    Also a lot of the "discourse" against it a few years ago was spread by terfs sooo yeah.

  • 196 196 The transphobia stops now
  • sapient_cogbag sapient_cogbag 1 year ago 93%

    196 is a random content community with the simple rule of "post before you leave", so its filled with memes ^.^

    It's also a very trans friendly place. But there was a thread recently with a bunch of "just asking questions", and "trans people are just oversensitive", and "I'm not a bigot, but most trans woman have a chip on their shoulder so I am no longer friends with them" kinda stuff, on a post a (trans) mod made complaining about people reporting a pretty questionable comment.

    Even if people disagreed over the original comment, the thread about it ended up being transphobic as fuck.

    So presumably the admins of (a trans-run instance, who host this, main, c/196 community, on the promise it would be very trans supportive) noticed the lack of moderation of that transphobic thread and are doing something about it ^.^

  • agora The Agora [Vote] Which banner do you prefer?
  • sapient_cogbag sapient_cogbag 1 year ago 100%


  • sapient_cogbag sapient_cogbag 1 year ago 100%

    It was fucking gross.

    People just openly calling "the majority of" trans people oversensitive and having a victim complex. Blegh <.<

  • sapient_cogbag sapient_cogbag 1 year ago 80%

    Private property is not the same as personal property lmao.

    Also grocery stores are hiking prices to make more profits for execs, not "because of theft". I actually think stealing from grocery stores is a bad idea for simple practical reasons (the cost of being caught is way higher than what you save by doing it), but I don't think its unethical <.<

  • 196 196 Listen to the marginalized rule
  • sapient_cogbag sapient_cogbag 1 year ago 100%

    And that other 90% of humanity is working to industrialize to get where we are. It’s a massive issue that as far as I’m aware we have no solution to.

    The problem has never really been industrialisation or resource shortage (e.g Rare Earth Metals aren't really rare at all, just more difficult to extract and the cheapest methods are polluting >.<) . It's that the technologies used to do it in a green way with more automation have been actively pushed against by the oil and gas industry (for example solar cells have been around for a long time but refining the tech to improve cost/kWh could only happen recently with absolutely tons of pressure, or the way cities are designed for cars, etc.), the fact that we do not recycle important resources very much (phosphorous in particular), and also the fact that the upfront cost of automation for the more dangerous aspects is higher than using slave/cheap labour, which is enabled by capitalism in combination with extreme short-term mindsets which prevent automation systems from reaching economies of scale/meta-automation nya. Also, because right now polluting is slightly cheaper in the current economic system than containing waste and even reprocessing it, which is another problem.

    The main risk with "resource shortage" is actually land-use agriculture rather than industrialisation more generally. In particular, we value "unused" (in colonised areas, this is often formerly controlled/managed by indigenous groups, but this was not considered "usage" by colonialists >.<) land very poorly, and our economic systems incentivize using order-of-magnitude less efficient agricultural technologies on wide open land, over using indoor (or vertical) systems which are far more able to recycle water and avoid fertilizer runoff/waste, are more resilient to climactic changes, and produce significantly better yields with no pesticides nya.

    Such systems require some construction and hence the land cost is much higher, even though it would be far more ecosystem-friendly and promote food autonomy for urban areas, as well as allowing "re-wilding" efforts by massively reducing land use. The other problem is energy usage - but generally I think we should prefer higher-energy mechanisms that are more circular and less land-hogging, because electrically powered systems can be and are being green-ified over time as the electric grid becomes more powered by renewables or nuclear.

    Even basic techniques, not including the vast potential of environmentally controlled indoor farms, massively mitigate a lot of the issues with agriculture, but a lot of places are unable to do these sorts of things due to various socioeconomic factors >.<, including things like intellectual property law increasing costs and decreasing mass production capabilities of mechanized agricultural systems (including things like those robots that can kill weeds without pesticides), or access to research and education on these topics for farmers, or the fact that Slash and Burn is often cheaper in the short term.

    For example, the yield of potatoes per hectare has huge variance, with New Zealanders getting on the order of 60-80 tons/hectare, but many other countries getting much lower yields (19-30 tons/hectare >.<). This is just with basic outdoor farming, not including the massive potential of environmentally controlled farms, vertical farms, etc.

    (Note: I haven't mentioned the sand issue around concrete, but I could go on a whole thing about that - it is possible to make artificial sand and we could probably do an economy-of-scale thing with that, too, even if it's higher energy for the same reasons of electrification being a good idea even if right this second it still produces more CO2 than directly harvesting the right type of sand from riverbeds and oceans nya).

  • technology Technology Virtual pet website Neopets plans $4m comeback
  • sapient_cogbag sapient_cogbag 1 year ago 100%
  • fediverse Fediverse The Wikimedia Foundation has joined the fediverse by setting up their own Mastodon server!
  • sapient_cogbag sapient_cogbag 1 year ago 100%

    I came up with an idea (on my alt account ^.^) to improve discoverability... it's more focused on instance or group discovery, though it may be doable for users with a probabalistic reverse index for efficiency. See:

  • autism Autism Telling other people Im autistic be like
  • sapient_cogbag sapient_cogbag 1 year ago 100%

    Note I'm not sure if this comment replied to who I intended it to but its showing up on another comment that fits soooo.

  • autism Autism Telling other people Im autistic be like
  • sapient_cogbag sapient_cogbag 1 year ago 100%

    I say "I'm autistic" at least 40% specifically to avoid people like you and weird gatekeeping crap, despite having been diagnosed for a long time.

    You will never be "one of the good ones" and trying to force yourself to fit a mould, and shitting on other people who are less amenable/able to going through the entire structure, in a hostile and repressive and cruel society will not make them treat you better or provide accommodations more. <.<

    I'm not getting into all the other issues with shitting on self diagnosis around class and accessibility and discrimination (direct or intersectional, e.g. trying to strip trans rights from autistic trans people, where diagnosis is actually dangerous, and people choose to avoid it if they have the option to do so even if they seriously struggle with negative aspects of being autistic) and hyperpathologisation and accusing people of being FaKErS because they aren't sufficiently miserable/self-loathing/self-hating or don't post their negative moments/experiences online. Autistic people are allowed to be happy and express it publically.

    Honestly just sick and tired of seeing this shit in every single space I want to be part of, and pissed off ;p. I hoped this shit died when we collectively told Autism Speaks to fuck off, but apparently that was way too goddamn optimistic.

  • fediverse Fediverse at least one admin accepted an off the record meeting with meta, and they won't tell you about it.
  • sapient_cogbag sapient_cogbag 1 year ago 100%

    I think folks would like some actual evidence before bandwagoning.

    Though good on you for starting your own instance ^.^

  • main Blahaj Lemmy Meta Blåhaj Lemmy hacked
  • sapient_cogbag sapient_cogbag 1 year ago 100%

    That's gotta be what, 4 hours from discovery to patch?

    Impressive work from everyone nya :)

    I love FOSS

  • agora The Agora [Vote] Should we defederate exploding-heads?
  • sapient_cogbag sapient_cogbag 1 year ago 83%


  • transprogrammer Transprogrammer I made a community Matrix Space!
  • sapient_cogbag sapient_cogbag 1 year ago 0%

    Joined :)

    Though I'm not sure if you intended to add any rooms yet - I'm not seeing any.

  • wewantplates We Want Plates Guaranteed to go everywhere!
  • sapient_cogbag sapient_cogbag 1 year ago 100%

    How the fuck are you even meant to eat it xD

  • main
    A Solution for Questions of Defederation

    There has recently been a lot of debate on defederation as a tool. In particular, around exploding-heads and lemmygrad. I am somewhat in favour, but I do understand the concerns of fragmentation (I'm not going to entertain the "free speech" people). I think most people on here - or at least the active commenters, which is a biased sample - don't like the general type of content on those instances and the communities they generate. This means, for instance, most of us probably don't want them appearing in the local and federated feeds. However, the proposal for users to have to manually block those instances isn't really enough, because it means we all have to do this manually even if most of the instance doesn't want to propagate and elevate the content from these other instances. What I think would be best is if/when Lemmy improves moderation tools \^.\^. In particular, I'd suggest that we should push lemmy or actively develop into lemmy (its open source after all) some way to stop either specific communities or posts from entire instances from appearing in the main feeds, while they are still accessible if specifically linked to or searched for - "silencing". One step above per-user blocking of instances, but still below defederation. We could also say "members from this instance can comment but not post" or other things to reduce the risk of hostile brigading and organising on this instance while not directly hindering interoperability \^.\^
