genzedong GenZedong I know the west has a suffering boner for the DPRK so here is north Korean people just being people
  • queer_bird queer_bird 2 years ago 100%

    Yeah, way to ruin a wholesome video :/

  • queer_bird queer_bird 2 years ago 100%

    China doing pretty dang good too, considering their very patriarchal history.

  • communism Communism Why I Chose to Join Party of Communists USA -
  • queer_bird queer_bird 2 years ago 65%

    Massive differences.

    PCUSA is a strictly anti-revisionist, Marxist-Leninist party. PCUSA was formed by members of the old CPUSA who were abandoned by the party for their support continued of the Soviet Union after it's collapse.

    CPUSA has many great comrades in it today, but unfortunately the Party itself and its leadership is very liberal in nature. They will tell you to vote democrat and join the local democrat party chapter. Here is an Article by the leader of CPUSA to give you an idea of our concerns:

    CPUSA waters-down Communism to the point where it is only Communist as a desperate defense from the ruling class. PCUSA, however, refuses to capitulate. We are not afraid of our history as Communists, we are the true heirs of the Communist Movement. This is why, even as a young party, we are already recognized by 44 Communist Parties internationally as the American Vanguard.

  • communism Communism Communism and Paranoia
  • queer_bird queer_bird 2 years ago 100%

    True that, Comrade. I knew that before I swore an oath to the Communist movement. Sometimes I just feel weaker than others I suppose. Thank you for reminding me what's important, I guess I just wanted someone else to say it to me, haha.

  • pcusa Party of Communists USA Anarchists PHYSICALLY attacked PCUSA at book fair
  • queer_bird queer_bird 2 years ago 100%

    Such things are rare these days. If we are lucky there will be a broadly left event some time. Until then we will just keep growing our publishing house until we have the clout to host our own events.

  • pcusa Party of Communists USA Anarchists PHYSICALLY attacked PCUSA at book fair
  • queer_bird queer_bird 2 years ago 100%

    Yes, hating capitalism makes sense but hating civilization seems like the ultimate "throwing the baby out with the bathwater".

  • pcusa Party of Communists USA Anarchists PHYSICALLY attacked PCUSA at book fair
  • queer_bird queer_bird 2 years ago 100%

    To be fair, the rest of the Anarchists we're pretty nice. The wobblies even helped us fix our table the first time.

  • leftistunix Linux for Leftists Nova Linux, Cuba's State Sponsored Distro
  • queer_bird queer_bird 2 years ago 100%

    "it is still nice to see more adoption of Linux, even if it’s in Cuba."

    Fuck this guy, lol

  • latestagecapitalism Late Stage Capitalism Starbucks workers win in S.C. as drive widens nationwide - Workers Today
  • queer_bird queer_bird 2 years ago 100%

    The Starbucks in my town (Everett) just unionized. Very exciting stuff. Even if the people aren't very class conscious, they still see it as a positive.

  • communism Communism Lenin and Dissolution | How the State Will Not Wither Away
  • queer_bird queer_bird 2 years ago 100%

    breaking: individual YouTuber thinks they know shit. Lenin wasn't even the first to say the state would wither away

  • pcusa Party of Communists USA I'm interested in joining the party, but I have some questions first.
  • queer_bird queer_bird 2 years ago 100%

    To briefly answer what you asked to the best of my ability, yes, your understanding of the CPUSA/PCUSA split is accurate. Unfortunate as it may be, CPUSA in the modern era is ran by the Liberals. You need only read their newspaper to confirm this, or read the words of their leader Joe Simms.

    PCUSA is a strictly anti-revisionist Marxist-Leninist Party, which is to say a Bolshevik party. The only kind of Communist Party.

    As for our stance on Historical figures, we uphold Stalin and to a lesser degree Mao. Xi and Putin? We support the PRC, although we do not endorse their market socialism, we understand that China is the current center of the Communist movement and we have had presentations with CPC Members. As for Putin, it goes without saying that his is not a Communist, nor is Russia. We do however, support Russia's liberation of the DPR and LPR from the Fascist regime in Kiev, and hope to see the rest of The Ukraine free from Nazi influence.

    If you want to learn more without totally committing you can come to our People's School of Marxist Leninist Studies classes every Tue/Thur at 5PM EST.

  • communism Communism CPUSA Chair Joe Sims "Ten Worst and Best Ideas of Marxism"
  • queer_bird queer_bird 3 years ago 88%

    I can't believe this guy is allowed the be in the leadership of a "Communist" party

  • communism Communism How many here are apart of a Party that's in SolidNet?
  • queer_bird queer_bird 3 years ago 100%

    PSL isn't on Solidnet, but they deserve to be. CPUSA uses its cloud to block any other parties in the USA from being on Solidnet.

  • communism Communism How many here are apart of a Party that's in SolidNet?
  • queer_bird queer_bird 3 years ago 80%

    I'm in PCUSA. We have attempted to join Solidnet several times, but CPUSA uses their hegemony to block us. We have spoke with the KKE and they are going to submit us for consideration next Solidnet congress, but they say we will likely be blocked again.

    Solidnet is not so good anyway, they allow Social Democrat and Maoist groups in. That is why PCUSA, The KKE and others are trying to form a sort of new Cominterm. We aren't powerful enough yet, but Real communist parties are gathering once again following the true path of Marxism Leninism. We recognize the KKE as the current center of the global communist movement.

  • china China "A political party should have faith. For the Communist Party of China, this refers to the faith in Marxism, communism and socialism with Chinese characeristics" - Xi Jinping
  • queer_bird queer_bird 3 years ago 100%

    Faith is a bad word choice. At least to me, faith means belief without evidence. Marxism, Communism and SWCC have been proven affective. I blame the translation lol

  • shitmlmssay Shit MLMs Say (use /shitultrassay) BlackRedGuard - Doubling down like a liberal.
  • queer_bird queer_bird 3 years ago 100%

    Several hundred million of my best friends are Chinese!

  • queer_bird queer_bird 4 years ago 100%

    That just makes it sound like they pop pills all the time, lol.

  • china China American DEBUNKS All Major Western Propaganda on Uyghurs and Xinjiang! | Bay Area415
  • queer_bird queer_bird 4 years ago 100%

    Alright who downvoted this post? YOU'RE BANNED

  • china China How does China work? | Viki 1999
  • queer_bird queer_bird 4 years ago 100%

    her opinions, Comrade! Not that she puts her pronouns front and center or anything. But yea, boohoo the poor landlords, but this video is way better than the "RED FASH CHINA" we usually get from libertarian socialist types

  • communism101 Communism101 Are slaves considered part of the proletariat?
  • queer_bird queer_bird 4 years ago 100%

    Master owning Slave is a different class relation compared to Boss Vs. Worker. Similer in many ways, but different in others. A slave and a worker often have the same class interests, but selling one's labor for a wage is one of the defining factors of proletarian.

  • communism Communism what are some good books on propaganda
  • queer_bird queer_bird 4 years ago 100%

    I second this one for sure.

  • communism Communism what are some other leftist fourm's/websites
  • queer_bird queer_bird 4 years ago 100%

    There's if you want a communist 4chan.

  • communism Communism what do you think of Trotskyism
  • queer_bird queer_bird 4 years ago 100% pretty much covered most of the theoretical problems with Trotskyism, so I won't delve into that. What I care about more is just the fact that Trotskyism is just irreverent. There has never been a Trot revolution. Trots pretty much only exist in the Western world where socialism hasn't taken hold to any major degree (unfortunately). What bothers me the most is that Trots don't support any of the current socialist states, or even the USSR. They are dogmantic idealists, and the only reason anyone knows they exist is because they go to every rally and try to sell you their crappy newspapers. Kshama Sawant is kind of cool though.

  • us_news US News Cop runs over several protesters in Tacoma WA.
  • queer_bird queer_bird 4 years ago 100%

    Ahh, it feels so much more special when the police brutality is so close to my home

  • queer_bird queer_bird 4 years ago 100%

    Good job bro

  • communism Communism should i join my local communist party
  • queer_bird queer_bird 4 years ago 100%

    Absolutely! I know it can feel hopeless when a party is small or whatever, but they all started that way. The powers that be are always going to try to infiltrate a party of the people, they managed that without technology. That doesn't mean it is hopeless.

    Join a party. Even if the revolution isn't anytime soon, you will be making a difference in your community and advancing the socialist cause! Bare minimum, you will find comrades. I cannot oversell how nice it is to be with comrades after ages of feeling alone in this capitalist hellscape. All the media tries to make you feel crazy for seeing the truth about the world, so actually getting to be around other Marxists is very refreshing.

    I don't know if you are in the USA, but if that is the case I recommend these parties in decending order.

    Party of Communists USA (PCUSA) is my party, we are the only bolshevic-cadre vanguard party in the US. We come from the ashes of, and carry on the lineage of the original Communist Party USA (Which is now revisionist and bad). You will find principled Marxists here, ready to educated and empower you, so don't be scared of by the somewhat ugly website!

    I can also recommend Freedom Road Socialist Org (FRSO). I've worked with them, they are quite principled.

    Party of Socialism and Liberation seems to have a good line, but my experience with them hasn't been so good but that's probably because they only have a couple members in my area.

  • worldnews World News Stop the cover-up of Trudeau’s attempted assassination!
  • queer_bird queer_bird 4 years ago 100%

    They are a Trot publication but I probably shouldn't dismiss them outright for that lol

  • china China Collusion between Taiwan and U.S. will face resolute countermeasures: spokesperson
  • queer_bird queer_bird 4 years ago 100%

    Waiting for the Taiwan situation to come to a head is agonizing.

  • leftpiracy Left Piracy I AM MAKING Theory Mega-torrent!
  • queer_bird queer_bird 4 years ago 100%

    Oh that's "TerminessTTF Nerd Font Mono 14"

  • leftpiracy Left Piracy I AM MAKING Theory Mega-torrent!
  • queer_bird queer_bird 4 years ago 100%

    Never heard of of it, despite living in the FOSS community. I'll check it outttt

  • leftpiracy Left Piracy I AM MAKING Theory Mega-torrent!
  • queer_bird queer_bird 4 years ago 100%

    Update 2: It's coming along quite nicely, I got all the foundational essentials and whatnot. I'm finding it's not that hard to convert html files to ebooks but it is tedious so maybe I can automate it somehow.

    here is a sneak peak!

  • leftpiracy Left Piracy I AM MAKING Theory Mega-torrent!
  • queer_bird queer_bird 4 years ago 100%

    I think we found the same torrent comrade, some pretty cringe selections in there lol. But it did help me fluff up the torrent.

  • leftpiracy Left Piracy I AM MAKING Theory Mega-torrent!
  • queer_bird queer_bird 4 years ago 100%

    Any contribution is a good one!

  • leftpiracy Left Piracy I AM MAKING Theory Mega-torrent!
  • queer_bird queer_bird 4 years ago 100%

    UPDATE: I am in the process of ripping and processing it into a neat file structure.

  • leftpiracy Left Piracy I AM MAKING Theory Mega-torrent!
  • queer_bird queer_bird 4 years ago 100%

    I've never made a torrent before, but it can't be that hard. Maybe I can use this as a starting point.

  • leftsthetics Leftsthetics - Leftist Aesthetics "Portrait of I. V. Stalin", painting by Abel Levitan, 1920s
  • queer_bird queer_bird 4 years ago 100%

    Nnnf, I wanna jump in this painting like Mario 64 😍

  • china China Chinese President Xi Jinping gives 2021 New Year address
  • queer_bird queer_bird 4 years ago 91%

    That guy can sure give a pep talk

  • latestagecapitalism Late Stage Capitalism BBC Radio 4 - In Our Time, The Industrial Revolution
  • queer_bird queer_bird 4 years ago 100%

    This seems...very liberal

  • news News china is pressuring the catholic church in hong kong in ways reminiscent of medieval europe
  • queer_bird queer_bird 4 years ago 80%

    Western Chauvinists. Reuters is trash.

  • beardtube BeardTube Taimir rahman - Religion is the Opium of the Masses [Eng]
  • queer_bird queer_bird 4 years ago 100%

    I always hope for the re-emphasizing of radical atheism on the Left. I understand why we have moved away from that, but the scientific viewpoint of Marxism is part of what makes it so appealing to me.
