Café penangkia 1 year ago 100%
Beware of the J&t scam

I seriously need to change my number. So many unknown numbers calling me and today nearly fell for this scam 😳 Careful, guys!

food Malaysian Food Daily c/food Thread - Whatcha Having Today? 3rd August, 2023
  • penangkia penangkia 1 year ago 100%

    I actually like XO 😊Underrated!

  • food Malaysian Food Daily c/food Thread - Whatcha Having Today? 3rd August, 2023
  • penangkia penangkia 1 year ago 100%

    #MakanApaToday? Durian! I mistakenly thought dad didn't have enough so I bought some more and now we have a "durian runtuh" situation 🤣

    My family likes to eat durian with rice soaked in santan (coconut milk). I have failed my Peranakan heritage by hating the idea of rice + santan, insists my mum.

    It's OK, I am a purist - I prefer my durian untouched by anything but my hands 🤭

  • transport
    Transportation penangkia 1 year ago 100%
    Ktm's van pooling service

    Apparently one of PH's most successful initiatives but it is giving me "they are going to kidnap me" vibes for some reason. I will try it either this week or the next. Let's see if I survive 🤣

    cafe Café can someone teach me how to unpin a post and schedule one?
  • penangkia penangkia 1 year ago 100%

    I pinned my post but for some reason can't unpin it 🤷‍♀️

  • cafe Café can someone teach me how to unpin a post and schedule one?
  • penangkia penangkia 1 year ago 100%

    Yeah I tried clicking on the three dot menu but I don't see the unpin optkon Weird

  • cafe Café can someone teach me how to unpin a post and schedule one?
  • penangkia penangkia 1 year ago 100%

    Any help appreciated!

  • cafe
    Café penangkia 1 year ago 100%
    can someone teach me how to unpin a post and schedule one?

    For the life of me, I can't seem to find the unpin button. Do let me know how to do so. Also, I was told that I can schedule posts, but I haven't seen that option either. I'm currently using Lemmy via the browser.

    movies Movies & Series What did you watch this week? (Aug 2023 edition)
  • penangkia penangkia 1 year ago 0%

    Most CDramas lose my interest after the 20th episode, but not this one! Blood Of Youth was tightly plotted, the characters so interesting. Although the "magic" martial arts took some getting used to, this was a classic #Wuxia tale. So you have the themes of brotherhood, loyalty, chivalry and honor that the genre is known for. Now I have a hangover because it ended "too soon" and I don't think I can watch anything this good in a long while. 😭 I hear that Mysterious Lotus Casebook could have the same bromantic feels, so that may be my target next ;)

  • movies
    Movies & Series penangkia 1 year ago 100%
    What did you watch this week? (Aug 2023 edition)

    Tell us what you watched this week, whether movie, series, cdrama or Kdrama!

    Pets penangkia 1 year ago 100%
    Drama queen

    So drama. As if she's the one working on Jira tickets 8 hours a day to buy her kibble. ![](

    cafe Café I loled when I read this page in a book I am reading
  • penangkia penangkia 1 year ago 100%

    It would be a hit series on Netflix

  • cafe
    Café penangkia 1 year ago 85%
    I loled when I read this page in a book I am reading

    When I showed this page to an ang moh friend she went like,, "this seems exaggerated". 🤔 I was like neh this is the simplified version 🤣 From the book "Has the West lost it?" by 😔Kishore Mahbubani ![](

    cafe Café /c/café daily chat thread for 26 July 2023
  • penangkia penangkia 1 year ago 100%

    I mean, they still pretty much operate like they're in the 2010s

  • cafe Café /c/café daily chat thread for 24 July 2023
  • penangkia penangkia 1 year ago 100%
  • cafe Café /c/café daily chat thread for 24 July 2023
  • penangkia penangkia 1 year ago 100%

    Well. I can see the appeal? 🤭What did she do la to get highlighted by #TwitterJaya

  • cafe Café /c/café daily chat thread for 24 July 2023
  • penangkia penangkia 1 year ago 100%

    My sympathies 🤣

  • cafe Café /c/café daily chat thread for 24 July 2023
  • penangkia penangkia 1 year ago 100%

    Too much work. We are supposed to read their minds mah 😂

  • cafe Café /c/café daily chat thread for 24 July 2023
  • penangkia penangkia 1 year ago 100%

    Someone just passive-aggressively reminded me I could block people on Mastodon, and if I can't adhere to CW requests perhaps I should get off Mastodon. Wow, I've only beeon on the Internet since 1999, Twitter since 2008 and Mastodon last November. I don't know how to block ah? Wah.

    these Mastodon HOA people are one kind.

    PS: A few days ago, I blew my top when someone told me to CW my food photos. Since food is the way us Malaysians talk to each other on Mastodon, I feel it's really too much they ask me to CW. Since then a few people explained that food can be triggering to people with eating disorders. But then other people say CW can also worsen eating disorders. Apalah you cannot win. Why don't they leave us alone lol. I think i'll just limit my posts to #MakanApaToday and #FediTiam and exclude #Food cos I dah fed up with the HOA* people. This is sad cos I use #Food so we can reach non-Malaysians, but it attracts the hornets. Maybe I use #expatasia instead (someone asked me to include the hashtag so the expats can find these posts)

    All of this nonsense makes me glad that we have a "safe" space here on, where we can be completely Malaysian without some reply dude/dudette come and lecture you for melanggar some cultural rule you are not even aware of. I feel more relaxed here. A bit sad. I now understand why Black Twitter never felt comfortable enough in the Fediverse.

    *Home Owners Association - people on Mastodon who patrol it to make sure everyone behave and follow rules. Like prefects, but worse.

  • cafe Café /c/café daily chat thread for 24 July 2023
  • penangkia penangkia 1 year ago 100%
  • pets
    Pets penangkia 1 year ago 100%
    Don't think she wants me to go to work

    But if you want food you better let me pack 😅 ![](

    politics Malaysian Politics Supposedly, Malaysia is the “least traditional, most secular, Muslim country in the world, but still more traditional than half the world”.
  • penangkia penangkia 1 year ago 100%

    Don't tell PAS 😂

    But honestly, I am surprised 🤔

  • pets
    Pets penangkia 1 year ago 100%
    Like all parents I let the TV babysit my furkid

    Meet Apricat, the world's clingiest cat. But that's a topic for another day. ![](

    cafe Café Any personal blogs from Malaysians, Asians or other South East Asians?
  • penangkia penangkia 1 year ago 100%

    Haha dang. I am not great with git yet, still learning. But maybe we can sort of keep an ever expanding list that people can add to. What platform is good for that?

  • cafe Café Any personal blogs from Malaysians, Asians or other South East Asians?
  • penangkia penangkia 1 year ago 100%

    Sounds like a good idea!

  • cafe Café Any personal blogs from Malaysians, Asians or other South East Asians?
  • penangkia penangkia 1 year ago 100%

    I am all for that haha. I remember we used to have a blog directory of Malaysian blogs. I wish we had that again. Can we build something like that?

  • cafe Café Mph warehouse sale
  • penangkia penangkia 1 year ago 100%

    I did see some there. Worth a look!

  • cafe
    Café penangkia 1 year ago 100%
    Any personal blogs from Malaysians, Asians or other South East Asians?

    So I love reading personal blogs. I have been enjoying Substacks and blogs I found but lately I am longing for more diversity. Almost all the blogs I can find are from the West. Can any of you recommend me any good personal blogs written by South East Asians (especially Malaysians) or other Asians? I seem to find that Malaysians like to blog about three things: Food, politics and money 😂 I prefer not to read those, tho food doesn't hurt I suppose but will get a bit tired after a while I prefer genuinely personal blogs that are slice of life stuff. If you know of any please recommend to me! 🙏

    cafe Café Mph warehouse sale
  • penangkia penangkia 1 year ago 100%

    Hard also cos I don't know what you like :) but they have all types of non fiction, tho not many of them popular titles

  • cafe Café Mph warehouse sale
  • penangkia penangkia 1 year ago 100%

    Too many to mention 😂 A huge variety. I got a number of memoirs.

  • cafe Café Mph warehouse sale
  • penangkia penangkia 1 year ago 100%

    If you are a Daniel Silva and James Rollins fans you will be happy. Lots of their books there. Historical Romance novels too

  • cafe Café Mph warehouse sale
  • penangkia penangkia 1 year ago 100%

    Moar photos

  • cafe Café Mph warehouse sale
  • penangkia penangkia 1 year ago 100%

    IMHO the selection is great. I bought a big bag (mostly for friends - jadi personal shopper lol) and it only came up to RM100.

  • cafe Café Mph warehouse sale
  • penangkia penangkia 1 year ago 100%

    I will take photos 👌

  • cafe
    Café penangkia 1 year ago 91%
    Mph warehouse sale

    To work or to go to the Mph warehouse sale at Summit, USJ - that's the question 😁

    food Malaysian Food Daily c/food Thread - Whatcha Having Today? 19th July, 2023
  • penangkia penangkia 1 year ago 100%

    Salai beef Thai style bruschetta and chicken croquettes. 😋

  • cafe Café Otters found in Melaka River! 😍
  • penangkia penangkia 1 year ago 100%

    Subang people. Got very excited when otters were also spotted at Subang Lake. I went there a few times but did not see them but I wonder where they are hiding!

  • cafe Café /c/café daily chat thread for 17 July 2023
  • penangkia penangkia 1 year ago 100%

    👀 "You must behave exactly like I demand so that my life will be easier"

  • cafe Café Do you have any apartment or condo recommendation around KL, Damansara or Petaling Jaya ?
  • penangkia penangkia 1 year ago 100%

    Btw op you didn't mention where in Pj you will be working. You may want to get one nearer to work for eg.

  • cafe Café Do you have any apartment or condo recommendation around KL, Damansara or Petaling Jaya ?
  • penangkia penangkia 1 year ago 100%

    That's a good placr too if you like studios.

  • cafe Café /c/café daily chat thread for 17 July 2023
  • penangkia penangkia 1 year ago 100%

    Hahaha I have a relative like that. Share every single detail of her pregnancy. Down to the gory details. Then when have kid share 60+ photos of kid every day. I dont where they got energy

  • cafe Café /c/café daily chat thread for 17 July 2023
  • penangkia penangkia 1 year ago 100%

    I don't understand why they can't just use the filter function 😅 so hardworking to nag people about this when a filter and block is all you need to do.

  • cafe Café /c/café daily chat thread for 17 July 2023
  • penangkia penangkia 1 year ago 100%

    Content warning. Basically put the content behind an expander block, so you have to expand it to read it. People put CW on all kinds of things including photos with eyes 😅

  • cafe Café /c/café daily chat thread for 17 July 2023
  • penangkia penangkia 1 year ago 100%

    They keep coming. 😂 I don't even follow them. Some do, and I mute them.i even advice them to unfollow and block me. I suspect the only way they can find our post is to literally follow our hashtag - that's a special kind of crazy. If you find it so offensive blockla, why harass people on the hashtag??

  • cafe Café /c/café daily chat thread for 17 July 2023
  • penangkia penangkia 1 year ago 100%

    So, somebody lectured me for not putting a CW on Mastodon when I shared food photos for #MakanApaToday yesterday. I got super annoyed and was snarky. The guilt tripping didn't stop as a number of people came and said, "can't you be more understanding?" You know what, I am over being understanding when Mastodon has powerful filter and blocking capabilities. I do that for Us politics which I found so annoying on Mastodon 🤣 I don't go lecturing people to put up CW for their posts. Also, I feel that this is a little hashtag space where we SEA have fun, and to have these people tell us to hide it just got me furious. I did start thinking, "Maybe I should stop posting on Mastodon and post here instead..." and that got me annoyed too. Why should I stop just because 1 or 2 people didn't like the images of food??

    Just this morning someone slipped into the comments to passively aggressive suggest that maybe my mention of calories in the post was triggering - and I got fed up. I told her we shouldn't be told to hide something the SEA community loves, especially if it is harmless to most people.

    Seriously never in my life did I think about food being something we should hide 🤪 folks have explained it to me why, including photos with eyes being triggering, and I thought - this is one thing I dislike about Mastodon. There's a reaallllly entitled community that demands you do things their way or they guilt you into thinking you are baaaad.

    What do you guys think? I really like the #MakanApaToday thread and don't think it should be CWed cos hinestly, it is harmless and fun!!

  • cafe Café Do you have any apartment or condo recommendation around KL, Damansara or Petaling Jaya ?
  • penangkia penangkia 1 year ago 100%

    Try not to get the lower floor units though, especially the one fzcing the playground. Noisy af 😅

  • cafe Café Do you have any apartment or condo recommendation around KL, Damansara or Petaling Jaya ?
  • penangkia penangkia 1 year ago 100%

    With that budget can easily get a place near LRT. Can recommend eTiara at Subang Jaya. It is next to LRT and Aeon big, and walking distance to Subang Parade and Empire, and is thus super convenient.

  • kdramas Korean Dramas What are the KDramas that you can rewatch over and again?
  • penangkia penangkia 1 year ago 100%

    No it is a China production.

  • kdramas Korean Dramas What are the KDramas that you can rewatch over and again?
  • penangkia penangkia 1 year ago 100%

    I love that one! In fact I like all the k-zombie flicks. Loved #Alive

  • kdramas Korean Dramas What are the KDramas that you can rewatch over and again?
  • penangkia penangkia 1 year ago 100%

    I'll go first! I rarely rewatch shows, so these are my rewatchables:

    1. Another Oh Hae Young
    2. Flower of Evil
    3. Three Miles of Peach Blossoms (ok this is a Cdrama, cheating a bit)
    4. Save the last dance for me (my mum and I rewatched this until the DVD koyak)
  • kdramas
    Korean Dramas penangkia 1 year ago 100%
    What are the KDramas that you can rewatch over and again?

    There are shows where you just want to forget about after watching it. Then, there are shows that you just watch again and again. These are rare! Tell us which one you rewatch happily so that we can find more shows.

    Movies & Series penangkia 1 year ago 100%
    What did you watch this week? (July 2023)

    Come, spill it out! What movies or series did you watch this week? Let us know! PS: Have made this a monthly thread instead. Easier for me :P

    Movies & Series penangkia 1 year ago 100%
    Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny (Discussion Thread)

    **SHOWING NOW** Archaeologist Indiana Jones races against time to retrieve a legendary artifact that can change the course of history. (Taken from IMDB) Director: James Mangold Stars: Harrison FordPhoebe Waller-BridgeAntonio Banderas --- Did you like the movie? Are you even planning to watch it? This is the place to discuss the movie. If you want to discuss spoilers, please mark it with the spoiler tag (warning icon on the editor menu).

    Korean Dramas penangkia 1 year ago 100%
    King the Land (Discussion thread)

    Native Title: 킹더랜드 Also Known As: Kingdeolaendeu Director: Im Hyun Wook Screenwriter: Choi Rom Genres: Comedy, Romance Streaming on: Netflix The love-hate adventures of a chaebol heir Goo Won and his hardworking super-peppy employee, Cheon Sa Rang. **Welcome to the discussion! Please be civil and mark spoilers with the spoiler tag (the warning icon on the editor menu).**
