running Running ‘I’m a little bit tired’: Briton becomes first person to run the length of Africa
  • rarkgrames rarkgrames 5 months ago 100%

    I love that his quote was so perfectly British. I imagine he had a nice cup of tea after he finished too.

  • rarkgrames rarkgrames 5 months ago 100%


  • reddit Reddit Reddit has struck a $60m deal with Google that lets the search giant train AI models on its posts
  • rarkgrames rarkgrames 6 months ago 100%


  • nostupidquestions No Stupid Questions How do you tell the difference between dream and reality?
  • rarkgrames rarkgrames 7 months ago 100%

    If Kylie Minogue is in my bed it’s definitely a dream.

  • aww aww Shows off his fluffiness
  • rarkgrames rarkgrames 9 months ago 50%

    Does he not have any arms?

  • 4chan 4chan T-Rex problems
  • rarkgrames rarkgrames 10 months ago 100%

    Run around the paddock whilst it chases you and wait for it to keel over.

  • 4chan 4chan T-Rex problems
  • rarkgrames rarkgrames 10 months ago 93%

    Not with those arms

  • funny Funny: Home of the Haha I heard you were talkin shit
  • rarkgrames rarkgrames 10 months ago 94%

    The back of that T-shirt is actually less offensive than the front lol

  • hometheater
    HomeTheater rarkgrames 12 months ago 100%
    Atmos Soundbar rear speaker setup

    I've recently purchased a Samsung Q990C and so far I'm really happy with it. I want to get the best out of it and was hoping someone could give some advice on rear speaker placement. My room is a strange shape, but basically where I sit I have my TV in front with the soundbar underneath. My sofa is on the other side of the room, a little distance from the wall behind me, enough that I am able to place the rear speakers just behind me and to each side, around ear level (ish). *However*, there is no wall on mi right side as my room is L shaped, so there is nowhere for the right rear speaker to bounce the audio from it's side speaker back in to the room. What I was thinking was I could change the setup in the Samsung SmartThings app and put the rear speakers in to front speaker mode, and swap them over so the Right is on the Left and vice-versa. In my mind, this would mean the side-facing speakers on the rears would be facing in to the room rather than out, but would be on the correct side. Would this cause any major issues in terms of the audio? I'm thinking this could affect the upwards firing audio but would it really be that much of an issue? Would I be better off just having the speakers in their "correct" positions with the right one firing on to open space? If it helps the distance from my seating position to the TV is approx 4 - 5 metres.

    nostupidquestions No Stupid Questions LGBTQ+ people are protected against being fired for being LGBTQ+, does that mean straight people can be fired for being straight?
  • rarkgrames rarkgrames 1 year ago 78%

    Ah, the greatest nation in the world


  • nostupidquestions No Stupid Questions ELI5: What is scat? The internet one.
  • rarkgrames rarkgrames 1 year ago 100%

    Porn for people who like poop

  • apple_enthusiast Apple “Apple Music launches a Discovery Station to help you find new songs”
  • rarkgrames rarkgrames 1 year ago 100%

    Unfortunately they’re also much more expensive than the other options unfortunately. That feature does sound exact i need.

    however, I have a three storey house and so use Alexa’s drop in and announcement features as intercoms as the kids would never hear me from the kitchen on the ground floor when they’re in their top floor bedrooms. Being able to put Alexa’s wherever I want for very little outlay was a big plus.

  • apple_enthusiast Apple “Apple Music launches a Discovery Station to help you find new songs”
  • rarkgrames rarkgrames 1 year ago 100%

    The problem I have is that I have my Apple Music family account hooked up to my Alexa’s and Sonos so the kids can listen to whatever they want and I can play music through the Sonos using Alexa when I’m cooking and can’t use my hands.

    Unfortunately this means that my favourites mix and any recommendations are tainted with the godawful noise my kids call music 😂

    There really needs to be a way to link an Alexa or other device to a specific Apple Music family member.

  • apple_enthusiast Apple “Apple Music launches a Discovery Station to help you find new songs”
  • rarkgrames rarkgrames 1 year ago 100%

    We don’t get that in the UK so it’s never really been an option for us unfortunately

  • ukcasual UKCasual Forgot to pay the Dartford crossing toll AGAIN...
  • rarkgrames rarkgrames 1 year ago 100%

    Seeing as it was supposed to become free to cross 20 years ago…

  • rarkgrames rarkgrames 1 year ago 100%

    Have been waiting for this. It seems a bit broken at the moment though, seems to stop working after a few comments?

  • programming Programming Fireship – The shocking decline of Stack Overflow [satire]
  • rarkgrames rarkgrames 1 year ago 100%

    I absolutely hate SO. It’s my last resort when looking for help, and I’ve never signed up.

    Between snarky arseholes, the “already answered here” comments even when the question isn’t the same, and people saying “dw i solved it” and never stating how they solved it the whole place can just fuck of.

  • nostupidquestions No Stupid Questions How come I'm seeing "removed" all over the place?
  • rarkgrames rarkgrames 1 year ago 88%

    WhipperSnapper, you are fined one credit for a violation of the verbal morality code!

  • apple_enthusiast Apple [Question] Who are your favourite Apple YouTubers?
  • rarkgrames rarkgrames 1 year ago 100%

    I quite enjoy Quinn’s videos on Snazzy Labs.

  • apolloapp Apollo - A beautiful app built for power and speed. Christian references beans 2 days ago... he's gotta be on Lemmy right? Am I looking too much into this?
  • rarkgrames rarkgrames 1 year ago 100%

    Oh I’m sure he’s on here somewhere 👀

  • selfhosted Selfhosted Is it possible to set up 2FA on my self-hosted services?
  • rarkgrames rarkgrames 1 year ago 100%

    Not sure if it fits your requirements exactly but I just put a service behind TwinGate and it works well for my usage case. I can allow my wife secure access to services she needs to access from anywhere securely - she just opens the app to connect and she can access what she needs.

    I haven’t but you can enable 2FA, as well as restricting based on things like hardware, OS and whether a device has biometrics.

  • selfhosted Selfhosted Docker + Nextcloud = why is it so difficult?
  • rarkgrames rarkgrames 1 year ago 66%

    I’ve been fighting nextckoud over the last few days. I got it up and running, yay. But the. I could not get Nextcloud office or Onlyoffice to work at all.

    I used the AIO docker install and followed all the instructions for setup behind cloudflare tunnels but I’m guessing it’s something to do with that, but I just don’t have the time or patience to spend hours trying to troubleshoot why I can install onlyoffice but it won’t allow me to create documents.

    I may revisit in the future but the frustration levels are just too high atm.

  • selfhosted Selfhosted As we seem to be sharing dashboards....
  • rarkgrames rarkgrames 1 year ago 100%

    Drag and drop would be useful. Editing the conf.yml file isn’t too bad unless you accidentally mess up the spacing but I make backups before editing just in case.

    Now I’ve got it pretty much how I want it I’ll probably only be editing the config every so often. Adding new items is easy enough in the GUI, it’s only really widgets etc where I had to get my hands dirty.

  • selfhosted Selfhosted As we seem to be sharing dashboards....
  • rarkgrames rarkgrames 1 year ago 100%

    It's just the default font for the theme but I may look at changing it. I'm partial to Comic Sans.... ;)

  • selfhosted Selfhosted As we seem to be sharing dashboards....
  • rarkgrames rarkgrames 1 year ago 100%

    It's just one of the built in themes, "Colorful'

  • selfhosted Selfhosted As we seem to be sharing dashboards....
  • rarkgrames rarkgrames 1 year ago 100%

    That would be awesome. Although I feel like it would be depressing opening a dashboard that showed 0, 0, 1 hour, bad etc... :)

  • selfhosted
    Selfhosted rarkgrames 1 year ago 96%
    As we seem to be sharing dashboards....

    I installed Dashy a couple of days ago and have got things pretty much how I want them I think. There is more off the bottom of the screen but this screen shot shows the main things I need. I've set the stats widgets to auto-collapse on load so they don't take up the entire screen, and I'm pulling those from Glances running on my ProxMox server. Really impressed with Dashy, and how easy it is to configure and customise.

    selfhosted Selfhosted Home Assistant - am I missing something?
  • rarkgrames rarkgrames 1 year ago 100%

    I got Hue working, as I suspected it was a me issue (well a Hue Hub issue) rather than an HA issue :)

  • selfhosted Selfhosted Home Assistant - am I missing something?
  • rarkgrames rarkgrames 1 year ago 100%

    I’ll keep plugging away. Useful to know Netatmo can be a bit sketchy at least.

  • selfhosted Selfhosted Home Assistant - am I missing something?
  • rarkgrames rarkgrames 1 year ago 50%

    I’ll double check but pretty sure all my VMs are set to use bridged mode (I use proxmox which I think does this by default).

  • selfhosted
    Selfhosted rarkgrames 1 year ago 94%
    Home Assistant - am I missing something?

    I decided to spin up Home Assistant on a VM on my server yesterday, and so far I'm not having much luck getting to to much that is actually useful. I'm wondering if it's me doing something wrong, but I can't see what that would be. I've signed up for the free trial of the cloud services which all seems to have gone fine, and I have a couple of integrations working (Roomba, printer ink levels, Sonos and a couple of others) but mostly everything else I've tried just doesn't want to play ball - Apple TV - won't pair - I press the pair button in HA but the ATV doesn't respond with a pairing code - Ring doorbell / cameras - these are found but won't display a live feed - Ring alarm - not recognised at all - Netatmo thermostat - widget displays but doesn't sync correctly with thermostat and if I try to adjust temp it sets the target temp to 137 degrees C - Hue lights - having issues but this one might be my hub not HA I was really hoping I could set up automations to, say, turn off my TV, turn off the lights, arm my house alarm - all with one press of a button but it looks like currently this isn't going to happen. Is it just me? Am I doing something wrong perhaps? Maybe I'm missing something obvious but it just seems like the integrations with these devices just isn't quite there? I'd really be interested in other people's experiences and whether they were able to solve these issues (if indeed they had them at all).

    selfhosted Selfhosted It’s Not Much but It’ll Do!
  • rarkgrames rarkgrames 1 year ago 100%

    Literally spun up Dashy for the first time yesterday. Linked up most of my stuff and so far so good. If I get time today I’m going to look at adding some widgets.

  • youshouldknow You Should Know YSK you can play the original lemmings on PC at HTML5 Lemmings 🕹️ Play on CrazyGames
  • rarkgrames rarkgrames 1 year ago 100%

    I dread to think how many hours I lost to this game. PC was obviously the best experience back then because you absolutely need a mouse. Playing on a gameboy was not so good.

  • selfhosted Selfhosted Cloudflare tunnels on a pi zero?
  • rarkgrames rarkgrames 1 year ago 100%
  • selfhosted Selfhosted Cloudflare tunnels on a pi zero?
  • rarkgrames rarkgrames 1 year ago 100%

    That hadn’t even occurred to me. 😂 There I am, setting up tunnels on each server like an idiot…

  • selfhosted Selfhosted Cloudflare tunnels on a pi zero?
  • rarkgrames rarkgrames 1 year ago 100%

    Yeah I’m pretty sure it’s the Armv6. Will give that a go. Cheers.

  • selfhosted
    Selfhosted rarkgrames 1 year ago 75%
    Cloudflare tunnels on a pi zero?

    I use Cloudflare tunnels for most of my self hosted stuff and I wanted to point a subdomain at my piHole, but it seems that you can’t install the cloudflared software on a pi zero. Is there any way to get this working? It’s not a massive issue if not as I’m currently just pointing to my Pi-hole from my load balancer but it would be nice to have everything tunnelled.

    programming Programming Comic Code: Monospaced interpretation of the most over-hated typeface
  • rarkgrames rarkgrames 1 year ago 100%

    I recently installed the linked font as my font in XCode and so far I’m loving it:

  • selfhosted Selfhosted Are you exposing any ports on your home server?
  • rarkgrames rarkgrames 1 year ago 100%

    Have a look in to Twingate, that should do exactly what you need.

  • selfhosted Selfhosted What runs on your base domain?
  • rarkgrames rarkgrames 1 year ago 100%

    A small amount of text and a link to my mastodon profile.

  • memmy Memmy - An iOS client for Lemmy Memmy Poll - Gauging Community Feedback on Rebranding - Give Us Suggestions!
  • rarkgrames rarkgrames 1 year ago 100%

    Well Artemis was the brother of Apollo…

  • memmy Memmy - An iOS client for Lemmy Holy shit the new UI update on TestFlight is spectacular
  • rarkgrames rarkgrames 1 year ago 100%

    Massive improvement. Moving the subscribed channels to the slide out panel frees up the bottom TabView nicely, which definitely feels more sensible in terms of layout.

    Really good work again from the Memmy team

    Edit. The settings icon on the profile page is maybe redundant now but hardly a massive issue

  • general General Discussion What are some easy but fun things to make by hand? or ways to not look at a screen as much?
  • rarkgrames rarkgrames 1 year ago 100%

    When I was a kid I used to make keychains using these:

    Great Five 160 Scoubidou Strings Plastic Lacing Strings Craft Gimp Lacing Cord 16 Colours 10 strings per colour Craft Strings Bracelet Key Rings (160 meters)

    They were all the rage in 1988. 😂

  • selfhosted Selfhosted Pihole vs AdGuard Home
  • rarkgrames rarkgrames 1 year ago 100%

    FWIW I tried AdGuard as I liked the look of some of its features but it slowed my connection down massively - sites would take ages to load.

    I may have done something wrong but I tried quite a few things but went back to PiHole as I’ve never had any issues with it.


  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    Cats rarkgrames 1 year ago 100%
    New kitten

    This is our new (yet to be named) kitten. He joined us yesterday. I now have seven cats. Some people would say I have a problem :)

    Posting images?

    This might be a stupid question but how do I post an image in Memmy? Does I have to host the image and then link? I can’t seem to see how I can access my camera roll?

    Links in Memmy

    I posted a while ago about difficulty reading links in Memmy because the blue used is too light against a light background. That still stands but also I’ve noticed links are underlined. I think from a readability perspective it would be better to remove the underlining from links. I know that was the standard back in 1998 but these days I don’t think underlining links is really necessary. I know it sounds like a small thing but I’m honestly struggling to read links (other text at the size I have set is fine). My eyesight’s not too bad so I can imagine others are also struggling. I know this probably isn’t top of the priority list but I really hope it’s considered.

    Feature request: Confirmation dialogue on cancel

    Having a “Are you sure?” alert displayed when you click on cancel when adding a comment (or a post) would be nice from a UX perspective. 👍🏻

    Good luck with the App Store submission

    Good luck with the App Store submission. Hopefully you’re not stuck in “Awaiting review” limbo for too long.

    Programming rarkgrames 1 year ago 85%
    ChatGPT - is using it cheating?

    Over the last year I've been learning Swift and starting to put together some iOS apps. I'd definitely class myself as a Swift beginner. I'm currently building an app and today I used ChatGPT to help with a function I needed to write. I found myself wondering if somehow I was "cheating". In the past I would have used YouTube videos, online tutorials and Stack Overflow, and adapted what I found to work for my particular usage case. Is using ChatGPT different? The fact that ChatGPT explains the code it writes and often the code still needs fettling to get it to work makes me think that it is a useful learning tool and that as long as I take the time to read the explanations given and ensure I understand what the code is doing then it's probably a good thing on balance. I was just wondering what other people's thoughts are? Also, as a side note, I found that chucking code I had written in to ChatGPT and asking it to comment every line was pretty successful and a. big time saver :D

    iOS Beta rarkgrames 1 year ago 96%
    iOS 17 Beta 2 now available for Developers

    The updated dev betas have dropped.

    Selfhosted rarkgrames 1 year ago 100%
    Issues with Kemp LoadMaster

    Hey, I'm hoping someone can help me out with an issue I keep having with Kemp Loadmaster. I use Kemp to point various subdomains to different VMs and physical servers and for the most part, everything is working. In the attached image all the VS above the disabled one are working just fine. The issue is with However, if I try and add any additional VSs they just don't seem to work. Instead, they just point to the website hosted at my domain and the subdomain is ignored (so, if I navigate to the subdomain that points to instead I'm seeing the site hosted on I've created the VS, created the relevant rules and as far as I can see everything is set up in a similar fashion to the working ones so I'm really at a loss. Can anyone suggest why this might be happening? I should add, the same thing was happening with the VS I was pointing at so it's not just the machine on that's the problem as far as I can see. I don't really want to move to using Cloudflare Tunnels for everything - I had that set up before and one day all my tunnels just stopped working so I'd like to get Kemp working correctly. Edit: As a temporary workaround I've set up TwinGate so I can access my SnippetBox instance when not on my local network which works fine, but I would very much like to get to the bottom of this Kemp issue

    How do you do, fellow IBD sufferers?

    As there are at the type of writing zero posts in this community I thought I might as well get the ball rolling. I was diagnosed with UC around 10 years ago and, after my initial flare it was pretty mild. Around a year and a half ago I flared and suffered for most of that time, with the drugs I was being prescribed not really helping. Since the beginning of this year I’ve been on new meds and they finally seem to be working and I’m finally able to live more normally again. In my spare time I’ve been working on building an iOS app that will allow IBD / IBS sufferers to keep track of their symptoms. I know there are apps that do that already but I’m hoping my app will simplify things and allow people to provide their doctors with graphs that show trends for symptoms over a period of time. It’s a way off yet as I don’t have huge amounts of time to devote to it but I’ll get it built eventually. Anybody else who wants to introduce themselves?

    cats rarkgrames 1 year ago 100%
    Hudson is 1 year old today

    This is my gorgeous Maine Coon, Hudson. He's 1 year old today and as you can see he's really pleased with his birthday collar.

    Lemmy.World Announcements rarkgrames 1 year ago 100%
    How do existing Lemmy users feel about the influx of Reddit refugees?

    I’ve seen quite a few posts on here about how new user are finding Lemmy, but I was wondering how existing Lemmy users feel about horde of redditors descending on their site? I’m hoping that so far those of who have migrated over are trying to fit in and find out how to fit in with the existing culture, but do people who have been here for a while have concerns about what is to come? I for one am hoping Lemmy will be a less toxic environment than Reddit, and I’d hate for this influx to ruin things. Here’s hoping!

    cats rarkgrames 1 year ago 97%
    Hudson says blep

    This is Hudson, one of my Maine Coons. He’s nearly 1 year old and he’s a little bugger but we love him.
