food Food and Cooking What type of pan is best for lazy cookers?
  • pickles pickles 1 year ago 100%

    My vote is for a 10-12" traditional cast iron pan. I've used every type of pan out there, and the one I leave sitting out on my stove is my trusty cast iron skillet that was my great great grandparents'. It will oulive me too!


    I would recommend to not buy new. Buy an old used one that ideally has a smooth surface, not a rough one. (The newer ones have a dimpled surface due to how they're molded and they take longer to season up in my opinion.) Check the old pan for bulges, cracks, and extreme rust (like the whole thing is orange). If there's a few rust spots, that can be fixed with a good scrub, a thin coating of oil, and an hour in a 400 degree oven. That's it! If you are cooking with the same pan a lot, you don't need to worry about it rusting ever again. Just always coat it in a thin layer of high heat oil. (I prefer avocado or safflower.)


    Never put food in a cold pan! Let it warm up first. Put a bead of water in to check if it's ready, it will sizzle when the pan is hot. If food sticks, add liquid or oil and scrape the bottom good with a metal spatula. You don't have to be gentle with cast iron!


    After cooking, turn off your burner and immediately remove all the food (do not leave it in the pan to cool! Harder to clean) and run it under blazing HOT tap water (I wear kitchen gloves for this step!) The temp change won't be high enough to damage your pan. Scrub it out with a copper chore boy or very stiff brush all over, then put back on the still warm burner (if you use electric) or turn the burner on low and wait for the water to evaporate off, it'll only take a minute or two. Then rub the pan lightly ALL OVER, every bit, with a high heat cooking oil. I keep a small rag in some oil for this purpose. Done! It takes me like 3 min to clean the pan, tops.

    This cleaning method is sooo much easier than having to deal with any of my other pans. If you wash it hot and keep it seasoned, nothing will stick and it'll last forever!

  • food Food and Cooking Are there any home ice cream makers here?
  • pickles pickles 1 year ago 100%

    Tonka beans are illegal to sell in food, but you can get them shipped online and use them in your home kitchen. I'm in the US and I have some in my pantry right now. I've tried them in cookies but I'll try them in ice cream too, thanks for the tip!

  • aww cute dogs, cats, and other animals gimme all da belly rubs!!!!
  • pickles pickles 1 year ago 100%

    Ahhhh nothing is better than a cute dog who feels safe and loved enough to ask for belly rubs. 💜💜💜💜

  • pickles pickles 1 year ago 100%

    That's a possibility...I am disappoint 🥲

  • pickles pickles 1 year ago 66%

    I and my lil dog would also like to know! I would love to be able to snug her on the flight.

  • food Food and Cooking Creative Ways to Use 7 Types of Food Scraps
  • pickles pickles 1 year ago 100%

    A few extra tips: don't put any cruciferous veg into your stock bag, like broccoli, cauliflower, brussels, etc. They will make your stock smell sulfurous. Bread pudding is another great use for stale bread and dairy.

    My newest scrap discovery is using the liquid from canned fruit and leftover yogurt to make homemade popsicles.

  • pickles pickles 1 year ago 100%

    Historically antique pockets are very similar to this, tied around the waist instead though. So modern pockets are 'pockets with extra steps' not the other way around.

  • pickles pickles 1 year ago 100%

    Baby's first loaf

  • blahaj Blåhaj normal body functions
  • pickles pickles 1 year ago 100%

    My brain:

    • I want to eat cheese.

    • Shit, I accidentally made eye contact!!

    • When I make my stuffie chair/coat/abomination, precious blahaj will be prominently featured.

    • etc.

  • main Blahaj Lemmy Meta Paying for servers
  • pickles pickles 1 year ago 100%

    How much is it, if you don't mind sharing?

  • pickles pickles 1 year ago 100%

    I hope you feel up to rocking that satchel sometime! It's unfair that a lot of masc folks can feel limited in how they dress/accessorize.

    Yes, the needle and thread has come in handy twice, once a button popped off, and a friend's skirt seam started splitting in the back. I actually need to reload some black thread.

  • pickles pickles 1 year ago 100%

    Wow I've never heard of these types of toys!! I just went down a rabbit hole looking at people playing with them. They look very elegant. Do you have a fave?

  • pickles pickles 1 year ago 100%

    Thanks! What's your 'old faithful' bag, if you have one?

  • pickles pickles 1 year ago 100%

    Thank you! I am always curious about what other people have in their bags and pockets. REI is the best!! Unfortunately I got my bag over a decade ago at a thrift store, but I did find a similar one on poshmark. Mine is an earlier iteration of this one with a stitched logo, but everything else looks the same. It's indestructable, the only wear is the coating on the innermost pocket is beginning to peel, and the printed design on the front has faded off.

  • creative Creative Festus the Fragrant part IV - Probably complete!
  • pickles pickles 1 year ago 100%

    An omniverous plant that also eats garbage?? Sign me up! 😂

  • creative Creative Festus the Fragrant part IV - Probably complete!
  • pickles pickles 1 year ago 100%

    He looks positively putrid! I would like a Festus to protect my garden from rodents.

  • pickles pickles 1 year ago 100%

    Thanks so much for sharing!! ;) ;) IMO I think a much more useful and important carry everyone should have is tampons. After all, almost everyone has someone in their lives with a menstrual cycle, and menstruating happens roughly once a month. They can also be used in non-menstrual situations, such as getting badly cut, nosebleeds, or plugging other unwanted leaks. I find O.B. tampons to be the most space saving and eco friendly, as they don't have an applicator that takes up unwanted space. That does mean that you have to use your finger as an applicator, but if you also carry some wet wipes that'll take care of that issue, no problem. Make sure you carry one of each variety, as not only can each hold varying amounts of blood, but using a tampon that is too large for the amount of flow can cause toxic shock syndrome. Subscribe for more tampon facts!! /s

  • pickles pickles 1 year ago 100%

    The first obvious post by someone with a vag here and I get condom comments. Can't say I'm surprised.

  • pickles pickles 1 year ago 100%

    I'm ace 🙃

  • edc
    Everyday Purse Carry

    - Wallet - Reuseable bag - Combo battery pack/flashlight and charging cord - Moleskine book, pen and sharpie - Headphones - Shoehorn - Sunscreen - SPF chapstick - Bandaids - Tampons - Flossers - Nail files, nail clippers, tweezers - Tissues - Lotion - Immodium - Pill carrier with acetaminophen, xtra prescriptions, benadryl - Rhoto eye drops - Alcohol pads - Lactaid and Tums - Hand sanitizer - Xtra contacts - Needle and thread - Wet wipe - Soft wipe for glasses - Throat lozenges Not pictured: keys with multi tool and usb with backups, contigo water bottle, and sunglasses, which I switch out depending on my corrective lenses of the day. All packed in a small crossbody REI purse that could fit even more, like Mary Poppins. I love purses.

    food Food and Cooking You've just made four hard boiled eggs in a small pot
  • pickles pickles 1 year ago 100%

    No washing, the boiling water sterilized anything nefarious on the eggs. I don't wash my cast iron either, just rinse and kill it with fire on the stove.

  • antiwork Antiwork An increasingly concerning and very long job posting I found.
  • pickles pickles 1 year ago 100%

    Yeah if someone actually wanted to do all this, they would run thier own business 😂

  • antiwork Antiwork An increasingly concerning and very long job posting I found.
  • pickles pickles 1 year ago 100%

    Thank you!

  • antiwork Antiwork An increasingly concerning and very long job posting I found.
  • pickles pickles 1 year ago 100%

    Lol no, but I'm curious what you edited out

  • antiwork Antiwork An increasingly concerning and very long job posting I found.
  • pickles pickles 1 year ago 100%

    Could you link the original?

  • medicine
    Medical Community Hub pickles 1 year ago 100%
    Question: The gut microbiome and mental health - Nature Reviews Microbiology

    As I've been reading about the studies about microbiome differences in people with various mental illnesses, is there any potential for a connection regarding contagion of mental issues? Like if people are around each other for long enough, will their microbiome and therefore their mental state become similar?

    lgbtq_plus LGBTQ+ what is the difference between sexual and romantic attraction?
  • pickles pickles 1 year ago 100%

    For me, romantic attraction means I have all of the warm swoony fuzzy feelings for another person, where I want to spend time with them, do things for them, have a deep, emotionally close relationship with them...the only things I don't want to do with them are sexual things like get naked and touch each other's genitalia and stuff.

  • lgbtq_plus LGBTQ+ Detransition: The Wounds That Won't Heal | Chloe Cole | EP 319
  • pickles pickles 1 year ago 100%

    Yeah most of what he says is based on nothing but his own flawed logic. Cass Eris has some scathing videos debunking a lot of his 'research' from a cognitive psychologist perspective and they are both densely informative and hilarious.

  • pickles pickles 1 year ago 100%

    I've used them for a couple years now and love it. They have the full suite, calendar, storage, tasks, document editing the works.

  • youshouldknow You Should Know YSK: Google tracks your app usage and so much more
  • pickles pickles 1 year ago 100%

    I was trying to degoogle and permanently remove the google shit, and at the time this model had just come out and there wasn't much about it. I may try again on this phone when it starts to go.

  • antiwork Antiwork Thanks for the superyacht
  • pickles pickles 1 year ago 100%

    Yeah this seems like the equivalent of a normal person offering their server a piece of gum as a tip. They couldn't even spring for a laptop? Or better yet, actual cash money?

  • youshouldknow You Should Know YSK: Google tracks your app usage and so much more
  • pickles pickles 1 year ago 100%

    I couldn't unlock my bootloader on my oneplus 9 pro. I also tend to need DETAILED instructions for things, so there is a chance I missed a step and didn't realize it. I also didn't know that there's a difference between rooting and running a different OS...I thought they were the same thing.

  • pickles pickles 1 year ago 100%

    I believe the only rule atm is that bigotry will get you permabanned, but if anyone knows differently please correct me.

  • foodporn FoodPorn Smoked Goodies...
  • pickles pickles 1 year ago 100%

    ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ GIVE

  • foodporn FoodPorn Solyanka-inspired stew with boiled potatoes
  • pickles pickles 1 year ago 100%

    Oh my lard soylanka is my absolute favorite soup! I love to add pickle brine and sour cream to mine. I never thought of making it into a stew, great idea to switch it up.

  • pickles pickles 1 year ago 100%

    Omg that gameboy micro is so cute, I'd probably go blind playing on that tiny screen tho 🥺

  • solarpunk Solarpunk Can we talk about resources and criteria for solarpunk backyards? (AI generated image)
  • pickles pickles 1 year ago 100%

    This reminds me of the cottage garden aesthetic. More haphazard and cozy!

  • animals Animals and Pets I'm worried my new kitten may be incompatible with my older cat
  • pickles pickles 1 year ago 100%

    I had two cats from the same litter who had opposite personalities, just like your two. They were both fixed as kittens. The male was very aggressive with play and dominant, he would try to hog everything. The female was very calm and gentle, though she would fight back if the male was being a brat. I had to feed them in separate rooms, also play with them separately. They occasionally played together, but not much, even as adults. I used a spray bottle to deter bad behavior like biting. I got a big glove to use when rough playing with the male. They eventually worked out a heirarchy amongst themselves for cuddles, but they were always very different personalities. The male calmed down as he got older, but it took time.

    Point being, yours may never gel and get along to the point of you being able to have them do everything together, and that's ok. But I think your intuition is right, he will calm down as he gets older and is fixed.

  • youshouldknow You Should Know YSK: Google tracks your app usage and so much more
  • pickles pickles 1 year ago 100%

    Good point! Yeah I couldn't even unlock my bootloader on my Oneplus 😭 so i disable what apps I can these days

  • youshouldknow You Should Know YSK: Google tracks your app usage and so much more
  • pickles pickles 1 year ago 93%

    The path to privacy is a long and arduous constant fight, full of inconveniences.

    You got that right! Especially when rooting your phone is the best option. I never did figure it out, that shit is hard!

  • main Blahaj Lemmy Meta Created community, but posts aren't visible?
  • pickles pickles 1 year ago 100%

    That's so odd! I've refreshed a bunch and nada!

  • main
    Blahaj Lemmy Meta pickles 1 year ago 100%
    Created community, but posts aren't visible?

    I haven't found any fashion communities here on blahaj (and I miss oldhagfashion) so I created hagfashion and tried to make a post (twice), and I can't see them. What am I doing wrong? Edit: Figured it out...I needed to have 'see read posts' checked in my settings.😅

    hagfashion pickles 1 year ago 100%
    my fave prickly sweater

    Image description: Femme human from the waist up has arms at their sides. They are wearing a horizontally striped baby pink and bright yellow sweater with soft knit spikes poking up all over. The sweater has long bell sleeves and a mock turtleneck.

    hagfashion pickles 1 year ago 100%
    My fave prickly sweater

    Image of a femme human from the waist up, arms at their sides. They are wearing a horizontally striped baby pink and bright yellow knit sweater with a soft spike texture. It has bell sleeves and a mock turtleneck.

    foss Free and Open Source Software Whats your must-have FOSS app?
  • pickles pickles 1 year ago 100%

    Seconding Fairemail! It's great, though it was a bit challenging for me to set up as a newb to foss apps. I also use signal, bitwarden, aegis, and newpipe a lot.
