• rostselmasch rostselmasch 10 hours ago 100%

    NATO now deciding what is a red line or not lol

  • mentalhealth Mental Health Looking for advice for my next psychiatrist appointment
  • rostselmasch rostselmasch 2 days ago 100%

    Clonazepan and Quetiapine makes one sleepy.

    also the fact the cocktail of medications I’m on aren’t doing anything for my mood and I’m just falling deeper into a depressed state.

    This is actually what you need to say. You can also freely say, that you are not happy with your medications and you want change. The combination you are taking might not be helpfull for your symptoms. This might be a longer process where you will simply go through trail and error together with your psychiatrist. Simply adding more would be not good, but replacing a medicament with another might work.

  • shitreactionariessay Shit Reactionaries Say This is somehow worse than the CPGB-ML
  • rostselmasch rostselmasch 2 days ago 88%

    There is nothing progressive in the KPRF. Its a shame how the party of the Bolshevik revolution absolutely degenerated in over 100 years

  • asklemmygrad Ask Lemmygrad Why do anarchists seem to be more prone to action than some other leftist groups/Why do anarchists get most of the press these days?
  • rostselmasch rostselmasch 2 days ago 95%

    Enough anarchist are fine with supporting NATO. "Critical Support" this is called.

    Anarchism is bourgeois individualism in reverse. Individualism as the basis of the entire anarchist world outlook.

    It is more compatible with bourgeois ideology than someone may think. Maybe you can give some exemples where you read this headlines, posts on Reddit are also OK.

  • shitreactionariessay Shit Reactionaries Say From the largest Social Democratic party in Russia proving Succdems are a Moderate version of Fascism
  • rostselmasch rostselmasch 3 days ago 50%

    What makes the position of the party you mentioned genuine social democratic and how do you explain the difference to Яблоко? They have a classic social democratic program, but are cleary advocating for LGBTQ+ rights. Or the actual SPD, which has a more progressive position regarding LGBTQ+ than any party in the Russian Duma. And what makes the KPRF nazbol, how is this party different from Другая Россия and when transformed the party of the Russian Revolution to nazbol?

  • shitreactionariessay Shit Reactionaries Say From the largest Social Democratic party in Russia proving Succdems are a Moderate version of Fascism
  • rostselmasch rostselmasch 3 days ago 66%

    Even the communist Party of russia?

  • shitreactionariessay Shit Reactionaries Say From the largest Social Democratic party in Russia proving Succdems are a Moderate version of Fascism
  • rostselmasch rostselmasch 3 days ago 100%

    What "no"? You posted about this Russian party as a proof, that social democracy is lesser form of fascism. How is this a proof, if the Communist Party of Russia has the same position? It has nothing to do with Palestine.

  • shitreactionariessay Shit Reactionaries Say From the largest Social Democratic party in Russia proving Succdems are a Moderate version of Fascism
  • rostselmasch rostselmasch 3 days ago 100%

    What is the connection to this party you mentioned in your post?

  • shitreactionariessay Shit Reactionaries Say From the largest Social Democratic party in Russia proving Succdems are a Moderate version of Fascism
  • rostselmasch rostselmasch 4 days ago 100%

    Considering that the Russian Communist Party has the same Attitude towards LGBTQ, this is not a prove that social democracy is a moderate version of fascism

  • asklemmygrad Ask Lemmygrad marxist criminal law
  • rostselmasch rostselmasch 4 days ago 100%

    Try this guy.

    This here is a popular writing from him.

  • prolewiki ProleWiki I thought Wisconcom (Saul Wenger) was a Hoxhaist what happened?
  • rostselmasch rostselmasch 1 week ago 100%

    I am an anti-revisionist Marxist–Leninist and revolutionary communist

    Great tautology

  • worldnews World News Putin: Long-range missile approval will put NATO 'at war' with Russia
  • rostselmasch rostselmasch 1 week ago 100%

    If NATO approves it, Russian will probably fire more than enough missles on Ukraine, far more then last time. NATO havs no limit if its about sacrificing human life to achieve their goals.

  • pigeon Pigeon I was finally able to admire the largest species of pigeons
  • rostselmasch rostselmasch 1 week ago 100%

    The next time you see them, greet them for me :)

  • pigeon
    Pigeon rostselmasch 1 week ago 100%
    I was finally able to admire the largest species of pigeons

    I was in a museum today which not only had skeletons of dinosaurs and many other animals, but also a bird exhibition consisting of stuffed animals. And in the section for pigeons, I was finally able to admire the largest species of pigeon. Of course I also bought a souvenir: small book about the history of pigeons and their relationship to humanity from ancient times till today. And it also it contains beautiful pictures of paintings containing pigeons. I will read this book to my two pigeons so they can learn more about their relatives This big pigeon is called **victoria crowned pigeon**. Can get _75 cm_ tall (_30 in_) and reach a weight of _3,5 kg_ (_7.7 lb_).

    shitreactionariessay Shit Reactionaries Say I don't think he's the one who needs to sneeze anything
  • rostselmasch rostselmasch 2 weeks ago 100%

    Hitlers path lol. Godwins law is indeed now common in world politics

  • china China The Real Chinese ‘Threat’: Lifting 850 Million Out of Poverty
  • rostselmasch rostselmasch 2 weeks ago 100%

    C'mon ppl, why aren't you alle asking the most obvious question if it is about China? Remember, if it is about China, you have to ask at what cost?. It has the same importance as brushing your teeth every day. If you read something about China, imagine the "at what cost?" line after every sentence

  • geopolitics Geopolitics 70% of people in the Global South have a positive view of China. Meanwhile, three-quarters of people in the imperialist West have a negative view of China.
  • rostselmasch rostselmasch 2 weeks ago 100%

    As such, there is a pressing need for the incoming administration to reaffirm American global leadership and to strengthen the United States’ reputation as a force for peace and stability.

    Our imperialism is good imperialism. It is peace and stability imperialism.

  • ukraine_war_news Death to NATO The Ukrainian Orthodox Church reports that its church in the village of Zeremlya in the Zhytomyr region has been set on fire.
  • rostselmasch rostselmasch 2 weeks ago 100%

    Those churches are often very old buildings..

  • china China China’s railways bring in gravy train, recording profits and lower debt ratios
  • rostselmasch rostselmasch 2 weeks ago 100%

    Jesus, on the first look I thought it is some kind of weird mainboard I have never seen, with legacy interfaces but somehow the distances are way to low.

  • memes Memes Sigmund Freud
  • rostselmasch rostselmasch 2 weeks ago 100%

    Psychoanalysis is quackery. It was progressive at a certain point, but it got pretty fast reactionary.

    Had "age is just a number" always this implication or did it occure through the internet? I said it once to my grandmother back then, when she was sad, the she is not young anymore and will probably die soon. I have the feeling that phrases and words got "corrupted" over the time.

  • pigeon
    Pigeon rostselmasch 2 weeks ago 100%
    Hedgehog with wings
    asklemmygrad Ask Lemmygrad Absolute worst country in the world right now (that isn't Amerikkka or Shitrael) in your opinion
  • rostselmasch rostselmasch 2 weeks ago 100%

    You can argue the same for North Korea for that matter. Those countries and others with material conditions considered "worse" than the US were and still are literally brutalized by US/Western imperialism.

    Of course they are brutalized. Thats why pointed out, that "worse" is vague. Because it is far more worse to life in a country which is brutalized, than somewhere where the situation is peaceful. But if we speak about "worse" and "better" referring to imperialism, atrocities and genocide, than the US is ranking actually on the first place.

    Furthermore, to clarify, I was wondering whether which country is the "worst" primarily based on the actual leaders/ruling class of the government itself and the malicious nature of their actions.

    It is not easy to top the USA. But I wouldn't even rank Israel on the second place, because its complicated I think. While Israel commits genocide, they need their support from the US and Europe. Same goes for other countries which may commit similar atrocities. The USA is powerful enough to let such things happen or stop it and they let it happen if its useful. Reminds me how Selensky is begging the US for authorisation to attack specific targets in Russia. I think I would answer your question with "no", there is no worse country.

    Of course, I admit that countries (aside from the 2 previously mentioned) like India, France, Britain, and Germany are more influential internationally and overall more active, allowing them to oppress in similar ways that the USA and Israel does, making them worse in many aspects.

    That's right. Especially the alliance of those countries you mentioned is a special thing. Speaking of NATO, even Germany, France etc. are absolutely dependent on the US.

  • asklemmygrad Ask Lemmygrad Absolute worst country in the world right now (that isn't Amerikkka or Shitrael) in your opinion
  • rostselmasch rostselmasch 2 weeks ago 85%

    But what do you mean with "worst"? Its very vague. What are the conditions, that makes something good or bad. Because, people have different priorities. As example, it is important for me that I can somehow live in a country. I don't want to die, I want food, water, place to sleep and also work. Considering that, USA would be better than other countries, where civil war is present. Or if you are not male but female. USA would than also be far more better than Afghanistan.

    I hope you understand, what I wanted to say.

    right-wing anime fascists that simp for that country exacerbate my disdain furthermore.

    This movement is the worst. To be honest, when I started reading manhua and then manhwa I could also see difference to Japanese anime/manga. The later ones are have those tendency to Japanese nationailsm and anticommunism.

  • shitreactionariessay Shit Reactionaries Say JESUS FUCKING H CHRIST...
  • rostselmasch rostselmasch 2 weeks ago 100%

    OK, if this doesn't exist in english, than it's a little bit embarrassing for me and probably a bunch of people know now where I am from. Sometimes a phrase sounds logical, that I translate it directly.

    I think more correct would be "you can hunt me down with this". Also "you can chase me with that" sounds probably more correct.

    This known phrase in Germany means that you dislike something so much that you would rather run away from it, avoiding it at all cost. It’s a figurative way of saying that someone really doesn’t like something.

  • rostselmasch rostselmasch 2 weeks ago 100%

    Its true, that NATO wants peace. Peace under their condition. Since this it cant be archieved easily through politics, it develops to war, which is politics by different means. Its everything about peace. Sadly Minecraft peaceful mode has more in common with the common understanding of peace then NATO peace. Which also is something like Minecraft hardcore mode, but you have only a stick, everywhere is lava and 3847482 Wither skeletons are flying around. And you also have rotten flesh in the invetar.

  • worldnews World News For the first time in almost 2 years, the European Union imported more gas from Russia than from the US
  • rostselmasch rostselmasch 2 weeks ago 100%

    Absolutely forgot "Arbeit macht frei"

  • worldnews World News For the first time in almost 2 years, the European Union imported more gas from Russia than from the US
  • rostselmasch rostselmasch 2 weeks ago 100%

    "Freedom Gas"

    The US way of pretending to be the good guys: Put freedom on everything. Freedom Gas, Freedom Fries, Freedom Toast, Liberty Cabbage. I will now pretend that the letter F in F-16 stands also for Freedom. I am waiting for Freedom Tanks, Freedom Missiles, Freedom Warships and Freedom Nuclear Annihilation. Freedom World War, Freedom Genocide, Freedom Fascism.

    Fascist parties have by the way the weird tendency to put Freedom in their name or something with liberal:

    • Alliance for Peace and Freedom
    • Liberal Democratic Party of Belarus
    • Free German Workers' Party
    • Party for Freedom (Dutch)
    • Freedom Party of Austria
    • Liberal Democratic Party of Russia
    • American Freedom Party

    Soooo much freedom that I don't even know what freedom actually is anymore

  • shitreactionariessay Shit Reactionaries Say JESUS FUCKING H CHRIST...
  • rostselmasch rostselmasch 2 weeks ago 100%

    You can hunt me with those photos. It is ones of the cheapest kinds of propaganda and you can see it also today (Ukrainian soldier rescues an animal etc). But it stills work. HOW? It is always obvious what the intention is, but some people are still buying it. Reminds always on this:

  • shitreactionariessay Shit Reactionaries Say So glad the original post is getting destroyed in comments, but then the galaxy brain IQ is demonstrated by libs😭
  • rostselmasch rostselmasch 2 weeks ago 100%

    Did I actually read "what about"? Isn't this WhAtAbOuTiSm!?!? Tanky orc confirmed!

  • europe europe Germany's Far-right AfD Wins First State Election: Exit Poll
  • rostselmasch rostselmasch 2 weeks ago 100%

    Germany wont attack poland

    I didn't make this implication. "Deutschland Deutschland über alles", is connected to german fascism, not the attack on poland

  • genzedong GenZedong German far right set for first major electoral victory since World War II
  • rostselmasch rostselmasch 3 weeks ago 100%

    Sorry for placing words in your mouth, or seeming to anyways (that wasn't exactly my intention).

    No problem, all good!

    watched by or designated "far right" by the Verfassungsschutz/gestapo (that they actually are far-right is another matter worth caring about however), and that I don't think the German bourgeois, genocidaire, warmongering state's admission/designation adds to the credibility, rather the opposite, even if they said that the sky was blue it'd probably be best to doubt until you can look out and see it for yourself.

    I agree with you. It doesn't add any credibility, its the opposite.

    I primarily wanted to say that there was a rapid change of direction in the public debate. Starting with someone almost having to justify voting for the AFD or giving it a platform, and now it's completely normal to even think about a coalition.

    The bourgeois state is no longer pretending regarding this matter. No attempts to disguise anything, but to say directly: "Yes, it's indeed a far-right party. Yes, that's okay, that's normal." They no longer need to lie to your face. I just think it's connected to the shift to the far right in the public discourse in Germany, normalising it and also the preparation for war. Exactly 85 years ago, Germany attacked Poland, now right-wing extremism is accepted in bourgeois politics and is treated as normal.

    Contrary to decades before, you have now to justify yourself if you are against German militarism or against Yankee imperialism per se.

    In other words, as if the bourgeois were not trying to disguise and justify its exploitation, but simply saying it right to your face, as if it were the most normal thing in the world. Or think of, when German admits tomorrow, that there is a genocide going on in Palestine and that there are fine with it - Contrary to denying it.

    Just because something is a "badge of honor" doesn't mean people should try for it, nor that it is a positive thing otherwise, or that the circumstances which led to its existence should have been present to begin with.

    Ah ok, good that you pointed that out. I met in the past organisations once, which were joking around how "cool" this would be. But of course, a serious organisation would take this matter serious.

  • genzedong GenZedong German far right set for first major electoral victory since World War II
  • rostselmasch rostselmasch 3 weeks ago 100%

    I had the impression, that all those political parties literally waited that something like Solingen happened. Like a trigger was pulled and now they all were pushing all possible things against people seeking shelter in Germany. Ah, don't forget that this is again an excuse to advocate for more surveillance on the Internet by all means.

  • china China A great illustration of how China's high speed rail is making domestic flying obsolete
  • rostselmasch rostselmasch 3 weeks ago 100%

    This here one seems pretty fast, I guess also safe!

  • china China A great illustration of how China's high speed rail is making domestic flying obsolete
  • rostselmasch rostselmasch 3 weeks ago 100%

    Being able to travel across the country on a train would be pure joy.

    Right? There was once a direct connection from Paris to Moscow. If I remember correct you could travel from Paris to Berlin, then Warsaw, Minsk and Moscow. From there you could travel to Tomks, Omsk, Wladiwostok or down to China till Beijing. How many cultures you can visit this way. I mean this alone would probably widen my horizon.

    Sadly there is no direct connection to Pjongjang and then to Seol. In a better world, in communim, this would be doable!

  • genzedong GenZedong German far right set for first major electoral victory since World War II
  • rostselmasch rostselmasch 3 weeks ago 100%

    While the AFD is certainly a far-right party, I wouldn't consider the German bourgeois state an authority on the subject

    That's not what I said. There es difference between denying and admitting. While the german bourgeois state admits it, they are freely supporting this party. SPD, GRÜNE, CDU/CSU are totally fine executing things, which the AFD always wanted and wants. Letting this party be, consider coalitions etc. while officially saying it is a far right party, has its own quality.

    Germany doesn't need the AFD to be a far-right, fascistic hellhole, the bourgeois state is already eagerly doing it themselves, backing and aiding in industrial genocide in Palestine, and once again pursuing lebensraum (through NATO expansion) in eastern Europe.

    Yes, they don't need the AFD. But still I see a difference between "We are liberal democrats, fascism bad on the paper, there is no genocide in Palestine" and "We are liberal democrats, AFD is far right and has fascist tendencies (That's how the official view is), but we are fine with it, support it and will eventually make a coalition with them, also no genocide in Palestine".

    For most causes (not the AFD) being watched by the modern gestapo should be a badge of honor.

    While I somehow understand what you mean, I think it is dangerous to be watched. Looking at their which conditions you have to met to be watched, its ridiculous but also says a lot. I would be alarmed, I mean, they have many means to even silence you or forbid you organisation - Which nothing at all matters for the AFD.

  • china China A great illustration of how China's high speed rail is making domestic flying obsolete
  • rostselmasch rostselmasch 3 weeks ago 100%

    I have a fear of flying with a plain. I know all those statistics and so on. And I even flew a couple of times in the past. One day I had the thought, that a airplaine can have problems and fall down. That's scary enough for me to even think about it. But how is it with such fast trains? I traveled once with TGV and ICE. It is fast and I felt uneasy. Now I am asking myself, is it the same dangerous if something goes wrong compared to a airplane?

    Tbh I will probably never visit south america. I have to get somehow from Europe to North East Russia. Than from there to Alaska and then long way down. Ship only from Russia to Alaska. But because shitty imperialist wars makes this not so easy. Traveling to the north pole is also dangerous. I have to wait till there so direct train connection from some Europe country to Argentina, so I can safely travel with 50km/h. Fast speed is scaaaaaaaary. Using ships is OK, but not if there is to many water like in a ocean

  • genzedong GenZedong German far right set for first major electoral victory since World War II
  • rostselmasch rostselmasch 3 weeks ago 100%

    Yes, but we are speaking about a party witch is watched by the Verfassungsschutz. The AFD is at a point, where the german bourgeois states admits, that it is a far right party and has to be watched. Let's wait and see, if the CDU makes a coalition with AFD. I have a feeling, that they will.

  • europe europe Germany's Far-right AfD Wins First State Election: Exit Poll
  • rostselmasch rostselmasch 3 weeks ago 100%

    And thats only after 85 years, wenn Germany attacked Poland! And we have 2024. Who wants to bet with me regardging what will happen 2039 in German. What do you think will happen? A new "Deutschland Deutschland über Alles" Episode?

  • worldnews World News Data shows average Chinese national now eats more protein than an American, UN food agency says
  • rostselmasch rostselmasch 3 weeks ago 100%

    At least they eat meat. I cant afford it anymore, I dont have that much money. In the meantime some petite-bourgeois and prolterian aristocrat fuckers can eat what they want :(

  • worldnews World News Data shows average Chinese national now eats more protein than an American, UN food agency says
  • rostselmasch rostselmasch 3 weeks ago 100%

    At what cost?

  • shitreactionariessay Shit Reactionaries Say [NAFO] ...seriously?
  • rostselmasch rostselmasch 3 weeks ago 100%


  • shitreactionariessay Shit Reactionaries Say These people will be the end of us
  • rostselmasch rostselmasch 3 weeks ago 100%

    The escalation is doing well. Russia answered the last days with a massive missile strike against Ukraine and Ukraine also wants to expand their attack in Kursk. Its more and more important to organise and oppose Yankee-Imperialism. Its not "socialism or barbarism" this time but "socialism or nuclear annihilation".

    But I know I know. Mentioning how dangerous this situation is regarding the possibility of a third world war, makes me a russian orc tankie bot.

  • pigeon
    Pigeon rostselmasch 4 weeks ago 100%
    I have now a cute couple on my balcony

    They make a huge mess, but I am used to it. They are cuddling the most time there. I just provide them fresh water every day.

    Comradeship // Freechat rostselmasch 1 month ago 100%
    Can someone help me please regarding posting videos here

    Hello, I am using Voyager as a client for Lemmygrad and I would like to start posting videos on my Community named pigeon. I have only the option to post pictures. Do I need to use some other site where I have to upload it or is maybe my client missing the option. Thank you in advance for your help

    Pigeon rostselmasch 2 months ago 100%

    She is tired from basically doing nothing

    Pigeon rostselmasch 2 months ago 100%
    I improved communism:

    I was treated by pigeons in a superior manner to that which I was treated by my parents or other humans. In light of this profound insight, I developed an alternative theory, namely pigeonism, which represents a significant improvement on communism. Pigeons are demonstrably superior to humans, and thus the means of production should rightfully belong to them. This insight was revealed to me in a dream. Social equality can be defined as pigeon equality. Those who exploit pigeons, including capitalists, birds of prey, falconers and humans who cook and eat pigeons, will be incarcerated in a facility akin to the Gulag, where they will be compelled to work and undergo re-education to foster their appreciation for pigeons. The severity of the crime will determine the length of incarceration. Pigeons are cool.

    Ask Lemmygrad rostselmasch 2 months ago 100%
    Regarding dating in this times I understand nothing

    Some explanations regarding myself: I am happily married. My first relationship I had with 15 till I got 18. We got in contact through a role playing group online and just liked each other. 2011 I bought my first smartphone and after I got 18 few months later, I met my actual wife through a mutual friend. So I I never thought "I need to find someone so badly omg omg" or whatever, it just happened. Tbh I somehow think and thought that this is the normal way. My parents, grandparents met the the same way. My cousin got his fiance also the same way and and and. Same goes for known Bolsheviks, their children liked each other and got together. Few years ago I realised Reddit exist and looked for programming and bird groups. But I also found people talking about meeting people and dating. First thing: Dating apps and this swiping stuff. It is pretty sus and I can't imagine this works. It is like looking for a new car. Humans are not cars. I saw screenshots, where people mention their political views, what they like or not like. This has to be some joke, I don't know. Not everyone is good in describing themself. Second: People talked about is: **height**. I saw some screenshots from people complaining about this. I thought to myself, that this is probably some weird US shit again, buuuut now I hear about this here too. This isn't real isn't? Or at least not that common? Something about, that you have to be at least 6 freedom units tall, or 7,8,9 idk. However 5 with something is to small and than you have stupid ass people called incels, which wants to kill women or perform plastic surgery on themself. I mean, being small is annoying because there are spots I can't reach easily. Wife is smaller than me, she has to ask me. A female friend we have is over 180cm tall and she is lucky to be easy reach anything. On the other hand: Do you know how upper arm circumference over 40cm looks on someone who is 174cm tall? Absolute great. When you are 190cm tall, its more meh. But srsly, this all are minor things. It has the same relevance like if you like apples or pears more. For myself it looks like I am experiencing a new kind of thinking or culture whatever. This is a western thing probably idk. Bebel wrote a great book called [Woman and Socialism](https://www.marxists.org/archive/bebel/1879/woman-socialism/index.htm). It shows great the genesis and development of marriage, partnership and what capitalism did to it. So many things absolutely still are valid and apply. The things I see here I of course a consequence of capitalism: > [The bourgeoisie has torn away from the family its sentimental veil [...]](https://www.marxists.org/archive/marx/works/1848/communist-manifesto/ch01.htm) But still wtf is this development at all. I never heard something about height, jawlines, whatever when my peers were dating or had a boyfriend, girlfriend. What happend? ::: spoiler Tap for spoiler Such apps are a data privacy nightmare. 100% they are collecting data and selling it. :::

    Pigeon rostselmasch 2 months ago 100%
    My pigeon transformed
    Comradeship // Freechat rostselmasch 2 months ago 100%
    The dominant presence of US-Americans on the Anglophone Internet is annoying

    _This is long text._ I have met many people from a lot of nationalities in the internet. US-Americans are a special thing in the internet, but I don't know how it is in the land of the free itself. Probably the stupid ones keep staying on the internet, while others behave like "normal" people, but I don't know for sure. A majority of people lives on an other continent. They have internet as well and they also can speak english. Why assume, that they do not exist? Look, I don't like clichés. But in far eastern Europe there was always this cliché about US-Americans, that they are ignorant as fuck. Living in western Europe today, this cliché is still present, that's something people like to think. And I really don't know how to feel about that, I think there is a tendency that this cliché may apply. Not because "people are dumb hahaha", but more how the US propaganda works. Like it makes them defaulting to USA most of the time. I was always aware, that there is a world outside, no matter how many friends had and people I met. Even when I visited school, it was always clear, that other countries exist, they are present and they also may have other laws, morals, cultures. Let me repeat it: Other laws, different morals and culture. On social media plattforms like Reddit and YouTube, where US Americans are _not_ an absolute majority, it is easy to experience. I am also not talking about topics which are obviously centred around the US. **Few example:** Everything related to age is an absolute clusterfuck and you better not engage in any of suchs discussions. They can't comprehend, that it is different somewhere, like in the most of the world. Some 13yo child murdered his mother and was then charged as an adult. Sounds stupid for me, to be honest. But it were most of the time US-Americans who absolutely supported this decision: - Only an adult could have so much criminal energy, so he should be threatened like one. - He planned it and showed so much brutality, only an adult could do this. - I hope he dies in pain I asked if it is OK now, if this 13yo adult could vote, drink alcohol and also have sex with people 40 years older then he is. I mean he is treated like he is an adult. After that, peak mental gymnastics were applied on me and I was not liked that much. They were just angry at me. And didn't give me an proper explanation, why this 13yo old is now an adult. However I was blocked few days ago from commenting in a post in a subreddit, because I kept saying that being 17 doesn't mean to be a child. There is need to differ. I know that this is legally different in other countries, but this matter won't be resolved by insisting: "I live in the USA and in my state you are a child if you are under 18 and I **don't care"** where you all live". - I am not lying, that was something I read. US fucking legal system is the standard for the entire world. For real, I rather receive an unsolicited dickpic, where I can at least block the person or inform mods/admins, but there is no way avoid a unsolicited legal advice, why you should sue your neighbour according to law in Florida, despite obviously living somewhere 5000km (3106 miles in freedom units) far away in a different country. I understand the intention, its a friendly one. But this happens on international social media sites. And it happens often. Also no point in talking about prison sentences. While people which are unluckily not living in Freedomland has the tendency to understand and accept, that there are differences in each country and someone may like or dislike it, pure ignorance is striking many in US Americans. But why, even if you point out that you are from somewhere else? Because morals! It is morally correct to do x,y and z. But not a,b and c. Why is it morally correct? Because there is an everlasting, unchangeable moral in the world which is rooted in the USA. When is this card used? Often when something is illegal in Freedomland, but legal in the majority of other countries. Morality is not the right thing to decide if something is OK or not. In some places in the wide world it is morally wrong to be gay and Ramsan Kadyrow will make sure that this moral principle there will stay for sure. This is an other topic of course. Its like you are desperately trying stay in denial. I thought once that probably some younger people behave that way. Being young means, that you are probably developing in a different pace then others in you age. Many things have an influence if you behave more like a child or an adult. Being very very young also means to believe into absolute things. This usually should change till adulthood. But no, older Yankees prefer to behave the same. What kind of brainwashing is USA performing on their population!? It is absolute effective. The last thing is easily observed on Reddit. Also on Facebook and YouTube. But Reddit is full of this. They have such an fetish with pedophilia, it is absolutely an insult to vicitms and also a relativization of it. Its like they are actively searching for any clues for anything remote probably illegal by the law of a yankee state. I indeed feel insulted, if they start calling something pedophilia, if it is indeed not. I experienced very bad things as a child and I also met other victims. But it were almost always USians on Reddit on YouTube who handled this matter with such disrespect. It always sounds more like an excuse for canalising their rage towards someone, never real care for victims of sexual abuse and violence - adult or child. Discussing that or making your point in this matter is like talking with a gorilla, which starts throwing shit at you as soon as you make a sound. At least I rarely read something about their racist system in categorising people. Something about black, the Caucasus and Spain. But OK, this is present for a long time there and people are used to it. This doesn't change fast. I actually somehow accepted this stubbornness and the urge to be in denial and I just think my part. I am sure, very sure that those morons don't represent the entire US population. I know and met people from US in a political context and they were totally normal people. But maybe they were it that way, because they are well educated communists? I met younger and older reactionary people from Russia, Britain, Germany, Türkiye, Kazakhstan, Moldavia and Chechen. Reactionary? Yes. But even they were not really comparable with US-Americans on Reddit, Facebook or YouTube. There is something very wrong with people in USA and I think capitalism is to blame for it. Where can I find US-Americans, where this cliché from the Soviet Union about them, don't apply so easily? Or am I dumb and don't see them, because the annoying ones are _so_ annoying that it is easy to notice them? Thank you very much if you read it all. It took a very long for me to write it all and I am proud, that I did it without DeepL!

    Ask Lemmygrad rostselmasch 3 months ago 96%
    Regarding the usage of the word liberal

    I know what liberalism is. But the first time I encountered that it is used so often was when I looked into English-speaking social media sites like Reddit two years ago. ::: spoiler Spoiler It is not common to know about reddit here, I live in Bratwurstland. I just wanted to join the pigeon subreddit back then. ::: Bourgeois, bourgeois class consciousness, bourgeois thinking, bourgeois revolution, etc. The same with petty bourgeoisie etc. etc. I have the complete collected works of Lenin physically available in german. I have the most important writings of Marx and Engels with me, as well as Tito, Thälmann, Karl Liebknecht, Stalin, Trotsky, Plekhanov, even Lykassenko and some more. (I dont just buy writings I like, but also writing I dont like) Liberalism didn't come up that often, only when it was actually about liberalism. But the way liberals are often referred to on English-language social media sites, including here, is a bit strange to me. Idk about other languages that much. I also didn't encountered this kind of usage of liberal in the russian version of Lenin's writings. Bourgeois, bourgeois class consciousness, bourgeois thinking, bourgeois revolution, etc. The same with petty bourgeoisie etc. etc. Maybe there some here who know what I am talking about and can explain it to me. Edit: Why did Voyager destroyed my formattig many times Edit2: Thank you all for your engagement. You helped me a lot how to understand it more correctly if I read it from someone using english language ^.^

    Pigeon rostselmasch 3 months ago 100%
    Butt. Fluffy butt
    Pigeon rostselmasch 3 months ago 100%
    She is doing her best!

    Feral pigeons/domestic pigeons belong to the domesticated form of the rock pigeon. This is why they never build classic nests like other birds. The way they build their nests has to do with how rock pigeons nest: In cliffs and rock ledges. We build nests often together. It is something she loves.

    Pigeon rostselmasch 3 months ago 98%
    Germany chooses the massacre option again

    > Limburg an der Lahn, in the western German state of Hesse, has just voted to exterminate its 700-strong pigeon population. > A referendum was held on 9 June - the same day as the country’s EU electiiom - after the city council’s decision to kill the birds in November 2023 proved controversial. > Just over 53 per cent of the residents who voted on Sunday approved the killing of the pigeons, Der Spiegel reports, with a total of 7,530 ‘yes’ votes cast. > “Today's result was unpredictable for us. The citizens have made use of their right and decided that the animals should be reduced by a falconer," mayor Marius Hahn (SPD) told the German news site. > This was the method initially proposed by the council last year, and the question put to voters was simply whether the decision should stand or not. > More precisely, the falconer will lure the birds into a trap, hit them over the head with a wooden stick to stun them, and then break their necks.   > Animal rights’ campaigners were horrified when the plan was announced. “We live in 2023, it can’t be that we kill animals just because they annoy us, or they’re a nuisance. That’s not acceptable,” Limburg city pigeon project manager Tanya Muller told the UK’s Sky News last year. > The cull is set to be carried out over the next two years. Fuck them.

    shitposting rostselmasch 4 months ago 100%
    Pigeon rostselmasch 4 months ago 100%
    Crashing into my hand
    shitposting rostselmasch 4 months ago 100%
    Marx destroyed
    Pigeon rostselmasch 5 months ago 100%
    Thats how she sleeps on my pillow with me together

    She takes more then half of the size of my pillow

    Pigeon rostselmasch 8 months ago 100%
    CCPigeon in jail for allegedly spying for the Chinese government. Now released.

    Tis poor pigeon was innocent and was probably not even compensated with seeds. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2024/feb/02/india-spy-pidgeon-suspect-china >It is not the first time a bird has come under police suspicion in India. >In 2020, police in Indian-controlled Kashmir released a pigeon belonging to a Pakistani fisher after a probe found that the bird, which had flown across the heavily militarized border between the nuclear-armed nations, was not a spy. >In 2016, another pigeon was taken into custody after it was found with a note that threatened Indian prime minister Narendra Modi. Freedom for all those pigeons!

    Pigeon rostselmasch 8 months ago 100%
    Feeding time
    Birds rostselmasch 8 months ago 100%
    Nicobar Pigeon - The closest living relative of the extinct dodo

    The Nicobar pigeon (Caloenas nicobarica) is a large beautiful bird found mainly in South East Asia and Oceania. It is the only living member of the genus Caloenas alongside the extinct Spotted green pigeon and is the closest living relative of the extinct dodo and Rodrigues solitaire. Nicobar pigeons have developed a bright plumage; their head is grey, like the upper neck plumage, which turns into green and copper hackles. The tail is very short and pure white. The rest of their plumage is metallic green. The cere of the dark bill forms a small blackish knob; the strong legs and feet are dull red. Females are slightly smaller than males; they have a smaller bill knob, shorter hackles, and browner underparts. Immature birds have a black tail and lack almost all iridescence.

    Pigeon rostselmasch 8 months ago 100%
    Keep the eggs warm
    Pigeon rostselmasch 8 months ago 100%
    New hair style
    Pigeon rostselmasch 9 months ago 100%
    Pigeon rostselmasch 9 months ago 97%
    One of my pigeon eggs where fertilized this year

    It hatched but sadly didn't make it. But this is what it looks like if an egg gets fertilized. One day there is nothing and the next day you can see how life is developing. Seeing it with your own eyes is different, than simply reading about it.

    Pigeon rostselmasch 9 months ago 100%
    Do you have one seed for her?

    She was so small when she was a little squab

    Pigeon rostselmasch 9 months ago 100%
    They are friends!
    Pigeon rostselmasch 9 months ago 96%
    Wet pigeon

    Its important to be clean and take a bath when possible!

    Pigeon rostselmasch 11 months ago 100%
    Pigeon rostselmasch 11 months ago 98%
    She loves doing this