linux Linux a list of desktop environments who support wayland ( eg cutefish,ukui,deepin)
  • proycon proycon 1 month ago 100%

    Yes, it's just sway

  • asklemmy Asklemmy has your YouTube consumption decreased after implementing the "no history, no recommendations" feature?
  • proycon proycon 1 year ago 100%

    I've been using RSS feeds for youtube channels for a few years. I don't visit the site if I can help it, I don't login, I don't "like & subscribe", I don't see any clickbait thumbnails and most important: I don't see any ads. Just newsboat & mpv.

  • books Books Any sci-fi with aliens where humans are not the less advanced race?
  • proycon proycon 1 year ago 100%

    Good recommendation indeed, the zones of thought are awesome. One of my all time favourites!

  • linux Linux [Request] lightweight distro
  • proycon proycon 1 year ago 100%

    I'd go for Alpine Linux in such case.

  • linux Linux Any decent voice typing options for Linux?
  • proycon proycon 1 year ago 100%

    You may want to check out numen, targeted towards power-users.

  • books Books Non-US sci-fi recommendations?
  • proycon proycon 1 year ago 100%

    I'll interpret non-US a bit broader as non-English. English is hugely dominant in scifi so it's often hard to find good books in other languages. I'd also love to hear the recommendations of others too! A few I read:

  • nostupidquestions No Stupid Questions Question for software developers: how do you organize your To Do list at work?
  • proycon proycon 1 year ago 100%

    I'm using todo.txt, which is a basic plain text file following a simple syntax. I added various extensions to work with this: todo.txt-more, which does things like:

    • make things accessible through a simple menu (dmenu/bemenu/rofi) system.
    • time tracking functions
    • synchronisation with github issues and/or e-mail
  • languages Languages and Linguistics | Polyglots, Language Learners and Linguists! A minimalistic spaced-repetion vocabulary trainer (flashcards) for the terminal
  • proycon proycon 1 year ago 100%


  • productivity Productivity Todo.txt-more: Efficiently managing your todo list and your time
  • proycon proycon 1 year ago 100%

    Not really, though it wouldn't be hard to add, say via a cronjob.

  • dogs Dogs 12 Dutch breeds: Day 6 - Kooikerhondje - - Link to community in post!
  • proycon proycon 1 year ago 100%

    As a kooikerhondje owner, I approve of this post :)

  • aww aww Jaiko, our kooikerhondje
  • proycon proycon 1 year ago 100%

    Done! Please join and post more photos ;)

  • aww aww Jaiko, our kooikerhondje
  • proycon proycon 1 year ago 100%

    Oh wow! Already three people with kooikerhondjes on lemmy! You're right, we should start a community

  • linux Linux What's the longest you've stayed on a distribution?
  • proycon proycon 1 year ago 100%

    I'm not much of a distro-hopper. I think I've been on just four distros on my daily-driving desktop & laptop since about 1999:

    • RedHat (around 1999, starting with 6.0)
    • Mandrake (around 2001?)
    • Ubuntu (around 2006)
    • Arch Linux (around 2012 - today), and no intention to hop. In fact, I recently bought a new PC and installed Arch again. On the previous machine, I installed it once and it rolled nicely its entire lifetime.

    My personal server has been running Ubuntu LTS for ages, I might have run debian a long time ago, but I'm not sure anymore. Nowadays I run a container setup, and those are running on Alpine Linux.

  • linux Linux What's the longest you've stayed on a distribution?
  • proycon proycon 1 year ago 88%

    Let's not downvote the poor guy just because we lost him to Apple. The comment is on topic and people are allowed to make different choices/mistakes 😉

  • aww cute dogs, cats, and other animals Chloe the kooikerhondje in her favorite spot to sit
  • proycon proycon 1 year ago 100%

    The more kooikerhondjes the better! :)

  • asklemmy Asklemmy What RSS feed application do you use?
  • proycon proycon 1 year ago 100%
  • privacy Privacy what phones are you all using?
  • proycon proycon 1 year ago 100%

    A pinephone with postmarketOS and sxmo

  • linux Linux Throwing in the towel on mobile Linux
  • proycon proycon 1 year ago 100%

    I can definitely see where you're coming from and I have similar experiences. I got fairly fed up with the fact that the modem often doesn't come up again after suspend on the pinephone. And if you disable sleep like I often do, you often find a dead battery. Despite all the great work of so many people, I'd have hoped for some more stability in the ecosystem by now.

    I also took up a spare Android phone unfortunately, but I'm really fighting with its interface, I want my sxmo !

    (cross-post from Mastodon)

  • aww aww Jaiko, our kooikerhondje
  • proycon proycon 1 year ago 100%

    Really? Nice! Did you mean to post a picture, I'm not seeing it?

  • aww aww Jaiko, our kooikerhondje
  • proycon proycon 1 year ago 100%


  • aww
    aww proycon 1 year ago 100%
    Jaiko, our kooikerhondje

    This is Jaiko, she's a dutch breed called "kooikerhondje". If there are by any chance others with this breed on lemmy already, we should start a community ;)

    lemmyworld Lemmy.World Announcements Greetings from a brand new Lemmy instance, uFail!
  • proycon proycon 1 year ago 100%

    Nice to see you here too, with a brand new instance even!

  • proycon proycon 1 year ago 100%

    I use newsboat for all my RSS needs, which is pretty much my main entry point for a lot of things:

    • News sites
    • Various blogs
    • Youtube channels (I unsubscribed from everything on my YouTube account, hardly ever login, and only use RSS to follow the channels I want)
    • Podcasts
    • I used to have some subreddits in there too, but those were ritually deleted after June 12th of course
  • esperanto Esperanto Kiel aŭtentigi Mastodon-konton
  • proycon proycon 1 year ago 100%

    Oni ankaŭ povas subskribi mastodon/activitypub kun gnupg-ŝlosilo, kaj disdoni la rezultadon publike, kun

    Ekzemplo, jen la mia:

  • esperanto Esperanto Babilado kun ChatGPT pri naskiĝtagon, skribmaŝinojn, neĝoglobukarulojn kaj la sencon de la vivo
  • proycon proycon 1 year ago 100%

    Jes, ankaŭ mi estis bone surprizita. Sed vi tute pravas pri la kodon kaj datumaron, estas bedaŭrinda afero.

  • esperanto Esperanto UEA fordonis sian bibliotekon al Varsovio
  • proycon proycon 1 year ago 100%

    Interese, ĉu tiu biblioteko antaŭe troviĝis en la UEA centra oficejo en Roterdamo? Mi bone rememoras la librojn kaj la etoson tie, mi vizitis la lokon kelkfoje antaŭ multaj jaroj.

  • dach DACH - jetzt auf Schweizer Abstimmung am 18. Juni 2023, Teil 0: Politisches System
  • proycon proycon 1 year ago 100%

    Danke, das sehr war interessant zu lesen! Die Schweiz ist politisch etwas eigenartig aber das fasziniert mich ziemlich. Ich habe den Ahnung, das manche Sachen, sowie beteiligung und einfluß im Demokratischen Prozess, da sogar besser läufen als in EU-länder wie meiner (die Niederlande).

  • selfhosted Selfhosted What are YOU self-hosting?
  • proycon proycon 1 year ago 100%

    Yep, people are enthusiastic about self hosting and like talking about what they host :)

  • newcommunities
    New Communities proycon 1 year ago 100%
    A community for Language Technology / NLP

    I didn't see any dedicated natural language processing communities yet so I started one. I hope fellow NLP researchers, students and all who are interested join to discuss language technology, computational linguistics, etc. Link: [!](/c/

    Esperanto proycon 1 year ago 100%
    Babilado kun ChatGPT pri naskiĝtagon, skribmaŝinojn, neĝoglobukarulojn kaj la sencon de la vivo

    Ĉi tiu estas ekzakta neredaktikta protokolo de la konversacio kiu mi havis kun ChatGPT, AI lingvomodelo, por testi ĝin.

    A minimalistic spaced-repetion vocabulary trainer (flashcards) for the terminal

    I wrote this a while back, it's a probably a niche tool for people who like to stay in the terminal, load their own data from simple tsv files, and still learn vocabulary.

    Babylon5 proycon 1 year ago 100%
    Babylon 5 Music Composition II (piano, chronological)

    I made this 15 years ago, but I figured it might be appreciated by this community. Ever since I watched the show in my teens, I've been playing its music.

    Ask A Russian proycon 1 year ago 75%
    1420 channel @ youtube

    Not a question as such, but this is a popular youtube channel where Russians are asked questions, including sensitive ones about the horrific war going on right now. I figured it might fit the theme of this channel.

    selfhosted Selfhosted [Question] Does anyone run their own email server?
  • proycon proycon 1 year ago 100%

    When I am sending? Well, once things are set up properly I'm pretty confident that things arrive (though nobody can ever be 100% sure of course). I also tend to mail to the same recipient domains a lot, like for work and hobby projects, so once those are tested you get pretty confident.

    Unnoticed downtime is usually quickly noticed, I depend on my server for a lot of things. Senders are often resilient enough to keep things in their queue and try a few times. There's also a fallback MX registry at my (3rd party) DNS host which will queue stuff in case the primary MX goes down.

  • selfhosted Selfhosted What are YOU self-hosting?
  • proycon proycon 1 year ago 100%

    Interesting hardware list, that indeed is a bit more complicated (and probably more expensive) than most are running.

  • selfhosted Selfhosted What are YOU self-hosting?
  • proycon proycon 1 year ago 100%

    Nice, RSS is great indeed. I use it extensively as well, but I didn't even realize it was a thing people ran as a service on a server. I hadn't heard of FreshRSS etc. I personally just run newsboat from my desktop/laptop, even my phone if need be.

  • languages Languages and Linguistics | Polyglots, Language Learners and Linguists! What languages do you speak? What languages are you learning?
  • proycon proycon 1 year ago 100%

    You may have to buy the necessary brain upgrade from your brain dealer, but generally multiple languages fit yeah 😉 It may get a bit confusing if they're very similar languages though, although I also find that that may help in retention of vocabulary.

  • languages Languages and Linguistics | Polyglots, Language Learners and Linguists! What languages do you speak? What languages are you learning?
  • proycon proycon 1 year ago 100%

    To set the right example:

    I speak dutch (native); english (fluent); german, spanish, portuguese, french, esperanto (good); italian (adequate); russian (slightly below adequate); mandarin chinese (basic); arabic (very poorly)

    I'm learning mostly russian and chinese, for many years already, but not in any formal setting and with for many years already. I like reading books in the other languages to keep them up.

  • languages
    What languages do you speak? What languages are you learning?

    Let's answer this simple question just to get this community started!

    selfhosted Selfhosted [Question] Does anyone run their own email server?
  • proycon proycon 1 year ago 100%

    I've been self-hosting e-mail for over 15 years and hope to continue doing so. Although it's being made increasingly difficult by big tech players. I wrote about it here:

  • linux Linux Which Tiling Window Managers do you like, and why?
  • proycon proycon 1 year ago 100%

    I'm on Hyprland (wayland compositer, wl-roots based). Prior to the wayland transition I was on dwm. Hyprland offers a dynamic tiling layout just like dwm, which was my main selling point. The dev is very active and hyprland is gaining maturity rapidly (more than alternatives like dwl or river did at the time I checked it out). I also tried i3 and sway, but they don't quite cut it for me as they don't do dynamic tiling out of the box.

  • productivity
    Productivity proycon 1 year ago 100%
    Todo.txt-more: Efficiently managing your todo list and your time

    This is a niche-solution based on the well-known todo.txt, for the more technically capable user. I mainly just wrote it for myself but maybe others can find use for it too (it's fully open source).

    selfhosted Selfhosted What are YOU self-hosting?
  • proycon proycon 1 year ago 100%

    To answer my own question:

    • E-mail (postfix, dovecot, rspamd, clamav)
    • Web (nginx), various small websites including my homepage
    • Fediverse Microblogging (Mastodon)
    • Matrix Chat (synapse)
    • XMPP Chat (prosody)
    • Music streaming (mpd, snapcast)
    • Home automation (home assistant and my own lighthome stuff, mqtt)
    • IRC bouncer (znc)

    And the basics of course:

    • SSH (openssh)
    • NFS

    All running on an Ubuntu Linux server, but everything is containerised into mostly Alpine Linux podman (rootless) containers (and a few lxc containers which I'm phasing out).

  • selfhosted
    Selfhosted proycon 1 year ago 99%
    What are YOU self-hosting?

    A simple question to this community, what are you self-hosting? It's probably fun to hear from each-other what services we are running. Please mention at least the service (e.g. e-mail) and the software (e.g. postfix). Extra bonus points for also mentioning the OS and/or hardware (e.g. Linux Distribution, raspberry pi, etc) you are running on.

    selfhosted Selfhosted My home server setup
  • proycon proycon 1 year ago 100%

    Nice, you must be into deep learning with such a setup, any particular reason the deep deep learning models and GPU run in your server rather than in a powerful desktop system? Maybe you're actively offering AI services to the outside world?

  • selfhosted Selfhosted Snapcast - How many of you are using it?
  • proycon proycon 1 year ago 100%

    I'm using snapcast, though more as an alternative for icecast to just play my music from mpd, rather than for its more advanced syncing features.

    snapserver is on my main server, and snapclient on my desktop PC, my laptop, and on raspberry pi's connected to main speakers throughout the house. I can start/stop the clients via my home automation system.

  • books Books What are you currently reading and how do you like it?
  • proycon proycon 1 year ago 100%

    I'm currently reading The Metamorphosis of Prime Intellect, by Roger Williams... It's scifi about "the singularity", albeit a bit graphic and disturbing.

    I recently finished reading "Arrête avec tes mensognes" by Phillipe Besson (english title: Lie with me), a gay novel, and that was a great read.

  • linux Linux What distro(s) do you use?
  • proycon proycon 1 year ago 100%
    • Arch Linux on desktop and laptop
    • Ubuntu on server, with containers running mostly Alpine Linux
    • postmarketOS (Alpine Linux based) on mobile phone (pinephone)
  • lemmyworld Lemmy.World Announcements New icon for
  • proycon proycon 1 year ago 100%

    Suggestion: Globe in the center and a circle of lemmings (like from the classical game) holding hands all along the circumference?
